Box 21, Folder 20, Complete Folder

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Box 21, Folder 20, Complete Folder

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November 1, 1967
Mr . Warren L . Berry
As i tant Vice President
Citizens and Southern National Bank
Atlanta, Georgia
r Mr. Berry:
Mills L ne forwa ded me your note in which you
expre aed your support of the proposed merger
of the Atl nta and Fulton County government •
mo t gr teful for your willingness to as ist
and wi h to dvise that we hav made note of
your interest.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Ir.
CC: Mr. Dan Sweat
�October 12, 1967
Mr . Mark W . Mayes
Pioneer Heddle & Reed Co., Inc.
P. O . Box 10586
Atlanta , Georgia 30310
Dear Mr. Mayes :
Thank you v ry much for your letter of October
11 t and your upport of our recommendations
for the con olidation of the Atlanta and Fulton
County government • It is my sincere hope that
thi ma.y be accompli hed within a re aonable
length of time.
Sincerely your ,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
�tho e wbieh · r
i good.
purpo e
If you or the Authority r inter std in dlscu Ing th
I tt r In gr at rd t ii 1 shel f b pl s d to d Oo
Sine rely yours.
o n
J ck
content of this
February 20, 1967
Mr. Ned Freeman, Presi dent
Geor ia Feder tion of the Blind
136. Gees M ill Road
Co yer , Georgia
D a.r Mr. Freem

