Dublin Core
Box 20, Folder 27, Document 11
Text Item Type Metadata
Room 1204 City Hall
Tel, 522-4463 Ext. 430
1. In response to Mayor Allen's Housing Conference, November 15, 1966, calling for
16,800 additional low and medium cost standard housing units, in Atlanta during the
next five years (9,800 by December, 1968), Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman of the Housing
Resources Committee, announced today that 51 separate projects have been proposed, are
in development or recently completed,
These include 3008 units in the Relatively Firm category
3963 units, Probable —_
1540 units, Being Considered
800 units, Doubtful
LU Total *9311 units Proposed
(Incls. 1206 Public Housing, 66 of which are. being leased)
In addition, 1424 existing units have been proposed for rehabilitation,
“Of this number,
1652 units are estimated to be available during 1967
and 4075 units are estimated to be available during 1966
Total 5727 units in sight
2. In addition to the Chairman and two Co-Chairmen initially appointed to the Housing
Resources Committee, Mayor Allen is now appointing additional prominent community
leaders to the Committee to serve on the following panels:
Legal Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation — =
Construction and Design Social Problems
Financing Business Participation
Non Profit Funds Public Information
Public Housing
3. An organizational meeting of the entire Committee is scheduled to be held
February 9, Details will be announced later,
4, The Housing Resources Committee has established a full time office in Room 1204,
City Hall, Tel. 522-4463, Ext. 430, ‘
5. Mr. Wn. We Gates (Retired), former Chief Underwriter for FHA in Atlanta has
accepted an appointment as Special Adviser to the Housing Resources Committee and will
be available in the Committee office in the City Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pom. each
Thursday to advise and assist Developers and Builders interested in FHA programs.
6. Malcolm D. Jones, Supervisor of Inspection Services, Building Department, has been
designated to devote full time to acquainting Builders and Developers with the program
and to assist them in its promotion. Mr. Jones would like to keep in touch with
developments in all proposed projects under this accelerated program; his telephone
number is 522-4463, Ext. 430.