File #1537: ""



April 28, 1969
Mr. Carl P ul
City Personnel Dep rtinent
City Hall Ann x
A tl ntat Georgia
Dear Carl :
You will r c 1 that we met on April 15, to discu s the Atl nt
B autific tion Corpa and the possibiliti s of finding fulltime
City mployment foi- m.cmber of this organization.
It w e agr d t that meeting that Personnel ould revi w the
health and personnel record of 1 members of the ABC C o rp
to determine those th t could me t mlnirnwn st nd rds for City
mploym nt and those who could not. Mr. F a l'row w
attempt to pl c thos p opl
tarting t th top ho h d
qualification in City job slots wh re po aible nd to r fer tho
t the bottom with no kills nd .no q lific:atione to EOA o th t
th y might att mpt to get th m . m a slat ce.
Tim is rapidly running out to complet thi chor and l ho
t t
h ve m d aom progre
long th s Unea. It i my
und ret nding
tall xc pt 23 of th employ
ar •ch dul s
to be termin t d May 1. I bop that
have b en bl to plac
a numb r of the e peopl by th t de dlin •
Sincer ly yours,
Dan Sw
bee: Mr. Clint Rodgers