Box 21, Folder 43, Document 38

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Box 21, Folder 43, Document 38

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B24 HURT BUILDING *® ATLANTA, GA. 30303 * 523-6074

Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman

Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Council
2455 Abner Place, Ne We

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Dobbs:

Thank you for your telegram of May 30, 1967, regarding the Rockdale
Redevelopment Proposals. We appreciate your interest in the conveyance
of this land and the effects its redevelopment will have on your adjacent
neighborhood. You stated that your group opposes the awarding of the
contract to the Rosen Company since you did not have the opportunity to
review this particular proposal.

Starting in mid-November, 1966, the Atlanta Housing Authority conducted
an extensive advertising campaign to interest redevelopers in the Rockdale
Project. In addition, the Atlanta newspapers devoted considerable space
to acknowledging and reporting this development.

On March 15, 1967, the Atlanta Housing Authority accepted proposals from
four interested redevelopers. The proposals accepted were available to
interested individuals and groups and were on display in Room 82) of the
Hurt Building, where the Atlante Housing Authority Central Office is
Located. Woe share the disappointment in your not taking the opportunity
to review the plans when they were available.

Significant to your protest is the fact that each of the redevelopera and
the Housing Authority officials had your interests in mind when considering

and developing these proposals, The prime considerations in determining
the best proposal were the amenities provided for future residents of Rock-

dale and their immediate neighbors. Consequently, even though your group
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been served, since they are one and the same.

Should we be of further service to your group, please contact us.
Very truly youre,

Lester H. Perselis
Director of Redevelopment

eo: \ Miyor Ivan Allen, Jr.

Mr. Rodney Cook
Mr. John %. Bémunds ho O © P W

Mr. Edward H. Baxter


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