M y l acknowledge receipt of your letteJ" of February
17th regardin the relatio hip of Public A i
ncl re
charged by th Atlanta H sing Authority
in public housin proj ct •
• B . S tterfield,
l am forwa.rdin your letter to M r.
Executive Director of the Housin Authority, in order
y . r ·ab you a detailed reply.
Sincer ly your ,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
CC: Mr. M. B. Satterfield
P. 0. BOX 10 586
October 11, 1967
TELEPHONE 758-72 11
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I wish to commend you for the effort you are putting forth
and am sure will follow through for consolidating the
City of Atl anta and Fulton County . Trust that you will be
successful in bringing this about.
It is obvious to thinking people I am sure that something
has to be done, and I firmly believe you will have the
cooperation of all the citizens who really give this
matter proper consideration.
M ! N ~ I C H A R D S , C . F . A.
October 3, 1967
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr .
Mayor of Atlanta
C ity Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
D ear Mayor Allen:
I wanted t o let you know how much all of the Young Republicans
appreciate d y o u attending their me e ting and talking about s ome
of the problems which face our city.
Speaking for myself, I would certainly heartedly endors e your
proposals, particularly in regards to merging the services of
Atlanta and Fulton County. I just makes plain sens e to do so,
although I know that the r e will probably b e obj e ctions from the
usual obj ector s. If the Young Republicans can b e of any help to
you in this project, I certainly hope that you will l et us kn o w.
Although I h a v e disagreed in the pas t a nd probably will do so in
the f uture with you on n a tiona l p a rtis a n politics, I do want you
to know tha t in my opinion you h a v e done an outsta nding job in
your six years as Mayor. Even y our severest critics will have
to acknowledge tha t you have the courage to attack probl e ms that
p er sons of l e s se r b a ckbone would lea v e a lone.
Bes t regards.
Sinc er ely,
B ~ s h - Thornw e ll
Post Office Box 4715
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
October 11, 1967
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. ,
Mayor City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
My dear Mayor Allen,
I deplore such accusations by some of the few power seekers, especially when they
say the above proposed merger is a scheme to keep a certain minority group from
being elected mayor of Atlanta, or to other high administrative offices.
At this point, I am extremely ple a s ed to congratula te you for the fine progre ssive
job you have done and the e x celle nt job you ar e doing in Atlanta and W ashington fo r
the best interests of all Atlantians, without even considering race, creed, color,
or religion. I also feel that others should give you more encouragement, if not
some thanks for your w e ll needed and dedicated services to this great city of ours.
Y e s, I do agr ee tha t violence, as well a s non-violence d i d g o a d you a n d m any
other city offi cia ls to really realiz e wha t a tur bul ent s ituation t h a t thi s city was
in, and is still not up to par. Well, to put it bluntly, the hell-raisers really made
you get on the ball and try to correct this bad situation. You can no longer tur n
your back a nd say "I thought the (un r e st) was doing alright - I thought they were
s atisfied with their pr esent conditions " .
Yes s i r , Mr . Ma yo r , you are doing a fine job and pr oba bly d oing your b est. Even
t his is not enough to sol ve most of the social a n d economic p r oble ms of Atlanta.
I don 't m ean just you. I must do mor e ; the board of Aldermen m u s t do more; the
variou s a ldermatic c ommitte es mus t do more; the county a nd t he state m ust d o
more; the vari ous federal agencies, l a bor o rgani z ati ons , church es, a nd the
general public must do m o re. The peo p l e with the problems themselves, must
do more. We all must simply pool our knowledge and r es ources and of cours e,
cooperate together; that is, if we really w a nt t o eliminat e these pr o blems soon.
You know something, Mr. Mayor? That Mr. Harol d Sheats mentioned this merger
many months ago. He is a swell attorney, an economist, the best of all ... can see
further than his nose. He, too, has the county and city and the surrounding
community within the county a t the best interest of all concerned. He is not looking
for power, but rather what he feels would be .best in the long run for both Atlanta
and Fulton County. We have to give this man credit, even though we are at odds
(Nudists) when it comes to social nudism.
�Page -20ctober 11, 1967
Honorable Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
When it comes to nudists and social nudism, Mr. Sheats is a bit silly,
especially when he tries to associate social nudism with immoral conduct,
or sex clubs' activities.
You know something? I do honestly believe a good day in the sun at a nudist
resort would really do the old boy a lot of good, mentally and physically.
What do you think?
We can't think of a better county than Fulton County to build our multi-million
dollar nudist resort. (More about this later).
I am not in a position to say that consolidation is the thing, or not the thing, to
do. I don't think that anyone else can truthfully answer this question at this
time, but I do say .. take every aspect under consideration, including the small
towns and communities in Fulton County, and make a complete study and carefully evaluate all aspects relating to this opposed consolidation, and I am sure
we will know what is best for both Atlanta and Fulton County.
Chicago has not elected a negro mayor; New York is far from doing the same,
and many more large cities are far from electing one, so Atlanta will also be
a long ways off from electing a negro mayor. Even with the heavy negro block
voting, Senator Edward Brooke would have lost if negro voting was his only votes.
This goes to show you that no one race will control any election from here on in.
I know that your idea of a consolidation of Fulton and Atlanta is within the b est
inter est of all conc erned, and we strongly suggest that if the study and the
e valua tion prove to be the b est for all citizens, that you continue to push it
with all your vigor and let no minority group, no political group, or any one
else turn you around.
Trusting that you will c ontinue your sincerest interests in this great city of
Atlanta and to work to achieve the best for all citizens of Atlanta, with
kindest regards, I remain
Respectfully yours,
Tahitian Nudist Country Club
(Div. of Trop~c~
udist Society, Inc.)
Mr. Harold Sheats
County Attorney
Mr. Alex Coffin
Atlanta Constitution
l ½}
d ent
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
September 20, 1967
Mr. Gilbert Fitzhugh, Chairman
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
1-Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10010
Low Income Investments
Dear Mr. Fitzhugh:
I am more than glad to know that- at last,- finally, the insurance companies
in America are getting involved in what I would call "slum castles of
America cities". I congratulate you and the other insurance excutives
highly for your brave and courageous committment of goodness from
your hearts.
I am praying that one day in the near future you will also be proud of your
committments. It is not easy to give financial backing to a project when
you know the risks outweigh the economic feasibility of said project. The
