Box 20, Folder 27, Document 3

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Box 20, Folder 27, Document 3

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June 21, 1967

A regulariy scheduled meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the
Board of Aldermen was held on Friday, June 21, 1967 ai 2:00 P. M. in Committee
Room #2, Second Floor, City Hall.

The following Members were present:

Rodney Cook, Chairman
E. Gregory Griggs
John Flanigen

Jack Summers

Q. V. Williamson
Charles Leftwich

Absent: George Coisakis

The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business was

1. initial review of the updated Land Use Plan.

This plan was on display for viewing. Also on display were supporting maps
of various studies which furnished data for the updated Land Use Plan.

Pierce Mahony of the departmental staff, in presenting the updated Plan to
ine Commitiee, gave a background talk on the history of planning efforts in
Atlanta, using 1958 as a reference point. Briefly summarized, he stated that then
Atlanta began to get into comprehensive planning, as a result of urban renewal
and aanual recertification requirements of the Workable Program; in 1963 the
Housing Code Compliance Program was initiated; in 1964 and '65 the City engaged
in the Community Improvement Program; also in '65 as a result of the 1962 Highway
Act and the Ailanta Area Transportation Study, an agreement was made among the
City, State, Atlanta Region Metropetitan Planning Commission and the five county
jurisdictions to initiate a study known as P-37, This is a Federally assisted
program for making population and economic projections (for the AATS) throughout
the metropoliran area for 1983, including Atlanta, of what the housing needs are

and the number of jobs by three different categories - commercial, industrial and
ervice. Mr. Manony then stated that all of these studies and activities have furnished
dita F or and nave been incorporated into the updated Land Use Plan, projected
to the year 1983. He briefly talked on past land use trends and what we envision
in the future. Two important points emphasized by Mr. Mahony during his presentation
was the lack of involvement and Seer ee of the 1958 Plan and why, and the need
for their (city off eee involvement and understanding of this one and why if should
sscome meir picen. Asa part of the ipdated Land Use Plan, some emphasis nas been placed

upon increased space for industrial development and Mr. Mahony stated the planning
staff is orepared to recommend that an "industrial Development Program" be insituted
Planning and Development Committee
June 21, !967 Page 2

by the City to secure industrial sites and develop them to fill a gap that is not now being
met. Also, the updated Plan emphasized the need for higher residential density because of
limited amounts of space, in effect, a policy of promoting high rise apartment cuildings.
Such a policy would make more land available for single family use.

There was then some discussion as to the status the Plan would have if adopied.

Mr. Cook stated “let's don't adopi this Plan and then not pay any atiention jo it; let's
be serious about it and make if work",

Mr. Gladin stated the Plan is designed to prevent chaotic and disorganized development
of the City; that it should be used as a guide, and he emphasized the word guide, in
distributing anticipated growth of the City, however, he stressed that every action taken
by aldermanic committees should be in consideration of and in conjunction with this
Land Use Plan.

Mr. Mahony explained that after adoption of an overall Land Use Plan, the planning siaff
would proceed io develop detailed plans on a neighborhood=by-neighborhood basis.

as to contract conformity, utility and soundness of recommendations and whether the

consuliants will have to do additional work, prior to adoption of the Final CIP Report. Mr.
icce stated further it has been estimated an additional three months will be needed

to close out the program and HUD officials have approved this extension; that it does not

represent any increase in the cost of the program. He also said that all accepted documents

will have to be submitted to HUD for approval, after which final contract payments would

bé made; following this would be the federal audit and consummation of the program.

As to action by this Committee today, Mr. Aldridge requested adoption of a Resolution
concurring in the three months! extension.

Mr. Leftwich moved that a Resolution to inis effect be adopted and prepared for submission
re Council on Monday, July 3; this motion was seconded by Mr. Flanigen and carried


Planning and Development Committee
June 21, 1967 Page 3

3. Set date for public hearing to consider petition for annexation. +

Tom Shuttleworth of the departmental staff presented each committee member with
background material on this proposed annexation, explaining it involved 47 lots
located north of Jett Road. He pinpointed this on a map, and then certified to the
committee that the petition for annexation qualified for a public hearing under

the provisions for annexation as set forth by the Legislature and city ordinance and
requested a date for said hearing.

The Committee unanimously voted to hold said public hearing on Friday, July 2l,
1967 at 2:00 P. M.

4, Draft revision to Tree Ordinance.

Mr. Mahony presented each Committee member with a copy of the latest revisions

to the Tree Ordinance. Chairman Cook commented it is substantially changed

from the previous draft and Mr. Harkness of the departmental staff has worked closely
with the Home Builders Association on the matter and has obtained their support, in

After a cursory examination, it was unanimously agreed that the revisions would

require further study, but that the Ordinance could be placed on first reading before
Council on Monday, July 3 and referred back to the Planning and Development
Committee for further study and formal action. It was suggested that if any committee
member had any changes they wished to make in the Ordinance to please give them

to the staff prior to the Monday Council meeting. It was also agreed that in the interim,
a public hearing on the Tree Ordinance would be held by the Planning and Development



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 P. M.


Approved: Respectfully submitted,

CMe, OSLO. | [KOCH Duk g7

Collier Gladin, Planning Director ye Parks, Secretary


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