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May 26, 1969
Mr. Randall N . Conway
Staff Division
Memphis Manpower Cotnmis s i on
P oot 0f.fice Box 224
Memphi f Tenne se 38101
De r Mr . Conway:
In r ply to your 1 tte:r of May 21, r . g rding manpower policy
de,v.elopment, the City 0£ A tlant as of this d t h s no official
m. npower policy.. Ther has b en ome dl cus ion • to the
City' role in ov imanpower dev lopm nt and administr tion
but th City has b n .reluctant to get dir ctly involved.
1 am forw rding a copy of you, letter to Mr. Clint R odger •
As socl te Admlnhtra.tor for Ma npower ol E c onomic Opportunity
Atlant ,, who t
C ity calls on to repre ent 1t in rn ny re s
of manpower dev lopm nt. Mr. Rodg r might be able to
furnish. you with ddtti
inform tion which might be of h lp
to yon.
S lnc r ly your .,
D n Swe
c e t M r. Clint Rodg
P. 0 . BOX 224
3 8 101
May 21
Citv Manr1ger
Atlanta, Georgia 30304
Dear Sir:
The Mempnis Manpower Commission is trying to learn
what other cities have done concerning the development of an overall manpower policy.
Would you please inform us of what you have done or
what your plans may be in this area.
We will be happy to share with you the responses received from this inquiry if you so desire.
We look forward to hearing from you.
RNC :rgm
May 26, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From: Dan Sweat
Subject: Attached letter from New York Urban Coalition
on Summer NYC J obs
I had a call from Washington a few days ago asking how many
NYC slots we would like for this summer. We had anticipated
250. I suggested that we would be able to effectively use 675
which was the final total we reached last summer. Since
that time, we have r ece ived word that 675 slots have been approved.
The U. S. Department of Labor has been fair with us in my
opm10n in giving us these slots. I don't really feel like we should
have to h e lp fight N ew Y o r k 's battl e. The problem i s that N ew
York is in a clas s all by itself and the numb e r of jobs they need
staggers the imagination. You will notice the y are talking abo ut
upwards to 100,000 jobs. They have 55,000 approved .
Unless you jus t want to s upport a general demand for more slots,
as we have done in the past, I woul d recommend no action.
�---------------· - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -
NEW YORK URBAN COALITION INC., 60 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017 212-697-9202
LINCOLN 0 . LYNCH / Executive Vice President
May 20, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
The Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Ha 11
Atlanta , Georgia
Dear Mr. Mayor:
Recent events on the campuses, in the high schools, and in the ghetto
communities across the nation lead us to conclude the Summer 1969 may
be fraught with danger for the major cities of our nation.
The recent Federal and state cutbacks in funds available to the cities,
the severe budgetary problems now faced by the cities themselves, together with the inability of the private sector to employ out-of-school
young people during the summer make it imperative that the Federal government be persuaded to commit additional funds to the Neighborhood
Youth Corps in order to provide many of these youngsters with a meani ngful summer job rather than allow them to roam the streets with all the
dangers inherent in their idleness.
As you know , t he United States Department of Labor has made a decision to
fund the Neighborhood Youth Corps in Summer 1969 at the same level as in
1968 . This , in effect , means that t:rewer youngsters will be employed i n
1969 as were in 1968 , if one t akes into cons i deration the fa ct that t here
will be more young people out of school in 1969 than there were in 1968.
For exampl e, here i n New York, it i s estimat ed that there are 150 ,000
hi gh school and coll ege studen ts whose family income f all within t he poverty gui deli nes . We al so es ti ma t e th at t here are an additio nal 100 ,000
students whose families are living on the borderline of poverty and will
be seeking jobs this coming summe r . In Summer 1968 it is estimated t hat
New Yor k was abl e t o provide jobs f or some 77 ,000 young peopl e. At t he
1969 f undi ng l evel , which has al ready been announced by Secretary of Labor
Schultz , New York Ci ty wi ll be ab l e to provide some 55 ,000 summer jobs ,
22,000 fewer than i n 1968 .
The Manpower Task Force and the Board of Directors of the New York Urban
Coali t ion have pl aced top pri ority on efforts to pers uade the Admi nistration to request sufficien t supplementa l appropriations from Congress , and
Congress to grant such supp l emental requests for t he Neighborhood Youth
Corps to enabl e the cities to provide employment for a significant number
of young people out of school.
Christian A. Herter, Jr., Vice President, Mobil Oil Corporation; Chairman • Evelina Antonetty, Executive Di rector, United Bronx Parents • Humberto Aponte, Member, Counci l Against
Poverty • Morris D. Crawford, Chairman, Bowery Savings Bank • Leon J. Davis, President, Local 1199, Drug and Hospital Employees Union • Wil liam Donaldson, Pres ident, Donaldson ,
Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. • Edwin Greenidge , Chairman, South Bronx Commun ity Corporation • Matthew Guinan, President, Transport Workers Un ion of America • Wil l iam Haddad, President, United States R and D Corp. • Andrew Heiskell , Chairman, T ime i nc. • Roger Hu ll , Chairman, Mutual Life insurance Company of New York • Charles F. Luce, Chairman,
Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc. • David B. McCal l, President, LaRoche , McCaffrey & McCall • Herbie Miller, Urban League Street Academy • Roswell B. Perkins,
Partn er, Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates • Alan Pife r, President, Carnegie Corporati on of New York • Jacob S. Potolsky, President, Am algamated Clothing Workers of America •
T . George Sil cott, Asst . Professor, New York University School of Social Work • David Spencer~ Executive Secretary, i.S. 201 Planning Board Complex • Louis Stuiberg, President,
Intern ational Ladies Garm ent Workers Union • Frankl in A. Thomas, Executive Director, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp. • Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. , President, Ce ntral Labor Council
• Isidro Velez, Director, East Harlem Tenants Council • Saul Wal len , President, New York Urban Coalition • Thomas A. Wilcox, Vice Chai rman, First National City Bank
�NEW YORK URBAN COALITION INC. , 60 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 212-6 97-9202
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
May 20, 1969
Obviously, it is unlikely that individual cities will receive increased
grants for this purpose unless the national total is itself increased.
This would suggest that a national campaign be undertaken to secure a
very significant increase in the amount of Federal funds made available
to provide summer jobs for youths.
As the Mayor of a very important city, and as one who recognizes the
problems of the cities and the dangers of thousands of idle young people
roaming the streets, you are urged to join with us in asking the Administration and Congress to increase these funds quite substantially.
While we believe that the provision of jobs for young people during the
summer will not in and of itself insure a peaceful summer , we strongly
believe that risk will be significantly minimized. I am sure you will
agree with us that it is far more desirable to use our resources to insure that young people are gainfully employed than to spend hundreds of
millions of dollars to repair damages caused by idleness and frustration .
For your information we are enclosing a list of Senators and Congressmen
on the Appropriations Committee and urge that you take such steps as you
see fit in helping to resolve what could be a grave national crisis.
I am ,
CC : Hon . John V. Lindsay
And rew Hei ske 11
Saul Wallen
Gary Lefkowitz
�May 20,
Richard B. Russell (Chairman)
Alan J. Ellender
John L. McClell an
Warren G. Magnuson
Spessard L. Holland
John C. Stennis
John 0. Pastore
Alan Bible
Robert C. Byrd
Gale H. McGee
Mike Mansfi eld
Willi am Proxm ire
Ralph Yarborough
Joseph~- Montoya
Arkan sas
~lash i ngton
Rhode Island
l·lest Virginia
Mon tana
Wiscons in
Ne1·1 Mex ico
Milton R. Young
Karl E. Mundt
Marg are t Ch ase Smi t h
Roman L. Hru ska
Gordon A11 ott .
~ .Norris Co tto n
Cliffo rd P. Case
Hiran L. Fong
J. Cal eb Bogg s
James B. Pears on
North Dakota
South Dakota
Color ado
Ne1v Hamps ~i re
Ne1,-1 Jer sey
De 1a\·/are
Kans as
Members of Subconmi ttee on Depa r tment s of Labor, and Hea l t h, Edu cat i on and
Wel f a0e and Rel at ed Agenci es .
Subcomm i ttee Ch ai rman .
G~orge H~ Mahon (Chai rman )
Mi chael J . Ki rwan
J ami e L. \/h i tten
George W. And rews
John J . Rooney
Robert L.F. Si kes
Otto E. Passman J oe L. Evins
Mi ss i ssi ppi
Al ab ama
New Yor k
Fl ori da
Loui s i ana
196 9
Edward P. Boland
Pennsylv an ia
~Jest Virgi1iia
~/ashi ngton
New Jersey
New York
New Jersey
1-Jilliam H. Natcr1er
Daniel P. Flood
Tom Steed
Georg e E. Shipley
John M. Slack, Jr.
John J. Flynt
Neal Smith
Robert N. Giaimo
Julia Butler Hansen
Charles S. Joelson
Joseph P. Addabbo
John J. McFall ·
W. R. Hull, Jr.
Jeffery Coh elan
Edward J. Patten
Clarence D. Long
John 0. Marsh
Sidney R. Yates
Bob Casey
. David Pryor
Frank E. Evans
Frank T. Dov,
Charles Raper Jonus
Elford A. Ce derberg
Glen ard P. Lipscomb
John J. Rhodes
William Min sha ll
Rob er t H. Miche l
Sylvio 0. Conte
Odin Lang en
Ben Reifel
Glenn R. Gavis
Howard 1-J. Robison
Garn er E. Shriber
Joseph M. McDade
Mark Andrevis
Louis C. ~Jyman
Burt L. Talcott
Ch arlot te T. Reid
Don W. Riegle, Jr.
Wendell vJyatt
Jac k Edv1ards
North Caro lina
Michig an
Califo rnia
Ari zona
Mass ac husetts
Minn esota
South Dak oth
New York
Penn sylvan i a
North Dakota
New Ham pshire
Califo rnia
Michig an
Alab ama
Subcomm it tee on Labor , Hea l th, Educat ion and W~lfare.
Subcommittee Ch ai rman,
�May 23 , 1969
T o : Mr . Charl es Davis
Frolll: Dan Sweat
Subject: ABC Program
I w nt to th nk you again fo~ your help in l'esolving th ABC program
probl m .
ree with your comments in youi- memoirandum of May Zl , 1969,
that the Finance Dep rtmcnt ahould have been notified at a much rller
d te bout the plans to ph
out the ABC program.
A you know,. thi program le adlllini tered by the Personnel
rtment and th S ani tion Di1ision. Thi offlc · w s only brou.ght
into the it tion at th 1 t minute bee Wi of the f Uur of the
Peli' onnel Department to N olve the problems in thie c a •
F ortunately; th · Fin ce D pa.rbnent w
on thi progF m on short notice.
ln th future aft r we
bl to com to th rescu
v the A dmWstr tiv Sta.ff org niz d and
unction.mg, I am ur that we c n pl' v nt in.any of. these 1 st minu.t
J'U8h probl rn from occ;Ufl'1!'1ng . With your coo r tion · nd xpe,...tit
l m e rtaln that
can · _ bll h ome roanag
nt pl'ocedur
conttols which wtll b of h lp to all departments ln the City O ov . tn•
May 21, 1969
Dan Sweat
Charles L. Davis, Director of Finance
Notification to Department of Finance
There was a considerable delay in notifying the Department of
Finance of the plans to phase out the ABC Program by August 31,
1969. This matter only came to our attention when our assistance
was needed to work out a temporary solution to the placement of
these empl oyees.
Due to the financial effect of the phase out of any such programs,
it would seem that the Finance Department should be among the
first to receive notification and should at least receive notification
in sufficient time to be able to assess the situation and insure
the proper fiscal control.
I would appreciate your assistance in insuring that our department
is properly notified of such matters in the future.
CLD :JRF: jcl
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta St. N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
( 404) 525-4262
William W. Allison , Executive Administrator
Boisfeuillet Jones, Chairman, Board of Directors
December 8, 1969
Yes, we know this is the
first newsletter since
October, but we've been
rather busy!
Just in case we don't see
you again for a while,
NEW YEAR. For good measure
maybe we'd better add HAPPY
-Public Information
Former aide, Mrs. Elizabeth
Holland (right), is shown
with classmates Mrs. Rosa
Huff and Mrs. Betty Ray and
Herbert Goree, acting center director,
(Perry Homes).
Jim Single
Country music fans, get ready. The South Fulton CNAC
is sponsoring a big Country Music Festival Benefit in
the East Point City Auditorium, 3 to 6 p. m. on Sunday,
December 14.
Stars giving their time to help raise money for a
community fund in a densely populated poverty area are:
Jim Single, Jimmy Lewallen, Clayton Head, Phil Peace and
the Peacemakers,
Meyers and the Cherokees
Pap Test Pro1ec t
with Carolyn Carl and Dude
King, and Tommy Farrell.
Set For Perry Homes
A number of local and
state officials
will be
An all-out campaign to
pres.e nt at the benefit, indetect uterine cancer will
cluding East Point Mayor
be waged in Perry Homes on
Robert E. Brown. EOA ch i ef
December 10, 11, and 13.
Bill Allison will be on
EOA is cooperating with
hand to present a certifithe Westside Branch of the
cate of appreciation
American Cancer Society and
Tormny Farrell for his work
a host of other agencies
in staging the festival.
and volunteers
some 1200 low-income women
with the Pap-smear test,
breast self-examination and
All tickets are $1.50
general cancer preventive
and may be bought at the
door. (For information on
Volunteers to assist in
advance ticket sales, call
the project are still need767 - 7541.)
ed. Call 522 - 6475.
Today's world is a r a pidly moving place.
And the skills needed to
run it change just as f as t.
For this reason, a great
number of
companies and
moving to re-evaluate outdated hiring policies.
Mrs . Elizabeth Holland,
now an employee of Atlanta
Mortgage and Brokerage Company, has her job
becaus e
of such a re-evaluation .
Until a few weeks ago,
Mrs. Holland was employed
(Continued on page 2.)
WILLIAM CALLOWAY, vice chairman, EOA Board of Directors,
congratulates corrnnunity leaders MRS . ETHEL COX and MRS.
LENA HUNT as he names Central City as Center of the Month.
continued from page 1
as a neighborhood service
aide at the Northwest EOA
center. While with
she trained in a new program offered to all aides
with at least one year of
service. The eventual goal
of the program is to place
aides in better paying jobs.
Like other aides, Mrs. Holland received full salary
but was allowed to take
half her clerical training
After two months
training at Atlanta Area
Tech, opportunity knocked
for Mrs. Holland.
Brokerage Company was looking for a cashier. They
didn't particularly need a
person with a high school
diploma and three years of
though Mrs. Holland has ha:diploma. They simply wanted an intelligent person
who could work with numbers.
Through an interview
arranged by Mrs. Ann Jackson and Mrs. Cynthia Montague, co - ordinators of the
Aide Training Program, Mrs.
Holland got the job.
Summing up the training
program Mrs , Jackson state~
Marketable skills is the
real goal . If we can teach
that, then we will have
made a dent . "
STAR PUPILS - Aides Mrs, Elizabeth Barker, NASH-Washington, and Mrs. Annie Sue Bogan, Central City, demonstrate
a machine used in four Learning Centers as part of EOAs
Aide Training Program.
Northwest resident
Ruby Hawk was one of many
who paid tribute to George
Dodd at a testimonial dinner last
spokesmen included connnunity leaders Mrs. Mary San for d, Mrs. Carey S. Howard
Johnny Robinson
represen ting the Mayor's office and
George Toomer f r om the YMCA.
IT'S BALLET - West Central
dance and drama
taught by voluntee rs Cheryl
and Maye McGhee,
Spelman students .
little girl.
165 Central Avenue, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone 572-2406
Pe r sells (right), executive
director of the
Hous ing Authority, was honored recently with a luncheon arranged by Mrs . Susie
LaBord at the Grady Homes
Child Development
With Mr. Persells are tJ.T.
Crittenden (left), associate director of
and EOA's Bill Allison.
SESAME STREET - Pittsburgh
youngsters are enthusiastic
over the new T, V. learning
program featuring cartoons,
songs, puppets and dancing .
Pittsburgh sta ff
who assist at Gideon Elementary School and Parker
Junior High are Mrs. Mary
Lee Lockett, Mrs. Elizabeth
and Mrs. Patsy
�NOVEMBER / excerpts
---~ - --- - - - ___ -- - --------- - ...., ,_
William W. Allison
The Sena.te, October 14, has approved the bill for the continuation of OEO for two
more years. Considerable discussion has developed around the Murphy Amendment which
gives a veto over Legal Services Projects. Mayor Elect Sam Massell, speaking in behalf of the U o S. Conference of Mayors and National League of Cities,urged the rejection of the Murphy Amendment. The OEO bill is e x pected to be brought to
the House
floor in early December o
On August 22, 1969, the Executive Administrator directed that a Task Force be set up
to e x plore new and different resources and combinations of services that would both
reduce cost and make EOA programs more effective in the communities they serve.
The Atlanta GATE House for Job Corps has completed one year of operation . During
this period, i t has served 1,281 returning enrollees, males and females.
Of this
number, 719 have been placed on jobs or in training programs. The average hourly
wage for the se has b een $1.75 per hour . Six thousand three hundred six separate services were provided to the total persons served . These services were either direct
or referral and covered the f ollowing broad areas: health, legal referral,housing
assistance, educational assistance, emergency welfare, transportation for job interviews, Job Cor ps related problems, pre and post emloyment counseling.
ACEP curr ent figures o f program par ticipants for the period ending October 28, 1969
are: Institutional (MDTA): 81; New Careers: 79; Project Ready : 118; Total: 278-. EmpLoyability Plan Completed : 29; and NAB Placements: 23 ; Total placed in employment:
52 .
As a public service, General Moto r s is
Start Now Atlanta Volunteer s at wo rk.
available 3,000 brochure s d e picting
The Planned Parenthood Associat ion family planning program was featured on Channel Five November 17 . Service s in the project continue ·· to increase . Approx imately
4,500 persons have been se rve d during the current ye ar . '
The Rodent Control Project has been
The major foci of t his project are :
tion, and Rat Killing .
in op era tion for approx imately ten(l O) months
Resident participation, Inter-Agency Coordina-
Approx imately thirty - five (35) clubs have been organized in the target area to assist
the projec t in implementing the rat activities . More thaµ 300 meetings have been
held with r esidents f ocusing on the problem .
Clean up and poison have been under t aken in : Pittsburgh, Huff Road Community
son Road Community a n d No r t hwest Perry area (e x cept Perry Homes) .
John - '
Mor e t h an 212 j unk c ars hav e been moved fr om the streets . The r at population
ha s
b een s u bs tan tia lly r edu ced . The envi r onment al sanitation has gene r ally been
imp r ov e d . The p r oject is now in t he p r oc ess o f doing main ten a n c e a n d fi nal
s urvey s
fo r a fi n a l rep ort t o HEW. In addi t ion , mor e than 100 garbage r acks ar e being bu il t
f or ,r e si dents who need t hem mos t .
The monthly report for th e At lan t a Sou t hside Comp r e hens ive He alth Ce nt e r f o r Oc to ber 31 indicated that s ervi ces h ave be en e x t e n ded g reatly s ince June when t he
n ew
building opened . To date, of t h e 16 ,240 p a tient s who a r e eligible fo r service, 7328
have been r egi s t e r ed, approx i ma te l y 2,23 1 patient s were seen at t he cen ter in October
a nd th ere have b ee n 25 , 000 home visits to patient s since J uly.
The Center s t a ff cons i s t s of nin e (9) f ull time phy s i ci ans , 6-~ time phys icians arrl
s ix ( 6 ) c on s ult a nting
physici a n s , four (4) full time denti s ts, 1-~ time dentis t s ,
seventeen (17) full time regist e red nurse s and 161 individuals who reside in the
target area, and are eligible for care at the center, 84 of whom above completed the
<'Or~ c11rril'11l11m .<ind
wnrkincr in f-nP u.<1rin11<l n::,r,:imPrlir.<il
l'l ·l nr<i.
Special Christmas programs will be held in 11
branches of the Atlanta Public Library.
Miss Bertha Parker, Children's Coordinator for
the Library, will tell traditional Christmas stories
including "The Little Match Girl'·' and "Twas the Night
Before Christmas."
Films, including "Kustard the Dragon," will also
be shown in some of the branches. Also scheduled is
the Christmas fantasy, "Christmas Cracker."
Free to the public, programs will be held at the
following branches:
see below
Storyhours and Film Programs*
3:30 p . m., Thursday, December 11, Lighting of the Tree
at Smith Memorial Branch, 972 Alpharetta Street, Roswell, Ga.
3:30 p. m., Tuesday, December 16, Adams Park Branch,
1480 DeLowe Drive, S. W.
3:00 p. m., Wednesday, December 17, Ida Williams Branch,
269 Buckhead Avenue, N. E.
1_:00 p. m., Thursday, December 18, Inman Park Branch,
447 Moreland Avenue, N. E.
of neighborhood servic e operations, attended the White
House Conference on Hunger
and Nutrition during the
first week in December.
Storyhours Only
3:30 p. m. , Tuesday, December 9, Uncle Remus Branch,
945 Gordon Street, s . W.
3 : 30 p. m. Wednesday, December 17, Hapeville Station,
Hapeville Recreation Center, Hapeville, Georgia
11 : 00 a. m. , Saturday, December 20, Kirkwood Branch,
106 Kirkwood Road, N. E .
2:30 p. m., Tuesday, December 23, Sandy Springs Branch,
395 Mount Vernon Highway, N. W.
EOA expresses~-s.ympathy,,to-,the fol1'owing pe rs oru; .:.
on the loss
Mrs . Bunny Jackson, director of planning, on the loss of
her fa t her .
The family of W. A. Edge,who passed away recently . Mr.
Edge was one of the most active CNAC members in Pitts burgh a nd was a member of the Planning Subconnnittee ,
Recreation Subc onnni ttee , and attended most of . the CC.le
meeting s .
Mrs. 'S usie Arnold, Edgewood intake ai de, on t he l os s
~er daughter .
bu~.;e143.215.248.55f~ ~fi
3:30 p. m., Friday, December 19, Anne Wallace Branch,
528 Lovejoy Street, N. W.
Mrs . Yvonne Bankston, planning analyst,
her mothe r-in-law .
exciting film of poverty
tours and volunteers,will
be shown on Channel 5 at
10 p. m. on December 23.
In announcing the prime
time slot for the film,
Miss Dale Jacobs, Public
Service Director for WAGATV, called · the film "an
excellent one"
people of Atlanta to see .
The full color movie
was produced by intern Ben
Dyer and given to EOA as a
public service
by AT&T .
Plans are being made to
publicize the film over the
showing by
businesses, ·... and
other groups.
In metropolitan Atlanta
the film may be reserved by
calling 525-2068.
MRS . MADELINE LOCUS, assistant coordinator for community development,and Mrs.
TURNER , chair man of the Full-Year Head
Start Council, attended the
Head Start and Child Development Conference in New
Orleans, November 16 -2 0 .
The two delegates rep ort
•many new idea s on parent
involvement which was the
theme of the meeting .
JOHN CALHOUN , coordina tor for community develop ment, has made two
t r i ps
t o Tampa , Fl ori da , as a con s u l t ant f or Regional OEO.
Mr. Ca lhoun was also a
special gues t and advi s or
to the fall meeting of the
Licens ed Practical Nurses
Ass ociation of Georgia held
at Calloway Gardens.
tw143.215.248.55-I~I~-~~;.~-D!.,~:~~:;n~:~-~o143.215.248.55 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST) 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)=~·c::::~Ba~khe~d
-A--prH- 5, 196 9
Mr. Charles Davis
City Corriptr olier
City Hall
Atla nta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles:
RE: ABC Corps ... Casual Employees
As you know, fo1·~he past 18 months or more, the Sanitation Division of
the City of Atlanta has been involved in a new project under the Atlanta
Concentrated Employment Program called the Atlanta Beautification Corps.
In this project, so-called h ar dcore, unemployed individuals have been
utilized in s pedal crews designed to collect trash and debris from sidewalks, vacant lots, playgrounds, parks, etc. in an attempt to keep these
areas beautiful.
The concept of the progra:rr.. was for the City to attempt to imlentify those
members of the ABC Corps who could perform in regular City functions
and to assist them in finding fulltime employment. Our success has not
been too great. To date, we have placed three of the former ABC workers
in regular City positions at the City Garage.
Because of cutbacks in Federal funding, the ABC Program is being reduced
in the number of employees immediately by 25 as of Friday, May 2.
Ralph Hulsey and his Sanitation people say that this program has- been
successful and that the ABC workers have performed a great service to
the City of Atlanta. He has indicated he is in favor o! continuing these
people if possible.
It seems to me that since they have performed admirably in areas where they
were badly needed by the City that we should attempt to maintain the services
of these 25 people in the Sanitary Division until at leas.t the end of our summer
Mr. D a vi s
P a ge T w o
-A-pr il 5, 1969
pro g r a m pe r lod, This w ould give us an oppo r tLmity to make a fur the r
effo r t to pl a c e tho se who c a n meet qua lifi c a tion s in r egular job slots.
At the same time, dur ing the crucial sumn1.e r p eri od w e would have the
adv a nta ge of the experie nce of the s e p e ople in helping in special neighbo r hood
cle a n - up p oj c cts and othe r spe cia l requi r ements which t h e summ.er p eriod
bring s .
It i s my unde 1·s tanding tha t Mr. Hulsey h a s r eque s te d th a t these 25
indivi dua ls be pl a ced on a casual employe e stat u s with t h e S a nit a r y Divi s ion
until Augus t 31. I hope tha t you will suppo rt thi s r econ unenda tion and give
us yo u r help in h a vin g this done.
Sincerely your.s,
Dan S we at
Ecene mi~ 8pp•rturiity A~lanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
. T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator
July, 1969
The attached clippings represent part of EOA's
extensive press coverage during the last month.
y~ ' ~
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THE ATLANTA .CONSTl ThUON, Thursday, June 19, 1969
Pcirha~.i Resigns as EOA Chief,
A ccepts S taff Pos: at 'University
Thomas M. (Jim) Parham resigned Wednesday as executive
administrator of Economic Opportuni-ty Atlanta to accept a
staff position with the Institute
of Go_yernment at the Univers. ity of Georgia.
The EOA board of directors
accepted Parham ·s r esignation
"with very deep regret" and
elected Deputy Administrator
William W. Allison to head the
The board elected G. Clinton
Rodgers, EOA associate administrator for manpower , to r eplace Al!iso nas deputy adm inistrator.
Parham, who will leave EOA
July 15, said he is r esigning because "the task of administering the wide r ange of EOA acUNJVERSITY BOUND
tivities and the necessity of
Jim Parham
meeting the growing requirements of federal funding sources welfare, crime and delinquency
consumes all and more of one's and income maintenance for the
energies and leaves no time to poor."
consider in depth any particu 1ar
In a s tatement of r egret
SUbjeC-t." _
./ ,
adopted UllanimOUSiy by the
The 42-year-o,d Farnam, ~_ ho I EOA board of directors, Boishas _s~rved ~s EO\ executi\e feu il!et J ones, bo2.rd chairman.
adnumstrator for a.mo st t\i OI said tr.at Parham has served
years, sard he has_ co~cluded ,•··as an ab'.e administrator and a
that htere are ot~er::. w_ho can - sensitive hur:ia r.ist."
attend these adrn1rusta'. 1ve du- 1
ties as well or brtter than my- 1 In acceptin6 the S20,000-a-year
s elf."
I position, A,' ison, 35, said he will
In his letter of resignation, ' "confinue to follow the same
dated J une 4, Parham said he ge:12ral goals that my precleceswants to devote his time to : sor has pursued as vi~orously."
"matters of long-time profes- 1 Allison, the first Negro to
sional interest, _such as child , head the agency in charge of
.. ·... :,_'..:.:.··\:-:~·
lecturer at Clark College.
The new EOA head holds a
r.- ,
B.A. degree from DePauw University. He studied fo r a year at
the Northwestern University
Law School and has completed
graduate studies in political science and Far East history at
~i~~· Ef~V-/.
the University of the Philipi~:-~Ai143.215.248.55i:
Studying on a Jessie Smith
Noyes Fellowship, Allison received a M.P.A. degree in
urban development and a renewal from the graduate school
of public and international affairs at the Universitv of Pittsburgh.
Parham said he had recommended Allison to the EOA
board of directors because he
fee ls Allison "has the intelligence and experience necessary
for the job."
William Allison
,~ Jones commented that Allison
the war on poverty for Atlanta had not been selected because
and Fulton. G\i·innett and Rock- he is a Negro. "The board is
dale counties, said P arham has completely impartial as far as
"!aid the foundation of real resi- race is concerned," the chairdent involvement."
man stated.
The new executive adrninis- Shortly before Parham was
trator, who has worked on _the named to the EOA post follow- .
EOA staff since the orgamza- ing the cteath o.f C. 0 . Em~r- 1
tion's inception four years ago , ich Sr., some local Negro lead- '
said he will attempt to increase ers had pushed for the appoi:1~the participation of public and ment of a Negro to t e top 3nti.
private agencies in programs to poverty job here.
Jones said board members,
aid the poor.
In addition to his position with many of whom are Negroes,
EOA, Allison has served since had elected Parham un aniJ anuary 1968 as an assistant mou ly two years ago and
professor of city planning at e 1 e c t e d Allison unanimously
· ·:
Georgia Tech and as a visiting Wednesday.
.f143.215.248.55i1•.,• .,.,, '..
\JJi, .
To th e m any you.tbs who wlli be
a vaila ble t his Summer it ought be
tord 1.l,a.t m any o:ip riunitics are
be~ to keep the·m l;usy in gainful
The j obs need not be b oring. f or
m os:t can be f un ; s in e we use the
cta.ylight saving: in; t m s area t h ere
Is J!l enty of tim e to :have clean f u n
l>eCore he Sun goes down .
The city parks
are on sp ec ia l
!iessions with a. multiplicity of l'ro gi:au:s, many
@L£f!}ters are
SJ?OD5oring danciQg-l)}ld other .1c-
Uvitlcs, th ci-e ;i.rc even special programs for t he Elrl~l!j.
Among· t~ r small jobs a vailable
to you ngftus of all ages are n ewsp aper routes, extra . h elp around
stores, r elief workers to allo w th e
regula rs , to go on vaca tion, etc.
\ Vhile the Summer may be Joni!;
an d hot, it can also be a t ime for
fun and gain . so t.his Summer · let
the young lea rn a new "Thlng"
. ... . . Let's get- aw:i,y fr om the a ncient s]an;; of "Burn . Baby Burn".
and r eplac e it with, "Ea:rn. Bab:,:
Vft ~dB
a.=c.. f1i
~' I p
Cfarin,et ist
Guildford College near Greens =
boro, North Carolina, attend=
ing the ):::aste rn lvlusic Festival. Bessie and the other will
have the benefit of the best
Las t month, Bessie was very
e xcited about going to Mayor
Ivan Alle n's office to r eceive
the scholarship , But the knew
that it was more than just
a fun-time for six week this
s~mmer. .
Bessie Barnett is 13 and attends Coan Midd le School.
Three years ago her mother,
Mrs, Anna Earnett, saw that
Bessie l iked mus ic and bought
her a clarine t. On a m aid's
slary it was a big sacrifice
to buy a 10-yE:ar- old a clarine t,
Mrs . Barnette pa id a little
each week ouc of her me ager
s a lary -"and now it' s paid off.
Bessie is .one oc si:s, E,onmic
Ol2@ftunlrs. ,_.,'\tla,llt.a
scbol ar ship winne r s who left
Atlanta by plane on Friday,
J une 20.
This summer the youngsters
will be s pending s ix weeks a t
who Bessie s ays is "a nice
music teacher" started Bessie on the clarinet. This will
be the instrume nt Be ssie will
pl ay at the Fes tiva l,
"I can le arn a l ot mo re now," ·
said Bessie. "This will help
m e a l ot and I'll be able to_
improve . I'm r eally looking
forwards to going t here and
working with the profes s ionals ."
Bessie wants to cont inue taking music through high school
and college if she can. And
he r mo ther would li ke noth~
profess ional instruc tion and the ing mo r e than that herse lf.
fun and company of other ac" My mothe r comes to every
complis hed musicians ,
performanc e," s·a id Bess i~
Miss Mary Francis Ea rly,
Thanks to EOA
concerned, fars ighted mother,
Bes sie will have a chance to
'.ievel op a special ta lent . It
jus t may be a turning point
in he r life .
(Bessie Lives at 49 Mayson
A venue, N. E.)
v· ~ IU/JL 1-u l
THE ATI..-\ !'iTA " CONSTITUTION, Friday, June 20, 1969
With the departure of Jim Parh am, Economic Opportunity · Atlanta is losing an effective executive administrator. Parham ha-s
accepted a pos'ition with the ·Uni versity of
Georgia's Institute of Go vernment, wh ere,
he says, he can.eleva te his lime to "matters
of long-time ipt~ies t, such as child welfare,
crime and delinqu ency and income maintenance for the poor."
EOA's board of directors accepted Parham's resignation " with very deep regre t"
and commended him fo r his service "as an
able administrator and a sensitive hum anist."
They then nam ed William W. Alli so n to
succeed him. The first Negro to head the
agency, Allison comes \\·ith an im pressive
list of qualifications, includ ing an M.P.A.
degree in urban development and more than
18 months as an assistant professor of city
planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has worked with EOA since its
inception four years ago.
Allison has vowed to "continue to follow
the same general goals that my oredecessor
has pu rsued as vigorously. " Parha m, Al lison
said, "laid the foundation for real resident
invo lvement."
'SQme Negro leaders have long sought the
top EOA post for one of their own race.
The EOA board insists the appointment was
made because . of Allison's ability-not be-
cause of race-and no doubt it was. Still
for the first tinw , the antipoverty program
in Atlanta wi ll be ad ministered by a man
from the race most affected by it. We wish
him well.
�THE VOICE - June 290 1969-Page 11
T hernes A1id
· Variatio ns
By Xernona
-· -- -- - - -- - - -- ---
Twci highly capable Negro male Atlantans were
promoted to top positions las t week. William Allison,
former deputy director of EOA (Equal Op portunity Atl anta),
was promoted to Dir e ctor to succeed Jim Parham who
res igned to assume a new . post, "Bill's" compete nce
is commensurate with the r equirements of the job--Kelvir1 Wall has been nam ed a vice-Pres ident of the CocaCola Company and becomes the first man "of cobr"
t o occupy such a seat. Mr. Wall posses s es qu alities which
m·arch the occas ion . Whe n black m e n r eceive the ir deserved and ea rn ed posi t ions , each of us sh a r es thep r ide
of such r ecognition for it is a comfort to know that racism
do esn 't a lways " prevail. This columnise congra tulate s
these two men who obvious ly have both natural and ac• .quired abilitie s II
-- ----
T he NASA Spacemobilc, ~
tourin° ir format ive pro ram
on t he Apollo Moun Project,
·ill be in Atlanta June 23-27.
T he progi·am, sponsored by
t h City of Atlanta Parks and
.parln12nt, t ,
Atlant;i school system, t he
·DeKalb County school system . t:ssi1.1.-:i.rr•i<.:__ ;,P-Qr,t mjJ.y
__ _Ap,rn[:1..--the Metro'>olitia n
-,Boy 's Clu s and the v r.ICA of
m etro Atlanta, will have d ifferent pr-oarams for various
age groups.
Progra ms fo r grades six
t hrou 0 h nine will Ix t 2:G-0
pJn. , June 23 at Morris
Bnnn College ; at 10 :00
a .m. J une 24 at Warren Mem oria l Bo 's Club ; at 1 :00
1->.m . J une 25, at DeKalb College and at 2 :00 p .m . at
Sammy Coan Ele m entary
T he high r level proora m
\'.'ill be presented 0:1 J un e: 23
at 10:00 a.m . al Nortltsidc
Hi h School; on J u,ic 2 at
2:00 p.rn . at Warren l\. eniorial Boys Cl ub : J w1c 25 at
hool • t 10: C0
a .m. and a t College Par t Hiah
at 2: GO p.m.; and the fin al
s howic g ;it 10:CO a.m. on
June 27 at Douglas High
T he prog ,un will incl u e a
d lect urc. A II µrogra ms are o en to the public
within t h<=! gra e levels outlinPrl
fi lrn
~?; i :--,,
~ i~ ..:
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~ ..,
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Se vera l monr s_ ago, Doreat 1'.!a R, L an['.lcy , a VISTA
vollmteer from Baltir:1'.;;re
• Maryland and now workir:g
in t he EOA West Ce. tral
targe?"·a ,,:[', ' ~:me up witil
t he idea of a Hom~ t,urs2s
A s3ocia don for so:ne u t ~
unemnloye ,.-o;·,wn in the
an:a .
c ~t~ tL :.h c~.l!E'·d t~? f!.ed
Cros.- Associat ~o;: i.: Hughes Sp:lding ra vilic-n t..:, see
if t 11.;y coull p;:-ovlde nurs.,s
on a volw-::eer a sis i !! orL~er
t o h2lp s :t ll!"J Lra in! ns c las -
ses fo t 1;: women, The Re,.
C ross s up;,lie ,. n11rse ~nd
pr inted materia ls, an':i the
Director oi Nun:in:; at Hugh::es Spulcli,,gga ·,e a~.cliL io1:a l
Mrs . L an?ley' s n:;xt step
\·:2.s t o find a place t.:: hold
frz t raini11c; c l'!.:;ses. SLe aproac.,~d t~.e Dixi':! llills Baptis r Ch:1,c:1 wi1lch o,fcr.
its faclliclcs for the first.
T rainees c,f . !rs . Lancrlcy ' s c lusses 8Come m0mbers of the Compc,n ion5 f.nd
Nurses,\ s soc iation which
wor~ s to drve l op t he s . ills
of home compan ions a n
home nurc:es, a1.d Lo tccic,
p:-acti:::a ~ ~c-.nc· u,sing s-- i! t :, for tlie lov.' income and
the uneduc a,ed . it h:i s also
~-=lp-:d ·\,· l~..12?1 s~'ne l o\1.·-·
8essio:1, last ng 6 - Swee. ·s.
write .
The: s€'con.j training class
was h:lcl from 6-8 p.ni. on
T L~.:;.:l::.y an Tf,ursd 1~.
Out o'. 3J1 ti1c ~'articipents,
who r an"z in age from 16
to 67, 100 have c orn 1;l::.red
i r.con1:2 ·\':omen t
rea.:! Gil
t he tra i11i11g an, 90 are em ployed .
Gra, u-:ite trainec·s have:
bee n successful in fin~lin?
e mployment in pr i ;•a z li otrn?:S (~-lo her a nd Baby Care)
Piecmont l losp,tal , FL· t0,1
Count · i\!edical A ssociation
and \\"csley Woo._ s Co.1va le~ ,:ent :.rn1e .
A lthou;)1 idn-ost 211 the
p;:::-ticip:.ms e.re women, two
m::iles , 0:12 a l ilefu:m:I ;,ni
t he oti1er a policem::in, have
com let d t he cot~rse .
·,r . r:1·1
t..::·> {~: I;· -,; /,--), .;7---:,., j'
! ~· :.;
!D • cl_;/ C J
n ·r: .
0 'u, d(J L' ,~/ &/0
.. _ ,,. "1 /l .'('
, , ~ -
- z:•-· -,
1.:y no:s r:or-nmn.
- --, . ~ .1 black .-incl while," said I\Ir s.
, Bc!.!cn. rcLrrinb :o l.b: r cco:-r1D~legatcs frcim lo·c:'-incomc Atmcnd:1tious. " l thi nk we ·re ask!;i nta co:rn nunillcs n: cl a.T-,;;::lu y
_,j ini.; lli is in go,id fa ith."
night with the city boarcl of ec!t:! Af: 1.::r l\' rs. ilfvocly agai11 r eca ti on and clecic!ed Le institute
quested somethi ng in writing
weekly mc::'.lings ,·.- ith t 10 !Jo:,rd
" to r el· le bac:l(' to the clis:1c!- '
· to di~cuss problem.' in ci ~1·
vanlag,.•d comr'.1unitics i11\'olvcd, ;
The delegates, members of th~
\'."ainl',TighL said, " Well, O.K '
~.ducaliu;i sulicornmiltc>c of !Ii::'!
Th:i nk 'you fo r corni ng."
Citizens Central Advisnr v C(lun_j
There was a brief. uneorn for- '
cil, presented 13 r tconi menc!a... _... _ j L...
. 1 tc1b! ~ si: c11;:e. !hen bo:ircl rnern- ;
lions for irnpro\'emcnt of Oi,Cl'a 1:m 1L, :n- r ric ht
J ,,11:1 Lei, ,,:,
ber Hor .c·c Tate s a1· p cJ the audi- ,
a~i-c 1 erwc from com ing tu an end '
lions of th,: ci\y sc:1oo!s to bo:.1 :·d : of , 1·,c SL' lJ•' O" lll' .' "L'
• ' ~ ..
'. ' l •
- · c ] I
. ·
mem bers.
whet her it \\'OU!d l;c p ssib!e to lY a~,~n~g ""' e SUK:1mn1tltce
, , ,1
., .
m cm Ld~- 1.011 ,1all" rn rnutc
ne m ee_!mg ;ilmost ended geL . _ie r~sponse ll1 ll'rlcillg .
you' re not s,wing vou don't
abruptly rn its curly stages when
Wamwn;;l!t said he didn't want a discussi~n? " disagreement rose on ,1·heU1cr think "some answers on a piece
the _board 's responses to_ Ec'?,: of p apc-r w·oulcl explain very T AKES T fl\fo
nom1c Opportun ity Atl :mla-lhe much , a nd that i\Jrs. Moody or
Wai11wrigl1t th en said formular ,~67-iii11c·naii'fioi1s'snoLiicChc -u!J- another rcp:-esei;tali'.'e sl{ou!cl tion of written a nswer.-; would
ni!tled _to t h_e . related subcom- write lite al!~wers 01,r n if they requi re C'onsidernbl e r e:,ca rch
millet' rn v; ntrn <'.
wanted them c,n pa!Jl'r.
and time, and suggestt:od lhat
a(ler an~ \\'crs had been 1•,-rillen
Wilen hoard Presit?cnt 13ill
l\Irs. Dorl•Ihy Bolden o[ Perry down, tlle bo.:i rcl a nd the sub\Ya inwrighl and At!a nt:1 school I· -lomcs said that if disc1 di·an- comm .11,,·'e could " e:ci arutmd
Supt. J ohn Letson µro1io·'.i"'·d th P_v rn ·::;c·t.1 Jic>Ci'l,e ,ll'e to b.. cduca t- lhc table
• ~ 81 d di.,cuss
" ' ' JJrobgi1·c ,·erb,I\ ci 11s1rcrs b the rec- eel tf1,,:-· m u,,[ han~ a11s1•:f•rs " put
. '
om mcncl a lion.-; i m 111 c d i :• l l'l \' . d<w:n in bl,:d:; a1:cl whi,c. ·,
Mrs. Maggie j\!oodY, chairma11
'·We broughl this tu vou in I l\ lrs. Bolde n s:1id she ft'll " we
ought to ha 1·e the answers to :
one or two qu,,slions·' to take I
home 1.n Jhcir C'onsli!uPnLs. ' 'All
r ight, piek 'cm t1 L."
Lcts0n suggcsle, the uliima l e- !
ly ·appru 1·cd r-Lrn of m e:ding o:1c
night a week at Lwo-hOll!' ,,essions "fcir li,iwc1·cr 10:ig ii
lakec;·• to cl i~c ,1~s scl1co1 sl'slcm
funclions and p 1Jhk1-i-,s oi1, by
one. The su bcommittee mem1
bers agrc-:-d lo sl arl the series I
of meeti ngs at 7 p.m. \\'ed1~rs- l
clay with cl is:-u~~in:i of the i1ew
school lunch p1·0gra111 l'.l be inI sLilulcd th::; fni l. amo ng other
matt er;;.
NOTlll'.'\G TO J: ID!·:
' ·\\'e ha\'C) nothin;; lo hide in
Lhe school sv~tem ... L !:tsc.,n s;iid.
"The f;;ct.-; ·\\'ill he a t. your di , . osal. 1r !11et e is a better ,r ay
to do 2.:1ything in this ~cilool
sysi l'ITl , ht're 100!
ing foi' il. "
\ lfr Lr gcr! the 11k lilU?rs f th •.'! .
r.O .-\ -;·Pi , l1cl co;n:11ilf 0 '.' nnl to
to c-H:clus:l,':, " ,,nd LO
· ·'tal.e Ilk ti•:·.:' · tn lt-:1r:1 ab,,ul
1~\h :r ;.1ti :,1r--: cf t'.1P S} .--.Lt rn.
I " j ump
I :\l tk · t ·.1t,d of ti,,' 1ri,•l'l i:1;i:.
, \\·c1 :rn 1,;hl Ind ubj··-·td ltJ
iou; -ic:cL:1:-::tit_n..; Uy sub; c 0n1n1 i if LL~ !ih ni ;,-. rs th·1t thr
\,h,·.·clrd wris C')~ Cl n1 n1uniccd inr;;
~.,\·1th i L:i ( ·1i i.,:.! tu. !.~ ~ - andr l'ited
' 1. 1.-• r c1 .l lc:te·r.-; f' r0n1 !'"(J:\ o f;.:3..:
ilic iab than'.dr,~ t ~ H,,:.rd of
J p i t' \
'. tduc.1fo,n fnr kc2 jJiilg clun n0\.,
GET READY FOR T HE FOURTH- --These children in the E:!st Point Ch "!d Car Center r:iise the fl:!g
a u s:l' t 1e pledge of ::ulc 0 L1ncc getti1·~ ready fo r the Fo1.mh of Ju y HoliJJy . The chi! rcn from
three to si., :!I!'s bug h l thi,1:;s Lke tj1is in t he p r::·s~hool cxp-:1•'!nces at t he nur5'!ry. It is operate for
workinJ; mothers wit!1 ' nc!s from Ecomomi ~ Oprcrturity Atb.nta.
(Photo by R:;che! \'t1!itmue)
...._..,.. ....
�_,,j-f;Hv UALLe cfluj;/d¥ ·
5-- fa 1
" The Food Fu nd ,' ' began
last October in West End to
provide food as emergency
assistance to poor people. is
lagging, according to a
spo ·esman from the West
EOA Q?.n-End Neighborhood
- ~-·J,~
tei:.. The fund is coordina ted
by the center .
, At the peak of the effort to
.establish a food fu nd, 30
churches in the metropolita n
area were partici pating in the
program . Now. there are only
three giving help.
. Th e
parti cipati on
.churches consists of aski ng
eac h member to bring one ca n
of . fo od to .church the fi rs t
Sunday of eve ·y month. Although all members did not
take part, the 30 churches
were pro viding enough fo od to
meet emergencies .
At thi s ti me . peop le are
being turned away. And other
• agenc ies whi ch normally provide this kind of ass istance
are out of funds and un2b le to
The ~l~ spokesman said
individtITilsor chu rches wanting to help should call J oe
Flan naga n, 523- 1541. St. Vincent dePa ul Soc iety. 326 Ivy
St. N.E. The Society colll'cts
the food . store it and di tr ibutes it to center where it is
needed. Th e fc"Cl can be take n
by the Soc ie ty on Jvy Street.
-Z:.Dr ~tlr nta Jot rnr1f a 1d CO:\STI1TT1O,.
JU NE 29, 1969
. ..,{i;1
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Alhert Dawson prer ares [n f€ed hungt·:: chi'drc:1 al Buller __ At.1 ::int;i . Inc. Trucks lnaded wilh !ig!JL food lea\·e centra i
Fatk in a ne•s summ~r rrogr· rn cosp-)nsored by the City ot
points :\loncla> through Frid ay mornings and tra \·el to pi ayAtianta Recr 2alic:1 Dep;i r tm~nt and Lcnnom;c Cpr,ortunity
lots aro,incl the city to feed youngsters .
-,. -::::=r-,;..- -=.-=:.....,_ _ ____,
--·· -------
�THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1969
Tw· T
Phyllis Ca r ter and Sheila ·
White, beth students at T ho.m as High School in CoUege
Park,. have been named winne rs of conomic Opportuni tv
Atlanta"strmmeY m cs1c sc o atsh 1ps lo atte nd the Eastern
Music Fes ival.
The fe stiva l wi ll be t)eld at
Guilford College ne ar Greens boro , N. C. J une 20 th rough
Aug . L Participa ntswi!l receive priva te instruction fr.om
professiona l musicians .
Phyllis , 13. a nd Sh il a. 16.
are both s tudents of J a m es H .
P a tterson , band director a t
Thom as.
The girls , who live just two
blocks apart. are among e ight
winner s in the e ntire city.
Schola rship recipiants were
selec ted a fte r a uditions bPfore a pane l of professio:.al
musici ans a nd poverty area
resid ents, according to Dr.
Benno Fra nk , direc tor of
'trea tive
Atla nta ,
summer a rts program.
During the summer festiva l
participa nts
numerous public concerts.
Arrangem en ts have also been
t dents
cho arsh i1 s
m ade with an educational television channel in North Carolina to film a program featu r ing the young musici ans.
and plans are being m a de for
a special White House perfo rma nce this fa ll.
Scholarships include tuition. living expenses, clothing
a llowa nce . tra nsportation and
incide ntals.
P hy llis , who plays the bas-so
dent. She was an alternate on
the junior high all-state band
and plays saxa phone during
th e foot.ball season. She has
a lso been playi ng the pi ano
since she wa s six and bega n
her band instruction on the
c!ctrinet as a fourth-grader .
Patte r son beea n tP:irhin P he r
to play the ba ssoon two years
Sheila , who also sta rted
with the clarinet, now plays
oboe and hopes to learn to
play tl~e __saxophone or flute.
�~·, -~- .,
ey, Ju~e
44,,000 at Playlots Get Food Supplements Here
nation to take advantage of this
More than 44,000 underprivi- new feeding program, called
leged Atlanta youngsters have " Special F o o d Services for
star ted r eceivi ng between-meal Children." He added that this
supplements at supervised J7,S~ is one of USDA's first ventures
r eation centers, a feder al agncul ture officia l said here Tuesday . . .
" This is a cooperative ven' ture under the sponsorship of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) , the Campbell
Foundation, the Atlanta Board
of Education, conomic O or- ·
and t 1e
tunity Atlanta ( _._.
y ot Lian a c1arks a nd Recr eation Depa r tment," Haines
Presley explained in ,rn inLervie.w.
He sa id Atlanta's program is
the lar gest in the nation. " Estima tes indicate that as ,many as
...70,Q.00 children m ay be r eached
befor e the summer is over."
The between-mea l i s upplements, or " m ini-rnea1s," consist of such items as milk, sandwiches , fru its, br ead, jL1ices a nd
so on.
"These m ini-mea ls are prepared al 12 Atlanta schools a nd
then delivered twice daily to
. Imore tha n 100 s upervised pl aylots or r ecr eation centers,"
P resley pointed out.
But, he said, progra ms of this
type could not get off the ground
wi,thout help from private organizations such as the Campbell F oundation. "The fo undation has already contributed
$10,000 t o the s umm r project
to help pay for personnel. needed to pr epare the 'mini-meuls'
at ,t he 12 school ca fc4.erias," he
s a id.
Presley said more 1han $500,000 has been set aside for the
· ·· program by USDA. Al lanta is
one· nl' ll1t• Ii, : I ,·iii,··; i,1 Iii,·
in urban feeding.
EOA's Mike Ray, coordinator
of the summer feeding program ,
said "Although _the program i3
r ec>.ciy to go, we a-re low on supt
/ ~
plies of · cardboard boxes .a nd m ight be a·ble to contribute
sandwich bags. ·
boxes and sandwich bags," Ray
"Interest in the program has said. "That way, all the USDA
been running high, and we :-: , funds could be spent on fo::.d for
in hopes that local industries I these needy children."
',.::::: 0
-. -
f;-=i !n ::·,('· 1j
Staff Writer
- ~
•.. y
time yo!tJLf~e r_fo r.Econom ic
_Qr.o.9~LY..!- _1J_,~n.t1;_
"'Arte r is not a typica l work-
" To say tha t I'm sacrific'ing .awthing is ba loney. J just
Jove these kids. f'i ghting
pon:rty is li!,e fi ghting a fire
from a ci rinx i:ig foun t3 in wilh
a paper cup ."
This is the way Charles
Ar ..er , a Southsi je r esioen t,
feels a bout wor..ing as a f11ll-
er. He dcesn·t have n ordi nary· job b"cause he !oesn't
ner:.-d the money , since he r ecei es an income from an
in ie rit e d trust fund .
"I came to At Rnta \': it.I a
fri end from Akron, Ohi o. J
ha d rec i•..-ed a degree ln e~onom ics from Amhers t Col-
, ~ -• .~
' ' :l' bJ
fj Li~~ ((··.<I
~ ·
lege , a nd my fr iend was atteDdin(T
E mory · b siness
sc hcol. He an u I began loo ·ing
for worl and found j obs in a
soci al welfare ag nc y.
Arter fou nd soci a l work
unre wardin::;, he sa id, because he was " not a liowed to
do any tbne I felt v,as relevant or worth \·hi le."
v;ith i ic orr;,rni.zati on ever
since. He feels he is he lping to
brid.ze the ap oetv1·een black.
and 1hite peo le .
find -·animosity amona
· j bl2.cb:; but I can under tand
ma j ority
are r ec1l!y
fri cn,.iy. Tl,cs kids 3re ca nd:d . They 'll test you , and they
can spot a hoiJe . ' '
J us! being in the area has
l awa:ened rter to t .e needs
more arid better schools,
~ for
1 rernc ial reading classes , Je3s
cro wded classrooms .
t..---_en \HI.ES \WITH .\ \I) nrn-:,Jh
..,-t,i~~t \\ ti!·l,t' r an d C'.1p_i) •>! .\\ 1•, Pupil ~
�(' ·\
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By E.RN.EST i' I . PHJ...R,
William \V, (Bill) AJ.l ison,
who will on J uly 15, become
the firs t blac k Executive Administra to;: of Ec on_o_.rn l:c..D..P.::
portun ity _ E.QA): \','.hose pro·adm ir1 iscer prim arily
t o black peop e, told the Ir quirer this week he " will
s tress greate r deve opment
and us e of community resour ces to ass ist EO,\ in
this job of fi ghting poveny.' '
Allison, who came to EO,\
In l965 . Director of P lanning, is moving up from the
numbe r two pos ition as De puty Director bec a use pre s e nt head T . i\l. (J im ) P a rha m is accepting a position
with the Institutc= of Government at the Unive r sity of
Gebrgia .
P2r ham , who will be R spe cia li st in the fie ld of social
we lfare , discussed his tenure as EOA head t his wee'·
with the Inquire r , noting,
"i fee l reF. I goo. a bout my
te rm at EO:\ , We ' ve m ade
s ome or an izationa l pro gress and s ome· key s taff
members ha,·e deve loped
very nicely and are r eady to
ste p in. "
Of Allison , he sa id , ·,.1
t hink we c ouldn ' t have fOLmcl
a better man to take ove 1·.
He 's bee n 2n importan t p2rt
of impro\'e org?.iliza tional
ga ins . He ' s demonstrated his
ability to work with e \·ery
le Ye l of the c ommtmity an
t he s taff hes conf ide:ice in
him ,"
Alli son , a 195() gra uateof
Dooker T, \i as L :;ton High
School here , earned hi s undergraduate degree from
Oe Pauw
Univers ity
Gree nc a s ,k, In,. ia na in 195-L
He Sf)t!nt two ye ai-s wilh t!.e
U.S. Army i\'ledic2.l Corps in
Europe and in 1956 atten, ed
' j
·-· '\ •. {I
~- -_J
Nonhwestern Law School. A
ho de r of the :S.l ,_..\ . de gr c in
P ubl i::: • d ministr:; tion fr om
the University of P itts ur gh,
he s ent 1957 in the :--tidd le
East on a pilgrimage towards
the c eate r ·of the Baha ' i fa ith.
Fi-om 195S to 1963 , he was
a r esearc h;, ssociate ,•:iC:1 the
Counci l on Econom ic and
Culturn l Affa ir s, funded by
J ohn D. Rockefelle r , Ill.He
d id r esearch on pon:-rty in
the Phil!ipines, Befor e c oming to EOA , :ie v:as Director
of the :--!erit Employmen t
Program for Am er i:::an
Fr·ie nds Service Committee
in lligh Point, N,C.
A ske ii a nticip.; ted an y
problems as a black administra tor of EO_·\ , Alli s on s2.id , "I anticipate tha t
r\ tla nta will c onfer upon me
the same honor and 1-es ec t
a s estowec u on my predecessors ."
(C. 0 , E mmer ich p_n,i Parham )
One si e li:;'. ht to the Alli:;on ar,po intin ::nt c omes from
l\.lrs . Xernona Chyton , col··
unlll ist,. T\' i-v r sona li ry and
t\lode l ' itie s s taffer , who r:2t hat
"some::i dy
m arki'd
ought tv give Bill an honor. "
i •t . ,·
I .. ti".I
U...:u c;:.:J
i\e gro woman, :\lrs.
Clay ton s a id , r eacted \':ith,
"! d on 't see 11·hy nobody
s hould ho11or· him . He ain 't
hired no l\egroes yet. I-le
a in' t gonna gi ve no i\egroes
jobs . Sam e differe nce . " (:\1lison d oe sn ' t assume his
new du ' '-es until J uly 15).
Speaking of Parham, Alli··
s on s a id , "I t hink this is a
loss fo r EO.-\ , 1-le ' s been a
good dir ector , but I have a
lot of inte rest in this progra m a nd look t o direct a
lar ge program such as EO.-\
with a cons iderable dezree
of enthusiasm , "
Al lison , who will s uper vise !~ neig-h orhooj s ervice c enters , some 38 different progr ams and an annual bLdget of $11 mil!io:- ,
s a id, " l will be trying to
s t ress greater devel opment
and use of c ommunity resources to assist EOA in this
job Qf fi ghting pove rty.
�. ATL-ts.J\TA DAiLY WORLD TJ-!UPvSDA Y, Jli:-.-E 26, 1 969
- r~:v~~,.,
~ C -~~·
Nine different agencie·s are
co mbining their sources ai ct
se rv i ces t o offer many residents of Fulton County a free
h ea lih check~up this sum1 er.
T he County anciState Health
D epa r tment in
c ooperat ion
with th e !11 edica l Society, Red
Cr os s, TB Associat i on, E. O.
D L'lb etes
As socia tion,
Model Cit ies, and the city oi
Atl an ta will offer A tl ant ns
t ests f or tuberculosis , diabet es, syphilis , emp 1ysema, and
bronch i t i s.
"Health F airs" will take
place at every f,.,...--:r-.. '. ·': - . .
b_g__rh_q~E?..U' ; . ,<;;. f:nt~r
rFulfon County . l)fficials of the
H ea lth D e artmeRt and E . O.
A. encourage all t e:magersand
adults i n t he ::. r ea t o tak e adv anta ge of these frees rvices .
Ac cording t o tllrs. Ol ivia
Pull ens,
chai rman of the
h ealth committe e in t he Peny
Homes area, "These areas
are overcrowded and far from
doct ors and druggists .
Some people wou l d never
k now about these· diseases or
wh ether t hey have them with
ou t something like t he Hea lth
Fai r. We need to catch these
thinbs ea rly . All we' re doing
i s asking t he people to comE
out and get these te sts r i ght
th e
spot at t he EOA
Cen t ers"
T he Health Fairs will take
place f rom noon to nine p . m .
at these E.O.A.Centers on th e
f ollow i ng"cfates: Central Citv J uly 1, Kortl1 Fulton -July -8,
Nash - Washin~ton- July 15,-- f Northwest Perry- - July 22, -1South Fu lton -July 29,
1 Central-Au gus t 5, Sum-tlle<'A ugust 12, P i ttsbu r gh-August
1 9, . West C ent r al-August 26 ,
\Ve st End-Se tembe r 2.
- -- - - - - - - - -
C eri ter
anrl Chdt
J ou rn ;i l, f'or.s (il n ll on Wash in::. t :,n J~:1rc:t u
WASHl:-iGTON - Foliov:ing is
a summary of le'.;scr grant;; to
Georgi a and the A la11la ,ll'ea .
announced by federal c1gencies _
and department· lac;t week.
From the Office of Economic
Opportunity -- $176,!lf:!l (pa rt of ;
total gra nt o $210,0GO) to_E£.~:.'.
nn1J.1ic-.O.rmm· 1111ilv /-.tlanLa for·
the cont it1iiing•.operalion of a
parent and child CL'nl cr .
F rom tile Depr,rlme nl of Jlous- ·
ing c1n . lJrban Develop ncnl-$'.l7 .56-l to Atlci nla for incr ecisecl
cosl~ of site imprn-,·cmcnts for
the Georgia Tech urba n r enewct!
From lhe Depar tment of Commerce-$57,6CO to the Cenlral
Sm·annah Jfo:er Area Planning'
and Dc\·elopmenl Comm i,-~ion lo
help eco;icm ic grrmU, planning
for Bu r,e, Columbia , E m,rnuel ,
Gl ascock. J efferson. J enkins ,
Linco n. \ lcDuffi c, Hichm onrl.
Screven. 'fal ifer ro, W?. tTcn and
\\'i lkcs counties.
§ THE ATLA!'iTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, Jun e 27, 1969
Continued from Page 1
time, but we were never dlvorced. I would like to know if I can
draw his Social Security. I a m 53, have no means of support
and am not able t,J work. - Mrs. A. R.
If you are disabled, you can probably draw Social Security,
provided that you meet the other requiremenLs. The fact that
you were separated from your husband will not affect your
case: Check with your local Social Security office.
Can a F ulton County dog catcher Nmc onto private property to remove a dog?-L. G. F.
Not if he doesn't have the permission of the owner of the
- -·· \
.I' interested in the Rent-a-Kid program. I have a lot of
work to be clone around my house, and I'd like to get some
youngsters to do it:. Can you tell how I can get in touch with this
program?- '.\1. C., East Point.
To empioy one of these youngsters, you may call the Renta-Kid office at 577-5522. They are between the ages of 14 and 15
a nd perform the traditional summertime clean-up, fix up jobs.
They also do baby sitting. The baby sitters get 75 cents an hour
in the daytime and $1 an hour at night. The fixup, clean-up
youngsters earn $1.35 an . hour. The program is spo nsored J-.y
- - - '----:~
-- - --- -----~---
How does Georgia rank in land area among tbe Southeastern states?-Q.M., Smyrna.
Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River,
with a total land area of 58,876 square miles.
· Thursday, June 19, 1969
· · ~rfl
s n -~et
_ Thoma . i\1. c.:.run" Parham has r esigned as executive adminisf;rak, of Eco·1~"'ic O:ir:i~;ttv Atlanta (EOA) and Dep- .
uty Administrator- \\·1lfoun 1.-V.
1son has '1ieen appointed to fi ll
b is. position.
•. Allison will be the firsl ! '-egro
to head t he agency which administer poverty programs for
Atlanta and Fulton. Gwinnett &.
and Rockdale comtties.
· Parham, 42. res1gned eff ctive July 15 to jui'.n .the staff oE
the Institute of Go i.--ernme
the ·university of Georgia in
6 tilens.
· l ri his letter of resignation.
Parham, who has headed EOA
for the pa st two years, said he
hopes to dcrnte his time to
':matter s of long-time professional interest, such as child
welfare, crime and delinqu_~ncy and income maintenance for
the poor:•
THE EOA BOdRD of directors, accepting Pamam's resignation "with very ,~~ep regre t ,"
said he has been "·<'..n able .adJill PARHAM
m inistrator and a sensitive
Going To · Athens
.. Allison. 35, lias: been on t he I EO. staff since the organization was founded four years ago .
. In ,acrepti.ng lhe $20,000 a year
' job, he said he will "follow ,
the same ge era! goa!s that my
pr:::dc-cessor has pursued."
. G. Clinton Rodgers, associa te
adminish-a,Lor for manpower,
was app,:,intcd ~o replace Allison
as cieputy admiruslrator.
(.. ,
-· /
~ i ; . , ......
iI -...\,
' I ( ' ,., ••,' '
I .I!!
ll \.1 :._·; t..: 1 t..
A yea r a·go , the \ \ 'est _
En Neighh0rh oo .
Service C,:,Qt~.J,:_j1!it i2.ts,d ;,. uniq 2 pro 6 -arn• to · ·
Lus\rffie ffl<:: t..:nds ~nJ m ines of htinGff,.S cf
jobless , moneyless ki s clesil·ing wol'l: dtu·i g
the sum mt:r, ~-l nny of t he::;e c .i lu:·cn W<!::e
un er 16 and financin ll y dep.::nde:it on thems e lves. T hey v:a ntcj to e arn m oney so the y
c ou d go bac to sc hool in th- fa ll vl h e: equate mone y fo r clothing , trr-.nspo, t:>.tio11 to ·
school e.n. lunch 1 ,one y.
Ar rro r iatdy c a lkd Rent-A-l'U , the non· ·
profit program la st year oreratcu on a shoes tr ing budget and was blc t o organize , sup-ervise and p ace a out '100 c ildren in jo. s
t hrong ollt the Atlanta area . T ,e P• , gram was so popt ' ,.r with kids l 1unse~vcs
tl,::. t by t he end of the s um me th. 1·e w::>re
m :rny , many mo re boys ~n, gids on r~scrve
\Vf.it!ng lists t h:i.n t ..:: re \Vere c1.ctu:: !:,· \";or~~ing.
T his summer , the !\layer ' s Council on
Yc•uth t!f,.s ex anclecl the Rent-A - ' i prngn:m
t o tap tie youth re&ource::; in ten L'" r:•r ivi. le8ed sect ions thro ughout t c fiv~ count · \ :8 ·.
ro o ita.n are~.
A p icture of the average Rent-A- f~id rev a ls t nt he is 15 years old, h~.s si., broth-e rs and sisters , lives in a hcnse ,old \'1.1ere
t here is 110 •fath r r c:;n hl s mot ,or works.
He lives in U0!ic housjng, sh:ircs a .ed w·r:h
t le2.st two oti.?r chil:!1·en anJ e::;ts o;,e Rn:::i a
h?.lf mea s p:.!r cl,iy , His fo m ily ' s income is
less rh:in $3 ,000 per .year. He i s as e2.ge r to
v;or k as he i s to eat.
Re r:t-A- ICi. s c a 1nio \v lawns , trim s u b2ry,
cban fi o-.·.-~;: ds , was. win:lows , move fu r nituJ~e , cle an out bc.semeut s , attics and garage s,
p:1 int ( vith sL1per ision), m end and hem , ir on ,
b::ibys it, was., c ars and m any other things that
are not listed h,:;i·c . Ch1rnces ar e , if t he u iic
need s a job to be clon th at is not l is ted here ,
a Rent·-A - l'id will be able to fi t t he bill .
They are a va ila ble from Mondays t irough
P r ida ys from 9 to 5 an on S .. t urd ays from 9
t o l. T he y work on a n hourly bas is ·iti1 an
avere.ge c.,art:'= of $1.35 per hour or 75 ce nts
an hour· fo r 2bysittieg during t he ay. Ti:2
c h.:11·ge , however, is fbxible de .~ nding on t he
t ypa o: ,·,or.· to b0 done .
T h'=' kids are willing and cager , but thesuc -ces~ of t he program deper, s entirely on the
jobs a\',iilablc for t em. This is wher . 1e:.ro :;, it 0.l! r.::-e r eE. jent- come in, Look arom1d
t e t,ouse. Loo!: arotm t e yard . Look ar oun
t he basement or the attic. Loo. "tall tha t you
wis h to do s.n d o not have time ro do.
T hen , thin!: of t , e mr.ny c hil,.,ren who Leg,
" Do you know where I ce.n get· a job? "
A n:i call 577 - 5252 . Yoti nee
the h.;:lp. . .
�-. .
- - ---
THE AT"...A!'\'TA CONSTITUTIO:'.'I', Wcdncsclny, June 25, 1969
.·-... .
- - -- - . . . ._ -
To ·F,1n1il1 of 11
Walt Anderson , the tough-talking ex-Marine now fighting poverty, was given a house the other day to be used to he!p young
people. Anderson, in turn, is giving it away to a family with
eight children.
' "What the hell." Anderson mons ," Anderson said. "I looked
said Tuesday. " Helping eight at it and saw it was a deed .. .
· kids is as imr;ortant as helping I thought, 'How could · I ha\·e
-80. They' ll ha ve a home the rest bought someth ing and foq3"otten
of their lives and sec urity it?· I thought I ,ms being sued.
they 've never had."
I was shaky."
It happened this way :
l Pilcher said he 'd give tr.e
Associate City Attorney J ames I hous~. at 429 Da rgan Place SW
P ilcher called Ande rson l ast , m \Vest End. to Anderson to be
week and asked the Econorni,.. · used for the benefit of yo uth. I
~orsugitv Atlanta ~=ferro Pilcher said S3.430 ~till was
ne oy Eis umce.
owed on the lot. but still sturdy,
With Anderso n siWng in front : structure.
of him, Pilcher reached inside NEEDS REPArnS
his coat pocket and pulled out
Anderson agreed. then went
a slip of paper.
I out to look at the house, which
•·1 thought it was a sum- ! sits on a high ground with trash
and weeds front and back. It
-- - f has solid walls but needs considerable repairs. David L. Park1 er. a. 35-year-old
sign painted
witb a wife , eight children and
an sister-in-law, live the re.
Anderson thought about it and
asked if Parker 1Youid like to
own his own home.
·· He thought I was a · con
·artist. ·· Anderson said. "so I
ga ve him some names of people
to check with. I guess he did
because he called me a couple
days later and sa id okay.· ·
Anderson asl;ecl Wilson .\lcClure. dirertor of the West Encl
Urban Renewal Project, to he!p
and the las, arrangements are
I. being mad~ th is week.
__ _
, $83 A ~vlO:\"l'H
Parker will take o\·er the S83
'a month payments and begin
paying another $55 a month for
the SlU.000 reha bi:itation to be
carried out through i\.IcClure·s
· office. The $33 payments will be
due for only a c;ouple of years
or so - the $55 will be due for
20 vears.
l\:lcClure will send a Georgia
State College urban life intern
out to work wi th the Parkers :
on budgeting this swnme r. He ;
believes the Parkers can handle '
the payments because both work ·
- she in a restaurant.