s pecific project or projects are more than needed in most of American
metropolitan cities, as low rent housing in our d e t e r:iorating and pest ridden cities will accept your program without a ny questions . This is
one of the finest things that could have happene d to the slums. Yet you
have done exactly what I have been pushing som e of our large foundations
and corporations to do, especially the labor or ganiza tions (union). See
enclos e d letter number one.
The banking institutions are doing a swell job considering the many re stri c tion s that they have to contend with for the best interest of all
I fee l t hat the lar ge labor uni ons -c ould give m o r e consi d eration t o t he h ousi ng situation in our cit ie s . I b e lieve the union h as m o re
dues paying members t han any other national o rganization in America.
I have great praise s for our h onor able p r es ident of the U nit e d States ,
L.B. J. for pushing, and t r ying to g e t privat e enterpris es involv e d i n t he
crash-housing program. Our own mayo r, the Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.,
is doing a marvelous job in getting t he message through to both private
and governmental agencies. , i. e; how very badly we need decent housing
in Atlanta for all people, especially in the Negro areas in which is far
less than up to par with the rest of the city.
�Page -2to: Mr. Gilbert Fitzhugh
September 20, 1967
We are forming "The Gilmere's Urban Development Corporation" with a
proposed capitalization of 65-million dollars. All we need is a top-heavy
underwriter or some semi-top-heavy subscribers. We already have
projects on the drawing board to exceed 110-million in community developments, about 75-million of this will be strictly for multi-family
units in the low and medium income bracket, and of course, some of
the most luxurious in the world.
Our prime objective is to build and re-build deteriorated sections of
Atlanta, not only the residential sections, but the business and downtown area as well. We also anticipate developing parks, schools, and
other recreational facilities for Atlanta area.
Decent housing and adequate housing alone will not solve all the social
·and economic problems of our slum areas, but providing decent and
adequate housing for all people, it will help to remedy the situation by
50 percent, leaving the need of education about 25 percent, employment
25 percent, and I do mean adult education; i. e; teaching occupational
skills, and trades.
Sincerely, I do believe you and your colleages have given a hypo in the
arm of the poor housing situation, and I just hope the Hell others will
follow suit, not necessarily investing one billion dollars, but just a
few million from ten or fifteen of the larg e st c orporations will cur e
many, many, slum headaches.
This will be something that
one must consider not from the profit's point of view, but · rather a
break-even point of view.
Again, thanking you and your colleages fo r your sincer es t inter es t and
your most needed investment and contributicn to the above program.
With kindest regards, and wishing you the most success, I remain
Sincerely yours,
Francis Gilmere, President
FG/ bam
President L.B. Johnson, Dr. Robert C. Weaver, Secty. Hud, New Y o rk Life Ins. Co .
W. Dowell, President
Continental Assurance Co., President
Prudential Life Ins. Co. , Orville Bealle, Pres.
Equitable Life Assurance Society, J. Henry Smith, Pres.
�October 26, 1967
Mr. Gerald T. Horton
The Research Gr,o up, Inc.
2342 National Bank of Georgia Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Jerry:
Thank you very much for your letter of October
23rd i-egarding the hopeful merger o.f the Atlanta and
Fulton County governments. I appreciate the material
which you sent me and your offer of assistante which
we shall certainly keep in mind.
Sincerely your ,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
October 23, 1967
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
May I add my congratulations (to what I hope have
been many) at your decision to press the issue of
consolidation. As you well know from our conversations,
the CIP Workshops, and the "Atlanta" article I am
100 per cent behind this reordering of our metropolitan
If there is anyway I can be of help to you
in moving this effort forward, I am eager and willing.
Our firm has been deeply involved in this area in recent
months through our work with Savannah-Chatham county,
the Muscle Shoals Council of Governments, and the District
of Columbia. We are gaining some measure of expertise
and a deep understanding of the problems of governmental
It seems inappropriate to us because of our past work
for the City and my publically-known views for our firm
to make a proposal for the work now being contemplated
in study ing consolidation. However, we are ready to
provi d e any advice and assistance you might deem helpful
in identifying appropriate firms to carry out the work.
To that end , I have reviewed the qualifications of some
of our competitors ( a difficult task to accomplish without b ias) to see who might do the Cit y and County a good
The Honorable Ivan Allen
October 23, 1967
Page 2.
job. One organization which you might consider is the
Midwest Research Institute.
I asked one of their staff to send me some information
on their activit ie s and abil i ties in gov ernmenta l
organization, a copy of which is enclosed.
If information on other firms such as this would be of
interest to y ou, I will be happy to assemble it and
p a ss it on.
Finally , let me. again offer my time and the firm's time
to assist y ou on this project in any matter y ou might
suggest .
With b est wi s h es ,
l d T. Ho t o n
Enc .
Metropolitan ar~as in the count ry have mushroomed i n t he 20th
Century unrestrained by local political boundaries.
The in-migration of rural
inhabitant s to urban centers, accompanied by the exodus from core cities and
int o suburbs of central city residents .is well documented.
Local government
on the f ringes of the core ci ty is chara cterized by~ multipli city of governmental uni t s i ncapable of providing effective admi9 i stration in zoning, policing
a nd in other municipal services.
The core city and fringe units are often
hostile in the ir relations to each other~ · Problems of area-wide concern are
not disposed of by common effort be cau se of t he i nabi l i ty· of all t he va rying
units of local government to e ffect ively cooperate.
This picture is f urther
complicated by t he fa ct that metroP.olitan areas have i nheri ted to a lar ge
extent the problems cause d by comparat i ve negl ect i n rai sing the ' st andard of
livi ng of t he poor and i ntegrating them i nto societ y.
The need f or changing t he geographical juri s dict ion s and powers of
count y and munic ipal governments in ma ny of our metropolitan areas is increa sed
by the gr owing maladju stment between what these governments are ca lled on to
do and the ir ability t o perf orm .
More specifically, the present powers ,
juri sdictions, an d st r ucture s of loc al gove rnme nt s , and the statu s of intergovernmental relat i on s in the met r opolitan areas, make it increasi ngly dif fi cult
for the l ocal government s to per f or m independe ntly many f uncti ons whi ch are
inevitably area-wide in nature .
�The Atlanta area is not unique in its crying need for more
effective area-wide government services.
The need has been demonstrated in
a great number of metropolitan areas of the country.
A number of different '
ap proaches to governmental reorganization have been attempted with varying
degrees of success.
Foremost of these ·are:

