File #10387: ""



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c c:.-~r::-t·:~""tr1·:CE Gi·J !IOr5I(,iG FO~ THF; P00I{
EUD n:1d o::o i:m ulcl invite t w.:.n ty of the 1.i.oct kno;.;ledgct1.ble pc.opl_e in the
fi eld c,Z hou3in3 the p oor , to .:a. t •.10- day
C O'.'l:::°C;'.'~ncc .
The c.ceting is for
c o:·,t.ul t.o.tio::i. ead the public "1 i ll not be i'cw:l.t:ucl, althou zh oth.:-:r Fcdcrel 1,:g2ncf. es
'!:tc purpose of this i s t o evaluate . tho fccsibi li ty of provici i~~-t~
y c:lr.:; , .::t ~rices tt,lo poor C'.:.n ~ffo:-d .
1-J ~ er-~ secl-d113 from this confcren.(..e (l) .:nd :.-:;ucial tc:i:w ; and (2) identif ication of il lte;..1Et ivc pt· o~
housing o·.r.: il.r,blc f or the 3.3 r.1illion r,,o or · househo l d:3 b 1.<, t i1ould otherw i r;e occU?Y
substand~rd or overcrowded u~it ~
1970 .
}!-::re specifi cally thcr~ will be c.n idcntifica.tioa oi the obstucies involved
cutU:v:d .
Tbe c onf f~ rencc will i::,(;! c entered nrott-id issues:
'"rd/or cle,n ~nce arc n.,::;cds;:d; the cozl.:.s involved ; capjb ility of occup~~tt:: to
r,sy; present locc1t1ons of subct~nd.1rd c:nits; oo-.uposition o:Z occupcnts by l"c.1c ~,
avtil ilClbility of lsrd; .nr<:l1it ,i ctural end city planning concerna; th-3 t e -::rmolo.;-
ica l problem~ and opportunities of a lar~e-Dcale buildins and ~ebuil<lin3

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t t~ d1i1it:i C:S nf C,,i;;ting er prO?OS·~ d inGtitutions (fii.,,.:nc:e,
(1) to achtc.J(.! die c r:,nccrr.plrlted voh.n~ in five ye~n:·s , ,m<l (2 )
indus try .nnd conrit::ructicn cost:, ; t ht:i effect on the v.:i lues end c o~·~d il: icn of
8Ci sti~'l.~ houGin3 c.nd n,3i2,hb orhoods; cfficie.ncies thti.t might r esult frc::.1 a
iinZtnc ing the; prosr~mn .
Th:~ Soc 1;:i 1 Issues .
The questions of gh~tl:oizing or de c lizin3 t he
counseling .:ind bnck-up scr.v ic0:; i-cquircci; t he proble1':'\S of inst~ 1.U.n::, .n n,c :-;n:::;
to this housing .
o f pro gra;.·,s ; the nu·::Dcr of units to be ck:vclopcd :E::o~.i pro2,r::.:·::1; th.::
To t~kc tl11s .a wor.::;.:h
ile cc..-1 £crcnce., so t h!l t ell p.:lrt1 cipc..i.t;5 ,-:. re t •. 11:i.:~c
0~o t 1Jo• b.our scosi on r.11 ll
dcv·:.:tcd to f'...;';.Ch cf. the fi r s t fou r
p:;t"t icipont 1n each :Held \JO'~ll cl out line .nnd chair e zdt s e.::;s ion .
each punel ~ill ~a C~'PC~tcd to cubsequontly prepare a suri:;;.iary.
Tb.:1 i~~o -·1:;:..ato4-· ct