• ··r just hope I'111 doing t'1e
right thing.·· Anderson s2jd .
�Ff-·[ , J/ 11 ·1•··
~:';1 P ' p"
r.=-:J •.:.'; -
chanm.d wi t' its beauty and
,·c1ri etr.
Si x Flag;; O·;c-r Gco:·~i" to
,;Tl' s not a bil like :\loot1c\·'s
sec 85 li ttie He;id St;irl children from th;;-tfr11i:~~1r.:mcc; La ke us2d tr, be ."' I marvelied
to pl otog ~a p 1er Bill \\'il ,;r,:i,
. nursery launchl d on ·aarif s
outing, pro1·i cd by readers . thi nking of U1e days 11·hc11 I
took m · children there for a
who senl in conlribuli ons of
big outing.
green s t a m p s and ~omc
money . I came a11·ay from my
A DAY OR SO before two
fi rst gl.i.mpse of thi s \'a st
fri en~ls , Caroly n B e c k n c l l
am usement park t o L a 11 y
Mann and Leah Loga n, spo ·c
cosily in my pres2nce of new
Ce estine Si bley's column
appears i n The Atla l! ta Const itul'icn .
pl aces to eat in our town.
Thcv asked i'nc ho-,1· I li:.:ed the
Lio1i 's Head a1,d The Ab!wv
and I said , " Huh'1 \\'hal .-s
"You have io ge l out and
sec more ." Ca ro:1·n told me
fi rm!)'. "We 're: going lo take
you in hand. "
And I mad e a resolu~ion to
get oul more and see more
anrl w -·nt slraight homr ,
fl ushe
with righ teousness
born of new resolve, ch,rng0d
lo my jeans and stra ·: h::it
and went blackberryin g.
JN SPITE of 1,·b2t I say, I
r ea ll y enjoy ihe q11iet co~mlry
pleasures. Black berries ar e
reaching their pea · around
Sweet Apple settlement now
and it would be terrible to be
k it ing· off to Seven Fl ags or
some entici ng new resta urant
ea tirig all mann er of gorgeous
food when the blc1c ·bt:rric.s
are hangi.J 1g · then~ on the vine
grtt ing over-ripe.
Some prople can pc1ss up
bl ackberries, I real ize. The re
are those who are afrc.id of
sn akes and tho~e who hale
bri ar~ and c,·cn more who ar..,
tu rned ba ck b\' chi~gers.
Bu i I kno11· of rw nlrasrinte r
way to pass the ho;1rs of the
sun·s setling and twili ght's
setllin g in than in a c-crt:1in
pa::.:(ure do1rn on Little Hi\'Cr
pi c:!,ing bcfl' ics.
The hav h::i. hrfn Frr., 11lv
cut and t:12 random straw(c_;
1hc mowers lcH h Ve turned
to gold. Th e summer , un h:.i.;
dried them and in (he dr:-·i ng
bro ught out t.i1at S\\'ed July
fra grance that's like none
oth er. In the oak t recs on the
hil:s the Ju y fli r.;; sav; av:ay
and dow 1 on the ri1·er ban·
frogs start th eir late c\·cniiig
symphony, puncln ating it \':ith
an occasiona l soft, coolin g
" plop" into the w::tcr.
A mock ingb ird sings fr om
th e beaut ifu l big poplc1r in the
center of the pc1sture ai1'.l cardina ls make gentle n:r;ht-coming-on murmui'ings in the alders by th e »trearn.
IT'S E_ASY Lo reach the li ttl e berri es and there are
pl en,y of them but Lhc big
on es , th e long bl ue b! ack onrs
that look as fat and tempting
as li LLlc sausages , hang way
bac: _in the bri ars.
I al \';ays pause be fore
reaching for one of them and
th.:-n. fu lo·.\'ing t:1e cxdrnple of
my nPig-hbnr Doc. T s[a;;,p on
th e ground, rustle the bu 5hcs
,i ml sin g lu!-lily.
" You can'l see snake, 11 ·hcn
it's this thick ," says Doc,
plunl:ing a ha ndful of berr ies
info his bucket 1rith a tu nefu l
sound. "I li ke to th ink the
sna ·es can't see me eith er."
IT'S THE PROPER attitude
for a acdicated b!ack-berrver
and it ma. ·es fur a mu.si'cal
out in er. At one rnd ofJ th e pasture Doe heists a tu ne abou t
fai thless lo\'Crs. At 111\' end I
sing my fa, -oritc, "I Don 't
Wa nt io Walk \','ithou You,
Baby." ll1 E;antng juo:t th e opposite if c 11y snakes 2rc listen in g ai1d in be!l':ecn I hear
a mtunL:ed c11rsf fro m somcbG,,r/y wiJ,) \•· as briar ~ ,afcbcd
and r,rndo:n slap~ at mo;;qu itos a:id hor.-e mes.
IT'S NOT Si·.:: Flaf;~ . n0r ycl
go ing out lo dimir·r. Hui if. rc:~1ll ls i,, fi-·c r0:)h!er and a fr,·;
ghssc.: , t Pie preltic.•t jc-lly
you ever saw.
(' i
THE VOICE-June 22~ 1969-P c
4(,"'1-1,:' ;.; , h ,a
'I i
The Manpower Develop- ·
ment Training Center, 111
Ivy Street N. E. hold:'! Community day activitie:'! on
'!day, June 19, l 969.
1 From 12 noou .to 4:*J p.m.
i The purpo:'!e i3 to offer the
community in the City of
Atlanta an opportunity to
visit our center, and to view
· the
facilitias · ·and our
trainee:'! at work.
The Manpower Training
<;:!,!Ete_~ !~ . _t!1e f~cili!Y p~of
vided by the .Divi s ion of
Voca_tional Technical and adult Education; Atlanta Public Schools to provide train··
ing to unemployed and underemployed youth:'! and adult:
male and female,
through individualized industrialization tra_ining, and
guides them through a :'!eries
of experiences which lead to
prospective :'!Ucce:'!:'!ful employment
of Vocational
classe:'! are being held in
the following areas: Weld- · i~1t ' ;
ing, Automotive Mechanic,
i'i.° ,·.,
I • '
Clerk Gen Office (2 cla:'!:'!e:'!) L
Seamtre::i:'!, Cook, Hotel and
Restaurant, Barbering and
The Curriculum includes
two hour5 of Ba:'!ic Educator,
four hour:'! of shop or (Lab),
2 hour5 of related :rnbject
(Note: r e lated could be replaced by per5onal lmpro:vement and Human Relation:'!).
will be L,..,.,.,¥ ....,L
'!erved on a continuous ba:'!iS
on that Day.
C .
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�• L:... ,
Youngsters Get
·- Opportunity to
· Be Creative
Atlanta children can spend
their summer creatively this
year and the Atlanta Park~ and
,Recreation Commission will pick
up the tab .
The Central City Recreation
Center hold free crafts classes
_every Wednesday from 10 a.m.
to noon for children from five
to 16 years old. Some of the
offered programs are sculpmetal, clay, acrylic and painting.
· Registration for the program , ~which is partially funded by
~n9mig OpportunitiY Atlant~.
!IS e1ng eld at the Central City
-. Center at 717 Marietta St. SW.
·- I
t:.: .......,
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,-;:::;•:;:::-; OF G 'S E ::-; 1::TT & ,~U F ORD ADVF.~TJSEJ"~--V,E D., J li~{S 1S, l!J G:J--5-}~
!u -r777;·
. . .': n~i!
-:L I .1,.·_. l .,'- ·u .J. _J_
men1l:e~sfiip r.:[ t;1is Cour-~~H re·
pres 2r:ts in tt':. tru::-st s=: :1s: t·.~e
" !JJ.rt:l~= s~1:9 :::,7 E::-a1t h· c::0£1~1.::1~ ·,::ftic:1 is -:t:,e l:,3sis oi ?ederi l ;: :· _~;·')r t .. _ s=1ch l~e~Hh r1:nn11~r:;. Tt.0. CouE.-.:;il .:c1n£~:·i.s€:s lJcz.. i ; :.1·,·.:rn;-11:~ :_-::;; 0:1.jor 9la;:2l.ir,z
a~~t ci-= s, ~eCT-1~~1 r, :-8~.-:.~~rs, e-_e
The long process or org2.ni za-
tion and commur.Hy i1wd : <:mer.t
cl i rn2 "-··:d successi·1l1y ,,:;he n tii.e
r: el'I " ~.ietr,);:olitan ,\t\ar.ta Cou;icil for 1-!1;~1~..1 " rr,et f?r th -~ n~st
ti me :ind accep::·; forrr. ·0.Ey t':;~
r e5r~or:s :~ility for ~ idii":.:;; ti'"'. e
C:e s•i'.1'.?. S oi com9r;;i12,\Sln f, C-,'.Hh pLc:1;,in~ in th'" six -c·Jur.ty r.,e-
poor ar:.1
tro '.)u\L'l.n area.
The si:·; cc.rn;ics r29res8r.r£d
are Ft1l~on, CJi;:J , I:~K~ib, Cl2.yton, G·:::ri:12 tt, ,::,d D,, ,, :;;l:is. Tt2
m..: .::-1!-? clc.ss.
At t2 1.~:~5 t~ ~ :-:: ~-=.H ir. 5
( 'i ::~:1!~2 L.C ~ G-~ :-.:-. · :~ ~f: :-~~);t. 1~1: . rt.
Pr'..!! tt1
C;- -=. f= :; ·, 2. ~, ·3·;:
Cot! Jt:t Con1 nL::"' ,;i, ;11
2nd ?cvfj
- [ ) - -...
_ ,._
Ee 3 . Brous;l:ton oi the GwL·!;iett
Cc·l'l::· '::O,'. .
comr;.-:L:~~nsive "
T :1-; t~
rr;;;a,15 ,!lat e·112 ry 1spect of tr,~
hc:1!,h landsc:ir-= Hill r, 9 b!:0:1
tnto 2.ccr..uilt . ·1.,hi,:, i:1c1uC:,Js rlan11:r.[ io r illness ,.nd injc1ry 2.3 ,·,en
~ts er:r !r onn1::r:t~.l cc:,.lrols cifair~
·;;;2ter , soil , foou , dL;e::ise vec0, ,;, ': :.•1si!l'.; c.:i,:':!s :nd co:1s:::-:.1 ::~
til') n :1 ~:J .: : 3 i 3 G:.~ cos:.; t, . !i:e
~·::; ~(IS 0f !:-1::-:/1-; ~1; .?.~til, 02:·::8.l
~.2:1·. ~:!, 2!:d reh:1hU itc.tion ff1t; St
\21 .
u -0 - 1:.:.).. 0
also be cor.sid2r0d.
?·/l r. A.• B. P2dge tt, Trl!St c ifi ..
cer, T,:us t Com.9~ny of G2c.:·;(1
and Ch1iman 0f \111~ Co r.,r;1ur,,:y v,ide Stea rinJ Coa1 n1 U~ e~ ~.-,· :::,:r~
brcc1gh t the Co~r,cil i:itu t ::I~.-;;
p:;:- 2-;ided ov er tht: initial rr.0-:- :'. r,z
of tll e Co:,:icil ,
Dr, R~c)hac:l B. Le·,ine , Di r e~.to r
oi the Cor:--1pr':: h~~:s i·!e .-~!"t: D·:.·::..!!)
E~~.i:.h Pl annir:; ?:-0J ·: ;tJ ~h f~ cz·g:11'..i::s.tion ·:.tdc:1 1s doi;.~ ~;:~
grouri:jwor·k for tJ :; fStc.bts~inn:nt
,. --...
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r:e·,v C.o'.r.l:':i1 , r evi;::Y;e
i~.1 l::avc iu!"'revie,:i.:; R!l l:1:8lth-
r :lated plans ori~ :-_2.ti!1 :; in the
CJUl:TlUEity- ",;-id e
~ ;,,..:.,
,,--,_ l·1--Z_. .., l ,j...;•
·- - ------·- -·- - --- ---·
t2c~_:-1i c:11 ar." or~?-r-J:.:'1: :i:-n~ 1prog::e,;;s to d1te. r:e c;: .,1:,,0:1:.'"d e,;i
t :2 ~.IJ[ho ci~_- ,;:f~i~: r':i~ Counc!l
,.r-b- -
H~ conciud.-=d by s~: '.ir.5, " Idec~
'f excellenc~ r.J?Dd e:;.zrc.s~,on:ir.g
has t ~;;i.1n.
T 11lc; C0ui'.ci1 ar.d its;\\.a:-f:.,s143.215.248.55;--;:'·~~ -~~-~-~;~
~,-: :;_o-rti!Jsl ::~ -;_1,· ~ rr:t:s~ r:::·:..i_.;,: s: .1.i.l
~J I cur tec:ln:)lc;ie s 2. :td disc~i:;ll 'l=:S in crd ::: r co ')r~ se t..,e a:--.j
f!r~);-o~·_e ou r enviro~:-:ri1~n( 2.s ,:;e
.·r.ow n i'.OW. I! ·::e ,:!0 r:c. t -: l:,rt
~·r is;!:: wi: h a .se ;\50 of u1 ·;;:"; [:c:,
·.ye ~.-,- 111 :11i.s s
1t is ~ 5
L1:; tic:.: tions. Idea:; :-.;,~d :'::e,, s o
ti:C! p:; r.t?c::r!n5 rrc_.\::.!1 to·:;arcl
hsalrhLil , sGdal c~ r.=;;e 0n a m:i.i;-
~ri~ t9s ~ o_~:--0:-[·.:ni-~y v;e
nHnd?. ·r. ?. v~c· ~fo1·c 1.: df!rt 2~en
this comm u:i1tv
niv~. to 1t: .~·rov2
~~:: ~
1; :~~
.; : ~t ~--,~~
!12aith o
The West End Ne ighborhood Service Center of EOA
Monday recruited rrnd placed
75 young people . between the
ages of 14 and 21. in jobs for
the - summer through the
Neighborhood Youth Corps
Summer Program. The voung
people, who must be in school
from high school,. will fill a
inds J bs ror 75 Y u
variety of pooitioll.5 . Some
. will do clerical. maintenance.
and ·.recreation work .· Othe rs
will serve as teacher aides
and as aides in the Roy McGee Hea lth Center. Still others will be placed at the Girls·
Club and at the West End
Boys' Club.
The youths . who began ·ar-
riving at the Neighborhood
Center at 8 a.m. Monday .
have been placed in the 75
jobs a nd a re already at work .
The jobs will last through the
week of August 20. Mrs . Sarah Zimmermann. director of
the West End Service Center
By 4 p.m. Monday nea rly•
100 students had applied for
thejobs . "Allwehavetodois
whisper a job might be availa ble . Mrs. Zimmermann said.
"and the kids turn out enmasse. It makes you wonder
why some people say "these
people don't want to work."
Ossie Helton. Manpower
Youth Advisor at the West
End Center and Derral Fralish. coordinator for the sum-·;
mer NYC program at the center. handled the placement of
the students from lowpincome families
) /l·
. \\ E~T"EI\D STL DE I\TS \\ 'i\ lT AT CEI\TEB
To .lie- lnlen·ic\\ l'd for I\YC Su mnu•r E111plo~·111y111
- .JUfJE 28, 1969
Rent-A-Kid is placing an
ave rage of 50 youths a day in
jobs as it enters its third
week of oper ation. T he Economtc · -'Opportun it y ~
s po ns ored pr o Ject-place's
disadvanta ged y,,uths betwe en 14 and 16 in pa rt-time
summer jobs. This is an age
group excluded by othe r e m ~
ployme nt progr ams .
One ma n called and wanted
a Rent-A-Kid to babys it with
his four St. Bernard dogs .
A lil d~·, upon be ing told the r e
were·~no girls ava ilable tat
da y for dust ing, and clea ning ,
. hired a 14 year old boy inste ad. La ter . she ca lled to
rave a bo ut hi s work and ar :...
ran ged to hir e him a gain.
"Though t he fir s t two
weeks of ope ra tion we r e im pressive , I can s ee a d i lemm a appr oach in g, " s tate s
l{ent - A- Kid Admini s tra to r,
Mr s . J oy Ruyle . " :'-.!any of
the · c hild r e n ar e going to
become disat is fied when
the r e a r e no t enough jobs to
fill t he alre ady increasin g
,(11;:u-'0 !lment.
More t han 600 teenage rs
are now r e gis tered wi th
Rent-A- Kid .
For babysitting, c ar-washing, lawnmo1ving .or ironing,
the Ren t-A-Kid s are a \·a ilable fr offi 9 to 5 weekdays,
9 to l Sat ur days at ab,lUt
$ 1.3_5 a n hour or . 75 an ho ar
for babys itting.
To Re nt-A-Kid ca ll 5775252.
F ive fam il ies living in the
rura l are;_i between Roswell
and Alpharetta have joined
efforts in planting a community gar de n under the guida nce _of Lee.\ illi arns , -empl oyee of the North F ul ton
Center of EtJ'..Dornir· 9.E9J!_rt l¥}itv.A.t _t~,l~ The famili es involved in the
venture arc clients of William 's office and will use the
food grown in the ga rden lo
supplement the s urplus food
s tuff they r eceive monthly.
The families are composed
of eigh t , seve n, five, six and
/J "~-.-{ l ·.('(·c;
TW t'--lEI GHtlOR
fou r m embers. The children
who are old enough and the
parents who arc physica lly
able tend t 1e tract.
A banker from Alphare tta
volunteered to pa y for tl!e fertil;zer and the see - Jor the
garden. An au to dealer in
R oswell pa id fo r the dr ive r
ar.d t ractor for pl ow in° the
ground. An Alpharett woman , owning some rura l land ,
don:ited the tract for the garden . Willi ams organized the
famili es and is giving teclm ical assistance.
On July 8, from noon until
9:00 p.rn. at the .Nor.th__.Eul:
to~l':!..eighho.rh_ood Sem_c_e
Center of Economic Oppor-
!Uflit_y_ ~~JJta,.ln~~ted at
25 Oa SL. Roswell a_'._'. He_al~h
Happening" will be con1ucted
for the benefit of all North
Fulton area residents, regard1'.ess of inco me level.
A Mob.1"12 Health Unit will
be provided. Tests for tuber-·
cmosis, diabetes , veneral diseases, and chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Diseases
frespi tory troubles) will be
gjv en free of charge. Baby
sitting services will be provided for parents as they take the
examinations. Transportation
will be provided for those in
outlying a re.as who have need
ofsncb a service.
�\ JP\o·verty
yo:i efh§
1receE'"Je ruiu§I o
_i;:C tl.Ot,€){1( § !/l,f,1 ·g
Ei g hi g ift e d teenage nrn s ic i~n~ fro m
3cw-1 ncomc familiC's h,ll"e be en aw a rd e
i;~l10l arship s to th e F.a sk rn Mu sic Fr st iw;,J at Guilf ord Colle ge n e ar Green s boro ,
N.C. , thi s summer in a com pe li l iun
,,pon~orcd by Economic O pporluni t,, A ~
-~ Th ey
were selec te d afte r audition s
tefnre a pnne l of profe ss iona l mus ici an s
r,_d p o\·c rty-area re s ic e nls, acconiin " to
Dr. Benno Fr,mk . di rector. of '· C1'e .live
Atl a nta," EO . 's summer· arts pro grnm .
ad d itiona l s chol ars hip s a re still
rendi ng.
Tn e fes tival progra m , which \1·ill nm
from J u nc 20 lo Au g. 1, will i nclude
r,ioff.s . iona l art i,ts an d · in,;lrurn ent,il
mu~i c ,;tuclcnls from a ll ov er th e n c1 ti on .
Etuclrn ts will be g i1·en pri1·at e i ns(rn ci) u1 i.ly t ,, e pro k~s ionaJ mus icians .
r~rtici polion of po1·e rty youth s is
c · r,r, ss ib! e throu g h an O EO g r,1 n(
1o fiq, Southca~tc rn c i l i C' . . Th e
1cl;0Jarships include tuit ion , Jivin g
J1€ 1,sts, a clolhin g a ltow;i nce , tr;:inspor! a-·
1imi; and inc iclcnt a Js . ·
S-M .l
):ft,irin g° _(lie summel' th ~ stud ents \riil
~resent nu me r ous public pe rfor mances,
ii;c:luding a p rni,;r:•m on N01'lh (';,ro lin a ·.
u 1ur,,tion:1 J TV s!:iti on . Pl :ins a re als o
i e11~g made for a Whit e H ouse pe r for~.r.f,n,ce _in t he f a ll.
Implementation of a summer feeding ·program . which
will provide mini-meals to an
estima ted 70,000 Atlanta
• children before the summe r is
over. bega n Monday. 1\1.
Agnes J ones F:l crncntary
School. located on Fair Street
in southwes t Atlanta . is one of
12 Atlanta schools selec ted to
serve as a food i repara tion
and di stributi on point.
The between-meal supplements which will be trucked
twice c1 day to parks and p!ay- Atlan ts IS or.c Ol the lirSt pare the mini-meals a t the 12
lots. will consist of such i terns cities in the nation to take ,:chool cafetcri.a s . .
as milk. sandwiches, fru its, ad vantage of the ne\v feeding
breads and juice. A number of • procrram made available by
West Encl supervised playlcts the US Department of Agriand recreation centers arc ·culture 's "Specia l Food Seramong the 100 to partici- vice Pro" ram for Children."
pate in the program.
Atlanta 's program is reported .
Among those already bcin0 to be the largest in the nation.
served in WC'st End arc 0:.1kAlthough USDA provides
land City East. Howel l Park. most of the fun s and food for
West End Park. and Commu- · this program. its actua l opernity of Hope. \1orc will be ation is the result of cooperaadded as the program gets tion and hard work by offi cials of the city , the Atlarita
into full swing.
Boa rd of Educa tion, lheAtlanta P:irks and Recreation
Department and E conom ic
.-9., port.uni ty_ A !c11i ta. -·~
sa1u Mi°keRay.--wl10- is with
EOA-i!,!_!f]is coordina ting the
--sm'itmer feeding program .
Ray said that ·'a lthough !he
program is ready to go, we
are low on supplies of cardboard boxe and ~andwich
bags. " He sa id he hopes local
industries wiil contribute
boxes and sandwich bags.
Tha t way, a ll of the USDA
fn n .,s could be spent on food
fo r these needy children," he
The Campbell Foundation
of Atlanta has a lready contributed $10.COO lo the
summer project to help pay
fo r _personnel needed to pre-
@~ ~ $ ~~
~ fi~W©J
) .
at Guilford · College -near ·
Greensboro. N. C. this sum-.
mer. He leaves Friday for
Guilford, where he will ·
spe nd six weeks under the
guidance of
professional. ·
musicians, including band ·
directors, orche stra leaders and band and symphony
Claude O'Donell,
Marshall 's string instrument
teacher at Collier Heights, ·
said Marshall was well advanced for his age. Marshall is also taking private
lessons from Reginald \\'hitworth, a student at Georgia_
State and an advanced stu-·
deni: of Mr. Don Schumacher,
first cellist with the Atlanta
Symphony Orchestr a.
Marshall does
thing instinctive!,' correct,"
said O'Donnell. "He learns
very fast,"
Mar shall has been playing
Marshall Hall On The Bass
Marshall Hall, 12 yearold student at Collier
Heights Elementary School,
w.ould like to play in a professional orchestra someday. And thanks ':_o Economic .
Qpgortunity Atla'!ta he JUSt
might get the chance.
Of course, anyone with
the exceptional musical taI ent which Marshall has probably would not go through
life without someone discove ring him. But EOA has
made it possible for some..:
one to work with his talents
at an early age.
Marshall has been selected as one of ten scholarship winners to attend
the Eastern Music Festival
for only two. years but can
al ready claim a knowledge of
more than one Instrument.
He also plays the bass·.
"I like to play the bass,"
said Marshall, but I will
be taking a cello with me
to the festival."
Marshall practices everyday for an hour but this
· summe r he will find himself
practicing every day for six
weeks. He ought to love that.
r ·
t THE ATL.3-~-=1'. ! CONSTITIJTION, Friday, Jun~ 2_1, _1_269
Celestine Si°bley
Sh.a ron Finds a Friend
The near-misses in life are probably the m ost terrifying thing about it.
If you hadn't been at a particular place at a p articular time what might
have happened .to rm? If a certain person hadn't seen you and spoken to you
at a sp ;re ::r,::vJ.
l, \'\;here would you be now? I've had the happenstance
a spects " i1c ii ·rlty ·mind a great deal the last few days because of a report which a young writer ·named Edward Downs Jr. made on the case
of a· little Negro girl named Sharon.
Sharon -is almost 13 years old and she lives
" . . . Everybody took it for
in that area west of the Atlanta stadium called
Mechanicsville. Life isn't easy for most people
granted that S h a ron was in ental-4t Mechanicsville and it doesn't seem possible
ly retarded. Her efforts at talk
that it could be r emotely co:mfor.table for
gibberish. She clearly did
Sharon and her family. There are about 20 of
not understand what was said to
them - 16 children at last count - living in a
three and a half room house. Her father, unedher ... Then Sharon found a
ucated and untrained for any kind of work,
. l"
f n.enc
. had a poor-paying job until ,r ecently but it fizzled ouf and according to the last report he
that at some point in the little girl's life before
was on the street looking aga in.
she reached her 13th birthday but you don't
None of this looks pa rticularly jolly for a litkn ow how confusing and bewildf? ring life can
tle girl ·but on top of tha t everybody took it for
get for 20 people i n furee and a half room s.
granted tha t Sharon was m entally r etarded.
When the scramble fur food is fren zied and
Her efforts at talk were gibberish. She clearly
there's not enough of anything to go around
didn't understand what was said to her. The
you might stop paying attention to other trouregular escape from an overcrowded and imbles.
poverished home, public school was closed
to her.
Sharon has a: lot of-c atch~ng up to do and it
Then Sharon found a friend.
isn't going to be easy iior a time. But things
Mrs. Bernice Miller, mother of three and
a re looking up. She is getting special a.ttention
former school traffic policewoman, visited
at the Milton Avenue $.chool, where they conSharon's hom e as a pa rt of her job as an E co- centrate on work with metarded children. She
QlJpprl11Dity snvice aide.
has speech lessons , am@11g othe rs, and can now
"The little girl's face a ttracted her . She could
m ake herself unde rstood! !better.
see something was wrong and, wittLJ.he..se.em.-.
i,!:!gi boundless optimism of EOA__wqrkers, s he
" Sharon still lives alt the crowded Mecha n"1na e up her mind to- gersnaron some exper t
ics ville address ," Mr. fill.o wns wrote in his rebelp.
por t. " But now nearly :ve ry day she is at the
Sum-Mee (Summerville..fflecha nicsville) Center
The fi rst thing was a psychological test and
the n she took Sha ron to the Butler Health Cenparticipa ting in dancing, d rawing and eleme nter for a physical examination a nd then, Io and
ta ry wri ting. Now, too, the gentle black face
behpld, they found the trouble.
tha t was once ignored bm.eaks into a jolly smile
. ShaFOn was not m entally re tarded but prac- when observed."
__ ·t ically stone deaf.
- - - - - -- - _Ma kes it -s-ca rywlferF y ou tnink tha t if EcoIt seems inconceivable that pa rents or nom ic Opportu nity didn'l ~exfs t, if Mrs. Miller
friends wouldn't ha ve caught a handicap like
hadn't been there . .. doa m't it?
- ,, (":.
/ 1/.
J ·
- .,/
EOA . ~ rtthy,
Pourham Hold
f\ ·'
I -, ;.A1l!]~
Sta ff P hoto-Charles J ackson
Jim Parham
EOA Wo:rthwhile,
Say§ Reii:ring Head
Continued from Page 1-A grams ranging from a small 1
($10,000) special food distrib~tion program to a large ($4 million) training and employment
Twenty-five to 30 parent-child
care centers were funded and
Atlanta became to the first city
in the nation to open such a center.
EOA attracted 602 non-paid
middle-class volunteer workers
to help in the battle against
being poor. And EOA initiated
its "Find Out" tours of Atlanta's
"It took me about a year to poverty pockets. Some 4,000 pe rstart getting the signals and sons have taken the tours, that
learn what to do" when conflict- were begun in January, Parham
ing policy guides were iss~ed, said. He views the tours and the
Parham said. So Parham Just volunteer program as among
did what he thought was best in EOA's more successful venadministrating about 20 pro- tures.
EOA also embarked on ambitious training programs, but ran
into a-common bureaucratic ailment, according to Parham.
Vietnam. EOA took a $400,000
slash in 1968. And there was always the problem of finding
enough skilled manpower to do
the jobs required in the massive
training, counseling and servicing programs.
Despite all this, EOA has
racked up some successes and
has been considered among the
more progressive anti-poverty
agencies in the country.
There was always pressure
from above, from Congress and
elsewhere to make a good record; therefore, there was always pressure to train those
' who would best fit into a work
situation- and not the high risk
hard-core impoverished persons
. who might make the programs
look bad on paper.
Despite some of his criticisms,
Parham said he believed that
EOA has filled a community
need and has fared better under
the Nixon administration than
he had expected. Parham, who
will join the staff of the University of Georgia Law and Government Institutes, also said he saw
' no real threat to the anti-poverty programs in the admini~tration's removal of certam proJects from OEO.
"EOA - or OEO - should be
an incubator for ideas. I know of
no reason that any given program should remain with OEO
after its inception," Parham
Before he was to step down Wednesday as executive administrator of Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Thomas M. (Jirri)
Parham looked back at his 22 months as a local general in the
War on Poverty.
"It was like trying to build a and be efficient, and we were
sailing ship and sail it around told to use idigencus unskilled
the world \','.bile you were build- personnel whenever possible.
ing it," he said. Or, " It was like We were told to pla n scientifisliding down the razor's edge of cally an.d deliberately, but move
in fast and take quick decisive
The program was hindered by action; we were told to advocate
ambiguity in its m issions, at strongly for the poor but don't ,
times hamstrung · by erratic become politically partisan,"
funding and sometimes almost Parham said.
crippled by a lack of necessary
A big headache was tryi ng t.o
skills, Parham said.
put together a program and imBut a ll things considered, Par- plementing it a t the same ti me.
ham said he believes the pro- "It was like to trying to build a
gr am has been wor th the trou- sailing ship and sail it around
1 bles-and the money. EOA is
the world while you were build· currently operating on a $12 mil- ing it," he said.
lion annual budget with a staff
While juggling and trying to
of 500 persons. Parham got a
reconcile all the contradictions.
salary of $20,000 a year .
Parham emphasized he didn't there was always something
want to appear to be .,leaving else to contend with. "You had
EOA with a blast of criticism. to be liber al enough to be ac"Atlanta will never be the same cepted in the poor communities.
yet conservat ive enough so tha:
because of EOA," he says.
But there were some tall prob- you could. work with the Establems to try to solve-problems lishment," Parham said. "It
that for the most part will be in- was like sliding down the razor's
herited by his successor , Wil- edge of life."
liam W. Allison, who was Par- · One would think this might be
ham 's deputy, administr ator.
more than enough to stymie a ny
P arham talked about some of program-especially o n e so
those prcblems:
complex and all-encompassin~
Policy dispensed by Office of as the anti-poverty program.
Economic Opportunity headBut these werer,'t the onk
quarters was often vague, controubles. Congress slashed th·e
tradictory and sometimes non- budget for helping the poor ir.
existent. It took OE O until the the United States so that the
fall of 1968 to set down on paper country could finance the war in
just what its mission was, al. though OEO came into being Continued on Page 8-A, Col. ;;
more than three years earlier,
Parham said.
....:. 'We ·. ·ere told on the one hand
to cooperate with existing governmental agencies, a nd, on the
other, to work to change those
agencies," Parham said. "We
found it was a little difficult to
develop coopera tion with somebody when you're trying to put
the needle to him at the same
- "We were told to spend wisely
�,~ .I.
\ ..
. . --~
-- .
Atlant a J ourna l :Educatiun 'Editor
An Economic Opportunity AtI a n l a (EOA) subcommittee
m eeting. which began as a
forum for discussion of educational complaints, ended as a
political r ally.
Despit e EOA's regulation
about po°i tic.ai n(: utralityy two
persons announced at the meeting that they are candidates for
the Atlanta Board of Education
and a third person adviszd
those present to " begin political
iaction t.o unseat certain boa rd
members." Tlie occasion was a
meeting of the education subcommittee of EOA's Citizens'
Centra l Advison • Comm ittee
Monday night at' West Hunter
Street Baptist Church.
building a n~! cons:.ruction, to be enough in the planning of
r.e.placecl when he refused to schoo's. Dr. Womack respondag ree with the parents in the ed : "You won't like me for sayaudience that enla rging Price ing this, but the difficulty
· Higl~ s ~hcol w~u!d b~ detrimen- with bringing people into plan- I tal to the Negro neighborhood it : ning is that they waii t veto · he's doing patchwork planning.
served. .
They are just thinking about
"Somebody ought to be rec"I think the community has I Septemb-er, they're not planning
om mending for. this man's job ; the right to have veto power" i for the future of the commuIiie's riot responsive to the needs J ackson said. "And he ought to ! nity. "
of th~ :.:Jmm~nit,~- a:nd ought _not i k_now that l~;· ·h as to ans\,:er to ! Jackson said: "Every day you
to be m that Job. Jackson s~L?- : tne people, J ackson said of · can hear ambulances coming
In answe: to a comp amt : Womack.
down Bankhead Highv;ay to
fram comrruttee mambcrs that I
pick up a child who's been hit
_._e_ eo143.215.248.55 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)1.ity is not involved
"IT'S QUITE obvious that by a car walking to school." He
blamed the repe.ated accident:;
on "poor planning" by \Vomack's office.
Mrs. Maggie 1ioo<iy chairman
of the EOA subcommittee on eci:ucation, will t.ake the r eport anci
the 13 recommendations before
the full board of education °:lfonday night at the r egular
m onhtly briefing session.
- - -- --
THE SUBCO:\fMITI'EE meeting ostensibly was called to dis!
cuss a contro,·ersial report and
set of recommendations for improvements of the school system which the grou,p had. cma,V11
up during the four years of its
Dr. J ohn Letson, super,inte.nd- :
ent of Atlanta schools, r a ised 1
the ire of subcommittee members by rejecting an uivitation
to_ appear at I.he meeting and
disc_uss t he report. Instead,
three members of Letson's staff
fielded questions from .those
Early in the fou r-hour meeting, Mrs. June Cofer announced
she Will run for the board of ed. ucation from · the 1~1: Ward
against incumbent Ed Cook, a nd
Dennis Jackson said he wiI' !:,e I
a candidate for the 2nd Ward I
seat held by Mrs. Anne Wood- 1
The Rev. l\fance J aeks-On.
director of the Urban Mission
Project in the " Lightning" area
of Atlanta sponsored by the Interdenominational
Center, :told subcommittee .
members they are "really too ·
patient with this bureaucratic 1
iI'ed tape."
"THE BOARD of education
bas no respect for us as a community," Jackson said. '"We
play. white people's games 1
year-m and year-0ut, and we 1
get the runaround."
"I would hope we would eventually get Jf;o the point where we
would not write letters and beg
if.hem to come. I recommend
that the subcommittee entertain
political action to unsea,t those
who won't come to see yon,"
Jackson said.
"You sit in a most powerful
position. You are not aware of
ithe power you have. This subcommittee has the power to
change the complexion of this
whole city," Jackson said.
"You beat 'em to death ()O
rapid transit, and you c.an do H
again," J ack~ n aid.
JACKSON AL<-0 called for
Dr flan ·in \ ·om·,. a ·(j ·t· 1l
(;j,.. . , . , , , ,
;- ·
�I .•
The Atlanta Board of AMerm en Monday established qualifying dates a·nd fees for the city
elections in October. .
The boar d adopted the proposals of the aldermanic Finance Comm ittee and City Clerk
Jimmy Little. The City Ex:ecutive Committee last week endorced the proposals.
The qualifying time for the
candidate will be 8: 15 a. rn. to
5 p.m. Aug_. 25-26 The fees a re equivalent to two
moqths' sa!ary. They are mayor,
~5,000; vice mayor, $1.400; a lderman, $1,200, and school board
member, $600.
At"Efie end of Mooday's a lder-
·<Lalifying Se
m anic session, Alderman E vereL Millican a candidate for
m ayor, spoke critically about
remarks made over the weekend
by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. and
forme r Police Patrolman James
Mc 'inney, now a ca ndidate for
the board from the Third Ward.
Referring to Allen's comments about Mi!l ican·s age on
a t elevision program Sunday
nigh t. l,le (Millican) said, " I'm
.71 years old. I want you to
kn?w that. Yesterday, someone
said how old I'd be when I got
out. That's the first time I've
heard it in reverse. I_'ve only
got one foot in the grave."
Allen had noted in summing
up the qualifications of the
candidates that Millican would
be m ore than 75 at the end of
\ his first term if elected. Millie-an
· dicin'! name the mayor, but left
no doubt as to whom he was re1ferd ng.
mayor and aldermen 30 days
before signing any ·public hous·
ing contracts.
6. Delayed action ·on a proposal under the Model Cities
program to exp;rnd the ~
Ortlun.Uv . ma
se rvice center
program• into Grant Park anci
Adair Park. Alderman Gregory
Griggs and ~Alderman Robert
Dennis made the request.
Then Millican sharply criticized McKinney for the former
policeman's remarks on a r adio 11
program Saturday. Millican said
McKinney "lambasted a n d
abused" the m ayor, the aldermen and the .Police department
as "crooks."
MiUican said that if McKinney k new of any wrongdoing,
he should go to the grand jury
"and I'll help him . . . If not, he
ought to keep his mouLh shut."
MU!ican then said he understood that Mrs. Eli_za Pascha ll,
who was ousted as director of
the Community Relations Commission more than a year ago.
was one of McKinney's "main
campaign managers.' '
During the regular order of
businP..ss, the aldermen approved for new terms Grady
Ridgeway as airport manager,
Jack Delius as parks general
manager, Roy Elrod as auditorium manager and Howard
Monroe as City Hall superintendent.
The board also:
1. Heard that Allen had re-appointed Edwin Sterne to the
Atlant.a H o u s i n g Authority
2. Receive a draft of an updated ,building code, which will
be explained at a public hearing July 15.
3. Approved zoning changes
to allow additional parking at
the Sheffield Building at Peachtree and Collier Road. .
4. Approved the planning for
the relocation of Carroll .P..oad,
which had been made four
lanes a short time ago, because
,of expansion of the Fulton Coun- I
t-y Airport.
5. .Approved a resolution risking the AHA to inform the .
Monday, J uty 14, 1969
i 5-A
r . ,o-fer La
e f r c ool o rd
Mrs. .June Cofer, chairman of
the Model Cities education subcommittee, has announced she
is a candidate fur the First
Ward seat on the Atlanta Board
af E ducation.
Mrs. Cofer launched her campai;gn Saturday at a barbecue
given in the front yard of her
home at 443 Oakland Ave. SE.
· What she described as a
..grass roots" affair attracted
several dozen supporters, both
Negro and white, from the several neighborhoods composing
Atlanta's 1\1odel Cities Area.
Mrs. Cofer, who is white, will
b ve Robert Waymer, a Negro
and a funner official of ;11:conomic~pportunity !UJanta, Inc.,
the antip,nerty agency, a$ her
campaign m anager_
seat now occ':1pied by Ed S.
Cook Sr. She is not "running
against" Cook, she said, but is
running for the school board
post because "I feel it truly necessary that we have some representation of ordinary citizens on
the school board."
What I have been saying,"
she said, "is that my friends
asked me to run, my enemies
dared me to r un, and the condition of the school system today
forced me to run."
Mrs. Cofer also is chairman of
another Model Cities committee, ,
that advising on deveiopment of
the headquarters comple~ b.eing
developed at the intersection of
Washington Street and Georgia
SHE SEEKS the school board Avenue .
Tuesday, July 8, 1969
.tiu::it~ Jou=
Educalloa EdU.Or
. Put the Atlanta Board of Edu-
·cation and an education subcommittee of Economic Opportunity
Atlanta (EOA) together and
what would you get?
Sweetness and light.
~embers of the subcommittee
left tl:i'! Monday night meeting
which they expected to be a.
fracas still a little unsure of
what had actually happened.
Not only did they get a sympathetic hearing, but at the
recommendation of Atlanta
Supt. of Schools Dr. John LetWll, the subcommittee will hold
weekly meetings with the board
"as long as is necessary" to
discuss and iron out their complaints.
this means?" Mrs. Marilyn
Graybill asked following the
meeting. "It means we ... .:e actually going to get in on school"
decisions at the policy level."
· "This is the best boar<t meet:Jng I've ever attended," said
~bert Tuve, chairman of another citizens ,group, Better
Schools Atlanta. "I'd say this
was a very positive response."
"I'd say we made a start,"
~d Mes. Maggie Moody chairman of the subcommittee of the
tc)A Cmzens Advisory Council.
. The meeting began on a sour
llOte when board chairman Bill
WJinwright grilled Mrs. Moody
about differences between her
eorrespondences praising the
l,oard for working with the sub- I
mm.mf.ttee and published re- ,
ports that the su.bcommi~e hqd :
eriticize.d the board for {ailure ·
ID communicate and cooperate. i
However, the tone of the
~eting began to change after
one of. the subcommittee members came to Mrs .Moody's defense.
·'You're awful stiff," Mrs.
,Usie LaBord told Wainwright.
YOUTe like you'v-e got Mrs.
Moody ill . trial. We're here to
ia.lk about our children's problems, not to jerk up Mrs.
Moody. We don't want anymore
of that kind of talk.," she said.
AFTER A BRIEf exchange
between Wainwright and another mbcommittee member,
t,frs. DoroUiy Bolden, ovex
whether 1he board should re-
spond t.o the coxpplaints of the
..-oup in writing or, <JS Wainwright said, by having Dr. Le~
son "throw the answer~ out on
· e table." Dr. Letson took over
th~ rpeeling.
High School and .request that
the board · ouil(j a new high
school on Field Road to serve
the expanding notithwest Atlanta population.
Mrs. Hill maintainoo Archer
ls housing 1,700 students but
has a capacity for only .1,2()0.
Dr. Letson told the parents
the school board included additions for. Archer, Harper and
West Fulton High Schools in
this bond issue to take care of
popuiation growth in that area.
"Mr. Wainwright may I suggest that we take each one of .
these broqd areas the subcommittee is questioning us about
.md set up a specific meeting to
discuss it with them in depth,"
.l)r. Letson said.
"Let me illustrate," Letson
went on. The Atl-anta school
lunch program is the largest
food service operation in Atl~nta. If you want . a thorough
un<lerstan<ilng of our school
lunch program it's · abosolutely
essential that you spend the
tJme to learn about it.
"We'll set up these meeti,ngs,
one on eqch topic or more if
necessa.ry, and have all the staff
people, area superintendents
~ d principals here to answer
Yout questions. Then you
help us evaluate the program
cUld if there's a t>etter way to
do it, we'll be glad to take your
THE FIRST rneetlpg, ~ t for
7 p.m. Wednesday, will deal
with the operation of the school
lunch program and the board's
new policy on free and partial
pay iunches.
Mrs. Odessa Hill, Mrs. Mary
&lnford and Mrs. Olivia Pullen
representing the Perry Homes
area, appeare<l before the board
earlier in the evening to discus~ overcrowding in Archer
Health f ir
In Vin Ci
"A stitch in time saves
nine" is the word around the
Vine City Foundation Medical Clinic wher a Health
Fair will be held Julyl5from
. 12 noon to 9 p.m. The clinic
is located at 558 Magnolia
) Street, N.W.
The clinic is being sponsored by Mrs. Griffin of EOA
and Mrs. Helen Howard of the
Vine City Foundation and both
advise, "Don't check out; get
, -·- a check up, Please do your
thing. " Free r efreshments to
For information , call 5238112.
For 85 children at the
ents were able to share the
Bowen Homes Day Care Cent- experience. From the time
er, I of IO Full-Year Head
the group boarded 2 Atlanta
Start Centers funded by EcTransit Chartered buses until
onomic - Opportunity Atlanta,
the return trip to the Center,
Inc. and a component of The
these children and their parGate CltyDayNursery Asents experienced one of the
sociation--A DREAM came
happiest days of their lives.
true on July l. For many
Thanks to all who respondweeks these children had
ed to the Appeal. People do
dreamed of a trip to SIX
care about those they do not
know. The Community really
Thanks to hundreds of woncame through and Head Start
derful people thrnughout the
will label it - "L,-Kind c;onState of Georgia who se nt S
tributions" - but the parents
& H Green Stamps, checks and
and children call it FUN, EX
dollar bills and other good
These children, who migftt. the hundreds of peop~e who
not have had this opportunity
are responsible for this
at any time in the immediate
future, had a real "HOLIto SIX FLAGS O.YER GEORDAY," and 6I'le of- the tie st GIA."
parts about it all-the ir par-
- ··-
JULY 12, 1969
s righ er
To 15 e r Od ha on
In 1968, Mrs. Miller reFor nearly I3- jears, Shalies, earns less than $2000
entered Sharon's life and
. ron Dennis·• paremts, broa ye2.r.
discovered that she still had· _,
tbers, sist'e_r s a:mi friends _ When Mrs. Miller i it d
thought she was r etarded - ·· -: h ·.
v s e ~:··:.-no·t ··been ·enrolled in anf · ,:
. .,.. She did not a ttend school:
t e home, she not only disschool. Immediately, stie
She could not taJA:. And she
covered Sharon but she
contacted the Bryant School
could not understla:Ild what
learned that her mother had
for a psychological test.
was said. to her.
anearnestdesire to enroll the
Butler Health Center
he goes
for a physical examination
.Tod ay however:
not owever, know the proper
to Scho ol • and ~;and Milton A venue School for
1:-'-""YS at t e
Sw,i-Mec E OA ~rer becaprocedure. The aide recompossible acceptance. All
use of the work aft,.>lrs. Bermended her mor.h.er send
went favorably. I
nice Miller, an EOA NeighSharon to a nearby EOA CenThe sc;hool put Sharon in an
borhood Service .A ide. She
ter until plans could be comage-grouping since there is
found tha.t Sha.rem was not
pler.ed. The mother agreed.
no grading system and immentally retardedbutalmost
But Mrs • Miller's work
Sharon became indeaf.
with EOA required that she
volved in physical skills,
The IS-yea:r-<nld black
temporarily leave Sharon
grooming and oral expresyoungster from the Meehanand Mrs. Harritt Darnell, a
sion. Hopefully she will ulfcsville area of A tlanta livHom e Service Technician at
timately write understanded with almost. ~ O family
the Summerhill-Mechanicsably. Her progress since
. members in a painfully croville Center, kept in touch
1968 has been commendable. ·
wded 31/2 roam house on
with 'the child byfrequentviGeorgia A venue..
sits to her home and by giSharon still lives at the
Her family, like countless
ving helpful suggestions to
· crowded Georgia A venue adimpoverished. I:rlat::k famiher mother.
Atlanta's Newspaper· Of _Distinction
An international bus filled with 40 Amerity cen~er and an urban renewal area. The tour
can Field Service students Crom 25 countries
will begin at 2 p.m. at the EOA center, 486 Decawill arrive at Peachtree Presbyterian Church
tur St. Shopp mg
Center. ·Go. ,.' ==today, J1ily 3, at 1 p.m. Its passengers have
spent a ·year as members of families and as stuBus Number 48 is one or 74 touring buses
dents of local high schools In communities
to Washington D,C., where over 3,040
across the United States.
AFS students will have a final meeting before
Activities planned for the teenage visitors
Include old-fashioned Fourth of July picnics. the . returning to their own countries . The end-ofyear bus trip exposes the students to more of the
annual parade, and sightseeing.
United States than they would otherwise see
On Saturday, because they wish to learn · from their home communities. Over 25,000
about our urban and social problems, they will .fami lies in over 650 communities host bus trip
be taken on ~ tour of a pov~rty ar~a~-~- students. Handling all the arrangernent.!i for the!
·· --------
LJ ,
bus stop in Atlanta is Mrs. Harry L. Holloman of
Sandy Springs.
The American Field Service conducts International Scholarship Programs for students 16
t· 18 years of age from many nations. A nonprofit organization with no religious or political ·,
aftlliatlons, It seeks to foster understanding of
the . differences and similarities which exist
among peoples of the world.
To accomplish this ai m there are two American Field Servic~ Programs : One, Students to '
the U.S. , in 1968-69 has brought more than
. 3000 students from 61 countries to live, study
and join in community life in the United States.
The other, Americans Abroad, in the current
year has sent over 1~00 students to 48 countries overseas for an equivalent experience.
In the past 21 years, over 47,000 students
from 75 countries have participated in the AFS ·
·programs. AFS has 40 overseas offices and
3000 volunteer Chapters throughout the U.S.
' J.,
"(_ tJ;l
tude t Help
--""" e e
t!-' .,. -..-.. .
Gary Wood ,is a college student spending his s.ummer
months working for Urban
Corps, a citywide program designed to involve young people
in .the social and political life of
the citv.
Gary, · 23, works with the
· , - - · project receiving job
~ order-s from potential employers
of the 2,000 youngsters in the
Like most college students
who devote their vacation lime
to helping other people, Wood
finds his work "very fulfilling
and rewarding." But unlike
most students, Gary cannot see
the people he helps-he is totally blind.
While a senior at R ussell High
School in East Point, where he
lives, Gary underwent seven operations to remove three tumors
behind his eyes. Caused by a
,r are eye disease, the tumors
were successfully destroyed.
However, the healing of the
scar tissue caused the r etinas to
become detached and covered,
resulting in total blindness.
Wood says he went through
"a traumatic expe:-ience" following his blindness. He found it
"a ti.me of evaluation and appraisal" when he had his firs t
deeply religious encou nter.
"My experience with Christ
Staff Photo-Mario n Crow e
was the "time wher-i I began to
reach for greater heights," he
Blind College Student Works for Urban Corps
said in a soft voice.
After graduation from hi_gh I of the freshman class and was ployed at . the South Fulton
school , Wood at_ten~ed special I elected to Who's Who in Ameri- Neighborhood Service Center.
schools for the blind rn Alabama can Junior College. In addition
GARY HAS A " sense of wantand in Atlanta where he learned I to· other activities he was a
how to read Braille.
member of P hi Theta Kappa, a n ing to be complet_e and effective
in what I do." Despite his blindHe then attended Truett Mc- honorary scholastic society.
ness he wants to be an indeConnell Junior College in Cleveland, Ga. He received an ft,.sso- . G_ary met his wife Carrol in pendent person.
ciate in Arts degree last wmter Junior college. They were J"!3ar"Bein" blind maT<es me want
ried after . 16_ mo~ths. _·,.Mrs. to be r:ore independent and to
While there, he was president Wood, who 1s not b!Ind, 1s em- be a positive influence," he
~ ~ ~=-,. said.
. .
"My goal is to know myself
and the only way to know myself is to . know others, to identify with them and try to relate
to them ," he commented.
' Mr. and Mr . Wood will both
I attend Mercer University in the
, fall where she will work toward
a degree in social studies .
He plans to major in psychology and hopes to go on to graduate school. He likes counseling
and guidance work and looks
forward to the day when he will
have his own private practice
· as a · psychologist.·
Racial Gai
In· Atlanta
-~- "Now there is an atmosphere of freedom. You fe.el more
··like an individual . . . a man." This statement by Dr .. Benja• min Mays, president emeritus of. Morehouse College, reflects
Atlanta's progress in achieving racial · equality-the subject of
'. a penetrating ABC :\ews documentary, " It Can Be Done." The
'special hour program in the network's Time for Americans series
t will be broadcast on Thursday, July 3, at 10 p.m., in coil•r on
.- ·WQXI-TV, Channel 11.
Filmed entirely in Atlanta Allen in his discussion ·of a
· during a ten week period this black mayor in Atlanta.
~ past spring, "It Can Be Done"
is a candid examination of the But, " It Can Be Done" con-I
city's gradually changing atti- firms that there is still much to
tudes - the change in image be achieved. Cameras show the
from one of the Confederacy to conditions existing in Vine City
that of the liberal new South.
as Rep. Julian Bond assesses
Paul Jones is on vacation
the problems of the members of
his constituency. Bond takes his
' ABC cameras c o n t r a s t a own man on the street poll ask_ sparsely attended Ku Klux Klan ing people what they think of At,- parade in downtown Atlanta lanta. One citizen stated, "I
, with the futuristic skyline of the think it"s one of the greatest cit- ;
- city.
ies on earth."
, ., ABC news correspondent Mal Black leaders, in a round
··, Goode interviews A t I a n t a 's table discussion, provide a problack and white business, civic, vocative look at America's
. and religious leaders on their white society and the problems
' efforts to break down social inherent in racial equality. Par. and economic barriers. Heard ticipating are the Rev. Samuel
! :are Mayor I v an Allen Jr.; Williams, professor of philosoState Rep. Julian Bond; Opie phy at Iorehouse College; Dr.
Shelton, executive vice presi- Otis T. Smith, ·president of the
dent of the Atlanta Chamber of Summit Leadership Conference;
.:Commerce ; Richard Rich, pres- State Sen. Leroy Johnson, and
~ident of Rich's; A. H. Sterne, Lyndon Wade, executive direc;'president of the Trust Company to,r of the Atlanta Urban
~of Georgia ; Lonnie C. King, League.
head of the Atlanta chapter of
, the NAACP; Bob Waymer, forNarrator Mal Goode, t~e
mer director of Sum-Mee, an grandson of slaves, traces the
- EOA ce,gt_~r,,; Herbert J enkins, Atlanta he has visited for the
r1.rrnfuath1ef of Police; and the past 30 years, and attributes the
-:c. .~Rev.. William Holmes Borders, city's evolution to former Mayor
-:pastor of the Wheat Street Bap- William Hartsfield, journalist
mst Church.
Ralph McGill, and Mayor Allen.
~ The differences which have
'.'.',fepeatedly distinguished Atlanta Lastly, Martin Luther King
!"are appraised as well as the fu- Jr. is seen at a banquet honor• t u•re direction of the city. Chief ing his receiving of the Nobel
~Jenkins explai ns the workings I Prize, at which time he quoted
of the Crime Pr~venti~n Bu- the words of an elderly Negro
a-eau, a program m which all
Atlanta policemen train as preacher . . . "Lord, we ain't
+'community service officers" in what we ought to be. We ain't
. the black community. Opie Shel- what we want to be. We ain't
\ ton dliscusses the total commit- what we gonna be. But, thank
~ment of the Atlanta business God, we ain't what we was."
.community, and ABC points out ABC's material was partly
the strong personal involvement based on WQXI-TV's award-winof Mayor Allen and the special ning summer series, "Atlanta
pride that characterizes At- Responds," produced by assignlanta.
ments editor Van Redmond. ·
- Particularly frank statements
· are made by Calvin Craig, for- "It Can Be Done" was written
•_µier United Klan Grand Dragon and produced for ABC New by ·
of the United 1.::lans of America, Arthur Holch. Photographer
~ho explains why he turned in was Chuck Pharris. Executive
tis robes to work for the Model producer for Time for AmeriCities Program, and Mayor cans !s Stei:hen Fleischman .
critical of the board's ability
to communicate adequately
with residents of economica!lly
deprived neighborhoods.
commumca uou a:; ui vc ,.uui,J
to silence their critics, was p r e.
pared by a citizens committee ~~mmumty s~hools, an ;frly being used this summer to
staffed by EOA officials.
I Joint venture, 1s one of the few prepare 44,000 snacks served to
projects carried on by local
SEEK_ UNDERSTA.l\"'DING .. · agencies after OEO (the federal economically deprived children
tbe Special Summer Feeding
. «n 1s EO!\'s role_iD staff c_iti- government's Office of Econom- in
1 zens commrtt.e..
<>S without telling ic Opportw1ity) fundincr was re- Program.
them what to think but to move moved."
There has been "good interthem toward more complete
agency cooperation en a school·
understand ing and consider aPar ham pointed out that the absente:eism project in the .
tion of alternatives of action city school system has partici- Northwest P erry area," Par- _
open to them," Parham said.
pated in the establishment of the ham said.
He said tlhe school system has
Details of t he report, com- Parent-Child Center a nd th e At, piled by the education subcom- lant'a Concentrated Employment always operated the Summer
mittee of EOA's C"rtizens Cen- Program Training Cente r .
Head Start program on a large
· tral Advisory Cmmcil, wer_e He said the schools have con- scale and has made facilities
published in the J ane 18 ~ 1- t.ributed to the summer r ecrea- available for VISTA tu torial .
tions of The Atlanta Constitu- tion program and the Atlanta projects.
Adolescent Program.
"Only recently, space in the
Wilen he released the report · Parham said 12 schools are old Pryor Street School was
Tuesday, J"'ohn .'ff Calhoun, ,
who is a paid . official of E~A,
made available to house the
commented. that be has tried
unsuccessfully for almost three
Southside Child Development
months to obtain permission to
Center," P arham stated.
present the subcommittee's rec- ,
He said it was his intention to
olillJlendations to the s chool
" r emove any implication from
the J une 18 article that EOACalhoun, EOA's coordinator
city school relationships were
fotr community development,
, negative."
said residents of Mechanicsville
Parham added that he was
have- been waiting three years
not " in any sense r epudiating
. f.or a response to the Mechanicsthe honest work and feelings of
ville ·Improvement Committee's
our citizens commi ttee."
proposal for de.alirW with absenHe commented that "only as
teeism in their schools.
the community is aware of their
aid recommenda(the citizens of Atlanta) thoughts
ti.an.s in the report were dis· and feelings can it make the
cussed in May when subcomnut='
appropriate responses and actee members met with two
commodations when necessary.
members of the school board '
and "three top school administrators."
·The EOA executi.ve adminis-
trator said the wu~ of the sub- I
committee is supposed to "expand communication from rep- ·
·resentatives of poor neighborhoods to sdlool officials and to
increase mutual understanding."
Parham, who resigned his
post .with EOA Iast week, said
the Atlanta chool syst6Il works
•-v.ery positively and cooperatively with EOA 111 m a n y .
He said the development of
�. - ··--=- . .' -
·----=-.: ·~~ - - -- · --·--· ..
J-/ --·-
mg, stuffi ng envelopes, most any kind of temp~rary,part time work.
_"The _girls particularly like serving as party
"Ren~-A-~)d is going beautifully. Beyond all
~ctat10ns, . Southsider Mrs. ~oy Ruyle; ad11strator of the program, said in a recent inriew. Began last summer to help West End
, earn more money for essentials and for
k-to-school necessities. the program has
wn to encompass 11 locations with an enrollnt of 800 teenagers, ages 14-16.
The idea for renting kids for iobs originated
Joy Ruyle's creative mind. But, she doubted
· could make it become a reali,ty. With the
ouragement and help of Father Edward Dil, then with St. Anthony's Catholic Church in
st End. _R~nt-A-Kid not only became a reality
a thriving one which helped 400 y oung
1ple last summer.
Now. the rro$ram is a pilot project in m etro
anta, and if 1t works here this summeir the
,gram will be instituted in all major d ti~ of
U?ited S~tes. From the rnccess the pro1m 1s meeting at its one-third mark. Re nt-Al should become a national program next
"We ~re cat~logiilg job titles and descrip!~ of Job~ which are available and acc eptaJoy said. These will be used to set ap pro,m~ elsewhere. Acceptable jobs_. Mrs. R uyle
>lamed. are those which conform to federal
l state child la bor laws.
.some of ~h~ jobs handled by the teenagers
. baby s1~t1?g, _1romng. cleaning. hElping
,ther~. ass(stmg m packing for movers and
Jacking, window washing, yard work., paint: under supervision. loading, unloading,. s tack-
. .
W ter Spr e
Cy~thia R ~ des emerges l_ ea water
he wa?ing pool
the Colle,..e Park
ec reat10n Center. Cvnthia
w ho will b . fo ur in Augus t, is th ·dauah :
ter of Mr. · and Mrs. Charles Rhode/ of
CoUe~e Park. (Photo by Bill Grimes)
sp:tte .from
as~istants." Mrs. Ruyle said. "They help 1n s
rvmg and cleaning up at parties." Prese nu ·.
the girls also provide baby ·sitting services ; .
Atranta motels and hotels.
Som~ of the job requests are a little un u_;J .:;,_
the adminsitrator said. One caller asked fer .:.
bab~ sit_ter-for four St. Bernard dogs: A ra·:
stat10n IS usmg Rent-A-Kid to answer pl:o:-.co
d~ring a contest. Last week a department s .ca
hired three Rent-A-Kids to demonstrate a r:e ·:..
And a paper company. desperate ior old i:-2.: ers to reprocess. is furnishing trucks at fc _:
Rent-A-Kid locations and has hired six kids : .
each cen~er to work on the paper drive. T:.
p~per dnve locations, are Kirkwood o :-,. _
Hills, Forest Park and Perry Homes .
_,_· Mrs. Ruyle said people can take their pa!= -~_
~o these locations or call Rent-A-Kid at 577-5"..:..
1f they have too much paper to ha ul. and a ·tr·..: _
will come by and pick up the papers whici: _.
n?t ha~e to be bundled or tied . This pick up 5 a:v1ce will be m effect the first two weeks of J t.: .
~'Th_e exciting thing about this progra::-.
Joy said. "is that it has opened a new la:•..
market. It has stimulated jobs in an untouc:-. ..
area that will continue to provide employrr: ~
for teenagers. The grass keeps growing. Pe.. r::
keep having babies. Dust keeps collecting ...
The_most sa_tisfying aspect of the prog, :c.--:
according to 1ts administrator who is
employment specialist for E.OA.1 is what i
m~nt and continues toliiea-n·ttf'the kids . .. ~--ults sometimes don't realize what is impor:~~
to a young person," she said.
Continue,Hrom Page One
Last year at the end of the program, Mrs
Ruyle · received a letter from one of the West
End Rent-A-Kids, thanking her for the job opportunities. He said that means a lo:. to these
He had been able t o buy shoes for all of his
brothers and sisters :and himself. He paid his
locker fee a t school. F,or the first time he had a
gym suit. "Now I d on' t feel different," the
young boy wrote. "I d on' t mind going to school
this year."
"By helping teenagers at the age of 14 and
15, we can keep them from dropping out of
school and joining the hard-core unemployed at
the age of 16, before t heir motivation is killed,"
Mrs . Ruyle said.
She estimates there a re 30,000 kids in
the metro area who want and need employment .
There are not enough jobs for them. Industry
and business can't absorb this many kids.
"Rent-A-Kid is Irelping to fill the gap."
The program i:s funded this summer by the
US Department of Labor and the Metro Atl.inta
Commission on Crime and Juvenile Delinquen~
cy. "Thi~ js the first time the US Depa rtment of
Labor has ever paid for any kind 'of program for
kids younger than 16," Joy said.
Presently job orders and the kids enrolled in
the program are about even. We would like to
have double the number of job orders we now
have, Mrs. Ruyle said, "so before the summer
is over we can enroll the 2000 teenagers we
have slots for." As job orders increase. enrollment can be increased.
Joy is optimistic that 2000 will be enrolled in the program before summer ends . ··• If
Atlanta keeps cooperating as it is now. we will
get this many enrolled. " She believes the only
way Rent-A-Kid could fail anywhere is if a city
is not open and warm in its reception of the program as Atlanta is.
The Optimsits Club in the metro a rea have
given the program a big boost. They have furnished T-shirts with "Rent-A-Kid . across the
front. After a teenager works eight hours on a
job in the program, he is eligible for one of the ·
shirts and wears it on his job.
A Rent-A-Kid orders are going through a
central office this year. The phone number to
call is 571-5252:
.·-\ I
) _!
cQ ,
es Reco mend tion On Schools
This was the scene at West Hunter Street Baptist Church Monday evening at a mPeting of the
Education Sub-Committee, Citizens Central Advisory Council of EOA, Public School Deputy Superintendent Dr. H.l lliard A. Bowen thumbs through a list of recommetrdations the Council made to the
Boa:rd of Educat ion.
Among the 12 recommendations wer e that the Board e stablish a ce ntral information ce nte r to
which all a genci es with disadvantaged clie nts may r eport needy fa milies e ligible fo r free lunches
. for their children, that the Board make "a concrete response on the implementation of the Mechanicsville absenteeism proposal, that provisions be made for another school to relieve Herndon, that portable units at Bryant and Herndon be removed, that ROTC be an e lective course, that
techniques of teaching in low income schools be revamped . and that the Board issue a statement
on the s.ource-s of money spent on the public schools and where t he money goes. (P hoto by S, C,
�! ;.
1o,, -
DebatedPeople Battle
City Planner
! ..
A meeting on a report critical
of the Atlanta Board of Educa
ti'on this week unexepectedly
. turned into an impromptu symposium on community control
versus professional planning.
The ·meeting was called by
the education subcommittee of
the Citizens Central Advisory
Council, a body that pools community representatives who help
make policy at anti-poverty
neighhorhood centers-:- .,..
The subcommLttee had issued
a list of recommendations to the
school board on various aspects
of the school system, and several members of supt. John 1
Letson's staff were on hand
Monday ni1ght to reply.
The staff members heard a
three-hour series of complaints
from the subcomm~ttee on the
alleged difficulty of communica ting with the board or involving
neighborhood residents in the
planning process.
Finally, faced with a ques.t_ion
about expanding Price High
&hool, assistant superin~endent
for buildings Dr. Darwm Wo- 1
mack said flatly:
"I'm telling you as a planner ·
it ought to be bigger. It's the
best thing. I'm a planner and
l'm supposed to know."
Womack immediately faced
an uproar in the room at the
West Hunter Baptist Church
where the meeting was being
The Rev. Mance Jackson,
director of an lniterdenominational Theologica1l Cen_ter project in the Lightning district,
stood and said, "He (Womack)
is not responsive to the will of
a community of people."
Womack, said Jackson, has
no children in the affected
school. " Tha t man," he added,
· "has no business serving this
lcind of community."
Womack and Jackson - who
suggested sit-ins to tie up construction sites; of unwanted
schools - clashed once earlier
on local control.
"That's the trouble with
participation," Womack said. ·
"People think they have veto
power." Even if a school is
built against the wishes of some
of the residents, he added, that
does not prove the school board
did not listen to community
"A community has the right
to have veto power," replied
J ackson. If the community is
against a school, it should not
be built, he added.
The school system also came
under attack for being inaccess i bl e to citizen complaints.
"The bureaucratic red tape not
only frustrates us but dumbfounds us," said Jackson.
"If we want to raise Cain
about the lunchroom, who do we
see?" asked one woman. "If we
want to raise Cain about how
the money is spent, who do we
talk to?"
Mrs. Maggie Moody; chairman of the subcommittee, complained that the school board's
public meeting only presented
citizens with occomplished facts, - and that she had been unable
either to address the board or
to attract members to subcommittee meetings.
The meeting covered only five
of the subcommittee's 13 recommendations, a nd. ended when
Mrs. Moody. said the list would
have to be forwarded ·ctirectly to .
the sc,hool board for a reply. 1
. r. • ,
. .._..
�.- -- ..:.
-:- · :-·
- /
--rojects Okayed
$1.2 Mi . ion
By 1/lodel Cities Directors
noted that Moody's name wa.s
. The · Mode-I Cities E xecutive the only . one to come up as the
Board approved some $1.2 mil- executive board's special review
lion in projects Tuesday, b ut committee screened proj ect aphel,d up on two contracts. with plications. The review panel apModel Neighborhood Inc. a i '..er proved the fWlding.
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. shaq>ly
The board voted to expand the
criticized.its president.
review committee to include all
The board agreed to hear executive board members and
a gain from MNI, of which. Ed- hear from Moody's group again.
ward Moody is president , chair- EOA CONTRACTS
man of the board and director, ---itmong the contracts apbefore acting on two projects to- proved · were four t o t a l i n g
taling $35,000 which are de- $255,000 with Economic Opporsigned to assist ghetto busi- tunity Atlanta. One of the programs, Project Expand, at
"I'm obviously opposed to Mr. $140,000 would set up EOA cenMoody," Allen said, "He is not ters in Grant Park and Adair
qualifi ed . .. based on his asso- Park- against the protests of
ciation with the city . . • his Joe Whitley, the board's reprepast record and his failure to sentative from Grant Park.
rollow through."
Whitley said additional services are needed, but argued
Allen noted that Moody h ad that a majority of Grant Park
been with city agencies twice residents don't want EOA to
before-the City P arks aep::irt- move in to provide them.
ment and. Model Cl.ties program
Pet ers charged Whitley with
speaking only for white resiThe board sharply divided on dents. Mrs. Matte Ansley sugthe question of funding :&'INI, gested that Grant Park resiwhich has started a small gar- dents ought to " face up" to the
ment factory in Summertrill and fact that poverty exists in their
plans a shopping center in Me- 1 area and accept SOA's help, as
have o ther neighborhoods in the
C. Miles Smith defende d Model Cities territory.
Moody's project. while Deacon JOB HELP
Lewis Peters and others '°PThe board referred to the city
posed it. Clarence _ Coleman I attorney's office a - resolution
proposed by a special committee headed by · Co eman to give
Model Cities r esidents first
crack at jobs connected with the
various projects.
Alderman Everett Millican, a
board member, said the resolution went too far by requiring
contract agencies to give preferential treatment to area residents . But when Millican tried
to substitute his own resolution,
the board wo uld not go along
and sent Coleman's proposal for
a ruling on its l•e gality.
Millican had argued he had
talked with the city attorney's
office, which had said his version was preferable.
. ,..
�- ... - - -
Use of Older
Workers Wins
·EOA· a Trophy
'I.he West End Child Development Center, an agency of Econmmc Opportunity Atlanta, has
received the G€orgia American
Ji.egfon Citation Award for empl.opng oldel' persons as child
care workers.
. ~ e award is a trophy in a
statiewide contest and part of a
national "Employ the Older
Worker " campaign sponsored
by the American Legion.
Mrs. LuAnna Wright, director
ef fue center. received the citatiml from Georgia Commislinner of Labor Sam Caldwell.
�Cele.:.--=-!i· · ··,· ~ ~.,, ~e y
(i!ff',~id:~i~:.:; 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST): ~:~w~!~\
t tit r~:!13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST);~1:~r;Ji;r~r;~::i;; f!'.i:f{;!~l:i~~:; ~?r
The Constiitution it's true - and they should have the . happiest possible celebration today.