Municipalities' use of extra territorial powers.

The urban county.

Metropolitan special districts including multi-purpose districts.

City-county separation.


Intergovernmental agreements for functional and programatic

Voluntary metropolitan councils of governments.

Transfer of functions to the state government.

Annexation and consolidation of municipalities.

City-county consolidation~
A number of generali zati ons can be drawn from the different approaches
emploved and review of the success
or absence of success -- experienced.
Among the se undoubtedly should be:

There is no best single approach to governmental reorganization
a pplicable to all conditions and times.

The numerous approaches are not mutually exclusive.

Use of limited approaches may prove adequate to meet the need for
gover nmental r eorganization in some metropolitan areas .
Annexation, although continuing to show vitality in emerging
metropolitan areas, has los't much of its usefulness in larger, older metropolitan areas.

Limited-purpose metropolitan special districts have attributes
which seriously undermine vigorous local government.

City-county separation and city-county consolidation have shown
limited recent potential.
Arrangements for intergovernmental cooperation or implementation
of projects of common concern within tpe five-county Atlanta region are not
highly developed.
The arrangements that exist do not satisfy the growing
demand f or area-wide government and area-wide services.
Accordingly, the
City of Atlanta and Fulton County have expressed a desire to study the advantages and disadvantages of consolidation.
The Economic Development Division
of Midwe st Research Institute is well qualified to assist in such a study
and desir es to do so.
Accordingly, some general qualifying information
about the Institute and extracts from resumes of key professional staff
personnel that could be expected to participate in a study of governmental
consolidation fo l low:
Midwest Research Institute is an independent, not - for - profit center
devoted to research for i ndust r y,· government and t he genera l we l fare.
Institute was foun ded in 1944, by a group of civi c, i ndust rial and technical
l eaders who were convinced t hat t he applicat i on of scientific research
�to industry would rapidly become a critical factor in economic and social
This expectation has become a fact -- as the growth of MRI testifies.
Today, the I nstit~te ha s a tot al staff of over 400 and conducts
research covering the entire spectrum of modern science.
The dollar volume
of research con duct e d by t he five scientific divisions -- Economic Development, 1
Eng ineering , Mathematics .and Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences -ex ceeds $6 million annually.
In support of it s professional activities, the Institute has over
150,000 sq. ft. of laboratory s pace and maintains a comprehensive library
with those of the ad j acent Linda Hall Library of Science and Techology -- an
institution with over 300,000 volumes and more than 9 1 000 technical periodical
publications of nat ional and international origin.
Midwest Research Inst itute's research staff has had considerable
experi ence in eva luat ive and planning eff orts for government agencies at all
levels , and in the develo pment of new organi zations and institutional concepts
t o car ry f orwar d va rious objectives.
In recent years, the Institute and,
part i cul ar l y, i t s economic development division, has devoted a growing port ion
of its e f f ort t o ur ban and so cial problems wh i ch go beyond the scope of conven tional e cono mic deve lopment concept s.
J ames Alcot t:
He has · directed the Economic Development Divi s i on
at Mi dwe st Res earch Inst itute since 1963 .
During t hi s time , hi s Di vision has
complete d research pro j ects fo r over 100 cli ents varying from public agen c i es
such a s t he Iowa Development Commi ssion and private f i r ms such as Standard
Gi l Company of New Jer sey .
He has be e n a ct ive in a numbe r of proje cts r elat ing
,' .t'
' i.··• :
• i' ~·
to the needs and problems of state and local government in meeting major .
public requirements and public policy.
Mr. Alcott's participation is fre-
quently sought in various groups concerned with public policy issues.
I '

currently is a member of the Commission for Organization of Jackson County
Government, a citize~ group charge d with the responsibility for recommending
alternative · forms of county government in Jackson County, Missouri, a county
which includes Kansas City and Independence.
Jame s A. Smith :
Mr. Smi th's experi ence includes major emphasi s in
reg ional economics, industrial development, and public affairs.
While at
MRI, he has directed or participated in a HUD sponsored study o~ federal aid
programs involving a 10- city survey of user requirements; several projects
for munic i pal governments such as the Johnson County Library Board, Kansas City
Commun i t y Servi ce Department and City Planning Department; and studies for
the , Commission f or Organizat i on of Jack s on County Gove r nment.
Prior to joining MRI , Mr . Smith was employed in Flori da wher e he
dire cted or participated in a number
studies concerne d with the public
interest such as a study of emerging political l eadership in a metropolitan
area, media impact on voter behavior, and county/cit y r elat i onshi ps .
He al so
performed during t h is time studies f or public groups concerned with publ ic
service aspects of television programming and media i nfluence on determination
of public issues.
His experience includes 18 months concentrated study of
Dade County metropolitan government problems under a Ford Foundation Grant.
Included were inquiries into the role of special tax districts and special
service districts.
�John 0. Wilson:
Dr. Wilson's principal areas of s pecialization
are r ublic finance, quantit ative analysis, and regional planning.
ex .ie rie n ce incJ.uaee loncs term i nvoJ.veme nt i n a la:r-e;1; e ale tax otructure
evaluation study f or t he s tat e o f .Mi ssouri ; develo ·11;· nt of a technique -of
ca J it al allocat i on f or alternat i ve investments proje ct s
part of a lone;
range capital imJrovement program for Washington County, Michigan; and as
a s t aff memb er of the I nstitute of Public Administration, University of .
Michigan .
Hi s Ph.D. dissertation dealt with the develo pment of a mathematical
model for ori t imi zation for i nvestmen t dec1sion making by local government units.
Wi lliam Munson :
Mr. Munson is an i nt ergovernmental relat i ons
analyst ,, i th MRI with pri mary areas of interest in governmental programs
that require coor erati on and coordi nati on across polit i cal boundaries and
between s t ate, local, and f ederal governmen t levels.
Prior to joining MRI ,
Mr . Muns on served on the Tas k Force on Crimi nal Justi ce for the United Statee
re partment of Justi ce and was res ponsible for advising the De partment on how best
t o admin i ster the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Act of 19 67.
five year s , Mr. Munson served as a mi dwestern r e pr e s entati ve of the Counc i l of
State Go vernments , a j oint agency of all 50 states which _rovide r e sear ch,
JUblishing , and se cretari al services to nati onal and regi onal asso ciations
and stat e offi cials.
Mr. Munson has wor (ed closely with commissions on inter-
state an d int ergovernmental coo peration, the Midwestern Governor's Conference,
the I nterstate Conferen ce on Automated Data Processing, the Comrni t tee on

Informat i on Systems of the Council of State Government, and the Midwestern
Le gi slat i ve Committee in the f i elds of trans portation, taxat:Lon, and higher
e ducat i on.
Robe rt Boyd :
Mr. Boyd is Ass i stant to the President of MRI.
comi ng to MRI he has been involved in analyzing the opp ortunities for contract
resear ch wi th state and local governments.
He participated in the re search
pro j e ct comp leted for the Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency consisti ng of an i n- de pth s t udy of 10 ci ties in the United States to analyze
the man ac;ement info r mation r:i roble ms, part i cularly as these problems relate to
Fe deral, state an d local relationshi ps.
Prior to jo i ning MRI , Mr. Boyd was Executive Assistant to
O~l ahoma 's Governor Henry Bellmen.
In this capacity he was primarily
re s?ons ib le for coor di nat i on and planning , particularly in the areas of
e conomi c an d i n dus t r i al develo ~ment, and intergovernmental relations.
I n addi tion to t hese staff members, MRI would utilize the services
of ot he r emi ne ntly qualifi ed consultants to partici pate in a study such as
in be i ng conside r e d .
Foremost of these is Dr. Thomas P. Murphy, Director
of Public Adm i ni st rati on, Un i vers i ty of Mi ssouri at Kansas City.
Dr . Murphy
is Direct or of the Commi ss i on for Organ i zation of Jackson County Gover nment.
Prior to h i s a poi ntmen t to the Un i versity of Missouri fa cult y,,
Dr . Murphy was Staff Ass i st an t to J ames Webb, Admi ni strat or , NASA; and lat er
Deputy Assistant Admini strator fo r l eg islat i ve a f fa irs of the same age ncy.
His a ca demic backgroun d includes MA and Ph.D. degre es in Poli ti cal Science.
· ,, • '·

