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| YORK TIM@S - Decenber 1,
Tells Senators Such Savings |,
Would Be ‘Criminal’
Special to The New Tors Times bt
—Roy Wilkins asserted before!
a Senate subcommittee today
that it would be “criminal” for) \
either Congress or the Admin:
istration to cut back budget
expenditures on social and ur
ban programs. ; I
The executive director of the
National Association” for the ¢ 4
Advancement of Colored People|
made this point a day ality) eset
President Johnson announced,) _. . F a
at a news conference in Texas,) Harry Golden, left, the write
that he was canceling or de-| director of the National Association for the Advance- |
need $5.5-billion | worth off ment of Colored People, tes
r Of) = cur=! . é .
eral programs in the curs) of » Senate subcommittee on
rent fiscal yoar.
se hiternational Teleshotos
r, nnd Roy Wilkins, executive
tifying yesterday at hearing |
problems of American cities. |
The President insisted that," ~
none of the cuts would “short-'stantial cure for
change the young, or the needy,’ cmployment.”
Negro un-
the iil or the old.” Sources here) "Unfortunately," he went on,,
confirmed today that the cuts;the administration of Federal
would not require elimination, Manpower development and em-
of key Great Society programs ployment programs “has often
but would delay the awardjbeen marked by outright racial
of some grants and require some discrimination and by precon-
belt-tightening as weil. _lecived, stereotyped ideas of
Mr. Wilkins said after the;what jobs Negroes can and
hearing that although he was should hold. When colored ap-
disturbed by the possible con-|plicants have been accepted
sequences of some of the cuts— they have often found them-!
he did ndét specify them—heiselves being trained’ for blue-
had intended his remarks large-|collar, service employment, fre-
Iv as a “warning to -the new quently in dying industries.”
Congress," which, he feared, The three other witnesses
might interpret Mr. Johnson's;Were Harry Golden, author and
action as a “mandate” to begin publisher of The Carolina Is-
‘making further slashes. ivaelite; Dr. Rohert Coles. Har-
The Negro leader was one of | Vard rescarch psychiatrist, and
four witnesses who appeared he-|Judge George Edwards of the
fore hearing of the Senate| United States Court of Appeals
Government Operations sub- for the Sixth Circuit.
committee on urban problems* Mr. Golden proposed that the
In other points, he:
€Described the “black power”
movement of some young Negro
activists as “too dangerous, too
amateurish, too teen-agerish,
too much like a student prank,’
adding: “It isn’t as bad as iig riod in the history of-the world.”
sounds, but it's mischievous.” The Negro's struggle for jus-
- €Charged that Federal job-| tice, he said, “has not been to
training programs had in somejalter a single institution, He did
cases helped perpetuate racialynot want to burn the bastille,
discrimination. jor ect rid of the tax on tea, nor
“Existing Government pro-did he demand a new pariia-
grams," Mr. Wilkins said in aiment, or a new Constitution.”
,_»Statement, “have fallen far]| “What he has been telling us
“short of providing any sub-jis that the American institu-
billion “indemmnity"—in the
form of welfare, .housing, and
education programs—to pay for
his confinement “during the
greatest wealth-producing pe-
Negro be given a 10-year, $100-)
‘tions are so desirable that he
iwants in on them," he said.
Judge Edwards struck a re-|
\Sponsive chord in the subcom-|
|mittee when he called for more
yand better-trained policemen in!
‘urban areas and suggested es-
|tablishment of a national police|
jacademy similar to the service)
institutions at West Point and!
The subcommittee chairman,
j Senator Abraham <A, Ribicoff,
Democrat of Connecticut, called
for vastly improved police pro-
‘tection last August following!,
jthe panel's first round of hear-|.
lings on city problems, |
| Dr. Coles, a child psychia-|,
itrist, reviewed his experience],
with poor children and_ theirj.
parents in Southern towns and),
Northern ghettos and said that}-
(in many ‘cases he had found),
“strength” and “vitality” de-),
‘spite huge obstacles. {
He said, moreover, that he|
had become less “convinced”
that racial prejudice “is the de-
cisive issue confronting our|
cities.” i
Whites and Negroes, he said,|i
share the same basic fears of|t
unemployment, high prices, ill-!1
ness, and the like. 2
“There is nothing in thel:
minds of any group of Amori-|:
cans,” he concluded, “that nec-]:
cessarily compels our present}
‘problems to continue.” :
Tells Senators Such Savings |,
Would Be ‘Criminal’
Special to The New Tors Times bt
—Roy Wilkins asserted before!