They cared about nearly a hundred little
the children . . . you should see how excited
Negro children they didn't even know. Th ey th_eyare!"
were stirred by the plight of little -·::· .:s who
I did see. Bill Wilson, our photographer, and
I went out to Six Flags. Don Daniel of the publive skimpy lives in . a shabby p~d of , ( :-~·,m,
licity staff met us and took us to the gate
shut Off from outings and expetlitions and carwhere the Bowen Homes Head Starters would
be coming through. We saw them coming-85
nival good times that are a part of growing up.
And they did something about it. They sent
little dark-skinned youngsters, looking spruce
and clean and combed and hair-ribboned and
over 500 books of green stamps, $5 checks and
one dollar bills and $10 check$t s nd one $50
polished. They clung to the hands of mo thers
check so the children of Bowe:rt nomes Head arrd teachers a nd volunteers, who, th anks to
your generosity, were able to come along too.
Start day care center could go to Six Flags
The turnstile gate was a bafflement to most
of the children and Don explained it and helped
Over Georgia.
11he green stamp people themselves were
them through it one at the time, murmuring
moved by the desire of the children to have a
words of encouragement and welcome. Once
day-long outing a.t Six F~
_ a;..:. ~ ~-t inside the children stopped and stood stock
100,000 stamps, amounting to 60 books.
still, gazing in wonderment at littl e ra ilroad
"We haven't be en able to think of the words
trains chugging over a trestle , old-timey autoto say thank you," sa id Mrs. Frances Wyatt,
mobiles dri ven by children along a bi g track,
director of the school. "We 've been so busy
an Englishman ringing a bell , a band playing,
opening the mail. It's been a revelation to me.
great tubs of gardenias blooming and fillin g
I didn't know things like this happened. And
the air with perfume. They caught a glimpse of
air-borne cable carts moving across the sky
and the fine, ineffable fragrance of hamburgers rose from ,a nearby sandwich shop.
They didn't ,push or run about or squeal like
most of the three-to-six-year-o1ds I k11ow. They
moved quietly, nudged along by the hands of
adults, but their fac es were alive. with excitement and awe. When I left them they were to
take a train ritle. After that they had a marionette show and the musical revue at the Crystal Pistol before them. They were going to
lunch at one of the score of eating places there
-a "boughten" lunch , which was an entirely
new experience or mos.t of them. The center
had at first planned to take lunch but the
money you ·all sent convinced them the children should have a total_]y glamorous day and I
think they had it.
And there are stamps left-so many that
Mrs. Wyatt thinks U1e center may use them to
buy a television set.
All of you who helped . .. I wish you could
T ina Usher Prepares to Devour Ice have s~en them, too. It would have been
thanks eno ugh
Cream at Six Flags
~ : r = - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - -
·: ~
,. ~~ · - ·~
Sure Thing In 1'i ij-Or's Ra.ce ! -, :;i1Ft
Is Mrs. Jenness Won't Win
One thing can be said with
certainty about the outcome of
the mayor's race-Mrs. Linda
Workers Party
won't win.
She's virtu:1Ily
unkno wn, has
little money,
pas a platform
u n acceptable
to the majority
of voters and is
Alex c:fiin
a woman. But
· that hasn't deterred her cam· ,
Mrs. Jenness won't attract as
much attention as other can-
f:;J':;~lr: i -;~
I l•
~~ f:~; t1t 1. f li
clidates, but she has something voting bloc between the labor
to say and here it is :
bureaucracy, moderate black
For example, she explained l'e aders and t he Dixiecrats?;s h~;o:c~;~;/ ~:m~ ;~~t:1i~t ii~itit~!~ot~ft~7
capitalist politician, who, she black community and the labor
said is either satisfied with the movement with sugary promstatus quo or believes ti ~~ . .: ms ises and when elected throw
- · .- ---the promises in the was,te basComment and Analysis
ket," she said.
Sodalist candidates, however,
can be made within the frame - don't believe the major probwork of the existing capitalist lerns of the nation can be solved
"by piling reforms one on top
"Since the pr~
·-goal of of th.e other within the walls
the capitalist politi.c'iari is t o get of the capitalist system," she
elected, he will make whatever said. Mrs. J enness added that
unholy alliances are necessary the United States' foreign policy
to achieve this aim . How many attempts to preserve capitalism
Democraitic presidents have throughout the world and interbeen elected on the basis of a vene against "the rising re volu- -- - - - - - - - -· tion of oppressed people. · · ,"
At home, the "racist plague
, .. cannot be wip ed out without uprooting the existing economic and political order. . • •
The privileged minority of capitalists that run this country
cannot permit the black community to control its own affairs
because it would' end the profitable fr uits of racism ," she said.
Mrs. Jenness demands abolishrnent of sales and gasoline
taxes. no taxes ·on income less
than $7,500 and 100 per cent on
incomes more than $25,000, rais-ing corpora te taxes and 100 per
cent tax on war profits.
"Politicians like (E verett)
Millican, (Sam) Massell and
(R;odney) Cook may argue that
this _w~ul~ be a_ good ~ema,id
but it 1s 1mposs_1~e. !t 1s only
'impossible' if you are a capitalist politician attempting to defend the capitalist system," she
* *
The Atlanta Water Department set an all time record
June 27· when the syst~m
pumped 129.6 ;nillion gallons.
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The six are the Atlanta Lega
Aid Society, Housing Resources
Committe-e, Economic OpportL1nl[X Aill'!nta, At lanta
League, A1fanta Christian Council and the Community Council
of the Atlanta Area.
Reliable sources say Dr. Horace Tate is having trouble raising money for his campaign for
mayor. Other political observers
say that while Tate is far from
being highly popular in the
black community, he may get a
lot of votes just because he is
the first black candidate for the ,
top elected spot in ,t he city.
Add Dr. John Middleton, president of Morris Brown College,
as a strong possibility for the
new 9th Ward seat on the Atlanta Board of Aldermen.
Jerry. Luxemburger, a leader
of Good Government Atlanta,
,told the Community Relations
Commission recently, that his
group had not been as successful as H had hoped in getting
school board candidates.
Luxemburger predicted that
Ed s. Cook of the Fjrst Ward
and Robinson W. Schill ing of
the 6th Ward will retire after
this term.
Luxemburger had high words
of praise ·for the school board's ,
newest member, William T.
Beebe of the 8th Ward.
J ohn Boone is leaving the
Southern Regional Council to
. ~: :::
take a job with the U.S. DepartTenants United for Fai rness ment of Justice.
(TUFF) ha ve asked six organizations invited by the Atlarrta
Housing Authority to select
representatives to,' the public
housing advisory _committee to
Thursday, July 10, 1969
Ed mcation Boa rd,
anel Swap Views
Atlanta Journal Education Editor
It was a long, painful process, but the Atlanta Board of Education and the education subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory
Council of Economic Opportunity Atlanta have begun to "communicate." _
The citizens subcommittee, I board for failure ~o communiwhich has been critical of the cate, began a senes of meet.
ings with the board Wednesday
night to discuss 12 educational
recommendations b e i n g proposed by the subcommittee.
The first meeting, dealing
with the problems of free and
partial pay lunches for children
of disadvantaged liomes, at first
appeared to be stalled.
DESPITE the subcommittee's
claim that it wanllS to work with
the board to improve education
in Atlanta , it was obvious some
of the members were there to
"tell the board off."
Nevertheless, two positive developments came out of the
First, the subcommittee asked
and received permission to distribute applications for free and
partial pay lunches door to door
in most parts of the city.
The blanks are currently being sent home by children, and
as a result many never reach
the parents or simply aren't understood by the parents when
they do arrive.
Subcommittee m e m b e r s
agreed to take on some responsibility for explaining the valuable forms 'to the parents and
- -------
if necessary helping them fill 1, member Dr. Asa Yancey told getting some state money for
tliem out.
"WITH THE extremely disadvantaged you literally have
to take them by tho hand and
lead them to a form like lllis
.111d help them fill it out and return it for them because all of
the spontaniety ls gone, 11 board
the bo;ird.
Second ly, the subcommittee
members were told by school
lunch personnel that they need
locr1l s11pport from citiz ns to
help get a bill passed to p1•ovide
for sta te participation in the
school lunch program.
lunches, " said Area II coordinator Mrs. Rose Thompson. We
can't do anymore. "
Mrs. ThompRon pointed out
Lhat Atlanta ha~ 77 per cent
participation in the school lunch ·
program whereas the national
"You people could help us in average is 38 per cent.
�.. ~-·. -r,-:-t.. \": :~.·.
training methods should .
be offered so that a woman with a sixth to eighth
grade education could
develop the necessary
Special To The Voice
3. Women in low-income
areas should be allowed
the opportunity to adva_nce to
should supplement the
cost of adcil.tional· education needed to p~rlorm
the job. I ·recomm"!:lnd a job training center to
equip women for decent
Women are asking for an
equal chance to make a contribution t0 society.
by Mrsp Margaret Grant
· (Mrs. Grant is an aide at the East Central EOA Neighborhood Service Center. She ., so serves as one of
Economic Opportunity Atlan•- '.s \',;;;- nteer Information
Women can do many of the same jobs now done by men.
If employers would convert or redesign their job operattions or methods suitable to female labor they would find
that womencouldproduceasw.eaasmen. During World War
II, with the men away, women p;erformedmany jobs normally
thought of as primarily for men.
Most of the heads of house
hold in ghetto areas are woSome . of these may sound
men and because of this they
heavy or dirty but we always
make be,ner employees.
had .ta.de some dirty works,
They tend to be on time and--~
11/ those of us who
1i ve in low-inc ome areas.
be more dependable due to
Mos t young women in the
their respons ibility to their
ghetto desire jobs such as
There are women who
secretaries, cashiers, file
havebeenknown to stay on
clerks, but because of the
jobs 20_or more years even
lack of skills and personal
qualities, they cannot qualify
wi.chout a decent salary.
for the job. ·
Kitchen helpers and other
domestics often times work
10 or 12 hours per day for
I propose the following:
six days incl~ding Saturday
1. Employers ·should lower
or Sunday on jobs which offer no opportunity for adrequirements as to the
experience and skills for
vancftment and for this, they
make only about $1.15 per
some clerical jobs. For
hour. Therefore training is
example, if a clerk typis t
very essential for thos e in
job requires a n applicant
low-income jobs. Some of
40 words a minute and a
. th~ current training programs have not proved suctypes 35, she should be
given a strong consider"'. ·
There are jobs that women
can perform as well as men:
2. For jobs in industry such
Watch repairer, power and
as T.V., Radio and watch
sewing machine operators ,
repa1n ng, operation of
shipping clerks !lnd e ven
machines, and furniture
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llo~iday Inn management entertaining the Rockdale E O A staff at lunch last week.
From .left are: E O A staff members PinkoJa Mitchell, Dora Zachrcy, Innkeeper H. Garland Hiatt, Rockdale Manpower Direct<>. ·•E. L. Brockett, Rockdale E O A Director,
Ed Gamble, staff members Sara Strickland and Jane Potts, Harry Leach, Assistant
Coordinator for the Atlanta E O A, and Mrs. Betty English, Restaurant Manager for
the Holiday Inn.
r ~v
Last Thursday was • Appreciation nay• at the Holiday Inn of
Conyers, honoring the staff of
the Rockdale E.O.A. office and
members of the State Employ- 1
ment Service assigned to the
Office of Economic Opportunity.
Mrs. Betty English, Dining Room 1
Manager at the Holiday Inn and
Mr. Garland Hiatt, Innkeeper, '
luncheon hosts for the
group in the Holiday's dining
room, Attending from the Rockdale E,O.A.
office were Ed
E, L.
Brockett, Manpower Director,
Pinkola Mitchell, Dora Zachrey,
Jane Potts and Sara Strickland.
A. D. Alderman, Employment
Coordinator for the Atlanta office of E.O.A. and Harry Leach,
Assistant Employment Coordinator for the Georgia State Em- ,
· ployment Service were also
special guests of the Holiday Inn
According to Mrs. English,
almos t all of her new employees
in the dining room operation were 1
hired with the help of the local
E.O.A. office, and with the particular help of Manpower Director, E. L. Brockett.
. :- >, \
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v[egion Hails
West End
Child Center
The Georgia American Legion's citation award for an
agency which employs older
,persons as child-care workers
has been presented to the West
End Child Development Center.
State Labor Commissioner
Sam Caldwell madt the award
to the center at 760 West E,rid ·
Ave. on behalf of the sponsoring
veterans organization.
Achievements of the Eco-
nomi£=..Q,Qp,o_rJJ.m_Lt,y,_,AJ,.,U ~-Jl1,"a.:
agency - which operates a
Head Start program - and a
brochure on its program as the
first in the nation to hire the
elderly as a ma jori ty of its sta ff
will be submLtted for national
· A statewide contest linked to
a national campaign to promote
employment of elderly workers
led to the selection of West End
center in Atlanta for the award.
.,. ,· .
College · Park _Wo man
·Still -Activ·e·~· -a t 86
At 86, Mrs . Marge Hayes of ,husband was sick Mrs. Th_elCollege Park spends a great ·ma Abbott, who worked with
deal of her time reading the ..EDA, made sure that he was
Bible and thinking about life : ·t aken to the doctor or the hosin the next world.
pita! every time he had an
"I don't know anything I've appointment. She was a blessdone to live so long ," Mrs . ing to us."
Hayes said as she sat in a
"And, EOA also showed us
porch swing at her home at how to get things . _done
217 Redwine Ave . "It's been .
-' : -,~---CNAC
through no merit of mine , but Neighborhood
God's will. My days are num- Committee) . Throu gh block
bered but I don't know for clubs No . 9 and 4 we petitioned for a bus in our area .
how long ."
But Mrs . Hayes doesn 't We also petitoned that my
think her days are so num- street and Roosevelt Avenue
bered that she cannot be an be opened and paved . Rooactive member of her block sevelt was opened 'last year
club or the Senior Citizens and they will finish my street
· Club of Economic.iwfil>rtu ni- this year."
..t.Y..Mla~. Inc.
·--"Another_ reason is _that . if
you are gomg to be a . ChnsShe is chairman oL ..,E.,~
Block Club No. 9 and is also tian you've got to help your
chairman of the Senior Citi- neighbors as much as you can
zens' Club No. 1.
and believe in God ."
How did she become interMrs . Hayes said she was
ested in EOA and its activi- born March 8, 1883 in Lutherties? "Well, when my late . ville, Ga. "That is not very
long ago when compared to
eternity," she com...mented .
She had 11 children in two
marriages. "Eight of my
children are still living including my son , The Rev. R. N.
Martin, who is my pastor. He
preaches a pretty good sermon."
She is proud of a silver
pitcher and dish that she received from Rich's at two
parties for 80 year olds. "I
won last year because I had
the most descendants, 90. I
won again this year because I
now have 100 descendents . .
And, if I live, I hope to win at
next year' s party."
pend Summer
Ciif .EOA
, '
Two northside Atlanta teen-agers are spending their summer without pay keeping up with
150 actiye, noisy children.
" It's hectic, but these kids ar: ·'.~1::· other
kids. The re just isn't any differenc1i~ cause of
color," said Wa lter DuPre, 15, 2677 Arden R oad,
N.W. one of the recreation volunteers at the
West End Neighborhood Service Center of Economic Opportunity Atlanf a. Inc.
'. 'I never worked with kids before...sajd P aul
Duke, 16. 3515 Paces Ferry Road .·,,, "'!: . ·«:1,;1~
trips and activities mean a lot to them- a nd me .
It's very boring for them when they ha ve nothing to do
I ·;;€fi:~~;il;i~:.;;::'~{:ti:~:;:;:, 1i;:
what I could do. I kept getting referred from one
agency to another until I got to EOA and talked
. to Mrs . June Sa mmons , volunteer coordinator."
Duke said he became interested in the work
because of DuPre a nd because he wanted to
· work with youngsters. " I've learned a lot about
patience since I 've been with the center. The
work has been very satisfying."
The young men work five days a week in
their _volunteer jobs. hBoth will miss summer
vacat10ns to continue t eir work.
" We plan recreation for the kids, " DuPre
said. " We take them swimm ing. to the movies
gJi{{;;~J:~~,I~tif;,£~:\:}: ~
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-- -- - ---~-- ---
/Rent A Kid
Sets · P@per Sale
. "Rent-a-Kid" of Clayton
County is sponsoring a paper
sale until July 15. Anyone
wishing to donate papers,
magazines and books may
bring them to the
neighborhood service center
at I 871 College Street, Forest
Park, or have them picked up
by calling 577-5252.
•. '
·,:_ .
·- '
. .
.... ~ f" •
.. l
. ·· .~....
·--:--=· 4
a dejected youngster to beWant your exotic flower
come a great doctor if he
Maybe you have
some pups that you want · gets the financial help he
An EOA Rentneeds.
A-Kid can easily do it. Rent
However, no more unus- ·
A-Kids are low-incomeyouual job has come in than the
ngsters who are trying to
assignment on e Rent-A-Kid
earn money for school and
recently completed. He was
they svmetimes do some
as ked ·co ba by-sic, •• an easy
very unusual things. Even
enough task. But for four
thoup the brochure says
walloping St. Bernards?! I
the;• ,mow lawns, trim shrublf YOU ever need an EOA
bery, clear flower beds,
Rent- A-Kid, you can get one
wash windows, move furniat 577-5252.
ture ,
iron, babysit, wash
cars and do a host of o!her
chor es . that are ess~ntial
around the office and home
••••tliey STILL do more un- ·
usual things .
For instance, just recently ·three Rent-A-Kids demonstrated for _a whole day
a little toy called a footsie
at a large shopping center.
They not only had fun while
fil ling the needs of-mana gement, but they alsci got some
practical, first-hand experience on selling techniques.
Many Rent-A-Kids have been
employed to shampoo rugs
and to sweep the ceilings of
houses. Several others will
be carrying si gns for the next
James Brown Show.
One perspec tive employer
called for a Rent A- Kid t o
pla nt and tend a very exotic
flower because this em pl oy.er fe lt tha t a Rent-A-Kid
would be the _only one who
could do it r i ght. Another
. lady called to have a Rent:
A- Kid watch 21/2 chi ldren.
What she really wa nted was
' One Rent-A-Kid rtJ wa tch
One c hild for 2 1/2 hou r s .
But that does not c ount s inc e
it was not rea lly 2 1/2 child-
Som e Rent-A-Kids had a
job in whic h to display their
carpen try tal ents at bui !di n_g
dog fe nces. E vidently they
c oi-,ipleted the ta s k expertly
because EOA is happy toannounc,e no dogs have escaped.
Are tired nurse who is a
partial invalid needed a Rent
-A-Kid to help with a few
household chores. The em ployee did so well that the
nurse has promised to teach
the you ngster everytningshe
knows about nursing. Such
an experience could inspire
·Che·i .cups : .·:
·on :·.-. -rlealth
ffe-ed Free
Th.ink. you might have emphy-·
sema? Diabetes? High blood
· These and other diseases will.
be the objects of a city wide
"search a nd destroy" · mission
sponsored by public and private
health agenci~s . .
' Called ·"Hea-Ith Fair," the project is being conducted in 10 Atlanta neighborhoods throughout
the summer . The free-o f-cha rge
program is designed primarily
for poverty areas or areas
served by a service center of
E;conomic Opportunity Atlanba
.. But ,the search cer tainly isn' t
restricted to t hese areas, according to a .spokesman for the
Fulton County Health Department, which ls participating in
the progr am.
· The first neighborhood to receive the s p e c i a I medical
check-ups wai-the 'ceritral City
area. Some 250 persons were
checked· for high blood pressure ,
dii:ibetes, tuberculosis, syphilis
and chest diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis . - . The heal th de p a T t me n t
spokesman said the proj ect , in
its first year, is " just getti ng
rolling. He said the project will
pick up momentum as more <1.nd
more persons learn of it.
Mrs. Helen Howard, director
of the - Vine-··-OtY:, 'Founaatfo-n;
said she expects more than
1,000 to show up for the :health
tests in the Nash-Washington
neigh.borihood on Tuesdiay.
The health de p a r t m e n .t
-spokesman sa1id the progr am
was " a cooperative movement"
wh:ic:h depends on the neighborhood r esidents themselves for
its success.
IF A P ERSON is fo und to
have a ny one of the ailments,
be is first referred to his own
physician · for medical treatm ent. A person who has no ·ram- ily doctor is referred to health
agencies or Grady Memorial
Hospital, the health department
representative said·.
Other pa rticipating agencies
include the Fulton County Medical Society, the Georgia Department of Fublic H~alth, the
American Red Cross, the Atlanta Tuberculo is Association,
Model Cities, the Atlanta Diabetes Association and the City of
, ~·
'-~- .
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg . • Atlanta , Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator
Boisfeuillet J ones, Chairman , Board of Directors.
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
cordially invites y ou
a special briefi ng and tour
public officials and news representatives
Friday , January 10, 1969 at 10:00 a . m.
East Central EOA Neighborhood Center
486 Decatu r St reet 6 S . E . at Boulevard
(back ·· side of shopping cente,r .
A bus to the neighborhood cente r
will leave at 9:45 a. m.
from 101 Marietta Stree t
(between Spring and cone )
for those who want to leave t he ir cars downtown .
An early lunch will be served at the neighborhood center
for those who wish to remain after t he tour .
- - - - - - - - - - -··· ·----- I(athy McGrath, Editor
Saturday, July 5, 1969
College a c t i v i s t s demand
m ore re'.evanc education and
c i-ties desp 2rately need manpower a nd intel lig·c nce to meet
urban needs . Th e Atlanta Ser. vice-Lea111ing Confc-rence m ay
help solve both problems.
The first meeting in a sixmonth series about student in. vol ve ment in co mmunity pr ob- ·
]ems was held Monday and
Tuesday. The 200 persons attending studied ways for Atlanta 's 50,000 col lege students to ·
receive eredi-t whPc participating in community service.
Th e me eting was· sponsored
by the City of Atlanta, Atlanta
Urba n Corps, Economic Opportunity Atlanta (E OA)' and the
Department of Health, Educa1. tion and Welfare. Also the
Peace Corps, Volunteers in Service ito America (VI!::TA),
Snlh e-rn Regional Edt1cation
Board and Atlanta colleges and
uni ve rsi lies .
"These a re troubl ed times,"
said Bill Alli son, who will become EOA director July 16.
"Our campuses are witnessing
a re volutionairy response by
young peopie who want to do
something about ·the world they
live in. What happens on cam-
pus cannot be scparatod from
wha,t happens in lru•ge.r society."
'l'om Houser Speaks iMwcen Representatives of VISTA, Morehouse CoUcgc and Urban Corps
,f I
•. 111 . 1,p 11 I t'
" NC1'ds o(
1 America " at lunch Mon' ) . !le urged cooµcration be•. •;c l' . universities and govern.1 .. :- • and private agencies to
,.,:"(. mutua[ problems.
··R r c:ognition bl1at academic
1 . ..i. ·Jrger communities have a
'::'<,, • wn interest is long over·r
!1e said. "Now is the time
r. ;· ... cm to work together. Par.::.:ip,_tion is the name ?f t~e
_; . .-ii ..: and service-lear.mng 1s
,•: , ·a:; participation can be re·t , .
z: . ,,
-r;1[ s~rvice-learning concept
_. '. .. ~ experience au-I.side the
.·· _, com broadens education.
· : .e Peace Corps has been in
,_ ,., 1siness of scrvi:ce-Jearning
. _lJout eight years," said
..., . .-rouser, Peace Corps dep, , irec~or. "Most returning
•! : ( ers say they learned,
.han they gave."
·· ,\,· in VISTA are trying to
.; ne the concepts of educa:.,.. , ·:,peri ence and comm~ty
_:· , : e," said H. J effrey Bind a,
, , · u t i v e assislait to the
, . . director. The purpose
1r education-action pro·•. 1. , is to aid 1th
disadv.ln_,; and do something for the
,, :... r. ecrs."
1()nts can already serve in
c r c di t th~m many think,"
claimed Bincia.
A member of the School of
Educa,tion's curriculum committee said Georgia State Co1lege
already gives some credit for
par ticipation in tutorial programs. Mrs. Sara Reale said
students can tutor disadvantaged children three hours a
week and receive · three hours
A former Tulane Un.iveristy
studer.t said a new course there
with academic sredit w.ill £ea- .
· ture community srrvice .
Yet it's :-?ot easy to persuade
university administrators t o
give credit.
"CurricuT.wn committees are
jealous of their · courses," said
Agnes Scott College graduate
Tara Swarlse-J. "They're hesitant •to let students out of the
ciassroom into the field unless
they ::ec definite results."
Mayor Allen welcomed partlcipanLs Monday to the two-day
confe1·ence. Speakers inc1,uded:
U.S. Commissionei· of Education
James E . Alfen J r. , Atlanta
d p u t y adm!nlst!'ator Dan
Sweat Atlanta· Urban Corps
direct~r Sam 'williams and
White House speech writer Lee
e a c e Jorps, VISTA,
Heubner. Also, U1 ban Corps Nn•
• , ... 1 ,.r Cl)rps and Urban Corps
tional Development Office direc. . t , , ,ost colleges do not give
tor Michael Goldstein, Georgia
·, Lciit for this service. :_
president Arthur G. Han·I · much simpl~r to ,ap• •
I ' , • Turn 'to ':rage ·s:L
' vu-:' I ti university' for C6urse . • ·: •
2 0
Continued from Page 1-L
sen and Upward Bound director
Ed Ducree.
Six group• semina.rs interspersed with speeches focu.sed
on S"l'Vi c, l arning, curncu-
Str. rf Photo-Joo MoT»l't
Service-Learning Participants Try to Fwd the · Answer
J.um, finance, methods and programs and research.
A play presented Mon?UY
morning lllustrntc~ th service,
lenrnlng co11ccp_L ·A Dr~~,d Approach lo Rapid Transi t fea 1urcd
hora t:crs c,. "Vic"
Lea !er, Ahle N. Willing, Mrs.
- Minn Orily and 0. L. McDonald
from EIElO (Environmental Inv sligo lions with Economic Impact Office).
Education commissioner Allen
said extending classroom theory
into govqrnmen:t wcrk i~ a :;step
toward re1.evant educat10n. Atlanta d e p u t y administrator
Sweat stressed the need for stt:
c' :nt involvement in communir.;
" Students of today can im)
vide a valuable service io tl ,1
ommunil 1," 11 nid, "Tll,' r,i
sources of the acac!em!c '
munity must ~e libera.te·~: 1
a support.s the scn·1c:l'·1•, ·
Jng eo~cept. We w::iut tu
part of what you':-c dolng,
hope you'll be a pnrt uf
we're doing1 too."
The service-learning C0'1
ence wiT,l continue t 11r
months with periodic mee··::~ ,
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, loco
101 Marietta Stre e t B ldg . • Atl a nta, Georg ia 3030 3 •
T. M. Parh am
Contact : Mr s. Mitchell
525 - 426 2
E xec uti ve Admini s trat o r
For immediate release
January 7 , 1968
In preparation for " START NOW ATLANTA WEEK "a Boisfeuillet
Jones, Chairman of the Economi c Opportunity Atl anta , I n c. Board
of Directors, is inviting public officials and news represen tatives to a special briefing and to ur on Friday , January 10 ,
1969, beginning at 10 : 00 a. m. at the East Central EOA Neighborhood center , 486 Decatur Street S. E. at Boulevard (ba ck side of
shopping center.)
Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr ., has proc laimed the week of January
12 - 18 "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" urging " all Atlantans t o invest
in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA ' s neighbo rhood
information and v oluntee r p r ograms ."
At Friday' s briefing Mr.Jones will launch "START NOW ATLANTA
WEEK" and the two new programs ment i on ed in the Mayo r's procla ma tion .
He will int-:t\oduce 22 poverty area resident s c a lled
V. I . P . ' s or Volunteer Information People a who f o r the first time
will lead public tours through their own neighbo rhoods.
He wi ll
also e xplain EOA's new volunteer program .
After the short briefing , on e o f the V.I. P . ' s . a p ove rty
area resident , will take guests to a nea r b y s t ree t to s e e what
�-2 -
residents living there have done to help themselves.
An early lunch will be provided for guests who wish to rema in
after the tour for further discussion o
According to Mr. Jones , the purpose of F riday ' s briefing a nd
tour is to give public officials and news representatives a first
hand look at some of the problems 6 the progress which is be i ng
made and the potential for volunteer help .
" I am convinced , " Mr .
Jones said, "that Atlantans want to become involved .
constantly ask 'How can I know what's happening? ' and ' What ca n I
That is why EOA is introducing two new programs during
"·START NOW ATLANTA WEEK " to help more Atlantans find way s to
become involved."
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
T . M. Parham
Telephone ~ 525 - 4262
Executi ve Administra to r
Contact ~ M.ary Lu Mitche ll
Fo r i mmed i ate r e l e ase
J·anuary 7 , 1969
Mayo r Ivan Allen J r o, h a s proclai med the week of Tanuar y 12
" S. ART NOW A LANTA WEEK e " urging al l
Atlan t ans to i n v est in the
ci ty 0 s fut ure by bec omi ng inv l v ed in Econ omic Oppo r t unity Atlanta 1 s
neighbo rhood informati on an d v ol un t eer programs.
I n his proclamation M.ayor Al l en states that e v e n though Atlanta
is one o f the mo s t progre ssi v e c i ti es in the United s t ates e some
160 11 000 citizens have n o.-
shared i n A lan ta 0 s g rowth a n d p o gress.
The severe problems caused by t his wasted huma n and e con o mic p oten tial c annot be solved wi thout the immediate help of all cit izens ,
a ccording to the Mayor .
To ass i s t t h o se who wan t to . bec ome personally involved in s olving t hese pr ob lems , Economic Opportun ity At la nta e I n c ., Atlanta 0 s
anti-poverty agency , is i ntroducin g two new prog ra ms du ring " START
One progra m offe rs p over t y area tours led by
residen t s of t he area and t he other offers new k i nds of volunteer
jobs .
I .
For thos e who want fir s t hand information
about Atlanta 's slums , twenty-two p o verty area r es i d ents have volunteered to l e a d tours in th e ir neighborhoods t o show what pr o gress
··• ~.
I." ~
- 2·-
they ha ve made th r ough their own efforts and wh at obs tacles they
still face.
They ca ll themselves V.I . P.'s o or Volunteer I nformat ion
People, and are me mbers of EOA n eighborhood self - he lp groups in
1 4 low-i n come areas served by EOA neighborhoo d c enters.
Groups or i n dividuals interested in arranging tours should
con tact Mrs. Mary Lu Mitche11 6 EOA Public Informa t ion Director ,
5 2 5 - 4262 .
II .
Fo r those who wan t to assist t he poo r in
the ir self-help efforts, EOA is coordinating a n e w volunte er program.
Vol u riteers will either develop th e ir own projects , work in
partnersh i p wi t h block clubs in l ow-income areas, organi ze study
groups in thei r own ne i ghborhoods or ac c ept specific assignments
a t agencie~ or centers ;
• '•' ... ~I").: ... • ~-~•~. _.: '• ". •·; •' .·, :.~ ~ .. :: ,.
I ., •
The firs € t i aining program fo r volunteers wi l l be conducted o n
~anuary 22 , 23 a nd 24 .
Groups o r ind i viduals i n terested in volun t eering should .c ontact
Mrs. June Sammo ns, EOA Vo lunteer c o ordinato r at 525-4262.
@ 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)
WHEREAS, Atlanta is one of the most progressive
cities in the United States; and
WHER EAS, 160,000 Atlantans have not shared in
Atlanta's growth and economic progress; and
WHEREA S, the wasted potential of these citizens
causes human suffering and severely limits Atlanta's
future progress; and
WHEREAS, th ese prob lem s can not be solved without
the immediate help of all Atlanta's citizen s:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ivan Allen , Jr., Mayor of
the City of Atlanta, do hereby proclaim the week of
January 12 as
and do hereby urge all Atlantans to 11 Start Now 11 to invest
in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA 1s neighborhood information and volunteer programs.
hereunto set my hand and caused- the
Seal of the City of Atlanta to be affixed.
Ivan Allen,
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
February 4,1969
M E N Q....R A _H D U H
Those in i.ttendance at the Job Corvs Skill Center
'. 1·
Mr. John F. Gtandridge, Executive DirectoCvYf ,,-(,;
Vocational-Technical and Adult Education v-~~
In accordance Hith our previous meeting, we are sending you a copy
of the Jq.b Description for the Director of the Job Corps Skill
.e-4 Scl.ool. S'14-'e-.
/5e,w<if9 U.e A~a cuul. v/-uit-
l.. (u
v,' .1
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January 30, 1969
Director· Job Corps Skill Center
Bachelors degree required; master ' s degree preferred. Must meet State
Department of Education requirements for certification in Vocational
Education .
Three years vocati onal teaching experience .
desired .
Salary Range:
M.S .
DR .
Job Description:
Plans, organizes, and directs the educational program and administrative
functions of the Skill Center . Reports to the Executive Director of
Vocational- Technical and Adult Education .
Broad industrial experience
$13,723 . 80
$15,360 . 60
$14,542.20 - $16,179 . 00
$15,360.60 - $16,997 . 40
$16,179 . 00 - $17,815.80
Must have extensive knowledge of the principles and methods of organization of course content, the principle~ and techniques of teaching and
General school administration; knowledge of academic subjects and their
place and value in a Vocational Education Program. Must have .e xceptional
ability to plan, organize, and direct a school program of vocational
instruction; to enlist, organize, and effectively use advisory committees.
Must have considerable ability to evaluate instructional techniques,
procedures, and equipment; present comments and opinions clearly and
concisely; create and maintain cooperative relationships with others ; and
to anticipate, to analyze, and to prepare plans to meet needs and situations.
Must have ability to apply budgetary principles, and to establish effective
records and report sys tems .
Plans , develops and administers programs to provide educational opportunities and counseling for students . Cooperates with business , civic, and
other organizations to develop curricula to meet needs and interests of
students and community. Appoi nts a dvisory committee for each ma jor
instructional area.
Establishes procedures, i n cooperat i on with t he Job Corps and Employment
Security Agencies, for the recruitment registration, and placement of
students , and supervises t hes e activities.
Interviews and recommends s election and placement of staff and faculty and
other personnel necessary for operation of the Skill Center. Provi des inservic e training for instructors .
�Supervises review and evaluation of course content and schedules, and
revision as necessary to meet student and community needs.
Prepares periodic budgets and determines allocation of funds within
overall authorizations .
Directs preparation of pamphlets, posters, news releases, and radio
and television scripts to publicize and promote personnel recruitment
and educational programs.
Supervises collection and analysis of data from questionnaires, interviews, and group discussions to evaluate curricula, teaching methods,
and community participation in Skill Center programs.
Establishes procedures for preparation of records and reports; for
maintenance, accountability-, and equipment, assigned to the Skill
Center; and ·supervises these activities .
Plans, develops, and administers physical educational program, recreational program, and student residential program.
Plans work of faculty committees and di rects school safety program to
include fire and emergency drills .
Statement of
Statement of Inter est should be mailed to Mrs. Ruth Satterfield,
Director of Recruitment and Plac ement, Personnel Division, 224 Central
Avenue, S . w. , Atlanta, 30303, no later than Friday, February 14, 1969.
Applicants will be noti fied of date and time of interview.
�- - -,;;;;.-============--=======;;,;;,.~~""""~........,-~---·------- ----------------~----BRIEF HISTORY OF EOA .
On August 20, 1964, the President of the United States signed
the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, (Public Law 88-452).
This act mobilized the human and financial resources of the
entire country to help the nation's poor help themselves by
giving them OPPORTUNITIES - opportunities for education
and training, for employment, and for better methods of living
in present day America.
While this legislation was still pending, Atlanta and Fulton
County officials began making plans to ensure prompt action
for over 160,000 underpriviledged citizens in this area. The
result was a joint resolution passed on August 19, 1964, by th.e
Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta and
the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County,
creating a community action board to receive and administer
federal Economic Opportunity funds. Because of this timely
planning, Atlanta and Fulton County received one of the first
to an urparrarea on Noyember 23, 1964.
M <-v+, ~ ..., eJ h o c.,,J,
/.ach year thousands of people move to Atlanta from farms and
villages. Many are unequipped to cope with the demands of
urban living. These new arrivals, as well as thousands of families
already living here, are trapped by the cycle of poverty, unemployment, disease, ignorance and public dependence. Many who
most need the help offered by public and private organizations
concerned with their welfare are not aware of the services or are
not able to take the basic steps necessary to obtain them. Often
they are unable to read street or bus signs, fill out applications
or follow written instructions. In short, they are unable to help
To reach these people and help them become self-sufficient,
EOA has established neighborhoord service centers in 14 lowincome areas of Atlanta and Fulton, Gwinnett and Rockdale
Counties. Through these 14 centers EOA provides employment
counseling, social services and numerous self-help programs.
Seventeen local agencies help administer these programs, under
contract to EOA. Other agencies, though not funded by EOA,
also place representatives in EOA neighborhood centers or cooperate by providing services to individuals referred to them by EOA.
Residents of areas served by the 14 centers participate in planning EOA programs through 200 neighborhood block clubs, 14
Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Councils, A Citizens Central Advisory Council and the EOA Board of Directors, one t hird of
which is composed of low-income representatives. Through this
participation, people learn to identify common problems. As new
leadership emerges, they assume responsibility for finding solutions to many of these problems.
Representatives to EOA committees are elected once a year
through democratic elections held in the neighborhoods. More
than 12,000 people voted for 1968 representatives in 200 neighborhood block elections. In 1967, 11,500 people voted in 194
block elections. In 1966, the first such elections, 2,000 people
voted in 11 polling places.
EOA is not a financial aid program. It offers opportunities, a
hand up instead of a hand out. It is an experimental program,
searching for new approaches to old and complex problems.
Acting as a catalyst, it has brought numerous changes in old
methods and attitudes. The success of these changes will be
measured by the continued development of a se lf-sufficient,
aware and responsible citizenry, so essential for the growth and
survival of Metro olitan Atlanta.
Statistics in this report cover the period from January 1965 through
December, 1967.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Doris C. Bridges
A comprehensive manpower program to recruit, train and place
2,500 hardcore unemployed and underemployed persons in
permanent employment.
Persons included in the program reside in the following five
target areas: Sum-Mee, Pittsburgh, West End, Price and NASHWashington.
From August 14 through December 1967, 704
people were placed in orientation and pre-vocational training
programs and 687 people were placed on jobs or in on-the-job
training programs.
Administering Agency:
Address of Program:
Georgia Department of Education,
Vocational Rehabilitation Division
1599 Memorial Drive, S.E.
Mr. Cantey Gordon
A centralized service to diagnose and evaluate work potential
and training needs of difficult cases and to follow up job
progress. It serves all agencies cooperating with EOA programs.
From May, 1966, through December, 1967, 1,983
people were accepted for evaluation, 1,452 completed the evaluation phase and 605 finished training and were employed.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Gloria S. Gross
Ten day care centers provide supervised care, enrichment and
education for 725 children of working parents. The centers are
open 11 hours a day, five days a week, all year. Approx imately
1,759 ch ildren have attended day care centers si nce the first
one began operation in April 1965.
Antioch North Day Care Center (50 children)
540 Kennedy Street, N.W.
Mrs. Mary Ray
Bowen Homes Day Care Center (Gate City Association )
(100 children)
1060 Wilkes Circle, N.W.
Mrs. Frances Wyatt
�College Park Civic & Educational Center (35 children)
407 West Harvard Street, College Park, Georgia
Mrs. Eloise Thomas
A program to provide children in institutions with adult affection and companionship while also giving older citizens a chance
to be employed in a useful, personally satisfying job.
East Point Child Care Center (24 children)
1147 Calhoun Avenue, East Point, Georgia
767 -4404
Mrs. DeVern Howell
ACTION: Forty-one men and women over sixty years of age
are employed to work with children at three institutions. Each
grandparent is responsible for two children. Since February
1966, 196 older people have participated in the program.
Fort Street Kiddie Korner (100 children)
562 Boulevard, N.E.
Mrs. Yhonna Halcomb
Carrie-Steele Pitts Home
Fulton County Juvenile Court
Grady Memorial Hospital
Gate City at St. Paul's (Gate City Association) (36 children)
1540 Pryor Road, S.W.
Telephone :
Mrs. Barbara Martin
Grady Homes Day Care Center
(Grady Homes Tenant Association) (90 children)
100 Bell Street, S. E.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Carter
Administering Agencies:
South Side Day Care Center (120 children)
802 Pryor Street, S.W.
Mr. Henry Furlow
Head Start classes have provided cultural enrichment for a total
of 8,989 children during the last three summers.
Vine City Child Development Center (50 children)
168 Griffin Street, N.W.
Telephone :
Mr. Joseph Gross
EOA and Georgia State Employment Service
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Aaron Alderman
One Georgia State Employment Service Manpower Counselor
is located in each Neighborhood Service Center to provide job
placement and referrals to other services.
ACTION: Since March 1965, employment counselors located
in neighborhood centers have placed 9,891 individuals on jobs;
6,218 individuals in training programs such as MOTA, Job Corps
and Neighborhood Youth Corps, and made 21,356 referrals.
Counselors have conducted 37,859 initial interviews and 102,615
total interviews. Of all individuals coming to EOA neighborhood
centers, 72% wanted jobs.
Atlanta Public Schools
761-5411 Ext. 233
6,909 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Berean Junior Academy
360 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Free For All Day Nursery
360 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Gwinnett County Public Schools
480 children have attended
in 2 summers.
Hinsley Temple Day Nursery
180 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Rockdale County Public Schools
80 children have attended
in 2 summers.
Sullivan - Mitchell Academy
90 children have attended
in 1 summer.
Wheat Street Day Nursery
300 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Administering Agency:
Administering Agency:
Eight (see below)
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Gloria S. Gross
A summer enrichment program for culturally deprived preschool children operated by the Atlanta School System and
seven private agencies.
Tabernacle Baptist Church (120 children)
475 Boulevard, N. E.
Mrs. Mattie Bruce
Administe ring Agency:
Mrs. Georgie 0. Miller
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Room 313
Mr. Wilbert Solomon
Job training for out-of-school, unemployed boys aged 16 through
21. EOA is responsible for recruiting and screening male Job
Corps applicant s from Atlanta and Fulton , Cobb, Clayton,
Fayette, Douglas, DeKalb, Rockdale and Gwinnet t counties.
Senior Citizen Services of
Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
�Antione Graves Center
ACTION: Since January 1965, 2,012 boys have been sent to
training centers throughout t he country. 301 have been processed and are awaiting assignments. 277 boys have graduated.
A new recruiting quota of 1,560 boys has been received for the
current year.
Health maintenance, adult education, recreation, transportation,
counseling, information, referrals and volunteer services for 764
individuals living in three high rise apartment buildings for the
elderly constructed by the Atlanta Housing Authority, plus
approximately 3,000 elderly individuals who live in the neighborhoods where the facilities are located.
(See also "Job Corps - Women's" page 8 .)
Project Director:
General Counsel:
The average daily attendance is 389.
The Atlanta Legal Aid Society
136 Pryor Street, S. E.
Mr. Michael D. Padnos
Mrs. Nancy S. Cheves
Administering Agency:
Coordinator of Inner
City Centers
Coordinator of Outer
City Centers
Bellwood Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Assistant Attorney:
717 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Eugene Taylor
Mrs. Evelyn Fabian
1839-C Hollywood Road, N.W.
Mrs. Colquitt McGee
Mr. Samson Oliver
Sum-Mee Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Assistant Attorney:
65 Georgia Avenue, S.E.
Mr. Robert B. Newman
Mr. Howard Simmons
Emory Neighborhood Law Office
486 Decatur Street, S.E.
All legal cases from EOA target areas are referred to t he downtown office or one of the four neighborhood centers. The
program also offers legal education and includ es a research and
reform unit and a special litigat ion unit. Two additional
neighborhood offices will be opened in 1968:
Mr. Edd ie Neyland
Edgewood Neighborhood Service Center
1723 Boulevard Drive, S.E.
Extension Area Manager:
Miss Charlene Wharton
Mr. Coll ins Hastings
Gwinnett County Neighborhood Service Center
225 Perry Street, Lawrenceville, Georgia
Mr. Gene Johnson
Senior Citizen Services of
Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
Mr. A. E. Horvath
NASH-Washington Neighborhood Service Center
247 Ashby Street, N.W.
John 0 . Chiles Cent er
435 Ashby Street, S.W.
755-577 1
Mr. William A. Fowlkes
Eagan Homes Extension Area Center
Palmer House Center
Mr. George Dodd
East Side Community Extension Center
Since July 1965, attorneys have served 29,738 cases
and have reopened 1,301 cases. 6,175 cases were completed
after court act ion.
Miss Margaret Ajax
Mrs. Lucy Guthrie
547 Hunt St reet, S.E.
Telephone :
Extension Area Manager:
Executive Director:
Mr. George Williams-873-6759
East Central Neighborhood Service Center
447 Parkway Drive, N.E.
Frederick S. LeClercq
Administering Agency:
Mrs. Sujette Crank-522-5792
Central City Neighborhood Service Center
840 Marietta Street, N.W.
Extension Area Manager:
Another legal services center is operated by Emory University.
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
All EOA services are brought to low-income families through 14
neighborhood service centers located in poverty areas. Employment counseling,social services and a variety of self-help programs
are available at the centers. In addition, staff members help
residents form neighborhood block organ.izations, deal with
neighborhood problems and develop leadership ability. Each year,
residents of EOA target areas vote in neighborhood elections to
choose their representatives to EOA committees and the EOA
Board of Directors.
Northwest Branch Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Law Clerk:
126 Hilliard Street, S.E.
97 Chestnut Street, N.W.
Telepho ne:
Extension Area Manager:
430 Techwood Drive, N.W.
Mr. Maurice Pennington
�Vine City Extension Area Center
141 Walnut Street, N.W.
Extension Area Manager:
Mr. Maurice Pennington
ACTION: 440 work posit ions are provided. Since Augu st 1965
4,033 have participated in the program.
See also Neighborhood Youth Corps
(In-School program) page 8 .
North Fulton Neighborhood Service Center
27 Oak Street, Roswell, Georgia
Acting Director:
Mr. George Ad ams
Northwest (Perry Homes) Neighborhood Service Center
1927 Hollywood Road, N.W.
Mr. Howard Jefferson
Administering Agency:
Act ing Director:
Pittsburgh Neighborhood Service Center
993½ McDaniel Street, S.E.
Mr. Sam Baxter
EOA has received a planning grant to design an A t lanta Parent
and Ch ild Center. It is a pilot demonstration project designed
to provide services to low-income families in t he Edgewood
area w ith children under three y ears of age or those expecting
a baby.
Price Neighborhood Service Center
1127 Capitol Avenue, S.W.
l)/lrs. Paul ine M. Clark
One of t hirty-six such projects throughout t he country, the
PPC program emphasizes planned parenthood, household skills,
parent-child relationships and the use of commu nity facilities.
Rockdale-Conyers Neighborhood Service Center
929 Commercial Street, Conyers, Georgia
Telephone :
Mrs. Sarah M. St arr
South Fulton Neighborhood Service Center
2735 East Point Street, East Point , Georgia
Mr. James Callan
Extension A rea Manager:
Mr. Hubert Murray
Administering Agency:
Summerhill-Mechanicsville Neighborhood Service Center
65 Georgia Avenue, S.E.
577-135 1
Mr. Daniel Brand
Extension A rea Managers:
Mrs. June Sammons
Mr. Richard Rembert
The Planned Parenthood
Association of the Atlanta Area
118 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Julian Freedman
Bet hlehem Community Center Clinic
9 McDonough Boulevard
T elephone:
(Thursday evenings 6- 9 p.m.)
Downtown Clinic
118 Mar ietta Street, N.W.
(Friday evenings 6- 8 p. m.)
West Central Neighbrohood Service Center
2193 V erbena Street, N.W.
Mr. A mos Parker
Director :
Extension Area Manager:
Mr. Oscar T rent
Vine City Clinic
558 Magnolia St., N.W.
T elephone:
523-8 112
(Friday evenings 6- 9 p. m.)
East Point Clinic
2735 East P.o int Street
(Tuesday evenings 6- 9 p.m.; 2nd and 4th
Saturdays in the month, 10-12 a. m.)
West End Neighborhood Service Center
727 Lawto n Street, S.W.
753-610 1
Mrs. Sarah Z im merman
Extension Area Manager:
Miss Penny A. Blackford
John 0. Chiles Homes
435 Ashby Street, S.W.
(Thursday evenings 6- 9 p.m.)
(Out-of-School program )
Administering Agency:
Address of program:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Miss Anne Ingram
Perry Homes Cl inic
1660 Drew Drive, N.W., Apt. 756
T elephone:
(Monday -Wednesday evenings 6- 9 p.m. )
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Henry Pace
A fam ily planning service.
A job training and employment program for out-of-school,
unemployed youths aged 16 through 21. 146 public and nonprofit Atlanta agencies provide 154 work locations and 440
positions. Return to school is encouraged.
ACTION : The program, under contract with EOA, has served
6,231 individuals from January 1966 through November 1967.
Five · neighborhood family planning clinics plus the downtown
clinic are in operation.
Fulton County Medical Assoc.
Emory Univ. School of Medicine
1070 Washington Street, S.W.
Temporary Address:
Dr. William Marine
Dr. Calvin Brown
Permanent address will be 1039 Ridge Avenue, S.W.
Clark College
Emory University
Georgia State College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Morehouse College
Morris Brown College
Oglethorpe University
Spelman College
Administering Agencies:
A new health center will provide complete medical services,
except hospitalization, f or 22,000 low-income people living in
the Price neighborhood . The Fulton County Medical Society
is the delegate agency and Emory University will operate the
program. The program will cooperate with all other health and
planning agencies within Metropolitan Atlanta ,
Temporary services will be available June 1, 1968. Full operation will begin on November 1, 1968. ·
The Atlanta Board of Education
2930 Forrest Hills Drive, S.W.
Mr. Alan Koth
An education program to serve the entire family using neighborhood public school faciliti es around the clock . The program
was financed by EOA until the 1967 budget reductions.
Call Mr. Harold Barrett at 525-4266 for information.
City-wide recreation programs were conducted in the summers
of 1966 and 1967 by EOA, the City of Atlanta, 10 United
Appeal Agencies and 14 other private agencies. The total 1966-67
attendance at summer recreation programs was 377,000. A large
1968 program is planned.
Eleven Community Schools are still in operation. Five (Brown,
Price, Washington, Archer and Howard) offer academic credit toward a High School diploma. Credit courses are also offered
at Bass High School.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Johnny Popwell, Jr.
Archer High School, 2250 Perry Boulevard, N.W.
Arvella L. Farmer, Assistant Principal
Bethune Elementary School, 220 Northsid e Drive, N. W.
Norris Hogans, A ssist ant Principal
A domestic Peace Corps of volunteers assisting low-income
neighborhood residents with education, community organization, recreation, counseling, health, legal assistance, employment
and other specialized programs.
Brown High School , 764 Peepl es St reet, S. W.
Telephone :
Stephen Vernarsky, Acting A ssistant Principal
ACTION: Fifty-four VISTAs are currently working with EOA
neighborhood centers and other agencies. Since July 1965, 101
VISTAs have worked with EOA.
Capitol Avenue Elementary School. 811 Capitol Av enu e, S.W.
Obadiah Jordan, Jr., Assistant Pr incipal
Sammye Coan Middle School, 1550 Boul evard Dr ive, N.E.
Aaron Watson, A ssist ant Prin cipal
The Atlanta Board of Education
2930 Forrest Hills Drive, S.W.
761 -5411 Ext. 206
Mr. Alan Koth
Mr. Joe Fuller
Dr. Curtis Henson
Dykes High School, 4360 Powers Ferry Road , N .W.
Tel ephone:
Jack Glasgow, A ssistant Pri ncipa l
Grant Park Elementary School , 750 Kalb Av enu e, N .E.
627 -5741
James Chivers, A ssistant Pr incipal
Instruction in reading, wri t ing and arithmetic for adults over
18 years of age who are unable to function on an eighth grad e
level , to improve their employment potential.
Howard High School, 551 Houston Street, N .E.
T elephone:
522 -5096
Joe l Din k ins, Ac t in g A ssista nt Pri ncipal
Price High School, 1670 Capito l A ven ue, S.W.
T elephone:
Carl Hubbard , A ssistant Prin cipa l
Part-time employment progra m t o k eep y ouths from low- income
families in college.
�Washington High School, 45 White House Drive, S.W.
Robert H. Wilson, Assistant Principal
West Fulton High School, 1890 Bankhead Avenue, N.W.
E. C. Norman, Assistant Principal
·Address of program:
Mr. Lloyd Groover
The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 provides
job training for needed skills.
Officers in Charge:
The Georgia State Employment
Service and the Atlant a Board of
Educat ion
522 W. Peachtree St., N.W.
The Atlanta Police Department
82 Decatur Street, S.E.
Capt. 0. W. Jordan
Lt. C. Dixon
A. A. Harris
Address of program:
Policemen work in each EOA neighborhood service center to
become friends with residents and help them with their problems. The program, the first of its kind in the count ry, was
developed by the Atlanta Police Department. All new policemen
are assigned to the program for their first few months of duty.
Atlanta and Fulton County
Boards of Education
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Eugene Wimby
Training and employ ment of low-income h igh school youths
in t he Atlanta-Fulton County School Systems t o provide work
ex perience and money to enable them t o remain in school.
ACTION: Since January 1967, officers have made over 162,800
contacts, attended 339 meetings on off-duty time, and helped
176 hardship cases.
654 students are now employed in the public schools.
3,867 youths have participated since the beginning.
The supervising officers and their centers are:
NASH -Washington
Price and Pittsburgh
Central City
Northwest (Perry Homes)
East Central
West End
Su m-Mee
West Cent ra l
Officer Gambell
Officer Davenport
Officer Cardell
Officers Smith and Bolton
Officer Steed
Officer L. Coggins
Off icer Owens
Officer Lyons
Office r Johnson
Address of program:
Program offers the human relations approach to gaining and
maintain ing ernploy ment. It is under t he Manpower Development and Training Act.
Emory Universit y
Clark College
309 Thompson Hall
Director :
Emory Universit y
Emory University
Add ress:
ACTION: First annual report has been filed with OEO in
Emory University Campus, Emory Univ.
377-2411 Ext. 7546
Mr. Louis Becker
Morehouse College
240 Chestnut St reet, N.W.
Dr. Carson Lee
Dr. Fred Crawford
An eighteen month eval uation of Atlanta's Community Action
The Atlanta Board of Education
756 West Peachtree Street, N.E.
Mr. Thomas W. Hinds
Women in Community Service,
Inc. (WICS)
730 Peachtree Street, N.E.
223 Chestnut Street, S.W.
Mr. Mac A. Stewart
Morris Brown College
642 Hunter Street, N.W.
Mrs. Vivian McGee
Mrs. Lois Baldwin
A project to reduce the dropo ut rate of 11th and 12th graders
with ability by providing remedial and interest classes and
encouraging them to set goals for further education after high
Job training for out-of-school, unemployed girls aged 16 through
21. At present, 208 girls are in training center-s throughout the
United States and 63 have graduated.
Administering Agency:
A two month program . 10,697 citizens 65 y ears and older
were con tact ed. 110 paid w ork ers, old er people from low income areas, and 117 volunteers ex plained health and hospital
benefi ts availab le und er th e new Medicare legislation and helped
peopl e apply before the March 31 , 1966 deadlin e.
Ga. State Employment Service
522 West Peachtree Street, N.W .
Mr. Forrest Humphries
A program which concentrates on the employment needs of
youths aged 16 through 21, w it h emphasis on coun se ling, testi ng
and referral to other agenci es for remedial education or t raining.
Four Public Hea lth Nurses worked with neighborhood service
centers. Admini st ered by Fulton County Department of Public
Training and work experience for 500-700 hard -core, unemployed out-of-school youths per year, in w orkshop situations.
Administered by BEES-BIZ, Inc., a non-profit private organi zation. 233 were enrolled during the program.
A center to screen prospective loan applicants and to provide
assistance in the management and development of small businesses.
An education program, form erly financed by EOA, to serv e
the entire family using neighborhood public school faciliti es
around the clock . Now administered by the Atlanta Board of
Education. See page 7 .
From October 1965 through July 1967 the center interviewed
and counseled 850 low-income businessmen and approved loans
total ing $326,225. Administered by EOA.
20,964 w ere enrolled in 12 school s. Approximately 10,000
more partici pated in programs while financed by EOA.
In 1965, scholarships were provid ed for 6,500 primary and
Group education for low- income parents w hose children are enrolled in Head Start cl asses, to increase motivation for se lf-help.
Commun ity and personal probl em s were ident ified and became
the target for action . The project w as administered by th e
A t lanta Urban Leagu e, Inc.
second ary students from under-privil edged homes to allow th em
to attend summer school. Administered by the Atlanta and
Fulton County Boards of Education.
ACTION : El even groups w it h a total of 295 parents have com pl eted th eir discussions. Th ere have been 424 referr als to oth er
agencies fo r help. 1,836 peopl e have been interview ed . 60 persons
have been involved in lead ersh ip t raining. The program ended on
December 31st.
A program to provide t rain ing and supervision of loca l vo lunteers
who suppl ement ed services of th e EOA professi on al st aff. Volunt eers were drawn fro m all areas of the city , inc luding EOA
target areas. Th e progra m was ad m inistered by t he Community
Counci l of t he Atlanta Area, Inc. du r ing it s demo nstratio n year.
Subst itute homemakers assumed responsibil it y for households
in low-i ncome areas during emergency sit uations. Admin istered
by V isiting N urse A ssociation o f A t lanta. 28 ho mem akers served
522 ho mes and made 13,436 visits.
ACT ION: A ppro xi mately 250volun t eerswere recruited, t rained
and placed. Seven cl asses were held, both daytime and evening.
The volunteers worked fo r at least six months in neighborhood
service cen t ers, ch ild development centers, summer head start
programs, planned parenthood clinics, senior citi zens centers
and community schools.
EOA Home Management Technicians and aides worked in Neighborhood Service Centers, taught residents cooking, sewing,
housekeeping, budgeting, child care, hygiene, consu mer buying,
and facts about loans and installment bu yi ng.
Central City
N- Southern Railway
E-W. Peachtree
S-Jet Street
F-6, F-7, F-8. F-9
F-10, F-20, F-21
East Central
N-North Ave.
E-Moreland Ave.
S-Memorial Dr.
W-Williams St.
F-17, F-18, F-19, F-27,
F-28, F-29, F-30, F-31,
F-32, F-33
N-c·of Ga. RR
D-5, D-6
E-Rogers St.
S-Memorial Drive
W-Moreland Ave.
'Gwinnett County
Entire county
N-Bankhead Ave.
E-Elliot Street
S-Greensferry Ave. & Westview Dr.
W-Ashby Street
F-22, F-23, F-25, F-26,
F-36, F-37, F-38, F-39,
North Fulton
N-Fulton-Cherokee County Line
E-Fulton-Forsyth County Line
S-Northside Drive to W. Wieuca Rd.
to Nancy Creek, Fulton-DeKalb
line to Chattahoochee River
W-Fulton-Cobb County Line
F-101, F-102, F-114,
F-115, F-116
Northwest Perry
N-Marietta Boulevard
E-Marietta Boulevard &
Louisville&Nashville RR
S-Proctor Creek
W-Chattahoochee River
F-87, F-88
N-Cont'd W-Whitehall
E-Southern Railway
S-Atlanta&W. Point 'R R
W- W. Whitehall
F-57, F-58, F-63
N-Atlanta Ave.
E-Hill Street
S-Lakewood Ave.
W-South Expressway
F-67 F-558 * F-55A
Rockdale County
Entire county
South Fulton
N- E. Cleveland Ave.
E-Sylvan Road
S-Thomas Avenue
W-A&W.P. RR (S. Main St.)
F-104, F-105, F-106,
F-107, F-109, F-110,
N-Memorial Drive
E-Primrose & Kelly Streets
S-Atlanta Ave.
W- Southern Railway
F-44 F-45 F-46 F-47
F-48, *F-55A *F-56 '
West Cent ral
N-Proctor Creek, Gun Club
Road, Eugenia Pl. & North Ave.
E- L&N RR , Ashby St.
S- Atlant ic Coast Line RR , & Hunter St.
W- Chattahoochee River
F-24, F-83, F-84, F-86
�West End
N-Harris Homes Project
E-Whitehall Street
S-L&N Railroad
W-John White Park, S. Gordon Street
F-41, F-42, F-59, F:60,
F-61, F-62
These Census Tracts are divided between two center areas
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones, Chairman
Mrs. W. H. (Lucy) Aiken
Mr. Robert Barnes
Mr. Harold Benson
Mr. W. T. Brooks
Mr. William L. Calloway
Mr. J. Otis Cochran
Mr. Lawrence Coleman
Mr. Robert Dobbs
. Mr. George L. Edwards Jr.
Mr. John Gaither
Mrs. Beatrice Garland
Mrs. Katherine Gatty
Mr. Melvin Grantham
Rev. Ellis Green
Mr. John W. Greer
Rev. Joseph L. Griggs
Mrs. Sylvia Harris
Mr. John S. Herndon
Mr. Jesse Hil'I
Mr. T. J. Justin
Rev. M. L. King, Sr.
Mrs. Susie Labord
Dr. John W. Letson
Mr. W. H. Montague, Sr.
Mr. Michael Murphy
Mr. Carl Plunkett
Mr. Julian Sharpton
Dr. Lynn Shufelt
Mr. A. H. Sterne
Mrs. Nancie Stowers
Dr. Paul D. West
Mrs. Leroy (Ann) Woodard
Mr. W. A. Edge
Mr. Ralph Long
Mrs. Annie Pace
Mrs. Susie Perkins
Reverend R. B. Shorts
Mr. Robert Tibbetts
Marked * below, plus the following
Executive Administrator Nominees:
Mrs. Gladys Bradley
Mrs. Rosa Burney
Mr. James Couch
Central City Center
Mr. James Austin
Mrs. Dorothy Brown
Mrs. Evelyn Brown
Mrs. Katie Brown
Mrs. Ethel Cox
Mr. T. J. Justus
Mrs. Ethel Mc I ntyre
Mrs. Tempil Owens
Mrs. Ruth Palmer
Mr. W. A. Reynolds
Mrs. Kathryn Turner
Mr. L. L. Turner
Mr. Alonza Watson
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Spencer Blount
Mrs. Kathryn Turner
Conyers- Rockdale Center
Mr. Jim Baker
Mr: Leroy Bigham, Chairman
Reverend E. N. Brewer
Mr. Bobby Brisendine
Reverend William Byington
Mr. George Davis
Mr. George Edwards, Jr.
Mr. James Finlayson
Mr. Moses Green
Mr. Aubrey Harvey
Mrs. Olivia Haydel
Mr. Willie Henderson
Mr. J. T. Hicks
Mrs. Merle K. Lott
Mr. John Penn
Mr. Frank Smith
Mrs. Otis Smith
Mr. Jack Turner
Mrs. Dora Zachery
East Central
Rev. W. M. Allen
Mrs. Clide Anderson
Mrs. Alice Birdsong
Rev. N. D. Daniel
Mrs. Jean Fryer
Miss Edith L. Grant
Mr. James Gilbert, Sr.
Mrs. Lois Harris
Mrs. Ophelia Harris
Mrs. Lila Hawkins
Mrs. Gladys Hutchinson
Mrs. Susie Labord, Chairman
Mrs. Corine Lang
Mr. John Mattox
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Harold Hess
Mr. Julius Pruitt
Mr. Samuel Sheats
Edgewood Center
Mrs. Fred Brantley
Mrs. Eliza. Brock
Mrs. Blanche Cox
Mrs. Rosie Harris
Mrs. Charity Hill
Rev. C. W. Hill
Mr. Lorenzo Johnson, Chairman
Mrs. Maxie Lewis
Mr. Columbus Maddox
Mr. George Malden
Mrs. Rubye Payne
Mr. Julius White
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Rufus Favors
Mr. John Gaither
Mr. Charles Turner
Nash-Washington Center
Mrs. Elizabeth Barker
Mr. Otis Cochran
Mrs. Mattie Cotton
Mrs. Parialee Fau lker
Mrs. Lois Ferguson
Mrs. Cathrine Greer
Mrs. Margaret Guest
Mrs. Cynthia Hampton
Rev. W. L. Houston
Mrs. Geneva Mack
Mr. James S. Wilson
Mrs. Jesse Miller
Mrs. Lena Pritchett
Mrs. Carrie Porter
Mrs. Annie Sewell
�Mrs. Gladys Shaw
Mr. M. T. Sheppard
Mr. Erwin Stevens, Chairman
Mrs. C. M. Wolfe
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. James Gardner
Mrs. Mattie Hutchinson
Mrs. Ruby Lundy
Mrs. Maggie Moody
Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Thompson
North Fulton Center
Rev. Paul Abernathy
Mr. Royce Adkins
Mr. Alonzo Allen
Mr. George Barnhart
Mr. Tom Bell
Mrs. Ophard Buice
Mrs. D6ris Born
Mrs. Rupert Cartwright
Mrs. Susie Day
Rev. G. R. Hewatt
Mrs. Clyde Lafitte
Mrs. Robert McCallum
Mr. Robert McCallum
Mrs. Fannie Martin
Mrs. Judy Metcaff
Mr. Gene Poteete
Mr. Lynn Shufelt, Chairman
Mrs. Ed. Steele
Mr. A. C. Turner
Mrs. Anne Verner
Mrs. Nelle Wilson
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. H. B. Jones
Mrs. Grace Kilgore
Mr. Horace McClusky
Mr. W. H. Scott
Mrs. Ann Standridge
Mrs. Agnes Wells
Northwest Perry Homes Center
Mrs. Azzie Brown
Mrs. Margie Freeman
Mr. Isreal Grant
Mrs. Beulah Hill
Mrs. Ruby Hawk
Mrs. Annie Mae Hoard
Mrs. Pearline Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth McMillian
Deacon Henry Mitchell
Mrs. Mary Rowe
Mr. John Slaton
Mrs. Arie Shelman
Mr. Albert Sm ith
Mrs. Elizabeth Strong
Mrs. V era Travis
Mrs. Josie Wynn
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman
Mr. Robert Shaw
Pittsburgh Service Center
Mrs. Madeline Cooper
Mrs. Huston F. Dyer
Mrs. Annie Evans
Mrs. Mamie Fleming
Mrs. Beatrice Garland
ATLA N TA GA 68 - 355 4
Mrs. Annie B. Nelson
Mrs. Rbsa Hammonds
Mrs. Mary Robinson
Mr. N. H. Scott
Mrs. Willie P. Thornton
Mr. John W. Tolbert
Mrs. Annie P. Wright
Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, Chairman
Center Director Nominees:
Mrs. Sallie Billings
Rev. Calvin Houston
Mrs. Katherine. Harris
Mr. Arthur L. Hodges
Mr. Robert Kelly
Mr. Jimmie Kennebrew, Jr.
Mrs. Gussie Lewis
Mr. Edward Moody
Dec. Lewis E. Peters, Chairman
Mrs. Doris Thomas
Mrs. Eva Upshaw
Mrs. Mary Vaughn
Mr. Hudson Whitsett
Center Director Nominees:
Price Center
Mrs. Grace Barksdale
Mr. Melvin Barnes
Mrs. Mary Benning
Mr. Jessie Berry
Mrs. Charlie M. Foster
Mrs. Betty Hightower
Mrs. Helen Lowe
Mr. Gariel McCrary
Mrs. Mary Marshall
Mrs. Addie Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth Mosley
Mrs. Ceclia O'Kelley
Mrs. Francis O'Neal
Mrs. Mollie Parker
Mr. Henry Phipps, Chairman
Mrs. Christine Printup
Miss Rene Respress
Mrs. Marjorie Stone
Mrs. Jessie Terry
Mrs. Emma J. Watkins
Mrs. Louise Watley
Mrs. Martha Weems
Mr. Willis Weems
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Robert Barnes
Mrs. Ollie Powell
South Fulton
Mrs. Tommie Anderson
Mr. Ronald .Bridges, Chairman
Mrs. Margaret Burnett
Mr. Paul Dorsey
Mrs. Maxcine Jackson
Mr. Leroy Lowe
Mrs. Susie Perkins
Mrs. Myrtice Rowe
Mr. Robert Sm ith
Mr. John Walton, Jr.
Mrs. Louvenia Williams
Mrs. Mary Lou Williams
Mrs. Lucy Willis
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. W. T. Brooks
Mr. Milo Fisher
Mr. James Maddox
Mrs. Kathryn Gatty
Mrs. Leila Hancock
Deacon Edward James
Mrs. Marie Thomas
West Central Center
Mrs. Katie Brown
Mrs. Katie Davis
Mr. John Dixon
Mrs. Elizabeth Hill
Mr. John Jackson
Mrs. Elora Johnson
Mrs. Dollie Jones
Mrs. Leola Perry
Mrs. Christine Phillips
Mr. Elisha Pitts
Mrs. Essie Powell
Mr. Buster Starr
Rev. H. H. Strong
Mrs. Ernestine Wynn
Mr. Edward Young
Mrs. Marion Young
Center Director Nominees:
Rev. Ellis Green
Mr. Charles B. Hart, Chairrnan
Rev. Pozie L. Redmond, Jr.
Mrs. Jaunita Scott
Rev. R. B. Sutton
West End
Mr. Alvin Barner
Mrs. Hazel Bridges
Mrs. C. B. Cole
Mr. James Dillion
Father Edward s
Mrs. Carrie Jordan
Mrs. Dorothy Minter
Mr. Michael Murphy, Chairman
Mrs. Geneva Rushin
Mr. J. A. Segars
Mrs. Kathleen Stapotsky
Mr. James Stewart
Mr. Fred Thomas
Mr. Homer Whaley
Center Director Nominees:
Sum-Mee Center
Mrs. Lucy Alexander
Mrs. Rosa L. Burney
Mrs. Ann L. Childs
Rev. L. C. Clark
Mrs. Carri e Cox
Mr. Richard Ferguson
Rev. W. L. Finch
Mrs. Joyce Harden
Rev. Marcus Bramblett
Father Edwards
Mr. James Dillion
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
T. M. Jim Parham
Executi ve Administrator
F·8 2
F • 79
-- -,
Neighborhood Service Areas
(Gwinnett and Rockdale County
areas not shown on map)
AREA CODE (404) 525-4262
Three Year Report
1965 - 1967
MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
. Page 2
. Page 3
. Page 2
PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Page 7
PROGRAMS . . . . . .