�August 25, 1967
Honorable Dick Lane
The House of Representatives
2704 Humphries Street
East Point, Georgia
Dear Dick:·
Thank you for your kind letter of October 23rd.
As stated in my talk the other evening, I feel that Atlanta
i entitled to the right and opportunity of normal growth
and expan ion; thi includes taking into con ideration the
needs and desire of the other government in the area.
I m not famili r t the present time with the Commi ion's
report on the merger of the chool sy tems of Atlanta and
Fulton County. l would think, however, that people in Atlanta,
who, within themselves, con titut ne rly 80% of the people
of Fulton County, hould have the same right as the other ZO%
of the citizens of Fulton County.
It i my hepe that in the near future meeting of the county
commia ioner
nd repre entative of city government could
be held in order that n ce ary tep could be planned to
provid for a detailed profe ion l study of both the need
and the beneficial results of a metropolitan government.
Until thi is done factually, I m £raid all of u
ill be limited
in the information we can furni h in r g rd to the questions
your iaed.
Ivan All n, Jr.
Representative, District 126
2704 Humi)hries Street
East PoiPt, Georgia 30044
Military Affairs
Secretary, Gas & Oil
'il4e ~nuse of ~epreseutatiues
J\thmta, ®.eorgfa
October 23, 1967
Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor
City of Atlanta, Ga.
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I take this opportunity to tell you that I found the
speech informative and interesting that you delivered to
the Fulton County Delegation at the Tech Motel.
You mentioned that you would never advocate merger or
consolidation without the consent of all areas involved.
On the strength of this statement, do I understand
that you or your administration would oppose, or at least
not support, the Commission's plan to effect Atlanta and
Fulton County school systems merger, through abolition of
the Atlanta school system?
In effect, this plan would deny the citizens outside
Atlanta a voice or vote in this matter that so vitally
effects and concerns them.
So that I might keep the citizens of South Fulton
informed, I would like to further inquire why the city of
Atlanta, at this time, is interested only in consolidation
in Fulton County?
I feel, as I am sure you do, that our citizens should
be informed on matters that concern them.
I would appreciate it if you could take the time from
your busy schedule to give to me the requested information
so that I may pass it on to my constituents .
Sincerely ,
~ t ne , Rep .
Dis trict 126
�October 26, 1967
Mr . Gerald T . Horton
The Research Group, Inc .
2342 National Bank of Georgia Bldg .
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Jerry:
Thank you very much for your letter of October
23rd reg rding the hopeful merger of the Atlanta and
Fulton County government . 1 ppreciat the materi 1
which yo11 sent me nd your offer of
istante which
we sh 11 certainly keep in mind.
Sincerely your ,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
M yor
I AJr/br
�October 18 , 1967
Hon. Richard C . Fr e-man
26th floor
Fir t Natio 1 Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Richard:
On behalf of Milton Farri who • Chairman of the
City'• Committee to -c o ider merger of loc l
govermnen , I h
d like very m-uch for you to
have lunch with us an W dne-&day, October 25th
at lZ:30 p . m . in the Woodruff Room f th Cominerce
Club in rder that e may
v a private disc
of this m it r .
Ple s
let A
Mo e
. youi; acce
Sine r ly y
- a,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
�October 18, 1967
Hon. G . Ever tt Millican
500 Bishop Str et. N . W.
Atlant • Georgia 30318
Dear Everett:
On behalf of Milton Farria ho is Chairman of the
City ' Committee to con.aider inerger of local
gov rrnnent , 1 hould like very for you to
have lunch ·th us on W dneaday, October ZSth
at 12:30 p . m . in the Wood.ruff Romn of the Comm.erce
Cl b in order that e may have a private diacuaeion
of thi• matter .
Plea•e let Ann Mo
e• b
your ccepta ce .
Sin.ce:rely your• ,
Iv . Allen. J-r.
�October 18, 1967
Mr . Henry L. Bowden
Z614 Fir t National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Deu H~nry:
On behalf of Milton Farris who i Chairman of the
City 1 s Corn.mittee to con ider merger f local
govermnent , I should like very much for you to
have lunch ·th
on W-e dne day, Oc:tx>ber ZStb
at la: 30 p. m . in the W oociruff Room of the Comme,:c
Club in ord r that we may have a privat di cu i:o
of thi matter .
l t Ann M
e bav your acceptance.
Since-rely your ,
l an All n, Jr.
M yo.r
�Oc tober 18 , 1967
Honorable Harold Sheats
County Attorney
Fulton County Court Hou8e
Atlanta, Georgia
D ar Harold:
On behalf of Milton Farris who is Chairman of the
City ' Committee to consider merg r of local
government , I should like very much f()l" you. to
hav lunch with
on Wednesday, October 25th
t 12:30 p.m. in the Woodruff R001n of the Commerce
Club in order tbat we may have a private diacu ion
of this matter .
............. e let Ann Mose have your cceptan.c e.
Sincerely youra,
Ivan All n, Jr.
�October 18, 1967
Honorable J . H . Aldredge , Chairman
Fulton County Commi sioners
ZS 60 Bankhead Highway, N . W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Dear Jim:
On behalf of Milton Farria who i Chairman of the
City'a Committee to con ider merger of local
government , 1 hould like very much for you -t o
have lunch with
on Wedne day, October 25th
at 12: 30 p. m. in the Woodruff Room of the Commerce
Club in order that e may have a private d. cu ion
of this matter .
e let Ann M
es have your acceptance.
Sincerely yours,
Iv n All n, Jr.
�Octobei- 18, 1967
Honorable Charlie Brown, Vice-Chairman
Fulton County CommisEJioners
P. O . Box 30
