Box 20, Folder 33, Document 16

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 16

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Continental Colony News

Published By Continental Development Corp., Atlanta

$18 Million SW Complex



Apartments In A Garden Setting Will Be The Feature Of The Proposed $18 Million Continental Colony Complex

Civic Leaders Hail Benefits To Area Residents

Continental Development Corporation
has announced it will invest a minimum
of $18 million in the future development
of Southwest Atlanta with the construc-
tion of a luxury apartment complex im-
mediately south of Greenbriar Shop-
ping Center.

The announcement was hailed by
Southwest Atlanta businessmen, civic
and professional clubs, public officials
and residents as a tremendous asset for
the area.

The directors of the West End Busi-
ness Men’s Association, in a resolution
adopted Dec. 30, 1966, said the estab-
lishment of the luxury apartments
“would be beneficial to the economy and
well-being of this area.”

Continental Development Corporation
President Fred J. Schwaemmle, Jr., said
the prestigious complex will have an
elaborate $120,000 clubhouse facility—
scheduled to have indoor and outdoor
swimming pools, tennis courts and golf
putting greens — which will be made

available to residential owners in the
adjoining Continental Colony Resident-
ial subdivision.

Mr. Schwaemmle also reported the
new development will be separated by a
landscaped area at least 150 feet wide
from the adjacent residential area.

The overall design of the screening
and buffer zone will be laid out accord-
ing to a design by award-winning land-
scape-architect Willard C. Byrd.

“The buffer zone will be in a park-
like setting,” Mr. Byrd said, “and it
will be designed not only to screen but
to look attractive.” The plantings will
include grass, hedges. shrubs and such
flowering trees as magnolias and dog-

Creation of the apartment complex
will also serve as a buffer zone between
the residential subdivision and the com-
mercial property planned at Green-
briar, commented Terry B. Knight, who
is one of the 50 appraisers in Georgia

designated a MAI (a Member of Amer-
ican Institute of Real Estate Ap-

“In fact,” Mr. Knight said, “it is my
opinion as an appraiser that this pro-
posed (apartment) development will pro-
vide that most desirable buffer between
the single-family residential subdivision
and the area zoned commercial which
will be developed in the near future
with various types of improvements.”

Traffic engineers said the development
of the apartment complex also will re-
lieve the heavy flow of vehicles on the
residential streets of Continential Col-
ony created by people driving to Green-
briar from the south.

An extension of Mt. Gilead Road is
proposed to run through the apartment
complex and, linking the four-lane Ho-
gan-Stone Road connector and the pro-
posed four-lane North Camp Creek
Parkway, remove much of the through
traffic which now uses The Fontainbleau

Please Turn to Page 4
Colony Developers Have Deep Roots In Area

Continental Development Corporation
is the ereation of a group of Atlantans
whose roots go deep in the phenomenal
growth of Southwest Atlanta.

In addition to Continental Colony Sub-
division, these men have created some
of the finest residential subdivisions,
apartment projects, shopping centers,
commercial properties and professional
buildings throughout the Metropolitan
Atlanta area but with a heavy concen-
tration of their activities in the south-
west section.

Fred J. Schwaemmle, Jy,, president
and treasurer of Continental Develop-
ment, was reared in College Park where
he attended public schools prior to grad-
uating from Davidson College in North
Carolina. He is active in the Dogwood
Hills Baptist Church, is past president
of South Fulton Boys Club and is a di-
rector of the Greater Atlanta Apartment
Owners Association. He resides with
his family at 3108 Sorrento Cirele, S.W.

Mr. Schwaemmile’s subdivision devel-
opments include Sun Valley, East Point's
largest subdivision; Jamestown and
Continental Colony. In addition, he has
built, owns and manages four apart-
ment complexes in Greater Atlanta.

Scott Hudgens Jr., chairman of the
board, Continental Development, is also
a native of Southwest Atlanta where
he attended the public schools before
enrolling in Georgia State College. He
is active in the Red Oak Baptist Church
and has served on the College Park
Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Ful-
ton County Zoning Advisory Committee.
Mr, Hudgens is a veteran of World War
Il. He resides with his family at 4290
Janice Drive, 8.W.