. Page 9
AND BOUNDARIES . . . . . . .
. Page 10
. Page 11
. Page 11
COUNCILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Ex ecutive Admini strator
Mr. Thomas M. Jim Parham
Deput y Director
Mr. William W. Allison
Associate Admini strator
Mr. William G. Terry
A ssociate Admini strator
for Community Services
Mr. Harold Barrett
Direct or, F inance
Mr. Peter Jones
577 -3345
Direct or, Pu rchasing
Mr. 0. H. Gronk e
Chief of Manpower Servi ces
Mr. George C. Rod gers
Ch ief of Neigh borhood Services
Mrs. Sujette Crank
Unit Coord inat or
Mr. Geo rge Will iams
Chief of Ind ividua l
& Fami ly Services
Mrs. Ed it h A . Hambri ck
Director, Public Information
Mrs. Mary Lu Mitchell
- - -· - - - - · - · - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - J
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
AUanta, Georgia 30315
Janu ary 13,1969
Those in Atte:nda!lce a.t the Job Co P~ Skill Center
Meeting on January 7 .· 1969 , at Atlanta Area Technical School
FROM: Mr. John F. Standridge, Executive Director,
Vocational- Techn.' c al and Ad·: .;lt Edu·~ati on
2. /
-YIU,( v"
/ht a
P/tvt-4. - -/
AE you r ecall , I indicated i,O th group that we wo
send copi es of t he j ob
description of,. the diffe rer:t key positions for the Job Corps Skill Cente r
Staff. We have not been b .k to complet e these job descriptions as of t hi
date . I though t I would let you know thar, we had n ot f orgotten to do this .
.As soon as t he job de-s cr:Lptions have been c ompleted , we will a.t that time
send you copie s . If you k mv of any .i ndivi dual that you would like to
recorrrrnend f or di f :'ercnt posit.ion'>, you might submit resumes to me for later
A'> soon aE a ny additional word is known about t h e funding of this program,
we will let you know .
�February 12, 1969
M r . Louis Hertz
Louis Hertz A dvertising Agency, Inc .
23 Third Street, N . W .
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Lou:
Sorry that we have been unable to communicate in the past several
we eks .
I£ p ossible~ we would like to use an EOA message on our signboards
for the m onths of Ma rch a nd April and then shift to summer program
advertising early in May.
Mary Lu Mitchell has sketched out s ev ral id as to publicize th
EOA block club movement .
We are open to your
uggestions and advic .
Sincerely yours,
D n Swe t
DS :fy
Endo urea
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • t\tbnta , Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T . M. P arham
Executive Administrator
Mro }Jan Sweat
Mary Lu Mitchell
February 10, 1969
The attached suggestions are hereby submitted to the
BILLBOARD BOARD for serious consideration.
Art work or photographs will be supplied by EOA o
Choos~ one.
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Seve11tlt :Da!I Adventist e1t11rclt
PHONE: 799-7288
Office Of:
February 26, 1969
Dear Friends :
The first of our community awareness forums and vesper services
will be held Sunday, March 2, 1969, at the Berean Seventh-day Adventist
Church, 312 Hightower Road, N. W., at 5:JO P. 11.
This t~eek I s program spotlights EOA: What is it--What has it done-What is it now doitig in the area of economic opportunity in Atlanta? Mrs.
Patrici.:t Mason, Public Relations Represent2.tive of EOAJ will be the speaker.
It tdll also feature volunteer benefactors of the program a."ld their
particular experiences with the EOA.
You are cordially invited to attend the program which promises to be
informative and enjoyable in as much as you will be able to ask questions
and join the discussion if you so desire.
You 1-J ill not want to miss this phase of the program nor the vesper
services designed to make the e vening complete.
Do come , Hon I t you?
CDH/e b
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Fulton Coun.ty Delegation
Advisory Committee Members
Other Interested Parties
John F. Standridge, Executive Director
Vocational-Technical and Adult Education
February 20,1969
In order to meet the needs of students as well as the needs of business and
industry, it is necessary to provide Vocational Education in various fields
where the needs occur. More funds are needed in Vocational Education to help
meet these needs.
Programs which have rbeen authorized nationwide by the new 1968 Vocational
Edu.cation Amendments and other Vocational Acts for the Fiscal Year 1970
amounts to $773,661,455. The President in his Budget Proposal for Fiscal
Year 1970 requested only $286 , 377,455 which is $487,284 , 000 less than the
Some of the programs that will be affected by this cut includes the Work Study
Program, which provides needy students with part-time jobs while they are going
to school. This program was completely eliminated from an authorization of
$35,000,000. The Cooperative Educa tion Programs were cut from $35,000 , 000 to
$14, 000,000. Programs for Students with Special Needs were completely eliminated
from an authorization of $40,000,000 and Construction of Residential Vocational
Schools was eliminated from an authorization of $55,000 , 000. These are just four
of several programs that received cuts. However , these four programs are most
significant if we are to eliminate the problems of unemployment and proverty in
Atlanta and Fulton County.
We are again asking your continued support of Vocational Education and that you
enlist the support of Congressman Fletcher Thompson and Senators Richard Russell
and Herman Talmadge requesting that they vote for the full appropriation. We
understand that Congress will finalize the Budget Proposal shor tly after the
first of March so time is fle eting. We must have action now!
JFS : pf
WASHIN GTON , D.C. 20506
February 20, 1969
I'm sure that by now you have all seen news reports on the President's
long-awaited statement regarding the future of the. Office of Economic
Opportunity. I believe all of us at OEO, the operators of our programs
in the field, our supporters among the general public and most of all
the poor_ whom we seek to serve should be gratified at the course charted
by the Administration's newly announced anti-poverty policy.
President Nixon's statement to Congress of February 19 represe·nts in
every important aspect an endorsement of much of the work OEO has
-done over the past 4 years. But, of even greater significance, is the
President's recognition that a major effort still lies ahead to redeem
the lives and hopes of America's poor . As the President put' it:
"From the experience of OEO , we have learned
the value of having in the Federal Government
an agency whose special concern is the poor .
We have learned the need fo r fle x ibi lity,
responsiveness , and continuing i nnovation. We
have learned the need for m anagement eff ect i ven ess. "
As I s ee it the key poin t s i n the Pres i de n t 's m es sage ar e these :
1. OEO will continue , unde r th at name a n d within the
Executive Office of the P res ident. The Pr e side nt
will pr opo se t o C o ngr e ss t h at OEO's autho rization
fo r appr op riatio ns be exte nded for one year to
J une 3 0 , 19 7 0 .
2 . Later this year, the President will send to Congress
a "comprehensive proposal for ·the future of the
poverty program" which he will propose to become
effective July 1, 1970.
�-23. Head Start will be delegated to the Office o f
the Secre t ary of the Department of Health,
Education a n d We lfar e, effective July 1, 1969.
4. Job Corps will be de le gated t o the Department
of Labor e ffective July 1, 1969, with the
Departments o f Interior and Agr iculture
retaining ope r ating responsibilit y fo r conse rvation
cente rs.
5. Preparat ions w i ll be made for the eventual t ransfer
of the Comprehens ive Health Centers a nd Fo ster
Grandparents progr ams to HEW .
6. The "vital" Community Action Prog ram will be
pressed fo rward, and C AAs will c ontinue to b e
involved in the ope ratio n of programs at the local
level, even though such progr ams may be delegated
to other Departments at the natio nal level.
There will, of course, be difficulties as we seek to carry out the
administ ra tive changes the President wishes, a s Congres s performs
its legi slative duties a nd even as we at OEO meet our continuing
responsibilities to the poo r. Thes e, however, are difficulties inherent
in the t ransition process , rathe r than difficulties of substance affecting
the c o ntinuation of p r ograms and their impact on the poor. As such
they are difficulties I am confident can be effectively resolved.
The overriding questi o n for the past few
of OE0 1 s mandate to help the po<;>r out of
hand and I think all of us concerne d with
heartened and ready to pus h forward our
months h as been the continua tio n
p ov~r t y. That mandate is now in
the pli ght of America's poor are
common cau se.
During the past four yea rs OEO has made major strides toward erasing
poverty . But some 22 million poor remain with us, so there is much
s t ill to be done. In essence we now have the Presidential support to
get on with the job.
�Fe:: f' E L;j
r.r.::;r'. £.:.:-
S.F_' ur cN I:E!..!V'· 1· Y TO T':<E
CF T:-'..r_
'j r- 11; .. F
FED H.UARY l'J, 1%9
-·r }. 'l'F,~
E c ono mic Cppo::-tunity A ct
The blight of poverty r e qu i res priori t y attention . It engages. ou:r hearts
and challenges OU'r in t z lii ger.c e. It cannot and w ill n o.t be treated lightly or·
indifferently, or withou t the m ost sear chin g e x 2.rn inati-o.n of how best. to
marshal the res ou rces avaiL,bl~ to th e Fede r a l Govern ment for comtiatting
At my d ire c tion , t h e U rtan Affairs Council h a s b e en co-nducting an
intensive s tudy o f the n a tion ' s a n t i- pove rty prog r a ms , o f the way the· antipoverty effort is o rgani z e d and admini st>:,red, a nd of w ays in which it might b 'e
made more e ffe c ti ve ,
That study i s· cont i nuing. However, I c a n n ow annom1ce· a number
of steps I i ntend t o ta\<e , as well as spelling out some of the- consid'e·rationstha t w i ll guide my fut u re r e c ommendations .
The Economic Oppor t u nit y Act of 1964 i s n ow sch e duled to expire on
June 30, lS7C. The present authorizati o n for app rop r i ations for the
Office of E conomic C ppor tu;1ity runs on ly u ntil June 30, 1969. I will ask
Congres s that this authori zati on for appropriations b e ext e nded for another
year . ~rior to the end of t h e Fiscal Yea r , I w i ll send Con g ress a comprehensive p ro p o s a l fo r t he future of the pov e rty pro g r a m , including
r e c omme n d a t i ons fo r revising and e,:tending the Act itse lf b e yond it s
schedul ed 1970 exp i ::-ation ,
H ow the w o rk begu n by OEO can best be carried forwa rd is a subj-ect on
which man y view s d eserve to be heard -- both fr o m within Co ng r ess, a nd
among thos e ma n y ot h ers who are interested o r a ffect e d, including e s pecially
t he poor t hems e l v e s, Ey sending my proposal s w ell befo r e the A ct's 1970.
expi r a t ion , I intend t o p rovide time for full de b a te and d i scus s.ion.
In the maze of a nti - poverty efforts, precedents ar,, weak and knowle dg e
uncertain. T hese p a st y ears oI increasing Federal involv ement have
begu n to make c l ear how vast is the range of what we d o n o t ye t know, and
how fra g ile are pr ojections based on partial underst a nding . But we have
learne d some le s s ons about what works and what does not. The c hang es I
propose w ill b e b ased on those lessons and those d i s cove ries , and r ooted
i n a determinatio n t o press ahead with anti-poverty e fforts e v e n though
indi vidual e x p e riment s have ended in disappointment .
From the expe r ience of OEO, we have learned the v alue o f hav ing i n
th e F ede r al Gover nment an agency whose special concern is t h e p o or. 'v'f e
ha ve l earn e d the need for flex ibility, responsivene ss , and continuin g
i nnovati on. We have l earned the need for manage m e nt effectiv eness. Even
those most t h orc.,ughly committed to th.- goals of the a nti - pove r ty e ffo r t
recogni z e now t hat much that has bePn tried has not work e d.
T:1. e O:SO :-,a::; 1.:eea 2. ·1 2.lu.2.'::·b,fount of i c1ea:i and enthui;ia s m , b ut it has
s uffere d from a confusio n of roles.
�- 2 OEO's greatest value i s as an init iat i n r, agency -- devising new pr o gra ms
to help the poor, .ind sez- ·,1in'.5 a:::; ,tn "incu ba tor" for these programs dur i n[:
their initial, experimc•1tal 1:,;ia!:,~3. On e of my aims is to fre e OEO it:; d f
to perform these func tions more effe cti vel y, by providing for a greater
conc cntra~ion of it s energies on its inno vative role,
Last y ear, Congres s di:.e ct e d that sp ecial studies be made ·by th e
Executive 2ranch of whether Head S tart and the Job Corp s should continue
to be administered clirc c tiy b y OEO, or whether responsi!:lility should be
oth erwise ass ign e d.
Section 309 o f the Vocational Ed ucation .Ame ndments of 1968 pro v ides:
"The Fresiclent sha ll make a special s t udy of w h ether
th e responsi bilit y for administering the Head Start
p r ogram e s t ab lis!-ied under the Economi c Opportunity
A ct of 1964 should co ntinue to be vested in the Dir e ctor
of the Office of Economic Opportunity, should be
transferred to another agency of the Government, or
should be dele gat ed to another su ch agency pursuant
to the provision s of s e c tion 602 (d) of the aforementioned
Econ omic Op portu nity P. ct of 1964, and sha il submit
the fin din g s of this stud y t o the C ongress not later than
Ma rch 1, 196 9. "
I have today submitte d this stuµy to tne Cong res s. Meanwhile, under the
Execu:cive authority provi ded by the Economic Opportunity Act, I have
--directed tha t preparations be mad e for t h e delega tion of Head Start to the
Depar tment of Healt :1, Educ a tion and Vi elfare, VJ hether it should be
actua lly transferred is a question I will take up in my later, comprehen sive
message, along w ith my proposals for a pe rmane nt status and organizational
st ructure for OEO, Fending a final deci si on by the S e cretary of HEW
on where wi thin the d epartment responsibility for He ad Start would be
lodged, it will be located directly within t he Office of the Secretary.
In o r der to provide for orderly preparation, and to ensure that there
is no interrupti o n 01 p rogram s, I ha v e directed that this delegation be
made effect i ve July 1, 1969. By then the summer programs for 1969 will
all have been funded, a nd a new cy cle w ill be beginning.
I see thi s delegation as an importa nt elen1ent in a new national
commitment to the cruc ia l early years of life,_
Head Start is still experimental . Its effect:; are simply not known -save of course w here medical care and similar services are involve d.
The results of a major national evaluation of th e program w ill be available
this Spring. It must be said, howeve r, that preliminary repo rts on this
study confirm w hat many have fear ed : t he l o ng term effect of Head Start
appears to b e extremely weak. · This must not d is courag e us. To the
contrary it only demonstrates the immense contribution the Head Start
program has made simpl y by ha~ing rai sed to prominence on the national
agenda the fact -- known for some time, but never w i dely recogn ized
that the children of the poor mostly ar rive at school age se ri ously
deficient in the ability to profit from formal education, and already
s ignificantly behind t h eir contemporaries , It also has been made
a bundantly clear that our s chools as they now exist are unable to overcome
this deficiency.
In this context, the Head Start Follow-Through Frogram already
delegated to HEW by OEO, assumes an e ven greater importance,
�- 3 -
In recent year s, f' nor m ou s advan ce s ha ve been ma de in the understanding
of human development . W e have learned th a t intelligence· is not fixed at
birth, but i::; larzcly for,·n e d !:.y the envi::-onmental influences of the early
formative years. It develops rapidly at first, and then more slowly; as
nmch of that development takes place in th e first fo 1.tr y ears as in the next
thi:c-~een. Y.'e i1avc le:::?.;:ne::l further th at env i1·onmcnt ha:; its grc~tc::;t
impact on t!1.e dcvelop,·,1cfli: of intelligence v111en il,at .:le v clopment is proceeding
rr. o::;t r2.pidly -- that is. in those earliest years.
This means that many of the problems of poverty are traceable directly
to early childhood experience - - and that if we are to make genuine, longrange progress, we must focus our efforts much more than heretofore
on those few years which may determine how far, throughout his later
life. the child can r e ach.
Recent scientific developments have shown that this process of early
childhood development poses more difficult problems than had earlier been
recognized -- but they also promise a real possibility of major breakth~oughs
soon in our understanding of this process. Ey placing Head Start in the
Depc>.rtment of HEW, it will be possible to strengthen it by association with
a -wide
range of ot!1er early development programs within the department,
and also with the research programs of the National Institutes of Health,
the National Institute of lVIe ntal Health, and the National Institute of Child
He2.lth and Human D e velopment.
Much of our know ledge is n~w .
But we are not on that ground
absolved from the responsibilit y to r e spond to it. So crucial is the 1natter
of early growth that w e must make a national commitment to providing
, a:ll .American childr e n an oppor t unity for healthful and stimulating
development during the first five years of life. In delegating Head Start
to the Department of HE Vv , I ple dg e myself to that comm it m e nt.
The Voca tional Education Ame nd me nts of 1968 dir e ct ed the Commissioner
of Educat ion to study the Job C orps i n re lat ion to state v ocational education
prog ram s. I have d ir e ct e d the Se cr eta ri es oi Labor a nd of Health,
Education, and W elfare, and t:he As s i stant Se cretary of L a bor for Manpower,
to work w ith the Acting Commis s i on e r o f Educati on i n p re pa r ing such a
r e po r t for submi ssion to Cong r ess at t he e a r liest op po rtunit y .
One of th e priority aims of the n ew A dminist ration is the deve lopment
by th e Depa r tment of Labo r of a c·omp re he n siv e ma n p ower pr o gram,
design e d to make ce ntrally a va ila ble to the unemployed and the underemplo y ed a full range of Federal job tra ining and plac e m ent services.
Tow a r d t his e nd, it i s e s se ntial that the m any Federal manpow er pr ograms
b e i n te gr a ted and c oordinate d .
There fo re, a s a firs t step toward better pr ogra m manage me nt , the
Job Cor ps will b e d elegated t o the Department of La b o r.
For the Departm ent, this will add another i mpo rtant manpower s e r v ice
component. Fo r the Job C o rpsmen , it w i ll m ake a v a ilabl e addit i ona l
training and servi c e opp ortunities . From the s tandpoint of prog r a m
management, it make s it possible t o c oordinate the Job Corps w i t h oth er
manpow er serv ice s , espec i ally v ocatio n al educat i on, a t the point o f
delive ry .
T he Depart me n t of Labo r a lr eady is deeply involv ed in the recruit m e nt,
counseling a n d placement of Job C o r ps me n . It refer s 80 pe r cen t of a ll
male and 45 p er cent of a ll f emaie enrolle es ; it provides job market
info r m ation, a n d h elps l ocate Job Corpsme n in the a r eas o f g r e a test
- 4 -
This d clc[;3tion w ill a lso be made effective on July 1, 1969; and the
Departincnts of Jntcr·io r a nd l, g r i"cultu.rc will con, i nue to_ have op e rating
responsibility for t!1e Jo'b Corps centers conc2 :rncd primarily with
con !l e rvation.
I have d ire c te d t:ha·~ p:reparati onn be made for the transfer of two other
progrc:.m::: from C·E ·c: co the ::..:::partment of Eecilth, :Sdl'.cation, and Vi elfarc:
Comp re h en s ive Eealt.4 Centers , which provide health service to the
residents of poor nei.c:;!1borhoods, and Foster Grandparents program. In
my judgment , these can be better administered at present, or in the near
fut_ure , within the structure of the Department.
In making these changes, I recognize that innovation costs money -and that if OEO is to continue i.ts effectiveness as an innovating agency,
adequate funds must be made available on a continuing basis. Moreover,
it is my intent that Com1nunity Action .Agencies can continue to be involved
in the operation of programs such as Head Start ·at the local level, even
though an agency other than CEO pas received such programs, by delegation
at the national level. It also is my intent that the vital Community Action
Frograms will be pressed forw ard, and that in the area of economic
development CEO will have an i mportant role to play, in coopera tion with
other agencies, · in fo ste ring community-based business development .
One of the principal aims of the Administration's continuing study of
the anti-poverty effort will be to improve its management effectiveness.
When poverty-fund monies are stolen, those hurt most are the poor -whom the monies were meant to help. When programs are inefficiently
administered, those hurt most again are the poor. The public generally,
and ~he poor especially, havri a right to demand effective and efficient
management • . I intend to provide it.
I . expe ct that impo rtant economies will result from the delegation of
the Job Co rps to the Department of Labor, a nd we shall continue to strive
for g::sater efficiency, and espec ially for greater effectiveness in Head Start.
A Co n centrated M.anagement Improvement Program initiated in OEO
will be intensified • . Under this program selected Community Action .Agencies
will be requir ed ~o take step s to devise improvements in such areas as
organizat ional !ltructu re , financial and a ccounting systems, personnel
training and work scheduling. Standa rds w ill be applied under the
"management improvement programto evaluate the operations of Community
Action Agenci es. We intend to monitor these pr ograms actively in order
to ensure that they are achieving high-level effectiveness and that they are
being administered on an orderly bas'is.
In the past, problems have often arisen over the relationship of State,
county and local gove.nments to programs administered by OEO. This
has particularly been the case where the State and local officials have
wanted to assume greater responsibili ty for the implementation of the
programs but for various reasons have been prevented from doing so.
I have assigned special responsibility for working out the se problem s
to the newly-cr·eated Office of Intergovernmentc1-l Relations, under the
supervision of the Vice President.
I have directed the Urban .Affairs Council to keep the anti-poverty
effort under constant review and evaluation, seeking new ways in which
the various departments can help and bette r ways in which their efforts
can be . coordinated.
My comprehensive recommendations for the future of the poverty
program will be made after the Urban Affair s Council's own initial study
is completed, · and after I have reviewed the Comptroller ·General's study
of OEO ordered by Congress in 1967 an<l dn .. fcu· eubmi ssic>n next month.
�- 5 Meanwhile, I would stress this final thought: If we are to make the
most of experimental programs, we must frankly recognize th.c ir
experimental nature and frankly acknowledge whatever shortcomings they
develop. To do so _is not to belittle the expe riment, but to advance its
essential purpose: · that of finding new ways, b e tter ways, of making
progress in areas still inadequately understood.
We often can learn more from a program that fails to achieve its purpose
than from one that succeeds. If we apply those lessons, then even the
"failure" will have made a significant contribution to our larger purposes.
I urge all those involved in these experimental programs to bear this
in mind-- - and to rememcer that one of the primary goals of this
Administration is to expand our knowledge of how best to make real
progress against those social ills that have s o stubbornly defied solution.
w·e do not pretend to have all the answers. W e are determined to find as
many as we can.
The men and women who will be valued most in this administration
will be those .who understand that not every experiment s ucceeds, who do
not cover up failures but rather lay open problem s, frankly a nd construc tively-, so that next time we will know how to do better.
In this spirit, I am confident that we can pla ce our a nti -poverty
efforts on a secure footing -- and that a s we continue to gain in understanding
of how to master the difficulties, w e c a n m ove forward at a n a cce lerating
February 18, 1969.
'* #'
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta., Ince
101 Marietta Street Bldg . • t\ t bn ta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parh am
Ex ecut ive Admin is trator
contact: -Mrs. Mitchell or
Mrs. Mason
For immediate release
March 11, 1969
For the first time in Atlanta, and perhaps the nation,
residents of poverty areas have taken over . the task of teaching
the more affluent about poverty.
Since they began their STAR'J:. ~OW ATLAN'I':... c cwipn.i': n two
months ago the poor have schedule · . s lutn tours , for mor2 than
They also have spoken to numerous clubs and
organizations and have appeared on radi0 and TV programs.
The ?OOr have enlisted 202 Atlantans ~s volunteers fo r
-- ~ :
Econ omic Oppo rtunity Atlanta, th'; city' s anti-poverty age11r:y .
Thi s month they are planning a special -t:on:i · for lawyer s
a r :i one for docto rs , at the reque3 i' o f the profess i onal o rgani-
~2tions for both groups.
'I'he 23 pov_e rty area rcsi.dents who have led the cami::aign
call themselves
I. P . 's or Volunteer Information People .
Since they initiated their program Janu ary 10,they hav e
completed tours for 1,400 of the 2,000 schedulE;:!d .
will be completed duri ng the next month.
The remainder
Indications are that the tours are really two-way streets;
as one V.I.P. put it, .
They learn from us and we learn from them.
r- -
Those taking the tours are young, middle age·d , old. '
tour by foot, by car, by bus.
They are lawyers, business men,
doctors, social workers, club women, church members, journalists,
visitors to Atlanta, the already concerned, and those not-sosure- about-it-all.
They c.:c , ' is in greatest number from Metro-
politan :Atlanta, but also fiJm various parts of the United
States and from countries ov€r the world.
The 202 'volnnteers are working in a variety of projects,
including Big_ 8 is t.er pro~rams, story hours, adult literacy
classes, tutorial programs, and marionette shows •
In addition, f our white chu r r:h es have formed partnerships
with black churche s , 2
college f ~<-:t erni ties a.re -.v0rking in
volunteer p rojects and some 200 college st d e ::-. ~s are c ond·.icting
a comprehensive consume r surv e y in one low- ·nco me area.
Tours, speaker s and the volunteer program ~ri l l continue .
The Atlanta Dogwood Festival will feature poverty area tours '
led by the
v; r. P.
•,s on 'April 8 and 12 .
To volu nteer , to arr ange a tour for individua l s or g r oups ,
or to get a speaker o r a pane l , call 5 2 5 -4 262.
pportunity Atl~inta, Inco
101 Mar ietta Street Bldg. •
Atl Gn ta , Georg ia 30303 •
T. M. Parh am
E xec:.:ti ve Admi ni s trat o r
February 26, 1969
Miss 'i-Iartley Campbell
Department 0:!: J-l.:;using & Urba n Devel opment
Office of Ur ban Trans p c r.~a tioi-. T)evelopment
Washington, D. C.
204 :0
This letter i:::; ~ -: iniorm you '.J d 2velopment s regarding the demonstration transp0~tation proposal since our last conversation.
On your recommendati0n we contacted the City of Atlanta to
discuss th e poss ibilit y of th eir· assuming the project ma n age me nt . . It was suggest2 d t h at EOA continue to s erve as proj ec t
mana ger with . the coope ration
o f the city and other agenc i e s
such &s the Atlanta T~ans it System.
currently we are prepa~ing a le tter 01 application joint ly .
Thi s will b e a propo~al for a fou r (4 ) month p:ann ing gr ant .
It is ant icip a ted tha t EOA will prov ide one f·c.111 tirae staf f
person to the proj ec t. The city has agr eed to coope r a t e within
the limits of their own ob l igations .
The At l anta Tr ansit System i s b e ing i nvolved . The -::ity has re commende d that the Atlant a Transit Sy ste m ' s transport a tion
consulta nt b e c0ns idered for the p r oj e ct. Also we h a v e h a d
cont a ct with Urba n Resear c h a nd Deve lopme n t As soci a t es .
It is anticipa t e d that the planning gr a nt applic a tion will b e
comple t e d the fir s t o f March and should b e in y our office tha t
February 25, 1969
Miss Hartley Campbell
Thank you again for your assistance and interest.
L (~
,ci t~ (_,-_ _
William W. Allison .
Deputy Administ~ator
WwA:jj j
Mr . T. M. Parha m
..., l"Ir . Dan Sweat /
Mr. Collier Gladin
Dan Sweat
DATE: January 30, 1969
Clint Rodgers # -
CEP Model Cities Manpower Coordination
Attached is an excerpt from the revised CEP Handbook which was reviewed
and approved by the White House January 25, 1968. I would like to
discuss some issues and ideas relative to the Mayor's involvement
after you have read it.
• •'
Exc:erot fror;1 Rev:..sed C::s? Handbook
(T his .portion reviewed and ipproved
-.y the ~-thite House on 9/25/68)
~. 550
RelaUonshi ns Beti..re~n CE?
2. :1d
Y0de 1 Ci t j es
The City DemonstratioE Age::ncy , or CDA, is the sponsoring age ;1 cy for t r, c:,
lv'.odel Ci ti es pr0 gram in tr.ose cities selected for fodel CJ.ties .:\::., d:.. ,.i .
The V..odel Ci ties prograL", is administered by the Depart;aent o:~ Ho'..l.si n ;:,
and Urban Developme nt (HUD) in cooperation with other Federal uge;1cics
administering programs focusing on urban problems.
This program call::;
for a comprehE::nsive attack on the social, economic and physical prob-t8~G.
in seh,cted slum::; and blignted areas through conccnt. r atio n ar.d coordi n.s.t.ic::-.
of both public a:-ic. r,r:..v&te , Fei e ral, State and local efforts.
Bai:-!kr<-ro unrl
Th r~ St!crr-::tary of Eousir,g and Urban Development is authoriz ed to m.s.ke
grants to, and to contract with, city demonstration agencies only if
h ~1 h,ij d,~t c r mined that th1:: r e exists--
all relEJ.t ed planning of loca l a gen cies canoe ·nchi e ved.
- 9 -
"evidence that necessary cooperation of local agencies
engaged in related local planning can be obtained.
administrative machinery ••• at the lo cal J.eve: for ca:c:ryi~c
out the program on a consolidated and coordinated basis ..• 11
Poljcy on Role of Local Chi ef Execut ives
Therefore, it is the policy of tLe federal government that ~he
chief·executives of the cities (and counties, where applic~ble)
should be encouraged to play a major role in coordi~ati~g v.a~pow~r ,
as well as other programs, in the ~odel neighbo~hoods.
ihis ~ll
require that the U.S. Departme~t of Labor in the course of initial
planning and annual renegotiation consult with the local chief
executive in regard to the following issues as they affeGt the
conc entrated e~ployment programs:
Sponsorship of the CEP.
The area boundari e s of the CEP.
The cititen participation structure associated with
the CEP.
In order to r:.eet these stat u-c,o ry tests, the c::nnmuni ty must :-,P.ve
effective mechanism for coordi~ating CEP planning and action
components with other V~del Cities plans and activities.
This agreement among the Departments of Labor and Hou.sing and Urcar.
Development 13.nd the(-Office of Econor.J.c Opportunity is intended to
complement other agreerr.ents re gardi ng local coordination re ached
by DOL,
OED, HUD, and
10 A major empha sis
gh ,.ori
ori. . ty__. ._of
s .•_:nr
Of!:Ca.::-,_ I, is
__.. ,,_....,..and
_ _ _ti
_,_ , ____
_ - •.-t ..he
...... .,,. Vi:ide
,_.~ , ,_.. ._,l, ..,..,.,
,. ti
° .._..e
_ ,--,,.
• · · - ::. • '
__ , - -alleviating
t h e proOlens
of t :le lli~ e~nloyed in each c:i.ty.
'-'---.-..::___ ;;._ .... _ ____, _ ., .,. . ., ,. . . ___ , . ... _ . ,t,.._. _ _ _•. _~-- --- · :..:- - _ _ _____ __ _ , __
..-: •;--1
- - - ~....
Department of Labor is tully co::r...- ;utt ed to the i--:')de l Citi (; S p:..~oz{:~a ::;,
- - - - · -·- -· ·
•.ra-,_ •. •
··- - ~ . ...., ....- . . ~-- --· ' ·- - - - - ·-
_ _
. ..... ..... · -
- ---~
- - -· · - -
and CEP is the primary vehicle for providing re sourc e s ar.d s e ::--vico!':
· - · -- -· - - - - -
- - --
- - - - -- - " ' " · " -- -.. -
support the Model CHies effort.
~ -~-- ,c. ~-:-.~ .-.~ ..._,...;_-:~ -.:
":1 ~
-.-. - ·-
· - -: : · ~
- -- - · · , . - -
.-r-. ..- - •
~ - ........_ _
_.,.._ ___ _ , _
,:,.- -
- -.J , • .. ~
·· - · -
. _ _ .,.
CEPs have been (or wi ll b e,)
installed in as many selected V.ode l Cities a s r e so-..irce s
As: means: of a ssuring max i m.u.11 tie-in with Y.o_de l Cit ie s t oper;;,tio r,s,
instructions to prospecti VE: CEP spon sors require t h.s.t t he CE? :..a :-~c:,t
area encompass the proposed V~del City target area.
---.. .,. ._. -·---J._--.. . .-- ... _,,_, ,..- - - --·· .. ··- ------.--·~-- -··--- ·--··-:--
This :nea:is t11a t .
all Model City t a r get area r e sident s will b e eligi b l e for CE.P
... ~~---- ~---.-···- -, --··· ·:- ......,, ,..,.. __, . . ..,,._. ,.,...._ :-- · - ····
manpowe r s e rvice s.
In those s electe d Mod e l Citie s whe r e a CEP _has b een ( or will o e)
- - - - -- ---- -~=-·,---·- - .....,:,.,.~, -:- ___,._... ,:··-..,. .. ,....•·.-.... __,.~., . .
in.s talled , the CEP soor.so r will be oper a t ional coo r c.i,,ator fo r
'----------~-------·- ~----..·~
______ _., _
.. _
, ...- . : .•• .:..- : - · - - · --
______..... -
•• • • -
man~owe r service s and programs f or Vnd el Cities' areaJ th~s
.,,._,,__._. . .................
avoiding J h~_est _~ ?~.2:3~'9...~-?.£~--~o mp_
t~! ~~.:..~?.~ ? ~~-i ?ati v e manpowe r
agenci e s •.
Overall coordinatio n a nd planni :-ig of manpowe r act i v ities in cor:.nc:;\'.t, ie,,.
wit.h CEP and Model Ci t ie s must b e accompli shed ut i li zi ng t r.c CA.tv.?3
-. . ; : - ._,.
~ - - ·-
a r ea coordinating corr.rnittee .
..- ,..,,._ .. _ .(_
• .J· ~·t:1.· • .., ...._
· ~ - - - - _ . , _- -
HUD, which is a sien;i_ture agency to
t h e· inter-de partmental CP..i'1? S agreement , has info rmed CD As of the
n ecess ity of working clo sel y wi t h the l oca l CA.JV:PS COIT'u-;1itt ee .
coordinating committees h a ve been established in all cities select ec
as Model Cit ies and mayors h ave b een encouraged to r,,ssu.T.e leadership
- :1.1 in the cstablish:nent and structuring of these corrJid. tte e s in order to
-- ·1=)-ro.vidc direct local government input for CEP/l'l.odel Cities planning .
In. addition to the role mayors have in the CAMPS mecnanism, the
fb1llowing avenuE:s for cooperative participation on the part of the
ma1,or will be provided in cormection with CEP:
Target P..rea
·The: CEP target area will be selected by the prime sponsor i::.
consultation with the CDA and the local chief executive .
the· CE? is located in a Xodel City, the policy shall be that the
CEP target area embrace the ~~de1 Neighborhood area •
The prime sponsor of the CEP is the CAA.
Howev er , wnere a .Ct:.?
is. located in a ~~del City, it shall be the policy of IDL to
cc,n.sult the local chief executive r egarding sponsorship of -th f.,
CEP •.
'When. the sponsorship is dis puted by the Mayor , the ,.Regior,nl
Manpower Administrator will consult with the Regional Direct.ors
or· O:ED, HUD, and HEW be.fore making a decision.
effo.rt.s should be made by the Regional Jvl'.odel Cities Coo r d i no.t ir. £
Committee to consili at e l ocal differences .
J.. Pl,mrd ng
The P..'l.npower .Administratio;i f i r-' ld r epr e s ent ati v es (MAR) are
- - - - - .-r-..-. - ·~ ....-.•-,..,-....,......---.... a • •., • • _r--=----.-.>"-~ '--·"'· •.,.-c!, ..,i:.,"4 ""'..r-,.-
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inst ructed to brin g to gether representati w ·s of the CDA , CAA
- - ~ - - - - - . . , . _ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ , . . . ; _ . _
_. ... _ •
- ·,... • • _,.,_ -:._ .....
.c.. , ,o.·,.\. ....
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a nd ES when making his i niti a l cont a ct in a city in connectic~
..._,__ _
_.....__..._...,..;...- - i ; o ~ ~r-.·~~
·-·- : l >a....,., :..•- n . ,._.._, _ ...1'-ti,__•_··-.-....r.-,, _.,_
• '
- 12 -
with the develo pment of a CEP.
--. ----
opportunity . to de si gnate
The Y.a.yor will be provided U-,e
representative to p~rticipate in tte
pre-operational pla!1:1ing and structuring o.f the CEP.
existing municipal manpower corr~Qttees should also be consult ed .
The .t:".iayor•s office will be provided the opportunity to review
the final CEP plans to assure their consistency and continuity with
the ¥~del Cities plans .
Ope rational Phase
Any· major operational restructuring required during the life of
the CEP cont ract will be brought to the att ention of tne 1/~yorrs
office to assure such change will not conflict with ~bde l Cities 1
Commu."1-aty Part.icio2.t ion
The Mayor is encouraged to play a major role in promotir,g tr.e.
CEP program and in obtaining the needed cooperative support of
citirens, t h e business community, labor, and both public and
priv.ate agencies of the city.
It shall be the policy of 001
that citizen participation a::::-rangements 1,:i th r eg.qrci to CEP
programs be integrated with overall YDdcl Cities citizen
participation arrangements in a manner prescrib ed by local
The si~e and sco pe of a CEP project within each ~Ddel Ci ty will,
of' course, depend ·upon the availability of Dcpa.rt rr,ent of Labo r
funding.. In most instances sufficient financi al resources will
nat. be available to accommodate the complete manpower pror,rarr.minc
sBt forth in the llidel Cities plan.
In such cas8s it ffiay be possible
--.. --~·~
to augment the CEP with V.odel Citie s funding.
In addition, it is
also likely that there will be a considerable nu.T.ber of !·~d~l
C:±ties, whi ch will not receive any CEP :r:esources.
In these ca ses,
the Labor Department will make every e ffort to tailor _its s c-para t0
p:.rograms .funded undC::r both the MDTA and Economic Opportunity Ac:+..
to: the needs o f :tvbdel Cities target area re s idents.
The first generation of Kodel Cities applications submitted by d t,J
gpv.ernrnents included many potentially effective, as well as innovative,
p rojects.
Such locally conceived projects could greatly,,
e nrich the CEP operations and multiply the potential for se:::-ving
greater numbers of disadvantaged residents .
These efforts should
oo.t be abandoned b e caus e a CEP operation has b een initiated .
The th.rust of the Model Cities l egislation is fo r increased conc er,trc.t io:-. .
cr>:ordination a.."ld coope ratio~ of local, State and Fed e ral efforts; t:-.'=
Mode l Ci ties program provides an ex celle nt opport U."li ty;i .for E::xpan.:'iir,r:
the. CE.P potential for pr.,)viding improved and expanded services, particufa:rly the much needed supportive 3ervic es .
Is-sues growing out of implementati on of the above policies whi ch
cannot. be re solved at the region.::i.l level will be r eferred to the
Washington offices -of t he r e spectiv e agenci es for decision .
�April 28, 1969
Mr. Carl P ul
City Personnel Dep rtinent
City Hall Ann x
A tl ntat Georgia
Dear Carl :
You will r c 1 that we met on April 15, to discu s the Atl nt
B autific tion Corpa and the possibiliti s of finding fulltime
City mployment foi- m.cmber of this organization.
It w e agr d t that meeting that Personnel ould revi w the
health and personnel record of 1 members of the ABC C o rp
to determine those th t could me t mlnirnwn st nd rds for City
mploym nt and those who could not. Mr. F a l'row w
attempt to pl c thos p opl
tarting t th top ho h d
qualification in City job slots wh re po aible nd to r fer tho
t the bottom with no kills nd .no q lific:atione to EOA o th t
th y might att mpt to get th m . m a slat ce.
Tim is rapidly running out to complet thi chor and l ho
t t
h ve m d aom progre
long th s Unea. It i my
und ret nding
tall xc pt 23 of th employ
ar •ch dul s
to be termin t d May 1. I bop that
have b en bl to plac
a numb r of the e peopl by th t de dlin •
Sincer ly yours,
Dan Sw
bee: Mr. Clint Rodgers
�Economic Opportunity At a
101 Marietta Street Bldg . ., ,\tl,rnt a, Ge o rgia 30303 .,
nc .
5 2 5-6 854
T. M. P arham
Ex ec uti v e Administrat o r
M9 rch 7, 1969
Mr. Dav id C. Cowl ey , Di rector
Human Relations Commission
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dear Mr. Cowl ey :
nhis is .1.n reply to your letter of February 24, f or inf ormation
- 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)ain~ chi ld c are plans for l ow-income arid working mothers.
1·he Community Ac tion Agen c y , Economic Opportu n ity At-l an t a , Inc._was fac e::! ., j th this di l e mma a t the ve ry be yinr1ing of th e program sin e.~ At l anta h a s a l arge n umber o f lo,.1- i nsome working
m0thers who a~e h eads o f ho useho l ds.
We began by going to voJ.untary agencies , c hurche s, civic organization s , etc ., which were b a sed i n l ow income ar eas and asking
these organi za tions to co nsider organizing cay c are c enters f0r
l ow-ii:i~ome far..c3 lies. We are now co ntra cti ng with te n (1 0)
autonomous ag ~nr i e~ which are und er c ontract ~o run eleven (11)
centers carina f" or 715 children b etiveen the ages of six months
to nine ye ar s .
~inety per143.215.248.55t ' 90%) of the ch J.ldren are b e tween the ages o f 3-6 y 0~ . - Originally , we were ru~ning as s~r a ight day ca re ag enc i es and
ch arg e d a f ee pe r f a mil _,r ~ .as-2d on f am:i.ly _income . About fifte en
· p er c en t (15%) o f our i ncomP wa s d er i ve d from fe es.
Twenty per c ent ( 20%) c ame f rom th e c ommun ity in the fo r m of volunt ary s er vic es o r in-kind c ontr ibu tions .. Th e rest of our income c ame
from Of fice of Economic Opportunity (OEO ) fund s .
It is to b e
noted that we may rent at only on e f ac ility, th e r est of our
hou sing is d onated. We are us i ng f a cilitie s in fi ve churche s~
t hree hou s ing pr.e j e cts, two re mo d e led h ouses a nd on e warehouse.
The cost per · child i s from $75 to $90 pe r month.
�Mr. David C. Cowley
Page 2
March 7, 1969
About t wo and one-hal f or thre e year s ago, we were incorp ora te d
into full-year, el even hou r , he a d st a rt. The ma jor c hanges
were in the i mp r oved ratio of adult to child and e x te n ded
medical s erv ic e s . As of Apri l 1 968 , OEO h a d us disc o nt i nue
ch a r ging fees.
Our pres e nt str uc tu r e c o n s ist of a c o ordinating he a dquart e rs
s t a f f including a dir ec to r , assista n t dire~tor , progr a m coordinator, v ~lun t eer coordin a t o r, and p r og ram e v aluator. Ther e is
, r , 0 v er a J 1 Po licy Adv i s o r y Comm itt ee co ns isting· of pare nt s ,
p arent xepres e nt a tives , inte res ted prof e ssion a l s and me mbe r s o f
·LLe loc al conmmnity. Each Child De v e lopme nt Center is s e par ate ly j n c o r por a ted as an autonomous a gency with its own boar d
and staff . With i n the guid e lines as s e t fc rt h in the Head
Start. Ma nu a l, each boa r d s et s its own pr ogram of -i n s tructio n ,
personne l policies , p a r e nt or gani zat io n , e t c. Each must rais e
it s t wen ty pe r c ent ( 20%) c ommunity c ont ribut ion.
We h ave h ad c ent ra l recruitment a 11d t ra ininc o f volu n t eers . · We
_h andl e pur ch asing a n d f inan c e c entra lly th rough th e Commun i "!::.y
Acti on Agency.
Al s o each prog r am is r ev i ewed c entra lly f or
quality c o n tro a nd i mproveme nt o f o pera tio n . We h a v e ava il ed
ou rse l ves exten. i ve l y o f s L :-1. :cL -!: ra i n i ng o pport.-c·,n it ies a ff orded
u s t hrough OEO. We a : so : ~~u r~gu l ar i n - servi ce t ra i n i ng.
We were f aced wi t h many seriou s prob ems f rom the outset, many
o f wh i ch are sti ll n o r c'f' O] vcd . Because o ur l oca l boards
were made up l arge l y o f thE' poor with li ttle o r n o community
e xperience , many errors i n j uJgment were made i n h and l ing funds ,
s taff se l ec t ion , and socia l seryices. Time and experience h as
h e l ped somewhat but we s t ill h ave a l ong way t o go. Another
a rea o f c oncern is the lack o f q ualif i ed staff. Ou r s tate offers
n o c ert i fication for pre-schoo l t eachers and there i s very
li ttle t raining _through t he l ocal c o ll eges, a l though t he Atlanta
Board of Education ha s i naugurated an e x tensive program of
evening classes for people i n day c are on a non-credit, l ow
f ee basis.
Perhaps ou r greatest handicap i s ins uffic i ent funds
Mr. David C . Cowl ey
Page 3
March 7, 1969
to att ract top quality staff and to e x tend our services. The
estimate is th at 10,000 low-income children need d ay c are and
we are providing for only 715.
I hope our e xpe rience has been us efu l to you .
in your enterprise.
I wis h you wel l
Yours t ruly ,
(Mrs .) Gl oria S. Gross
Co ns ultant in Child Development
GSG/ j m
' I
Mr . T. M. Parh ::JPMr. Dan Sweat
pportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Mar iet t a Street Bldg. • ,\tl :rn ta , Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Telephone: 525-4262
Executi ve Administrator
April 15 , 1969
Mrs. Miriam J. Clarke
2855 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Apt 10
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 .
Dear Mrs. Clarke:
The Mayor's office asked me to answer your letter
concerning the income of Martha's family.
I am pleased to learn from Allen Williams, the
Director of our East Central Neighborhood Service Center,
that y ou are working as a volunteer. Mr. Williams tells
me that he has talked with y ou about Martha's family.
I understand y our concern and want to give you all
of the facts that we have.
Since Martha's father began working at a garage near
their home, he has made only $30 a week.
The family p ays
$28.00 a week rent each Saturday.
That leave s $2.00 for all
other e xpenses . That is why her family, and many others like
them , are in such urgent need of help. That is why so many
go to school hungry.
There is just no money for food.
Her family could po ss ibly find a cheaper apartment.
It is not unus ua l f o r slum apartments to be priced at a leve l
similar t o those in better areas.
Poor people are of ten- forc ed
to take the inferior apartment at the same price because of
down payments; leases; monthly , instead of week l y payments .and
references required in other n eighborhoods.
Thank you so much for writing.
I appreciate your
intere st in Martha's Day and hope y ou wi ll let me know if you
have additional questions.
-S i n i e ~ ~Q
TMJP: lb
I L";v-..
_Ji;_ - --
1irn Parham
tive Administrator
_,-- ..
W ASHI N GTON, D.C. 20 2 10
.. /
--October 9 '·. 1968 . -, · j
.... .
I mpleme ntation of Title I-B of the 1967 EOA Amendments
Purpose . 'To d,e l egate authority and assign responsibility for the
adminis t ration o-r -work and training programs under Section 123 of Title
I-B of the Ec onomic · Opportunit y Act of 1963, as amend ed (EOA). Exclud ed
from consider ,a tion herei_n is that par t of EOA Title I - B programs and
resources devote d to the Job _Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS)
progra.I!l ,
2. Ba ckgrou~d . Tn e Economic Opportunity Act Amendments of 1967
consol i date auth or i t y for all the delegated wor k and training programs
now adwinistered by the Manpower Admini stration under Section 123 of
the EOA . The l aw now requires that:
\ .
("a) a c o:-.munity program area (CPA) be designated for the purpose
of planning and conducting comprehens ive wor k ~nd traini ng programs
(b) all vork a nd training components be consolid ated into a C\,;TP
a nd fin ancial ,assis t ance fo r such pr ogra.rns pr ovided through a
pri:::ie s ponsor (PS) after July 1, 1968, and
("c) the Fed eral - State employment service provide and develop
furth er its capacity for providing maximum suppor t for manpower
t rai ni ng programs.
l' .
The implement ing inst ruction s set fo r th her ein ar e pr ovided to insure ·
that ea ch C~?r ehens ive work and traini ng pr ogram (CWTP) will provide
· an unbroken S9_quence of us eful tra ining ?nd work opportunitie s together
with approp~iate reilledial and sup por tive services to t arget groups of
unemployed and l o-~ income pers ons so that t her can obtain and hold
regular · co::-ipet itiv e j obs. The goal is a comprehen'sive de livery system
which In.9..I'Shalls t h e total manpowe r resources avai l ab l e to overcome
the c onplex e~ploy,:nent problems of t he most severely disadvantaged in
the rural and urban areas in which they are concent rated. The
instructi on s outline a systematic approach to planning and implementing t he ~C'"vTTP which takes into consideration t he need to provide loc al
le aders and ~~bers of the gr-oups to be served, with the opportunity
to~participat e 1n the decisions which ·determine how manpower resources
- are to be· allocate d and utilized. ·.
OCT 2 5 1So8
,. , .. ... ,.
~-- -- - _'1
2 ..
,,.,.--· .......
Delegation of Autt 1rity n~a Assisnment of Responsibility.
The Regional Manpo,1er Aaministrators (RMA.s) and the Manpower Administrator fort.he District of Columbia ar~ hereby delegated authority and
assigned responsibi~ity in respect to those functions and programs
authorized by Sections 121, 122, and 123 of the EOA, as'. amended.,
(1) designating cor.um.mity program areas (CPA), for the purpose
of planning and conducting co;nprehensive ·t-1ork and training
programs (CWTP),
. '
(2) recognizing a pri.r:ie sponsor (PS) to receive all financial
assistance for progre..:n.s under section 123 and to plan and conduct
comprehensive work and training programs (CWTP),
(3) approving a ccrr.prebenaive -work and training progTcJ:n (CWTP)
for each commun:tty pr ogram aren (CPA), which shall cousolidnte
all work and training components commencing July 1, 1968,
(li) approving and executing all contracts and a,p:eements for
programs and pr ojecta to i mpl ement an approved comprehensive
work and training program (CW
. _.--."'
(5) assuring that the Federal-State employment service provides
and develops its c~pacity for providing maximum support for such
manpower programs.
B. Al~ authority delegat ed and responsibility assigned to the
Regiona l Manpower Admi nist rator s and the Manpower Administrator for
the' District of Columbia by this Order shail be exercised according
to the implementing instructions contained herein and subsequent
guidelines and standards issued by the Manpo-.-rer Acrlllinistration.
It should be noted that t be inst ructions require the R.i\1.A. , in
spe~ifie d instances , to obtain the concurrence of the OEO field
staff befor e a final action is t aken.
. ..
4. -~_pprovcd Policies. In accordance with the terms of the agree- m~nt r eached be~;een the ON'ice of Economic Opport unity (OEO) and
the Department of Labor (DOL) embod i ed in the l1_emorandum of Agreement
dat ed · April 12 , 1968, the -policies set f orth below have been joi nt ly
devel oped and approved by OEO and DOL.
-- ._:_
Consultation with Local Government Officials
The ffi/..A will, i n the course of bis i nitial planning for t he
establishment of a comprehens ive ~ork and training program in
a community, consult with the head (s ) of l ocal gove?n:nent (s ) .
Consult at ion i s al so required prior to his making maj or progre.m
determi nationa af fecting an ongoi ng CWTP.
J ] Reference;s throughout t his Order to RMA i nclude t he Manpower Adm.ini strat_or for t he Dist rict of Columbia. •
. j
- _. . . . -··-
- 3 -
Designation of a Prime Sponsor (PS)
A PS is a public or private nonprofit afiency which is capable of
(1) receiving and disbursing funds and (2) planning, developJ~g,
administering, coordinating and evaluating a CWTP.
(1) The CAA in a community is the PS of a CWTP and shall be
chosen unless it is jointly deterinined by OEO and DOL to be
incapable of perfonning the functions of a PS and cannot be
·feasibly provided with that capacity. Within 30 days after
.designation of a CPA, the RMA will solicit in '.lTiting, and
accept an application for recognition as PS from the local
Once the RMA has tentatively selected a PS, he will irra:n~diately
notify in writing, the OEO Regional Office and the appropriate
CAMPS committee. When exception is taken by OEO to the nonselection of an existing CAA, the checkpoint procedure jointly
developed by OEO end DOL will be followed (see pa:ragraph 4H
1-'· .
\ ..__.
•l -f,.
\ when an application for sponsorship has been submitted to
the RMA by an agency other than a CM, t he RMA will furnish ·
two copies thereof to the ~ppropriate CAMPS corrm:lttee.
Within 10 days of receipt of all non-CAA applications for
sponsorship, the CA,.'v[PS cowmittee will schedule interviews with
each applicant and forward its recommendations on the merits
of each claim for sponsorship to the RMA for his final
. decision. The relevant CAMPS committees will be notified
of all selections· 9f PS's by the RMA.
. I
(2) Where OEO and DOL agree that .an e~isting local CM will
not be the PS, or where there is no CM in existence,the RMA will
promptly solicit and accept applications for sponsorship from
non-~AA agencies. In such situations, the State employment
service or other agencies bf state government, local governmental
jurisdictions, or private non-profit agencies may be designated
as Prime Sponsors wherever they qualify.
(3) The PS is responsible for a s suring that delegate ngencies
sa~_isfactor ily ·perform their re sponsibilities, including
providing for part icipation and employment of members of
groups served. When ~ in the cour se of monitor ing the performance
of del egat e age nd.cs , the PS fi nds unsat i sfactory perf ormance ,
he shall seek iremediat e corrective act ion by t he dele gate
agency, appealing to higher organizational level s of t he
, agency, aa neceosary. If' th~ del egate agency r emains unr esponsive , the PS shall seek corrective acti on thrO'l.lgil
he .RMA, and .ultimately, t hrough appeal to the Manpower
�--- - ... ------ - --·- . --- -
. (4)
,.,-- ' ,
The RMA r;ball review o.nnually the perform.3.nce of each
PS, applying the standards of pr oject effectivene ss developed
and published as described in $ection 132(c) of the EOA • .
(5) All financial assistance for a CWTP in a CPA munt be
provided through n PS, unless a ·aetcrminntion has been made
by the RMA thnt:
·- .:--. _.,-_
there is a ·-gooa co.use for e.n extension of time or,
(b) after soliciting and conaidering the cciments of the
PS, if any, it is determined that the provision or financial
nssis truice too. public agency o~ private orga.1ization other
tbs.n the PS, for one o i.~ more compone nt pr og:rums , , roula
enhance pr ogram effecti veness or acceptance on the part
of the persons served and that such action would se:rve
the purpoa'e s of T'l tle I-B; '
(c) _the pr oject is an in-school
Neighborhood Youth Cor ps·
(NYC) project in which case financial assistance may be
provided directly to local or State educa~,ion agencies •
. ...._
When the RMA decides unaer 5a orb above, to provide financial
assistance directly to a public or private non- pr ofit agency
in any corr:nunity wher-e the CM is designated as the PS, he wtll
1.nmiedia:te ly notify the 020 Re gion Office in l-Triting. Where
exception ia t aken by OEO to the proposed dfrect funding by the
Rlf!A under 5a or b above , steps t wo nnd three of the OE()..DOL
chec~int procedure wi ll be follmted.
.___ .,
De s ignation of a Community Program A:rea (CPA)
A community pr ogram area (CPA) is the area for which-a comprehensive
work and traintng pr ogram (CWTP) i s planned and within which it is
administered by a prime sponsor (PS). -A ne ighborhood, ci ty or
multi .. city unit, county or multi-county unit, Indian reservation
or other area, may _be designated as a CPA if it provides a suitable
organizational base and possesses ~he ·commonality of interest
needed for the CWTP.
Where feasible, a .CPA should be at least city-wide in dimension.
HOi:leve:r, an area in whi ch a ·CEP is already located will be pa.rt of
a CPA or if no broad er area possesses the above prerequisites, the
CEP area itself shall be a CPA.
(1) Designation or recognitjon of a CPA is to facilitate the
planning and administration of a CWTP for that community .
Areas should be selected upon the basis of such criteria as
· the extent to ~hich :
___ .,
�- 5 ~
sui t able organizationnl bas e exists in the area;
(b) a cqmmonality of interest is found among the various
populations of the area;
the selection serves the interests of'm.aking br oad
communi ty;Tide :n;ianpower planning more generally applicable
and expedites the process of planning a CWTP to meet the
needs of the area;
(d) the boundaries of the CPA will be consistent with
bound aries of other areas used for the plar..ni.n~ of manpo.:;er
prog:r&-u..s, such :as Co,E.;1uni.ty Action Agency (CM) boundaries, .
local governmental jurisdicti ops, CEP a:reas ~ 2i!odel Cities
areas, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (ffi.fSA ) or CAMPS .
(e) the selection contributes to sound administration of
(2) To help him in selecting areas meeting the above criteria,
the RMA, a s chairman of the Regional CAMPS committee, will
solicit the recommendation of the State CAMPS c m.r.mittee or
when appropriate , the areas CAMPS committee . The CAMPS
r ecommendation shou.ld be solicited in time to aid the RMA
in designating CPAs prior to the date established for the
ii;µt iation of the annual CAMPS planning cycle .
,,,,.--.. . .
Befoi-e making -a final designation of a CPA,' the RMA vill
info~ the OEO Regional Offi ce· in 1-rrlting of his 1.n-oposed
designation. When exception is ta1~en by OEO t o the
proposed designation of the CPA, the chec:c:,ooint procedure
· joint~ developed by OEO and DOL will be followftd. (See
paragraph 4H below ).
Once a CPA has been designated, the RMA will i.mrcediately
notify the OEO Regional offi ce , and the appropriate CAMPS
~ l
Cmprehensive Work and Training Progrrun (CW
A CWTP plan, developed through a systematic appxoach to planning
and implementation, will link all relevant ccmponent pro0r-rams under
Title I-B with other appropriate public and pr ivate maDPQ'"~er
prog:ram3 and acti vities so that di mrdvant a~ed residents (See
Manpo:-,er Adminiat rat i on Order No. 2- 68 for defin ition of t he term
"disa.dvant eged") of a CPA who ar e enrolled in a CHTP nre pr ovided
with an unbr o~en s equence of services whi ch will enable t hem to
obtai n and hold euiployment. 'I"n e CW'.I'P will contain ·an annlyais
of t he needs and prioTit i es of t he ~PA, t ogether with a co~plete
~ st atement de8crib1ng how t he Title I-B proJram cw1.ponents fo-r
~bich.the'PS bas contractual responsibility are to be linked with
other related manpcnrer progro.ms available in the CPA.
•. .
,_ _
�.._._... .- ·- - .-- · ... ........ ;-... .- ,; ·.:..· ·--: : . -. . - ~.l.-- --- -. :-· .- ··..... .,.. ~-
- - --·-- ·--- ·· -· - ·- · - ·· ··· ..
- 6 (1)
Development of a Comprehensive Work and Training ProgJ·am (CWTP)
The ~pproprinte CN-f:PS committee annually initiat es the· planning
cycle for its Comprehensive Manpower Pl_an by relating the
priorities established to each propos a l for deploying program
resources. Regular participants in the CAMPS planning process
will now include the PS who is responsible for planning and
administering a CWTP for the CPA.
' The PS will provide the appropri ate CAMPS committee with a plan
of action describing how the various Title I-B program element s
for which he has contractual responsibility are to be linked
with other manpower progr ams available in the CPA, indicate
the role to be .played by delegate agencies, and specify, to the
extent feasible, the number of persons involved in each program,
both as staff and enrollees, tne amount of funds to be obligated,
nnd the time schedule for implementation of each project.
'I'he analysis and proposed plan of action for FY 1969 will be ·
developed and submitted as an amendme nt to the CAMPS plan and
shall be in the form prescribed in ICI 68-4.
Tne analys is and- plan of action for a CWTP will be reviewed
by the appropriate CAMPS ccmmittee to deter.nine ,rhether
it is consistent with the CAMPS Comprehensive ?--!a.npm,;er Plan.
No alte rution may be made in the analysis and plan of action
for a CWTP without the PS's approval. Th; area c~mrnittee
sha ll then forward the analysis and plan of action for a
CWTP :( togethe_r with its reccinnne ndation) through the State
CAMPS cornmittee 1 to the regional committee, as a separate ,
identifiable part of the area CAMPS plan. Tne Regional
CAMPS committee will, as part of the pr ocess of reviewing and
approving a CAMPS Comprehensive.Manpower Plan,'make a recomme nda~
tion to the RMA concerning the extent to which the analysis
and plan of action for a CWTP is conqistent with the Compreh ens ive
Manpower Plan. After considering this re~om:nendation, the RV.A
will accept, reject, or modify the CWTP anj i mmediate ly f'urnish
copies of whatever plan has been approved t o both the PS and
the appropriate CAMPS colJlrll.it tee~·
. _)
The PS will then prepare the interre l ated set of specific
project proposals which, when executed, will co~pl ete the
CWTP. Tnese proposa l s will be forwarded to the RMA f or
approval and execution of the necessary documents. Prior
· to acting on the proposed agreeme~t (s)-the RHA shall dete rmine
whether the proposed pr ojects are essential to the implementation of a CWTP which is consistent with the CAMPS area plan •
...:--- . __
.. -~-- . -·
�- 7 \
The overall objective is to have all components of a. CWTP
planned, administered, coordinated, ·and evalunted by a single·
PS who will serve as the sole source of funds for the operation of those Title I-B projects for which he ·is contractually
responsible. Projects will be operated through delegate
agencies wherever feasible. While all elements of a CWTP
are ultimately expected to be consolidated into a single
· contract, initially these elements need not be expressed in
one c_~:mtract. Rather a CWTP plan is. in effect when both the
analysis, plan and interrelated· set of project proposals (action)
have been co6rdinated and approved by the RMA. Specific project
proposals· shall take whatever form· is required to imp+ement the
(a)- Implementation of a CWTP wili not require termination of
on-going contracts. For example, ongoing contracts antedating
developmen.t of an approved CWTP shall, wherever possible, be
incorporated in the proposed plan for th~t CWTP. If the
CWTP is approved as part of the overall CAJ.'LPS plan then all
such contracts may proceed to completion ·without moc1ification.
Additional funds should not be obligated under existing
contracts· where the PS is not the contractor.
Where modifications are necessary they shall be made,
wherever possible, upon the recommendation of the PS,
.to avoid .termination and .to bring the contracts into
line with the CWTP. This co.n be done over a period of
time, with minimum disruption to the action portion of
the CWTP.
(b) Where a required modification is substantial or where
a.n entirely new component is initiated that i _s not reflected
in an approved CWTP, it will be necessary to amend the
CAMPS -plan in accordance with CAMPS instructions. Such
amendment shall be made before the modified agreement is
forwarded to.the R11A for approval.
Relationship of CEP to CWTP
All CEPs (including existing CEPs ) shall be located within a
designat ed ·cPA and shall be operated by a PS or a del egat e
agency and planned and administered as a part of a CWTP. In
' other words, an area in which a concentration of manpower
pr ograms is pr ovided (CF.P area ), sha ll be an i nt egral part of
the CWTP' s total r esponse to the pr oblems of _the CPA .
I •
··- - .. ---- ·-- .. ~·-·-·- -
- 8 E.
~uviSion of ?43.npm-, er Services
Toe St:2.te Err.'."t,loyment Service (SES) is the supplier of a:11
ma.npo;rer services fo:r the CWTP pursuant to Section 637 of the
EQt\. , a:s a.mended. · Manpower service3 provided to o.·Ci-TTP · by a .·.
SES -r,-r .tll be EE.de ·available to the extent possible :from curz-ent
SES r es ource.a. The provision of these services will be defined
in a i:;:.e;::oranihnn of agreement (BWTP Forn 32 rev. ) be·l;1,;een the
SES anti the JPS.
It is t he r e-p-onsfoility of the PS to insure that these In.a.J."1:pm;er
servic s are provided in accordance with terms of the contractual
agreerr:znt or the memorandum of ag-ceeu:~nt referred to above. I:f
in the - cour se of c~ing . out his monitoring and overseeing
reapon-ibilit ies, the PS deter.utlnes that the SES is not
supply'l.ng ma:.npc1-1er services in a satisfactory manner, lie should
a~temp"- to reco1ve the matter with,the appropriate representative
of the SZS ce ntral office. If the p1~oblem cannot be resolved at
the SES central offic~ level, he 'should present his findings to·
When as a reEUlt of the above procedure the RMA determines that
a SES. i.s not in co;npliance with the Secretary's Regulations
requiri:ng t he SES to be responoible for supplying the ms.npo.·1er
aervice:s epacificQ in the C;vTTP, the RMA ·will, in consultation
vitb t~~ PS, arrange for such services to be supplied by
another ~rivate or public agency. '1:ne requirements of s ~ction G
of this docucent ai-e applicable to any age ncy proyiding such
m,anp<:,~ er serv~cea.
Wheneve:r manp o-,rer · 3erv:lces are required for a CHTP wi1ich are
over ara1 above thos e noz-ma.11.y provided by the ES, ,the PS
tbroug?i cont r actual a..-rangement, c'!:lall rcinburse t!le ES
Stat e ~gency- r or the pr oviaion of these additi onal s ervices .
Guidet:1:nea f'O'Z" reimburs ement to the SES will be pr ovided in
·a. subsequent a ocument.
A1thou&b the SES i s r enponsible for Pl'oviding the full range
manpo-.1er a erv.ic e s s et · forth in the CWTP, it i s recogni zed t hat
i t may 'be n ec-e ssa.ry or desii'abl e f or the SES .to make appropriate
arrangezient s v1th other · pr i vat e or public agencie s to pr ovide
a particular- :manpo~a1er service.
· F.
Su:ooortive Services
In designing a CWTP, t he prime sponsot or other sponsor i ng
agency ~ B responsible f or LJ.aking arranget1ents f or the provision
of other needed services , as appropri ate ; i ncluding :
�·- --- - · - - - --·--··-- - · - --- - - ----..- - --~-
. ..1
----.1-------- ------··· -- --~-- ...
~ ---
- 9 ..
~, .
·- .:--- __·_
· ·J
a ay ca1-e
nedical servt_ces
t .ran sportation
family oervic es
legals erv:ices
. bv.sic or remedial eaucntion where not.provid ed a s pa.rt
of manpower aervtces.
Con.u1unity Particination
Participation by Representatives of t he Pool"'
It is the basic, continuing and Ie~ally binaing resp~nsibility
of ' each PS to provide for an effective administr2/dvc s-cructu.re ·
which ensures that repre:::icntative m-2Iubers of the groups b e ing
served inn CPA have c1irect access to ar.d p.J.rcicipate in
the decision-ma:tlng pr0cess involvlng pJ <'i"Ping, conduct n.nd
eva l uation of a CWTP and its• progrru;i ccmponents.
(a) Agencie s gove~ned or adclnistel"'ed by a board of
which at least one third of the filPn OGl"B are dcmocraticalzy'
selected from the gToups to be ne~·· ved, shall meet this
requirement . In all ens es "!;1flCl"'c a prime nponsoz- is not
so structured, it should eG·i;ablioh n sp8cio.1 board which
includes, aB at least one thii•d of the rr.e::ibc:-i:·ohip,
democratically selected l"'epresentat\ves o:f t'he arcns
to be served. Those speciel boards should be given
r esponoibility 'for over2eeing the planning, conduct and
evaluation of t he CWTP a.i.--id i t 3 cciponents •
. _ (b) The gover_ning or Elpe':ial bonrd :re:f~rrea to ~bove
should also aerve as the polic y level participatory
body f or delegate agencies required by S2ction 122 of
the EOA, through one of the following optional arrange-
ments :
(i) The board ohould appoint a subccw:;nittee co-;;iposed
of appropriate representatives of the governing or
special board to serve each delegate agency in an
advisory capaci-ty or,
(ii) the board chould esta.blisb a. "del egate agencies
advi sory board 11 co:iposcd of selected o embera of the
governing or sp0cial board ru:d a rcpTescntative :t'rO'.ill
each delegate asency.
. I
- - -~- -
In _!:.ither situationj) ~mbel"s of PS. boa.Td s vho rc!)rccent
the groups bein3 s erved will :function al.so as mc::ib~ra of
co:;nponent bonrda in or der to p-.."ovide overall cocl"dinnticn
of ·the ccmpone1;1t p:rogra.os .
~; ..
. . ,-. - - -
. ..... . .- ... -· -·
Enrollee Paiticipation
It is the .responsibility of the prime sponsor ana each delegate
.. agency to establish regular proce~ures .for the meaningful participation of project enrollees in the ·conduct and ongoing evaluation
c;,f CIJTP programs.
Each of the delegate agencies will meet with enrollees on a
monthly basis to en.mre continuous participation of the enrollees
in the direction of the programs. , The governing board of the
PS should regularly receive comments, criticisms and suggestions
the project enrollees.
·-· .
--- ._:_
This can be accomplished by using existing represent8tive groups, ·
specially creat ing such g:roups, or by utilizing other equally
·. acceptable channels of connimnica.t ion.
. (3)
Labor and Management Participation
The PS shall provide for participation of employers and of
1abor organizations in the planning and conduct of the compre.:.
hensive work and training programs, in a manner comparable to
that provided for members of the groups being served.
Training,' Technical Assistance and Financial Assistance
The PS and the delegate agencies should provide training and ·
technical assistance to the resid ent poor board members and
enrollees which is responsi ve to· their needs. Where financial
problems are a barrier to participation, reimbursement for
trapaportation or babysitting expenses, etc., and compensation
for services on boards or committees should be provided.
• !
(5) Employment of the Poor
The PS and delegate agend.es shall proviae maximum employmen~ opportunities for resident poor of the CPA, including
elderly unemployed and underemployed, in the conduct of
component programs. This employm~nt shall include opportunity
for further occupational training and career d~velopment, and
· upgrading, with funds made available for this purpose.
OEO-DOL Checkpoint Procedure
The following checkpoint proc~dure will apply when exception
is t aken by OEO to the non-selection-of an existing CAA as
PS, the situation where OEO obj ects to the proposed boundaries
of the CPA or when the Rl-1A proposes to provide financ ial
assistance directly to an agency other t han the PS under D ~
or b above.
(1) When the RMA t akes one of the above acti ons, be will
. notify the OEO Regional Directo~ in writing, of his decision
,.- -~
- - ·- · ·· - - · . - -- · ... . · - -· - L.. .··
. .•
- ;.....,. ._ _
- ·.
-·-··· :·.
. . - -· -
11 -
ana his r e ason(s) for taking such action. The OE0 Regional
Director will have 10 working days to investigate the
situation and attempt to resolve a!}Y differences with the
(2) Wher ,e these parties are able .to reach agre ement, the·
agreement will be reduced td w:riting and signed.
