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Box 20, Folder 20, Document 13
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ye ; January 13, 1967
A meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee was held
on Friday, January 13, 1967 at 10:00 A.M. in Committee
Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall.
The following members were present:
Mr. Rodney M. Cook, Chairman
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne
Mr. George Cotsakis
Mr. John Flanigen
Mr. Hugh Pierce
Mr. Frank Etheridge
Mr. E. Gregory Griggs
Also present were:
Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director,
Atlanta Housing Authority.
Mr. Les Persells, Director of Redevelopment,
Atlanta Housing Authority.
Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Engineer, City
of Atlanta.
Mr. Elmer Moon, Assistant Building Official.
Mr. George Berry, Comptroller's Office.
Several members of the City Planning Staff were present; also,
several representatives of other City departments were in
Chairman Cook introduced Dean William Suttles of Georgia State
College who, in turn, introduced several other representatives of
Georgia State who were present, i.e., Mr. V. V. Lavroff,
Comptroller; Mr. Jamison, Architect in charge of physical plants
and Andrew Steiner, Georgia State Consultant.
Mr. Steiner distributed copies of Georgia State College's
Master Campus Plan, prepared by Robert and Company Associates,
and gave a brief resume of the Report, with major emphasis on
implementation, He commented the purpose of the Plan is to
provide a guide to the physical development of Georgia State
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 2
College in an urban environment. To satisfy four specific
questions raised by the Policy Committee on April 22, 1966,
Messrs. Lavroff and Steiner submitted the following: (lI)
Certified original of minutes, including a resolution therein,
of the Board of Regents meeting in which they accepted the
Georgia State Master Campus Plan (original attached hereto
and made a part of these minutes by reference); (2) Copy of
letter from the Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority, under
signature of Edgar J. Forio, Chairman, dated November 28,
1966, agreeing with the general philosophy of the Master Plan
and expressing Grady Hospital's willingness to consider mutually
advantageous development of the total area (letter attached
hereto and made a part of these minutes by reference); (3)
Eliminated all proposed classroom facilities north of Edgewood
and (4) Incorporated the block presently occupied by the Police
Station into the Master Plan for possible future expansion.
Mr. Gladin explained the Housing Authority has prepared an
ame ndment to the Georgia State Urban Redevelopment Area
incorporating the block bounded by Gilmer Street, Butler Street,
Decatur Street and Piedmont Avenue (containing 4.6 acres of
land) and approval of this additional block by the Policy
Committee is necessary in order to facilitate final clearance
of this amendment.
At this point, Chairman Cook excused himself from the meeting,
stating he was due at the Legislature.
Mr. Persells then offered the following comments and suggestions,
stating they were not related to the approval of the project
amendment, but to the Master Plan as a whole:
(1) Since the individual buildings in the total complex are
being designed by various architects, he suggested that
some controls should be written into the Master Plan to
insure and effectuate maximum coordination and correlation
of buildings, pedestrian malls, etc.
(2) Scheduling of parking should be given further consideration
since it appears off-hand that it is programmed late in
the plan, rather than as early as it will actually be
mr me a re i i ee
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 3
(3) Suggested that copies of the Master Plan be transmitted
to the various city departments, city utilities, private
utilities and the Rapid Transit Authority, with a request
for their written comments and/or recommendations so that
in the future implementation of Plan recommendations,
Georgia State would have the benefit of their findings.
(4) Suggested that within the Plan there should be a clarifying
statement as to the uses contemplated west of Ivy and why
it is important that the Campus extend into this area.
(5) Because of the proximity of the property across Edgewood
to the Central Business District and its potential tax
producing capabilities, there should be a clarifying statement
as to why it is important that the housing contemplated
north of Edgewood be directly across the street from the
Campus, as opposed to say a few blocks away convenient
to public transportation.
(6) Noted there was no indication in the Plan as to how the
students would move from the ground level to another level
(escalators, elevators, etc.)
Mr. Lavroff stated this will be a part of the detailed
design planning.
(7) Noted that on Page 20 of the Master Plan, there is a
statement ".....storm and sanitary sewers are combined
in this area....." and stated that since Federal funds are
involved there is a necessity:for separating the storm and
sanitary sewers, therefore, the Housing Authority would like
some recommendations on the part of the College as well
as the City with respect to utilities in the area.
In reference to Item (3), Mr. Steiner stated they do propose
to mail copies of the Plan to all members of the Board of Aldermen
and will be happy to comply with Mr. Persells suggestion.
Motion was then made by Mr. Sterne, seconded by Mr. Pierce
and carried unanimously as follows:
(1) The Committee took the Georgia State Master Campus Plan
under advisement.