He is chairman of the board of Scott
Hudgens Realty and Mortgage Company
and is the developer of the North De-
alb Shopping Center, South Fulton Med-
ical Plaza and the Arrowhead Shopping
Center along with the Jamestown Sub-
division in Collewe Park.

Ridley T. Nichol, secretary of Conti-

Hawn ‘Welcomes’
Luxury Apartments

W. R. Hawn, managing partner of
Greenbriar Shopping Center, said he
would welcome “well planned and well
constructed, luxury apartments in the
Greenbriar area,”

Mr, Hawn said he feels “this area is
now and will continue to develop into
the hub of Southwest Atlanta. We ex-
pect to see well planned office and busi-
ness developments around us, and this
type of development certainly calls for
the support of multi-family dwellings.”

Declared Mr. Hawn, “We feel that

luxury-type apartments would be a
definite asset.”

At the same time, Mr. Hawn said he
would oppose “low rental apartments or
any type of housing that. would down-
grade the area.”

nental Development, is the only official
of the corporation who was not born
and reared in Southwest Atlanta—he
was raised on the north side. He at-
tended Atlanta public schools, Vander-
bilt University and the Wharton School
of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
Before going into real estate develop-
ment, he served as city manager of Col-
lege Park. He is a member of St, Ann’s
Episcopal Church, and he resides with
his family at 1897 W. Wesley Road,
N.W. Mr. Nichol is president of the
Seott Hudgens Realty and Mortgage
firm, and is a veteran of World War LI.

W. C. Cato, vice president of Conti-
nental Development, is a native of South-
west Atlanta, He is active in Headland
Heights Baptist Church, Lakeside Coun-
try Club and the Homebuilders Associa-
tion of Metropolitan Atlanta. He and
his family reside at 2804 Headland Drive,

Mr, Cato is owner and manager of
the Lexington Apartments in East Point
and his subdivision developments in-
clude Carriage Colony, Wexwood Glenn,
Jamestown, Williamsburg and Headland

R. L, Brand Jr., a director of Conti-
nental Development, was reared in

Southwest Atlanta where he attended
public schools. He is a deacon of Beech-
er Hills Baptist Church and a member
of the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Brand lives
with his family at 5073 Cascade Road,
S.W. He is partner in the Brand-Vaughn
Lumber Company.

Mr. Brand has participated in num-
erous developments in metropolitan At-

C. H. Vaughn, also a Continental De-
velopment director, joined Mr. Brand in
the establishment of their lumber com-
pany following their discharge from
miitary service during World War II.
He is a member of Beecher Hills Baptist
Church, and lives with his family at 1551
Blvd. Lorraine, 8.W.

Eugene V. Starr, a director of Con-
tinental Development, was born and

‘reared in Southwest Atlanta where he

attended public schools. He is a mem-
ber of East Point Christian Church,
South Fulton Chamber of Commerce and
Lakeside Country Club. He and his
family live at 2961 Kimmeridge Drive,

Mr. Starr has built some 200 homes
along with a number of apartment units
and has participated in the develop-
ment of numerous subdivisions.

Covenant Gives 150-Foot Buffer Zone
Between Apartment Complex & Homes

Continental Development Corporation has entered into a covenant establishing a
150-foot buffer zone between the planned $18-million luxury apartments and the rear
property lines of residences on Sorrento Circle and Black Forest Trail.

The full text of the convenant, which will be filed at the Fulton County Court-
house after the property is properly rezoned, states:


This Covenant made this the 12th day of December, 1966, by Continental
Development Corporation, a corporation of Fulton County, Georgia.

WHEREAS, Continental Development Corporation has made application to
the City of Atlanta to re-zone approximately eighty (80) acres of its land in
Land Lots 228 and 220 of the idth District of Fulton County, Georgia, from R-4,

Residential to A-1 and AL Apartments.

