Box 20, Folder 2, Document 17

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 17

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Apartment 5

1643 Briarcliff Road N.E.
Atlanta 6, Georgia

July 29, 1963

Mayor Ivan Allen
Atlanta City Hall

68 Mitchell Street S.W.
Atlanta 3, Georgia

Dear Mayor Allen:

I am writing to commend you for your forthright and
courageous stand on the President's civil rights legislation.
At long last, moderate white Southerners have found a spokesman
who is willing to risk being unpopular with some in order that
he may follow the dictates of his conscience.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will be condemned
by some people for the stand you have taken. But at the same
time, I want you to know that there are some of us who are
terribly proud that it was the Mayor of Atlanta who ventured
to stick his neck out for the cause of racial justice. You
have done this city and this country a great service, and I
for one will long remember you for it.

D>, truly,
D) nah Urge n

Daniel Mermin


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