Box 21, Folder 37, Document 1

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Box 21, Folder 37, Document 1

Text Item Type Metadata


James H, Finch, FAA,
Decl! A, Alexandor, FAA,
Millar 0, Barnes, ALA,
Bemard 8, Rothsonild, F.ALA. FCS,
Caraker 0, Paschal, A.A,

Robart 0. Ahistrand, fl.A,
Sidnay §, Daniall, MA,

(ra Grayboti

Thomas G. Joyee, A.A.

WW King McCain, W.5.P.E.
J) MeDanough

Willlain L. Pulgram, A.A,
Jobo Stelnichen. WA

Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal

Summary of Meeting Monday, April 17, 1967

Subject: "Nash-Bans" Area

Dan Sweat Director, Governmental Liaison, City of Atlanta
Malcolm D. Jones Housing Resources Committee
Ella Mae Brayboy Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc.

Jarvis Barnes Asst. Supt. for Research and Development,
Atlanta Public Schools .

George L. Aldridge,Jr. Chief, Current Planning of Atlanta

Johnny H. Robinson Community Development, City of Atlanta

William Fowlkes Director, NASH Washington E.0.A. Center

Collier B. Gladin Atlanta Planning

Duane W. Beck Community Council of Atlanta Area, Inc.

C. O. Emmerich E.0.A., Inc.

Ray Moore Public Information Sub-Committee, Housing
Resources Committee

Jack Schmitt Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc,

The following points were discussed.

I. It was decided that the area should not be referred to as
"Vine City" but because a much larger area is involved it will be
called "Nash-Bans". All drawings of the area bearing the title "Vine
City" will be changed.

II. The need for involving and informing the people in the area
prior to the announcement of an urban renewal project was discussed.
Mr. Emmerich offered the full cooperation of E.0.A.'s personnel and
facilities to the project. He invited Mr. Gladin to meet with his

III. Two points of view were discussed on the matter of people in-
volvement in the area.

A. Discuss the situation at the grass roots before presenting
any but the most general approach to the area.

B. Discuss the situation with the leadership using the pre-
liminary plan proposed by the Planning Department.

In view of the need for action the consensus of opinion appeared
to be this:

Architects Engineers Interior Designers
44 Broad Street N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Phone 688-3313
Terry-Hutchens Bldg., Huntsville, Ala. 35801 Phone 539-9648
Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal

Page 2 - Summary of Meeting Monday, April 17, 1967

1. Continue the small meetings now in progress now conducted
by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Fowlkes.

2. Compile physical and social information.

3. Call a meeting of all commumity leadership - target date
May 1 - to present preliminary plans and through Che use of
"buzz" sessions get reactions.

4. On May 26 present to Mr. Cook's Committee the findings
from the continuing “grass roots" meetings and the leadership

Every use will be made of the E.0.A. organization. At the

same time other groups representing the substantial home owners
in the area will be involved. Mrs. Brayboy suggested Rev.
Marcus Williams of the Antioch Church and Rev. Brodnax of the
Pilgram Church as sources.

It should be emphasized that the application for an urban
renewal project does not require a plan and that the planning
will be done over the next six months with advice from the
people of the area.

IV. Mr, Gladin also suggested that it will behecessary to assure
the Aldermen that relocation of families to be displaced should be
considered. It was suggested that a means of temporary housing and re-
location in the neighborhood should be worked out. Cecil Alexander
will discuss this with the Housing Authority.

V. It was emphasized that while awaiting physical change every effort
should be made to accelerate social-services in the slum areas. It will
take approximately a year to process the application for urban renewal.

VI. The new school was discussed with emphasis on its total approach
to problems of the area.

The total thrust of the discussion was to move toward submission of the
"Nash-Bans" area for urban renewal and to involve the people of the area
in the process,

Bate. hiexsnder

ec: Mayor Ivan Allen ~~
Mr. Rodney M. Cook


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