Box 3, Folder 16, Document 12

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Box 3, Folder 16, Document 12

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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.

O A 101 Marietta Street Bldg, o Atlanta, Georgia 30303 o
William W. Allison

Executive Administrator

September 18, 1969

Mr. Dan Sweat

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mxr.—Sweat:

The EOA Board of Directors at its monthly meeting on
September 17, 1969, appointed Mr. George C. Williams as
Division Director for the Division of Employment Program
Operations for Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Incorporated.
This position replaces the previous Associate Administrator
for Manpower and includes responsibility for all EOA man-
power efforts including direct supervision of the ACEP, NYC
Out-of-School and Job Corps GATEHOUSE Program and Liaison
with GSES, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Education
and other manpower related agencies and programs.

Mr. Williams will officially assume his new duties on
October 1, 1969. In the interim Mr. Williams will be attending
many manpower meetings for the purpose of establishing
continuity. I am sure that you will give Mr. Williams the
same cooperation and assistance that you provided me when I
was serving in a manpower capacity.

Clint Rodgers
Deputy Administrator



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