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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 44
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Cleveland Law Building
Spartanburg, S. C.
PHONE 582-5086 July 87,1963
Hon. Ivan Allen Jr.
Mayor of Atlanta
City Hall
Dear Mayor; Since the present Administration in Washington
has gone 50 all out for the s0 called Civil Rights Bill which
is the worst legislation ever offered by the Government we must
in '64 defeat this Administration at all cost in ite bid for
re-election. How any Southern White voter could back this type
legislation is beyond anything I can see. The Negro may be hav-
ing his year in '63 but the White man will have his year '64.
I voted for this Administration in '60 as I
have always done but that is the last time I expect to vote
the Democratic National Ticket on the trend they are going.
Let us all get together and fight against trying to give the
one-tenth of the votoers in this nation everything and forgetting
the other nine-tenths thereof.
In you City I have many kin people ,including
many first cousins, and the former Supy. of the Fulton County
echools was my Mothers first cousin. I am going to write to each
of these and we are going all out to get the rights of the White
man restored. ;
Lincoln said in 1858 in Lincoln Douglas Debate
at Charlestown that 'I am not now nor ever have been in favor of
making the white and black races equal nor of giving the Negroes
right to vote,be jurors or intermarry with the whites. That one
of the races must be superior and as for me I want to assign this
to the white race.
Do you recall the so called Berlin wall in
atlanta between the Yihites and the Blacks? Could you tell me
who Was Mayor then?
Thoses that want to mix let them do so but
please let us not destroy 3/10 of our good White people to try
and satisfy 1/10.
The late Bishop Fuller (colored Bishop) of
Atlanta Ga. who died few years back was raiced in Laurens County
with my Father who knew him from childhood. wy Father thought a lot
of Bishop Fuller who rosce.to establish colored churches all over
the South and in Ohio. We reppesented them in many law suits and
other matterg and they always when here in Spartanburg came to our
offices. Bishop Puller wanted no part of the mixing of the racegs
How can anyone White or Black that has any pride in his own race
want to mix it with another race. A man that says that the colored
race ig on an equal with the white race certainly does not know
history. We must now go all out to repair the damage that has n
Placed on use
; ¢ Paslay