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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 1
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December 15, 1967
ye mA regular meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee of the Board of
Aldermen was held on Friday, December |5, 1967 at 10:00 A. M. in Committee
Room #4, Second Floor, City Hall.
Present; Rodney Cook, Chairman
: George Cotsakis
Gregory Griggs ;
Edwin Sterne
Absent: = John Flanigen
Hugh C. Pierce
Frank Etheridge
Also present:
Howard Openshaw, Director of Redevelopment, Atlanta Housing
Les Persells, Associate Executive Director, Atlanta Housing puirority
Collier Gladin, Planning Director, City of Atlanta
Representatives of various other departments, the Department of Housing and
Urban Development and members of the press were in attendance also.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business was
|. Motel Proposal on Parcel |8 (south of new City Auditorium) by Beck
Companies, Dallas, Texas in Bedford=Pine Urban Renewal Area.
Mr. Openshaw stated the Housing Authority has received a proposal from the Beck
Companies of Dallas to construct a two-story, 800 unit motor hotel on the tract
immediately south of the new Auditorium on Forrest Avenue; that they have also
expressed an interest in adjoining parcels I7 and 19. He said that the present
redevelopment plans of the Buttermilk Bottoms - Bedford-Pine Project do not
permit motel uses and in order to permit transient housing within the project
a Transient Housing Study (in accordance with the Housing Act) would be required
that makes a finding that additional motel units are needed in this particular
vicinity of the City.
Mr. Openshaw briefly reviewed the proposed uses in this Project as designated
in the 1965 Market Study by Hammer and Company and stated this is an opportunity
for the City to have a facility all the way to the expressway compatible with the
Auditorium and complementary to it and the best use for this property needs to
be studied in depth.
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December |5, 1967 - Page 2
He then stated he understands from the Beck Companies that time is of the essence
with them and he recognized Mr. Nelson, a local representative of Beck and Mr.
Cleave Wilcoxon of Adair Realty & Loan Company, also representing Beck.
Mr. Wilcoxon briefly acquainted the Committee with the Beck Companies and
stated their main purpose in appearing today is to urge the accelerated offering of
Parcel 18 for motel use in order that his client could bid on it; that Beck is
prepared to submit, in writing, that they will also bid on Parcels I7 and 19 when
they are offered. He said this proposed development will be similar to the Royal
Coach Inn in Dallas, developed by Beck. Brochures were presented. Mr. Wilcoxon
stated he also agreed that Parcels 17, 18 and 19 should have related uses compatible
with the Auditorium and it would be desirable if 18 and 19 were placed on the market
as one parcel. This would require an adjustment of the street-jog at the intersection
of Highland and Baker. Regarding the Transient Housing Study and the Hammer
Market Report Mr. Wilcoxon stated that he was reasonably positive that any such
housing study would indicate the need for at least 800 motel units in the area; and
that based on his past experience as a realtor, he did not believe there was a demand
for a Research and Development Park (as recommended by the Hammer study) in
Atlanta at the present time. He cited two similar developments in Atlanta (The Hartford
Building and an office development by Cousins Properties, Inc.) which have had
difficulty leasing.
Mr. Nelson then spoke to the Committee about the financial solvency of the Beck
Companies, their experience in this development field, and he then presented a brief
slide presentation of their existing Royal Coach Inn.
Mr. Cook asked Mr. Nelson what they would propose for Parcels 17 and 19. Mr. Nelson
stated they envision Parcel I7 for some-restaurant.type facility with parking and
Parcel 19 would be excellent for motel use.
Mr. Cook inquired about the timetable for the housing study and if the results
of said study are favorable. Mr. Openshaw stated it would take about sixty (60) days
to complete a Transient Housing Study; that HUD approval of the Project Area and
a plan amendment to permit motel use, if deemed feasible, could be processed
within six (6) months, prior to submission to the Board of Aldermen for final adoption.
There was then a general discussion about the need for future expansion of the Exhibit
Hall space to the north of the existing structure and the affects this expansion
would have on traffic circulation around the Auditorium and Exhibit Hall and the
proposed re-use as indicated in the urban renewal project plans.
There were no concrete conclusions drawn, however, there was a general feeling that
an expansion of the Exhibit space was warranted and that this and the question of motel
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December |5, 1967 - Page 3
use should be studied in more depth.
