Dublin Core
Box 20, Folder 33, Document 44
Text Item Type Metadata
Movenber 3, 1967" NOV 7 t9g7
Nr. John 4. Flanigen , Chairaan ATLANTA, GEORGIA
Zoning Committee
25 Third Avenue, %. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30317
Dear Mr. Flanigens
The Atlanta Branch KAACP strongly urges that the request te re-zone the tract of
land situated on Sewell Road near Fairburn Road to allow the construction of some
650 public housing units be disapproved because of the following reasons:
a. The schools located in the Cascade heights area would not be able
to accomodate the children of parents moving into the new projects.
In this connection, the existing schools have already reached a
saturation point, with the elezentary school utilizing a local
church for additional class room space.
b. The northwest and scuthwest arcas already have more than their share
of public housing units which have crented many problens in sewage,
schools, recreational. and service facilities ctc.
Gc. The area adjacent to the proposed site to build these units {s ons
of the nicest residential sections in the city open for Negro
occupancy. Every effort should be mads to maintain racial balance
in that neighborhecod. Further, present community patterns should
reuain constant, end every effort mads to naintaia the preseat level
of proparty values and property zoning.
Approval of the sbove reezoning request by your committee would lend confirmation
to the obvious attenupt by the power atructure to systematically relocate ATES
Begro citizens to the southwest and northwest sections of this city.
The NAACP has made it clear to the Mayor, the Atianta Housing Authority, the
Atlanta Housing Resources Committee, the U. S. Housing and Urben Development Dee
partaent, the Zoning Counlitee, the developers and the press, that we are ?
opposed to any further public housing apertsents and privately developed aparte
zents in the northwest and southwest sections until such a time that the northe
oe ee southeast areas recelve their proportionate share of that type of
Respectfully subaitted,
gb \ 2 Sshounene—
u kebert’B. aS Ae S.
Foose yw Atlanta Branch, HAC?
_REF scab
CC: Mr. Cecil Alexander, Housing Resources Committee, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga.
Movenber 3, 1967" NOV 7 t9g7
Nr. John 4. Flanigen , Chairaan ATLANTA, GEORGIA
Zoning Committee
25 Third Avenue, %. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30317
Dear Mr. Flanigens
The Atlanta Branch KAACP strongly urges that the request te re-zone the tract of
land situated on Sewell Road near Fairburn Road to allow the construction of some
650 public housing units be disapproved because of the following reasons:
a. The schools located in the Cascade heights area would not be able
to accomodate the children of parents moving into the new projects.
In this connection, the existing schools have already reached a
saturation point, with the elezentary school utilizing a local
church for additional class room space.
b. The northwest and scuthwest arcas already have more than their share
of public housing units which have crented many problens in sewage,
schools, recreational. and service facilities ctc.
Gc. The area adjacent to the proposed site to build these units {s ons
of the nicest residential sections in the city open for Negro
occupancy. Every effort should be mads to maintain racial balance
in that neighborhecod. Further, present community patterns should
reuain constant, end every effort mads to naintaia the preseat level
of proparty values and property zoning.
Approval of the sbove reezoning request by your committee would lend confirmation
to the obvious attenupt by the power atructure to systematically relocate ATES
Begro citizens to the southwest and northwest sections of this city.
The NAACP has made it clear to the Mayor, the Atianta Housing Authority, the
Atlanta Housing Resources Committee, the U. S. Housing and Urben Development Dee
partaent, the Zoning Counlitee, the developers and the press, that we are ?
opposed to any further public housing apertsents and privately developed aparte
zents in the northwest and southwest sections until such a time that the northe
oe ee southeast areas recelve their proportionate share of that type of
Respectfully subaitted,
gb \ 2 Sshounene—
u kebert’B. aS Ae S.
Foose yw Atlanta Branch, HAC?
_REF scab
CC: Mr. Cecil Alexander, Housing Resources Committee, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga.