Box 21, Folder 35, Document 21

Dublin Core


Box 21, Folder 35, Document 21

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- Commission appealed to civic

will support the program, there

) Clubs? Aid |

Asked for


Crime Panel Chief
Talks to Kiwanians


The executive director of gc!
Metropolitan Atlanta Crime

Foe Ricca clubs Tuesday

2: “to help equip
“3 and support
“play lots and
other summer
“ recreation pro-
3y grams for

youngsters = in

Aye “+ slum areas.
\ A: oh James L.
\! : ( 7 yMcGoyern, who
VB aa heads the

MeGovern perman ent
metropolitan commission that
grew out of the Atlanta Crime
Commission's lengthy study and
report last year, said the City
Parks department will attempt
to operate the play lots out of
the regular budget if no fed-
eral funds can be found, but
said that city funds are not
adequate for the program.

He told the Atlanta Kiwanis
Club that Sears Roebuck and
Co. had donated four portable
pools for the summer program,
and urged them to consider fi-
nancing a $170 filter system for
one of the pools as a club proj-

McGovern said that if they

are enough civic clubs in At-
lanta, if each took a small proj-
ect, to provide playground equip-
ment for some of the lots and
provide chartered buses for
special trips, such as to the


“We're entering the summer.
You are aware of the conditions
last summer, and the unrest,”
McGovern told the club. “You
have a vested interest in elim-
inating the conditions and the
federal money that was made
available on an emergency
basis last year is not available
this year.”

The new crime commission
official, who was an agent of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
for 26 years, added, ‘We tend
to think of crime only in terms
of the courts and law enforce-
ment agencies, rather than as a
portrait of the failure of society,
a lack of employment opportun-
ity and education, of disease and

“Every survey I’ve ever read:
recognizes crime breeds in de-|
pressed areas,” he sa:d. “To!
eliminate it, We must eliminate |
depressed conditions. We must,
also have adequate enfor cement
by qualified personnel and we.
must pay for it. Anything that}
is going to bring crime under
control is going to cost mony. |
It's a community problem and
every member of the communi-!
ty must give his support—both |
services and financial.”

He also urged the club mem-
bers as employers to consider |
whether their employment prac-
tices should ‘arbitrarily’ elim-|
inate all with past criminal re
ords and urged them to ‘‘be-
come individual crime prevent-:


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