Box 20, Folder 2, Document 63

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 63

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4379 Tree Haven Drive, N.E.
Atlanta 5, Georgia
August 5, 1963

Mr. Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Mayor:

It has always been possible for me to have political
differences with other men of good will and still maintain my
respect and admiration for them.

I regret to see, however, that the differences between
you and me regarding your testimony in Washington a few days
ago are so great that neither I, normany of the fine Atlanta
people who supported you in your bid for the mayor's office, can
support, understand, admire or respect you for this action.

The Atlanta Journal has reported that you are keeping
some sort of tabulation of letters received from Atlanta and
other citizens regarding your positbn in this matter. My opinion
is that you are striking a blow at one of the fundamental
institutions of our democracy that could be just as damaging as
an attack from a communist or other subversive group.

Please record me as being 100% in opposition to your
position, and as being an active opponent of your candidacy for
any political office in the future.

Sincerely yours,

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