NOW, THEREFORE, Continental Development Corporation does hereby
covenant and agree to the following terms and conditions upon the re-zoning’ of

said property as requested:

To provide a 150 foot area from the north property line of Continental Colony
School northerly to The Fontainebleau, along the rear line of the residentia) lots
facing Sorrento Circle and Black Forest Trail, on which no permanent. buildings
will be erected for 15 years from this date,

IN WITNESS WHEREOFP, the undersigned, as President of Continental
Development Corporation, has hereunto set his hand and affixed the corporate

seal the day and year first above written.

By Fred J, Schwaemmle, Jr., President

Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:

Clifford Oxford

Brenda M. Lord

Notary Public: Notary Public, Georgia, State at Large
My Commission Expires Oct. 29, 1969

danielson and pgine-- architects

These Apartments To Grace Proposed Colony Complex; Front and Rear To Look Alike Near Residences

Little Effect On Schools Seen For Complex

Plans of the Atlanta Board of Edu-
eation assure adequate school facilities
to accommodate the developments of the
Continental Development Corporation,
said president Fred Schwaemmle, Jr.,
himself a parent and resident of the
Greenbriar area.

“The site for the Continental Colony
elementary school was included in the
original development plans of the corp-
oration and the Board decided upon this
site at the urging of the corporation.
This site was sold to the Board of Edu-
cation at cost.

“The school is architecturally design-
ed to accommodate the addition of eight
classrooms to the north without interfer-

ing with the overall operation or design.
This school was established in this area
to accommodate children living on the
east side of the perimeter highway.

“Approximately 50% of the present
enrollment comes from the west side
of the perimeter highway, an area to
be served by the new Ben Hill School
and a school to be located in the Brent-
wood sub-division, a site established in
the overall land plan of this sub-divis-

Mr. Schwaemmile said it can be readily
seen that the Atlanta Board of Educa-
tion is cognizant of the development in
this area and appropriate plans have
been developed to assure the orderly
construction of adequate school facili-

Benefits To Area Residents

Real estate specialists report the pro-
posed $18 million Continental Colony
quality apartment complex will provide
a variety of benefits to homeowners in
the adjoining subdivision.

These benefits include:

1. Location of the garden-type apart-
ments with its 150-foot park-like land-
seaped buffer zone “will provide the
most desirable buffer” between the ex-
isting residential area and the commer-
cial buildings scheduled to be erected on
the south side of Greenbriar Shopping

That's the report of Terry B. Knight,
an appraiser who is assistant vice pres-
ident of Citizens and Southern National
Bank, who added that it was his pro-

fessional opinion that the single-family
homes in Continental Colony Subdivision
will not be adversely affected.

2. Creation of the luxury apartment
development will include an extension of
Mt. Gilead Road with the four-lane
Hogan-Stone Road connector and will
remove traffic bound to and from Green-
briar from the residential streets of
Continental Colony Subdivision.

3. Increase the re-salability of exist-
ing homes through the added feature
of the availability of the plush eclub-
house facilities that will be built in the
apartment complex. The $120,000 coun-
try club-type facility will include swim-
ming pools, golf putting and chipping
greens, tennis and shuffleboard courts
and other recreational facilities.

ties to accommodate the anticipated
growth. The corporation has always en-
deavored to advise the school authorities
of its plans in this area and they have
acted accordingly.

Surveys of apartment complexes of
similar character and complexion of the
ones proposed readily indicate an ex-
tremely small percentage of school age

‘Mir. West End’ Says
SW Growth Depends
On Colony Complex

Edgar E. Schukraft, widely known as
“Mr. West End,” says the creation of
the $18 million Continental Colony
apartment complex is “a real move in
the right direction for this section.”

“This area is on the threshold of a
great forward movement,” commented
Mr. Schukraft, former president of the
West End Business Men’s Association,
“and this project is of the utmost im-
portance to Southwest Atlanta,”

Too long, Mr. Schukraft said, South-
west Atlanta has failed to participate
to its full potential in the dynamic
growth of Metropolitan Atlanta.