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
“January 13, 1967 Page 4
Approved the additional block (bounded by Gilmer
Street, Butler Street, Decatur Street and Piedmont Avenue)
as an amendment to the Georgia State Urban Redevelopment
Area; in so doing, it was the Committee's understanding
from Mr. Persells that this approval would, in no way,
represent an approval of the Master Plan, per se, and
would not commit any member to any future urban renewal
projects in this area.
Set a public hearing (as required by law) on the one block
amendment to be held at the next regular meeting of the
Policy Committee on February |7, 1967.
Openshaw presented for action the following requested
plan changes in the West End Urban Renewal Area:
Parcel I-15, John C. Theisen
75| Park Street, S. W.
Requests plan change to "Not To Be Acquired" to permit
continued operation of supermarket. Agrees to sell contiguous
parcel |l-4 to Housing Authority. (M-=Il zoning district).
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission =
appointed a sub-committee to study this request and determine
if the present operation could be upgraded.
The Policy Committee withheld any action, pending a
report from this sub-committee.
Parcel 11-39, H. L. DeFoor, et al
54| Lee Street
Requests plan change to "Not To Be Acquired" to remove
existing two-story frame residence in poor condition to
allow expansion of Gulf Station on adjoining Parcel Il-l.
(M=| to C=2 zoning district).
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission =
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 5
2. (Continued from Page 4)
Mr. Openshaw stated this would be‘the only piece of property
in a two block area (between Lee Street and Sears) that would
not be acquired.
Mr. Persells thought it pertinent to state that originally the
Plan contemplated acquisition of this property, however, the
Gulf Station was erected under a Building Permit issued after
the Plan had been developed, but before it was approved,
therefore, it could not be prevented - this relates to the land
owner and not the lessor.
Mr. Sommerville felt any action at this time would be premature
and not in the best interest of the West End Plan.
Motion was then made, seconded and duly carried, that this
request be rejected.
3. Block 27
West End Boys' Club, Inc.
Requests plan change to designate Parcels | thru 8 "To Be
Acquired", and reclassify Block 27 for institutional use (Boys
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Approval, although not unanimous.
Following a brief discussion, this request was deferred for
further study.
4. Parcel 57-2, Fulton County
1368 Lucile Avenue
Requests plan change to permit this parcel to be developed by
a major oil company. (R=-6 zoning district).
Mr. Openshaw stated this property is scheduled for residential
Upon motion by Mr. Cotsakis, seconded by Mr. Sterne and
unanimous vote this request was rejected. Mr. Gladin stated it
Minutes .
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 6
might be in order to offer to the County the idea of a
higher density residential use of this property but he was
not prepared to make any specific recommendations at this
5. Parcel 44-24
Mrs. Berry Blackwood
Requests permit to operate day nursery in R-6 zoning district.
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Motion was made, seconded and duly carried that this request
be approved.
6. Westview Drive
City owned remnants
City proposes to sell remnants for apartment development.
Requires plan change from R=6 to A-I zoning district.
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Because of the uncertainty of exactly what the City owned
along Westview Drive and other factors, this matter was deferred
for further study and Mr. Openshaw was requested to have a
map at the next meeting indicating city-owned remnants along
Mr. Persells explained that within the Bedford=Pine Area, the
Economic Opportunity Atlanta Organization desires to temporarily
utilize a vacant residential structure at 365 Linden Avenue in
conjunction with their neighborhood services center program.
Specifically, they want to use it for pre=school age and mentally
retarded children under a day=care type of program. Mr. Persells
stated the matter had not come before the Local Citizens Commission
but he felt they would approve it. In response to a question, Mr.
Satterfield stated that EOA's urgency is they presently have a tutorial
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 7
program underway in this area and they don't want to break this
continued activity.
The question of temporary use was discussed by the Committee,
and with the understanding that use of the premises would be temporary,
the matter was-approved.
As a matter of information, Mr. Gladin explained that the official
guide lines for preparation of a Demonstration Cities Application for
Planning Funds has been received from HUD and that the City
anticipated completion and submission to Washington by March l;
that this will result in a considerable step-up of activities in
the Planning Department and it might become desirable and necessary
to call additional meetings of the Policy Committee to keep abreast
of the situation.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted,
me é 9 a
; nak NM ZZ. Wit fs\ LLC fA
Rodney (M. Cook // a Parks
i) ecretary
ye ; January 13, 1967
A meeting of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee was held
on Friday, January 13, 1967 at 10:00 A.M. in Committee
Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall.