If no agreement is reached, the 0E0 Regional Director will
have five additional days to compile and forward .all written
deliberations 1to the Director of 0E0.*
(3) The Director of 0E0 ,,111 immediately :furnish to the
Manpower Administrator a copy of the record and both parties
will have three_ working days to resolve the question. Once
·re solved, the decision will be reduced to vTri ting, signed,
and transmitted to the appropriate ,RMA.
Tne RMA will, of course,' keep the MA informed of this
devel~pment through normal internal channels.
5. Authori ty and Directives Affected.
·.. _. . . .'-...-_
This Order is issued pursuant
to Secret ary 's Order Nos . 5~7, 23-6?, and·6-68 and implements Ma.npo~·r er
Administration Order Nos. 4~68 and 5~68, and Executive Order No. 11422.
Putu:re Change s. During the third quarter of each fiscal year,
representat ives of the Department of Labor (D0L1 and of the Office
of Economic Opportunity -( 0E0), shall jointly review the provi~;ions
·of this Order and determine what procedural and policy changes
should be n:ade in order to carry out the delegated Title I-B programs more effectively. Changes in the policies and procedures
described in thi s Order shall be made with the joint approval of
I .
0EO and DOL .
7.. Tne Office of ,Economic Opportunity and the Manpower Administrat.ion
have jointly developed and approved the policies set forth
in this Order.
8 ..
Effect ive Da te.
This Order is
I .
. /
pportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Str eet Bldg. • ,\tl;:inta, Georgia 30303
Telephone: .525-4262
T . M. Parham
E xecutive Administrator
Mrs. Mitchell
For immediate release
April 10, 1969
To begin observan.c e of "Martha's Day" on April 11, membe:r.s
of the Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta adrninistra1.:!_\·1c
committee have invited the public to join them for fasting anC
praye- a f:. 7:00 a. · m. at St. Mark Methodif't Church, Peac'l-1tree
~n~ Fi1th Streets.
The invitation was issued by Dr. William Geren, President
of the council and Pastor of the Dogwood :t-:ills Baptist chu ~ ch.
·,:e urged a L 1• h.t l,mtans to particis>ate in "M-:i. rtha's Day" -~ y contributing tc tr..c Ira Jar-Le l.l. ~~::. l -1<-. Fund for hLi.ngry school child1.
Tax deductible checks c an be m3.iled to Christian Counc~l,
Box 567, Atlanta, Georgia
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. h as proclaimed April 11 as "Marthr ' s
Day" calling upon the ci ty to "eat for 1 day what Martha ea tis·,
to feel for 1 day wha. t Martha feels. "
Martha , · a :fiirst grader from a poverty family, was intr,o duced by Economic Opportunity Atlanta a~d the Christian Council
of Metropolitan Atlanta to dramatize the _plight of Atlanta's
hungry children.
�i .
Martha is not her real name , but she is a real child.
She knows what
it is like to try to do her school work on a
near empty stomach.
She lives with her parents, four brothers and one sister
in three rooms which used to be someone's garage.
pays $28.0o' a week for the three rooms.
co_llect the r en-:- e a ~h Saturday.
making $30.00
The family
The landlady comes to
Now that her father is only
week t he farn .L ly of eight must somehow e x ist
each week o n. the :;::-~ma L . ing $ 2. 00.
Sometimes !via rt1ia goes to
hoo l without breakfast.
daily ~iet ofter. cor sists o f a sandwich and several hot dogs,
or perhaps just bean s and potatoes.
In Oc t ober !-1arth a wa s sick during the entire month with
a throa t
Her --:eacher told h e r mother that Marf:ha
might f a. il th8 f ir s t · gra . e because of_ h .s.c month's ab s (:..n::..:e.
But Martha is eager to show visitors how well she c a r . read
and .wr ite .
She hopes she wil l pass .
Nobody knows how many hungry Mar thas there are in Atlanta
or Ge orgia, but there are thousands.
meal all day is the schoo l
lunch .
For most the o nly decent
Some do not even get that.
�April 14,, 1969
Mr . William Norwood
Regional Manpower A dministr tor
U .. S . D p rtment of Labor
Room 700
1371 .Peachtree Street, N., E .
Atl t , Oeorgi
De r Mr. Norwood:
Dan Sw t of my staff~ diselis · ed with rn.e hi conference with Mr. H ry L .
Child of your office r g: rdb1g th implement tion o! Titl~ l~B of the 1969 EOA
Amendment •
Sine the Feder 1 w requir _ that all wot'k and ualning compon nts und r th c:, cmpreh neiv work and tr lning program be pJ-ovided throt1gh prim
pon or· 1n community p11ogsa.re • it is impol't t th -t th moat ff ctf.v,
pt"im sponsor b d
ted for th Atl n-t · tie .
ft t.a my und r tanding that th Atlanta community p1:ogram
Fulton. DeK b. R ockd
, C
ett, Cl yton
d Cobb Counti
t th
pr ent tlme, Economic O pol"tunity Atla.nta, lnc~ functions
th off c
community ctlon pro ram.
ncy in Fult-oll, Gwinn tt d R oded 1 Coun
d v lop d n d .
bt r d N lghborhood Yo\lth Corp.a, Cone•
Employin nt Prog,:a.m,, and oth· r m.anpow r or
d tl"a.lnitlg p~o run
contain d in Titl 1-B~
Sincerely yo-ue ,,
r. .Jim
ar am
�/\\ Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg .
Atlan ta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parham
Ex ec uti ve Admini s trator
Pat Mason (EOA)
or J. Hunter Todd (TOYPA)
April 9, 1969
,..hl t•.. teen your.g me n and women,
selec-l:.cd as The Outsta nding
You"'.'lg People in Atlanta (TOYPA), will joi.r. Economic Opportunity
Atlanta's START NOW ATLANTA Campaign on Saturday , April 12,
with a pov2rty area tour which b egins at 10: 3 0 a. m. from ;the
East Centr, _;_ r'OA Neighborhood Se~-v ice Cent8r , 486 Decat:.:i. r Street,
S. E.
For TC'-YPA the
tour wj 1:.. b e t he first s tep in what h as been
chosen as their fir st.
re Ject:
thE p roduction
of an orgina. J.
mo tion picture which will e:(plo:r-e the progress and pro"!.)lems ' of
Atlanta ' s poor communities.
According to Sara Ridgeway and J.
Hunter Todd, co - Chairmen o f the TOYPA project, the motion p'.ic-
tu re wi ll be presented to top community l eaders, civic clubs,
and church groups to channe l community interes t
and assistance
to EOA's START NOW ATLANTA campaign which has involved 374 new
volunteers in the war aga inst poverty since the program b egan
on J anu ary 10.
On Saturday these 19 young people will be toured by
poverty area residents who live in C':l.bbagetown, Reynoldstown,
Buttermilk Bottom, and adjacent communities.
They will see
first hand the efforts of the poor in their own self-help
projects and will be confronted with the problems which remain.
Saturday's tou:'.:', scheduled as part . of the Dogwood Festival,
will also include othe ~ htlan~ ~s, young and old, who are among :
the 2,277 who. have - taken
che EOA tours in the last three
�April 10, 1969
Mrs . Mary Lu Mitchell
C ommunity Information Officer
E cononli c Opport\lllity Atlanta. Inc .
101 Mal"ietta Street, N . W .
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mary Lu!
How about thinking about getting a little publicity in the A tl nta
Magazine or through other media on our billboard progl'am as
soon as the EOA posters are put up .
I am sure a lot of people wonder what they re all about, who ' s
responsible for them, etc . If we could get a little publicity for
Turn r and Process P o ters, it c rt inly would not be out of
ord r since they ha.ve b n so good to us .
You might think of wh t w ought to
like " m ini-ho rds " , " p ople po ter
bo r d s " .
all thes bUlbo rds ... something
or II ighborhood bulletin
1' ,
Thanks for your h lp in dv ncef
Sine rely your ,
D n Sweat
DS :fy
a.:rnco ./u, _
i..~,.,';:;Nr e n
FORM 215
1- - - -- - - -- - - -
Mr. Dan Sweat
Mayor's Office
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
26 3rd STREET
Dear Dan:
We are underway with new E.O.A. b1llboards that should be up
in 3 weeks. Can you get us some publicity in Atlanta Magazine,
especially for Turner Outdoor Advertising Co. and Process
Posters, Inc.
�Econo1nic Opportunity At_~ant~1, lf1n c..a
101 i\larietca Str eet Bldg . •
r\t lanta, Geo rgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Exec t!t i ve .-\d m iniscracor
Mrs. Mason, 525-4262 or 636 -9390
Johnny Popwell, EOA VISTA DIRECTOR ,
Duke Harrison, EOA Recreation
Director, 523- 7561
April 7, 1969
NO ADVANCE PUBLICITY (The footb a ll players involved have requested no
advance publicity in c~2 ~ ~ to insure that pove~ty area youngsters will be
the ones to b 2~e £ _;_ t .,":;_·om the even~.)
P-r:o-foctba-:.1 _s tars from across th e,. nation will . join with local college
players in an EG,.-\:l .'.'TA :.;-ons orec Eootba.11 extravaganza for 2500 poverty
area youths at Washin15 -con Hi gh School, \5 White House Drive , S, W. on
April 7 • .
A copy of the prcgrzm which will be in two sessions, one starting
at 10:00 a . m. and the othe r a t 1:30 p. m., is attached, a long with a
list of tLe footba ll players and visitors t o tlJr_ event.
Bill Curry i-'nd F:..·3.n Tarkenton are co-chairmen of ·:1--tL! Pr,1f ess:i..c nl
Athletes VISTA Assistan~e Program, organized recently .
"NSC " on the prc,gr ain means Ne i ghborhood Service Cente r.
Washington High School
April 7, 1969
NSC's schedule d for 10:00 a. m. Clinic
Rockd a le-Conye rs NSC
North Fulton NSC
South Fulton NSC
Gwinnett County NSC
West End NSC
NASH-Washington NSC
Washington High Schoo l
NSC's scheduled for l:3O · p. m. Clinic
Ed gewood NSC
Northwest (Perry Homes ) NSC
Central City NSC
East Central NSC
West Central NSC
Price NSC
Summe rhill-.Me ch anicsville NSC
Pittsburgh NSC
Master of Ceremon ies - Johnny Popwe L, EO A Director of VISTA
Introduction of Visitors . - T. H. Jim Parham, EOA
Executive Administrat or
Introducti on of Visiting AL hletes - Co-chairmen Bil l Curry
and Fran Tarkent on
NFL Fo otb a ll Highlights Film
Demonstration of pos iti ons on athletic field
�Eco nor11ic Opportunity Atl~1nta,
101 Ma rietta Sr reer Bl dg .
t\cl ,rn ra, Georg i a 30303
T . M. P arham
E xecucive Adm in iscra cor
April 7, 1969
Washington High School
Fran Tarkenton
Homer Jones
Willie Hi.11 i.8.IDS
Carl LocLhar i:
Ernie Koy
Ralph Heck
Floyd Hudlow
Errol Linden
Jim Burson
Randy Winkler
Jerry Simmons
Ken Reaves
Bill Br o,,u
Mick Ting l eh ,ff
Bill Curry
Pat Kennedy,. National Director , VISTA
Ma x i e B..:. ughan
Je rry Stov::. 1.1
Chuck Wa l ke
Alex Grant, Ns t i ona l Direc tor , VI STA
Mrs, Clai :r: Pa l me r, As s i st-=i r,t LO Nat io na l
Dire c tG . . , ·rJ ~-l'A Recru itment
Ron Capa l ac e.s , -:;:;::c Gi:fi : e
Affair s
Pub lic
Car 1 Ka.mmerer
Lenny Snow
John Sias
Randy Kinder , Sp ec ini As s istant to
Na tion _~ V!.STA Di rec t or
Ross Cogg i ns , Reg iona l Admi n i s tra tor ,
Lev i Terrell, Regi ona l VISTA Recruitment
Dire ctor
101 Mari etta Screec Bldg . o r\clanca, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4 262
T . M. P arham
Execut i ve Administrator
Mrs . Mitche l l
For immediate r elease
April 9, 1969
Cities acr o ss the countr y are planning programs similar to
the START NOW ATLAN'I'A c ampaign launched January 10
by Economic
Opp ortunity At l anta , Inc . to involve more citLzens in the war
against poverty.
One city of f icial wrote,
"In Phoer.. i :'.: (Arizona ) we are very
enthu s i asti c about thi s· program and hope -f:ho.t we wil.l be ab.I
follow in y our foo "- steps to work out a similar pro9-rc1J", foL· o ur
city •
Mi ami , florid2 already h as initiated
s im i lar program a ~1.<l
other citj2s have requested info ~nation .
.:-: i.~ce START NOW ATLANTA was launched t hree m J ,.th s ago, 2 , 2 7
peo9le have taken poverty area tours led by the poor and EOA hRs
i.c~ u.ir ed t he services o f 374 volunteers .
The 2, 00 0th person to take t -1e tours l ed by the poor was
Mrs. Bill Curry , wif e of the Ba ltimore Colt s football star , who
was presented with a certificate b y Vice Mayor Sam Masse ll in
Vine City on March 29.
EOA continue s to receive dai l y r equ es t s from p eop l e who wi s h
to take the tou·rs or volunt eer the ir ti rne .
�- 2 -•:,
The START NOW ATL..A.NTA progr am was initiat2d for the hundreds
of Atiantans who have asked "How can I find out what needs to be
done and what can I do?"
The prograni offers t wo phases, one 1 the tours led b y 23 poverty
area residents called Volunteer Information People, or V.I.P. 1 s,
and the other a volunteer program.
The poor wanted to lead the tours because, as one said,
W2 1 re. tired of people coming through here shaking their head ::.
. ._ about
1.e rats and g arbage and nasty shack s and not seeing us.
We' :.·e people too and we've done a
lot to he .i.p curselves."
Indic at ions are that the tours are really :..wo-way streets;
as one V.I.P. put it,
t :i....··5.ri':..·
"They learn from us and we learn fro m \ ·:;m,
t h e tours are you ng , middl e aqed, old.
tour b y foot , by c a r, b:· : u s.
1'hey are lawyers , busin.es s ri12n,
doctors, social workers, clul, ,Jome n, church members ,
journa li "s ts,
visito rs to Atlanta, i..he -;- l_ready concerned, and those not- .-:oo-sure'
They come i n g~eatest number from Me tropolitan
Atlanta, but also from various p arts o f the United States and / from
countries o ver the wor ld.
The 374 volunteers are working in a variety of projects, ineluding story hours, adult literacy classes, tutorial progr am s,
marionette shows, horticulture classes and legislative action.
�-3- ~
In addition, . four white churche s hav e formed partnerships
with black churches, 20 college fra t ernities are working in
volunteer projects and some 200 colleg e students are conducting
a comprehensive consumer survey in one low-income area.
To volunteer, to arrange a tour for individuals or groups;
or to get a speake r or a panel, call 525-4262.
-Apzil 5, 1969
M r. Charles Davis
City Comptroller
City Hall
A tlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles :
RE: ABC Corps - Casual Employees
As you know, for the past 18 m onths or more, the Sanitation Division of
the City of Atlanta has been involved in a new project under the Atlanta
Concentrated Employment Progr m called the Atlanta Beautification Corps.
In this project, so ... called hardcore, unemployed individuals have been
utilized in special crews designed to collect trash and debris from sidewalks , vacant lots , pl ygrounde , parks, etc . in an a ttempt to keep these
are s beautiful.
The concept of the program was for the City to attempt to nlentify those
members of the ABC Corps who could perform in regular City functions
and to assist them in finding fulltime mployment. Our success has not
been too great. To date,, we have pl aced three of th former ABC workers
in regular City positions at the City Garage.
Bee use of cutbacks i.n Federal funding; the ABC Progr m is being r duced
in the number of employ es ammediately by 25 s of Friday, May 2.
R lph Hula y and hi Sanitation people say that thi.s program h s been
succ ssful and that the ABC workers h ve performed a great service to
th City of Atlanta. He h s indicated h is in favor of continuing th s
p ople if possible.
It eems to me th t ince they have perform d admii- bly in areas wh r they
w re badly needed by the City th t we should attempt tom int in th s rvic
of the e 25 peopl in the S nit ry Division until t le st the end of our sumrn l'
�Mr . Davis
Page Two
-April 5, 1969
program period. This would give us an opportunity to make a further
effort to place those who can meet qualifications in regular job slots .
At the same time , during the crucial summer period we would have the
advantage of the experience of these people in helping in special neighborhood
clean.up projects and other special requirements which the summer period
It is my understanding that Mr . Hulsey has requested that these 25
individuals be plac ed on a casual empl oyee status with the Sanitary D ivision
until August 31. 1 hope that you will support this recommendation and give
us your help in having this done .
Sincerely yours;
D a n Swe t
DS :fy
�A~ - c ood
C~~Fa ir .
.. ., ...
.... .. ..· .
F =- POOl'.
l octi a . Rosse r
_Ruby Scott
Sarah Euba nks
Azzie Lee Gordy
Roberta Satte rwhite
Rachel we·~ ver
-Mildred Grice
Anna Louise Ware
Lula Ma y Pearson
Eva J\!ay Whitaker
Ro sa Gas
Joann Henderson
Rosa Marshall
Jess e Terry
Ethel Wa nsley
Essie Richards
Josephine Burton
Alen\!? Griggs
Edna Harris
.J ulia Lowe
Eunice Moore
Eunice Murriell
Carrie Wi lli arns
J ohnny Wimbish
Sarah Ev .•.ns
Lucille Griffin
Mary J ohnson
A.}.ice Welchs
�A- - Good .
c- - F,d.r
F'- -J:> oor
Hea 1th
-- ·-·- ~-----
S ex
Clifford Williams
Fleater · Bennett
Ruby Seay
Emma Harris
·· ·-- ····----!---- -- - --- - - --- I
Joe Logan
- -·--- - / --.
- -·- -- -·
Johnny Math i s
Annie Bridges
Emma Styles
Allen Arnold
Willie Buckhalter
Emma Dunn
Johnny Fann i ng
Willie George
Ol a May Williams
Arthur Holmes
Erne stine Jackson
Alice T. Norman
Annie King
·--- -
- - - - - - M
- - - ------- ------
' .
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Ma rietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Executive Admini s trator
April 29, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor, City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
At the EOA Board of Directors meeting on April 16, 1969, the question
of the impending reduction and ultimate phase out of the Atlanta Beautification
Corps Program (ABC) was discussed. This reduction was caused by a reevaluation of the ABC component being funded from this program source and a
cutback in funding of the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Program (ACEP)
~which operates the ABC Program as a component under contract with the City
of Atlanta. The ABC Program was orginally designed to provide low income
residents with work experience while providing needed cleanup of inner city
areas. Although the contract does not specifically provide for hiring of
the ABC enrollees by the City, their past performance does suggest that they
merit every consideration in this regard.
The EOA Board heard an appeal from Mrs. Rosa Marshall, Supervisor of
ABC workers, for assistance in finding meaningful employment for the ABC
workers being phased out of the program. Although her long range concern
was for all of the workers, she was especially concerned about the imminent
cutback on May 5 of approximately 40% of the total 60 slots. Mrs. Marshall
requested that the Board consider authorizing a letter to the City of
Atlanta on beha lf of the ABC workers. Such action was duly passed by the
Board requesting that I communicate with you on this problem.
I understand from the Executive Administrator of EOA, Mr. Parham,
that City and EOA officia ls have be en a ggre s sive l y s eeking a s oluti on on
this ma tter . There f ore, speaking for the EOA Board of Directors, I would
like to express apprecia tion to y ou f or y our past concern and t o encourage
you i n your f u t u re effort s for t he low income peop l e wh o wil l b e affected
by t his unfortunate reduction . Thank you for your attention to this matter.
euil let
Board o f Directors
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Ma rietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta , Georgia 30303 • T elephone 688-1012
T . M. Parham
Exec utiv e Admini s trat or
March 24, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
rJ?.fi/Aj t / w ~
As you know the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Program
(ACEP) has a contract with the City of Atlanta for a component
known as the Atlanta Beautification Corps (ABC) Program. We
currently have about 58 low income residents of the center
city employed under this contract. Their salaries are paid
by stipends received from U.S. Department of Labor. The ABC
enrollees have made a valuable contribution to the City of
Atlanta through their work which involves cleaning up streets
and public facilities in the low income areas of the city.
The original intent of this program was that the
residents could gain work experience and improve their work
habits through this program in the hope that they could be
eventually hired in city or other jobs requiring minimum
e ducationa l cre dentials. We have just b een advised by the
De partme nt of Labor that we will have to phas e out the ABC
Program by August 31, 1969, and budgetary limitation will
force us to cut the number of available slots from 60 to
20 by May 4th of this year. Our staff has bee n working
cooperative l y with a number of city officials in attempting
to provide jobs in the Public Wor k s and P a rks and Re cr e ation
De p a rtme n ts o f Atla nt a . Spe cif ica lly Mr. Johnny Robin s on,
Mr. Ed Hulsey, and Aldermen Everett Milligan and Q . V.
Williamson have been attempting to work out a solution
�Mayor Allen
March 24, 1969
that would accomplish this end.
I would appreciate your assistance in helping to work
out a plan which would allow the city to absorb into its
permanent work force approximately 25 of the ABC enrollees
by the end of April.
I believe you will find that Mr.
Hulsey and Mr. Delius and others have been impressed with
the overall performance of these enrollees who represent
some of the most disadvantaged citizens in the city.
I believe that they will agre e that it would be beneficial
both to the enrollees and to the city to make every effort
to provide these people with meaningful employment.
Any assistance you could give us on this matter would
be v e ry greatly appreciated.
�May 13, 1969
Mr . Charl es L . Davis
City of Atl anta
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charles :
,. ,.,
Thank you for your great help in resolving the problem of the
.Atl nta Be utific;atlon Corps . Your 1 tter of May 7 is in line
with my understanding of the decisions which hav been reached.
In uthorizing transfer of these 25 workers to the Sanit tion
Division from the F derally funded ABC p yroll , we hould
h ve lso uthorized thre of these people to be placed in a
upervi ory c pacity at sal ry r t of $ 2 . ZS per hour. In
order for this program to prop rly function under the crew con ..
cept, it is nee ss ry that crew forem n be plae d in ch rge of
eupervi ion of each crew. It is my understanding that thia i
in Un with R lph Huls y•s thinking nd th t this uthorlz tion
hould be given.
I hope that you c
uthorize th paym. nt of th thr
visors at rate of $2. ZS an hour .
Sine r ly your ,
Dan Sw
DS :fy
up r-
May 9, 1969
TO :
Mr . Dan E. Sweat, Jr .
Charles L. Davis /
I understand that there are three people in the supervisory
capacity in the ABC Program paid at $2 .lS per hour. As you
will recall, our authorization transferring twenty-five of
these workers to the Sanitation Division from the federally
funded program authorized $1.60 per hour .
I would appreciate a request from you for these three supervisory people.
May 7, 1969
Mr. Dan E. Sweat , Jr.
Mayor' s Office
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Dan:
This is to advise that your letter of April 5 (May) relating to the
continued employment of twenty-five employees of the Atlanta Beautification
Corps was thoroughly discussed at the Finance Collllli.ttee meeting held on
Monday, May 5. The Comnittee approved your request to transfer these
' employees from the payroll of the Atlanta Beautification Corps to the
regular payroll of the Sanitary Division of the Public Works Department
with the f ollowing reservations:
The twenty-five employees involved are to be terminated not
later than August 31 of this year, and the employees are to
be advised of this action.
There are to be no new employees added either to the group
of twenty-five being transferred from ABC to the Sanitary
Division payroll or to the remaining group in the ABC Program.
Salaries paid to the twenty-five employees being transferred
together with the casual labor which has heretofore been
authorized for the division and the regular employees of the
division re not to exceed the appropriation established for
salaries, vacation, and sick leave for the garbage collection
accounts of the Sanitary Division of the Public Works Depart•
Occasionally, I will h ve someone on the staff tabulate the expenses we have
incurred for salaries and will advise all p rties accordingly.
Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
cc: Finance Committee
Mro R. Earl Landers
Mr .. Ray A. Nixon
Mro Ralph Hulsey
2855 Peachtree Road, NE
Apartment 10
Atlanta, Georgia 3030.:>
April 25, 1969
Mr. T. M. Jim Parham , Exe cut iv e Ad:1inistrator
Economi c Opportunity Atl anta, Inc.
101 Marietta Str.ee t BuiJ d i ng
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Parham:
Thank you so much for your l e tter ot April 15, 19n9, 5 i ving me the
fac ts with r e f eren ce t o Martha 's famiiy. It was very kind of you
~o write to me.
I do feel very unh appy a bout the situation of the hungry in our
country . It is inc om;_)T.':!1 1ens i b - to me that there should be h unger
iu such a we a l t hy country. As· you know, one of the things that
worries me is that the r ea l e state people should be able to charge
so mucn. for such inadequa t e housing. I hop e that some day all of
the s e injustic e s wi ll b e r ecti fi ed. Tha t, I fear, is far off in
the futur e .
It is very pleasant working a t East CenLr a l . The atmospher e is good
and Mr. Wi lliams i s so cons cientious and e fficient. I hope that the
health center we are pl anning and work i ng f or will eventuate soon.
Sincerely you r s ,
Mr. Randall N . Conway
Staff Division
Memphis Manpower Cotnmis s i on
P oot 0f.fice Box 224
Memphi f Tenne se 38101
De r Mr . Conway:
In r ply to your 1 tte:r of May 21, r . g rding manpower policy
de,v.elopment, the City 0£ A tlant as of this d t h s no official
m. npower policy.. Ther has b en ome dl cus ion • to the
City' role in ov imanpower dev lopm nt and administr tion
but th City has b n .reluctant to get dir ctly involved.
1 am forw rding a copy of you, letter to Mr. Clint R odger •
As socl te Admlnhtra.tor for Ma npower ol E c onomic Opportunity
Atlant ,, who t
C ity calls on to repre ent 1t in rn ny re s
of manpower dev lopm nt. Mr. Rodg r might be able to
furnish. you with ddtti
inform tion which might be of h lp
to yon.
S lnc r ly your .,
D n Swe
c e t M r. Clint Rodg
P. 0 . BOX 224
3 8 101
May 21
Citv Manr1ger
Atlanta, Georgia 30304
Dear Sir:
The Mempnis Manpower Commission is trying to learn
what other cities have done concerning the development of an overall manpower policy.
Would you please inform us of what you have done or
what your plans may be in this area.
We will be happy to share with you the responses received from this inquiry if you so desire.
We look forward to hearing from you.
RNC :rgm
May 26, 1969
ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From: Dan Sweat
Subject: Attached letter from New York Urban Coalition
on Summer NYC J obs
I had a call from Washington a few days ago asking how many
NYC slots we would like for this summer. We had anticipated
250. I suggested that we would be able to effectively use 675
which was the final total we reached last summer. Since
that time, we have r ece ived word that 675 slots have been approved.
The U. S. Department of Labor has been fair with us in my
opm10n in giving us these slots. I don't really feel like we should
have to h e lp fight N ew Y o r k 's battl e. The problem i s that N ew
York is in a clas s all by itself and the numb e r of jobs they need
staggers the imagination. You will notice the y are talking abo ut
upwards to 100,000 jobs. They have 55,000 approved .
Unless you jus t want to s upport a general demand for more slots,
as we have done in the past, I woul d recommend no action.
�---------------· - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -
NEW YORK URBAN COALITION INC., 60 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017 212-697-9202
LINCOLN 0 . LYNCH / Executive Vice President
May 20, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
The Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Ha 11
Atlanta , Georgia
Dear Mr. Mayor:
Recent events on the campuses, in the high schools, and in the ghetto
communities across the nation lead us to conclude the Summer 1969 may
be fraught with danger for the major cities of our nation.
The recent Federal and state cutbacks in funds available to the cities,
the severe budgetary problems now faced by the cities themselves, together with the inability of the private sector to employ out-of-school
young people during the summer make it imperative that the Federal government be persuaded to commit additional funds to the Neighborhood
Youth Corps in order to provide many of these youngsters with a meani ngful summer job rather than allow them to roam the streets with all the
dangers inherent in their idleness.
As you know , t he United States Department of Labor has made a decision to
fund the Neighborhood Youth Corps in Summer 1969 at the same level as in
1968 . This , in effect , means that t:rewer youngsters will be employed i n
1969 as were in 1968 , if one t akes into cons i deration the fa ct that t here
will be more young people out of school in 1969 than there were in 1968.
For exampl e, here i n New York, it i s estimat ed that there are 150 ,000
hi gh school and coll ege studen ts whose family income f all within t he poverty gui deli nes . We al so es ti ma t e th at t here are an additio nal 100 ,000
students whose families are living on the borderline of poverty and will
be seeking jobs this coming summe r . In Summer 1968 it is estimated t hat
New Yor k was abl e t o provide jobs f or some 77 ,000 young peopl e. At t he
1969 f undi ng l evel , which has al ready been announced by Secretary of Labor
Schultz , New York Ci ty wi ll be ab l e to provide some 55 ,000 summer jobs ,
22,000 fewer than i n 1968 .
The Manpower Task Force and the Board of Directors of the New York Urban
Coali t ion have pl aced top pri ority on efforts to pers uade the Admi nistration to request sufficien t supplementa l appropriations from Congress , and
Congress to grant such supp l emental requests for t he Neighborhood Youth
Corps to enabl e the cities to provide employment for a significant number
of young people out of school.
Christian A. Herter, Jr., Vice President, Mobil Oil Corporation; Chairman • Evelina Antonetty, Executive Di rector, United Bronx Parents • Humberto Aponte, Member, Counci l Against
Poverty • Morris D. Crawford, Chairman, Bowery Savings Bank • Leon J. Davis, President, Local 1199, Drug and Hospital Employees Union • Wil liam Donaldson, Pres ident, Donaldson ,
Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. • Edwin Greenidge , Chairman, South Bronx Commun ity Corporation • Matthew Guinan, President, Transport Workers Un ion of America • Wil l iam Haddad, President, United States R and D Corp. • Andrew Heiskell , Chairman, T ime i nc. • Roger Hu ll , Chairman, Mutual Life insurance Company of New York • Charles F. Luce, Chairman,
Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc. • David B. McCal l, President, LaRoche , McCaffrey & McCall • Herbie Miller, Urban League Street Academy • Roswell B. Perkins,
Partn er, Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates • Alan Pife r, President, Carnegie Corporati on of New York • Jacob S. Potolsky, President, Am algamated Clothing Workers of America •
T . George Sil cott, Asst . Professor, New York University School of Social Work • David Spencer~ Executive Secretary, i.S. 201 Planning Board Complex • Louis Stuiberg, President,
Intern ational Ladies Garm ent Workers Union • Frankl in A. Thomas, Executive Director, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp. • Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. , President, Ce ntral Labor Council
• Isidro Velez, Director, East Harlem Tenants Council • Saul Wal len , President, New York Urban Coalition • Thomas A. Wilcox, Vice Chai rman, First National City Bank
�NEW YORK URBAN COALITION INC. , 60 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 212-6 97-9202
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
May 20, 1969
Obviously, it is unlikely that individual cities will receive increased
grants for this purpose unless the national total is itself increased.
This would suggest that a national campaign be undertaken to secure a
very significant increase in the amount of Federal funds made available
to provide summer jobs for youths.
As the Mayor of a very important city, and as one who recognizes the
problems of the cities and the dangers of thousands of idle young people
roaming the streets, you are urged to join with us in asking the Administration and Congress to increase these funds quite substantially.
While we believe that the provision of jobs for young people during the
summer will not in and of itself insure a peaceful summer , we strongly
believe that risk will be significantly minimized. I am sure you will
agree with us that it is far more desirable to use our resources to insure that young people are gainfully employed than to spend hundreds of
millions of dollars to repair damages caused by idleness and frustration .
For your information we are enclosing a list of Senators and Congressmen
on the Appropriations Committee and urge that you take such steps as you
see fit in helping to resolve what could be a grave national crisis.
I am ,
CC : Hon . John V. Lindsay
And rew Hei ske 11
Saul Wallen
Gary Lefkowitz
�May 20,
Richard B. Russell (Chairman)
Alan J. Ellender
John L. McClell an
Warren G. Magnuson
Spessard L. Holland
John C. Stennis
John 0. Pastore
Alan Bible
Robert C. Byrd
Gale H. McGee
Mike Mansfi eld
Willi am Proxm ire
Ralph Yarborough
Joseph~- Montoya
Arkan sas
~lash i ngton
Rhode Island
l·lest Virginia
Mon tana
Wiscons in
Ne1·1 Mex ico
Milton R. Young
Karl E. Mundt
Marg are t Ch ase Smi t h
Roman L. Hru ska
Gordon A11 ott .
~ .Norris Co tto n
Cliffo rd P. Case
Hiran L. Fong
J. Cal eb Bogg s
James B. Pears on
North Dakota
South Dakota
Color ado
Ne1v Hamps ~i re
Ne1,-1 Jer sey
De 1a\·/are
Kans as
Members of Subconmi ttee on Depa r tment s of Labor, and Hea l t h, Edu cat i on and
Wel f a0e and Rel at ed Agenci es .
Subcomm i ttee Ch ai rman .
G~orge H~ Mahon (Chai rman )
Mi chael J . Ki rwan
J ami e L. \/h i tten
George W. And rews
John J . Rooney
Robert L.F. Si kes
Otto E. Passman J oe L. Evins
Mi ss i ssi ppi
Al ab ama
New Yor k
Fl ori da
Loui s i ana
196 9
Edward P. Boland
Pennsylv an ia
~Jest Virgi1iia
~/ashi ngton
New Jersey
New York
New Jersey
1-Jilliam H. Natcr1er
Daniel P. Flood
Tom Steed
Georg e E. Shipley
John M. Slack, Jr.
John J. Flynt
Neal Smith
Robert N. Giaimo
Julia Butler Hansen
Charles S. Joelson
Joseph P. Addabbo
John J. McFall ·
W. R. Hull, Jr.
Jeffery Coh elan
Edward J. Patten
Clarence D. Long
John 0. Marsh
Sidney R. Yates
Bob Casey
. David Pryor
Frank E. Evans
Frank T. Dov,
Charles Raper Jonus
Elford A. Ce derberg
Glen ard P. Lipscomb
John J. Rhodes
William Min sha ll
Rob er t H. Miche l
Sylvio 0. Conte
Odin Lang en
Ben Reifel
Glenn R. Gavis
Howard 1-J. Robison
Garn er E. Shriber
Joseph M. McDade
Mark Andrevis
Louis C. ~Jyman
Burt L. Talcott
Ch arlot te T. Reid
Don W. Riegle, Jr.
Wendell vJyatt
Jac k Edv1ards
North Caro lina
Michig an
Califo rnia
Ari zona
Mass ac husetts
Minn esota
South Dak oth
New York
Penn sylvan i a
North Dakota
New Ham pshire
Califo rnia
Michig an
Alab ama
Subcomm it tee on Labor , Hea l th, Educat ion and W~lfare.
Subcommittee Ch ai rman,
�May 23 , 1969
T o : Mr . Charl es Davis
Frolll: Dan Sweat
Subject: ABC Program
I w nt to th nk you again fo~ your help in l'esolving th ABC program
probl m .
ree with your comments in youi- memoirandum of May Zl , 1969,
that the Finance Dep rtmcnt ahould have been notified at a much rller
d te bout the plans to ph
out the ABC program.
A you know,. thi program le adlllini tered by the Personnel
rtment and th S ani tion Di1ision. Thi offlc · w s only brou.ght
into the it tion at th 1 t minute bee Wi of the f Uur of the
Peli' onnel Department to N olve the problems in thie c a •
F ortunately; th · Fin ce D pa.rbnent w
on thi progF m on short notice.
ln th future aft r we
bl to com to th rescu
v the A dmWstr tiv Sta.ff org niz d and
unction.mg, I am ur that we c n pl' v nt in.any of. these 1 st minu.t
J'U8h probl rn from occ;Ufl'1!'1ng . With your coo r tion · nd xpe,...tit
l m e rtaln that
can · _ bll h ome roanag
nt pl'ocedur
conttols which wtll b of h lp to all departments ln the City O ov . tn•
May 21, 1969
Dan Sweat
Charles L. Davis, Director of Finance
Notification to Department of Finance
There was a considerable delay in notifying the Department of
Finance of the plans to phase out the ABC Program by August 31,
1969. This matter only came to our attention when our assistance
was needed to work out a temporary solution to the placement of
these empl oyees.
Due to the financial effect of the phase out of any such programs,
it would seem that the Finance Department should be among the
first to receive notification and should at least receive notification
in sufficient time to be able to assess the situation and insure
the proper fiscal control.
I would appreciate your assistance in insuring that our department
is properly notified of such matters in the future.
CLD :JRF: jcl
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta St. N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
( 404) 525-4262
William W. Allison , Executive Administrator
Boisfeuillet Jones, Chairman, Board of Directors
December 8, 1969
Yes, we know this is the
first newsletter since
October, but we've been
rather busy!
Just in case we don't see
you again for a while,
NEW YEAR. For good measure
maybe we'd better add HAPPY
-Public Information
Former aide, Mrs. Elizabeth
Holland (right), is shown
with classmates Mrs. Rosa
Huff and Mrs. Betty Ray and
Herbert Goree, acting center director,
(Perry Homes).
Jim Single
Country music fans, get ready. The South Fulton CNAC
is sponsoring a big Country Music Festival Benefit in
the East Point City Auditorium, 3 to 6 p. m. on Sunday,
December 14.
Stars giving their time to help raise money for a
community fund in a densely populated poverty area are:
Jim Single, Jimmy Lewallen, Clayton Head, Phil Peace and
the Peacemakers,
Meyers and the Cherokees
Pap Test Pro1ec t
with Carolyn Carl and Dude
King, and Tommy Farrell.
Set For Perry Homes
A number of local and
state officials
will be
An all-out campaign to
pres.e nt at the benefit, indetect uterine cancer will
cluding East Point Mayor
be waged in Perry Homes on
Robert E. Brown. EOA ch i ef
December 10, 11, and 13.
Bill Allison will be on
EOA is cooperating with
hand to present a certifithe Westside Branch of the
cate of appreciation
American Cancer Society and
Tormny Farrell for his work
a host of other agencies
in staging the festival.
and volunteers
some 1200 low-income women
with the Pap-smear test,
breast self-examination and
All tickets are $1.50
general cancer preventive
and may be bought at the
door. (For information on
Volunteers to assist in
advance ticket sales, call
the project are still need767 - 7541.)
ed. Call 522 - 6475.
Today's world is a r a pidly moving place.
And the skills needed to
run it change just as f as t.
For this reason, a great
number of
companies and
moving to re-evaluate outdated hiring policies.
Mrs . Elizabeth Holland,
now an employee of Atlanta
Mortgage and Brokerage Company, has her job
becaus e
of such a re-evaluation .
Until a few weeks ago,
Mrs. Holland was employed
(Continued on page 2.)
WILLIAM CALLOWAY, vice chairman, EOA Board of Directors,
congratulates corrnnunity leaders MRS . ETHEL COX and MRS.
LENA HUNT as he names Central City as Center of the Month.
continued from page 1
as a neighborhood service
aide at the Northwest EOA
center. While with
she trained in a new program offered to all aides
with at least one year of
service. The eventual goal
of the program is to place
aides in better paying jobs.
Like other aides, Mrs. Holland received full salary
but was allowed to take
half her clerical training
After two months
training at Atlanta Area
Tech, opportunity knocked
for Mrs. Holland.
Brokerage Company was looking for a cashier. They
didn't particularly need a
person with a high school
diploma and three years of
though Mrs. Holland has ha:diploma. They simply wanted an intelligent person
who could work with numbers.
Through an interview
arranged by Mrs. Ann Jackson and Mrs. Cynthia Montague, co - ordinators of the
Aide Training Program, Mrs.
Holland got the job.
Summing up the training
program Mrs , Jackson state~
Marketable skills is the
real goal . If we can teach
that, then we will have
made a dent . "
STAR PUPILS - Aides Mrs, Elizabeth Barker, NASH-Washington, and Mrs. Annie Sue Bogan, Central City, demonstrate
a machine used in four Learning Centers as part of EOAs
Aide Training Program.
Northwest resident
Ruby Hawk was one of many
who paid tribute to George
Dodd at a testimonial dinner last
spokesmen included connnunity leaders Mrs. Mary San for d, Mrs. Carey S. Howard
Johnny Robinson
represen ting the Mayor's office and
George Toomer f r om the YMCA.
IT'S BALLET - West Central
dance and drama
taught by voluntee rs Cheryl
and Maye McGhee,
Spelman students .
little girl.
165 Central Avenue, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone 572-2406
Pe r sells (right), executive
director of the
Hous ing Authority, was honored recently with a luncheon arranged by Mrs . Susie
LaBord at the Grady Homes
Child Development
With Mr. Persells are tJ.T.
Crittenden (left), associate director of
and EOA's Bill Allison.
SESAME STREET - Pittsburgh
youngsters are enthusiastic
over the new T, V. learning
program featuring cartoons,
songs, puppets and dancing .
Pittsburgh sta ff
who assist at Gideon Elementary School and Parker
Junior High are Mrs. Mary
Lee Lockett, Mrs. Elizabeth
and Mrs. Patsy
�NOVEMBER / excerpts
---~ - --- - - - ___ -- - --------- - ...., ,_
William W. Allison
The Sena.te, October 14, has approved the bill for the continuation of OEO for two
more years. Considerable discussion has developed around the Murphy Amendment which
gives a veto over Legal Services Projects. Mayor Elect Sam Massell, speaking in behalf of the U o S. Conference of Mayors and National League of Cities,urged the rejection of the Murphy Amendment. The OEO bill is e x pected to be brought to
the House
floor in early December o
On August 22, 1969, the Executive Administrator directed that a Task Force be set up
to e x plore new and different resources and combinations of services that would both
reduce cost and make EOA programs more effective in the communities they serve.
The Atlanta GATE House for Job Corps has completed one year of operation . During
this period, i t has served 1,281 returning enrollees, males and females.
Of this
number, 719 have been placed on jobs or in training programs. The average hourly
wage for the se has b een $1.75 per hour . Six thousand three hundred six separate services were provided to the total persons served . These services were either direct
or referral and covered the f ollowing broad areas: health, legal referral,housing
assistance, educational assistance, emergency welfare, transportation for job interviews, Job Cor ps related problems, pre and post emloyment counseling.
ACEP curr ent figures o f program par ticipants for the period ending October 28, 1969
are: Institutional (MDTA): 81; New Careers: 79; Project Ready : 118; Total: 278-. EmpLoyability Plan Completed : 29; and NAB Placements: 23 ; Total placed in employment:
52 .
As a public service, General Moto r s is
Start Now Atlanta Volunteer s at wo rk.
available 3,000 brochure s d e picting
The Planned Parenthood Associat ion family planning program was featured on Channel Five November 17 . Service s in the project continue ·· to increase . Approx imately
4,500 persons have been se rve d during the current ye ar . '
The Rodent Control Project has been
The major foci of t his project are :
tion, and Rat Killing .
in op era tion for approx imately ten(l O) months
Resident participation, Inter-Agency Coordina-
Approx imately thirty - five (35) clubs have been organized in the target area to assist
the projec t in implementing the rat activities . More thaµ 300 meetings have been
held with r esidents f ocusing on the problem .
Clean up and poison have been under t aken in : Pittsburgh, Huff Road Community
son Road Community a n d No r t hwest Perry area (e x cept Perry Homes) .
John - '
Mor e t h an 212 j unk c ars hav e been moved fr om the streets . The r at population
ha s
b een s u bs tan tia lly r edu ced . The envi r onment al sanitation has gene r ally been
imp r ov e d . The p r oject is now in t he p r oc ess o f doing main ten a n c e a n d fi nal
s urvey s
fo r a fi n a l rep ort t o HEW. In addi t ion , mor e than 100 garbage r acks ar e being bu il t
f or ,r e si dents who need t hem mos t .
The monthly report for th e At lan t a Sou t hside Comp r e hens ive He alth Ce nt e r f o r Oc to ber 31 indicated that s ervi ces h ave be en e x t e n ded g reatly s ince June when t he
n ew
building opened . To date, of t h e 16 ,240 p a tient s who a r e eligible fo r service, 7328
have been r egi s t e r ed, approx i ma te l y 2,23 1 patient s were seen at t he cen ter in October
a nd th ere have b ee n 25 , 000 home visits to patient s since J uly.
The Center s t a ff cons i s t s of nin e (9) f ull time phy s i ci ans , 6-~ time phys icians arrl
s ix ( 6 ) c on s ult a nting
physici a n s , four (4) full time denti s ts, 1-~ time dentis t s ,
seventeen (17) full time regist e red nurse s and 161 individuals who reside in the
target area, and are eligible for care at the center, 84 of whom above completed the
<'Or~ c11rril'11l11m .<ind
wnrkincr in f-nP u.<1rin11<l n::,r,:imPrlir.<il
l'l ·l nr<i.
Special Christmas programs will be held in 11
branches of the Atlanta Public Library.
Miss Bertha Parker, Children's Coordinator for
the Library, will tell traditional Christmas stories
including "The Little Match Girl'·' and "Twas the Night
Before Christmas."
Films, including "Kustard the Dragon," will also
be shown in some of the branches. Also scheduled is
the Christmas fantasy, "Christmas Cracker."
Free to the public, programs will be held at the
following branches:
see below
Storyhours and Film Programs*
3:30 p . m., Thursday, December 11, Lighting of the Tree
at Smith Memorial Branch, 972 Alpharetta Street, Roswell, Ga.
3:30 p. m., Tuesday, December 16, Adams Park Branch,
1480 DeLowe Drive, S. W.
3:00 p. m., Wednesday, December 17, Ida Williams Branch,
269 Buckhead Avenue, N. E.
1_:00 p. m., Thursday, December 18, Inman Park Branch,
447 Moreland Avenue, N. E.
of neighborhood servic e operations, attended the White
House Conference on Hunger
and Nutrition during the
first week in December.
Storyhours Only
3:30 p. m. , Tuesday, December 9, Uncle Remus Branch,
945 Gordon Street, s . W.
3 : 30 p. m. Wednesday, December 17, Hapeville Station,
Hapeville Recreation Center, Hapeville, Georgia
11 : 00 a. m. , Saturday, December 20, Kirkwood Branch,
106 Kirkwood Road, N. E .
2:30 p. m., Tuesday, December 23, Sandy Springs Branch,
395 Mount Vernon Highway, N. W.
EOA expresses~-s.ympathy,,to-,the fol1'owing pe rs oru; .:.
on the loss
Mrs . Bunny Jackson, director of planning, on the loss of
her fa t her .
The family of W. A. Edge,who passed away recently . Mr.
Edge was one of the most active CNAC members in Pitts burgh a nd was a member of the Planning Subconnnittee ,
Recreation Subc onnni ttee , and attended most of . the CC.le
meeting s .
Mrs. 'S usie Arnold, Edgewood intake ai de, on t he l os s
~er daughter .
bu~.;e143.215.248.55f~ ~fi
3:30 p. m., Friday, December 19, Anne Wallace Branch,
528 Lovejoy Street, N. W.
Mrs . Yvonne Bankston, planning analyst,
her mothe r-in-law .
exciting film of poverty
tours and volunteers,will
be shown on Channel 5 at
10 p. m. on December 23.
In announcing the prime
time slot for the film,
Miss Dale Jacobs, Public
Service Director for WAGATV, called · the film "an
excellent one"
people of Atlanta to see .
The full color movie
was produced by intern Ben
Dyer and given to EOA as a
public service
by AT&T .
Plans are being made to
publicize the film over the
showing by
businesses, ·... and
other groups.
In metropolitan Atlanta
the film may be reserved by
calling 525-2068.
MRS . MADELINE LOCUS, assistant coordinator for community development,and Mrs.
TURNER , chair man of the Full-Year Head
Start Council, attended the
Head Start and Child Development Conference in New
Orleans, November 16 -2 0 .
The two delegates rep ort
•many new idea s on parent
involvement which was the
theme of the meeting .
JOHN CALHOUN , coordina tor for community develop ment, has made two
t r i ps
t o Tampa , Fl ori da , as a con s u l t ant f or Regional OEO.
Mr. Ca lhoun was also a
special gues t and advi s or
to the fall meeting of the
Licens ed Practical Nurses
Ass ociation of Georgia held
at Calloway Gardens.
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-A--prH- 5, 196 9
Mr. Charles Davis
City Corriptr olier
City Hall
Atla nta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles:
RE: ABC Corps ... Casual Employees
As you know, fo1·~he past 18 months or more, the Sanitation Division of
the City of Atlanta has been involved in a new project under the Atlanta
Concentrated Employment Program called the Atlanta Beautification Corps.
In this project, so-called h ar dcore, unemployed individuals have been
utilized in s pedal crews designed to collect trash and debris from sidewalks, vacant lots, playgrounds, parks, etc. in an attempt to keep these
areas beautiful.
The concept of the progra:rr.. was for the City to attempt to imlentify those
members of the ABC Corps who could perform in regular City functions
and to assist them in finding fulltime employment. Our success has not
been too great. To date, we have placed three of the former ABC workers
in regular City positions at the City Garage.
Because of cutbacks in Federal funding, the ABC Program is being reduced
in the number of employees immediately by 25 as of Friday, May 2.
Ralph Hulsey and his Sanitation people say that this program has- been
successful and that the ABC workers have performed a great service to
the City of Atlanta. He has indicated he is in favor o! continuing these
people if possible.
It seems to me that since they have performed admirably in areas where they
were badly needed by the City that we should attempt to maintain the services
of these 25 people in the Sanitary Division until at leas.t the end of our summer
Mr. D a vi s
P a ge T w o
-A-pr il 5, 1969
pro g r a m pe r lod, This w ould give us an oppo r tLmity to make a fur the r
effo r t to pl a c e tho se who c a n meet qua lifi c a tion s in r egular job slots.
At the same time, dur ing the crucial sumn1.e r p eri od w e would have the
adv a nta ge of the experie nce of the s e p e ople in helping in special neighbo r hood
cle a n - up p oj c cts and othe r spe cia l requi r ements which t h e summ.er p eriod
bring s .
It i s my unde 1·s tanding tha t Mr. Hulsey h a s r eque s te d th a t these 25
indivi dua ls be pl a ced on a casual employe e stat u s with t h e S a nit a r y Divi s ion
until Augus t 31. I hope tha t you will suppo rt thi s r econ unenda tion and give
us yo u r help in h a vin g this done.
Sincerely your.s,
Dan S we at
Ecene mi~ 8pp•rturiity A~lanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
. T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator
July, 1969
The attached clippings represent part of EOA's
extensive press coverage during the last month.
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THE ATLANTA .CONSTl ThUON, Thursday, June 19, 1969
Pcirha~.i Resigns as EOA Chief,
A ccepts S taff Pos: at 'University
Thomas M. (Jim) Parham resigned Wednesday as executive
administrator of Economic Opportuni-ty Atlanta to accept a
staff position with the Institute
of Go_yernment at the Univers. ity of Georgia.
The EOA board of directors
accepted Parham ·s r esignation
"with very deep regret" and
elected Deputy Administrator
William W. Allison to head the
The board elected G. Clinton
Rodgers, EOA associate administrator for manpower , to r eplace Al!iso nas deputy adm inistrator.
Parham, who will leave EOA
July 15, said he is r esigning because "the task of administering the wide r ange of EOA acUNJVERSITY BOUND
tivities and the necessity of
Jim Parham
meeting the growing requirements of federal funding sources welfare, crime and delinquency
consumes all and more of one's and income maintenance for the
energies and leaves no time to poor."
consider in depth any particu 1ar
In a s tatement of r egret
SUbjeC-t." _
./ ,
adopted UllanimOUSiy by the
The 42-year-o,d Farnam, ~_ ho I EOA board of directors, Boishas _s~rved ~s EO\ executi\e feu il!et J ones, bo2.rd chairman.
adnumstrator for a.mo st t\i OI said tr.at Parham has served
years, sard he has_ co~cluded ,•··as an ab'.e administrator and a
that htere are ot~er::. w_ho can - sensitive hur:ia r.ist."
attend these adrn1rusta'. 1ve du- 1
ties as well or brtter than my- 1 In acceptin6 the S20,000-a-year
s elf."
I position, A,' ison, 35, said he will
In his letter of resignation, ' "confinue to follow the same
dated J une 4, Parham said he ge:12ral goals that my precleceswants to devote his time to : sor has pursued as vi~orously."
"matters of long-time profes- 1 Allison, the first Negro to
sional interest, _such as child , head the agency in charge of
.. ·... :,_'..:.:.··\:-:~·
lecturer at Clark College.
The new EOA head holds a
r.- ,
B.A. degree from DePauw University. He studied fo r a year at
the Northwestern University
Law School and has completed
graduate studies in political science and Far East history at
~i~~· Ef~V-/.
the University of the Philipi~:-~Ai143.215.248.55i:
Studying on a Jessie Smith
Noyes Fellowship, Allison received a M.P.A. degree in
urban development and a renewal from the graduate school
of public and international affairs at the Universitv of Pittsburgh.
Parham said he had recommended Allison to the EOA
board of directors because he
fee ls Allison "has the intelligence and experience necessary
for the job."
William Allison
,~ Jones commented that Allison
the war on poverty for Atlanta had not been selected because
and Fulton. G\i·innett and Rock- he is a Negro. "The board is
dale counties, said P arham has completely impartial as far as
"!aid the foundation of real resi- race is concerned," the chairdent involvement."
man stated.
The new executive adrninis- Shortly before Parham was
trator, who has worked on _the named to the EOA post follow- .
EOA staff since the orgamza- ing the cteath o.f C. 0 . Em~r- 1
tion's inception four years ago , ich Sr., some local Negro lead- '
said he will attempt to increase ers had pushed for the appoi:1~the participation of public and ment of a Negro to t e top 3nti.
private agencies in programs to poverty job here.
Jones said board members,
aid the poor.
In addition to his position with many of whom are Negroes,
EOA, Allison has served since had elected Parham un aniJ anuary 1968 as an assistant mou ly two years ago and
professor of city planning at e 1 e c t e d Allison unanimously
· ·:
Georgia Tech and as a visiting Wednesday.
.f143.215.248.55i1•.,• .,.,, '..
\JJi, .
To th e m any you.tbs who wlli be
a vaila ble t his Summer it ought be
tord 1.l,a.t m any o:ip riunitics are
be~ to keep the·m l;usy in gainful
The j obs need not be b oring. f or
m os:t can be f un ; s in e we use the
cta.ylight saving: in; t m s area t h ere
Is J!l enty of tim e to :have clean f u n
l>eCore he Sun goes down .
The city parks
are on sp ec ia l
!iessions with a. multiplicity of l'ro gi:au:s, many
@L£f!}ters are
SJ?OD5oring danciQg-l)}ld other .1c-
Uvitlcs, th ci-e ;i.rc even special programs for t he Elrl~l!j.
Among· t~ r small jobs a vailable
to you ngftus of all ages are n ewsp aper routes, extra . h elp around
stores, r elief workers to allo w th e
regula rs , to go on vaca tion, etc.
\ Vhile the Summer may be Joni!;
an d hot, it can also be a t ime for
fun and gain . so t.his Summer · let
the young lea rn a new "Thlng"
. ... . . Let's get- aw:i,y fr om the a ncient s]an;; of "Burn . Baby Burn".
and r eplac e it with, "Ea:rn. Bab:,:
Vft ~dB
a.=c.. f1i
~' I p
Cfarin,et ist
Guildford College near Greens =
boro, North Carolina, attend=
ing the ):::aste rn lvlusic Festival. Bessie and the other will
have the benefit of the best
Las t month, Bessie was very
e xcited about going to Mayor
Ivan Alle n's office to r eceive
the scholarship , But the knew
that it was more than just
a fun-time for six week this
s~mmer. .
Bessie Barnett is 13 and attends Coan Midd le School.
Three years ago her mother,
Mrs, Anna Earnett, saw that
Bessie l iked mus ic and bought
her a clarine t. On a m aid's
slary it was a big sacrifice
to buy a 10-yE:ar- old a clarine t,
Mrs . Barnette pa id a little
each week ouc of her me ager
s a lary -"and now it' s paid off.
Bessie is .one oc si:s, E,onmic
Ol2@ftunlrs. ,_.,'\tla,llt.a
scbol ar ship winne r s who left
Atlanta by plane on Friday,
J une 20.
This summer the youngsters
will be s pending s ix weeks a t
who Bessie s ays is "a nice
music teacher" started Bessie on the clarinet. This will
be the instrume nt Be ssie will
pl ay at the Fes tiva l,
"I can le arn a l ot mo re now," ·
said Bessie. "This will help
m e a l ot and I'll be able to_
improve . I'm r eally looking
forwards to going t here and
working with the profes s ionals ."
Bessie wants to cont inue taking music through high school
and college if she can. And
he r mo ther would li ke noth~
profess ional instruc tion and the ing mo r e than that herse lf.
fun and company of other ac" My mothe r comes to every
complis hed musicians ,
performanc e," s·a id Bess i~
Miss Mary Francis Ea rly,
Thanks to EOA
concerned, fars ighted mother,
Bes sie will have a chance to
'.ievel op a special ta lent . It
jus t may be a turning point
in he r life .
(Bessie Lives at 49 Mayson
A venue, N. E.)
v· ~ IU/JL 1-u l
THE ATI..-\ !'iTA " CONSTITUTION, Friday, June 20, 1969
With the departure of Jim Parh am, Economic Opportunity · Atlanta is losing an effective executive administrator. Parham ha-s
accepted a pos'ition with the ·Uni versity of
Georgia's Institute of Go vernment, wh ere,
he says, he can.eleva te his lime to "matters
of long-time ipt~ies t, such as child welfare,
crime and delinqu ency and income maintenance for the poor."
EOA's board of directors accepted Parham's resignation " with very deep regre t"
and commended him fo r his service "as an
able administrator and a sensitive hum anist."
They then nam ed William W. Alli so n to
succeed him. The first Negro to head the
agency, Allison comes \\·ith an im pressive
list of qualifications, includ ing an M.P.A.
degree in urban development and more than
18 months as an assistant professor of city
planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has worked with EOA since its
inception four years ago.
Allison has vowed to "continue to follow
the same general goals that my oredecessor
has pu rsued as vigorously. " Parha m, Al lison
said, "laid the foundation for real resident
invo lvement."
'SQme Negro leaders have long sought the
top EOA post for one of their own race.
The EOA board insists the appointment was
made because . of Allison's ability-not be-
cause of race-and no doubt it was. Still
for the first tinw , the antipoverty program
in Atlanta wi ll be ad ministered by a man
from the race most affected by it. We wish
him well.
�THE VOICE - June 290 1969-Page 11
T hernes A1id
· Variatio ns
By Xernona
-· -- -- - - -- - - -- ---
Twci highly capable Negro male Atlantans were
promoted to top positions las t week. William Allison,
former deputy director of EOA (Equal Op portunity Atl anta),
was promoted to Dir e ctor to succeed Jim Parham who
res igned to assume a new . post, "Bill's" compete nce
is commensurate with the r equirements of the job--Kelvir1 Wall has been nam ed a vice-Pres ident of the CocaCola Company and becomes the first man "of cobr"
t o occupy such a seat. Mr. Wall posses s es qu alities which
m·arch the occas ion . Whe n black m e n r eceive the ir deserved and ea rn ed posi t ions , each of us sh a r es thep r ide
of such r ecognition for it is a comfort to know that racism
do esn 't a lways " prevail. This columnise congra tulate s
these two men who obvious ly have both natural and ac• .quired abilitie s II
-- ----
T he NASA Spacemobilc, ~
tourin° ir format ive pro ram
on t he Apollo Moun Project,
·ill be in Atlanta June 23-27.
T he progi·am, sponsored by
t h City of Atlanta Parks and
.parln12nt, t ,
Atlant;i school system, t he
·DeKalb County school system . t:ssi1.1.-:i.rr•i<.:__ ;,P-Qr,t mjJ.y
__ _Ap,rn[:1..--the Metro'>olitia n
-,Boy 's Clu s and the v r.ICA of
m etro Atlanta, will have d ifferent pr-oarams for various
age groups.
Progra ms fo r grades six
t hrou 0 h nine will Ix t 2:G-0
pJn. , June 23 at Morris
Bnnn College ; at 10 :00
a .m. J une 24 at Warren Mem oria l Bo 's Club ; at 1 :00
1->.m . J une 25, at DeKalb College and at 2 :00 p .m . at
Sammy Coan Ele m entary
T he high r level proora m
\'.'ill be presented 0:1 J un e: 23
at 10:00 a.m . al Nortltsidc
Hi h School; on J u,ic 2 at
2:00 p.rn . at Warren l\. eniorial Boys Cl ub : J w1c 25 at
hool • t 10: C0
a .m. and a t College Par t Hiah
at 2: GO p.m.; and the fin al
s howic g ;it 10:CO a.m. on
June 27 at Douglas High
T he prog ,un will incl u e a
d lect urc. A II µrogra ms are o en to the public
within t h<=! gra e levels outlinPrl
fi lrn
~?; i :--,,
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l ...
Se vera l monr s_ ago, Doreat 1'.!a R, L an['.lcy , a VISTA
vollmteer from Baltir:1'.;;re
• Maryland and now workir:g
in t he EOA West Ce. tral
targe?"·a ,,:[', ' ~:me up witil
t he idea of a Hom~ t,urs2s
A s3ocia don for so:ne u t ~
unemnloye ,.-o;·,wn in the
an:a .
c ~t~ tL :.h c~.l!E'·d t~? f!.ed
Cros.- Associat ~o;: i.: Hughes Sp:lding ra vilic-n t..:, see
if t 11.;y coull p;:-ovlde nurs.,s
on a volw-::eer a sis i !! orL~er
t o h2lp s :t ll!"J Lra in! ns c las -
ses fo t 1;: women, The Re,.
C ross s up;,lie ,. n11rse ~nd
pr inted materia ls, an':i the
Director oi Nun:in:; at Hugh::es Spulcli,,gga ·,e a~.cliL io1:a l
Mrs . L an?ley' s n:;xt step
\·:2.s t o find a place t.:: hold
frz t raini11c; c l'!.:;ses. SLe aproac.,~d t~.e Dixi':! llills Baptis r Ch:1,c:1 wi1lch o,fcr.
its faclliclcs for the first.
T rainees c,f . !rs . Lancrlcy ' s c lusses 8Come m0mbers of the Compc,n ion5 f.nd
Nurses,\ s soc iation which
wor~ s to drve l op t he s . ills
of home compan ions a n
home nurc:es, a1.d Lo tccic,
p:-acti:::a ~ ~c-.nc· u,sing s-- i! t :, for tlie lov.' income and
the uneduc a,ed . it h:i s also
~-=lp-:d ·\,· l~..12?1 s~'ne l o\1.·-·
8essio:1, last ng 6 - Swee. ·s.
write .
The: s€'con.j training class
was h:lcl from 6-8 p.ni. on
T L~.:;.:l::.y an Tf,ursd 1~.
Out o'. 3J1 ti1c ~'articipents,
who r an"z in age from 16
to 67, 100 have c orn 1;l::.red
i r.con1:2 ·\':omen t
rea.:! Gil
t he tra i11i11g an, 90 are em ployed .
Gra, u-:ite trainec·s have:
bee n successful in fin~lin?
e mployment in pr i ;•a z li otrn?:S (~-lo her a nd Baby Care)
Piecmont l losp,tal , FL· t0,1
Count · i\!edical A ssociation
and \\"csley Woo._ s Co.1va le~ ,:ent :.rn1e .
A lthou;)1 idn-ost 211 the
p;:::-ticip:.ms e.re women, two
m::iles , 0:12 a l ilefu:m:I ;,ni
t he oti1er a policem::in, have
com let d t he cot~rse .
·,r . r:1·1
t..::·> {~: I;· -,; /,--), .;7---:,., j'
! ~· :.;
!D • cl_;/ C J
n ·r: .
0 'u, d(J L' ,~/ &/0
.. _ ,,. "1 /l .'('
, , ~ -
- z:•-· -,
1.:y no:s r:or-nmn.
- --, . ~ .1 black .-incl while," said I\Ir s.
, Bc!.!cn. rcLrrinb :o l.b: r cco:-r1D~legatcs frcim lo·c:'-incomc Atmcnd:1tious. " l thi nk we ·re ask!;i nta co:rn nunillcs n: cl a.T-,;;::lu y
_,j ini.; lli is in go,id fa ith."
night with the city boarcl of ec!t:! Af: 1.::r l\' rs. ilfvocly agai11 r eca ti on and clecic!ed Le institute
quested somethi ng in writing
weekly mc::'.lings ,·.- ith t 10 !Jo:,rd
" to r el· le bac:l(' to the clis:1c!- '
· to di~cuss problem.' in ci ~1·
vanlag,.•d comr'.1unitics i11\'olvcd, ;
The delegates, members of th~
\'."ainl',TighL said, " Well, O.K '
~.ducaliu;i sulicornmiltc>c of !Ii::'!
Th:i nk 'you fo r corni ng."
Citizens Central Advisnr v C(lun_j
There was a brief. uneorn for- '
cil, presented 13 r tconi menc!a... _... _ j L...
. 1 tc1b! ~ si: c11;:e. !hen bo:ircl rnern- ;
lions for irnpro\'emcnt of Oi,Cl'a 1:m 1L, :n- r ric ht
J ,,11:1 Lei, ,,:,
ber Hor .c·c Tate s a1· p cJ the audi- ,
a~i-c 1 erwc from com ing tu an end '
lions of th,: ci\y sc:1oo!s to bo:.1 :·d : of , 1·,c SL' lJ•' O" lll' .' "L'
• ' ~ ..
'. ' l •
- · c ] I
. ·
mem bers.
whet her it \\'OU!d l;c p ssib!e to lY a~,~n~g ""' e SUK:1mn1tltce
, , ,1
., .
m cm Ld~- 1.011 ,1all" rn rnutc
ne m ee_!mg ;ilmost ended geL . _ie r~sponse ll1 ll'rlcillg .
you' re not s,wing vou don't
abruptly rn its curly stages when
Wamwn;;l!t said he didn't want a discussi~n? " disagreement rose on ,1·heU1cr think "some answers on a piece
the _board 's responses to_ Ec'?,: of p apc-r w·oulcl explain very T AKES T fl\fo
nom1c Opportun ity Atl :mla-lhe much , a nd that i\Jrs. Moody or
Wai11wrigl1t th en said formular ,~67-iii11c·naii'fioi1s'snoLiicChc -u!J- another rcp:-esei;tali'.'e sl{ou!cl tion of written a nswer.-; would
ni!tled _to t h_e . related subcom- write lite al!~wers 01,r n if they requi re C'onsidernbl e r e:,ca rch
millet' rn v; ntrn <'.
wanted them c,n pa!Jl'r.
and time, and suggestt:od lhat
a(ler an~ \\'crs had been 1•,-rillen
Wilen hoard Presit?cnt 13ill
l\Irs. Dorl•Ihy Bolden o[ Perry down, tlle bo.:i rcl a nd the sub\Ya inwrighl and At!a nt:1 school I· -lomcs said that if disc1 di·an- comm .11,,·'e could " e:ci arutmd
Supt. J ohn Letson µro1io·'.i"'·d th P_v rn ·::;c·t.1 Jic>Ci'l,e ,ll'e to b.. cduca t- lhc table
• ~ 81 d di.,cuss
" ' ' JJrobgi1·c ,·erb,I\ ci 11s1rcrs b the rec- eel tf1,,:-· m u,,[ han~ a11s1•:f•rs " put
. '
om mcncl a lion.-; i m 111 c d i :• l l'l \' . d<w:n in bl,:d:; a1:cl whi,c. ·,
Mrs. Maggie j\!oodY, chairma11
'·We broughl this tu vou in I l\ lrs. Bolde n s:1id she ft'll " we
ought to ha 1·e the answers to :
one or two qu,,slions·' to take I
home 1.n Jhcir C'onsli!uPnLs. ' 'All
r ight, piek 'cm t1 L."
Lcts0n suggcsle, the uliima l e- !
ly ·appru 1·cd r-Lrn of m e:ding o:1c
night a week at Lwo-hOll!' ,,essions "fcir li,iwc1·cr 10:ig ii
lakec;·• to cl i~c ,1~s scl1co1 sl'slcm
funclions and p 1Jhk1-i-,s oi1, by
one. The su bcommittee mem1
bers agrc-:-d lo sl arl the series I
of meeti ngs at 7 p.m. \\'ed1~rs- l
clay with cl is:-u~~in:i of the i1ew
school lunch p1·0gra111 l'.l be inI sLilulcd th::; fni l. amo ng other
matt er;;.
NOTlll'.'\G TO J: ID!·:
' ·\\'e ha\'C) nothin;; lo hide in
Lhe school sv~tem ... L !:tsc.,n s;iid.
"The f;;ct.-; ·\\'ill he a t. your di , . osal. 1r !11et e is a better ,r ay
to do 2.:1ything in this ~cilool
sysi l'ITl , ht're 100!
ing foi' il. "
\ lfr Lr gcr! the 11k lilU?rs f th •.'! .
r.O .-\ -;·Pi , l1cl co;n:11ilf 0 '.' nnl to
to c-H:clus:l,':, " ,,nd LO
· ·'tal.e Ilk ti•:·.:' · tn lt-:1r:1 ab,,ul
1~\h :r ;.1ti :,1r--: cf t'.1P S} .--.Lt rn.
I " j ump
I :\l tk · t ·.1t,d of ti,,' 1ri,•l'l i:1;i:.
, \\·c1 :rn 1,;hl Ind ubj··-·td ltJ
iou; -ic:cL:1:-::tit_n..; Uy sub; c 0n1n1 i if LL~ !ih ni ;,-. rs th·1t thr
\,h,·.·clrd wris C')~ Cl n1 n1uniccd inr;;
~.,\·1th i L:i ( ·1i i.,:.! tu. !.~ ~ - andr l'ited
' 1. 1.-• r c1 .l lc:te·r.-; f' r0n1 !'"(J:\ o f;.:3..:
ilic iab than'.dr,~ t ~ H,,:.rd of
J p i t' \
'. tduc.1fo,n fnr kc2 jJiilg clun n0\.,
GET READY FOR T HE FOURTH- --These children in the E:!st Point Ch "!d Car Center r:iise the fl:!g
a u s:l' t 1e pledge of ::ulc 0 L1ncc getti1·~ ready fo r the Fo1.mh of Ju y HoliJJy . The chi! rcn from
three to si., :!I!'s bug h l thi,1:;s Lke tj1is in t he p r::·s~hool cxp-:1•'!nces at t he nur5'!ry. It is operate for
workinJ; mothers wit!1 ' nc!s from Ecomomi ~ Oprcrturity Atb.nta.
