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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 34
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1635 Westwood Avee Se We
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
November 19, 1967
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor @ Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen;
i have been somewhat disturbed for some months about
our Southwest section of Atlanta.
I cannot for the life of me ses why we the citizens of
Westend and Gascade Heights have to take the whole brunt
of the deal when it comes to the "intergration" problem.
It has really been thrushed down our throats too, much.
I was reading in two of our newspapers where several of
our Organigqations were going to do something about it.
I do hope and pray that they can and am appealing to
you as Mayor to help us. After all we cannot all live
in the N. E. and N. We sections of our fair city, but
we love our homes and friends as you all doe
Why can some of these low cost housing projects be put
in other sections as these Newspapers pointed out?
And also why can't some of the colored be there also?
I am always reading where you say how well the South-
west sections meets the "intergration" problem. It
looks as though the U.S. supreme court and the City
officials push it down our throats.
I was so disturbed to read where some observer said,
that Mayor Allen was "hell-bent", to push this
housing problem through. Why can't areas like Lenox
Square and Buckhead have their pro-rata share of tnoese?
Please see if a fair deal in matters concerning the
things of which I have mentioned above, cannot be made
fair and Christian to ali of us
Sincerely yours,
La A chl. Pe. C4 L2¢ A
Mrs. Je EHarl Carson, Sre
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
November 19, 1967
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor @ Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen;
i have been somewhat disturbed for some months about
our Southwest section of Atlanta.
I cannot for the life of me ses why we the citizens of
Westend and Gascade Heights have to take the whole brunt
of the deal when it comes to the "intergration" problem.
It has really been thrushed down our throats too, much.
I was reading in two of our newspapers where several of
our Organigqations were going to do something about it.
I do hope and pray that they can and am appealing to
you as Mayor to help us. After all we cannot all live
in the N. E. and N. We sections of our fair city, but
we love our homes and friends as you all doe
Why can some of these low cost housing projects be put
in other sections as these Newspapers pointed out?
And also why can't some of the colored be there also?
I am always reading where you say how well the South-
west sections meets the "intergration" problem. It
looks as though the U.S. supreme court and the City
officials push it down our throats.
I was so disturbed to read where some observer said,
that Mayor Allen was "hell-bent", to push this
housing problem through. Why can't areas like Lenox
Square and Buckhead have their pro-rata share of tnoese?
Please see if a fair deal in matters concerning the
things of which I have mentioned above, cannot be made
fair and Christian to ali of us
Sincerely yours,
La A chl. Pe. C4 L2¢ A
Mrs. Je EHarl Carson, Sre