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Raphael B. Levine, Ph.D. Director
Two very important committees were selected at the October
meeting of MACHealth by nomination and vote of the member-
ship. The Nominating Committee will propose a slate of officers
for the first Annual Meeting and election in January. The work of
those officers will, to a great extent, determine the success of
MACHealth in its first full year. Another duty of the Nominating
Committee will be that of selecting organizations who will name
members to MACHealth in subsequent years. This will be done by
collecting and evaluating a list of eligible groups in categories to
be represented. A fair rotation and equal representation will be
achieved in this way.
The Personnel Committee will select and recommend to the
Council a candidate for Director of the Agency. It will also set
personnel policies for the MACHealth staff.
Members newly elected are:
Nominating Committee
Hon. L. Howard Atherton, Mayor of Marietta. He is also Presi-
dent, Georgia Municipal Association, member of the Georgia
House of Representatives, Chairman of Metropolitan Atlanta
Council of Local Governments. He has been a tireless supporter
of MACHealth since its early inception.
Mr. A. B. Padgett, Chairman Pro Tem of MACHealth. A Trust
Officer of the Trust Company of Georgia, Mr. Padgett is on the
Executive Board of the Community Council and was Chairman of
the Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Health Planning
Dr. Robert E. Wells, Chairman of the Board, Fulton County
Medical Society. He is an orthopedic surgeon, and directed the
Joint Health Professionals Committee for Comprehensive Health
Planning, as well as participating on the Executive Committee of
the early Steering Committee.
The Rev. Ervin B. Broughton, member of the Governing Board,
Gwinnett County E.O.A. A retired Baptist minister, Rev.
Broughton still pastors two churches, is a Mason and President of
his Lodge, and works in his community for improved social
conditions. He is a lifelong resident of Lawrenceville.
Personnel Committee
Hon, Walter M. Mitchell, Chairman, Fulton County Board of
Commissioners and Executive Committee member of the Steering
Mr. Drew R. Fuller, Chairman, Health and Health Services Com-
mittee, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. He was also on the
Steering Committee’s Executive Committee and has devoted
much time and effort to the organization and success of
Mr. J. William Pinkston, Jr., Administrator, Grady Hospital. He
has given many hours in service to the concept of Comprehensive
Health Planning and in furthering its support.
Mrs, Loretta Barnes, Secretary Pro Tem of MACHealth. Her
yeoman service to the Council has been evident from the start,
and is unselfishly given in addition to her work for the Inter-
denominational Theological Seminary and as a busy mother.
Mr, Paul Cadenhead, lawyer in private practice, president-elect,
Atlanta Bar Association, past president of both Athinta Mental
Health Association and Georgia Association for Mental Health.
Alloys F, Branton, M.B.A. Associate Director
Council of the
- wat Adtlanta
Weed || A rea inc.
Eugene T. Branch, Chairman of the Board
Duane W. Beck, Executive Director
1000 Glenn Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Telephone (404) 577-2250
Cynthia R, Montague, Editor
Vivacious Mrs. Elizabeth C. Mooney is a member of MACHealth.
She was appointed to the MACHealth Board by Economic Oppor-
tunity Atlanta to represent the poor and
near-poor. She resides in the Antoine
Graves Homes, is secretary of the local
Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Council
(CNAC), and a member of the Atlanta
EOA Health Committee.
=| Despite the absence of her larynx, she
manages to speak quite audibly and
= eloquently whether she is conversing with
* Senator Russell in Washington about the
4 welfare freeze or passing the time of day
* with someone on the street in Atlanta.
Fe -- J Mrs. Mooney, a retired nurse, has stood
the test of survival for 64 years and is still going strong. She has
battled a heart condition, cancer, diabetes and low blood pres-
sure; she triumphs almost weekly over debilitative conditions of a
more ephemeral nature such as eye trouble and toe infections.
Mrs. Mooney’s hobby is working with people. She is always
there, giving of herself; sometimes in the form of a flower
arrangement which she has designed with her own hands, at other
times, simply uttering comforting words from the heart.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Mooney—humanitarian, friend of Grady
Memorial Hospital, valuable member of MACHealth.
We acknowledge with thanks the recent contribution of the
Clayton County Commission of $2280 toward the current year’s
operations of the Comprehensive Health Planning Project. We are
also pleased to report that the Gwinnett County Commission has
appropriated $1748 for the same purpose. These amounts, added
to previous receipts from Fulton, DeKalb, and Douglas counties,
plus gifts from private sources, have made possible the work of
the project to date. Such local funds have served to “match”
equal dollar amounts from the U.S. Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare.
Frank Adams Smith
In 1958, the General Assembly made a major revision in the law
relating to hospitalizing the mentally ill, according to recom-
mendations of the Joint Senate-House Mental Health Committee,
chaired by Peyton Hawes.
Other minor revisions were made in 1960 and 1964. In 1969,
another major revision, House Bill |, was enacted.
In the 1969 Act, the procedure for Voluntary Admission and the
judicial procedures for Involuntary Admission are substantially
the same as in the current law.
While the protection of “rights of the patient” was a predominant
characteristic of the 1958 Act and of succeeding Acts, the 1969
Law extends and broadens this protection.
The 1969 Act provides for emergency care up to 24 hours, and
for evaluation and intensive treatment up to 5 days: and limits
further hospitalization to an initial six months. Additional
hospitalization can be warranted only by thorough eSamination
of the patient indicating such need and by the authorization of
the Court of Ordinary. The patient, his attorney, guardian or
representatives, if they desire, can request a hearing.
