Box 20, Folder 20, Document 9

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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 9

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FN ¥ ; 2 , FS
A a April 28, 1967

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Development Committee
of the Board of Aldermen was held on Friday, April 28, 1967 at 2:00
P. M. in Committee Room #1, Second Floor, City Hall.

The following members were present:

Rodney Cook, Chairman
E. Gregory Griggs
Charles Leftwich
George Cotsakis

John M. Flanigen

Q. V. Williamson

Absent: Jack Summers +
Also in attendance were:

Collier Gladin

William F, Kennedy

Pierce Mahony

Earl Landers .
Howard Openshaw

Les Persells

© The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business was

Mr. Gladin explained that the Planning Department, with assistance from
other city departments and agencies, have been preparing the annual request
for recertification of the Workable Program, which is necessary in order
for the city to continue participation in a variety of federal programs;
that it is hoped to submit the recertification to the Board of Aldermen

for approval on May 15 and to HUD immediately thereafter in order to

allow them two additional weeks of review time. He stated further that
prior to today's meeting, a draft copy of each of seven sections were
forwarded to each member for review and he then asked for any questions

or suggested changes in any of the individual draft sections.

Mr, Kennedy of the departmental staff briefly commented on each draft
and the following is a listing of them and the recommendations of the

1. Codes and Ordinances - Under Item 4, relative to the number of
appeals filed during the past twelve months as a result of
code enforcement, it was requested that the figure reflecting
the number of cases resolved by the committee be changed to
accurately show that the committee itself had resolved all the
cases which had been brought before it, even though some of the
cases might be pending before another governing board,

2. Comprehensive Community Plan - No changes.

Planning and Development Committee
April 28, 1967 Page 2

3. Neighborhood Analyses - No changes,

4. Administrative Organization - No changes,

5. Financing - No changes.
6. Housing For Displaced Families - The committee asked that the

total number of families displaced during 1966 (shown as 162)

be verified; that it seemed rather low. Mr. Persells stated the

Housing Authority could document this figure,

7. Citizen Participation - No changes.

The committee then unanimously adopted the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the City of Atlanta is constantly. working to solve the
problems of urban blight and decay and,

WHEREAS, the City of Atlanta is committed to a positive working
relationship with the national government in an attempt to solve urban
problems of mutual concern and,

WHEREAS, recertification of the City of Atlanta's Workable
Program for Community Improvement is necessary in order to continue to
receive grants-in-aid under a variety of federal aid programs and,

WHEREAS, the City of Atlanta has made outstanding progress in
1966 in meeting its goals for total community improvement.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the City of Atlanta, as follows:

1. That the attached report, A Review of Progress under the

Workable Program for Community Improvement, is hereby adopted,

2. That said report be forwarded to the Regional Office of the

Planning and Development Committee
April 28, 1967 ‘ Page 3

United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development for their review no later than June 1,



Mr. Mahony of the departmental staff gave a brief status report on
the Land Use Plan, stating it is expected to have it in a final draft
form by July so as to begin consultations with the committee with a
view toward final adoption.


Revision of Zoning Ordinance

Mr. Gladin briefly commented that the staff feels it would be desirable,
as an initial step in updating the entire ordinance, to review it for
certain kinds of deficiencies which should, in turn, give,a clearer under=
standing of where the ordinance is lacking in its basic approach to both
development and enforcement; that while most of these deficiencies are
obvious to the administrative staff, it was felt it would be desirable to
have an outside review of the ordinance from a more objective standpoint,
pointing out both the kinds of deficiencies and the areas where it may
substantially differ from other ordinances employing similar concepts _
and accordingly, the American Society of Planning Officials has been
employed to do such a review. Mr. Gladin stated also that he anticipated
bringing this matter before the committee around the middle of May for


Survey and Planning Application for Nash-Bans Area

Mr. Gladin explained that an initial meeting had been scheduled with
representatives from all the area civic clubs, churches and other groups;

the purpose of this meeting, and other similar ones to follow, will be to
acquaint these area representatives with the city's plans for their area;

to hear their problems and solutions; to ascertain their feelings about

an urban renewal project for their area, and to solicit their support; in

turn, it is hoped these representatives will keep their respective neighborhood
informed of all these activities. }


Combining of Buttermilk Bottoms - Bedford Pine Projects

Mr. Persells brought this matter to the committee's attention, explaining

Planning and Development Committee
April 28, 1967 Page 4

that HUD has stated that since we are simply adding the areas and budgets
together, no new resolution is required and the documents can be presented
to the Regional Office and unless this committee wishes to restate the
position taken by the Urban Renewal Policy Committee in approving the
combination, no further action is required.

The committee felt no further action was needed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,

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Approved: Respectfully submitted:
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Collier Gladin / Joanne Parks
Planning Director Secretary



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