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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 32
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2765 Bonnybrook Dr. 8. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Nov. 14, 1967
Mr, Milton Ferris
Alderman 7th Ward
Atlanta, Ga,
Dear Mr, Ferris,.
As @ resident of 7th Ward I wish to protest for myself and many
other voters here in S. W, Atlante the changes taking place in
our section of the city, I am referring to the transition neigh-
borhoods around Sewell, Cascade Heights, Cascade Rd, and like
places, also the new project for low-cost housing in the vicinity
of Holy Family Hospital recently passed by the zoning board,
Although I realize the problems regarding housing, I question why
we in S, W, Atlanta are being so deeply involved and leaving other
sections in Atlanta untouched, If the program is good for one part
of the city why not all?
We, your constituents, believe the housing should be city wide, We
like this section and went to sce it developed but not to be used
ap a guinea pig.
We appeal to you, our alderman, to use your influence to give us
some relief and move some of these plans to other sections of the
Respectfully yours,
Gertrude G, Butler
Atlanta, Georgia
Nov. 14, 1967
Mr, Milton Ferris
Alderman 7th Ward
Atlanta, Ga,
Dear Mr, Ferris,.
As @ resident of 7th Ward I wish to protest for myself and many
other voters here in S. W, Atlante the changes taking place in
our section of the city, I am referring to the transition neigh-
borhoods around Sewell, Cascade Heights, Cascade Rd, and like
places, also the new project for low-cost housing in the vicinity
of Holy Family Hospital recently passed by the zoning board,
Although I realize the problems regarding housing, I question why
we in S, W, Atlanta are being so deeply involved and leaving other
sections in Atlanta untouched, If the program is good for one part
of the city why not all?
We, your constituents, believe the housing should be city wide, We
like this section and went to sce it developed but not to be used
ap a guinea pig.
We appeal to you, our alderman, to use your influence to give us
some relief and move some of these plans to other sections of the
Respectfully yours,
Gertrude G, Butler