2. University Center College Expansion,
As a point of information, Mr. Openshaw stated he wanted to bring to the Committee's
attention that in the near future they will be faced with a request to include additional
land in the University Center Project for College expansion and take out more housing;
that he has been invited to speak before the Council of Presidents and he would advise
them, as this Committee had done in the past (see Minutes of August 18, 1967) that
a request to expand the colleges would not be considered until they developed a
Comprehensive Campus Plan.
3. Proposed Addition to the Thomasville Urban Renewal Area.
Mr. Gladin stated that last week the President announced the awarding of 95 acres
of Federally owned property at the Federal Penitentiary to the City of Atlanta for low
cost housing. The extension of the Lakewood Freeway was then discussed as it relates
to this 95 acres. Mr. Gladin explained that the State Highway and the Parks Departments
are working together on a connection through the south side of the 95 acres and
determining at what angle it will course through the property.
The development of the 95 acres was briefly discussed, i.e., housing, parks, a junior
high school, an elementary school, and a small addition to the commercial shopping area...
Mr. Gladin exhibited a generalized sketch plan, ‘stating that better mapping is being
secured for more detailed design, and pointed out that the public uses would be located |
to the north of the roadway, adjacent to the remaining Federal Penitentiary property and
the housing would be to the south of the roadway, tying into the existing Thomasville
Project, with a vehicular and pedestrian overpass.
Thirteen acres were included in the general sketch plan which is not part of the property
awarded the City and Mr. Gladin explained that he and Mr. Baxter of HUD planned to
discuss the possibility of securing this additional acreage with Warden Black of the
Federal Penitentiary.
4, Dispersed Public Housing Sites.
Following up the Mayor's Housing Conference, Mr. Gladin stated the planning staff had
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December 15, 1967 - Page 4
been seeking new ways of providing additional low income housing and one
recommendation made was the dispersed site concept; that the planning staff has
simply taken this recommendation another step, strictly for discussion purposes,
and selected various sites throughout the City that could be developed for low cost
Johnny Johnson, departmental staff member, addressed the Committee briefly on
each of the individual sites shown on a display map. Supporting data was presented
to-each Committee member that gave Public Housing Distribution by Wards, as
follows: (1) number of existing public housing units; (2) number leased; (3) new or
proposed units, (4) totals, and (5) percentages.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted:
C8), tod bse ee
SOs ss ea { pe? of” bb Saas
Rodney Cook, Chairman // Joanne Parks, Secretary
December 15, 1967
ye mA regular meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee of the Board of
Aldermen was held on Friday, December |5, 1967 at 10:00 A. M. in Committee
Room #4, Second Floor, City Hall.
Present; Rodney Cook, Chairman
: George Cotsakis
Gregory Griggs ;
Edwin Sterne
Absent: = John Flanigen
Hugh C. Pierce
Frank Etheridge
Also present:
Howard Openshaw, Director of Redevelopment, Atlanta Housing
Les Persells, Associate Executive Director, Atlanta Housing puirority
Collier Gladin, Planning Director, City of Atlanta
Representatives of various other departments, the Department of Housing and
Urban Development and members of the press were in attendance also.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business was
|. Motel Proposal on Parcel |8 (south of new City Auditorium) by Beck
Companies, Dallas, Texas in Bedford=Pine Urban Renewal Area.
Mr. Openshaw stated the Housing Authority has received a proposal from the Beck
Companies of Dallas to construct a two-story, 800 unit motor hotel on the tract
immediately south of the new Auditorium on Forrest Avenue; that they have also
expressed an interest in adjoining parcels I7 and 19. He said that the present
redevelopment plans of the Buttermilk Bottoms - Bedford-Pine Project do not
permit motel uses and in order to permit transient housing within the project
a Transient Housing Study (in accordance with the Housing Act) would be required
that makes a finding that additional motel units are needed in this particular
vicinity of the City.
Mr. Openshaw briefly reviewed the proposed uses in this Project as designated
in the 1965 Market Study by Hammer and Company and stated this is an opportunity
for the City to have a facility all the way to the expressway compatible with the
Auditorium and complementary to it and the best use for this property needs to
be studied in depth.
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December |5, 1967 - Page 2
He then stated he understands from the Beck Companies that time is of the essence
with them and he recognized Mr. Nelson, a local representative of Beck and Mr.
Cleave Wilcoxon of Adair Realty & Loan Company, also representing Beck.