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charlie:
On behalf of Milton Farri who is. Chairman of the
City' Committee to consider mer er of local
government , I hould like Y-ery m.uch fo:r you to
have lWlCh with u on Wednesday, O ctober 25th
at 12: 30 p. in. in the Woodruff Room of the Commerce
Club in order that we m y have a priv~te discussion
of this matter .
Pleas let Ann Mo e
have your a-cceptance.
Sincei-ely your•,
Ivan Allen, ~r.
�October 18 , 1967
Honorable Walter M . Mitchell
Fult County Commissioners
45 Montclair Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Ge-orgia
Dea.r Walter:
On behalf of Milton F rris who i Chairman of the
City's Committee to co ider merger of local
government , I ehould like very much for you to
have lunch with u on Wednesday, October 25th
at 12: 30 p. m. in the Woodruff Room of the Commerc
Club in ord r that we may have a priv te di -euasion
of thi• matter.
Plea e let Ann Mose
have your acceptance,
s·ncerely yous,
I an Allen, Jr.
Ma or
�October 18, 1967
Hon. Milton G . Farri
Gulf OU Corporation
P . O. Box 7245, Station C
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Dear Milt n:
Attached is copy of the lette,: I ha.v a nt to
Aldermen Millican and Freenian, the three
County Commissioners, our City Attorney and
th C unty Attorney confirming the arr geme.nts
de to have lunch next Wedne,•day to di the
m .e rger. l have indicated "Confidentialn on each
let r ith the hope that we c u1d have ,a private
dla.cus•ion of this matt r.
Sincerely your•,
Iv. n Allen, Jr.
M yo-r
�Trust Company of Georgia
A tla nta , G eor g i a 3 0 3 0 2
October 3, 1967
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Ma yor, City of Atlanta
200 City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ivan:
I am enclosing a copy of Joe Heyman's work on
city-county consolidation which I am sure you will want to
take time to read and digest. There are a limited number
of copie s of this which a re going to the three commissioners,
Al Bows as the upcoming president of the Chamber, a nd Opie
Shelton. Everyone concerned is being asked to treat the
information as confid ential at this time.
I would think that a fter we have a ll had an
opportunity to study this, a second meeting might be in
ord e r.
Look forward to seeing you.
Sincerely yours,
AHS /frb
WHEREAS, th e Ci ty of East Point, by the officia l s eal, has
sin ce the year 1889; and
WHEREAS, a n e w ci t y c h a rt e r w as granted by Act# 191, approved on
March 5, 1957, a n d ac t s a m e nda tory th e r e of, s a id acts purporte dly a mends
an ac t to
stablish a new Cha r te r ·approve d Aug ust 19, 1912 (Ga. L. 1912,
p. 8 62 et. se q . ) ; a n d
WHEREAS, the C ity of E as t Point is th e second largest city in th e
County of Fulton; an d
WHE R E A S, the C ity of East Point is reportedly the seventh largest
city in the State of G e o rg i a ; a nd
W H EREAS, th e g o v e rni n g a uthority of the City of East Point consist s
0£ th e M ayo r and e i g ht m e mb e rs of City Council form of government; and
_W HEREAS, this gove r nin g a utho rity r e pr e s e nts forty thousand plus
citizen s ; a nd
WHEREAS , the r e has b een muc h delib e ration on th e part of the City
of Atlanta and the C o unty of F ulton c o nc ernin g the m e r g er of the two abov e
mention e d g overnments ; a nd
WHEREAS, t h e City o f East Poin t is locate d in the County of Fulton
a nd adj acent to th e City of Atl ant a ;
THE CITY OF EAST P OINT t h a t the M ayor and City Co\lncil of th e City of
East Point d oes h e r e by go on r e cth'd as bein g una lte r a bly oppo se d t o a n y
merger of th e County of Fulton and t h e City of Atlanta that would d eprive
th e c i t i z e ns of the Cit y of East Point o f t heir g u a r a nteed r i g ht t o remain
c iti zen s of th e City of East Poi nt ; and
BE IT FURTHE R RESOLVED that the City of East Point remain a
se p a r a t e e ntity by charter as g ranted by tb.'e S t a t e of Georgi a , a nd the
r i gh t s a nd privileges g u aran t eed under this chart e r r e main i n tact.
Introduc e d, con s id ere d a nd a dopte d t hi s
(_ Ji
--\ /\
/ {ott,day of October , 1967.
~ . A ---/-'4-dL.
·- ·
City Cl e rk
T OPICn JA 'UD T so: ,,
Post Office Box 178
Chicago{ Illinois 60690_
Mays Landing, New Jersey
~ Printed in U. S. A. by A.S . A: ~
Secretary of Fraternity Snoqualmie Club
I think that as a rule the husband first becomes
interested in nudism. The wife generally holds back
a little and sometimes quite a bit. It is easier for
t he male to throw off his co-called modesty, and
shyness. He is a little more used to seeing others
c,f his own sex in the nude - in sports, on the job,
etc. I think that women are reared more guardedly
and instilled much more with the idea of the shame
of exposing the nude body. We have so many inhibitions and complexes to get rid of. Both men and
Nudism usually starts at home. First the husband grows lax in dress - he runs around in shorts
for a while before dressing - or from bath to 'bedr oom with nothing on - or maybe he sits and reads
t he paper a whiJe that way. The children start to
copy him - they just naturally like to go nude
anyway. You fuss at your husband for setting the
example - it just isn't decent to let the children
sec you that way; you fuss at the children to put
their clothes on. He likes the freedom of movement
without clothes and knows the children do too, and
tells you to let them alone and let them enjoy themselves. He coaxes you to try it. But you are horrified
- the children will lose r espect for their mother if
they see her r unning around like that. And besides,
what would the neighbors think? But after a while
you catch yourself going from the bathroom to the
l>edroom quickly to get something you forgot or you
dash to answer the telephone in the nude and one of
