Box 20, Folder 2, Document 84

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Box 20, Folder 2, Document 84

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P. 0. Box 352,
Atlanta, Georgia, 30302,

Mayor Ivan Allen,
City Bad, XN
Atlanta, Georgia, 30302.

Dear Sir:

Reference is made to a portion of your statement to the
Senate Commerce Committee requesting passage of a public accom-
odations law requiring all restaurants, hotels and other busi-
nesses to serve negroes. Said portion of your statement was
published in the Atlanta Constitution on Tuesday, July 30, 1963.
I can only conjecture what was contained in the part of your
statement to the Committee which was not published. Could it
be that you also asked that Georgia be placed under martial law
to be governed at bayonet point by Federal carpetbaggers and
Southern scalawags for the next century? As a perceptive man
of wide experience, I do not agree with any of the noxious efflu-
vium which you poured out so copiously.

In this tarradiddle you said, "We are fortunate that we
have one of the world famous editorial spokesmen for reason and
moderation on one of our white newspapers." Isuppose you meant
Ralph McGill. Well, Ralph McGill has the hollow title of Pub-
lisher of the Atlanta Constitution, by Atlanta Newspapers, Inc.,
owners, the majority stockholders and board of directors of
which corporation, judging by it's product, must have a taste
for knickenacks. Ralph McGill is a bulbous hypocrite who whines
and moans, gripes and groans without end about how the poor
negro is discriminated against. Now just how sincere is this
hypocrite? According to the population percentages given by
you, there should be a negro editor and a negro columnist off
the Constitution staff and three fifths of the front office
employees should be negroes. Why are such negroes not employed?

Your statement to the Senate Commerce Committee asked for
laws which would destroy individual property rights, laws which
would require for enforcement the setting up of a murderous
dictatorship in what has been heretofore a free country. You
are an advocate of despotism and will be remembered as a cheap
political toady who sold out his own race. If you continue to
sniff at the political backside of Kennedy long enough it is
possible that you may be appointed to a position among the
socialist and communist-accomodator lunatic fringe with which
he has surrounded himself. Who knows? You may hit the JACKPOT.

Mr. Mayor, your picture which appeared with the bilge re-
ferred to bears a silly smirk which I believe caused me to have
an attack of diarrhea. To conclude, I wish a pox on you and
Ralphie and the rebellious negro organizations which both of
you serve. If the two of you are not being paid to betray the
white race, then it must be that your silly arene have turned
to rotten mush.

Yours with contempt, Rturt Baath,


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