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Box 22, Folder 18, Document 13
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T°y RR AN aT
“mm Th ET COLE {RIC YD cae
Ea) Wi7 oan e
o a
HY -Crisi Att
Wy= Ui 1Sis \ELACIK
By Andrew J. Glass
Washington Post Staff Writer
” Sen. Abraham <A. Ribicoff|capacity as chairman of the
(D-Conn.) yesterday disclosed|Executive Reorganization sub-
that he intends to submit a|commitiee of the Senate Gov-
broad legislative package to ernment Operations ‘Com-
the new Congress dealing with!
what he called “the problems |
Lof rebuilding urban America.”
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
IN.Y.) is expected to attend the
‘|Senator said in an interview. The
“We're off on our own,’ ’ the | sessions.
Ribicoff panel held
He thus made it clear that he three weeks of hearings last
plans to champion the cause|summer on “the crisis’ in the
of the cities on Capitol Hilljcities.” They produced several
oe year whether or not he abrasive encounters between
from the!
Johnson Administration.
lems,” Ribicoff went on, “is,
branch to run the whole
While Ribicoff, a former
Cabinet member in the Ken-|
nedy Administration, did not
say so, it was nevertheless un-
derstood that the White House|
has offered him virtually no
support for his urban legisla-
tive drive.
3 Weeks of Hearings
The Ribicoff proposals will
be shaped, in large measure,
through a series of public
hearings encompassing all
phases of urban life that will
begin on Tuesday and con-
tinue for three weeks.
Nearly 50 witnesses will ap-
pear before Ribicoff in the
Senate Caucus room—and on
television. The hearings prom-
ise to serve as the sole legis-
lative activity of any conse-
quence to occur before the
new Congress convenes next
Nearly 50 witnesses will ap-
pear before Ribicoff in his
|Kennedy and witnesses, who
|were drawn mainly from men
“One of the great prob-|holding elective or appointive
the tendency of the Executive} The current hearing list, re-
leased for publication today,
leans heavily toward non-gov-
ernmental witnesses. They
come from such diverse fields
as private finance and psy-
chiatry. ,
Tuesday's witnesses will be
David Rockefeller, president
of New York’s Chase Man-
hattan Bank, and Richard
Seammon, vice president of
the Governmental Affairs In-
stitute and a former director
of the Census Bureau. ;
The hearings will conclude
Dec, 15 with testimony from
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., president of the
Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference. Ribicoff said
this will mark the first time
that Dr. King has ever testi-
fied before a congressional
Virtually the entire roster
of the Nation’s Negro leaders
also will appear before the
panel. They include Roy Wil-
kins, executive director of the
National Association for the
|Advancement of Colored Peo-
ples; A. Philip Randolph, pres-
ident of the Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters, AFL-
CIO; Floyd McKissick, nation-
al director of the Congress of].
Racial Equality, and Whitney
M. Young Jr., executive di-
rector of the Urban League.
Other leading witnesses at
the hearings include Walter
Reuither, president of the
United Auto Workers, AFL-
CIO, and McGeorge Bundy,
president of the Ford Founda-
tion and a former Special As-
sistant to President Johnson,
T°y RR AN aT
“mm Th ET COLE {RIC YD cae
Ea) Wi7 oan e
o a
HY -Crisi Att
Wy= Ui 1Sis \ELACIK
By Andrew J. Glass
Washington Post Staff Writer
” Sen. Abraham <A. Ribicoff|capacity as chairman of the
(D-Conn.) yesterday disclosed|Executive Reorganization sub-
that he intends to submit a|commitiee of the Senate Gov-
broad legislative package to ernment Operations ‘Com-
the new Congress dealing with!
what he called “the problems |
Lof rebuilding urban America.”
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
IN.Y.) is expected to attend the
‘|Senator said in an interview. The
“We're off on our own,’ ’ the | sessions.
Ribicoff panel held
He thus made it clear that he three weeks of hearings last
plans to champion the cause|summer on “the crisis’ in the
of the cities on Capitol Hilljcities.” They produced several
oe year whether or not he abrasive encounters between
from the!
Johnson Administration.
lems,” Ribicoff went on, “is,
branch to run the whole
While Ribicoff, a former
Cabinet member in the Ken-|
nedy Administration, did not
say so, it was nevertheless un-
derstood that the White House|
has offered him virtually no
support for his urban legisla-
tive drive.
3 Weeks of Hearings
The Ribicoff proposals will
be shaped, in large measure,
through a series of public
hearings encompassing all
phases of urban life that will
begin on Tuesday and con-
tinue for three weeks.
Nearly 50 witnesses will ap-
pear before Ribicoff in the
Senate Caucus room—and on
television. The hearings prom-
ise to serve as the sole legis-
lative activity of any conse-
quence to occur before the
new Congress convenes next
Nearly 50 witnesses will ap-
pear before Ribicoff in his
|Kennedy and witnesses, who
|were drawn mainly from men
“One of the great prob-|holding elective or appointive
the tendency of the Executive} The current hearing list, re-
leased for publication today,
leans heavily toward non-gov-
ernmental witnesses. They
come from such diverse fields
as private finance and psy-
chiatry. ,
Tuesday's witnesses will be
David Rockefeller, president
of New York’s Chase Man-
hattan Bank, and Richard
Seammon, vice president of
the Governmental Affairs In-
stitute and a former director
of the Census Bureau. ;
The hearings will conclude
Dec, 15 with testimony from
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., president of the
Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference. Ribicoff said
this will mark the first time
that Dr. King has ever testi-
fied before a congressional
Virtually the entire roster
of the Nation’s Negro leaders
also will appear before the
panel. They include Roy Wil-
kins, executive director of the
National Association for the
|Advancement of Colored Peo-
ples; A. Philip Randolph, pres-
ident of the Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters, AFL-
CIO; Floyd McKissick, nation-
al director of the Congress of].
Racial Equality, and Whitney
M. Young Jr., executive di-
rector of the Urban League.
Other leading witnesses at
the hearings include Walter
Reuither, president of the
United Auto Workers, AFL-
CIO, and McGeorge Bundy,
president of the Ford Founda-
tion and a former Special As-
sistant to President Johnson,