(Photo by R:;che! \'t1!itmue)
...._..,.. ....
�_,,j-f;Hv UALLe cfluj;/d¥ ·
5-- fa 1
" The Food Fu nd ,' ' began
last October in West End to
provide food as emergency
assistance to poor people. is
lagging, according to a
spo ·esman from the West
EOA Q?.n-End Neighborhood
- ~-·J,~
tei:.. The fund is coordina ted
by the center .
, At the peak of the effort to
.establish a food fu nd, 30
churches in the metropolita n
area were partici pating in the
program . Now. there are only
three giving help.
. Th e
parti cipati on
.churches consists of aski ng
eac h member to bring one ca n
of . fo od to .church the fi rs t
Sunday of eve ·y month. Although all members did not
take part, the 30 churches
were pro viding enough fo od to
meet emergencies .
At thi s ti me . peop le are
being turned away. And other
• agenc ies whi ch normally provide this kind of ass istance
are out of funds and un2b le to
The ~l~ spokesman said
individtITilsor chu rches wanting to help should call J oe
Flan naga n, 523- 1541. St. Vincent dePa ul Soc iety. 326 Ivy
St. N.E. The Society colll'cts
the food . store it and di tr ibutes it to center where it is
needed. Th e fc"Cl can be take n
by the Soc ie ty on Jvy Street.
-Z:.Dr ~tlr nta Jot rnr1f a 1d CO:\STI1TT1O,.
JU NE 29, 1969
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Alhert Dawson prer ares [n f€ed hungt·:: chi'drc:1 al Buller __ At.1 ::int;i . Inc. Trucks lnaded wilh !ig!JL food lea\·e centra i
Fatk in a ne•s summ~r rrogr· rn cosp-)nsored by the City ot
points :\loncla> through Frid ay mornings and tra \·el to pi ayAtianta Recr 2alic:1 Dep;i r tm~nt and Lcnnom;c Cpr,ortunity
lots aro,incl the city to feed youngsters .
-,. -::::=r-,;..- -=.-=:.....,_ _ ____,
--·· -------
�THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1969
Tw· T
Phyllis Ca r ter and Sheila ·
White, beth students at T ho.m as High School in CoUege
Park,. have been named winne rs of conomic Opportuni tv
Atlanta"strmmeY m cs1c sc o atsh 1ps lo atte nd the Eastern
Music Fes ival.
The fe stiva l wi ll be t)eld at
Guilford College ne ar Greens boro , N. C. J une 20 th rough
Aug . L Participa ntswi!l receive priva te instruction fr.om
professiona l musicians .
Phyllis , 13. a nd Sh il a. 16.
are both s tudents of J a m es H .
P a tterson , band director a t
Thom as.
The girls , who live just two
blocks apart. are among e ight
winner s in the e ntire city.
Schola rship recipiants were
selec ted a fte r a uditions bPfore a pane l of professio:.al
musici ans a nd poverty area
resid ents, according to Dr.
Benno Fra nk , direc tor of
'trea tive
Atla nta ,
summer a rts program.
During the summer festiva l
participa nts
numerous public concerts.
Arrangem en ts have also been
t dents
cho arsh i1 s
m ade with an educational television channel in North Carolina to film a program featu r ing the young musici ans.
and plans are being m a de for
a special White House perfo rma nce this fa ll.
Scholarships include tuition. living expenses, clothing
a llowa nce . tra nsportation and
incide ntals.
P hy llis , who plays the bas-so
dent. She was an alternate on
the junior high all-state band
and plays saxa phone during
th e foot.ball season. She has
a lso been playi ng the pi ano
since she wa s six and bega n
her band instruction on the
c!ctrinet as a fourth-grader .
Patte r son beea n tP:irhin P he r
to play the ba ssoon two years
Sheila , who also sta rted
with the clarinet, now plays
oboe and hopes to learn to
play tl~e __saxophone or flute.
�~·, -~- .,
ey, Ju~e
44,,000 at Playlots Get Food Supplements Here
nation to take advantage of this
More than 44,000 underprivi- new feeding program, called
leged Atlanta youngsters have " Special F o o d Services for
star ted r eceivi ng between-meal Children." He added that this
supplements at supervised J7,S~ is one of USDA's first ventures
r eation centers, a feder al agncul ture officia l said here Tuesday . . .
" This is a cooperative ven' ture under the sponsorship of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) , the Campbell
Foundation, the Atlanta Board
of Education, conomic O or- ·
and t 1e
tunity Atlanta ( _._.
y ot Lian a c1arks a nd Recr eation Depa r tment," Haines
Presley explained in ,rn inLervie.w.
He sa id Atlanta's program is
the lar gest in the nation. " Estima tes indicate that as ,many as
...70,Q.00 children m ay be r eached
befor e the summer is over."
The between-mea l i s upplements, or " m ini-rnea1s," consist of such items as milk, sandwiches , fru its, br ead, jL1ices a nd
so on.
"These m ini-mea ls are prepared al 12 Atlanta schools a nd
then delivered twice daily to
. Imore tha n 100 s upervised pl aylots or r ecr eation centers,"
P resley pointed out.
But, he said, progra ms of this
type could not get off the ground
wi,thout help from private organizations such as the Campbell F oundation. "The fo undation has already contributed
$10,000 t o the s umm r project
to help pay for personnel. needed to pr epare the 'mini-meuls'
at ,t he 12 school ca fc4.erias," he
s a id.
Presley said more 1han $500,000 has been set aside for the
· ·· program by USDA. Al lanta is
one· nl' ll1t• Ii, : I ,·iii,··; i,1 Iii,·
in urban feeding.
EOA's Mike Ray, coordinator
of the summer feeding program ,
said "Although _the program i3
r ec>.ciy to go, we a-re low on supt
/ ~
plies of · cardboard boxes .a nd m ight be a·ble to contribute
sandwich bags. ·
boxes and sandwich bags," Ray
"Interest in the program has said. "That way, all the USDA
been running high, and we :-: , funds could be spent on fo::.d for
in hopes that local industries I these needy children."
',.::::: 0
-. -
f;-=i !n ::·,('· 1j
Staff Writer
- ~
•.. y
time yo!tJLf~e r_fo r.Econom ic
_Qr.o.9~LY..!- _1J_,~n.t1;_
"'Arte r is not a typica l work-
" To say tha t I'm sacrific'ing .awthing is ba loney. J just
Jove these kids. f'i ghting
pon:rty is li!,e fi ghting a fire
from a ci rinx i:ig foun t3 in wilh
a paper cup ."
This is the way Charles
Ar ..er , a Southsi je r esioen t,
feels a bout wor..ing as a f11ll-
er. He dcesn·t have n ordi nary· job b"cause he !oesn't
ner:.-d the money , since he r ecei es an income from an
in ie rit e d trust fund .
"I came to At Rnta \': it.I a
fri end from Akron, Ohi o. J
ha d rec i•..-ed a degree ln e~onom ics from Amhers t Col-
, ~ -• .~
' ' :l' bJ
fj Li~~ ((··.<I
~ ·
lege , a nd my fr iend was atteDdin(T
E mory · b siness
sc hcol. He an u I began loo ·ing
for worl and found j obs in a
soci al welfare ag nc y.
Arter fou nd soci a l work
unre wardin::;, he sa id, because he was " not a liowed to
do any tbne I felt v,as relevant or worth \·hi le."
v;ith i ic orr;,rni.zati on ever
since. He feels he is he lping to
brid.ze the ap oetv1·een black.
and 1hite peo le .
find -·animosity amona
· j bl2.cb:; but I can under tand
ma j ority
are r ec1l!y
fri cn,.iy. Tl,cs kids 3re ca nd:d . They 'll test you , and they
can spot a hoiJe . ' '
J us! being in the area has
l awa:ened rter to t .e needs
more arid better schools,
~ for
1 rernc ial reading classes , Je3s
cro wded classrooms .
t..---_en \HI.ES \WITH .\ \I) nrn-:,Jh
..,-t,i~~t \\ ti!·l,t' r an d C'.1p_i) •>! .\\ 1•, Pupil ~
�(' ·\
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By E.RN.EST i' I . PHJ...R,
William \V, (Bill) AJ.l ison,
who will on J uly 15, become
the firs t blac k Executive Administra to;: of Ec on_o_.rn l:c..D..P.::
portun ity _ E.QA): \','.hose pro·adm ir1 iscer prim arily
t o black peop e, told the Ir quirer this week he " will
s tress greate r deve opment
and us e of community resour ces to ass ist EO,\ in
this job of fi ghting poveny.' '
Allison, who came to EO,\
In l965 . Director of P lanning, is moving up from the
numbe r two pos ition as De puty Director bec a use pre s e nt head T . i\l. (J im ) P a rha m is accepting a position
with the Institutc= of Government at the Unive r sity of
Gebrgia .
P2r ham , who will be R spe cia li st in the fie ld of social
we lfare , discussed his tenure as EOA head t his wee'·
with the Inquire r , noting,
"i fee l reF. I goo. a bout my
te rm at EO:\ , We ' ve m ade
s ome or an izationa l pro gress and s ome· key s taff
members ha,·e deve loped
very nicely and are r eady to
ste p in. "
Of Allison , he sa id , ·,.1
t hink we c ouldn ' t have fOLmcl
a better man to take ove 1·.
He 's bee n 2n importan t p2rt
of impro\'e org?.iliza tional
ga ins . He ' s demonstrated his
ability to work with e \·ery
le Ye l of the c ommtmity an
t he s taff hes conf ide:ice in
him ,"
Alli son , a 195() gra uateof
Dooker T, \i as L :;ton High
School here , earned hi s undergraduate degree from
Oe Pauw
Univers ity
Gree nc a s ,k, In,. ia na in 195-L
He Sf)t!nt two ye ai-s wilh t!.e
U.S. Army i\'ledic2.l Corps in
Europe and in 1956 atten, ed
' j
·-· '\ •. {I
~- -_J
Nonhwestern Law School. A
ho de r of the :S.l ,_..\ . de gr c in
P ubl i::: • d ministr:; tion fr om
the University of P itts ur gh,
he s ent 1957 in the :--tidd le
East on a pilgrimage towards
the c eate r ·of the Baha ' i fa ith.
Fi-om 195S to 1963 , he was
a r esearc h;, ssociate ,•:iC:1 the
Counci l on Econom ic and
Culturn l Affa ir s, funded by
J ohn D. Rockefelle r , Ill.He
d id r esearch on pon:-rty in
the Phil!ipines, Befor e c oming to EOA , :ie v:as Director
of the :--!erit Employmen t
Program for Am er i:::an
Fr·ie nds Service Committee
in lligh Point, N,C.
A ske ii a nticip.; ted an y
problems as a black administra tor of EO_·\ , Alli s on s2.id , "I anticipate tha t
r\ tla nta will c onfer upon me
the same honor and 1-es ec t
a s estowec u on my predecessors ."
(C. 0 , E mmer ich p_n,i Parham )
One si e li:;'. ht to the Alli:;on ar,po intin ::nt c omes from
l\.lrs . Xernona Chyton , col··
unlll ist,. T\' i-v r sona li ry and
t\lode l ' itie s s taffer , who r:2t hat
"some::i dy
m arki'd
ought tv give Bill an honor. "
i •t . ,·
I .. ti".I
U...:u c;:.:J
i\e gro woman, :\lrs.
Clay ton s a id , r eacted \':ith,
"! d on 't see 11·hy nobody
s hould ho11or· him . He ain 't
hired no l\egroes yet. I-le
a in' t gonna gi ve no i\egroes
jobs . Sam e differe nce . " (:\1lison d oe sn ' t assume his
new du ' '-es until J uly 15).
Speaking of Parham, Alli··
s on s a id , "I t hink this is a
loss fo r EO.-\ , 1-le ' s been a
good dir ector , but I have a
lot of inte rest in this progra m a nd look t o direct a
lar ge program such as EO.-\
with a cons iderable dezree
of enthusiasm , "
Al lison , who will s uper vise !~ neig-h orhooj s ervice c enters , some 38 different progr ams and an annual bLdget of $11 mil!io:- ,
s a id, " l will be trying to
s t ress greater devel opment
and use of c ommunity resources to assist EOA in this
job Qf fi ghting pove rty.
�. ATL-ts.J\TA DAiLY WORLD TJ-!UPvSDA Y, Jli:-.-E 26, 1 969
- r~:v~~,.,
~ C -~~·
Nine different agencie·s are
co mbining their sources ai ct
se rv i ces t o offer many residents of Fulton County a free
h ea lih check~up this sum1 er.
T he County anciState Health
D epa r tment in
c ooperat ion
with th e !11 edica l Society, Red
Cr os s, TB Associat i on, E. O.
D L'lb etes
As socia tion,
Model Cit ies, and the city oi
Atl an ta will offer A tl ant ns
t ests f or tuberculosis , diabet es, syphilis , emp 1ysema, and
bronch i t i s.
"Health F airs" will take
place at every f,.,...--:r-.. '. ·': - . .
b_g__rh_q~E?..U' ; . ,<;;. f:nt~r
rFulfon County . l)fficials of the
H ea lth D e artmeRt and E . O.
A. encourage all t e:magersand
adults i n t he ::. r ea t o tak e adv anta ge of these frees rvices .
Ac cording t o tllrs. Ol ivia
Pull ens,
chai rman of the
h ealth committe e in t he Peny
Homes area, "These areas
are overcrowded and far from
doct ors and druggists .
Some people wou l d never
k now about these· diseases or
wh ether t hey have them with
ou t something like t he Hea lth
Fai r. We need to catch these
thinbs ea rly . All we' re doing
i s asking t he people to comE
out and get these te sts r i ght
th e
spot at t he EOA
Cen t ers"
T he Health Fairs will take
place f rom noon to nine p . m .
at these E.O.A.Centers on th e
f ollow i ng"cfates: Central Citv J uly 1, Kortl1 Fulton -July -8,
Nash - Washin~ton- July 15,-- f Northwest Perry- - July 22, -1South Fu lton -July 29,
1 Central-Au gus t 5, Sum-tlle<'A ugust 12, P i ttsbu r gh-August
1 9, . West C ent r al-August 26 ,
\Ve st End-Se tembe r 2.
- -- - - - - - - - -
C eri ter
anrl Chdt
J ou rn ;i l, f'or.s (il n ll on Wash in::. t :,n J~:1rc:t u
WASHl:-iGTON - Foliov:ing is
a summary of le'.;scr grant;; to
Georgi a and the A la11la ,ll'ea .
announced by federal c1gencies _
and department· lac;t week.
From the Office of Economic
Opportunity -- $176,!lf:!l (pa rt of ;
total gra nt o $210,0GO) to_E£.~:.'.
nn1J.1ic-.O.rmm· 1111ilv /-.tlanLa for·
the cont it1iiing•.operalion of a
parent and child CL'nl cr .
F rom tile Depr,rlme nl of Jlous- ·
ing c1n . lJrban Develop ncnl-$'.l7 .56-l to Atlci nla for incr ecisecl
cosl~ of site imprn-,·cmcnts for
the Georgia Tech urba n r enewct!
From lhe Depar tment of Commerce-$57,6CO to the Cenlral
Sm·annah Jfo:er Area Planning'
and Dc\·elopmenl Comm i,-~ion lo
help eco;icm ic grrmU, planning
for Bu r,e, Columbia , E m,rnuel ,
Gl ascock. J efferson. J enkins ,
Linco n. \ lcDuffi c, Hichm onrl.
Screven. 'fal ifer ro, W?. tTcn and
\\'i lkcs counties.
§ THE ATLA!'iTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, Jun e 27, 1969
Continued from Page 1
time, but we were never dlvorced. I would like to know if I can
draw his Social Security. I a m 53, have no means of support
and am not able t,J work. - Mrs. A. R.
If you are disabled, you can probably draw Social Security,
provided that you meet the other requiremenLs. The fact that
you were separated from your husband will not affect your
case: Check with your local Social Security office.
Can a F ulton County dog catcher Nmc onto private property to remove a dog?-L. G. F.
Not if he doesn't have the permission of the owner of the
- -·· \
.I' interested in the Rent-a-Kid program. I have a lot of
work to be clone around my house, and I'd like to get some
youngsters to do it:. Can you tell how I can get in touch with this
program?- '.\1. C., East Point.
To empioy one of these youngsters, you may call the Renta-Kid office at 577-5522. They are between the ages of 14 and 15
a nd perform the traditional summertime clean-up, fix up jobs.
They also do baby sitting. The baby sitters get 75 cents an hour
in the daytime and $1 an hour at night. The fixup, clean-up
youngsters earn $1.35 an . hour. The program is spo nsored J-.y
- - - '----:~
-- - --- -----~---
How does Georgia rank in land area among tbe Southeastern states?-Q.M., Smyrna.
Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River,
with a total land area of 58,876 square miles.
· Thursday, June 19, 1969
· · ~rfl
s n -~et
_ Thoma . i\1. c.:.run" Parham has r esigned as executive adminisf;rak, of Eco·1~"'ic O:ir:i~;ttv Atlanta (EOA) and Dep- .
uty Administrator- \\·1lfoun 1.-V.
1son has '1ieen appointed to fi ll
b is. position.
•. Allison will be the firsl ! '-egro
to head t he agency which administer poverty programs for
Atlanta and Fulton. Gwinnett &.
and Rockdale comtties.
· Parham, 42. res1gned eff ctive July 15 to jui'.n .the staff oE
the Institute of Go i.--ernme
the ·university of Georgia in
6 tilens.
· l ri his letter of resignation.
Parham, who has headed EOA
for the pa st two years, said he
hopes to dcrnte his time to
':matter s of long-time professional interest, such as child
welfare, crime and delinqu_~ncy and income maintenance for
the poor:•
THE EOA BOdRD of directors, accepting Pamam's resignation "with very ,~~ep regre t ,"
said he has been "·<'..n able .adJill PARHAM
m inistrator and a sensitive
Going To · Athens
.. Allison. 35, lias: been on t he I EO. staff since the organization was founded four years ago .
. In ,acrepti.ng lhe $20,000 a year
' job, he said he will "follow ,
the same ge era! goa!s that my
pr:::dc-cessor has pursued."
. G. Clinton Rodgers, associa te
adminish-a,Lor for manpower,
was app,:,intcd ~o replace Allison
as cieputy admiruslrator.
(.. ,
-· /
~ i ; . , ......
iI -...\,
' I ( ' ,., ••,' '
I .I!!
ll \.1 :._·; t..: 1 t..
A yea r a·go , the \ \ 'est _
En Neighh0rh oo .
Service C,:,Qt~.J,:_j1!it i2.ts,d ;,. uniq 2 pro 6 -arn• to · ·
Lus\rffie ffl<:: t..:nds ~nJ m ines of htinGff,.S cf
jobless , moneyless ki s clesil·ing wol'l: dtu·i g
the sum mt:r, ~-l nny of t he::;e c .i lu:·cn W<!::e
un er 16 and financin ll y dep.::nde:it on thems e lves. T hey v:a ntcj to e arn m oney so the y
c ou d go bac to sc hool in th- fa ll vl h e: equate mone y fo r clothing , trr-.nspo, t:>.tio11 to ·
school e.n. lunch 1 ,one y.
Ar rro r iatdy c a lkd Rent-A-l'U , the non· ·
profit program la st year oreratcu on a shoes tr ing budget and was blc t o organize , sup-ervise and p ace a out '100 c ildren in jo. s
t hrong ollt the Atlanta area . T ,e P• , gram was so popt ' ,.r with kids l 1unse~vcs
tl,::. t by t he end of the s um me th. 1·e w::>re
m :rny , many mo re boys ~n, gids on r~scrve
\Vf.it!ng lists t h:i.n t ..:: re \Vere c1.ctu:: !:,· \";or~~ing.
T his summer , the !\layer ' s Council on
Yc•uth t!f,.s ex anclecl the Rent-A - ' i prngn:m
t o tap tie youth re&ource::; in ten L'" r:•r ivi. le8ed sect ions thro ughout t c fiv~ count · \ :8 ·.
ro o ita.n are~.
A p icture of the average Rent-A- f~id rev a ls t nt he is 15 years old, h~.s si., broth-e rs and sisters , lives in a hcnse ,old \'1.1ere
t here is 110 •fath r r c:;n hl s mot ,or works.
He lives in U0!ic housjng, sh:ircs a .ed w·r:h
t le2.st two oti.?r chil:!1·en anJ e::;ts o;,e Rn:::i a
h?.lf mea s p:.!r cl,iy , His fo m ily ' s income is
less rh:in $3 ,000 per .year. He i s as e2.ge r to
v;or k as he i s to eat.
Re r:t-A- ICi. s c a 1nio \v lawns , trim s u b2ry,
cban fi o-.·.-~;: ds , was. win:lows , move fu r nituJ~e , cle an out bc.semeut s , attics and garage s,
p:1 int ( vith sL1per ision), m end and hem , ir on ,
b::ibys it, was., c ars and m any other things that
are not listed h,:;i·c . Ch1rnces ar e , if t he u iic
need s a job to be clon th at is not l is ted here ,
a Rent·-A - l'id will be able to fi t t he bill .
They are a va ila ble from Mondays t irough
P r ida ys from 9 to 5 an on S .. t urd ays from 9
t o l. T he y work on a n hourly bas is ·iti1 an
avere.ge c.,art:'= of $1.35 per hour or 75 ce nts
an hour· fo r 2bysittieg during t he ay. Ti:2
c h.:11·ge , however, is fbxible de .~ nding on t he
t ypa o: ,·,or.· to b0 done .
T h'=' kids are willing and cager , but thesuc -ces~ of t he program deper, s entirely on the
jobs a\',iilablc for t em. This is wher . 1e:.ro :;, it 0.l! r.::-e r eE. jent- come in, Look arom1d
t e t,ouse. Loo!: arotm t e yard . Look ar oun
t he basement or the attic. Loo. "tall tha t you
wis h to do s.n d o not have time ro do.
T hen , thin!: of t , e mr.ny c hil,.,ren who Leg,
" Do you know where I ce.n get· a job? "
A n:i call 577 - 5252 . Yoti nee
the h.;:lp. . .
�-. .
- - ---
THE AT"...A!'\'TA CONSTITUTIO:'.'I', Wcdncsclny, June 25, 1969
.·-... .
- - -- - . . . ._ -
To ·F,1n1il1 of 11
Walt Anderson , the tough-talking ex-Marine now fighting poverty, was given a house the other day to be used to he!p young
people. Anderson, in turn, is giving it away to a family with
eight children.
' "What the hell." Anderson mons ," Anderson said. "I looked
said Tuesday. " Helping eight at it and saw it was a deed .. .
· kids is as imr;ortant as helping I thought, 'How could · I ha\·e
-80. They' ll ha ve a home the rest bought someth ing and foq3"otten
of their lives and sec urity it?· I thought I ,ms being sued.
they 've never had."
I was shaky."
It happened this way :
l Pilcher said he 'd give tr.e
Associate City Attorney J ames I hous~. at 429 Da rgan Place SW
P ilcher called Ande rson l ast , m \Vest End. to Anderson to be
week and asked the Econorni,.. · used for the benefit of yo uth. I
~orsugitv Atlanta ~=ferro Pilcher said S3.430 ~till was
ne oy Eis umce.
owed on the lot. but still sturdy,
With Anderso n siWng in front : structure.
of him, Pilcher reached inside NEEDS REPArnS
his coat pocket and pulled out
Anderson agreed. then went
a slip of paper.
I out to look at the house, which
•·1 thought it was a sum- ! sits on a high ground with trash
and weeds front and back. It
-- - f has solid walls but needs considerable repairs. David L. Park1 er. a. 35-year-old
sign painted
witb a wife , eight children and
an sister-in-law, live the re.
Anderson thought about it and
asked if Parker 1Youid like to
own his own home.
·· He thought I was a · con
·artist. ·· Anderson said. "so I
ga ve him some names of people
to check with. I guess he did
because he called me a couple
days later and sa id okay.· ·
Anderson asl;ecl Wilson .\lcClure. dirertor of the West Encl
Urban Renewal Project, to he!p
and the las, arrangements are
I. being mad~ th is week.
__ _
, $83 A ~vlO:\"l'H
Parker will take o\·er the S83
'a month payments and begin
paying another $55 a month for
the SlU.000 reha bi:itation to be
carried out through i\.IcClure·s
· office. The $33 payments will be
due for only a c;ouple of years
or so - the $55 will be due for
20 vears.
l\:lcClure will send a Georgia
State College urban life intern
out to work wi th the Parkers :
on budgeting this swnme r. He ;
believes the Parkers can handle '
the payments because both work ·
- she in a restaurant.
• ··r just hope I'111 doing t'1e
right thing.·· Anderson s2jd .
�Ff-·[ , J/ 11 ·1•··
~:';1 P ' p"
r.=-:J •.:.'; -
chanm.d wi t' its beauty and
,·c1ri etr.
Si x Flag;; O·;c-r Gco:·~i" to
,;Tl' s not a bil like :\loot1c\·'s
sec 85 li ttie He;id St;irl children from th;;-tfr11i:~~1r.:mcc; La ke us2d tr, be ."' I marvelied
to pl otog ~a p 1er Bill \\'il ,;r,:i,
. nursery launchl d on ·aarif s
outing, pro1·i cd by readers . thi nking of U1e days 11·hc11 I
took m · children there for a
who senl in conlribuli ons of
big outing.
green s t a m p s and ~omc
money . I came a11·ay from my
A DAY OR SO before two
fi rst gl.i.mpse of thi s \'a st
fri en~ls , Caroly n B e c k n c l l
am usement park t o L a 11 y
Mann and Leah Loga n, spo ·c
cosily in my pres2nce of new
Ce estine Si bley's column
appears i n The Atla l! ta Const itul'icn .
pl aces to eat in our town.
Thcv asked i'nc ho-,1· I li:.:ed the
Lio1i 's Head a1,d The Ab!wv
and I said , " Huh'1 \\'hal .-s
"You have io ge l out and
sec more ." Ca ro:1·n told me
fi rm!)'. "We 're: going lo take
you in hand. "
And I mad e a resolu~ion to
get oul more and see more
anrl w -·nt slraight homr ,
fl ushe
with righ teousness
born of new resolve, ch,rng0d
lo my jeans and stra ·: h::it
and went blackberryin g.
JN SPITE of 1,·b2t I say, I
r ea ll y enjoy ihe q11iet co~mlry
pleasures. Black berries ar e
reaching their pea · around
Sweet Apple settlement now
and it would be terrible to be
k it ing· off to Seven Fl ags or
some entici ng new resta urant
ea tirig all mann er of gorgeous
food when the blc1c ·bt:rric.s
are hangi.J 1g · then~ on the vine
grtt ing over-ripe.
Some prople can pc1ss up
bl ackberries, I real ize. The re
are those who are afrc.id of
sn akes and tho~e who hale
bri ar~ and c,·cn more who ar..,
tu rned ba ck b\' chi~gers.
Bu i I kno11· of rw nlrasrinte r
way to pass the ho;1rs of the
sun·s setling and twili ght's
setllin g in than in a c-crt:1in
pa::.:(ure do1rn on Little Hi\'Cr
pi c:!,ing bcfl' ics.
The hav h::i. hrfn Frr., 11lv
cut and t:12 random straw(c_;
1hc mowers lcH h Ve turned
to gold. Th e summer , un h:.i.;
dried them and in (he dr:-·i ng
bro ught out t.i1at S\\'ed July
fra grance that's like none
oth er. In the oak t recs on the
hil:s the Ju y fli r.;; sav; av:ay
and dow 1 on the ri1·er ban·
frogs start th eir late c\·cniiig
symphony, puncln ating it \':ith
an occasiona l soft, coolin g
" plop" into the w::tcr.
A mock ingb ird sings fr om
th e beaut ifu l big poplc1r in the
center of the pc1sture ai1'.l cardina ls make gentle n:r;ht-coming-on murmui'ings in the alders by th e »trearn.
IT'S E_ASY Lo reach the li ttl e berri es and there are
pl en,y of them but Lhc big
on es , th e long bl ue b! ack onrs
that look as fat and tempting
as li LLlc sausages , hang way
bac: _in the bri ars.
I al \';ays pause be fore
reaching for one of them and
th.:-n. fu lo·.\'ing t:1e cxdrnple of
my nPig-hbnr Doc. T s[a;;,p on
th e ground, rustle the bu 5hcs
,i ml sin g lu!-lily.
" You can'l see snake, 11 ·hcn
it's this thick ," says Doc,
plunl:ing a ha ndful of berr ies
info his bucket 1rith a tu nefu l
sound. "I li ke to th ink the
sna ·es can't see me eith er."
IT'S THE PROPER attitude
for a acdicated b!ack-berrver
and it ma. ·es fur a mu.si'cal
out in er. At one rnd ofJ th e pasture Doe heists a tu ne abou t
fai thless lo\'Crs. At 111\' end I
sing my fa, -oritc, "I Don 't
Wa nt io Walk \','ithou You,
Baby." ll1 E;antng juo:t th e opposite if c 11y snakes 2rc listen in g ai1d in be!l':ecn I hear
a mtunL:ed c11rsf fro m somcbG,,r/y wiJ,) \•· as briar ~ ,afcbcd
and r,rndo:n slap~ at mo;;qu itos a:id hor.-e mes.
IT'S NOT Si·.:: Flaf;~ . n0r ycl
go ing out lo dimir·r. Hui if. rc:~1ll ls i,, fi-·c r0:)h!er and a fr,·;
ghssc.: , t Pie preltic.•t jc-lly
you ever saw.
(' i
THE VOICE-June 22~ 1969-P c
4(,"'1-1,:' ;.; , h ,a
'I i
The Manpower Develop- ·
ment Training Center, 111
Ivy Street N. E. hold:'! Community day activitie:'! on
'!day, June 19, l 969.
1 From 12 noou .to 4:*J p.m.
i The purpo:'!e i3 to offer the
community in the City of
Atlanta an opportunity to
visit our center, and to view
· the
facilitias · ·and our
trainee:'! at work.
The Manpower Training
<;:!,!Ete_~ !~ . _t!1e f~cili!Y p~of
vided by the .Divi s ion of
Voca_tional Technical and adult Education; Atlanta Public Schools to provide train··
ing to unemployed and underemployed youth:'! and adult:
male and female,
through individualized industrialization tra_ining, and
guides them through a :'!eries
of experiences which lead to
prospective :'!Ucce:'!:'!ful employment
of Vocational
classe:'! are being held in
the following areas: Weld- · i~1t ' ;
ing, Automotive Mechanic,
i'i.° ,·.,
I • '
Clerk Gen Office (2 cla:'!:'!e:'!) L
Seamtre::i:'!, Cook, Hotel and
Restaurant, Barbering and
The Curriculum includes
two hour5 of Ba:'!ic Educator,
four hour:'! of shop or (Lab),
2 hour5 of related :rnbject
(Note: r e lated could be replaced by per5onal lmpro:vement and Human Relation:'!).
will be L,..,.,.,¥ ....,L
'!erved on a continuous ba:'!iS
on that Day.
C .
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Youngsters Get
·- Opportunity to
· Be Creative
Atlanta children can spend
their summer creatively this
year and the Atlanta Park~ and
,Recreation Commission will pick
up the tab .
The Central City Recreation
Center hold free crafts classes
_every Wednesday from 10 a.m.
to noon for children from five
to 16 years old. Some of the
offered programs are sculpmetal, clay, acrylic and painting.
· Registration for the program , ~which is partially funded by
~n9mig OpportunitiY Atlant~.
!IS e1ng eld at the Central City
-. Center at 717 Marietta St. SW.
·- I
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,-;:::;•:;:::-; OF G 'S E ::-; 1::TT & ,~U F ORD ADVF.~TJSEJ"~--V,E D., J li~{S 1S, l!J G:J--5-}~
!u -r777;·
. . .': n~i!
-:L I .1,.·_. l .,'- ·u .J. _J_
men1l:e~sfiip r.:[ t;1is Cour-~~H re·
pres 2r:ts in tt':. tru::-st s=: :1s: t·.~e
" !JJ.rt:l~= s~1:9 :::,7 E::-a1t h· c::0£1~1.::1~ ·,::ftic:1 is -:t:,e l:,3sis oi ?ederi l ;: :· _~;·')r t .. _ s=1ch l~e~Hh r1:nn11~r:;. Tt.0. CouE.-.:;il .:c1n£~:·i.s€:s lJcz.. i ; :.1·,·.:rn;-11:~ :_-::;; 0:1.jor 9la;:2l.ir,z
a~~t ci-= s, ~eCT-1~~1 r, :-8~.-:.~~rs, e-_e
The long process or org2.ni za-
tion and commur.Hy i1wd : <:mer.t
cl i rn2 "-··:d successi·1l1y ,,:;he n tii.e
r: el'I " ~.ietr,);:olitan ,\t\ar.ta Cou;icil for 1-!1;~1~..1 " rr,et f?r th -~ n~st
ti me :ind accep::·; forrr. ·0.Ey t':;~
r e5r~or:s :~ility for ~ idii":.:;; ti'"'. e
C:e s•i'.1'.?. S oi com9r;;i12,\Sln f, C-,'.Hh pLc:1;,in~ in th'" six -c·Jur.ty r.,e-
poor ar:.1
tro '.)u\L'l.n area.
The si:·; cc.rn;ics r29res8r.r£d
are Ft1l~on, CJi;:J , I:~K~ib, Cl2.yton, G·:::ri:12 tt, ,::,d D,, ,, :;;l:is. Tt2
m..: .::-1!-? clc.ss.
At t2 1.~:~5 t~ ~ :-:: ~-=.H ir. 5
( 'i ::~:1!~2 L.C ~ G-~ :-.:-. · :~ ~f: :-~~);t. 1~1: . rt.
Pr'..!! tt1
C;- -=. f= :; ·, 2. ~, ·3·;:
Cot! Jt:t Con1 nL::"' ,;i, ;11
2nd ?cvfj
- [ ) - -...
_ ,._
Ee 3 . Brous;l:ton oi the GwL·!;iett
Cc·l'l::· '::O,'. .
comr;.-:L:~~nsive "
T :1-; t~
rr;;;a,15 ,!lat e·112 ry 1spect of tr,~
hc:1!,h landsc:ir-= Hill r, 9 b!:0:1
tnto 2.ccr..uilt . ·1.,hi,:, i:1c1uC:,Js rlan11:r.[ io r illness ,.nd injc1ry 2.3 ,·,en
~ts er:r !r onn1::r:t~.l cc:,.lrols cifair~
·;;;2ter , soil , foou , dL;e::ise vec0, ,;, ': :.•1si!l'.; c.:i,:':!s :nd co:1s:::-:.1 ::~
til') n :1 ~:J .: : 3 i 3 G:.~ cos:.; t, . !i:e
~·::; ~(IS 0f !:-1::-:/1-; ~1; .?.~til, 02:·::8.l
~.2:1·. ~:!, 2!:d reh:1hU itc.tion ff1t; St
\21 .
u -0 - 1:.:.).. 0
also be cor.sid2r0d.
?·/l r. A.• B. P2dge tt, Trl!St c ifi ..
cer, T,:us t Com.9~ny of G2c.:·;(1
and Ch1iman 0f \111~ Co r.,r;1ur,,:y v,ide Stea rinJ Coa1 n1 U~ e~ ~.-,· :::,:r~
brcc1gh t the Co~r,cil i:itu t ::I~.-;;
p:;:- 2-;ided ov er tht: initial rr.0-:- :'. r,z
of tll e Co:,:icil ,
Dr, R~c)hac:l B. Le·,ine , Di r e~.to r
oi the Cor:--1pr':: h~~:s i·!e .-~!"t: D·:.·::..!!)
E~~.i:.h Pl annir:; ?:-0J ·: ;tJ ~h f~ cz·g:11'..i::s.tion ·:.tdc:1 1s doi;.~ ~;:~
grouri:jwor·k for tJ :; fStc.bts~inn:nt
,. --...
-~-.:a-", )
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r:e·,v C.o'.r.l:':i1 , r evi;::Y;e
i~.1 l::avc iu!"'revie,:i.:; R!l l:1:8lth-
r :lated plans ori~ :-_2.ti!1 :; in the
CJUl:TlUEity- ",;-id e
~ ;,,..:.,
,,--,_ l·1--Z_. .., l ,j...;•
·- - ------·- -·- - --- ---·
t2c~_:-1i c:11 ar." or~?-r-J:.:'1: :i:-n~ 1prog::e,;;s to d1te. r:e c;: .,1:,,0:1:.'"d e,;i
t :2 ~.IJ[ho ci~_- ,;:f~i~: r':i~ Counc!l
,.r-b- -
H~ conciud.-=d by s~: '.ir.5, " Idec~
'f excellenc~ r.J?Dd e:;.zrc.s~,on:ir.g
has t ~;;i.1n.
T 11lc; C0ui'.ci1 ar.d its;\\.a:-f:.,s143.215.248.55;--;:'·~~ -~~-~-~;~
~,-: :;_o-rti!Jsl ::~ -;_1,· ~ rr:t:s~ r:::·:..i_.;,: s: .1.i.l
~J I cur tec:ln:)lc;ie s 2. :td disc~i:;ll 'l=:S in crd ::: r co ')r~ se t..,e a:--.j
f!r~);-o~·_e ou r enviro~:-:ri1~n( 2.s ,:;e
.·r.ow n i'.OW. I! ·::e ,:!0 r:c. t -: l:,rt
~·r is;!:: wi: h a .se ;\50 of u1 ·;;:"; [:c:,
·.ye ~.-,- 111 :11i.s s
1t is ~ 5
L1:; tic:.: tions. Idea:; :-.;,~d :'::e,, s o
ti:C! p:; r.t?c::r!n5 rrc_.\::.!1 to·:;arcl
hsalrhLil , sGdal c~ r.=;;e 0n a m:i.i;-
~ri~ t9s ~ o_~:--0:-[·.:ni-~y v;e
nHnd?. ·r. ?. v~c· ~fo1·c 1.: df!rt 2~en
this comm u:i1tv
niv~. to 1t: .~·rov2
~~:: ~
1; :~~
.; : ~t ~--,~~
!12aith o
The West End Ne ighborhood Service Center of EOA
Monday recruited rrnd placed
75 young people . between the
ages of 14 and 21. in jobs for
the - summer through the
Neighborhood Youth Corps
Summer Program. The voung
people, who must be in school
from high school,. will fill a
inds J bs ror 75 Y u
variety of pooitioll.5 . Some
. will do clerical. maintenance.
and ·.recreation work .· Othe rs
will serve as teacher aides
and as aides in the Roy McGee Hea lth Center. Still others will be placed at the Girls·
Club and at the West End
Boys' Club.
The youths . who began ·ar-
riving at the Neighborhood
Center at 8 a.m. Monday .
have been placed in the 75
jobs a nd a re already at work .
The jobs will last through the
week of August 20. Mrs . Sarah Zimmermann. director of
the West End Service Center
By 4 p.m. Monday nea rly•
100 students had applied for
thejobs . "Allwehavetodois
whisper a job might be availa ble . Mrs. Zimmermann said.
"and the kids turn out enmasse. It makes you wonder
why some people say "these
people don't want to work."
Ossie Helton. Manpower
Youth Advisor at the West
End Center and Derral Fralish. coordinator for the sum-·;
mer NYC program at the center. handled the placement of
the students from lowpincome families
) /l·
. \\ E~T"EI\D STL DE I\TS \\ 'i\ lT AT CEI\TEB
To .lie- lnlen·ic\\ l'd for I\YC Su mnu•r E111plo~·111y111
- .JUfJE 28, 1969
Rent-A-Kid is placing an
ave rage of 50 youths a day in
jobs as it enters its third
week of oper ation. T he Economtc · -'Opportun it y ~
s po ns ored pr o Ject-place's
disadvanta ged y,,uths betwe en 14 and 16 in pa rt-time
summer jobs. This is an age
group excluded by othe r e m ~
ployme nt progr ams .
One ma n called and wanted
a Rent-A-Kid to babys it with
his four St. Bernard dogs .
A lil d~·, upon be ing told the r e
were·~no girls ava ilable tat
da y for dust ing, and clea ning ,
. hired a 14 year old boy inste ad. La ter . she ca lled to
rave a bo ut hi s work and ar :...
ran ged to hir e him a gain.
"Though t he fir s t two
weeks of ope ra tion we r e im pressive , I can s ee a d i lemm a appr oach in g, " s tate s
l{ent - A- Kid Admini s tra to r,
Mr s . J oy Ruyle . " :'-.!any of
the · c hild r e n ar e going to
become disat is fied when
the r e a r e no t enough jobs to
fill t he alre ady increasin g
,(11;:u-'0 !lment.
More t han 600 teenage rs
are now r e gis tered wi th
Rent-A- Kid .
For babysitting, c ar-washing, lawnmo1ving .or ironing,
the Ren t-A-Kid s are a \·a ilable fr offi 9 to 5 weekdays,
9 to l Sat ur days at ab,lUt
$ 1.3_5 a n hour or . 75 an ho ar
for babys itting.
To Re nt-A-Kid ca ll 5775252.
F ive fam il ies living in the
rura l are;_i between Roswell
and Alpharetta have joined
efforts in planting a community gar de n under the guida nce _of Lee.\ illi arns , -empl oyee of the North F ul ton
Center of EtJ'..Dornir· 9.E9J!_rt l¥}itv.A.t _t~,l~ The famili es involved in the
venture arc clients of William 's office and will use the
food grown in the ga rden lo
supplement the s urplus food
s tuff they r eceive monthly.
The families are composed
of eigh t , seve n, five, six and
/J "~-.-{ l ·.('(·c;
TW t'--lEI GHtlOR
fou r m embers. The children
who are old enough and the
parents who arc physica lly
able tend t 1e tract.
A banker from Alphare tta
volunteered to pa y for tl!e fertil;zer and the see - Jor the
garden. An au to dealer in
R oswell pa id fo r the dr ive r
ar.d t ractor for pl ow in° the
ground. An Alpharett woman , owning some rura l land ,
don:ited the tract for the garden . Willi ams organized the
famili es and is giving teclm ical assistance.
On July 8, from noon until
9:00 p.rn. at the .Nor.th__.Eul:
to~l':!..eighho.rh_ood Sem_c_e
Center of Economic Oppor-
!Uflit_y_ ~~JJta,.ln~~ted at
25 Oa SL. Roswell a_'._'. He_al~h
Happening" will be con1ucted
for the benefit of all North
Fulton area residents, regard1'.ess of inco me level.
A Mob.1"12 Health Unit will
be provided. Tests for tuber-·
cmosis, diabetes , veneral diseases, and chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Diseases
frespi tory troubles) will be
gjv en free of charge. Baby
sitting services will be provided for parents as they take the
examinations. Transportation
will be provided for those in
outlying a re.as who have need
ofsncb a service.
�\ JP\o·verty
yo:i efh§
1receE'"Je ruiu§I o
_i;:C tl.Ot,€){1( § !/l,f,1 ·g
Ei g hi g ift e d teenage nrn s ic i~n~ fro m
3cw-1 ncomc familiC's h,ll"e be en aw a rd e
i;~l10l arship s to th e F.a sk rn Mu sic Fr st iw;,J at Guilf ord Colle ge n e ar Green s boro ,
N.C. , thi s summer in a com pe li l iun
,,pon~orcd by Economic O pporluni t,, A ~
-~ Th ey
were selec te d afte r audition s
tefnre a pnne l of profe ss iona l mus ici an s
r,_d p o\·c rty-area re s ic e nls, acconiin " to
Dr. Benno Fr,mk . di rector. of '· C1'e .live
Atl a nta," EO . 's summer· arts pro grnm .
ad d itiona l s chol ars hip s a re still
rendi ng.
Tn e fes tival progra m , which \1·ill nm
from J u nc 20 lo Au g. 1, will i nclude
r,ioff.s . iona l art i,ts an d · in,;lrurn ent,il
mu~i c ,;tuclcnls from a ll ov er th e n c1 ti on .
Etuclrn ts will be g i1·en pri1·at e i ns(rn ci) u1 i.ly t ,, e pro k~s ionaJ mus icians .
r~rtici polion of po1·e rty youth s is
c · r,r, ss ib! e throu g h an O EO g r,1 n(
1o fiq, Southca~tc rn c i l i C' . . Th e
1cl;0Jarships include tuit ion , Jivin g
J1€ 1,sts, a clolhin g a ltow;i nce , tr;:inspor! a-·
1imi; and inc iclcnt a Js . ·
S-M .l
):ft,irin g° _(lie summel' th ~ stud ents \riil
~resent nu me r ous public pe rfor mances,
ii;c:luding a p rni,;r:•m on N01'lh (';,ro lin a ·.
u 1ur,,tion:1 J TV s!:iti on . Pl :ins a re als o
i e11~g made for a Whit e H ouse pe r for~.r.f,n,ce _in t he f a ll.
Implementation of a summer feeding ·program . which
will provide mini-meals to an
estima ted 70,000 Atlanta
• children before the summe r is
over. bega n Monday. 1\1.
Agnes J ones F:l crncntary
School. located on Fair Street
in southwes t Atlanta . is one of
12 Atlanta schools selec ted to
serve as a food i repara tion
and di stributi on point.
The between-meal supplements which will be trucked
twice c1 day to parks and p!ay- Atlan ts IS or.c Ol the lirSt pare the mini-meals a t the 12
lots. will consist of such i terns cities in the nation to take ,:chool cafetcri.a s . .
as milk. sandwiches, fru its, ad vantage of the ne\v feeding
breads and juice. A number of • procrram made available by
West Encl supervised playlcts the US Department of Agriand recreation centers arc ·culture 's "Specia l Food Seramong the 100 to partici- vice Pro" ram for Children."
pate in the program.
Atlanta 's program is reported .
Among those already bcin0 to be the largest in the nation.
served in WC'st End arc 0:.1kAlthough USDA provides
land City East. Howel l Park. most of the fun s and food for
West End Park. and Commu- · this program. its actua l opernity of Hope. \1orc will be ation is the result of cooperaadded as the program gets tion and hard work by offi cials of the city , the Atlarita
into full swing.
Boa rd of Educa tion, lheAtlanta P:irks and Recreation
Department and E conom ic
.-9., port.uni ty_ A !c11i ta. -·~
sa1u Mi°keRay.--wl10- is with
EOA-i!,!_!f]is coordina ting the
--sm'itmer feeding program .
Ray said that ·'a lthough !he
program is ready to go, we
are low on supplies of cardboard boxe and ~andwich
bags. " He sa id he hopes local
industries wiil contribute
boxes and sandwich bags.
Tha t way, a ll of the USDA
fn n .,s could be spent on food
fo r these needy children," he
The Campbell Foundation
of Atlanta has a lready contributed $10.COO lo the
summer project to help pay
fo r _personnel needed to pre-
@~ ~ $ ~~
~ fi~W©J
) .
at Guilford · College -near ·
Greensboro. N. C. this sum-.
mer. He leaves Friday for
Guilford, where he will ·
spe nd six weeks under the
guidance of
professional. ·
musicians, including band ·
directors, orche stra leaders and band and symphony
Claude O'Donell,
Marshall 's string instrument
teacher at Collier Heights, ·
said Marshall was well advanced for his age. Marshall is also taking private
lessons from Reginald \\'hitworth, a student at Georgia_
State and an advanced stu-·
deni: of Mr. Don Schumacher,
first cellist with the Atlanta
Symphony Orchestr a.
Marshall does
thing instinctive!,' correct,"
said O'Donnell. "He learns
very fast,"
Mar shall has been playing
Marshall Hall On The Bass
Marshall Hall, 12 yearold student at Collier
Heights Elementary School,
w.ould like to play in a professional orchestra someday. And thanks ':_o Economic .
Qpgortunity Atla'!ta he JUSt
might get the chance.
Of course, anyone with
the exceptional musical taI ent which Marshall has probably would not go through
life without someone discove ring him. But EOA has
made it possible for some..:
one to work with his talents
at an early age.
Marshall has been selected as one of ten scholarship winners to attend
the Eastern Music Festival
for only two. years but can
al ready claim a knowledge of
more than one Instrument.
He also plays the bass·.
"I like to play the bass,"
said Marshall, but I will
be taking a cello with me
to the festival."
Marshall practices everyday for an hour but this
· summe r he will find himself
practicing every day for six
weeks. He ought to love that.
r ·
t THE ATL.3-~-=1'. ! CONSTITIJTION, Friday, Jun~ 2_1, _1_269
Celestine Si°bley
Sh.a ron Finds a Friend
The near-misses in life are probably the m ost terrifying thing about it.
If you hadn't been at a particular place at a p articular time what might
have happened .to rm? If a certain person hadn't seen you and spoken to you
at a sp ;re ::r,::vJ.
l, \'\;here would you be now? I've had the happenstance
a spects " i1c ii ·rlty ·mind a great deal the last few days because of a report which a young writer ·named Edward Downs Jr. made on the case
of a· little Negro girl named Sharon.
Sharon -is almost 13 years old and she lives
" . . . Everybody took it for
in that area west of the Atlanta stadium called
Mechanicsville. Life isn't easy for most people
granted that S h a ron was in ental-4t Mechanicsville and it doesn't seem possible
ly retarded. Her efforts at talk
that it could be r emotely co:mfor.table for
gibberish. She clearly did
Sharon and her family. There are about 20 of
not understand what was said to
them - 16 children at last count - living in a
three and a half room house. Her father, unedher ... Then Sharon found a
ucated and untrained for any kind of work,
. l"
f n.enc
. had a poor-paying job until ,r ecently but it fizzled ouf and according to the last report he
that at some point in the little girl's life before
was on the street looking aga in.
she reached her 13th birthday but you don't
None of this looks pa rticularly jolly for a litkn ow how confusing and bewildf? ring life can
tle girl ·but on top of tha t everybody took it for
get for 20 people i n furee and a half room s.
granted tha t Sharon was m entally r etarded.
When the scramble fur food is fren zied and
Her efforts at talk were gibberish. She clearly
there's not enough of anything to go around
didn't understand what was said to her. The
you might stop paying attention to other trouregular escape from an overcrowded and imbles.
poverished home, public school was closed
to her.
Sharon has a: lot of-c atch~ng up to do and it
Then Sharon found a friend.
isn't going to be easy iior a time. But things
Mrs. Bernice Miller, mother of three and
a re looking up. She is getting special a.ttention
former school traffic policewoman, visited
at the Milton Avenue $.chool, where they conSharon's hom e as a pa rt of her job as an E co- centrate on work with metarded children. She
QlJpprl11Dity snvice aide.
has speech lessons , am@11g othe rs, and can now
"The little girl's face a ttracted her . She could
m ake herself unde rstood! !better.
see something was wrong and, wittLJ.he..se.em.-.
i,!:!gi boundless optimism of EOA__wqrkers, s he
" Sharon still lives alt the crowded Mecha n"1na e up her mind to- gersnaron some exper t
ics ville address ," Mr. fill.o wns wrote in his rebelp.
por t. " But now nearly :ve ry day she is at the
Sum-Mee (Summerville..fflecha nicsville) Center
The fi rst thing was a psychological test and
the n she took Sha ron to the Butler Health Cenparticipa ting in dancing, d rawing and eleme nter for a physical examination a nd then, Io and
ta ry wri ting. Now, too, the gentle black face
behpld, they found the trouble.
tha t was once ignored bm.eaks into a jolly smile
. ShaFOn was not m entally re tarded but prac- when observed."
__ ·t ically stone deaf.
- - - - - -- - _Ma kes it -s-ca rywlferF y ou tnink tha t if EcoIt seems inconceivable that pa rents or nom ic Opportu nity didn'l ~exfs t, if Mrs. Miller
friends wouldn't ha ve caught a handicap like
hadn't been there . .. doa m't it?
- ,, (":.
/ 1/.
J ·
- .,/
EOA . ~ rtthy,
Pourham Hold
f\ ·'
I -, ;.A1l!]~
Sta ff P hoto-Charles J ackson
Jim Parham
EOA Wo:rthwhile,
Say§ Reii:ring Head
Continued from Page 1-A grams ranging from a small 1
($10,000) special food distrib~tion program to a large ($4 million) training and employment
Twenty-five to 30 parent-child
care centers were funded and
Atlanta became to the first city
in the nation to open such a center.
EOA attracted 602 non-paid
middle-class volunteer workers
to help in the battle against
being poor. And EOA initiated
its "Find Out" tours of Atlanta's
"It took me about a year to poverty pockets. Some 4,000 pe rstart getting the signals and sons have taken the tours, that
learn what to do" when conflict- were begun in January, Parham
ing policy guides were iss~ed, said. He views the tours and the
Parham said. So Parham Just volunteer program as among
did what he thought was best in EOA's more successful venadministrating about 20 pro- tures.
EOA also embarked on ambitious training programs, but ran
into a-common bureaucratic ailment, according to Parham.
Vietnam. EOA took a $400,000
slash in 1968. And there was always the problem of finding
enough skilled manpower to do
the jobs required in the massive
training, counseling and servicing programs.
Despite all this, EOA has
racked up some successes and
has been considered among the
more progressive anti-poverty
agencies in the country.
There was always pressure
from above, from Congress and
elsewhere to make a good record; therefore, there was always pressure to train those
' who would best fit into a work
situation- and not the high risk
hard-core impoverished persons
. who might make the programs
look bad on paper.
Despite some of his criticisms,
Parham said he believed that
EOA has filled a community
need and has fared better under
the Nixon administration than
he had expected. Parham, who
will join the staff of the University of Georgia Law and Government Institutes, also said he saw
' no real threat to the anti-poverty programs in the admini~tration's removal of certam proJects from OEO.
"EOA - or OEO - should be
an incubator for ideas. I know of
no reason that any given program should remain with OEO
after its inception," Parham
Before he was to step down Wednesday as executive administrator of Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Thomas M. (Jirri)
Parham looked back at his 22 months as a local general in the
War on Poverty.
"It was like trying to build a and be efficient, and we were
sailing ship and sail it around told to use idigencus unskilled
the world \','.bile you were build- personnel whenever possible.
ing it," he said. Or, " It was like We were told to pla n scientifisliding down the razor's edge of cally an.d deliberately, but move
in fast and take quick decisive
The program was hindered by action; we were told to advocate
ambiguity in its m issions, at strongly for the poor but don't ,
times hamstrung · by erratic become politically partisan,"
funding and sometimes almost Parham said.
crippled by a lack of necessary
A big headache was tryi ng t.o
skills, Parham said.
put together a program and imBut a ll things considered, Par- plementing it a t the same ti me.
ham said he believes the pro- "It was like to trying to build a
gr am has been wor th the trou- sailing ship and sail it around
1 bles-and the money. EOA is
the world while you were build· currently operating on a $12 mil- ing it," he said.
lion annual budget with a staff
While juggling and trying to
of 500 persons. Parham got a
reconcile all the contradictions.
salary of $20,000 a year .
Parham emphasized he didn't there was always something
want to appear to be .,leaving else to contend with. "You had
EOA with a blast of criticism. to be liber al enough to be ac"Atlanta will never be the same cepted in the poor communities.
yet conservat ive enough so tha:
because of EOA," he says.
But there were some tall prob- you could. work with the Establems to try to solve-problems lishment," Parham said. "It
that for the most part will be in- was like sliding down the razor's
herited by his successor , Wil- edge of life."
liam W. Allison, who was Par- · One would think this might be
ham 's deputy, administr ator.
more than enough to stymie a ny
P arham talked about some of program-especially o n e so
those prcblems:
complex and all-encompassin~
Policy dispensed by Office of as the anti-poverty program.
Economic Opportunity headBut these werer,'t the onk
quarters was often vague, controubles. Congress slashed th·e
tradictory and sometimes non- budget for helping the poor ir.
existent. It took OE O until the the United States so that the
fall of 1968 to set down on paper country could finance the war in
just what its mission was, al. though OEO came into being Continued on Page 8-A, Col. ;;
more than three years earlier,
Parham said.
....:. 'We ·. ·ere told on the one hand
to cooperate with existing governmental agencies, a nd, on the
other, to work to change those
agencies," Parham said. "We
found it was a little difficult to
develop coopera tion with somebody when you're trying to put
the needle to him at the same
- "We were told to spend wisely
�,~ .I.
\ ..
. . --~
-- .
Atlant a J ourna l :Educatiun 'Editor
An Economic Opportunity AtI a n l a (EOA) subcommittee
m eeting. which began as a
forum for discussion of educational complaints, ended as a
political r ally.
Despit e EOA's regulation
about po°i tic.ai n(: utralityy two
persons announced at the meeting that they are candidates for
the Atlanta Board of Education
and a third person adviszd
those present to " begin political
iaction t.o unseat certain boa rd
members." Tlie occasion was a
meeting of the education subcommittee of EOA's Citizens'
Centra l Advison • Comm ittee
Monday night at' West Hunter
Street Baptist Church.
building a n~! cons:.ruction, to be enough in the planning of
r.e.placecl when he refused to schoo's. Dr. Womack respondag ree with the parents in the ed : "You won't like me for sayaudience that enla rging Price ing this, but the difficulty
· Higl~ s ~hcol w~u!d b~ detrimen- with bringing people into plan- I tal to the Negro neighborhood it : ning is that they waii t veto · he's doing patchwork planning.
served. .
They are just thinking about
"Somebody ought to be rec"I think the community has I Septemb-er, they're not planning
om mending for. this man's job ; the right to have veto power" i for the future of the commuIiie's riot responsive to the needs J ackson said. "And he ought to ! nity. "
of th~ :.:Jmm~nit,~- a:nd ought _not i k_now that l~;· ·h as to ans\,:er to ! Jackson said: "Every day you
to be m that Job. Jackson s~L?- : tne people, J ackson said of · can hear ambulances coming
In answe: to a comp amt : Womack.
down Bankhead Highv;ay to
fram comrruttee mambcrs that I
pick up a child who's been hit
_._e_ eo143.215.248.55 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)1.ity is not involved
"IT'S QUITE obvious that by a car walking to school." He
blamed the repe.ated accident:;
on "poor planning" by \Vomack's office.
Mrs. Maggie 1ioo<iy chairman
of the EOA subcommittee on eci:ucation, will t.ake the r eport anci
the 13 recommendations before
the full board of education °:lfonday night at the r egular
m onhtly briefing session.
- - -- --
THE SUBCO:\fMITI'EE meeting ostensibly was called to dis!
cuss a contro,·ersial report and
set of recommendations for improvements of the school system which the grou,p had. cma,V11
up during the four years of its
Dr. J ohn Letson, super,inte.nd- :
ent of Atlanta schools, r a ised 1
the ire of subcommittee members by rejecting an uivitation
to_ appear at I.he meeting and
disc_uss t he report. Instead,
three members of Letson's staff
fielded questions from .those
Early in the fou r-hour meeting, Mrs. June Cofer announced
she Will run for the board of ed. ucation from · the 1~1: Ward
against incumbent Ed Cook, a nd
Dennis Jackson said he wiI' !:,e I
a candidate for the 2nd Ward I
seat held by Mrs. Anne Wood- 1
The Rev. l\fance J aeks-On.
director of the Urban Mission
Project in the " Lightning" area
of Atlanta sponsored by the Interdenominational
Center, :told subcommittee .
members they are "really too ·
patient with this bureaucratic 1
iI'ed tape."
"THE BOARD of education
bas no respect for us as a community," Jackson said. '"We
play. white people's games 1
year-m and year-0ut, and we 1
get the runaround."
"I would hope we would eventually get Jf;o the point where we
would not write letters and beg
if.hem to come. I recommend
that the subcommittee entertain
political action to unsea,t those
who won't come to see yon,"
Jackson said.
"You sit in a most powerful
position. You are not aware of
ithe power you have. This subcommittee has the power to
change the complexion of this
whole city," Jackson said.
"You beat 'em to death ()O
rapid transit, and you c.an do H
again," J ack~ n aid.
JACKSON AL<-0 called for
Dr flan ·in \ ·om·,. a ·(j ·t· 1l
(;j,.. . , . , , , ,
;- ·
�I .•
The Atlanta Board of AMerm en Monday established qualifying dates a·nd fees for the city
elections in October. .
The boar d adopted the proposals of the aldermanic Finance Comm ittee and City Clerk
Jimmy Little. The City Ex:ecutive Committee last week endorced the proposals.
The qualifying time for the
candidate will be 8: 15 a. rn. to
5 p.m. Aug_. 25-26 The fees a re equivalent to two
moqths' sa!ary. They are mayor,
~5,000; vice mayor, $1.400; a lderman, $1,200, and school board
member, $600.
At"Efie end of Mooday's a lder-
·<Lalifying Se
m anic session, Alderman E vereL Millican a candidate for
m ayor, spoke critically about
remarks made over the weekend
by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. and
forme r Police Patrolman James
Mc 'inney, now a ca ndidate for
the board from the Third Ward.
Referring to Allen's comments about Mi!l ican·s age on
a t elevision program Sunday
nigh t. l,le (Millican) said, " I'm
.71 years old. I want you to
kn?w that. Yesterday, someone
said how old I'd be when I got
out. That's the first time I've
heard it in reverse. I_'ve only
got one foot in the grave."
Allen had noted in summing
up the qualifications of the
candidates that Millican would
be m ore than 75 at the end of
\ his first term if elected. Millie-an
· dicin'! name the mayor, but left
no doubt as to whom he was re1ferd ng.
mayor and aldermen 30 days
before signing any ·public hous·
ing contracts.
6. Delayed action ·on a proposal under the Model Cities
program to exp;rnd the ~
Ortlun.Uv . ma
se rvice center
program• into Grant Park anci
Adair Park. Alderman Gregory
Griggs and ~Alderman Robert
Dennis made the request.
Then Millican sharply criticized McKinney for the former
policeman's remarks on a r adio 11
program Saturday. Millican said
McKinney "lambasted a n d
abused" the m ayor, the aldermen and the .Police department
as "crooks."
MiUican said that if McKinney k new of any wrongdoing,
he should go to the grand jury
"and I'll help him . . . If not, he
ought to keep his mouLh shut."
MU!ican then said he understood that Mrs. Eli_za Pascha ll,
who was ousted as director of
the Community Relations Commission more than a year ago.
was one of McKinney's "main
campaign managers.' '
During the regular order of
businP..ss, the aldermen approved for new terms Grady
Ridgeway as airport manager,
Jack Delius as parks general
manager, Roy Elrod as auditorium manager and Howard
Monroe as City Hall superintendent.
The board also:
1. Heard that Allen had re-appointed Edwin Sterne to the
Atlant.a H o u s i n g Authority
2. Receive a draft of an updated ,building code, which will
be explained at a public hearing July 15.
3. Approved zoning changes
to allow additional parking at
the Sheffield Building at Peachtree and Collier Road. .
4. Approved the planning for
the relocation of Carroll .P..oad,
which had been made four
lanes a short time ago, because
,of expansion of the Fulton Coun- I
t-y Airport.
5. .Approved a resolution risking the AHA to inform the .
Monday, J uty 14, 1969
i 5-A
r . ,o-fer La
e f r c ool o rd
Mrs. .June Cofer, chairman of
the Model Cities education subcommittee, has announced she
is a candidate fur the First
Ward seat on the Atlanta Board
af E ducation.
Mrs. Cofer launched her campai;gn Saturday at a barbecue
given in the front yard of her
home at 443 Oakland Ave. SE.
· What she described as a
..grass roots" affair attracted
several dozen supporters, both
Negro and white, from the several neighborhoods composing
Atlanta's 1\1odel Cities Area.
Mrs. Cofer, who is white, will
b ve Robert Waymer, a Negro
and a funner official of ;11:conomic~pportunity !UJanta, Inc.,
the antip,nerty agency, a$ her
campaign m anager_
seat now occ':1pied by Ed S.
Cook Sr. She is not "running
against" Cook, she said, but is
running for the school board
post because "I feel it truly necessary that we have some representation of ordinary citizens on
the school board."
What I have been saying,"
she said, "is that my friends
asked me to run, my enemies
dared me to r un, and the condition of the school system today
forced me to run."
Mrs. Cofer also is chairman of
another Model Cities committee, ,
that advising on deveiopment of
the headquarters comple~ b.eing
developed at the intersection of
Washington Street and Georgia
SHE SEEKS the school board Avenue .
Tuesday, July 8, 1969
.tiu::it~ Jou=
Educalloa EdU.Or
. Put the Atlanta Board of Edu-
·cation and an education subcommittee of Economic Opportunity
Atlanta (EOA) together and
what would you get?
Sweetness and light.
~embers of the subcommittee
left tl:i'! Monday night meeting
which they expected to be a.
fracas still a little unsure of
what had actually happened.
Not only did they get a sympathetic hearing, but at the
recommendation of Atlanta
Supt. of Schools Dr. John LetWll, the subcommittee will hold
weekly meetings with the board
"as long as is necessary" to
discuss and iron out their complaints.
this means?" Mrs. Marilyn
Graybill asked following the
meeting. "It means we ... .:e actually going to get in on school"
decisions at the policy level."
· "This is the best boar<t meet:Jng I've ever attended," said
~bert Tuve, chairman of another citizens ,group, Better
Schools Atlanta. "I'd say this
was a very positive response."
"I'd say we made a start,"
~d Mes. Maggie Moody chairman of the subcommittee of the
tc)A Cmzens Advisory Council.
. The meeting began on a sour
llOte when board chairman Bill
WJinwright grilled Mrs. Moody
about differences between her
eorrespondences praising the
l,oard for working with the sub- I
mm.mf.ttee and published re- ,
ports that the su.bcommi~e hqd :
eriticize.d the board for {ailure ·
ID communicate and cooperate. i
However, the tone of the
~eting began to change after
one of. the subcommittee members came to Mrs .Moody's defense.
·'You're awful stiff," Mrs.
,Usie LaBord told Wainwright.
YOUTe like you'v-e got Mrs.
Moody ill . trial. We're here to
ia.lk about our children's problems, not to jerk up Mrs.
Moody. We don't want anymore
of that kind of talk.," she said.
AFTER A BRIEf exchange
between Wainwright and another mbcommittee member,
t,frs. DoroUiy Bolden, ovex
whether 1he board should re-
spond t.o the coxpplaints of the
..-oup in writing or, <JS Wainwright said, by having Dr. Le~
son "throw the answer~ out on
· e table." Dr. Letson took over
th~ rpeeling.
High School and .request that
the board · ouil(j a new high
school on Field Road to serve
the expanding notithwest Atlanta population.
Mrs. Hill maintainoo Archer
ls housing 1,700 students but
has a capacity for only .1,2()0.
Dr. Letson told the parents
the school board included additions for. Archer, Harper and
West Fulton High Schools in
this bond issue to take care of
popuiation growth in that area.
"Mr. Wainwright may I suggest that we take each one of .
these broqd areas the subcommittee is questioning us about
.md set up a specific meeting to
discuss it with them in depth,"
.l)r. Letson said.
"Let me illustrate," Letson
went on. The Atl-anta school
lunch program is the largest
food service operation in Atl~nta. If you want . a thorough
un<lerstan<ilng of our school
lunch program it's · abosolutely
essential that you spend the
tJme to learn about it.
"We'll set up these meeti,ngs,
one on eqch topic or more if
necessa.ry, and have all the staff
people, area superintendents
~ d principals here to answer
Yout questions. Then you
help us evaluate the program
cUld if there's a t>etter way to
do it, we'll be glad to take your
THE FIRST rneetlpg, ~ t for
7 p.m. Wednesday, will deal
with the operation of the school
lunch program and the board's
new policy on free and partial
pay iunches.
Mrs. Odessa Hill, Mrs. Mary
&lnford and Mrs. Olivia Pullen
representing the Perry Homes
area, appeare<l before the board
earlier in the evening to discus~ overcrowding in Archer
Health f ir
In Vin Ci
"A stitch in time saves
nine" is the word around the
Vine City Foundation Medical Clinic wher a Health
Fair will be held Julyl5from
. 12 noon to 9 p.m. The clinic
is located at 558 Magnolia
) Street, N.W.
The clinic is being sponsored by Mrs. Griffin of EOA
and Mrs. Helen Howard of the
Vine City Foundation and both
advise, "Don't check out; get
, -·- a check up, Please do your
thing. " Free r efreshments to
For information , call 5238112.
For 85 children at the
ents were able to share the
Bowen Homes Day Care Cent- experience. From the time
er, I of IO Full-Year Head
the group boarded 2 Atlanta
Start Centers funded by EcTransit Chartered buses until
onomic - Opportunity Atlanta,
the return trip to the Center,
Inc. and a component of The
these children and their parGate CltyDayNursery Asents experienced one of the
sociation--A DREAM came
happiest days of their lives.
true on July l. For many
Thanks to all who respondweeks these children had
ed to the Appeal. People do
dreamed of a trip to SIX
care about those they do not
know. The Community really
Thanks to hundreds of woncame through and Head Start
derful people thrnughout the
will label it - "L,-Kind c;onState of Georgia who se nt S
tributions" - but the parents
& H Green Stamps, checks and
and children call it FUN, EX
dollar bills and other good
These children, who migftt. the hundreds of peop~e who
not have had this opportunity
are responsible for this
at any time in the immediate
future, had a real "HOLIto SIX FLAGS O.YER GEORDAY," and 6I'le of- the tie st GIA."
parts about it all-the ir par-
- ··-
JULY 12, 1969
s righ er
To 15 e r Od ha on
In 1968, Mrs. Miller reFor nearly I3- jears, Shalies, earns less than $2000
entered Sharon's life and
. ron Dennis·• paremts, broa ye2.r.
discovered that she still had· _,
tbers, sist'e_r s a:mi friends _ When Mrs. Miller i it d
thought she was r etarded - ·· -: h ·.
v s e ~:··:.-no·t ··been ·enrolled in anf · ,:
. .,.. She did not a ttend school:
t e home, she not only disschool. Immediately, stie
She could not taJA:. And she
covered Sharon but she
contacted the Bryant School
could not understla:Ild what
learned that her mother had
for a psychological test.
was said. to her.
anearnestdesire to enroll the
Butler Health Center
he goes
for a physical examination
.Tod ay however:
not owever, know the proper
to Scho ol • and ~;and Milton A venue School for
1:-'-""YS at t e
Sw,i-Mec E OA ~rer becaprocedure. The aide recompossible acceptance. All
use of the work aft,.>lrs. Bermended her mor.h.er send
went favorably. I
nice Miller, an EOA NeighSharon to a nearby EOA CenThe sc;hool put Sharon in an
borhood Service .A ide. She
ter until plans could be comage-grouping since there is
found tha.t Sha.rem was not
pler.ed. The mother agreed.
no grading system and immentally retardedbutalmost
But Mrs • Miller's work
Sharon became indeaf.
with EOA required that she
volved in physical skills,
The IS-yea:r-<nld black
temporarily leave Sharon
grooming and oral expresyoungster from the Meehanand Mrs. Harritt Darnell, a
sion. Hopefully she will ulfcsville area of A tlanta livHom e Service Technician at
timately write understanded with almost. ~ O family
the Summerhill-Mechanicsably. Her progress since
. members in a painfully croville Center, kept in touch
1968 has been commendable. ·
wded 31/2 roam house on
with 'the child byfrequentviGeorgia A venue..
sits to her home and by giSharon still lives at the
Her family, like countless
ving helpful suggestions to
· crowded Georgia A venue adimpoverished. I:rlat::k famiher mother.