The following members were present:
Mr. Rodney M. Cook, Chairman
Mr. Edwin L. Sterne
Mr. George Cotsakis
Mr. John Flanigen
Mr. Hugh Pierce
Mr. Frank Etheridge
Mr. E. Gregory Griggs
Also present were:
Mr. M. B. Satterfield, Executive Director,
Atlanta Housing Authority.
Mr. Les Persells, Director of Redevelopment,
Atlanta Housing Authority.
Mr. Howard Openshaw, Atlanta Housing Authority
Mr. Collier Gladin, Planning Engineer, City
of Atlanta.
Mr. Elmer Moon, Assistant Building Official.
Mr. George Berry, Comptroller's Office.
Several members of the City Planning Staff were present; also,
several representatives of other City departments were in
Chairman Cook introduced Dean William Suttles of Georgia State
College who, in turn, introduced several other representatives of
Georgia State who were present, i.e., Mr. V. V. Lavroff,
Comptroller; Mr. Jamison, Architect in charge of physical plants
and Andrew Steiner, Georgia State Consultant.
Mr. Steiner distributed copies of Georgia State College's
Master Campus Plan, prepared by Robert and Company Associates,
and gave a brief resume of the Report, with major emphasis on
implementation, He commented the purpose of the Plan is to
provide a guide to the physical development of Georgia State
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 2
College in an urban environment. To satisfy four specific
questions raised by the Policy Committee on April 22, 1966,
Messrs. Lavroff and Steiner submitted the following: (lI)
Certified original of minutes, including a resolution therein,
of the Board of Regents meeting in which they accepted the
Georgia State Master Campus Plan (original attached hereto
and made a part of these minutes by reference); (2) Copy of
letter from the Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority, under
signature of Edgar J. Forio, Chairman, dated November 28,
1966, agreeing with the general philosophy of the Master Plan
and expressing Grady Hospital's willingness to consider mutually
advantageous development of the total area (letter attached
hereto and made a part of these minutes by reference); (3)
Eliminated all proposed classroom facilities north of Edgewood
and (4) Incorporated the block presently occupied by the Police
Station into the Master Plan for possible future expansion.
Mr. Gladin explained the Housing Authority has prepared an
ame ndment to the Georgia State Urban Redevelopment Area
incorporating the block bounded by Gilmer Street, Butler Street,
Decatur Street and Piedmont Avenue (containing 4.6 acres of
land) and approval of this additional block by the Policy
Committee is necessary in order to facilitate final clearance
of this amendment.
At this point, Chairman Cook excused himself from the meeting,
stating he was due at the Legislature.
Mr. Persells then offered the following comments and suggestions,
stating they were not related to the approval of the project
amendment, but to the Master Plan as a whole:
(1) Since the individual buildings in the total complex are
being designed by various architects, he suggested that
some controls should be written into the Master Plan to
insure and effectuate maximum coordination and correlation
of buildings, pedestrian malls, etc.
(2) Scheduling of parking should be given further consideration
since it appears off-hand that it is programmed late in
the plan, rather than as early as it will actually be
mr me a re i i ee
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 3
(3) Suggested that copies of the Master Plan be transmitted
to the various city departments, city utilities, private
utilities and the Rapid Transit Authority, with a request
for their written comments and/or recommendations so that
in the future implementation of Plan recommendations,
Georgia State would have the benefit of their findings.
(4) Suggested that within the Plan there should be a clarifying
statement as to the uses contemplated west of Ivy and why
it is important that the Campus extend into this area.
(5) Because of the proximity of the property across Edgewood
to the Central Business District and its potential tax
producing capabilities, there should be a clarifying statement
as to why it is important that the housing contemplated
north of Edgewood be directly across the street from the
Campus, as opposed to say a few blocks away convenient
to public transportation.
(6) Noted there was no indication in the Plan as to how the
students would move from the ground level to another level
(escalators, elevators, etc.)
Mr. Lavroff stated this will be a part of the detailed
design planning.
(7) Noted that on Page 20 of the Master Plan, there is a
statement ".....storm and sanitary sewers are combined
in this area....." and stated that since Federal funds are
involved there is a necessity:for separating the storm and
sanitary sewers, therefore, the Housing Authority would like
some recommendations on the part of the College as well
as the City with respect to utilities in the area.
In reference to Item (3), Mr. Steiner stated they do propose
to mail copies of the Plan to all members of the Board of Aldermen
and will be happy to comply with Mr. Persells suggestion.
Motion was then made by Mr. Sterne, seconded by Mr. Pierce
and carried unanimously as follows:
(1) The Committee took the Georgia State Master Campus Plan
under advisement.