Emergency care, evaluation and treatment for a period of 5 days,
and limitation of hospitalization, have not been provided in any
prior law. Emergency care and evaluation plus short-term in-
tensive treatment should prevent at least 50% of the patients now
going to Central State Hospital from having to go there.
The limitation to six months of the initial order for hospital-
ization forevermore bans the “putting away for life” of any
mentally ill person.
The philosophy of the 1969 law, simply stated, is that the men-
tally ill are in fact “ill” and should be treated as sick people and
should have immediate and intensive care and treatment. This
philosophy is identical with the philosophy of comprehensive
mental health services enunciated by Congress in 1963.
The metropolitan Atlanta area is fortunate in having a Regional
Hospital which will be both an Emergency Facility and an Evalua-
tion Facility. Also Grady Memorial Hospital is now performing
the functions of an Emergency and Evaluation Facility.
The governing authority of each county can choose between the
“medical procedure,” which is outlined in the new law, and the
‘Sudicial procedure” which is essentially the same as in the cur-
rent law. No formal action is necessary for a county to operate
under the “medical procedure” of H.B. 1, but formal resolution
by the governing authority is necessary to function under the
“judicial procedure.” Such action can be taken only once a year.
In every step of the “medical procedure,” the patient and repre-
sentatives are notified of his right to an attorney, which the
county must provide, if the patient is unable to pay for such
services. The patient, his representatives and attorney are notified
of patient’s right to judicial intervention at any time they think
his rights are abrogated.
The sections of the law relating to “rights of patient’? became
effective June 1, 1969. The remainder of the law becomes
effective January 1, 1970.
How can we get more participation in solving environmental
health problems? By encouraging community leaders to come to
the Health Department and other agencies to learn all they can
about the environmental health needs and then to approach the
governmental officials in quest of meeting these needs.
Clifford Alexander,
Environmental Health Planner
Raphael B. Levine, Ph.D.
At the October meeting of MACHealth, the Council voted, after a
spirited discussion, to approve the changes in language dealing
with the responsibilities and influence of the new agency. A large
majority of the members agreed with the committee appointed to
negotiate the wording, that the new language fairly states the role
of MACHealth in the health affairs of the six-county area. Several
of the members felt, however, that MACHealth should play an
even more influential role than indicated. | believe that all of the
MACHealth staff and Council members want this new agency to
be just as effective as possible, since the needs for comprehensive
planning were never greater than at present. In fact, MACHealth
has already been able to influence rather strongly some very
important issues in the hospital and nursing home field, and the
Council’s power of review of all locally-originated action projects
in the health field will continue to work toward a truly compre-
hensive, truly areawide kind of health planning.
With the new wording approved, the staff was able to enter the
final stage of revising our proposal for funding by the Federal
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. When completed,
the proposal will be published in a single binding, although the
division into three volumes (project summary, budget and staff,
and task force reports) will continue. We expect to print about a
thousand of these volumes, ahd Will be surprised if the demand
for copies is any less than this number.
MACHealth is continuing to receive recognition from additional
important agencies: governments, medical professional associa-
tions, hospitals, voluntary organizations, and the like. Since June,
some 13 such agencies have added their recognition to the 45
who had done so by that date. The list now covers nearly all of
the important health action agencies, as well as many of those
concerned with matters closely related to health.
Four people active in MACHealth affairs have recently been seen
on the area television media: Mr. A. B. Padgett and Dr. Raphael
B. Levine were seen on separate programs on Channel 11 in the
series produced by the Urban Life Center of the Georgia State
University. Mr. Duane W. Beck was a recent guest on the Ruth
Kent “Today in Georgia” show, speaking about the Community
Council of the Atlanta Area. Mr. Louis Newmark was interviewed
by Linda Faye on Channel 11 in connection with a session of the
State Conference on Aging of which he was chairman entitled
“Involvement of Older People in the Community.” The ap-
pearances of Dr. Levine on Pat Wilson’s ‘Tempo Atlanta’ show
(Channel 36) began, and are scheduled to continue with a
monthly appearance at 11:30 A.M. on the fourth Thursday of
each month hereafter.
The Environmental Health Tour as presented in the August,
1969, Newsletter will be held on Thursday, November 13, 1969.
Notices with further details will be sent to all MACHealth
members before that time.
The MACHealth meeting day has been changed by action of the
Council to the second Thursday of each month. This was done in
order to avoid a conflict with the Executive Committee of the
Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc., which meets the
first and third Thursday of each month,
Comprehensive Areawide Health
Planning’s Organization Liaison, Miss
Katharine B. Crawford, has left the
organization to become the bride of Dr.
Marvin D. Smith. The bride and groom
will reside in Gadsden, Alabama where he
has established a practice in
Miss Crawford has made a tremendous
contribution to the efforts of
Comprehensive Health Planning and her
presence will be missed by her friends and
co-workers. The best life has to offer is
wished for her and Dr. Smith.
BACKGROUND—William F. Thompson—Consultant
A hardworking member for MACHealth is William F. Thompson,
Administrative Officer of the Cobb County Health Department.
He finished secondary school at Young
Harris Academy, going on to Piedmont
College for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in
mathematics and education, He was
awarded a National Science Foundation
Scholarship to Washington University and
received his Master's Degree in Public
Health Administration from the Univer-
—. sity of North Carolina. He has been a
tuberculosis investigator; Director,
Medical Self Help Program; and an
J instructor in the Medical College of
Georgia, Graduate Nursing Division.
upported "part by Areawide Comprenensive Haalth Planning Grant No 41008-0169 under aection 41a(b) of Public Law au. rae