Box 20, Folder 33, Document 69

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 69

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es tslly Secors “Rho undorsinwsd stlostine wfflecr
euved a Ud Lhe 5 t., wo, being daly swarn, denoses

ant? state; on oath an follows

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esonent residi2s at 2734 The sane lomn, :

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ttanta, iooctela, dn the Tontinental yLon windiviss on.
— 7
Maonant's attention vas first (yawn to the Continental
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* - 3 7 “ # . 4 iol . 7
Cslray “wodtivistion sn the basis of a haif-pags advertiseuent ina
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no of thy larcer Attanta newspapers several montis orAor te

“soneNe went to the subdivision and 1 ir. walter a.

Tlanadan, ‘ales Renecsentative for Inet Mudgans Wcalty &

Mertqaqs Tonmeny, Ina., “as oresent and Aisaussed the overall

Aaystoonent with denament. Ueotnest was spceiftaally concerned

with vhoether the overall development vould ba ta keeping wath
the Ataeuncion nth tic, Planagen ond Mx. Planacan furnished
Joesoneet wid his “ife a four-nage brochure entitled, “see Yor

at the Frumtain,” and a copy of a four-page cocunsent entitlad,
"Restrictive Covenant for Centinental Colony Subdivision.”

q a

Seponent alsn comoared the diaqraa on the breehure

with the setual olat by Harold L, Such % tesoniates, datod

fanteomber iT8. whic) inelucded the pronetty whats der cnens
' af wh, t * "i A : ;

desiret to oneahacte.




DTeponent was assured by the said Mr. Flanagan that
the entire development would be in accordance with the diagram
and would be controlled by the covenant furnished ts hin.


On the 2nd day of August, LOGO, deponent entered
into a sales agreement and on the lith day of August, 1960,
denvonent purchased Lot 24 of Block 5D, which is deponent's
present residence.


Deponent was particularly interested in the ict width
and the tyme of houses to be built and was assured by the said
Mz. Flanagan that his house, which cost $27,500.00, would be
one of the cheaper houses in the subdivision and that the Lot
midth would be one hundred {100) feet mininun. Deponent was
also concerned with the apartments and the shopping center, and
the apertment area and approximate number were pointed out by
the said tir. Flanagan, who represented to deponent and assured
him that tha apartments were there to constitute a buffer in
order to protect the proverty value, and that the apartments to
the vest would be garden type apartments but those to the east
would not be quite as nice apartments. Cenponent explored this
aspect thorouchly as he falt that after his retirement fron
Civdl Service he ond his wife might possibly desire to sei2 and
move into an apartment, but deponent's primary concern was that
the apartments bo rastricted in area and number so as to

properly protect the value of his property.


Seponent attaches to this affidavit a copy of the

covenants and a copy of the brochure identical with those

furnished to him by Mr. Flanagan,


This affidavit is made for the purpose of being used

tn connection with opposition to rezoning for apartments

end business purposes in the rezoning in the general vicinity

of Greenbriar Shopping Center scheduled

the 24th day of February, 1966.

for consideration on

Sworn ¢o and subscribed before me

this day of , 1966.

Notesy Vublic



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