Box 3, Folder 16, Document 11

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Box 3, Folder 16, Document 11

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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.

0 A 101 Marietta Street Bldg. e Atlanta, Georgia 30303 e
William W. Allison

Executive Administrator
September 30, 1969

Mr. John Watson
Planner III

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Watson:

As a result of your conference of September 26, 1969, with Mr.
Clint Rodgers concerning the proposed Integrated Municipal Information
System, I would like to express the interest of this agency in parti-

ipating in your program. Specifically, I understand that a manpower —
component has been added to the Human Resources Development Subsystem
and since Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Incorporated, is vitally
involved in most manpower efforts designed to serve the disadvantaged
of the city, I agree that our imput could be a beneficial and necessary
part of the total Information System.

Therefore, I would like to indicate our desire and intent to
cooperate with the city in this endeavor and am designating Mr. George
Williams, Division Director of the Employment Program Operations, as
our contact for further imput and coordination on this question.

ely yours,

William W. Allison
Executive Administrator


cC: Mr. Clint Rodgers
Mr. George Williams
Mrs. Burnella Jackson
Mr, Dan Sweat


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