“But now this whole section is ready
to go, and it is almost imperative that
the Continental Colony complex be de-
veloped as planned,” he said. “This will
be a real factor in the future growth of
Southwest Atlanta.

“Now we have the opportunity to step
out,” he declared, “and we should do it
without delay.”

Unusual Features Of Clubhouse In Proposed New Continental Colony Complex To Include Indoor Swimming Pool

Club Facilities Open To Subdivision Residents

Residents of the Continental Colony
Sub-division will be welcome to use the
variety of recreational facilities—includ-
ing a private clubhouse—planned for
Continental Development Corporation's
$18-million luxury apartment complex.

Fred Schwaemmle, Jr., president of
Continental Development, said the op-
portunity to enjoy the facilities will be
offered “on a reasonable basis, subject
to the rules and regulations established
by the corporation.”

Mr. Schwaemmle said the clubhouse
will include lounges, formal dining and
meeting rooms, billiard rooms, exercise
and sauna facilities, plus appropriate
swimming pools. There also will be golf
putting and chipping greens, tennis and
shuffleboard courts.

“These proposed facilities will be a

deciding factor in attracting quality
people to the area, and an extension of
these privileges to the adjoining resi-

MAI Appraiser Sees

Terry B. Knight, a member of the

' American Institute of Real Estate Ap-

praisers, said he does not feel nearby
single family homes will be affected
adversely by the $18 - million luxury
apartment development.

“In fact, it is my opinion as an ap-
praiser that this proposed development
(with the 150-foot buffer zone) will
provide the most desirable buffer be-
tween the single family residential sub-
division and the area zone commercial
which will be developed in the near

SW Businessmen Endorse Complex

Continued From Page 1

and Hogan Road in the residential sub-

Mr. Schwaemmle said the proposed
apartments, where rents will begin at
$150 a month for single bedroom units,
are designed to appeal to executive-type

Most of the apartments will have
wood-burning fireplaces, with rich wood
paneling and attractive wall coverings
among their many luxurious appoint-
ments. All are designed for indoor-out-
door living with enclosed patios and

Mr. Schwaemmle said the new com-
plex, designed with a very low density

of units per acre by architects Daniel-
son and Paine, will not create an over-
crowded condition at Continental Colony

“Surveys of apartment complexes of
similar character and completion of the
one we propose readily indicate an ex-
tremely small percentage of school-age
children,” Mr. Schwaemmle reported.

The recreation facilities to be made
available to Continental Colony sub-
division residents will include the pri-
vate clubhouse—which will have lounges,
formal dining and meeting rooms, bil-
lard rooms, exercise and sauna rooms
—golf putting and chipping greens, ten-
nis and shuffieboard courts.

dents will certainly make this entire
area an attractive and prestige loca-
tion,” declared Mr. Schwaemmle.

No Ill Effects

future with various types of improve-
ments,” said Mr. Knight. “It also is a
buffer from the side view of the Green-
briar Shopping Center.”

Mr. Knight, who made an on-site in-
spection November 21 for the purpose
of determining the feasibility of the
proposed development, said:

“IT have been in the mortgage loan
business in Atlanta for 12 years and
have made several loans in the Conti-
nental Colony Subdivision which adjoins
the subject property. I am also an
appraiser holding the MAI designation
(a Member of American Institute of
Real Estate Appraisers) and have made
appraisals on houses adjoining the sub-
ject property.

“Based on my personal inspection of
this property and seeing the proposed
plot plan showing a 150-foot buffer zone
between the apartment buildings and the
homes on Black Forest Trail (homes
nearest to the apartment) and knowing
the type apartments that are proposed
on this site, I do not feel the single
family homes will be affected adversely.”

In review, Mr. Knight said it is his
opinion that “an attractive apartment
project on this site would be a proper
improvement and would not adversely
affect the value of the surrounding


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