a Senate subcommittee today
that it would be “criminal” for) \
either Congress or the Admin:
istration to cut back budget
expenditures on social and ur
ban programs. ; I
The executive director of the
National Association” for the ¢ 4
Advancement of Colored People|
made this point a day ality) eset
President Johnson announced,) _. . F a
at a news conference in Texas,) Harry Golden, left, the write
that he was canceling or de-| director of the National Association for the Advance- |
need $5.5-billion | worth off ment of Colored People, tes
r Of) = cur=! . é .
eral programs in the curs) of » Senate subcommittee on
rent fiscal yoar.
se hiternational Teleshotos
r, nnd Roy Wilkins, executive
tifying yesterday at hearing |
problems of American cities. |
The President insisted that," ~
none of the cuts would “short-'stantial cure for
change the young, or the needy,’ cmployment.”
Negro un-
the iil or the old.” Sources here) "Unfortunately," he went on,,
confirmed today that the cuts;the administration of Federal
would not require elimination, Manpower development and em-
of key Great Society programs ployment programs “has often
but would delay the awardjbeen marked by outright racial
of some grants and require some discrimination and by precon-
belt-tightening as weil. _lecived, stereotyped ideas of
Mr. Wilkins said after the;what jobs Negroes can and
hearing that although he was should hold. When colored ap-
disturbed by the possible con-|plicants have been accepted
sequences of some of the cuts— they have often found them-!
he did ndét specify them—heiselves being trained’ for blue-
had intended his remarks large-|collar, service employment, fre-
Iv as a “warning to -the new quently in dying industries.”
Congress," which, he feared, The three other witnesses
might interpret Mr. Johnson's;Were Harry Golden, author and
action as a “mandate” to begin publisher of The Carolina Is-
‘making further slashes. ivaelite; Dr. Rohert Coles. Har-
The Negro leader was one of | Vard rescarch psychiatrist, and
four witnesses who appeared he-|Judge George Edwards of the
fore hearing of the Senate| United States Court of Appeals
Government Operations sub- for the Sixth Circuit.
committee on urban problems* Mr. Golden proposed that the
In other points, he:
€Described the “black power”
movement of some young Negro
activists as “too dangerous, too
amateurish, too teen-agerish,
too much like a student prank,’
adding: “It isn’t as bad as iig riod in the history of-the world.”
sounds, but it's mischievous.” The Negro's struggle for jus-
- €Charged that Federal job-| tice, he said, “has not been to
training programs had in somejalter a single institution, He did
cases helped perpetuate racialynot want to burn the bastille,
discrimination. jor ect rid of the tax on tea, nor
“Existing Government pro-did he demand a new pariia-
grams," Mr. Wilkins said in aiment, or a new Constitution.”
,_»Statement, “have fallen far]| “What he has been telling us
“short of providing any sub-jis that the American institu-
billion “indemmnity"—in the
form of welfare, .housing, and
education programs—to pay for
his confinement “during the
greatest wealth-producing pe-
Negro be given a 10-year, $100-)
‘tions are so desirable that he
iwants in on them," he said.
Judge Edwards struck a re-|
\Sponsive chord in the subcom-|
|mittee when he called for more
yand better-trained policemen in!
‘urban areas and suggested es-
|tablishment of a national police|
jacademy similar to the service)
institutions at West Point and!
The subcommittee chairman,
j Senator Abraham <A, Ribicoff,
Democrat of Connecticut, called
for vastly improved police pro-
‘tection last August following!,
jthe panel's first round of hear-|.
lings on city problems, |
| Dr. Coles, a child psychia-|,
itrist, reviewed his experience],
with poor children and_ theirj.
parents in Southern towns and),
Northern ghettos and said that}-
(in many ‘cases he had found),
“strength” and “vitality” de-),
‘spite huge obstacles. {
He said, moreover, that he|
had become less “convinced”
that racial prejudice “is the de-
cisive issue confronting our|
cities.” i
Whites and Negroes, he said,|i
share the same basic fears of|t
unemployment, high prices, ill-!1
ness, and the like. 2
“There is nothing in thel:
minds of any group of Amori-|:
cans,” he concluded, “that nec-]:
cessarily compels our present}
‘problems to continue.” :