Mr. Wilcoxon briefly acquainted the Committee with the Beck Companies and
stated their main purpose in appearing today is to urge the accelerated offering of
Parcel 18 for motel use in order that his client could bid on it; that Beck is
prepared to submit, in writing, that they will also bid on Parcels I7 and 19 when
they are offered. He said this proposed development will be similar to the Royal
Coach Inn in Dallas, developed by Beck. Brochures were presented. Mr. Wilcoxon
stated he also agreed that Parcels 17, 18 and 19 should have related uses compatible
with the Auditorium and it would be desirable if 18 and 19 were placed on the market
as one parcel. This would require an adjustment of the street-jog at the intersection
of Highland and Baker. Regarding the Transient Housing Study and the Hammer
Market Report Mr. Wilcoxon stated that he was reasonably positive that any such
housing study would indicate the need for at least 800 motel units in the area; and
that based on his past experience as a realtor, he did not believe there was a demand
for a Research and Development Park (as recommended by the Hammer study) in
Atlanta at the present time. He cited two similar developments in Atlanta (The Hartford
Building and an office development by Cousins Properties, Inc.) which have had
difficulty leasing.
Mr. Nelson then spoke to the Committee about the financial solvency of the Beck
Companies, their experience in this development field, and he then presented a brief
slide presentation of their existing Royal Coach Inn.
Mr. Cook asked Mr. Nelson what they would propose for Parcels 17 and 19. Mr. Nelson
stated they envision Parcel I7 for some-restaurant.type facility with parking and
Parcel 19 would be excellent for motel use.
Mr. Cook inquired about the timetable for the housing study and if the results
of said study are favorable. Mr. Openshaw stated it would take about sixty (60) days
to complete a Transient Housing Study; that HUD approval of the Project Area and
a plan amendment to permit motel use, if deemed feasible, could be processed
within six (6) months, prior to submission to the Board of Aldermen for final adoption.
There was then a general discussion about the need for future expansion of the Exhibit
Hall space to the north of the existing structure and the affects this expansion
would have on traffic circulation around the Auditorium and Exhibit Hall and the
proposed re-use as indicated in the urban renewal project plans.
There were no concrete conclusions drawn, however, there was a general feeling that
an expansion of the Exhibit space was warranted and that this and the question of motel
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December |5, 1967 - Page 3
use should be studied in more depth.
2. University Center College Expansion,
As a point of information, Mr. Openshaw stated he wanted to bring to the Committee's
attention that in the near future they will be faced with a request to include additional
land in the University Center Project for College expansion and take out more housing;
that he has been invited to speak before the Council of Presidents and he would advise
them, as this Committee had done in the past (see Minutes of August 18, 1967) that
a request to expand the colleges would not be considered until they developed a
Comprehensive Campus Plan.
3. Proposed Addition to the Thomasville Urban Renewal Area.
Mr. Gladin stated that last week the President announced the awarding of 95 acres
of Federally owned property at the Federal Penitentiary to the City of Atlanta for low
cost housing. The extension of the Lakewood Freeway was then discussed as it relates
to this 95 acres. Mr. Gladin explained that the State Highway and the Parks Departments
are working together on a connection through the south side of the 95 acres and
determining at what angle it will course through the property.
The development of the 95 acres was briefly discussed, i.e., housing, parks, a junior
high school, an elementary school, and a small addition to the commercial shopping area...
Mr. Gladin exhibited a generalized sketch plan, ‘stating that better mapping is being
secured for more detailed design, and pointed out that the public uses would be located |
to the north of the roadway, adjacent to the remaining Federal Penitentiary property and
the housing would be to the south of the roadway, tying into the existing Thomasville
Project, with a vehicular and pedestrian overpass.
Thirteen acres were included in the general sketch plan which is not part of the property
awarded the City and Mr. Gladin explained that he and Mr. Baxter of HUD planned to
discuss the possibility of securing this additional acreage with Warden Black of the
Federal Penitentiary.
4, Dispersed Public Housing Sites.
Following up the Mayor's Housing Conference, Mr. Gladin stated the planning staff had
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
December 15, 1967 - Page 4
been seeking new ways of providing additional low income housing and one
recommendation made was the dispersed site concept; that the planning staff has
simply taken this recommendation another step, strictly for discussion purposes,
and selected various sites throughout the City that could be developed for low cost
Johnny Johnson, departmental staff member, addressed the Committee briefly on
each of the individual sites shown on a display map. Supporting data was presented
to-each Committee member that gave Public Housing Distribution by Wards, as
follows: (1) number of existing public housing units; (2) number leased; (3) new or
proposed units, (4) totals, and (5) percentages.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted:
C8), tod bse ee
SOs ss ea { pe? of” bb Saas
Rodney Cook, Chairman // Joanne Parks, Secretary