File #354: ""



Revised l1arch 1967
An examination for Fire Captain will be held annually and the
register established will be valid for one year.
Examinations for all other classes of positions will be held
when the Board deem3 a list necessary, and the registers established will be valid for one year. The life of such registers
may be extended for an additional year if the Board deems it
practical and expedient to do so.
Satisfactory completion of a performance test of driving skill
under the supervision of the Fire Training Chief is a prerequisite
to applying for promotion to Fire Rescue Lieutenant.
When a man on an eligible register for a higher position than his
present class declines an assignment which would allow him to act
as an alternate for the higher position , his name will be moved
down on the eligible list below the name of the man who accepts
the assignment.
If a qualified eligible is serving io a permanent vacancy in a
temporary capacity at the time of a new examination, he will not
be required to take any further examination.
The Fire Alarm Superin tendent will qualify men f or the pos iti on of
Fire Dis pa tcher and will furni s h the Fire Promot ion Board a list of
qualified applicants and their gr ades.
Non-firefi gh ting personne l desiring to return to firefi ghting mus t
serve one year as full- pay Firemen before being e ligible to com~e t e
in . promotiona l examinations . Me mbers of the Training Division are
cons i de r e d to be fire fightin g pers onnel.
Upon r e turn to the Fire Department , r eenployed Firemen , in cludin g
those who we r e forme rly on t he eligi ble r e gist e r for Fire Lie utenant
or other pr omotional registers , must se rve one year as ful l - pay
fi remen before be i ng e l igible to compe t e in promotional examina t i ons .
Seni ority will be r e cognize d by t he addition t o t he final att aine d
pas s i n g gr ade of one- ha lf (½) point f or ccch year o f s e rvice in t he
Fi re Depa rtmen t beyond the f irs t fi ve (5) years t o a maximum o f five
(5) points in any cas e . For pr omotion t o the r cnk of Captain and
higher ., s enior ity will bz re cognized by giving one-ha lf ( !2) poi nt for
each year of s ervice on next l ower r ank only, to a maxi mum of five
(5) points .
I n the e ven t of a tie in final gr ades after addition of s enior ity
poi n t s , t he man with t he hi ghest s enior ity will be p l ace d highest
on t he eligible regis t e r . I f s eni or i ty p.oint s are the s ame 9 the
man with the hi ghest written grade will be placed highest on the
e ligi ble re gis ter .
21 .
Fire Department pe rs onnel s e rving in t h e armed f orces wi l l accrua
s eniority as t hough s erving in the Fire Department.
Fir e Department personnel on mi l i tary leeve may be given the promotional examination for which t hey are eligible and will be notified
of the ope ning and closing dates of application for all examinations
for classe s to which they may apply,
Li~emen, machinists; fire equipment mechanics, and fire carpenters
may be qualifiGd by th~ Personnel Department from open comp 2titive
registers. Fire Department personnGl who qualify may be certified
ahead of others on the list if desired. Fire Department personnel
may be qualified by the Personne l Department from promotional cxamin~tions from within the Fire Department,
A schedule of eligibility for promotion and who may apply for the
various classes is shown in Table I.
Examinations will be conducted according to the schedule of weights
and phases listed in Table II.
Fire Apparatus Operator
Firemen who have completed
two years of service.
Fire Rescue Lieutenant
All fire fightin g personnel
who have complet e d five years
of s e rvice in the Fire Department.
Fire Dispatcher
All fire fightin g personnel
who have comple t e d five years
of s e rvice in the Department
and have h ad one year of service
in the Si gnal Divi sion of the
Fire Department.
Fi r e Lieutenant
All fire fi ghting personnel
who have coopleted five ye ars
of service i n t he De partment.
Fi r e Captain
Fire Lie utenants wi t h a t least
3 years' se r vi ce as Lie ut enant .
Fire Drill I ns tr uctor, Chi ef
All Fi r e Captains
Fire Battalion Chief
Fi re Capt ains wi t h a t l east
3 years ' s ervice as Captain ,
First Deputy & Deputy Fire Chief
Al l Fi re Battalion Chi efs
Fire Investigat or I
All fire fighting personnel end
f i re disp ~tche r s who have completed
f ive years of s ervice in t he Fir e
Depar t ment,
Fire I nves t iga t or II
Fire Investi ga t ors with one yea r
of se r vi ce as an I nvesti gator.
As s i s tant Fire Marshal
Fi r e Investigator s wi t h 3 years'
s ervi ce as Inves ti gator. _
Fi r e Marshal
Assis tant Fire Marsha l s and Fire
Inves tigators with 3 years' s ervice.