the children catches you. And the child doesn't seem
to be horrified at all - you are the one horrified and
ashamed of your nude body. But still - you don't
th:nk it is right for decent people to act that way the body is sinful and shameful and should be kept
covered so as not to excite thoughts or give the chil<lrcn "ideas."
Then one night your husband brings home a nudist
magazine he has seen on the news stand. You refuse
to look at it. That filthy thing - imagine bringing
that into the home where the children might see those
nasty pictures. You are indignant at the whole matter
and refuse to have anything to do with it. Your husband reads the articles and tells you about one or two
�of them. About what a nudist camp is and the activities that go on there. How healthy it is for children the outdoor living. Out of curiosity, one day when
you are alone, you pick up the magazine and leaf
through the pages. You see the posed pictures of the
beautiful girls. You don't like them. Then af ter a
while you look at the articles and glance · through two
or three of them. They do sound interesting, yes, but
- you wonder what kind of people are those nudists,
anyway. Sunworshippers? Exhibitionists? F anatics
of some sort? Some kind of religious cult? Why do
they have to take all their clothes off to get the benefit
of the sunlight, why not leave some little thing on to
cover up their nakedness?
Your husband continues to discuss the subject
occasionally. Finally you realize his seriousness and
you sit down with him and discuss the matter of taking
your family to a nudist camp. Your mental attitude
has to go through quite a change. In order for you
to make your first visit to a nudist camp a lot of the
inhibitions and complexes you have carefully nurtured
all these years have to be cast out; the false modesty
you have been. taught; the shame complex; the idea
that you liave a body that is sinful and shameful and
it "is obscene to show certain parts of it in public especially in front of the opposite sex. Most of us
have been brought up very strict morally, and nudism
seems to be absolutely against everything we have
been taught as a child. And then there are the children - supposing they told the neighbors - or their
school chums - or Aunt Sally or Uncle Fred - what
would you do?
And there is also a very personal fear - your
figure isn't as pretty a.5 those girls in the magazines.
Supposing you went there and your husband saw
someone prettier than you. Or perhaps you have a
surgical scar - it would look so awful. And besides
you would lose all your femininity and allure for your
husband. You know the old saying, "Familiarity breeds
Your husband can see the benefits to be gained
for his family. And as he becomes more insistent,
you finally give in and say, well, all right, just this
once. He writes to the local club, whose name and
add1·ess is in the magazine, and fi nds out where their
camp is and gets per mission to visit. You pack a picnic lunch, load the children into the car and are on
your way. You have varied feelings of fear, curiosity
and bravado. You don't know what to expect. Is it
really a place to take your children? What will they
see thc:rc? You round a bend in the r oad, go t hrough
a ga te, and w you are the::e. You see a nude
r.1an choppinz wood. There is a spirited game of
V(•ilc:,r b:ill going on. P eople down by the pool - child:·en run ninJ back a;-icl for th, playing, swinging on the
�swings and har dly anyone even turns his head as you
drive in. You sit in the car a minute, taking it all in.
Before you can make up your mind to get out of the
car you are gr eeted cordially by o:ie of the members
and invited to get out and walk around the camp and
see what is there. You ar e taken here and there and
ir.troduced to some of the member s. Without appar«::ntly looking, you see all kinds of people: short, tall,
slim, stout, all sorts of figures, both male and female,
some with fine tans and some white and some pink with
sunburn. You look at the inviting pool, the green
lawn and the sun is warm. The children. ar e tugging
at your hand, begging to go in the pool, and can't we
take our clothes off. Mommy? And suddenly you feel
so conspicuous with your clothes on and you want to
enjoy the sunshine and fresh air with the relaxed freedom these other people seem to have. You go to your
car and disrobe, and the first step has been taken. The
biggest step.
As time goes on, you find all your fears disspelled.
As for your figure, you find there are some who look
better than you do and some look worse. You have
learned that physical limitations go unnoticed; they
are entirely commonplace. You find that 'i t is the individual, the personality that is important. You think
of the different ones, not of their physical defects or
beauty, but of their individuality - the effect that person has had on you. Their body is unimportant. You
find that the moral standard is very high in a nudist
camp. There is no liquor allowed, either on the premises or in the individual. There are no smutty stories
tdd - no over display of affection - folks conduct
themselves the same as on any public beach - only
their conduct is better. You find ther e is no sex stimulc.:tion brought on by lack of clothing of anyone present.
There is almost always a game of some kind going
on - volley ball is the universal nudist sport; there
is usually work to be done to improve or beautify the
Another thing, you find that the freedom of nudism
in tensifies the beauty of your martial relations. Your
fear.;; on that score were entirely unfounded.
As for the children - they are so healthy living
in the fresh air and the sunlight this way - learning
new and interesti!1g things abo ut the outdoors. They
do not have the ingrained inhibitions you have had to