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
“January 13, 1967 Page 4
Approved the additional block (bounded by Gilmer
Street, Butler Street, Decatur Street and Piedmont Avenue)
as an amendment to the Georgia State Urban Redevelopment
Area; in so doing, it was the Committee's understanding
from Mr. Persells that this approval would, in no way,
represent an approval of the Master Plan, per se, and
would not commit any member to any future urban renewal
projects in this area.
Set a public hearing (as required by law) on the one block
amendment to be held at the next regular meeting of the
Policy Committee on February |7, 1967.
Openshaw presented for action the following requested
plan changes in the West End Urban Renewal Area:
Parcel I-15, John C. Theisen
75| Park Street, S. W.
Requests plan change to "Not To Be Acquired" to permit
continued operation of supermarket. Agrees to sell contiguous
parcel |l-4 to Housing Authority. (M-=Il zoning district).
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission =
appointed a sub-committee to study this request and determine
if the present operation could be upgraded.
The Policy Committee withheld any action, pending a
report from this sub-committee.
Parcel 11-39, H. L. DeFoor, et al
54| Lee Street
Requests plan change to "Not To Be Acquired" to remove
existing two-story frame residence in poor condition to
allow expansion of Gulf Station on adjoining Parcel Il-l.
(M=| to C=2 zoning district).
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission =
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 5
2. (Continued from Page 4)
Mr. Openshaw stated this would be‘the only piece of property
in a two block area (between Lee Street and Sears) that would
not be acquired.
Mr. Persells thought it pertinent to state that originally the
Plan contemplated acquisition of this property, however, the
Gulf Station was erected under a Building Permit issued after
the Plan had been developed, but before it was approved,
therefore, it could not be prevented - this relates to the land
owner and not the lessor.
Mr. Sommerville felt any action at this time would be premature
and not in the best interest of the West End Plan.
Motion was then made, seconded and duly carried, that this
request be rejected.
3. Block 27
West End Boys' Club, Inc.
Requests plan change to designate Parcels | thru 8 "To Be
Acquired", and reclassify Block 27 for institutional use (Boys
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Approval, although not unanimous.
Following a brief discussion, this request was deferred for
further study.
4. Parcel 57-2, Fulton County
1368 Lucile Avenue
Requests plan change to permit this parcel to be developed by
a major oil company. (R=-6 zoning district).
Mr. Openshaw stated this property is scheduled for residential
Upon motion by Mr. Cotsakis, seconded by Mr. Sterne and
unanimous vote this request was rejected. Mr. Gladin stated it
Minutes .
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 6
might be in order to offer to the County the idea of a
higher density residential use of this property but he was
not prepared to make any specific recommendations at this
5. Parcel 44-24
Mrs. Berry Blackwood
Requests permit to operate day nursery in R-6 zoning district.
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Motion was made, seconded and duly carried that this request
be approved.
6. Westview Drive
City owned remnants
City proposes to sell remnants for apartment development.
Requires plan change from R=6 to A-I zoning district.
Recommendation of West End Local Citizens Commission -
Because of the uncertainty of exactly what the City owned
along Westview Drive and other factors, this matter was deferred
for further study and Mr. Openshaw was requested to have a
map at the next meeting indicating city-owned remnants along
Mr. Persells explained that within the Bedford=Pine Area, the
Economic Opportunity Atlanta Organization desires to temporarily
utilize a vacant residential structure at 365 Linden Avenue in
conjunction with their neighborhood services center program.
Specifically, they want to use it for pre=school age and mentally
retarded children under a day=care type of program. Mr. Persells
stated the matter had not come before the Local Citizens Commission
but he felt they would approve it. In response to a question, Mr.
Satterfield stated that EOA's urgency is they presently have a tutorial
Urban Renewal Policy Committee
January 13, 1967 Page 7
program underway in this area and they don't want to break this
continued activity.
The question of temporary use was discussed by the Committee,
and with the understanding that use of the premises would be temporary,
the matter was-approved.
As a matter of information, Mr. Gladin explained that the official
guide lines for preparation of a Demonstration Cities Application for
Planning Funds has been received from HUD and that the City
anticipated completion and submission to Washington by March l;
that this will result in a considerable step-up of activities in
the Planning Department and it might become desirable and necessary
to call additional meetings of the Policy Committee to keep abreast
of the situation.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: Respectfully submitted,
me é 9 a
; nak NM ZZ. Wit fs\ LLC fA
Rodney (M. Cook // a Parks
i) ecretary