Box 20, Folder 1, Document 114

Dublin Core


Box 20, Folder 1, Document 114

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yesterday in the number of



However, the mayor said he
doesn’t feel the lack of response
is so much an unwillingness to
integrate as it is an aversion to
filling out a questionnaire.

“A lot of people don’t like to
be bothered with surveys and
blank forms,” the mayor said. “I
know I don’t.”

Replies Tabulated

Barnard’s comments yesterday
followed a tabulation Thursday
night of replies to a request for
desegregation mailed late last
week and early this week.

The request was mailed to es-
tablishments offering “public ac-
commodations, particularly res-
taurants, hotels, motels, theaters
and bowling alleys, some of which
have already integrated.

The request followed a meeting
last week between the City Coun-
cil and a committee of Ne-
jgro leaders. The Negroes were
particularly interested in obtain-
ing a list of places that would of-
fer services to them so that they
would not be embarrassed by be-
ing refused service.

The request for desegregation
asked for returns only from per-
sons who would comply with the
request and not from those who
would not.

Three Against

Returns tabulated Thursday in-|;
‘\eluded 12 from restaurants, in-})

cluding one which said it would

‘|not desegregate, and 16 from ho-|:
two of which)

tels and mofels,
‘}were against it.

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Public Accommodations
Questionnaires Checked

Mayor James L. Barnard expressed disappointment

replies received to the City

Council’s call for desegregation of public accommo-

“Tt was a little less than I expected. I had hoped
more firms would let us know how they stand,’’ Barnard

However, Barnard said the sig-
nificant figure is not that 11 res-

taurant owners said they would
open their facilities and only one

who did not reply.


questionnaire could mean most
of those not replying are against
integration but the mayor doesn’t
think this is so.

Already In

Even though it had been less
than a week when returns were
tabulated, Barnard said the bulk
of the replies the city is going to
receive is already in.

When the council met with the
Negro committee an agreement
was made to meet again in two


In the absence of more conclu-
sive returns, which are not ex-
pected, Barnard indicated the
council will have to take another
approach, probably by meeting
with owners of the motels, hotels
and restaurants.

said no, but the large number

Requests were mailed to 175)
restaurants and 117 hotels and

A strict interpretation of the i

weeks (next week) to review the

Goi Ré


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