Atlanta's Newspaper· Of _Distinction
An international bus filled with 40 Amerity cen~er and an urban renewal area. The tour
can Field Service students Crom 25 countries
will begin at 2 p.m. at the EOA center, 486 Decawill arrive at Peachtree Presbyterian Church
tur St. Shopp mg
Center. ·Go. ,.' ==today, J1ily 3, at 1 p.m. Its passengers have
spent a ·year as members of families and as stuBus Number 48 is one or 74 touring buses
dents of local high schools In communities
to Washington D,C., where over 3,040
across the United States.
AFS students will have a final meeting before
Activities planned for the teenage visitors
Include old-fashioned Fourth of July picnics. the . returning to their own countries . The end-ofyear bus trip exposes the students to more of the
annual parade, and sightseeing.
United States than they would otherwise see
On Saturday, because they wish to learn · from their home communities. Over 25,000
about our urban and social problems, they will .fami lies in over 650 communities host bus trip
be taken on ~ tour of a pov~rty ar~a~-~- students. Handling all the arrangernent.!i for the!
·· --------
LJ ,
bus stop in Atlanta is Mrs. Harry L. Holloman of
Sandy Springs.
The American Field Service conducts International Scholarship Programs for students 16
t· 18 years of age from many nations. A nonprofit organization with no religious or political ·,
aftlliatlons, It seeks to foster understanding of
the . differences and similarities which exist
among peoples of the world.
To accomplish this ai m there are two American Field Servic~ Programs : One, Students to '
the U.S. , in 1968-69 has brought more than
. 3000 students from 61 countries to live, study
and join in community life in the United States.
The other, Americans Abroad, in the current
year has sent over 1~00 students to 48 countries overseas for an equivalent experience.
In the past 21 years, over 47,000 students
from 75 countries have participated in the AFS ·
·programs. AFS has 40 overseas offices and
3000 volunteer Chapters throughout the U.S.
' J.,
"(_ tJ;l
tude t Help
--""" e e
t!-' .,. -..-.. .
Gary Wood ,is a college student spending his s.ummer
months working for Urban
Corps, a citywide program designed to involve young people
in .the social and political life of
the citv.
Gary, · 23, works with the
· , - - · project receiving job
~ order-s from potential employers
of the 2,000 youngsters in the
Like most college students
who devote their vacation lime
to helping other people, Wood
finds his work "very fulfilling
and rewarding." But unlike
most students, Gary cannot see
the people he helps-he is totally blind.
While a senior at R ussell High
School in East Point, where he
lives, Gary underwent seven operations to remove three tumors
behind his eyes. Caused by a
,r are eye disease, the tumors
were successfully destroyed.
However, the healing of the
scar tissue caused the r etinas to
become detached and covered,
resulting in total blindness.
Wood says he went through
"a traumatic expe:-ience" following his blindness. He found it
"a ti.me of evaluation and appraisal" when he had his firs t
deeply religious encou nter.
"My experience with Christ
Staff Photo-Mario n Crow e
was the "time wher-i I began to
reach for greater heights," he
Blind College Student Works for Urban Corps
said in a soft voice.
After graduation from hi_gh I of the freshman class and was ployed at . the South Fulton
school , Wood at_ten~ed special I elected to Who's Who in Ameri- Neighborhood Service Center.
schools for the blind rn Alabama can Junior College. In addition
GARY HAS A " sense of wantand in Atlanta where he learned I to· other activities he was a
how to read Braille.
member of P hi Theta Kappa, a n ing to be complet_e and effective
in what I do." Despite his blindHe then attended Truett Mc- honorary scholastic society.
ness he wants to be an indeConnell Junior College in Cleveland, Ga. He received an ft,.sso- . G_ary met his wife Carrol in pendent person.
ciate in Arts degree last wmter Junior college. They were J"!3ar"Bein" blind maT<es me want
ried after . 16_ mo~ths. _·,.Mrs. to be r:ore independent and to
While there, he was president Wood, who 1s not b!Ind, 1s em- be a positive influence," he
~ ~ ~=-,. said.
. .
"My goal is to know myself
and the only way to know myself is to . know others, to identify with them and try to relate
to them ," he commented.
' Mr. and Mr . Wood will both
I attend Mercer University in the
, fall where she will work toward
a degree in social studies .
He plans to major in psychology and hopes to go on to graduate school. He likes counseling
and guidance work and looks
forward to the day when he will
have his own private practice
· as a · psychologist.·
Racial Gai
In· Atlanta
-~- "Now there is an atmosphere of freedom. You fe.el more
··like an individual . . . a man." This statement by Dr .. Benja• min Mays, president emeritus of. Morehouse College, reflects
Atlanta's progress in achieving racial · equality-the subject of
'. a penetrating ABC :\ews documentary, " It Can Be Done." The
'special hour program in the network's Time for Americans series
t will be broadcast on Thursday, July 3, at 10 p.m., in coil•r on
.- ·WQXI-TV, Channel 11.
Filmed entirely in Atlanta Allen in his discussion ·of a
· during a ten week period this black mayor in Atlanta.
~ past spring, "It Can Be Done"
is a candid examination of the But, " It Can Be Done" con-I
city's gradually changing atti- firms that there is still much to
tudes - the change in image be achieved. Cameras show the
from one of the Confederacy to conditions existing in Vine City
that of the liberal new South.
as Rep. Julian Bond assesses
Paul Jones is on vacation
the problems of the members of
his constituency. Bond takes his
' ABC cameras c o n t r a s t a own man on the street poll ask_ sparsely attended Ku Klux Klan ing people what they think of At,- parade in downtown Atlanta lanta. One citizen stated, "I
, with the futuristic skyline of the think it"s one of the greatest cit- ;
- city.
ies on earth."
, ., ABC news correspondent Mal Black leaders, in a round
··, Goode interviews A t I a n t a 's table discussion, provide a problack and white business, civic, vocative look at America's
. and religious leaders on their white society and the problems
' efforts to break down social inherent in racial equality. Par. and economic barriers. Heard ticipating are the Rev. Samuel
! :are Mayor I v an Allen Jr.; Williams, professor of philosoState Rep. Julian Bond; Opie phy at Iorehouse College; Dr.
Shelton, executive vice presi- Otis T. Smith, ·president of the
dent of the Atlanta Chamber of Summit Leadership Conference;
.:Commerce ; Richard Rich, pres- State Sen. Leroy Johnson, and
~ident of Rich's; A. H. Sterne, Lyndon Wade, executive direc;'president of the Trust Company to,r of the Atlanta Urban
~of Georgia ; Lonnie C. King, League.
head of the Atlanta chapter of
, the NAACP; Bob Waymer, forNarrator Mal Goode, t~e
mer director of Sum-Mee, an grandson of slaves, traces the
- EOA ce,gt_~r,,; Herbert J enkins, Atlanta he has visited for the
r1.rrnfuath1ef of Police; and the past 30 years, and attributes the
-:c. .~Rev.. William Holmes Borders, city's evolution to former Mayor
-:pastor of the Wheat Street Bap- William Hartsfield, journalist
mst Church.
Ralph McGill, and Mayor Allen.
~ The differences which have
'.'.',fepeatedly distinguished Atlanta Lastly, Martin Luther King
!"are appraised as well as the fu- Jr. is seen at a banquet honor• t u•re direction of the city. Chief ing his receiving of the Nobel
~Jenkins explai ns the workings I Prize, at which time he quoted
of the Crime Pr~venti~n Bu- the words of an elderly Negro
a-eau, a program m which all
Atlanta policemen train as preacher . . . "Lord, we ain't
+'community service officers" in what we ought to be. We ain't
. the black community. Opie Shel- what we want to be. We ain't
\ ton dliscusses the total commit- what we gonna be. But, thank
~ment of the Atlanta business God, we ain't what we was."
.community, and ABC points out ABC's material was partly
the strong personal involvement based on WQXI-TV's award-winof Mayor Allen and the special ning summer series, "Atlanta
pride that characterizes At- Responds," produced by assignlanta.
ments editor Van Redmond. ·
- Particularly frank statements
· are made by Calvin Craig, for- "It Can Be Done" was written
•_µier United Klan Grand Dragon and produced for ABC New by ·
of the United 1.::lans of America, Arthur Holch. Photographer
~ho explains why he turned in was Chuck Pharris. Executive
tis robes to work for the Model producer for Time for AmeriCities Program, and Mayor cans !s Stei:hen Fleischman .
critical of the board's ability
to communicate adequately
with residents of economica!lly
deprived neighborhoods.
commumca uou a:; ui vc ,.uui,J
to silence their critics, was p r e.
pared by a citizens committee ~~mmumty s~hools, an ;frly being used this summer to
staffed by EOA officials.
I Joint venture, 1s one of the few prepare 44,000 snacks served to
projects carried on by local
SEEK_ UNDERSTA.l\"'DING .. · agencies after OEO (the federal economically deprived children
tbe Special Summer Feeding
. «n 1s EO!\'s role_iD staff c_iti- government's Office of Econom- in
1 zens commrtt.e..
<>S without telling ic Opportw1ity) fundincr was re- Program.
them what to think but to move moved."
There has been "good interthem toward more complete
agency cooperation en a school·
understand ing and consider aPar ham pointed out that the absente:eism project in the .
tion of alternatives of action city school system has partici- Northwest P erry area," Par- _
open to them," Parham said.
pated in the establishment of the ham said.
He said tlhe school system has
Details of t he report, com- Parent-Child Center a nd th e At, piled by the education subcom- lant'a Concentrated Employment always operated the Summer
mittee of EOA's C"rtizens Cen- Program Training Cente r .
Head Start program on a large
· tral Advisory Cmmcil, wer_e He said the schools have con- scale and has made facilities
published in the J ane 18 ~ 1- t.ributed to the summer r ecrea- available for VISTA tu torial .
tions of The Atlanta Constitu- tion program and the Atlanta projects.
Adolescent Program.
"Only recently, space in the
Wilen he released the report · Parham said 12 schools are old Pryor Street School was
Tuesday, J"'ohn .'ff Calhoun, ,
who is a paid . official of E~A,
made available to house the
commented. that be has tried
unsuccessfully for almost three
Southside Child Development
months to obtain permission to
Center," P arham stated.
present the subcommittee's rec- ,
He said it was his intention to
olillJlendations to the s chool
" r emove any implication from
the J une 18 article that EOACalhoun, EOA's coordinator
city school relationships were
fotr community development,
, negative."
said residents of Mechanicsville
Parham added that he was
have- been waiting three years
not " in any sense r epudiating
. f.or a response to the Mechanicsthe honest work and feelings of
ville ·Improvement Committee's
our citizens commi ttee."
proposal for de.alirW with absenHe commented that "only as
teeism in their schools.
the community is aware of their
aid recommenda(the citizens of Atlanta) thoughts
ti.an.s in the report were dis· and feelings can it make the
cussed in May when subcomnut='
appropriate responses and actee members met with two
commodations when necessary.
members of the school board '
and "three top school administrators."
·The EOA executi.ve adminis-
trator said the wu~ of the sub- I
committee is supposed to "expand communication from rep- ·
·resentatives of poor neighborhoods to sdlool officials and to
increase mutual understanding."
Parham, who resigned his
post .with EOA Iast week, said
the Atlanta chool syst6Il works
•-v.ery positively and cooperatively with EOA 111 m a n y .
He said the development of
�. - ··--=- . .' -
·----=-.: ·~~ - - -- · --·--· ..
J-/ --·-
mg, stuffi ng envelopes, most any kind of temp~rary,part time work.
_"The _girls particularly like serving as party
"Ren~-A-~)d is going beautifully. Beyond all
~ctat10ns, . Southsider Mrs. ~oy Ruyle; ad11strator of the program, said in a recent inriew. Began last summer to help West End
, earn more money for essentials and for
k-to-school necessities. the program has
wn to encompass 11 locations with an enrollnt of 800 teenagers, ages 14-16.
The idea for renting kids for iobs originated
Joy Ruyle's creative mind. But, she doubted
· could make it become a reali,ty. With the
ouragement and help of Father Edward Dil, then with St. Anthony's Catholic Church in
st End. _R~nt-A-Kid not only became a reality
a thriving one which helped 400 y oung
1ple last summer.
Now. the rro$ram is a pilot project in m etro
anta, and if 1t works here this summeir the
,gram will be instituted in all major d ti~ of
U?ited S~tes. From the rnccess the pro1m 1s meeting at its one-third mark. Re nt-Al should become a national program next
"We ~re cat~logiilg job titles and descrip!~ of Job~ which are available and acc eptaJoy said. These will be used to set ap pro,m~ elsewhere. Acceptable jobs_. Mrs. R uyle
>lamed. are those which conform to federal
l state child la bor laws.
.some of ~h~ jobs handled by the teenagers
. baby s1~t1?g, _1romng. cleaning. hElping
,ther~. ass(stmg m packing for movers and
Jacking, window washing, yard work., paint: under supervision. loading, unloading,. s tack-
. .
W ter Spr e
Cy~thia R ~ des emerges l_ ea water
he wa?ing pool
the Colle,..e Park
ec reat10n Center. Cvnthia
w ho will b . fo ur in Augus t, is th ·dauah :
ter of Mr. · and Mrs. Charles Rhode/ of
CoUe~e Park. (Photo by Bill Grimes)
sp:tte .from
as~istants." Mrs. Ruyle said. "They help 1n s
rvmg and cleaning up at parties." Prese nu ·.
the girls also provide baby ·sitting services ; .
Atranta motels and hotels.
Som~ of the job requests are a little un u_;J .:;,_
the adminsitrator said. One caller asked fer .:.
bab~ sit_ter-for four St. Bernard dogs: A ra·:
stat10n IS usmg Rent-A-Kid to answer pl:o:-.co
d~ring a contest. Last week a department s .ca
hired three Rent-A-Kids to demonstrate a r:e ·:..
And a paper company. desperate ior old i:-2.: ers to reprocess. is furnishing trucks at fc _:
Rent-A-Kid locations and has hired six kids : .
each cen~er to work on the paper drive. T:.
p~per dnve locations, are Kirkwood o :-,. _
Hills, Forest Park and Perry Homes .
_,_· Mrs. Ruyle said people can take their pa!= -~_
~o these locations or call Rent-A-Kid at 577-5"..:..
1f they have too much paper to ha ul. and a ·tr·..: _
will come by and pick up the papers whici: _.
n?t ha~e to be bundled or tied . This pick up 5 a:v1ce will be m effect the first two weeks of J t.: .
~'Th_e exciting thing about this progra::-.
Joy said. "is that it has opened a new la:•..
market. It has stimulated jobs in an untouc:-. ..
area that will continue to provide employrr: ~
for teenagers. The grass keeps growing. Pe.. r::
keep having babies. Dust keeps collecting ...
The_most sa_tisfying aspect of the prog, :c.--:
according to 1ts administrator who is
employment specialist for E.OA.1 is what i
m~nt and continues toliiea-n·ttf'the kids . .. ~--ults sometimes don't realize what is impor:~~
to a young person," she said.
Continue,Hrom Page One
Last year at the end of the program, Mrs
Ruyle · received a letter from one of the West
End Rent-A-Kids, thanking her for the job opportunities. He said that means a lo:. to these
He had been able t o buy shoes for all of his
brothers and sisters :and himself. He paid his
locker fee a t school. F,or the first time he had a
gym suit. "Now I d on' t feel different," the
young boy wrote. "I d on' t mind going to school
this year."
"By helping teenagers at the age of 14 and
15, we can keep them from dropping out of
school and joining the hard-core unemployed at
the age of 16, before t heir motivation is killed,"
Mrs . Ruyle said.
She estimates there a re 30,000 kids in
the metro area who want and need employment .
There are not enough jobs for them. Industry
and business can't absorb this many kids.
"Rent-A-Kid is Irelping to fill the gap."
The program i:s funded this summer by the
US Department of Labor and the Metro Atl.inta
Commission on Crime and Juvenile Delinquen~
cy. "Thi~ js the first time the US Depa rtment of
Labor has ever paid for any kind 'of program for
kids younger than 16," Joy said.
Presently job orders and the kids enrolled in
the program are about even. We would like to
have double the number of job orders we now
have, Mrs. Ruyle said, "so before the summer
is over we can enroll the 2000 teenagers we
have slots for." As job orders increase. enrollment can be increased.
Joy is optimistic that 2000 will be enrolled in the program before summer ends . ··• If
Atlanta keeps cooperating as it is now. we will
get this many enrolled. " She believes the only
way Rent-A-Kid could fail anywhere is if a city
is not open and warm in its reception of the program as Atlanta is.
The Optimsits Club in the metro a rea have
given the program a big boost. They have furnished T-shirts with "Rent-A-Kid . across the
front. After a teenager works eight hours on a
job in the program, he is eligible for one of the ·
shirts and wears it on his job.
A Rent-A-Kid orders are going through a
central office this year. The phone number to
call is 571-5252:
.·-\ I
) _!
cQ ,
es Reco mend tion On Schools
This was the scene at West Hunter Street Baptist Church Monday evening at a mPeting of the
Education Sub-Committee, Citizens Central Advisory Council of EOA, Public School Deputy Superintendent Dr. H.l lliard A. Bowen thumbs through a list of recommetrdations the Council made to the
Boa:rd of Educat ion.
Among the 12 recommendations wer e that the Board e stablish a ce ntral information ce nte r to
which all a genci es with disadvantaged clie nts may r eport needy fa milies e ligible fo r free lunches
. for their children, that the Board make "a concrete response on the implementation of the Mechanicsville absenteeism proposal, that provisions be made for another school to relieve Herndon, that portable units at Bryant and Herndon be removed, that ROTC be an e lective course, that
techniques of teaching in low income schools be revamped . and that the Board issue a statement
on the s.ource-s of money spent on the public schools and where t he money goes. (P hoto by S, C,
�! ;.
1o,, -
DebatedPeople Battle
City Planner
! ..
A meeting on a report critical
of the Atlanta Board of Educa
ti'on this week unexepectedly
. turned into an impromptu symposium on community control
versus professional planning.
The ·meeting was called by
the education subcommittee of
the Citizens Central Advisory
Council, a body that pools community representatives who help
make policy at anti-poverty
neighhorhood centers-:- .,..
The subcommLttee had issued
a list of recommendations to the
school board on various aspects
of the school system, and several members of supt. John 1
Letson's staff were on hand
Monday ni1ght to reply.
The staff members heard a
three-hour series of complaints
from the subcomm~ttee on the
alleged difficulty of communica ting with the board or involving
neighborhood residents in the
planning process.
Finally, faced with a ques.t_ion
about expanding Price High
&hool, assistant superin~endent
for buildings Dr. Darwm Wo- 1
mack said flatly:
"I'm telling you as a planner ·
it ought to be bigger. It's the
best thing. I'm a planner and
l'm supposed to know."
Womack immediately faced
an uproar in the room at the
West Hunter Baptist Church
where the meeting was being
The Rev. Mance Jackson,
director of an lniterdenominational Theologica1l Cen_ter project in the Lightning district,
stood and said, "He (Womack)
is not responsive to the will of
a community of people."
Womack, said Jackson, has
no children in the affected
school. " Tha t man," he added,
· "has no business serving this
lcind of community."
Womack and Jackson - who
suggested sit-ins to tie up construction sites; of unwanted
schools - clashed once earlier
on local control.
"That's the trouble with
participation," Womack said. ·
"People think they have veto
power." Even if a school is
built against the wishes of some
of the residents, he added, that
does not prove the school board
did not listen to community
"A community has the right
to have veto power," replied
J ackson. If the community is
against a school, it should not
be built, he added.
The school system also came
under attack for being inaccess i bl e to citizen complaints.
"The bureaucratic red tape not
only frustrates us but dumbfounds us," said Jackson.
"If we want to raise Cain
about the lunchroom, who do we
see?" asked one woman. "If we
want to raise Cain about how
the money is spent, who do we
talk to?"
Mrs. Maggie Moody; chairman of the subcommittee, complained that the school board's
public meeting only presented
citizens with occomplished facts, - and that she had been unable
either to address the board or
to attract members to subcommittee meetings.
The meeting covered only five
of the subcommittee's 13 recommendations, a nd. ended when
Mrs. Moody. said the list would
have to be forwarded ·ctirectly to .
the sc,hool board for a reply. 1
. r. • ,
. .._..
�.- -- ..:.
-:- · :-·
- /
--rojects Okayed
$1.2 Mi . ion
By 1/lodel Cities Directors
noted that Moody's name wa.s
. The · Mode-I Cities E xecutive the only . one to come up as the
Board approved some $1.2 mil- executive board's special review
lion in projects Tuesday, b ut committee screened proj ect aphel,d up on two contracts. with plications. The review panel apModel Neighborhood Inc. a i '..er proved the fWlding.
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. shaq>ly
The board voted to expand the
criticized.its president.
review committee to include all
The board agreed to hear executive board members and
a gain from MNI, of which. Ed- hear from Moody's group again.
ward Moody is president , chair- EOA CONTRACTS
man of the board and director, ---itmong the contracts apbefore acting on two projects to- proved · were four t o t a l i n g
taling $35,000 which are de- $255,000 with Economic Opporsigned to assist ghetto busi- tunity Atlanta. One of the programs, Project Expand, at
"I'm obviously opposed to Mr. $140,000 would set up EOA cenMoody," Allen said, "He is not ters in Grant Park and Adair
qualifi ed . .. based on his asso- Park- against the protests of
ciation with the city . . • his Joe Whitley, the board's reprepast record and his failure to sentative from Grant Park.
rollow through."
Whitley said additional services are needed, but argued
Allen noted that Moody h ad that a majority of Grant Park
been with city agencies twice residents don't want EOA to
before-the City P arks aep::irt- move in to provide them.
ment and. Model Cl.ties program
Pet ers charged Whitley with
speaking only for white resiThe board sharply divided on dents. Mrs. Matte Ansley sugthe question of funding :&'INI, gested that Grant Park resiwhich has started a small gar- dents ought to " face up" to the
ment factory in Summertrill and fact that poverty exists in their
plans a shopping center in Me- 1 area and accept SOA's help, as
have o ther neighborhoods in the
C. Miles Smith defende d Model Cities territory.
Moody's project. while Deacon JOB HELP
Lewis Peters and others '°PThe board referred to the city
posed it. Clarence _ Coleman I attorney's office a - resolution
proposed by a special committee headed by · Co eman to give
Model Cities r esidents first
crack at jobs connected with the
various projects.
Alderman Everett Millican, a
board member, said the resolution went too far by requiring
contract agencies to give preferential treatment to area residents . But when Millican tried
to substitute his own resolution,
the board wo uld not go along
and sent Coleman's proposal for
a ruling on its l•e gality.
Millican had argued he had
talked with the city attorney's
office, which had said his version was preferable.
. ,..
�- ... - - -
Use of Older
Workers Wins
·EOA· a Trophy
'I.he West End Child Development Center, an agency of Econmmc Opportunity Atlanta, has
received the G€orgia American
Ji.egfon Citation Award for empl.opng oldel' persons as child
care workers.
. ~ e award is a trophy in a
statiewide contest and part of a
national "Employ the Older
Worker " campaign sponsored
by the American Legion.
Mrs. LuAnna Wright, director
ef fue center. received the citatiml from Georgia Commislinner of Labor Sam Caldwell.
�Cele.:.--=-!i· · ··,· ~ ~.,, ~e y
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The Constiitution it's true - and they should have the . happiest possible celebration today.
They cared about nearly a hundred little
the children . . . you should see how excited
Negro children they didn't even know. Th ey th_eyare!"
were stirred by the plight of little -·::· .:s who
I did see. Bill Wilson, our photographer, and
I went out to Six Flags. Don Daniel of the publive skimpy lives in . a shabby p~d of , ( :-~·,m,
licity staff met us and took us to the gate
shut Off from outings and expetlitions and carwhere the Bowen Homes Head Starters would
be coming through. We saw them coming-85
nival good times that are a part of growing up.
And they did something about it. They sent
little dark-skinned youngsters, looking spruce
and clean and combed and hair-ribboned and
over 500 books of green stamps, $5 checks and
one dollar bills and $10 check$t s nd one $50
polished. They clung to the hands of mo thers
check so the children of Bowe:rt nomes Head arrd teachers a nd volunteers, who, th anks to
your generosity, were able to come along too.
Start day care center could go to Six Flags
The turnstile gate was a bafflement to most
of the children and Don explained it and helped
Over Georgia.
11he green stamp people themselves were
them through it one at the time, murmuring
moved by the desire of the children to have a
words of encouragement and welcome. Once
day-long outing a.t Six F~
_ a;..:. ~ ~-t inside the children stopped and stood stock
100,000 stamps, amounting to 60 books.
still, gazing in wonderment at littl e ra ilroad
"We haven't be en able to think of the words
trains chugging over a trestle , old-timey autoto say thank you," sa id Mrs. Frances Wyatt,
mobiles dri ven by children along a bi g track,
director of the school. "We 've been so busy
an Englishman ringing a bell , a band playing,
opening the mail. It's been a revelation to me.
great tubs of gardenias blooming and fillin g
I didn't know things like this happened. And
the air with perfume. They caught a glimpse of
air-borne cable carts moving across the sky
and the fine, ineffable fragrance of hamburgers rose from ,a nearby sandwich shop.
They didn't ,push or run about or squeal like
most of the three-to-six-year-o1ds I k11ow. They
moved quietly, nudged along by the hands of
adults, but their fac es were alive. with excitement and awe. When I left them they were to
take a train ritle. After that they had a marionette show and the musical revue at the Crystal Pistol before them. They were going to
lunch at one of the score of eating places there
-a "boughten" lunch , which was an entirely
new experience or mos.t of them. The center
had at first planned to take lunch but the
money you ·all sent convinced them the children should have a total_]y glamorous day and I
think they had it.
And there are stamps left-so many that
Mrs. Wyatt thinks U1e center may use them to
buy a television set.
All of you who helped . .. I wish you could
T ina Usher Prepares to Devour Ice have s~en them, too. It would have been
thanks eno ugh
Cream at Six Flags
~ : r = - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - -
·: ~
,. ~~ · - ·~
Sure Thing In 1'i ij-Or's Ra.ce ! -, :;i1Ft
Is Mrs. Jenness Won't Win
One thing can be said with
certainty about the outcome of
the mayor's race-Mrs. Linda
Workers Party
won't win.
She's virtu:1Ily
unkno wn, has
little money,
pas a platform
u n acceptable
to the majority
of voters and is
Alex c:fiin
a woman. But
· that hasn't deterred her cam· ,
Mrs. Jenness won't attract as
much attention as other can-
f:;J':;~lr: i -;~
I l•
~~ f:~; t1t 1. f li
clidates, but she has something voting bloc between the labor
to say and here it is :
bureaucracy, moderate black
For example, she explained l'e aders and t he Dixiecrats?;s h~;o:c~;~;/ ~:m~ ;~~t:1i~t ii~itit~!~ot~ft~7
capitalist politician, who, she black community and the labor
said is either satisfied with the movement with sugary promstatus quo or believes ti ~~ . .: ms ises and when elected throw
- · .- ---the promises in the was,te basComment and Analysis
ket," she said.
Sodalist candidates, however,
can be made within the frame - don't believe the major probwork of the existing capitalist lerns of the nation can be solved
"by piling reforms one on top
"Since the pr~
·-goal of of th.e other within the walls
the capitalist politi.c'iari is t o get of the capitalist system," she
elected, he will make whatever said. Mrs. J enness added that
unholy alliances are necessary the United States' foreign policy
to achieve this aim . How many attempts to preserve capitalism
Democraitic presidents have throughout the world and interbeen elected on the basis of a vene against "the rising re volu- -- - - - - - - - -· tion of oppressed people. · · ,"
At home, the "racist plague
, .. cannot be wip ed out without uprooting the existing economic and political order. . • •
The privileged minority of capitalists that run this country
cannot permit the black community to control its own affairs
because it would' end the profitable fr uits of racism ," she said.
Mrs. Jenness demands abolishrnent of sales and gasoline
taxes. no taxes ·on income less
than $7,500 and 100 per cent on
incomes more than $25,000, rais-ing corpora te taxes and 100 per
cent tax on war profits.
"Politicians like (E verett)
Millican, (Sam) Massell and
(R;odney) Cook may argue that
this _w~ul~ be a_ good ~ema,id
but it 1s 1mposs_1~e. !t 1s only
'impossible' if you are a capitalist politician attempting to defend the capitalist system," she
* *
The Atlanta Water Department set an all time record
June 27· when the syst~m
pumped 129.6 ;nillion gallons.
' 'tj · '
-1· :_: ,;
_,.•· •..·.l_~_1 J_.'
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·1, t,
r_·t ,;_··.;·1·i-
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The six are the Atlanta Lega
Aid Society, Housing Resources
Committe-e, Economic OpportL1nl[X Aill'!nta, At lanta
League, A1fanta Christian Council and the Community Council
of the Atlanta Area.
Reliable sources say Dr. Horace Tate is having trouble raising money for his campaign for
mayor. Other political observers
say that while Tate is far from
being highly popular in the
black community, he may get a
lot of votes just because he is
the first black candidate for the ,
top elected spot in ,t he city.
Add Dr. John Middleton, president of Morris Brown College,
as a strong possibility for the
new 9th Ward seat on the Atlanta Board of Aldermen.
Jerry. Luxemburger, a leader
of Good Government Atlanta,
,told the Community Relations
Commission recently, that his
group had not been as successful as H had hoped in getting
school board candidates.
Luxemburger predicted that
Ed s. Cook of the Fjrst Ward
and Robinson W. Schill ing of
the 6th Ward will retire after
this term.
Luxemburger had high words
of praise ·for the school board's ,
newest member, William T.
Beebe of the 8th Ward.
J ohn Boone is leaving the
Southern Regional Council to
. ~: :::
take a job with the U.S. DepartTenants United for Fai rness ment of Justice.
(TUFF) ha ve asked six organizations invited by the Atlarrta
Housing Authority to select
representatives to,' the public
housing advisory _committee to
Thursday, July 10, 1969
Ed mcation Boa rd,
anel Swap Views
Atlanta Journal Education Editor
It was a long, painful process, but the Atlanta Board of Education and the education subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory
Council of Economic Opportunity Atlanta have begun to "communicate." _
The citizens subcommittee, I board for failure ~o communiwhich has been critical of the cate, began a senes of meet.
ings with the board Wednesday
night to discuss 12 educational
recommendations b e i n g proposed by the subcommittee.
The first meeting, dealing
with the problems of free and
partial pay lunches for children
of disadvantaged liomes, at first
appeared to be stalled.
DESPITE the subcommittee's
claim that it wanllS to work with
the board to improve education
in Atlanta , it was obvious some
of the members were there to
"tell the board off."
Nevertheless, two positive developments came out of the
First, the subcommittee asked
and received permission to distribute applications for free and
partial pay lunches door to door
in most parts of the city.
The blanks are currently being sent home by children, and
as a result many never reach
the parents or simply aren't understood by the parents when
they do arrive.
Subcommittee m e m b e r s
agreed to take on some responsibility for explaining the valuable forms 'to the parents and
- -------
if necessary helping them fill 1, member Dr. Asa Yancey told getting some state money for
tliem out.
"WITH THE extremely disadvantaged you literally have
to take them by tho hand and
lead them to a form like lllis
.111d help them fill it out and return it for them because all of
the spontaniety ls gone, 11 board
the bo;ird.
Second ly, the subcommittee
members were told by school
lunch personnel that they need
locr1l s11pport from citiz ns to
help get a bill passed to p1•ovide
for sta te participation in the
school lunch program.
lunches, " said Area II coordinator Mrs. Rose Thompson. We
can't do anymore. "
Mrs. ThompRon pointed out
Lhat Atlanta ha~ 77 per cent
participation in the school lunch ·
program whereas the national
"You people could help us in average is 38 per cent.
�.. ~-·. -r,-:-t.. \": :~.·.
training methods should .
be offered so that a woman with a sixth to eighth
grade education could
develop the necessary
Special To The Voice
3. Women in low-income
areas should be allowed
the opportunity to adva_nce to
should supplement the
cost of adcil.tional· education needed to p~rlorm
the job. I ·recomm"!:lnd a job training center to
equip women for decent
Women are asking for an
equal chance to make a contribution t0 society.
by Mrsp Margaret Grant
· (Mrs. Grant is an aide at the East Central EOA Neighborhood Service Center. She ., so serves as one of
Economic Opportunity Atlan•- '.s \',;;;- nteer Information
Women can do many of the same jobs now done by men.
If employers would convert or redesign their job operattions or methods suitable to female labor they would find
that womencouldproduceasw.eaasmen. During World War
II, with the men away, women p;erformedmany jobs normally
thought of as primarily for men.
Most of the heads of house
hold in ghetto areas are woSome . of these may sound
men and because of this they
heavy or dirty but we always
make be,ner employees.
had .ta.de some dirty works,
They tend to be on time and--~
11/ those of us who
1i ve in low-inc ome areas.
be more dependable due to
Mos t young women in the
their respons ibility to their
ghetto desire jobs such as
There are women who
secretaries, cashiers, file
havebeenknown to stay on
clerks, but because of the
jobs 20_or more years even
lack of skills and personal
qualities, they cannot qualify
wi.chout a decent salary.
for the job. ·
Kitchen helpers and other
domestics often times work
10 or 12 hours per day for
I propose the following:
six days incl~ding Saturday
1. Employers ·should lower
or Sunday on jobs which offer no opportunity for adrequirements as to the
experience and skills for
vancftment and for this, they
make only about $1.15 per
some clerical jobs. For
hour. Therefore training is
example, if a clerk typis t
very essential for thos e in
job requires a n applicant
low-income jobs. Some of
40 words a minute and a
. th~ current training programs have not proved suctypes 35, she should be
given a strong consider"'. ·
There are jobs that women
can perform as well as men:
2. For jobs in industry such
Watch repairer, power and
as T.V., Radio and watch
sewing machine operators ,
repa1n ng, operation of
shipping clerks !lnd e ven
machines, and furniture
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llo~iday Inn management entertaining the Rockdale E O A staff at lunch last week.
From .left are: E O A staff members PinkoJa Mitchell, Dora Zachrcy, Innkeeper H. Garland Hiatt, Rockdale Manpower Direct<>. ·•E. L. Brockett, Rockdale E O A Director,
Ed Gamble, staff members Sara Strickland and Jane Potts, Harry Leach, Assistant
Coordinator for the Atlanta E O A, and Mrs. Betty English, Restaurant Manager for
the Holiday Inn.
r ~v
Last Thursday was • Appreciation nay• at the Holiday Inn of
Conyers, honoring the staff of
the Rockdale E.O.A. office and
members of the State Employ- 1
ment Service assigned to the
Office of Economic Opportunity.
Mrs. Betty English, Dining Room 1
Manager at the Holiday Inn and
Mr. Garland Hiatt, Innkeeper, '
luncheon hosts for the
group in the Holiday's dining
room, Attending from the Rockdale E,O.A.
office were Ed
E, L.
Brockett, Manpower Director,
Pinkola Mitchell, Dora Zachrey,
Jane Potts and Sara Strickland.
A. D. Alderman, Employment
Coordinator for the Atlanta office of E.O.A. and Harry Leach,
Assistant Employment Coordinator for the Georgia State Em- ,
· ployment Service were also
special guests of the Holiday Inn
According to Mrs. English,
almos t all of her new employees
in the dining room operation were 1
hired with the help of the local
E.O.A. office, and with the particular help of Manpower Director, E. L. Brockett.
. :- >, \
-- - - -
·-- - - - -- - - --
/ c:; .,.,---.
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1/ Cf'
v[egion Hails
West End
Child Center
The Georgia American Legion's citation award for an
agency which employs older
,persons as child-care workers
has been presented to the West
End Child Development Center.
State Labor Commissioner
Sam Caldwell madt the award
to the center at 760 West E,rid ·
Ave. on behalf of the sponsoring
veterans organization.
Achievements of the Eco-
nomi£=..Q,Qp,o_rJJ.m_Lt,y,_,AJ,.,U ~-Jl1,"a.:
agency - which operates a
Head Start program - and a
brochure on its program as the
first in the nation to hire the
elderly as a ma jori ty of its sta ff
will be submLtted for national
· A statewide contest linked to
a national campaign to promote
employment of elderly workers
led to the selection of West End
center in Atlanta for the award.
.,. ,· .
College · Park _Wo man
·Still -Activ·e·~· -a t 86
At 86, Mrs . Marge Hayes of ,husband was sick Mrs. Th_elCollege Park spends a great ·ma Abbott, who worked with
deal of her time reading the ..EDA, made sure that he was
Bible and thinking about life : ·t aken to the doctor or the hosin the next world.
pita! every time he had an
"I don't know anything I've appointment. She was a blessdone to live so long ," Mrs . ing to us."
Hayes said as she sat in a
"And, EOA also showed us
porch swing at her home at how to get things . _done
217 Redwine Ave . "It's been .
-' : -,~---CNAC
through no merit of mine , but Neighborhood
God's will. My days are num- Committee) . Throu gh block
bered but I don't know for clubs No . 9 and 4 we petitioned for a bus in our area .
how long ."
But Mrs . Hayes doesn 't We also petitoned that my
think her days are so num- street and Roosevelt Avenue
bered that she cannot be an be opened and paved . Rooactive member of her block sevelt was opened 'last year
club or the Senior Citizens and they will finish my street
· Club of Economic.iwfil>rtu ni- this year."
..t.Y..Mla~. Inc.
·--"Another_ reason is _that . if
you are gomg to be a . ChnsShe is chairman oL ..,E.,~
Block Club No. 9 and is also tian you've got to help your
chairman of the Senior Citi- neighbors as much as you can
zens' Club No. 1.
and believe in God ."
How did she become interMrs . Hayes said she was
ested in EOA and its activi- born March 8, 1883 in Lutherties? "Well, when my late . ville, Ga. "That is not very
long ago when compared to
eternity," she com...mented .
She had 11 children in two
marriages. "Eight of my
children are still living including my son , The Rev. R. N.
Martin, who is my pastor. He
preaches a pretty good sermon."
She is proud of a silver
pitcher and dish that she received from Rich's at two
parties for 80 year olds. "I
won last year because I had
the most descendants, 90. I
won again this year because I
now have 100 descendents . .
And, if I live, I hope to win at
next year' s party."
pend Summer
Ciif .EOA
, '
Two northside Atlanta teen-agers are spending their summer without pay keeping up with
150 actiye, noisy children.
" It's hectic, but these kids ar: ·'.~1::· other
kids. The re just isn't any differenc1i~ cause of
color," said Wa lter DuPre, 15, 2677 Arden R oad,
N.W. one of the recreation volunteers at the
West End Neighborhood Service Center of Economic Opportunity Atlanf a. Inc.
'. 'I never worked with kids before...sajd P aul
Duke, 16. 3515 Paces Ferry Road .·,,, "'!: . ·«:1,;1~
trips and activities mean a lot to them- a nd me .
It's very boring for them when they ha ve nothing to do
I ·;;€fi:~~;il;i~:.;;::'~{:ti:~:;:;:, 1i;:
what I could do. I kept getting referred from one
agency to another until I got to EOA and talked
. to Mrs . June Sa mmons , volunteer coordinator."
Duke said he became interested in the work
because of DuPre a nd because he wanted to
· work with youngsters. " I've learned a lot about
patience since I 've been with the center. The
work has been very satisfying."
The young men work five days a week in
their _volunteer jobs. hBoth will miss summer
vacat10ns to continue t eir work.
" We plan recreation for the kids, " DuPre
said. " We take them swimm ing. to the movies
gJi{{;;~J:~~,I~tif;,£~:\:}: ~
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-- -- - ---~-- ---
/Rent A Kid
Sets · P@per Sale
. "Rent-a-Kid" of Clayton
County is sponsoring a paper
sale until July 15. Anyone
wishing to donate papers,
magazines and books may
bring them to the
neighborhood service center
at I 871 College Street, Forest
Park, or have them picked up
by calling 577-5252.
•. '
·,:_ .
·- '
. .
.... ~ f" •
.. l
. ·· .~....
·--:--=· 4
a dejected youngster to beWant your exotic flower
come a great doctor if he
Maybe you have
some pups that you want · gets the financial help he
An EOA Rentneeds.
A-Kid can easily do it. Rent
However, no more unus- ·
A-Kids are low-incomeyouual job has come in than the
ngsters who are trying to
assignment on e Rent-A-Kid
earn money for school and
recently completed. He was
they svmetimes do some
as ked ·co ba by-sic, •• an easy
very unusual things. Even
enough task. But for four
thoup the brochure says
walloping St. Bernards?! I
the;• ,mow lawns, trim shrublf YOU ever need an EOA
bery, clear flower beds,
Rent- A-Kid, you can get one
wash windows, move furniat 577-5252.
ture ,
iron, babysit, wash
cars and do a host of o!her
chor es . that are ess~ntial
around the office and home
••••tliey STILL do more un- ·
usual things .
For instance, just recently ·three Rent-A-Kids demonstrated for _a whole day
a little toy called a footsie
at a large shopping center.
They not only had fun while
fil ling the needs of-mana gement, but they alsci got some
practical, first-hand experience on selling techniques.
Many Rent-A-Kids have been
employed to shampoo rugs
and to sweep the ceilings of
houses. Several others will
be carrying si gns for the next
James Brown Show.
One perspec tive employer
called for a Rent A- Kid t o
pla nt and tend a very exotic
flower because this em pl oy.er fe lt tha t a Rent-A-Kid
would be the _only one who
could do it r i ght. Another
. lady called to have a Rent:
A- Kid watch 21/2 chi ldren.
What she really wa nted was
' One Rent-A-Kid rtJ wa tch
One c hild for 2 1/2 hou r s .
But that does not c ount s inc e
it was not rea lly 2 1/2 child-
Som e Rent-A-Kids had a
job in whic h to display their
carpen try tal ents at bui !di n_g
dog fe nces. E vidently they
c oi-,ipleted the ta s k expertly
because EOA is happy toannounc,e no dogs have escaped.
Are tired nurse who is a
partial invalid needed a Rent
-A-Kid to help with a few
household chores. The em ployee did so well that the
nurse has promised to teach
the you ngster everytningshe
knows about nursing. Such
an experience could inspire
·Che·i .cups : .·:
·on :·.-. -rlealth
ffe-ed Free
Th.ink. you might have emphy-·
sema? Diabetes? High blood
· These and other diseases will.
be the objects of a city wide
"search a nd destroy" · mission
sponsored by public and private
health agenci~s . .
' Called ·"Hea-Ith Fair," the project is being conducted in 10 Atlanta neighborhoods throughout
the summer . The free-o f-cha rge
program is designed primarily
for poverty areas or areas
served by a service center of
E;conomic Opportunity Atlanba
.. But ,the search cer tainly isn' t
restricted to t hese areas, according to a .spokesman for the
Fulton County Health Department, which ls participating in
the progr am.
· The first neighborhood to receive the s p e c i a I medical
check-ups wai-the 'ceritral City
area. Some 250 persons were
checked· for high blood pressure ,
dii:ibetes, tuberculosis, syphilis
and chest diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis . - . The heal th de p a T t me n t
spokesman said the proj ect , in
its first year, is " just getti ng
rolling. He said the project will
pick up momentum as more <1.nd
more persons learn of it.
Mrs. Helen Howard, director
of the - Vine-··-OtY:, 'Founaatfo-n;
said she expects more than
1,000 to show up for the :health
tests in the Nash-Washington
neigh.borihood on Tuesdiay.
The health de p a r t m e n .t
-spokesman sa1id the progr am
was " a cooperative movement"
wh:ic:h depends on the neighborhood r esidents themselves for
its success.
IF A P ERSON is fo und to
have a ny one of the ailments,
be is first referred to his own
physician · for medical treatm ent. A person who has no ·ram- ily doctor is referred to health
agencies or Grady Memorial
Hospital, the health department
representative said·.
Other pa rticipating agencies
include the Fulton County Medical Society, the Georgia Department of Fublic H~alth, the
American Red Cross, the Atlanta Tuberculo is Association,
Model Cities, the Atlanta Diabetes Association and the City of
, ~·
'-~- .
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg . • Atlanta , Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Executive Administrator
Boisfeuillet J ones, Chairman , Board of Directors.
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
cordially invites y ou
a special briefi ng and tour
public officials and news representatives
Friday , January 10, 1969 at 10:00 a . m.
East Central EOA Neighborhood Center
486 Decatu r St reet 6 S . E . at Boulevard
(back ·· side of shopping cente,r .
A bus to the neighborhood cente r
will leave at 9:45 a. m.
from 101 Marietta Stree t
(between Spring and cone )
for those who want to leave t he ir cars downtown .
An early lunch will be served at the neighborhood center
for those who wish to remain after t he tour .
- - - - - - - - - - -··· ·----- I(athy McGrath, Editor
Saturday, July 5, 1969
College a c t i v i s t s demand
m ore re'.evanc education and
c i-ties desp 2rately need manpower a nd intel lig·c nce to meet
urban needs . Th e Atlanta Ser. vice-Lea111ing Confc-rence m ay
help solve both problems.
The first meeting in a sixmonth series about student in. vol ve ment in co mmunity pr ob- ·
]ems was held Monday and
Tuesday. The 200 persons attending studied ways for Atlanta 's 50,000 col lege students to ·
receive eredi-t whPc participating in community service.
Th e me eting was· sponsored
by the City of Atlanta, Atlanta
Urba n Corps, Economic Opportunity Atlanta (E OA)' and the
Department of Health, Educa1. tion and Welfare. Also the
Peace Corps, Volunteers in Service ito America (VI!::TA),
Snlh e-rn Regional Edt1cation
Board and Atlanta colleges and
uni ve rsi lies .
"These a re troubl ed times,"
said Bill Alli son, who will become EOA director July 16.
"Our campuses are witnessing
a re volutionairy response by
young peopie who want to do
something about ·the world they
live in. What happens on cam-
pus cannot be scparatod from
wha,t happens in lru•ge.r society."
'l'om Houser Speaks iMwcen Representatives of VISTA, Morehouse CoUcgc and Urban Corps
,f I
•. 111 . 1,p 11 I t'
" NC1'ds o(
1 America " at lunch Mon' ) . !le urged cooµcration be•. •;c l' . universities and govern.1 .. :- • and private agencies to
,.,:"(. mutua[ problems.
··R r c:ognition bl1at academic
1 . ..i. ·Jrger communities have a
'::'<,, • wn interest is long over·r
!1e said. "Now is the time
r. ;· ... cm to work together. Par.::.:ip,_tion is the name ?f t~e
_; . .-ii ..: and service-lear.mng 1s
,•: , ·a:; participation can be re·t , .
z: . ,,
-r;1[ s~rvice-learning concept
_. '. .. ~ experience au-I.side the
.·· _, com broadens education.
· : .e Peace Corps has been in
,_ ,., 1siness of scrvi:ce-Jearning
. _lJout eight years," said
..., . .-rouser, Peace Corps dep, , irec~or. "Most returning
•! : ( ers say they learned,
.han they gave."
·· ,\,· in VISTA are trying to
.; ne the concepts of educa:.,.. , ·:,peri ence and comm~ty
_:· , : e," said H. J effrey Bind a,
, , · u t i v e assislait to the
, . . director. The purpose
1r education-action pro·•. 1. , is to aid 1th
disadv.ln_,; and do something for the
,, :... r. ecrs."
1()nts can already serve in
c r c di t th~m many think,"
claimed Bincia.
A member of the School of
Educa,tion's curriculum committee said Georgia State Co1lege
already gives some credit for
par ticipation in tutorial programs. Mrs. Sara Reale said
students can tutor disadvantaged children three hours a
week and receive · three hours
A former Tulane Un.iveristy
studer.t said a new course there
with academic sredit w.ill £ea- .
· ture community srrvice .
Yet it's :-?ot easy to persuade
university administrators t o
give credit.
"CurricuT.wn committees are
jealous of their · courses," said
Agnes Scott College graduate
Tara Swarlse-J. "They're hesitant •to let students out of the
ciassroom into the field unless
they ::ec definite results."
Mayor Allen welcomed partlcipanLs Monday to the two-day
confe1·ence. Speakers inc1,uded:
U.S. Commissionei· of Education
James E . Alfen J r. , Atlanta
d p u t y adm!nlst!'ator Dan
Sweat Atlanta· Urban Corps
direct~r Sam 'williams and
White House speech writer Lee
e a c e Jorps, VISTA,
Heubner. Also, U1 ban Corps Nn•
• , ... 1 ,.r Cl)rps and Urban Corps
tional Development Office direc. . t , , ,ost colleges do not give
tor Michael Goldstein, Georgia
·, Lciit for this service. :_
president Arthur G. Han·I · much simpl~r to ,ap• •
I ' , • Turn 'to ':rage ·s:L
' vu-:' I ti university' for C6urse . • ·: •
2 0
Continued from Page 1-L
sen and Upward Bound director
Ed Ducree.
Six group• semina.rs interspersed with speeches focu.sed
on S"l'Vi c, l arning, curncu-
Str. rf Photo-Joo MoT»l't
Service-Learning Participants Try to Fwd the · Answer
J.um, finance, methods and programs and research.
A play presented Mon?UY
morning lllustrntc~ th service,
lenrnlng co11ccp_L ·A Dr~~,d Approach lo Rapid Transi t fea 1urcd
hora t:crs c,. "Vic"
Lea !er, Ahle N. Willing, Mrs.
- Minn Orily and 0. L. McDonald
from EIElO (Environmental Inv sligo lions with Economic Impact Office).
Education commissioner Allen
said extending classroom theory
into govqrnmen:t wcrk i~ a :;step
toward re1.evant educat10n. Atlanta d e p u t y administrator
Sweat stressed the need for stt:
c' :nt involvement in communir.;
" Students of today can im)
vide a valuable service io tl ,1
ommunil 1," 11 nid, "Tll,' r,i
sources of the acac!em!c '
munity must ~e libera.te·~: 1
a support.s the scn·1c:l'·1•, ·
Jng eo~cept. We w::iut tu
part of what you':-c dolng,
hope you'll be a pnrt uf
we're doing1 too."
The service-learning C0'1
ence wiT,l continue t 11r
months with periodic mee··::~ ,
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, loco
101 Marietta Stre e t B ldg . • Atl a nta, Georg ia 3030 3 •
T. M. Parh am
Contact : Mr s. Mitchell
525 - 426 2
E xec uti ve Admini s trat o r
For immediate release
January 7 , 1968
In preparation for " START NOW ATLANTA WEEK "a Boisfeuillet
Jones, Chairman of the Economi c Opportunity Atl anta , I n c. Board
of Directors, is inviting public officials and news represen tatives to a special briefing and to ur on Friday , January 10 ,
1969, beginning at 10 : 00 a. m. at the East Central EOA Neighborhood center , 486 Decatur Street S. E. at Boulevard (ba ck side of
shopping center.)
Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr ., has proc laimed the week of January
12 - 18 "START NOW ATLANTA WEEK" urging " all Atlantans t o invest
in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA ' s neighbo rhood
information and v oluntee r p r ograms ."
At Friday' s briefing Mr.Jones will launch "START NOW ATLANTA
WEEK" and the two new programs ment i on ed in the Mayo r's procla ma tion .
He will int-:t\oduce 22 poverty area resident s c a lled
V. I . P . ' s or Volunteer Information People a who f o r the first time
will lead public tours through their own neighbo rhoods.
He wi ll
also e xplain EOA's new volunteer program .
After the short briefing , on e o f the V.I. P . ' s . a p ove rty
area resident , will take guests to a nea r b y s t ree t to s e e what
�-2 -
residents living there have done to help themselves.
An early lunch will be provided for guests who wish to rema in
after the tour for further discussion o
According to Mr. Jones , the purpose of F riday ' s briefing a nd
tour is to give public officials and news representatives a first
hand look at some of the problems 6 the progress which is be i ng
made and the potential for volunteer help .
" I am convinced , " Mr .
Jones said, "that Atlantans want to become involved .
constantly ask 'How can I know what's happening? ' and ' What ca n I
That is why EOA is introducing two new programs during
"·START NOW ATLANTA WEEK " to help more Atlantans find way s to
become involved."
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
T . M. Parham
Telephone ~ 525 - 4262
Executi ve Administra to r
Contact ~ M.ary Lu Mitche ll
Fo r i mmed i ate r e l e ase
J·anuary 7 , 1969
Mayo r Ivan Allen J r o, h a s proclai med the week of Tanuar y 12
" S. ART NOW A LANTA WEEK e " urging al l
Atlan t ans to i n v est in the
ci ty 0 s fut ure by bec omi ng inv l v ed in Econ omic Oppo r t unity Atlanta 1 s
neighbo rhood informati on an d v ol un t eer programs.
I n his proclamation M.ayor Al l en states that e v e n though Atlanta
is one o f the mo s t progre ssi v e c i ti es in the United s t ates e some
160 11 000 citizens have n o.-
shared i n A lan ta 0 s g rowth a n d p o gress.
The severe problems caused by t his wasted huma n and e con o mic p oten tial c annot be solved wi thout the immediate help of all cit izens ,
a ccording to the Mayor .
To ass i s t t h o se who wan t to . bec ome personally involved in s olving t hese pr ob lems , Economic Opportun ity At la nta e I n c ., Atlanta 0 s
anti-poverty agency , is i ntroducin g two new prog ra ms du ring " START
One progra m offe rs p over t y area tours led by
residen t s of t he area and t he other offers new k i nds of volunteer
jobs .
I .
For thos e who want fir s t hand information
about Atlanta 's slums , twenty-two p o verty area r es i d ents have volunteered to l e a d tours in th e ir neighborhoods t o show what pr o gress
··• ~.
I." ~
- 2·-
they ha ve made th r ough their own efforts and wh at obs tacles they
still face.
They ca ll themselves V.I . P.'s o or Volunteer I nformat ion
People, and are me mbers of EOA n eighborhood self - he lp groups in
1 4 low-i n come areas served by EOA neighborhoo d c enters.
Groups or i n dividuals interested in arranging tours should
con tact Mrs. Mary Lu Mitche11 6 EOA Public Informa t ion Director ,
5 2 5 - 4262 .
II .
Fo r those who wan t to assist t he poo r in
the ir self-help efforts, EOA is coordinating a n e w volunte er program.
Vol u riteers will either develop th e ir own projects , work in
partnersh i p wi t h block clubs in l ow-income areas, organi ze study
groups in thei r own ne i ghborhoods or ac c ept specific assignments
a t agencie~ or centers ;
• '•' ... ~I").: ... • ~-~•~. _.: '• ". •·; •' .·, :.~ ~ .. :: ,.
I ., •
The firs € t i aining program fo r volunteers wi l l be conducted o n
~anuary 22 , 23 a nd 24 .
Groups o r ind i viduals i n terested in volun t eering should .c ontact
Mrs. June Sammo ns, EOA Vo lunteer c o ordinato r at 525-4262.
@ 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)
WHEREAS, Atlanta is one of the most progressive
cities in the United States; and
WHER EAS, 160,000 Atlantans have not shared in
Atlanta's growth and economic progress; and
WHEREA S, the wasted potential of these citizens
causes human suffering and severely limits Atlanta's
future progress; and
WHEREAS, th ese prob lem s can not be solved without
the immediate help of all Atlanta's citizen s:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ivan Allen , Jr., Mayor of
the City of Atlanta, do hereby proclaim the week of
January 12 as
and do hereby urge all Atlantans to 11 Start Now 11 to invest
in Atlanta's future by becoming involved in EOA 1s neighborhood information and volunteer programs.
hereunto set my hand and caused- the
Seal of the City of Atlanta to be affixed.
Ivan Allen,
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
February 4,1969
M E N Q....R A _H D U H
Those in i.ttendance at the Job Corvs Skill Center
'. 1·
Mr. John F. Gtandridge, Executive DirectoCvYf ,,-(,;
Vocational-Technical and Adult Education v-~~
In accordance Hith our previous meeting, we are sending you a copy
of the Jq.b Description for the Director of the Job Corps Skill
.e-4 Scl.ool. S'14-'e-.
/5e,w<if9 U.e A~a cuul. v/-uit-
l.. (u
v,' .1
{' L- , .
January 30, 1969
Director· Job Corps Skill Center
Bachelors degree required; master ' s degree preferred. Must meet State
Department of Education requirements for certification in Vocational
Education .
Three years vocati onal teaching experience .
desired .
Salary Range:
M.S .
DR .
Job Description:
Plans, organizes, and directs the educational program and administrative
functions of the Skill Center . Reports to the Executive Director of
Vocational- Technical and Adult Education .
Broad industrial experience
$13,723 . 80
$15,360 . 60
$14,542.20 - $16,179 . 00
$15,360.60 - $16,997 . 40
$16,179 . 00 - $17,815.80
Must have extensive knowledge of the principles and methods of organization of course content, the principle~ and techniques of teaching and
General school administration; knowledge of academic subjects and their
place and value in a Vocational Education Program. Must have .e xceptional
ability to plan, organize, and direct a school program of vocational
instruction; to enlist, organize, and effectively use advisory committees.
Must have considerable ability to evaluate instructional techniques,
procedures, and equipment; present comments and opinions clearly and
concisely; create and maintain cooperative relationships with others ; and
to anticipate, to analyze, and to prepare plans to meet needs and situations.
Must have ability to apply budgetary principles, and to establish effective
records and report sys tems .
Plans , develops and administers programs to provide educational opportunities and counseling for students . Cooperates with business , civic, and
other organizations to develop curricula to meet needs and interests of
students and community. Appoi nts a dvisory committee for each ma jor
instructional area.
Establishes procedures, i n cooperat i on with t he Job Corps and Employment
Security Agencies, for the recruitment registration, and placement of
students , and supervises t hes e activities.
Interviews and recommends s election and placement of staff and faculty and
other personnel necessary for operation of the Skill Center. Provi des inservic e training for instructors .
�Supervises review and evaluation of course content and schedules, and
revision as necessary to meet student and community needs.
Prepares periodic budgets and determines allocation of funds within
overall authorizations .
Directs preparation of pamphlets, posters, news releases, and radio
and television scripts to publicize and promote personnel recruitment
and educational programs.
Supervises collection and analysis of data from questionnaires, interviews, and group discussions to evaluate curricula, teaching methods,
and community participation in Skill Center programs.
Establishes procedures for preparation of records and reports; for
maintenance, accountability-, and equipment, assigned to the Skill
Center; and ·supervises these activities .
Plans, develops, and administers physical educational program, recreational program, and student residential program.
Plans work of faculty committees and di rects school safety program to
include fire and emergency drills .
Statement of
Statement of Inter est should be mailed to Mrs. Ruth Satterfield,
Director of Recruitment and Plac ement, Personnel Division, 224 Central
Avenue, S . w. , Atlanta, 30303, no later than Friday, February 14, 1969.
Applicants will be noti fied of date and time of interview.
�- - -,;;;;.-============--=======;;,;;,.~~""""~........,-~---·------- ----------------~----BRIEF HISTORY OF EOA .
On August 20, 1964, the President of the United States signed
the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, (Public Law 88-452).
This act mobilized the human and financial resources of the
entire country to help the nation's poor help themselves by
giving them OPPORTUNITIES - opportunities for education
and training, for employment, and for better methods of living
in present day America.
While this legislation was still pending, Atlanta and Fulton
County officials began making plans to ensure prompt action
for over 160,000 underpriviledged citizens in this area. The
result was a joint resolution passed on August 19, 1964, by th.e
Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta and
the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County,
creating a community action board to receive and administer
federal Economic Opportunity funds. Because of this timely
planning, Atlanta and Fulton County received one of the first
to an urparrarea on Noyember 23, 1964.
M <-v+, ~ ..., eJ h o c.,,J,
/.ach year thousands of people move to Atlanta from farms and
villages. Many are unequipped to cope with the demands of
urban living. These new arrivals, as well as thousands of families
already living here, are trapped by the cycle of poverty, unemployment, disease, ignorance and public dependence. Many who
most need the help offered by public and private organizations
concerned with their welfare are not aware of the services or are
not able to take the basic steps necessary to obtain them. Often
they are unable to read street or bus signs, fill out applications
or follow written instructions. In short, they are unable to help
To reach these people and help them become self-sufficient,
EOA has established neighborhoord service centers in 14 lowincome areas of Atlanta and Fulton, Gwinnett and Rockdale
Counties. Through these 14 centers EOA provides employment
counseling, social services and numerous self-help programs.
Seventeen local agencies help administer these programs, under
contract to EOA. Other agencies, though not funded by EOA,
also place representatives in EOA neighborhood centers or cooperate by providing services to individuals referred to them by EOA.
Residents of areas served by the 14 centers participate in planning EOA programs through 200 neighborhood block clubs, 14
Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Councils, A Citizens Central Advisory Council and the EOA Board of Directors, one t hird of
which is composed of low-income representatives. Through this
participation, people learn to identify common problems. As new
leadership emerges, they assume responsibility for finding solutions to many of these problems.
Representatives to EOA committees are elected once a year
through democratic elections held in the neighborhoods. More
than 12,000 people voted for 1968 representatives in 200 neighborhood block elections. In 1967, 11,500 people voted in 194
block elections. In 1966, the first such elections, 2,000 people
voted in 11 polling places.
EOA is not a financial aid program. It offers opportunities, a
hand up instead of a hand out. It is an experimental program,
searching for new approaches to old and complex problems.
Acting as a catalyst, it has brought numerous changes in old
methods and attitudes. The success of these changes will be
measured by the continued development of a se lf-sufficient,
aware and responsible citizenry, so essential for the growth and
survival of Metro olitan Atlanta.
Statistics in this report cover the period from January 1965 through
December, 1967.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Doris C. Bridges
A comprehensive manpower program to recruit, train and place
2,500 hardcore unemployed and underemployed persons in
permanent employment.
Persons included in the program reside in the following five
target areas: Sum-Mee, Pittsburgh, West End, Price and NASHWashington.
From August 14 through December 1967, 704
people were placed in orientation and pre-vocational training
programs and 687 people were placed on jobs or in on-the-job
training programs.
Administering Agency:
Address of Program:
Georgia Department of Education,
Vocational Rehabilitation Division
1599 Memorial Drive, S.E.
Mr. Cantey Gordon
A centralized service to diagnose and evaluate work potential
and training needs of difficult cases and to follow up job
progress. It serves all agencies cooperating with EOA programs.
From May, 1966, through December, 1967, 1,983
people were accepted for evaluation, 1,452 completed the evaluation phase and 605 finished training and were employed.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Gloria S. Gross
Ten day care centers provide supervised care, enrichment and
education for 725 children of working parents. The centers are
open 11 hours a day, five days a week, all year. Approx imately
1,759 ch ildren have attended day care centers si nce the first
one began operation in April 1965.
Antioch North Day Care Center (50 children)
540 Kennedy Street, N.W.
Mrs. Mary Ray
Bowen Homes Day Care Center (Gate City Association )
(100 children)
1060 Wilkes Circle, N.W.
Mrs. Frances Wyatt
�College Park Civic & Educational Center (35 children)
407 West Harvard Street, College Park, Georgia
Mrs. Eloise Thomas
A program to provide children in institutions with adult affection and companionship while also giving older citizens a chance
to be employed in a useful, personally satisfying job.
East Point Child Care Center (24 children)
1147 Calhoun Avenue, East Point, Georgia
767 -4404
Mrs. DeVern Howell
ACTION: Forty-one men and women over sixty years of age
are employed to work with children at three institutions. Each
grandparent is responsible for two children. Since February
1966, 196 older people have participated in the program.
Fort Street Kiddie Korner (100 children)
562 Boulevard, N.E.
Mrs. Yhonna Halcomb
Carrie-Steele Pitts Home
Fulton County Juvenile Court
Grady Memorial Hospital
Gate City at St. Paul's (Gate City Association) (36 children)
1540 Pryor Road, S.W.
Telephone :
Mrs. Barbara Martin
Grady Homes Day Care Center
(Grady Homes Tenant Association) (90 children)
100 Bell Street, S. E.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Carter
Administering Agencies:
South Side Day Care Center (120 children)
802 Pryor Street, S.W.
Mr. Henry Furlow
Head Start classes have provided cultural enrichment for a total
of 8,989 children during the last three summers.
Vine City Child Development Center (50 children)
168 Griffin Street, N.W.
Telephone :
Mr. Joseph Gross
EOA and Georgia State Employment Service
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Aaron Alderman
One Georgia State Employment Service Manpower Counselor
is located in each Neighborhood Service Center to provide job
placement and referrals to other services.
ACTION: Since March 1965, employment counselors located
in neighborhood centers have placed 9,891 individuals on jobs;
6,218 individuals in training programs such as MOTA, Job Corps
and Neighborhood Youth Corps, and made 21,356 referrals.
Counselors have conducted 37,859 initial interviews and 102,615
total interviews. Of all individuals coming to EOA neighborhood
centers, 72% wanted jobs.
Atlanta Public Schools
761-5411 Ext. 233
6,909 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Berean Junior Academy
360 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Free For All Day Nursery
360 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Gwinnett County Public Schools
480 children have attended
in 2 summers.
Hinsley Temple Day Nursery
180 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Rockdale County Public Schools
80 children have attended
in 2 summers.
Sullivan - Mitchell Academy
90 children have attended
in 1 summer.
Wheat Street Day Nursery
300 children have attended
in 3 summers.
Administering Agency:
Administering Agency:
Eight (see below)
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Gloria S. Gross
A summer enrichment program for culturally deprived preschool children operated by the Atlanta School System and
seven private agencies.
Tabernacle Baptist Church (120 children)
475 Boulevard, N. E.
Mrs. Mattie Bruce
Administe ring Agency:
Mrs. Georgie 0. Miller
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Room 313
Mr. Wilbert Solomon
Job training for out-of-school, unemployed boys aged 16 through
21. EOA is responsible for recruiting and screening male Job
Corps applicant s from Atlanta and Fulton , Cobb, Clayton,
Fayette, Douglas, DeKalb, Rockdale and Gwinnet t counties.
Senior Citizen Services of
Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
120 Marietta Street, N. W.
�Antione Graves Center
ACTION: Since January 1965, 2,012 boys have been sent to
training centers throughout t he country. 301 have been processed and are awaiting assignments. 277 boys have graduated.
A new recruiting quota of 1,560 boys has been received for the
current year.
Health maintenance, adult education, recreation, transportation,
counseling, information, referrals and volunteer services for 764
individuals living in three high rise apartment buildings for the
elderly constructed by the Atlanta Housing Authority, plus
approximately 3,000 elderly individuals who live in the neighborhoods where the facilities are located.
(See also "Job Corps - Women's" page 8 .)
Project Director:
General Counsel:
The average daily attendance is 389.
The Atlanta Legal Aid Society
136 Pryor Street, S. E.
Mr. Michael D. Padnos
Mrs. Nancy S. Cheves
Administering Agency:
Coordinator of Inner
City Centers
Coordinator of Outer
City Centers
Bellwood Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Assistant Attorney:
717 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Eugene Taylor
Mrs. Evelyn Fabian
1839-C Hollywood Road, N.W.
Mrs. Colquitt McGee
Mr. Samson Oliver
Sum-Mee Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Assistant Attorney:
65 Georgia Avenue, S.E.
Mr. Robert B. Newman
Mr. Howard Simmons
Emory Neighborhood Law Office
486 Decatur Street, S.E.
All legal cases from EOA target areas are referred to t he downtown office or one of the four neighborhood centers. The
program also offers legal education and includ es a research and
reform unit and a special litigat ion unit. Two additional
neighborhood offices will be opened in 1968:
Mr. Edd ie Neyland
Edgewood Neighborhood Service Center
1723 Boulevard Drive, S.E.
Extension Area Manager:
Miss Charlene Wharton
Mr. Coll ins Hastings
Gwinnett County Neighborhood Service Center
225 Perry Street, Lawrenceville, Georgia
Mr. Gene Johnson
Senior Citizen Services of
Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
Mr. A. E. Horvath
NASH-Washington Neighborhood Service Center
247 Ashby Street, N.W.
John 0 . Chiles Cent er
435 Ashby Street, S.W.
755-577 1
Mr. William A. Fowlkes
Eagan Homes Extension Area Center
Palmer House Center
Mr. George Dodd
East Side Community Extension Center
Since July 1965, attorneys have served 29,738 cases
and have reopened 1,301 cases. 6,175 cases were completed
after court act ion.
Miss Margaret Ajax
Mrs. Lucy Guthrie
547 Hunt St reet, S.E.
Telephone :
Extension Area Manager:
Executive Director:
Mr. George Williams-873-6759
East Central Neighborhood Service Center
447 Parkway Drive, N.E.
Frederick S. LeClercq
Administering Agency:
Mrs. Sujette Crank-522-5792
Central City Neighborhood Service Center
840 Marietta Street, N.W.
Extension Area Manager:
Another legal services center is operated by Emory University.
