Box 20, Folder 2, Document 74

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 74

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Memphis, Tenn.
July 28, 1963

Mayor ivan Allen, Jr.
Atlanta, Ga.

There's an old saying that "“everyvman has his price” and i'll be
watching youg€career with much interest to see which niche you fall
in when your present term expires----You might even be an Ambassador
or something.

i just adout "chucked my breakfast" when I read what a Quisling you
turned out to be in Washington several days ago.

No doubt you had already been instrumental in convincing many
business establishments that they should"throw the doors open" with
the assurance that they would fare much better if they integrated
their places of business voluntarily and that it was inevitable


Now that there isn't the remotist chance of passing this Communistic
bill, it really does put you in the vice doesn't it?

Itve always enjoyed"seeing worms in vices" and I do hope that the good
people of Atlanta see that you stay there unless you agree to crawl
back"under the rock" from whence you emigrated originally,

The worst to you. a fe BZ :

Jimmy Brown
P. QO. Box=-248
Millington, Tenn.


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