overcome. To go without clothes i<; a perfectly natural thing for them. It 'is easy for them to understand
that here they can go r.uc!e but in town they can't bec:~..:se everyt-ne doesn't do it a, they do at camp. And
hat is .,11 the explanation they need. They look at
yo u strangely if you try to bring out the s!'Jame of
showi ng your body in public. You find in the future
that your nudist life has made the answering of the
ch;ldren's questions in regard to growing up and
adulthood and their sexual problems much easier.
They do not have the curiosity about the opposite sex
other chiJ.dren hav e. They have seen and understand
the differences in the human figure and explaining the
functions of the different parts of the body is simple.
They are easier in their attitudes toward other children.
I do not mean freer - I mean easier. They do not
have the shyness that other children have because of
curiosity. They have a poise, a sureness - an attractive freshness - a wholesomeness - that comes from
knowing they have a healthy body and a healthy mind,
which is more important. They are not interested in
sneaking down on burlesque row or reading books that
have to be sneaked behind the barn or looking at obscene pictures. The facts of life are known to them and
there is no vicarious thrill in these things. From my
own experience - my fifteen year old boy came home
tc, me one day and told me that some of the boys in _h is
class had climbed up on the wall to peek in the windows of the girls' room so they could see the girls. I
a2ked him if he did a.,d he said why should he - he
knew what girls looked like. He was disgusted with
such behavior and said of they were all nudists t hat
S'.lrt of thing could not happen. There is no record of
a juvenile delinquent fro m a nudist family.
As time goes on, you will spend as much time as
you can at the nudist camp because it is an inexpensive outing - the children love it - and i t is something your whole fa mily can take par t in. No .more
husband going off fishing or golfing or something else,
while _you and the children stay home on Sundays.
Now, everyone eagerly goes to the "country" for the
day or the weekend. And that is because you have
found the greatest thing for all - the thing that makes
us nudists for the rest of our lives and makes us wish
we had not wasted so many years accepting it. That
is the freedom - the utter freedom. As I said before,
in order to take t he first step, you have already cast
out some inhibitions and old conventionalities. And
you get rid of more and more as you go along. You
remember wondering why nudists have to take everything off - why not leave something on? You have
found out why - because you have overcome the
shame of the body - of certain parts of the body. You
have fo und that one par t is as beautiful as the other
and each has its own natural function to do. There is
nothing to be hidden - no reason for wearing "some
little thing." Actually, now, you feel it is indecent
and obscenely suggestive to cover parts of the body.
You feel it is wrong for clothes to be worn for the
purpose of concealment. Better that they be worn because of the inclement weather or because of the job
being done or some other such reason. You have
learned the thrill of the sunlight and the air and the
breezes on your nude body - the smoothness with
�which your body glides through the rippling water.
You have come to the point where you can hardly
wait for the weekends to come around so you can go
to camp and take off the clothes you have to wear all
week in town because you have learned that the act
of taking off your clothes and cleansing your body in
the clean air includes cleansing your mind of all the
nervous tensions and cares and worries that beset you
daily at home; and you find utter relaxation. Absolute, utterly free rest and relaxation. And you go home
rejuvenated not only in body but in mind. You get the
fe eling as you stand by your car and disrobe, that with
your clothes you strip off the ugly, dirty world and here
alone is peace and brotherhood with your fellow man.
Here you find friendly, cordial people, broad of mind,
tolerant, r espectful of persons.
This is not something that happens immediately.
For some, the transition to true nudism is quick. For
others it take quite a while. For some, it is easy to
ta ke their clothes off - but not so easy to take their
minds off, so to speak - to take off the false veneer
of conventionalities; to overcome the petty jealousies
and possessiveness between husband and wife; the
lustful thoughts towards others; the false shame of the
body that is evidenced in these things. And when
you do finally reach the understanding of the philosophy of nudism, you find your horizons unlimited, a
great peace of mind, a richness in your enjoyment of
life. You have found that freedom. And you bless
the day you agreed to go to the nudist camp.
1 - 5 FREE
200 OR MORE - 1/2~ EACH
The American Sunbathing Association , Inc.
6 E. Ma in Street
Mays Landing, N. J.
�Return Requested
Post Office Box 4715
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
• " -· · -
..J ,
Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. ,
Mayor, City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Ivan Allen,
For your information
Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the
necessary reply.
Advise me the sta tus of the attached.
Please no~
to our files.
FORM 25-4

Dan Sweat
PHONE 522 - 4463
t &/!l/4,om
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A. .AM!/J
FORM 25-6
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FORM 2 5-2 - L
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R. Ea rl L a nd e r s


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FORM 25-2 -L


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