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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 38
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July 26, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:
I am not a person who habitually writes letters, nor am I an
uneducated race baiter. However, I cannot help but say to
you that I think you are a disgrace to Atlanta. It is very
evident to all concerned that you are willing to undermine one
of the basic freedoms of our country in order to gain the
Negro vote.
Anytime a man puts his money, time, sweat and tears to building
a business he has the right to serve and hire whom he pleasese
If his consience does not tell him to serve Negroes, Whites,
Yellows or whatever, that's his privilege under our American
I am for freedom for everyone, but you can't take freedom
away from one person to give it to another.
Long may our American freedom live in spite of the likes of youe
on . Damme
P.S. What you actually advocated in Washington today was law by
threat and blackmail.