Box 21, Folder 35, Document 35

Dublin Core


Box 21, Folder 35, Document 35

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To Wieuc

An anonymous donor has giv-|
en the Wieuca Road Baptist!
Church of Atlanta $230,000 to
build an activities building and |
has given an additional $40,000 |
to establish scholarships to edu-
ealte young men considering
Christian recreation as a career, |

The Wieuca Church Wednes- }
day night voted to accept the |
gift which came from a wealthy |
Christian layman of Atlanta who |
refuses to be identified.

Stipulating that the building be |
named for Robert Ward, direc-|
tor of Christian Recreation at
the Second-Ponce de Leon Bap-
tist Church, the donor said his
two sons have been engaged in
the recreational program at the
Second-Ponce de Leon Church
which already has an activities

HE SAID it was his apprecia-
tion for Mr. Ward which led him
to make the gift to the Wieuca
Road Church.

Rev. William L. Self, pastor
oi the Wieuca Road Church, said
the donor said he hoped to per-
petuate this kind of ministry.
He had suggested that as soon |
as it is financially able, the’
Wieuca Road Church should
build a similar recreation cen-
ter for some other church in the
Atlanta area.

Mr. Ward, 33-year-old native
|Atlantan who came to the Sec-
ond-Ponce de Leon Church from
Capitol View Baptist Church in

"oa ©

a Church

1961, has a full schedule of rec-
reational activities at the church
which attracts hundreds of peo-
ple each week,

A graduate of Sylvan High

{School, Mr. Ward attended

Southern Tech and the Univer-
sity of Georgia and was gradu-
ated from Georgia State

The Rev. Mr. Self said Thurs-
day that his people will begin
immediately to draft building
plans for the center. He added
that the erection of the building
will mot in any way deter or
interfere with the church's
plans already under way to
erect a sanctuary, which will
seat almost 2,000 people, and a
new educational building.

The church, started in 1954
as a mission of the Second
Ponce de Leon Church, expects
the entire building program to
cost about $2 million.


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