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
All EOA services are brought to low-income families through 14
neighborhood service centers located in poverty areas. Employment counseling,social services and a variety of self-help programs
are available at the centers. In addition, staff members help
residents form neighborhood block organ.izations, deal with
neighborhood problems and develop leadership ability. Each year,
residents of EOA target areas vote in neighborhood elections to
choose their representatives to EOA committees and the EOA
Board of Directors.
Northwest Branch Legal Services Center
Managing Attorney:
Law Clerk:
126 Hilliard Street, S.E.
97 Chestnut Street, N.W.
Telepho ne:
Extension Area Manager:
430 Techwood Drive, N.W.
Mr. Maurice Pennington
�Vine City Extension Area Center
141 Walnut Street, N.W.
Extension Area Manager:
Mr. Maurice Pennington
ACTION: 440 work posit ions are provided. Since Augu st 1965
4,033 have participated in the program.
See also Neighborhood Youth Corps
(In-School program) page 8 .
North Fulton Neighborhood Service Center
27 Oak Street, Roswell, Georgia
Acting Director:
Mr. George Ad ams
Northwest (Perry Homes) Neighborhood Service Center
1927 Hollywood Road, N.W.
Mr. Howard Jefferson
Administering Agency:
Act ing Director:
Pittsburgh Neighborhood Service Center
993½ McDaniel Street, S.E.
Mr. Sam Baxter
EOA has received a planning grant to design an A t lanta Parent
and Ch ild Center. It is a pilot demonstration project designed
to provide services to low-income families in t he Edgewood
area w ith children under three y ears of age or those expecting
a baby.
Price Neighborhood Service Center
1127 Capitol Avenue, S.W.
l)/lrs. Paul ine M. Clark
One of t hirty-six such projects throughout t he country, the
PPC program emphasizes planned parenthood, household skills,
parent-child relationships and the use of commu nity facilities.
Rockdale-Conyers Neighborhood Service Center
929 Commercial Street, Conyers, Georgia
Telephone :
Mrs. Sarah M. St arr
South Fulton Neighborhood Service Center
2735 East Point Street, East Point , Georgia
Mr. James Callan
Extension A rea Manager:
Mr. Hubert Murray
Administering Agency:
Summerhill-Mechanicsville Neighborhood Service Center
65 Georgia Avenue, S.E.
577-135 1
Mr. Daniel Brand
Extension A rea Managers:
Mrs. June Sammons
Mr. Richard Rembert
The Planned Parenthood
Association of the Atlanta Area
118 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mrs. Julian Freedman
Bet hlehem Community Center Clinic
9 McDonough Boulevard
T elephone:
(Thursday evenings 6- 9 p.m.)
Downtown Clinic
118 Mar ietta Street, N.W.
(Friday evenings 6- 8 p. m.)
West Central Neighbrohood Service Center
2193 V erbena Street, N.W.
Mr. A mos Parker
Director :
Extension Area Manager:
Mr. Oscar T rent
Vine City Clinic
558 Magnolia St., N.W.
T elephone:
523-8 112
(Friday evenings 6- 9 p. m.)
East Point Clinic
2735 East P.o int Street
(Tuesday evenings 6- 9 p.m.; 2nd and 4th
Saturdays in the month, 10-12 a. m.)
West End Neighborhood Service Center
727 Lawto n Street, S.W.
753-610 1
Mrs. Sarah Z im merman
Extension Area Manager:
Miss Penny A. Blackford
John 0. Chiles Homes
435 Ashby Street, S.W.
(Thursday evenings 6- 9 p.m.)
(Out-of-School program )
Administering Agency:
Address of program:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Miss Anne Ingram
Perry Homes Cl inic
1660 Drew Drive, N.W., Apt. 756
T elephone:
(Monday -Wednesday evenings 6- 9 p.m. )
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Henry Pace
A fam ily planning service.
A job training and employment program for out-of-school,
unemployed youths aged 16 through 21. 146 public and nonprofit Atlanta agencies provide 154 work locations and 440
positions. Return to school is encouraged.
ACTION : The program, under contract with EOA, has served
6,231 individuals from January 1966 through November 1967.
Five · neighborhood family planning clinics plus the downtown
clinic are in operation.
Fulton County Medical Assoc.
Emory Univ. School of Medicine
1070 Washington Street, S.W.
Temporary Address:
Dr. William Marine
Dr. Calvin Brown
Permanent address will be 1039 Ridge Avenue, S.W.
Clark College
Emory University
Georgia State College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Morehouse College
Morris Brown College
Oglethorpe University
Spelman College
Administering Agencies:
A new health center will provide complete medical services,
except hospitalization, f or 22,000 low-income people living in
the Price neighborhood . The Fulton County Medical Society
is the delegate agency and Emory University will operate the
program. The program will cooperate with all other health and
planning agencies within Metropolitan Atlanta ,
Temporary services will be available June 1, 1968. Full operation will begin on November 1, 1968. ·
The Atlanta Board of Education
2930 Forrest Hills Drive, S.W.
Mr. Alan Koth
An education program to serve the entire family using neighborhood public school faciliti es around the clock . The program
was financed by EOA until the 1967 budget reductions.
Call Mr. Harold Barrett at 525-4266 for information.
City-wide recreation programs were conducted in the summers
of 1966 and 1967 by EOA, the City of Atlanta, 10 United
Appeal Agencies and 14 other private agencies. The total 1966-67
attendance at summer recreation programs was 377,000. A large
1968 program is planned.
Eleven Community Schools are still in operation. Five (Brown,
Price, Washington, Archer and Howard) offer academic credit toward a High School diploma. Credit courses are also offered
at Bass High School.
Administering Agency:
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Johnny Popwell, Jr.
Archer High School, 2250 Perry Boulevard, N.W.
Arvella L. Farmer, Assistant Principal
Bethune Elementary School, 220 Northsid e Drive, N. W.
Norris Hogans, A ssist ant Principal
A domestic Peace Corps of volunteers assisting low-income
neighborhood residents with education, community organization, recreation, counseling, health, legal assistance, employment
and other specialized programs.
Brown High School , 764 Peepl es St reet, S. W.
Telephone :
Stephen Vernarsky, Acting A ssistant Principal
ACTION: Fifty-four VISTAs are currently working with EOA
neighborhood centers and other agencies. Since July 1965, 101
VISTAs have worked with EOA.
Capitol Avenue Elementary School. 811 Capitol Av enu e, S.W.
Obadiah Jordan, Jr., Assistant Pr incipal
Sammye Coan Middle School, 1550 Boul evard Dr ive, N.E.
Aaron Watson, A ssist ant Prin cipal
The Atlanta Board of Education
2930 Forrest Hills Drive, S.W.
761 -5411 Ext. 206
Mr. Alan Koth
Mr. Joe Fuller
Dr. Curtis Henson
Dykes High School, 4360 Powers Ferry Road , N .W.
Tel ephone:
Jack Glasgow, A ssistant Pri ncipa l
Grant Park Elementary School , 750 Kalb Av enu e, N .E.
627 -5741
James Chivers, A ssistant Pr incipal
Instruction in reading, wri t ing and arithmetic for adults over
18 years of age who are unable to function on an eighth grad e
level , to improve their employment potential.
Howard High School, 551 Houston Street, N .E.
T elephone:
522 -5096
Joe l Din k ins, Ac t in g A ssista nt Pri ncipal
Price High School, 1670 Capito l A ven ue, S.W.
T elephone:
Carl Hubbard , A ssistant Prin cipa l
Part-time employment progra m t o k eep y ouths from low- income
families in college.
�Washington High School, 45 White House Drive, S.W.
Robert H. Wilson, Assistant Principal
West Fulton High School, 1890 Bankhead Avenue, N.W.
E. C. Norman, Assistant Principal
·Address of program:
Mr. Lloyd Groover
The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 provides
job training for needed skills.
Officers in Charge:
The Georgia State Employment
Service and the Atlant a Board of
Educat ion
522 W. Peachtree St., N.W.
The Atlanta Police Department
82 Decatur Street, S.E.
Capt. 0. W. Jordan
Lt. C. Dixon
A. A. Harris
Address of program:
Policemen work in each EOA neighborhood service center to
become friends with residents and help them with their problems. The program, the first of its kind in the count ry, was
developed by the Atlanta Police Department. All new policemen
are assigned to the program for their first few months of duty.
Atlanta and Fulton County
Boards of Education
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Mr. Eugene Wimby
Training and employ ment of low-income h igh school youths
in t he Atlanta-Fulton County School Systems t o provide work
ex perience and money to enable them t o remain in school.
ACTION: Since January 1967, officers have made over 162,800
contacts, attended 339 meetings on off-duty time, and helped
176 hardship cases.
654 students are now employed in the public schools.
3,867 youths have participated since the beginning.
The supervising officers and their centers are:
NASH -Washington
Price and Pittsburgh
Central City
Northwest (Perry Homes)
East Central
West End
Su m-Mee
West Cent ra l
Officer Gambell
Officer Davenport
Officer Cardell
Officers Smith and Bolton
Officer Steed
Officer L. Coggins
Off icer Owens
Officer Lyons
Office r Johnson
Address of program:
Program offers the human relations approach to gaining and
maintain ing ernploy ment. It is under t he Manpower Development and Training Act.
Emory Universit y
Clark College
309 Thompson Hall
Director :
Emory Universit y
Emory University
Add ress:
ACTION: First annual report has been filed with OEO in
Emory University Campus, Emory Univ.
377-2411 Ext. 7546
Mr. Louis Becker
Morehouse College
240 Chestnut St reet, N.W.
Dr. Carson Lee
Dr. Fred Crawford
An eighteen month eval uation of Atlanta's Community Action
The Atlanta Board of Education
756 West Peachtree Street, N.E.
Mr. Thomas W. Hinds
Women in Community Service,
Inc. (WICS)
730 Peachtree Street, N.E.
223 Chestnut Street, S.W.
Mr. Mac A. Stewart
Morris Brown College
642 Hunter Street, N.W.
Mrs. Vivian McGee
Mrs. Lois Baldwin
A project to reduce the dropo ut rate of 11th and 12th graders
with ability by providing remedial and interest classes and
encouraging them to set goals for further education after high
Job training for out-of-school, unemployed girls aged 16 through
21. At present, 208 girls are in training center-s throughout the
United States and 63 have graduated.
Administering Agency:
A two month program . 10,697 citizens 65 y ears and older
were con tact ed. 110 paid w ork ers, old er people from low income areas, and 117 volunteers ex plained health and hospital
benefi ts availab le und er th e new Medicare legislation and helped
peopl e apply before the March 31 , 1966 deadlin e.
Ga. State Employment Service
522 West Peachtree Street, N.W .
Mr. Forrest Humphries
A program which concentrates on the employment needs of
youths aged 16 through 21, w it h emphasis on coun se ling, testi ng
and referral to other agenci es for remedial education or t raining.
Four Public Hea lth Nurses worked with neighborhood service
centers. Admini st ered by Fulton County Department of Public
Training and work experience for 500-700 hard -core, unemployed out-of-school youths per year, in w orkshop situations.
Administered by BEES-BIZ, Inc., a non-profit private organi zation. 233 were enrolled during the program.
A center to screen prospective loan applicants and to provide
assistance in the management and development of small businesses.
An education program, form erly financed by EOA, to serv e
the entire family using neighborhood public school faciliti es
around the clock . Now administered by the Atlanta Board of
Education. See page 7 .
From October 1965 through July 1967 the center interviewed
and counseled 850 low-income businessmen and approved loans
total ing $326,225. Administered by EOA.
20,964 w ere enrolled in 12 school s. Approximately 10,000
more partici pated in programs while financed by EOA.
In 1965, scholarships were provid ed for 6,500 primary and
Group education for low- income parents w hose children are enrolled in Head Start cl asses, to increase motivation for se lf-help.
Commun ity and personal probl em s were ident ified and became
the target for action . The project w as administered by th e
A t lanta Urban Leagu e, Inc.
second ary students from under-privil edged homes to allow th em
to attend summer school. Administered by the Atlanta and
Fulton County Boards of Education.
ACTION : El even groups w it h a total of 295 parents have com pl eted th eir discussions. Th ere have been 424 referr als to oth er
agencies fo r help. 1,836 peopl e have been interview ed . 60 persons
have been involved in lead ersh ip t raining. The program ended on
December 31st.
A program to provide t rain ing and supervision of loca l vo lunteers
who suppl ement ed services of th e EOA professi on al st aff. Volunt eers were drawn fro m all areas of the city , inc luding EOA
target areas. Th e progra m was ad m inistered by t he Community
Counci l of t he Atlanta Area, Inc. du r ing it s demo nstratio n year.
Subst itute homemakers assumed responsibil it y for households
in low-i ncome areas during emergency sit uations. Admin istered
by V isiting N urse A ssociation o f A t lanta. 28 ho mem akers served
522 ho mes and made 13,436 visits.
ACT ION: A ppro xi mately 250volun t eerswere recruited, t rained
and placed. Seven cl asses were held, both daytime and evening.
The volunteers worked fo r at least six months in neighborhood
service cen t ers, ch ild development centers, summer head start
programs, planned parenthood clinics, senior citi zens centers
and community schools.
EOA Home Management Technicians and aides worked in Neighborhood Service Centers, taught residents cooking, sewing,
housekeeping, budgeting, child care, hygiene, consu mer buying,
and facts about loans and installment bu yi ng.
Central City
N- Southern Railway
E-W. Peachtree
S-Jet Street
F-6, F-7, F-8. F-9
F-10, F-20, F-21
East Central
N-North Ave.
E-Moreland Ave.
S-Memorial Dr.
W-Williams St.
F-17, F-18, F-19, F-27,
F-28, F-29, F-30, F-31,
F-32, F-33
N-c·of Ga. RR
D-5, D-6
E-Rogers St.
S-Memorial Drive
W-Moreland Ave.
'Gwinnett County
Entire county
N-Bankhead Ave.
E-Elliot Street
S-Greensferry Ave. & Westview Dr.
W-Ashby Street
F-22, F-23, F-25, F-26,
F-36, F-37, F-38, F-39,
North Fulton
N-Fulton-Cherokee County Line
E-Fulton-Forsyth County Line
S-Northside Drive to W. Wieuca Rd.
to Nancy Creek, Fulton-DeKalb
line to Chattahoochee River
W-Fulton-Cobb County Line
F-101, F-102, F-114,
F-115, F-116
Northwest Perry
N-Marietta Boulevard
E-Marietta Boulevard &
Louisville&Nashville RR
S-Proctor Creek
W-Chattahoochee River
F-87, F-88
N-Cont'd W-Whitehall
E-Southern Railway
S-Atlanta&W. Point 'R R
W- W. Whitehall
F-57, F-58, F-63
N-Atlanta Ave.
E-Hill Street
S-Lakewood Ave.
W-South Expressway
F-67 F-558 * F-55A
Rockdale County
Entire county
South Fulton
N- E. Cleveland Ave.
E-Sylvan Road
S-Thomas Avenue
W-A&W.P. RR (S. Main St.)
F-104, F-105, F-106,
F-107, F-109, F-110,
N-Memorial Drive
E-Primrose & Kelly Streets
S-Atlanta Ave.
W- Southern Railway
F-44 F-45 F-46 F-47
F-48, *F-55A *F-56 '
West Cent ral
N-Proctor Creek, Gun Club
Road, Eugenia Pl. & North Ave.
E- L&N RR , Ashby St.
S- Atlant ic Coast Line RR , & Hunter St.
W- Chattahoochee River
F-24, F-83, F-84, F-86
�West End
N-Harris Homes Project
E-Whitehall Street
S-L&N Railroad
W-John White Park, S. Gordon Street
F-41, F-42, F-59, F:60,
F-61, F-62
These Census Tracts are divided between two center areas
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones, Chairman
Mrs. W. H. (Lucy) Aiken
Mr. Robert Barnes
Mr. Harold Benson
Mr. W. T. Brooks
Mr. William L. Calloway
Mr. J. Otis Cochran
Mr. Lawrence Coleman
Mr. Robert Dobbs
. Mr. George L. Edwards Jr.
Mr. John Gaither
Mrs. Beatrice Garland
Mrs. Katherine Gatty
Mr. Melvin Grantham
Rev. Ellis Green
Mr. John W. Greer
Rev. Joseph L. Griggs
Mrs. Sylvia Harris
Mr. John S. Herndon
Mr. Jesse Hil'I
Mr. T. J. Justin
Rev. M. L. King, Sr.
Mrs. Susie Labord
Dr. John W. Letson
Mr. W. H. Montague, Sr.
Mr. Michael Murphy
Mr. Carl Plunkett
Mr. Julian Sharpton
Dr. Lynn Shufelt
Mr. A. H. Sterne
Mrs. Nancie Stowers
Dr. Paul D. West
Mrs. Leroy (Ann) Woodard
Mr. W. A. Edge
Mr. Ralph Long
Mrs. Annie Pace
Mrs. Susie Perkins
Reverend R. B. Shorts
Mr. Robert Tibbetts
Marked * below, plus the following
Executive Administrator Nominees:
Mrs. Gladys Bradley
Mrs. Rosa Burney
Mr. James Couch
Central City Center
Mr. James Austin
Mrs. Dorothy Brown
Mrs. Evelyn Brown
Mrs. Katie Brown
Mrs. Ethel Cox
Mr. T. J. Justus
Mrs. Ethel Mc I ntyre
Mrs. Tempil Owens
Mrs. Ruth Palmer
Mr. W. A. Reynolds
Mrs. Kathryn Turner
Mr. L. L. Turner
Mr. Alonza Watson
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Spencer Blount
Mrs. Kathryn Turner
Conyers- Rockdale Center
Mr. Jim Baker
Mr: Leroy Bigham, Chairman
Reverend E. N. Brewer
Mr. Bobby Brisendine
Reverend William Byington
Mr. George Davis
Mr. George Edwards, Jr.
Mr. James Finlayson
Mr. Moses Green
Mr. Aubrey Harvey
Mrs. Olivia Haydel
Mr. Willie Henderson
Mr. J. T. Hicks
Mrs. Merle K. Lott
Mr. John Penn
Mr. Frank Smith
Mrs. Otis Smith
Mr. Jack Turner
Mrs. Dora Zachery
East Central
Rev. W. M. Allen
Mrs. Clide Anderson
Mrs. Alice Birdsong
Rev. N. D. Daniel
Mrs. Jean Fryer
Miss Edith L. Grant
Mr. James Gilbert, Sr.
Mrs. Lois Harris
Mrs. Ophelia Harris
Mrs. Lila Hawkins
Mrs. Gladys Hutchinson
Mrs. Susie Labord, Chairman
Mrs. Corine Lang
Mr. John Mattox
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Harold Hess
Mr. Julius Pruitt
Mr. Samuel Sheats
Edgewood Center
Mrs. Fred Brantley
Mrs. Eliza. Brock
Mrs. Blanche Cox
Mrs. Rosie Harris
Mrs. Charity Hill
Rev. C. W. Hill
Mr. Lorenzo Johnson, Chairman
Mrs. Maxie Lewis
Mr. Columbus Maddox
Mr. George Malden
Mrs. Rubye Payne
Mr. Julius White
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Rufus Favors
Mr. John Gaither
Mr. Charles Turner
Nash-Washington Center
Mrs. Elizabeth Barker
Mr. Otis Cochran
Mrs. Mattie Cotton
Mrs. Parialee Fau lker
Mrs. Lois Ferguson
Mrs. Cathrine Greer
Mrs. Margaret Guest
Mrs. Cynthia Hampton
Rev. W. L. Houston
Mrs. Geneva Mack
Mr. James S. Wilson
Mrs. Jesse Miller
Mrs. Lena Pritchett
Mrs. Carrie Porter
Mrs. Annie Sewell
�Mrs. Gladys Shaw
Mr. M. T. Sheppard
Mr. Erwin Stevens, Chairman
Mrs. C. M. Wolfe
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. James Gardner
Mrs. Mattie Hutchinson
Mrs. Ruby Lundy
Mrs. Maggie Moody
Mrs. Dorothy Bolden Thompson
North Fulton Center
Rev. Paul Abernathy
Mr. Royce Adkins
Mr. Alonzo Allen
Mr. George Barnhart
Mr. Tom Bell
Mrs. Ophard Buice
Mrs. D6ris Born
Mrs. Rupert Cartwright
Mrs. Susie Day
Rev. G. R. Hewatt
Mrs. Clyde Lafitte
Mrs. Robert McCallum
Mr. Robert McCallum
Mrs. Fannie Martin
Mrs. Judy Metcaff
Mr. Gene Poteete
Mr. Lynn Shufelt, Chairman
Mrs. Ed. Steele
Mr. A. C. Turner
Mrs. Anne Verner
Mrs. Nelle Wilson
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. H. B. Jones
Mrs. Grace Kilgore
Mr. Horace McClusky
Mr. W. H. Scott
Mrs. Ann Standridge
Mrs. Agnes Wells
Northwest Perry Homes Center
Mrs. Azzie Brown
Mrs. Margie Freeman
Mr. Isreal Grant
Mrs. Beulah Hill
Mrs. Ruby Hawk
Mrs. Annie Mae Hoard
Mrs. Pearline Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth McMillian
Deacon Henry Mitchell
Mrs. Mary Rowe
Mr. John Slaton
Mrs. Arie Shelman
Mr. Albert Sm ith
Mrs. Elizabeth Strong
Mrs. V era Travis
Mrs. Josie Wynn
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Robert Dobbs, Chairman
Mr. Robert Shaw
Pittsburgh Service Center
Mrs. Madeline Cooper
Mrs. Huston F. Dyer
Mrs. Annie Evans
Mrs. Mamie Fleming
Mrs. Beatrice Garland
ATLA N TA GA 68 - 355 4
Mrs. Annie B. Nelson
Mrs. Rbsa Hammonds
Mrs. Mary Robinson
Mr. N. H. Scott
Mrs. Willie P. Thornton
Mr. John W. Tolbert
Mrs. Annie P. Wright
Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, Chairman
Center Director Nominees:
Mrs. Sallie Billings
Rev. Calvin Houston
Mrs. Katherine. Harris
Mr. Arthur L. Hodges
Mr. Robert Kelly
Mr. Jimmie Kennebrew, Jr.
Mrs. Gussie Lewis
Mr. Edward Moody
Dec. Lewis E. Peters, Chairman
Mrs. Doris Thomas
Mrs. Eva Upshaw
Mrs. Mary Vaughn
Mr. Hudson Whitsett
Center Director Nominees:
Price Center
Mrs. Grace Barksdale
Mr. Melvin Barnes
Mrs. Mary Benning
Mr. Jessie Berry
Mrs. Charlie M. Foster
Mrs. Betty Hightower
Mrs. Helen Lowe
Mr. Gariel McCrary
Mrs. Mary Marshall
Mrs. Addie Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth Mosley
Mrs. Ceclia O'Kelley
Mrs. Francis O'Neal
Mrs. Mollie Parker
Mr. Henry Phipps, Chairman
Mrs. Christine Printup
Miss Rene Respress
Mrs. Marjorie Stone
Mrs. Jessie Terry
Mrs. Emma J. Watkins
Mrs. Louise Watley
Mrs. Martha Weems
Mr. Willis Weems
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. Robert Barnes
Mrs. Ollie Powell
South Fulton
Mrs. Tommie Anderson
Mr. Ronald .Bridges, Chairman
Mrs. Margaret Burnett
Mr. Paul Dorsey
Mrs. Maxcine Jackson
Mr. Leroy Lowe
Mrs. Susie Perkins
Mrs. Myrtice Rowe
Mr. Robert Sm ith
Mr. John Walton, Jr.
Mrs. Louvenia Williams
Mrs. Mary Lou Williams
Mrs. Lucy Willis
Center Director Nominees:
Mr. W. T. Brooks
Mr. Milo Fisher
Mr. James Maddox
Mrs. Kathryn Gatty
Mrs. Leila Hancock
Deacon Edward James
Mrs. Marie Thomas
West Central Center
Mrs. Katie Brown
Mrs. Katie Davis
Mr. John Dixon
Mrs. Elizabeth Hill
Mr. John Jackson
Mrs. Elora Johnson
Mrs. Dollie Jones
Mrs. Leola Perry
Mrs. Christine Phillips
Mr. Elisha Pitts
Mrs. Essie Powell
Mr. Buster Starr
Rev. H. H. Strong
Mrs. Ernestine Wynn
Mr. Edward Young
Mrs. Marion Young
Center Director Nominees:
Rev. Ellis Green
Mr. Charles B. Hart, Chairrnan
Rev. Pozie L. Redmond, Jr.
Mrs. Jaunita Scott
Rev. R. B. Sutton
West End
Mr. Alvin Barner
Mrs. Hazel Bridges
Mrs. C. B. Cole
Mr. James Dillion
Father Edward s
Mrs. Carrie Jordan
Mrs. Dorothy Minter
Mr. Michael Murphy, Chairman
Mrs. Geneva Rushin
Mr. J. A. Segars
Mrs. Kathleen Stapotsky
Mr. James Stewart
Mr. Fred Thomas
Mr. Homer Whaley
Center Director Nominees:
Sum-Mee Center
Mrs. Lucy Alexander
Mrs. Rosa L. Burney
Mrs. Ann L. Childs
Rev. L. C. Clark
Mrs. Carri e Cox
Mr. Richard Ferguson
Rev. W. L. Finch
Mrs. Joyce Harden
Rev. Marcus Bramblett
Father Edwards
Mr. James Dillion
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
T. M. Jim Parham
Executi ve Administrator
F·8 2
F • 79
-- -,
Neighborhood Service Areas
(Gwinnett and Rockdale County
areas not shown on map)
AREA CODE (404) 525-4262
Three Year Report
1965 - 1967
MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page
. Page 2
. Page 3
. Page 2
PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Page 7
PROGRAMS . . . . . .
. Page 9
AND BOUNDARIES . . . . . . .
. Page 10
. Page 11
. Page 11
COUNCILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Ex ecutive Admini strator
Mr. Thomas M. Jim Parham
Deput y Director
Mr. William W. Allison
Associate Admini strator
Mr. William G. Terry
A ssociate Admini strator
for Community Services
Mr. Harold Barrett
Direct or, F inance
Mr. Peter Jones
577 -3345
Direct or, Pu rchasing
Mr. 0. H. Gronk e
Chief of Manpower Servi ces
Mr. George C. Rod gers
Ch ief of Neigh borhood Services
Mrs. Sujette Crank
Unit Coord inat or
Mr. Geo rge Will iams
Chief of Ind ividua l
& Fami ly Services
Mrs. Ed it h A . Hambri ck
Director, Public Information
Mrs. Mary Lu Mitchell
- - -· - - - - · - · - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - J
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
AUanta, Georgia 30315
Janu ary 13,1969
Those in Atte:nda!lce a.t the Job Co P~ Skill Center
Meeting on January 7 .· 1969 , at Atlanta Area Technical School
FROM: Mr. John F. Standridge, Executive Director,
Vocational- Techn.' c al and Ad·: .;lt Edu·~ati on
2. /
-YIU,( v"
/ht a
P/tvt-4. - -/
AE you r ecall , I indicated i,O th group that we wo
send copi es of t he j ob
description of,. the diffe rer:t key positions for the Job Corps Skill Cente r
Staff. We have not been b .k to complet e these job descriptions as of t hi
date . I though t I would let you know thar, we had n ot f orgotten to do this .
.As soon as t he job de-s cr:Lptions have been c ompleted , we will a.t that time
send you copie s . If you k mv of any .i ndivi dual that you would like to
recorrrrnend f or di f :'ercnt posit.ion'>, you might submit resumes to me for later
A'> soon aE a ny additional word is known about t h e funding of this program,
we will let you know .
�February 12, 1969
M r . Louis Hertz
Louis Hertz A dvertising Agency, Inc .
23 Third Street, N . W .
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Lou:
Sorry that we have been unable to communicate in the past several
we eks .
I£ p ossible~ we would like to use an EOA message on our signboards
for the m onths of Ma rch a nd April and then shift to summer program
advertising early in May.
Mary Lu Mitchell has sketched out s ev ral id as to publicize th
EOA block club movement .
We are open to your
uggestions and advic .
Sincerely yours,
D n Swe t
DS :fy
Endo urea
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg. • t\tbnta , Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T . M. P arham
Executive Administrator
Mro }Jan Sweat
Mary Lu Mitchell
February 10, 1969
The attached suggestions are hereby submitted to the
BILLBOARD BOARD for serious consideration.
Art work or photographs will be supplied by EOA o
Choos~ one.
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Call you r ne10
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Seve11tlt :Da!I Adventist e1t11rclt
PHONE: 799-7288
Office Of:
February 26, 1969
Dear Friends :
The first of our community awareness forums and vesper services
will be held Sunday, March 2, 1969, at the Berean Seventh-day Adventist
Church, 312 Hightower Road, N. W., at 5:JO P. 11.
This t~eek I s program spotlights EOA: What is it--What has it done-What is it now doitig in the area of economic opportunity in Atlanta? Mrs.
Patrici.:t Mason, Public Relations Represent2.tive of EOAJ will be the speaker.
It tdll also feature volunteer benefactors of the program a."ld their
particular experiences with the EOA.
You are cordially invited to attend the program which promises to be
informative and enjoyable in as much as you will be able to ask questions
and join the discussion if you so desire.
You 1-J ill not want to miss this phase of the program nor the vesper
services designed to make the e vening complete.
Do come , Hon I t you?
CDH/e b
Atlanta Public Schools
2930 Forrest Hills Dr. S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia
Fulton Coun.ty Delegation
Advisory Committee Members
Other Interested Parties
John F. Standridge, Executive Director
Vocational-Technical and Adult Education
February 20,1969
In order to meet the needs of students as well as the needs of business and
industry, it is necessary to provide Vocational Education in various fields
where the needs occur. More funds are needed in Vocational Education to help
meet these needs.
Programs which have rbeen authorized nationwide by the new 1968 Vocational
Edu.cation Amendments and other Vocational Acts for the Fiscal Year 1970
amounts to $773,661,455. The President in his Budget Proposal for Fiscal
Year 1970 requested only $286 , 377,455 which is $487,284 , 000 less than the
Some of the programs that will be affected by this cut includes the Work Study
Program, which provides needy students with part-time jobs while they are going
to school. This program was completely eliminated from an authorization of
$35,000,000. The Cooperative Educa tion Programs were cut from $35,000 , 000 to
$14, 000,000. Programs for Students with Special Needs were completely eliminated
from an authorization of $40,000,000 and Construction of Residential Vocational
Schools was eliminated from an authorization of $55,000 , 000. These are just four
of several programs that received cuts. However , these four programs are most
significant if we are to eliminate the problems of unemployment and proverty in
Atlanta and Fulton County.
We are again asking your continued support of Vocational Education and that you
enlist the support of Congressman Fletcher Thompson and Senators Richard Russell
and Herman Talmadge requesting that they vote for the full appropriation. We
understand that Congress will finalize the Budget Proposal shor tly after the
first of March so time is fle eting. We must have action now!
JFS : pf
WASHIN GTON , D.C. 20506
February 20, 1969
I'm sure that by now you have all seen news reports on the President's
long-awaited statement regarding the future of the. Office of Economic
Opportunity. I believe all of us at OEO, the operators of our programs
in the field, our supporters among the general public and most of all
the poor_ whom we seek to serve should be gratified at the course charted
by the Administration's newly announced anti-poverty policy.
President Nixon's statement to Congress of February 19 represe·nts in
every important aspect an endorsement of much of the work OEO has
-done over the past 4 years. But, of even greater significance, is the
President's recognition that a major effort still lies ahead to redeem
the lives and hopes of America's poor . As the President put' it:
"From the experience of OEO , we have learned
the value of having in the Federal Government
an agency whose special concern is the poor .
We have learned the need fo r fle x ibi lity,
responsiveness , and continuing i nnovation. We
have learned the need for m anagement eff ect i ven ess. "
As I s ee it the key poin t s i n the Pres i de n t 's m es sage ar e these :
1. OEO will continue , unde r th at name a n d within the
Executive Office of the P res ident. The Pr e side nt
will pr opo se t o C o ngr e ss t h at OEO's autho rization
fo r appr op riatio ns be exte nded for one year to
J une 3 0 , 19 7 0 .
2 . Later this year, the President will send to Congress
a "comprehensive proposal for ·the future of the
poverty program" which he will propose to become
effective July 1, 1970.
�-23. Head Start will be delegated to the Office o f
the Secre t ary of the Department of Health,
Education a n d We lfar e, effective July 1, 1969.
4. Job Corps will be de le gated t o the Department
of Labor e ffective July 1, 1969, with the
Departments o f Interior and Agr iculture
retaining ope r ating responsibilit y fo r conse rvation
cente rs.
5. Preparat ions w i ll be made for the eventual t ransfer
of the Comprehens ive Health Centers a nd Fo ster
Grandparents progr ams to HEW .
6. The "vital" Community Action Prog ram will be
pressed fo rward, and C AAs will c ontinue to b e
involved in the ope ratio n of programs at the local
level, even though such progr ams may be delegated
to other Departments at the natio nal level.
There will, of course, be difficulties as we seek to carry out the
administ ra tive changes the President wishes, a s Congres s performs
its legi slative duties a nd even as we at OEO meet our continuing
responsibilities to the poo r. Thes e, however, are difficulties inherent
in the t ransition process , rathe r than difficulties of substance affecting
the c o ntinuation of p r ograms and their impact on the poor. As such
they are difficulties I am confident can be effectively resolved.
The overriding questi o n for the past few
of OE0 1 s mandate to help the po<;>r out of
hand and I think all of us concerne d with
heartened and ready to pus h forward our
months h as been the continua tio n
p ov~r t y. That mandate is now in
the pli ght of America's poor are
common cau se.
During the past four yea rs OEO has made major strides toward erasing
poverty . But some 22 million poor remain with us, so there is much
s t ill to be done. In essence we now have the Presidential support to
get on with the job.
�Fe:: f' E L;j
r.r.::;r'. £.:.:-
S.F_' ur cN I:E!..!V'· 1· Y TO T':<E
CF T:-'..r_
'j r- 11; .. F
FED H.UARY l'J, 1%9
-·r }. 'l'F,~
E c ono mic Cppo::-tunity A ct
The blight of poverty r e qu i res priori t y attention . It engages. ou:r hearts
and challenges OU'r in t z lii ger.c e. It cannot and w ill n o.t be treated lightly or·
indifferently, or withou t the m ost sear chin g e x 2.rn inati-o.n of how best. to
marshal the res ou rces avaiL,bl~ to th e Fede r a l Govern ment for comtiatting
At my d ire c tion , t h e U rtan Affairs Council h a s b e en co-nducting an
intensive s tudy o f the n a tion ' s a n t i- pove rty prog r a ms , o f the way the· antipoverty effort is o rgani z e d and admini st>:,red, a nd of w ays in which it might b 'e
made more e ffe c ti ve ,
That study i s· cont i nuing. However, I c a n n ow annom1ce· a number
of steps I i ntend t o ta\<e , as well as spelling out some of the- consid'e·rationstha t w i ll guide my fut u re r e c ommendations .
The Economic Oppor t u nit y Act of 1964 i s n ow sch e duled to expire on
June 30, lS7C. The present authorizati o n for app rop r i ations for the
Office of E conomic C ppor tu;1ity runs on ly u ntil June 30, 1969. I will ask
Congres s that this authori zati on for appropriations b e ext e nded for another
year . ~rior to the end of t h e Fiscal Yea r , I w i ll send Con g ress a comprehensive p ro p o s a l fo r t he future of the pov e rty pro g r a m , including
r e c omme n d a t i ons fo r revising and e,:tending the Act itse lf b e yond it s
schedul ed 1970 exp i ::-ation ,
H ow the w o rk begu n by OEO can best be carried forwa rd is a subj-ect on
which man y view s d eserve to be heard -- both fr o m within Co ng r ess, a nd
among thos e ma n y ot h ers who are interested o r a ffect e d, including e s pecially
t he poor t hems e l v e s, Ey sending my proposal s w ell befo r e the A ct's 1970.
expi r a t ion , I intend t o p rovide time for full de b a te and d i scus s.ion.
In the maze of a nti - poverty efforts, precedents ar,, weak and knowle dg e
uncertain. T hese p a st y ears oI increasing Federal involv ement have
begu n to make c l ear how vast is the range of what we d o n o t ye t know, and
how fra g ile are pr ojections based on partial underst a nding . But we have
learne d some le s s ons about what works and what does not. The c hang es I
propose w ill b e b ased on those lessons and those d i s cove ries , and r ooted
i n a determinatio n t o press ahead with anti-poverty e fforts e v e n though
indi vidual e x p e riment s have ended in disappointment .
From the expe r ience of OEO, we have learned the v alue o f hav ing i n
th e F ede r al Gover nment an agency whose special concern is t h e p o or. 'v'f e
ha ve l earn e d the need for flex ibility, responsivene ss , and continuin g
i nnovati on. We have l earned the need for manage m e nt effectiv eness. Even
those most t h orc.,ughly committed to th.- goals of the a nti - pove r ty e ffo r t
recogni z e now t hat much that has bePn tried has not work e d.
T:1. e O:SO :-,a::; 1.:eea 2. ·1 2.lu.2.'::·b,fount of i c1ea:i and enthui;ia s m , b ut it has
s uffere d from a confusio n of roles.
�- 2 OEO's greatest value i s as an init iat i n r, agency -- devising new pr o gra ms
to help the poor, .ind sez- ·,1in'.5 a:::; ,tn "incu ba tor" for these programs dur i n[:
their initial, experimc•1tal 1:,;ia!:,~3. On e of my aims is to fre e OEO it:; d f
to perform these func tions more effe cti vel y, by providing for a greater
conc cntra~ion of it s energies on its inno vative role,
Last y ear, Congres s di:.e ct e d that sp ecial studies be made ·by th e
Executive 2ranch of whether Head S tart and the Job Corp s should continue
to be administered clirc c tiy b y OEO, or whether responsi!:lility should be
oth erwise ass ign e d.
Section 309 o f the Vocational Ed ucation .Ame ndments of 1968 pro v ides:
"The Fresiclent sha ll make a special s t udy of w h ether
th e responsi bilit y for administering the Head Start
p r ogram e s t ab lis!-ied under the Economi c Opportunity
A ct of 1964 should co ntinue to be vested in the Dir e ctor
of the Office of Economic Opportunity, should be
transferred to another agency of the Government, or
should be dele gat ed to another su ch agency pursuant
to the provision s of s e c tion 602 (d) of the aforementioned
Econ omic Op portu nity P. ct of 1964, and sha il submit
the fin din g s of this stud y t o the C ongress not later than
Ma rch 1, 196 9. "
I have today submitte d this stuµy to tne Cong res s. Meanwhile, under the
Execu:cive authority provi ded by the Economic Opportunity Act, I have
--directed tha t preparations be mad e for t h e delega tion of Head Start to the
Depar tment of Healt :1, Educ a tion and Vi elfare, VJ hether it should be
actua lly transferred is a question I will take up in my later, comprehen sive
message, along w ith my proposals for a pe rmane nt status and organizational
st ructure for OEO, Fending a final deci si on by the S e cretary of HEW
on where wi thin the d epartment responsibility for He ad Start would be
lodged, it will be located directly within t he Office of the Secretary.
In o r der to provide for orderly preparation, and to ensure that there
is no interrupti o n 01 p rogram s, I ha v e directed that this delegation be
made effect i ve July 1, 1969. By then the summer programs for 1969 will
all have been funded, a nd a new cy cle w ill be beginning.
I see thi s delegation as an importa nt elen1ent in a new national
commitment to the cruc ia l early years of life,_
Head Start is still experimental . Its effect:; are simply not known -save of course w here medical care and similar services are involve d.
The results of a major national evaluation of th e program w ill be available
this Spring. It must be said, howeve r, that preliminary repo rts on this
study confirm w hat many have fear ed : t he l o ng term effect of Head Start
appears to b e extremely weak. · This must not d is courag e us. To the
contrary it only demonstrates the immense contribution the Head Start
program has made simpl y by ha~ing rai sed to prominence on the national
agenda the fact -- known for some time, but never w i dely recogn ized
that the children of the poor mostly ar rive at school age se ri ously
deficient in the ability to profit from formal education, and already
s ignificantly behind t h eir contemporaries , It also has been made
a bundantly clear that our s chools as they now exist are unable to overcome
this deficiency.
In this context, the Head Start Follow-Through Frogram already
delegated to HEW by OEO, assumes an e ven greater importance,
�- 3 -
In recent year s, f' nor m ou s advan ce s ha ve been ma de in the understanding
of human development . W e have learned th a t intelligence· is not fixed at
birth, but i::; larzcly for,·n e d !:.y the envi::-onmental influences of the early
formative years. It develops rapidly at first, and then more slowly; as
nmch of that development takes place in th e first fo 1.tr y ears as in the next
thi:c-~een. Y.'e i1avc le:::?.;:ne::l further th at env i1·onmcnt ha:; its grc~tc::;t
impact on t!1.e dcvelop,·,1cfli: of intelligence v111en il,at .:le v clopment is proceeding
rr. o::;t r2.pidly -- that is. in those earliest years.
This means that many of the problems of poverty are traceable directly
to early childhood experience - - and that if we are to make genuine, longrange progress, we must focus our efforts much more than heretofore
on those few years which may determine how far, throughout his later
life. the child can r e ach.
Recent scientific developments have shown that this process of early
childhood development poses more difficult problems than had earlier been
recognized -- but they also promise a real possibility of major breakth~oughs
soon in our understanding of this process. Ey placing Head Start in the
Depc>.rtment of HEW, it will be possible to strengthen it by association with
a -wide
range of ot!1er early development programs within the department,
and also with the research programs of the National Institutes of Health,
the National Institute of lVIe ntal Health, and the National Institute of Child
He2.lth and Human D e velopment.
Much of our know ledge is n~w .
But we are not on that ground
absolved from the responsibilit y to r e spond to it. So crucial is the 1natter
of early growth that w e must make a national commitment to providing
, a:ll .American childr e n an oppor t unity for healthful and stimulating
development during the first five years of life. In delegating Head Start
to the Department of HE Vv , I ple dg e myself to that comm it m e nt.
The Voca tional Education Ame nd me nts of 1968 dir e ct ed the Commissioner
of Educat ion to study the Job C orps i n re lat ion to state v ocational education
prog ram s. I have d ir e ct e d the Se cr eta ri es oi Labor a nd of Health,
Education, and W elfare, and t:he As s i stant Se cretary of L a bor for Manpower,
to work w ith the Acting Commis s i on e r o f Educati on i n p re pa r ing such a
r e po r t for submi ssion to Cong r ess at t he e a r liest op po rtunit y .
One of th e priority aims of the n ew A dminist ration is the deve lopment
by th e Depa r tment of Labo r of a c·omp re he n siv e ma n p ower pr o gram,
design e d to make ce ntrally a va ila ble to the unemployed and the underemplo y ed a full range of Federal job tra ining and plac e m ent services.
Tow a r d t his e nd, it i s e s se ntial that the m any Federal manpow er pr ograms
b e i n te gr a ted and c oordinate d .
There fo re, a s a firs t step toward better pr ogra m manage me nt , the
Job Cor ps will b e d elegated t o the Department of La b o r.
For the Departm ent, this will add another i mpo rtant manpower s e r v ice
component. Fo r the Job C o rpsmen , it w i ll m ake a v a ilabl e addit i ona l
training and servi c e opp ortunities . From the s tandpoint of prog r a m
management, it make s it possible t o c oordinate the Job Corps w i t h oth er
manpow er serv ice s , espec i ally v ocatio n al educat i on, a t the point o f
delive ry .
T he Depart me n t of Labo r a lr eady is deeply involv ed in the recruit m e nt,
counseling a n d placement of Job C o r ps me n . It refer s 80 pe r cen t of a ll
male and 45 p er cent of a ll f emaie enrolle es ; it provides job market
info r m ation, a n d h elps l ocate Job Corpsme n in the a r eas o f g r e a test
- 4 -
This d clc[;3tion w ill a lso be made effective on July 1, 1969; and the
Departincnts of Jntcr·io r a nd l, g r i"cultu.rc will con, i nue to_ have op e rating
responsibility for t!1e Jo'b Corps centers conc2 :rncd primarily with
con !l e rvation.
I have d ire c te d t:ha·~ p:reparati onn be made for the transfer of two other
progrc:.m::: from C·E ·c: co the ::..:::partment of Eecilth, :Sdl'.cation, and Vi elfarc:
Comp re h en s ive Eealt.4 Centers , which provide health service to the
residents of poor nei.c:;!1borhoods, and Foster Grandparents program. In
my judgment , these can be better administered at present, or in the near
fut_ure , within the structure of the Department.
In making these changes, I recognize that innovation costs money -and that if OEO is to continue i.ts effectiveness as an innovating agency,
adequate funds must be made available on a continuing basis. Moreover,
it is my intent that Com1nunity Action .Agencies can continue to be involved
in the operation of programs such as Head Start ·at the local level, even
though an agency other than CEO pas received such programs, by delegation
at the national level. It also is my intent that the vital Community Action
Frograms will be pressed forw ard, and that in the area of economic
development CEO will have an i mportant role to play, in coopera tion with
other agencies, · in fo ste ring community-based business development .
One of the principal aims of the Administration's continuing study of
the anti-poverty effort will be to improve its management effectiveness.
When poverty-fund monies are stolen, those hurt most are the poor -whom the monies were meant to help. When programs are inefficiently
administered, those hurt most again are the poor. The public generally,
and ~he poor especially, havri a right to demand effective and efficient
management • . I intend to provide it.
I . expe ct that impo rtant economies will result from the delegation of
the Job Co rps to the Department of Labor, a nd we shall continue to strive
for g::sater efficiency, and espec ially for greater effectiveness in Head Start.
A Co n centrated M.anagement Improvement Program initiated in OEO
will be intensified • . Under this program selected Community Action .Agencies
will be requir ed ~o take step s to devise improvements in such areas as
organizat ional !ltructu re , financial and a ccounting systems, personnel
training and work scheduling. Standa rds w ill be applied under the
"management improvement programto evaluate the operations of Community
Action Agenci es. We intend to monitor these pr ograms actively in order
to ensure that they are achieving high-level effectiveness and that they are
being administered on an orderly bas'is.
In the past, problems have often arisen over the relationship of State,
county and local gove.nments to programs administered by OEO. This
has particularly been the case where the State and local officials have
wanted to assume greater responsibili ty for the implementation of the
programs but for various reasons have been prevented from doing so.
I have assigned special responsibility for working out the se problem s
to the newly-cr·eated Office of Intergovernmentc1-l Relations, under the
supervision of the Vice President.
I have directed the Urban .Affairs Council to keep the anti-poverty
effort under constant review and evaluation, seeking new ways in which
the various departments can help and bette r ways in which their efforts
can be . coordinated.
My comprehensive recommendations for the future of the poverty
program will be made after the Urban Affair s Council's own initial study
is completed, · and after I have reviewed the Comptroller ·General's study
of OEO ordered by Congress in 1967 an<l dn .. fcu· eubmi ssic>n next month.
�- 5 Meanwhile, I would stress this final thought: If we are to make the
most of experimental programs, we must frankly recognize th.c ir
experimental nature and frankly acknowledge whatever shortcomings they
develop. To do so _is not to belittle the expe riment, but to advance its
essential purpose: · that of finding new ways, b e tter ways, of making
progress in areas still inadequately understood.
We often can learn more from a program that fails to achieve its purpose
than from one that succeeds. If we apply those lessons, then even the
"failure" will have made a significant contribution to our larger purposes.
I urge all those involved in these experimental programs to bear this
in mind-- - and to rememcer that one of the primary goals of this
Administration is to expand our knowledge of how best to make real
progress against those social ills that have s o stubbornly defied solution.
w·e do not pretend to have all the answers. W e are determined to find as
many as we can.
The men and women who will be valued most in this administration
will be those .who understand that not every experiment s ucceeds, who do
not cover up failures but rather lay open problem s, frankly a nd construc tively-, so that next time we will know how to do better.
In this spirit, I am confident that we can pla ce our a nti -poverty
efforts on a secure footing -- and that a s we continue to gain in understanding
of how to master the difficulties, w e c a n m ove forward at a n a cce lerating
February 18, 1969.
'* #'
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta., Ince
101 Marietta Street Bldg . • t\ t bn ta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parh am
Ex ecut ive Admin is trator
contact: -Mrs. Mitchell or
Mrs. Mason
For immediate release
March 11, 1969
For the first time in Atlanta, and perhaps the nation,
residents of poverty areas have taken over . the task of teaching
the more affluent about poverty.
Since they began their STAR'J:. ~OW ATLAN'I':... c cwipn.i': n two
months ago the poor have schedule · . s lutn tours , for mor2 than
They also have spoken to numerous clubs and
organizations and have appeared on radi0 and TV programs.
The ?OOr have enlisted 202 Atlantans ~s volunteers fo r
-- ~ :
Econ omic Oppo rtunity Atlanta, th'; city' s anti-poverty age11r:y .
Thi s month they are planning a special -t:on:i · for lawyer s
a r :i one for docto rs , at the reque3 i' o f the profess i onal o rgani-
~2tions for both groups.
'I'he 23 pov_e rty area rcsi.dents who have led the cami::aign
call themselves
I. P . 's or Volunteer Information People .
Since they initiated their program Janu ary 10,they hav e
completed tours for 1,400 of the 2,000 schedulE;:!d .
will be completed duri ng the next month.
The remainder
Indications are that the tours are really two-way streets;
as one V.I.P. put it, .
They learn from us and we learn from them.
r- -
Those taking the tours are young, middle age·d , old. '
tour by foot, by car, by bus.
They are lawyers, business men,
doctors, social workers, club women, church members, journalists,
visitors to Atlanta, the already concerned, and those not-sosure- about-it-all.
They c.:c , ' is in greatest number from Metro-
politan :Atlanta, but also fiJm various parts of the United
States and from countries ov€r the world.
The 202 'volnnteers are working in a variety of projects,
including Big_ 8 is t.er pro~rams, story hours, adult literacy
classes, tutorial programs, and marionette shows •
In addition, f our white chu r r:h es have formed partnerships
with black churche s , 2
college f ~<-:t erni ties a.re -.v0rking in
volunteer p rojects and some 200 college st d e ::-. ~s are c ond·.icting
a comprehensive consume r surv e y in one low- ·nco me area.
Tours, speaker s and the volunteer program ~ri l l continue .
The Atlanta Dogwood Festival will feature poverty area tours '
led by the
v; r. P.
•,s on 'April 8 and 12 .
To volu nteer , to arr ange a tour for individua l s or g r oups ,
or to get a speaker o r a pane l , call 5 2 5 -4 262.
pportunity Atl~inta, Inco
101 Mar ietta Street Bldg. •
Atl Gn ta , Georg ia 30303 •
T. M. Parh am
E xec:.:ti ve Admi ni s trat o r
February 26, 1969
Miss 'i-Iartley Campbell
Department 0:!: J-l.:;using & Urba n Devel opment
Office of Ur ban Trans p c r.~a tioi-. T)evelopment
Washington, D. C.
204 :0
This letter i:::; ~ -: iniorm you '.J d 2velopment s regarding the demonstration transp0~tation proposal since our last conversation.
On your recommendati0n we contacted the City of Atlanta to
discuss th e poss ibilit y of th eir· assuming the project ma n age me nt . . It was suggest2 d t h at EOA continue to s erve as proj ec t
mana ger with . the coope ration
o f the city and other agenc i e s
such &s the Atlanta T~ans it System.
currently we are prepa~ing a le tter 01 application joint ly .
Thi s will b e a propo~al for a fou r (4 ) month p:ann ing gr ant .
It is ant icip a ted tha t EOA will prov ide one f·c.111 tirae staf f
person to the proj ec t. The city has agr eed to coope r a t e within
the limits of their own ob l igations .
The At l anta Tr ansit System i s b e ing i nvolved . The -::ity has re commende d that the Atlant a Transit Sy ste m ' s transport a tion
consulta nt b e c0ns idered for the p r oj e ct. Also we h a v e h a d
cont a ct with Urba n Resear c h a nd Deve lopme n t As soci a t es .
It is anticipa t e d that the planning gr a nt applic a tion will b e
comple t e d the fir s t o f March and should b e in y our office tha t
February 25, 1969
Miss Hartley Campbell
Thank you again for your assistance and interest.
L (~
,ci t~ (_,-_ _
William W. Allison .
Deputy Administ~ator
WwA:jj j
Mr . T. M. Parha m
..., l"Ir . Dan Sweat /
Mr. Collier Gladin
Dan Sweat
DATE: January 30, 1969
Clint Rodgers # -
CEP Model Cities Manpower Coordination
Attached is an excerpt from the revised CEP Handbook which was reviewed
and approved by the White House January 25, 1968. I would like to
discuss some issues and ideas relative to the Mayor's involvement
after you have read it.
• •'
Exc:erot fror;1 Rev:..sed C::s? Handbook
(T his .portion reviewed and ipproved
-.y the ~-thite House on 9/25/68)
~. 550
RelaUonshi ns Beti..re~n CE?
2. :1d
Y0de 1 Ci t j es
The City DemonstratioE Age::ncy , or CDA, is the sponsoring age ;1 cy for t r, c:,
lv'.odel Ci ti es pr0 gram in tr.ose cities selected for fodel CJ.ties .:\::., d:.. ,.i .
The V..odel Ci ties prograL", is administered by the Depart;aent o:~ Ho'..l.si n ;:,
and Urban Developme nt (HUD) in cooperation with other Federal uge;1cics
administering programs focusing on urban problems.
This program call::;
for a comprehE::nsive attack on the social, economic and physical prob-t8~G.
in seh,cted slum::; and blignted areas through conccnt. r atio n ar.d coordi n.s.t.ic::-.
of both public a:-ic. r,r:..v&te , Fei e ral, State and local efforts.
Bai:-!kr<-ro unrl
Th r~ St!crr-::tary of Eousir,g and Urban Development is authoriz ed to m.s.ke
grants to, and to contract with, city demonstration agencies only if
h ~1 h,ij d,~t c r mined that th1:: r e exists--
all relEJ.t ed planning of loca l a gen cies canoe ·nchi e ved.
- 9 -
"evidence that necessary cooperation of local agencies
engaged in related local planning can be obtained.
administrative machinery ••• at the lo cal J.eve: for ca:c:ryi~c
out the program on a consolidated and coordinated basis ..• 11
Poljcy on Role of Local Chi ef Execut ives
Therefore, it is the policy of tLe federal government that ~he
chief·executives of the cities (and counties, where applic~ble)
should be encouraged to play a major role in coordi~ati~g v.a~pow~r ,
as well as other programs, in the ~odel neighbo~hoods.
ihis ~ll
require that the U.S. Departme~t of Labor in the course of initial
planning and annual renegotiation consult with the local chief
executive in regard to the following issues as they affeGt the
conc entrated e~ployment programs:
Sponsorship of the CEP.
The area boundari e s of the CEP.
The cititen participation structure associated with
the CEP.
In order to r:.eet these stat u-c,o ry tests, the c::nnmuni ty must :-,P.ve
effective mechanism for coordi~ating CEP planning and action
components with other V~del Cities plans and activities.
This agreement among the Departments of Labor and Hou.sing and Urcar.
Development 13.nd the(-Office of Econor.J.c Opportunity is intended to
complement other agreerr.ents re gardi ng local coordination re ached
by DOL,
OED, HUD, and
10 A major empha sis
gh ,.ori
ori. . ty__. ._of
s .•_:nr
Of!:Ca.::-,_ I, is
__.. ,,_....,..and
_ _ _ti
_,_ , ____
_ - •.-t ..he
...... .,,. Vi:ide
,_.~ , ,_.. ._,l, ..,..,.,
,. ti
° .._..e
_ ,--,,.
• · · - ::. • '
__ , - -alleviating
t h e proOlens
of t :le lli~ e~nloyed in each c:i.ty.
'-'---.-..::___ ;;._ .... _ ____, _ ., .,. . ., ,. . . ___ , . ... _ . ,t,.._. _ _ _•. _~-- --- · :..:- - _ _ _____ __ _ , __
..-: •;--1
- - - ~....
Department of Labor is tully co::r...- ;utt ed to the i--:')de l Citi (; S p:..~oz{:~a ::;,
- - - - · -·- -· ·
•.ra-,_ •. •
··- - ~ . ...., ....- . . ~-- --· ' ·- - - - - ·-
_ _
. ..... ..... · -
- ---~
- - -· · - -
and CEP is the primary vehicle for providing re sourc e s ar.d s e ::--vico!':
· - · -- -· - - - - -
- - --
- - - - -- - " ' " · " -- -.. -
support the Model CHies effort.
~ -~-- ,c. ~-:-.~ .-.~ ..._,...;_-:~ -.:
":1 ~
-.-. - ·-
· - -: : · ~
- -- - · · , . - -
.-r-. ..- - •
~ - ........_ _
_.,.._ ___ _ , _
,:,.- -
- -.J , • .. ~
·· - · -
. _ _ .,.
CEPs have been (or wi ll b e,)
installed in as many selected V.ode l Cities a s r e so-..irce s
As: means: of a ssuring max i m.u.11 tie-in with Y.o_de l Cit ie s t oper;;,tio r,s,
instructions to prospecti VE: CEP spon sors require t h.s.t t he CE? :..a :-~c:,t
area encompass the proposed V~del City target area.
---.. .,. ._. -·---J._--.. . .-- ... _,,_, ,..- - - --·· .. ··- ------.--·~-- -··--- ·--··-:--
This :nea:is t11a t .
all Model City t a r get area r e sident s will b e eligi b l e for CE.P
... ~~---- ~---.-···- -, --··· ·:- ......,, ,..,.. __, . . ..,,._. ,.,...._ :-- · - ····
manpowe r s e rvice s.
In those s electe d Mod e l Citie s whe r e a CEP _has b een ( or will o e)
- - - - -- ---- -~=-·,---·- - .....,:,.,.~, -:- ___,._... ,:··-..,. .. ,....•·.-.... __,.~., . .
in.s talled , the CEP soor.so r will be oper a t ional coo r c.i,,ator fo r
'----------~-------·- ~----..·~
______ _., _
.. _
, ...- . : .•• .:..- : - · - - · --
______..... -
•• • • -
man~owe r service s and programs f or Vnd el Cities' areaJ th~s
.,,._,,__._. . .................
avoiding J h~_est _~ ?~.2:3~'9...~-?.£~--~o mp_
t~! ~~.:..~?.~ ? ~~-i ?ati v e manpowe r
agenci e s •.
Overall coordinatio n a nd planni :-ig of manpowe r act i v ities in cor:.nc:;\'.t, ie,,.
wit.h CEP and Model Ci t ie s must b e accompli shed ut i li zi ng t r.c CA.tv.?3
-. . ; : - ._,.
~ - - ·-
a r ea coordinating corr.rnittee .
..- ,..,,._ .. _ .(_
• .J· ~·t:1.· • .., ...._
· ~ - - - - _ . , _- -
HUD, which is a sien;i_ture agency to
t h e· inter-de partmental CP..i'1? S agreement , has info rmed CD As of the
n ecess ity of working clo sel y wi t h the l oca l CA.JV:PS COIT'u-;1itt ee .
coordinating committees h a ve been established in all cities select ec
as Model Cit ies and mayors h ave b een encouraged to r,,ssu.T.e leadership
- :1.1 in the cstablish:nent and structuring of these corrJid. tte e s in order to
-- ·1=)-ro.vidc direct local government input for CEP/l'l.odel Cities planning .
In. addition to the role mayors have in the CAMPS mecnanism, the
fb1llowing avenuE:s for cooperative participation on the part of the
ma1,or will be provided in cormection with CEP:
Target P..rea
·The: CEP target area will be selected by the prime sponsor i::.
consultation with the CDA and the local chief executive .
the· CE? is located in a Xodel City, the policy shall be that the
CEP target area embrace the ~~de1 Neighborhood area •
The prime sponsor of the CEP is the CAA.
Howev er , wnere a .Ct:.?
is. located in a ~~del City, it shall be the policy of IDL to
cc,n.sult the local chief executive r egarding sponsorship of -th f.,
CEP •.
'When. the sponsorship is dis puted by the Mayor , the ,.Regior,nl
Manpower Administrator will consult with the Regional Direct.ors
or· O:ED, HUD, and HEW be.fore making a decision.
effo.rt.s should be made by the Regional Jvl'.odel Cities Coo r d i no.t ir. £
Committee to consili at e l ocal differences .
J.. Pl,mrd ng
The P..'l.npower .Administratio;i f i r-' ld r epr e s ent ati v es (MAR) are
- - - - - .-r-..-. - ·~ ....-.•-,..,-....,......---.... a • •., • • _r--=----.-.>"-~ '--·"'· •.,.-c!, ..,i:.,"4 ""'..r-,.-
. - ~... ~u - ..
inst ructed to brin g to gether representati w ·s of the CDA , CAA
- - ~ - - - - - . . , . _ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ , . . . ; _ . _
_. ... _ •
- ·,... • • _,.,_ -:._ .....
.c.. , ,o.·,.\. ....
..., _.
a nd ES when making his i niti a l cont a ct in a city in connectic~
..._,__ _
_.....__..._...,..;...- - i ; o ~ ~r-.·~~
·-·- : l >a....,., :..•- n . ,._.._, _ ...1'-ti,__•_··-.-....r.-,, _.,_
• '
- 12 -
with the develo pment of a CEP.
--. ----
opportunity . to de si gnate
The Y.a.yor will be provided U-,e
representative to p~rticipate in tte
pre-operational pla!1:1ing and structuring o.f the CEP.
existing municipal manpower corr~Qttees should also be consult ed .
The .t:".iayor•s office will be provided the opportunity to review
the final CEP plans to assure their consistency and continuity with
the ¥~del Cities plans .
Ope rational Phase
Any· major operational restructuring required during the life of
the CEP cont ract will be brought to the att ention of tne 1/~yorrs
office to assure such change will not conflict with ~bde l Cities 1
Commu."1-aty Part.icio2.t ion
The Mayor is encouraged to play a major role in promotir,g tr.e.
CEP program and in obtaining the needed cooperative support of
citirens, t h e business community, labor, and both public and
priv.ate agencies of the city.
It shall be the policy of 001
that citizen participation a::::-rangements 1,:i th r eg.qrci to CEP
programs be integrated with overall YDdcl Cities citizen
participation arrangements in a manner prescrib ed by local
The si~e and sco pe of a CEP project within each ~Ddel Ci ty will,
of' course, depend ·upon the availability of Dcpa.rt rr,ent of Labo r
funding.. In most instances sufficient financi al resources will
nat. be available to accommodate the complete manpower pror,rarr.minc
sBt forth in the llidel Cities plan.
In such cas8s it ffiay be possible
--.. --~·~
to augment the CEP with V.odel Citie s funding.
In addition, it is
also likely that there will be a considerable nu.T.ber of !·~d~l
C:±ties, whi ch will not receive any CEP :r:esources.
In these ca ses,
the Labor Department will make every e ffort to tailor _its s c-para t0
p:.rograms .funded undC::r both the MDTA and Economic Opportunity Ac:+..
to: the needs o f :tvbdel Cities target area re s idents.
The first generation of Kodel Cities applications submitted by d t,J
gpv.ernrnents included many potentially effective, as well as innovative,
p rojects.
Such locally conceived projects could greatly,,
e nrich the CEP operations and multiply the potential for se:::-ving
greater numbers of disadvantaged residents .
These efforts should
oo.t be abandoned b e caus e a CEP operation has b een initiated .
The th.rust of the Model Cities l egislation is fo r increased conc er,trc.t io:-. .
cr>:ordination a.."ld coope ratio~ of local, State and Fed e ral efforts; t:-.'=
Mode l Ci ties program provides an ex celle nt opport U."li ty;i .for E::xpan.:'iir,r:
the. CE.P potential for pr.,)viding improved and expanded services, particufa:rly the much needed supportive 3ervic es .
Is-sues growing out of implementati on of the above policies whi ch
cannot. be re solved at the region.::i.l level will be r eferred to the
Washington offices -of t he r e spectiv e agenci es for decision .
�April 28, 1969
Mr. Carl P ul
City Personnel Dep rtinent
City Hall Ann x
A tl ntat Georgia
Dear Carl :
You will r c 1 that we met on April 15, to discu s the Atl nt
B autific tion Corpa and the possibiliti s of finding fulltime
City mployment foi- m.cmber of this organization.
It w e agr d t that meeting that Personnel ould revi w the
health and personnel record of 1 members of the ABC C o rp
to determine those th t could me t mlnirnwn st nd rds for City
mploym nt and those who could not. Mr. F a l'row w
attempt to pl c thos p opl
tarting t th top ho h d
qualification in City job slots wh re po aible nd to r fer tho
t the bottom with no kills nd .no q lific:atione to EOA o th t
th y might att mpt to get th m . m a slat ce.
Tim is rapidly running out to complet thi chor and l ho
t t
h ve m d aom progre
long th s Unea. It i my
und ret nding
tall xc pt 23 of th employ
ar •ch dul s
to be termin t d May 1. I bop that
have b en bl to plac
a numb r of the e peopl by th t de dlin •
Sincer ly yours,
Dan Sw
bee: Mr. Clint Rodgers
�Economic Opportunity At a
101 Marietta Street Bldg . ., ,\tl,rnt a, Ge o rgia 30303 .,
nc .
5 2 5-6 854
T. M. P arham
Ex ec uti v e Administrat o r
M9 rch 7, 1969
Mr. Dav id C. Cowl ey , Di rector
Human Relations Commission
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dear Mr. Cowl ey :
nhis is .1.n reply to your letter of February 24, f or inf ormation
- 13:06, 29 December 2017 (EST)ain~ chi ld c are plans for l ow-income arid working mothers.
1·he Community Ac tion Agen c y , Economic Opportu n ity At-l an t a , Inc._was fac e::! ., j th this di l e mma a t the ve ry be yinr1ing of th e program sin e.~ At l anta h a s a l arge n umber o f lo,.1- i nsome working
m0thers who a~e h eads o f ho useho l ds.
We began by going to voJ.untary agencies , c hurche s, civic organization s , etc ., which were b a sed i n l ow income ar eas and asking
these organi za tions to co nsider organizing cay c are c enters f0r
l ow-ii:i~ome far..c3 lies. We are now co ntra cti ng with te n (1 0)
autonomous ag ~nr i e~ which are und er c ontract ~o run eleven (11)
centers carina f" or 715 children b etiveen the ages of six months
to nine ye ar s .
~inety per143.215.248.55t ' 90%) of the ch J.ldren are b e tween the ages o f 3-6 y 0~ . - Originally , we were ru~ning as s~r a ight day ca re ag enc i es and
ch arg e d a f ee pe r f a mil _,r ~ .as-2d on f am:i.ly _income . About fifte en
· p er c en t (15%) o f our i ncomP wa s d er i ve d from fe es.
Twenty per c ent ( 20%) c ame f rom th e c ommun ity in the fo r m of volunt ary s er vic es o r in-kind c ontr ibu tions .. Th e rest of our income c ame
from Of fice of Economic Opportunity (OEO ) fund s .
It is to b e
noted that we may rent at only on e f ac ility, th e r est of our
hou sing is d onated. We are us i ng f a cilitie s in fi ve churche s~
t hree hou s ing pr.e j e cts, two re mo d e led h ouses a nd on e warehouse.
The cost per · child i s from $75 to $90 pe r month.
�Mr. David C. Cowley
Page 2
March 7, 1969
About t wo and one-hal f or thre e year s ago, we were incorp ora te d
into full-year, el even hou r , he a d st a rt. The ma jor c hanges
were in the i mp r oved ratio of adult to child and e x te n ded
medical s erv ic e s . As of Apri l 1 968 , OEO h a d us disc o nt i nue
ch a r ging fees.
Our pres e nt str uc tu r e c o n s ist of a c o ordinating he a dquart e rs
s t a f f including a dir ec to r , assista n t dire~tor , progr a m coordinator, v ~lun t eer coordin a t o r, and p r og ram e v aluator. Ther e is
, r , 0 v er a J 1 Po licy Adv i s o r y Comm itt ee co ns isting· of pare nt s ,
p arent xepres e nt a tives , inte res ted prof e ssion a l s and me mbe r s o f
·LLe loc al conmmnity. Each Child De v e lopme nt Center is s e par ate ly j n c o r por a ted as an autonomous a gency with its own boar d
and staff . With i n the guid e lines as s e t fc rt h in the Head
Start. Ma nu a l, each boa r d s et s its own pr ogram of -i n s tructio n ,
personne l policies , p a r e nt or gani zat io n , e t c. Each must rais e
it s t wen ty pe r c ent ( 20%) c ommunity c ont ribut ion.
We h ave h ad c ent ra l recruitment a 11d t ra ininc o f volu n t eers . · We
_h andl e pur ch asing a n d f inan c e c entra lly th rough th e Commun i "!::.y
Acti on Agency.
Al s o each prog r am is r ev i ewed c entra lly f or
quality c o n tro a nd i mproveme nt o f o pera tio n . We h a v e ava il ed
ou rse l ves exten. i ve l y o f s L :-1. :cL -!: ra i n i ng o pport.-c·,n it ies a ff orded
u s t hrough OEO. We a : so : ~~u r~gu l ar i n - servi ce t ra i n i ng.
We were f aced wi t h many seriou s prob ems f rom the outset, many
o f wh i ch are sti ll n o r c'f' O] vcd . Because o ur l oca l boards
were made up l arge l y o f thE' poor with li ttle o r n o community
e xperience , many errors i n j uJgment were made i n h and l ing funds ,
s taff se l ec t ion , and socia l seryices. Time and experience h as
h e l ped somewhat but we s t ill h ave a l ong way t o go. Another
a rea o f c oncern is the lack o f q ualif i ed staff. Ou r s tate offers
n o c ert i fication for pre-schoo l t eachers and there i s very
li ttle t raining _through t he l ocal c o ll eges, a l though t he Atlanta
Board of Education ha s i naugurated an e x tensive program of
evening classes for people i n day c are on a non-credit, l ow
f ee basis.
Perhaps ou r greatest handicap i s ins uffic i ent funds
Mr. David C . Cowl ey
Page 3
March 7, 1969
to att ract top quality staff and to e x tend our services. The
estimate is th at 10,000 low-income children need d ay c are and
we are providing for only 715.
I hope our e xpe rience has been us efu l to you .
in your enterprise.
I wis h you wel l
Yours t ruly ,
(Mrs .) Gl oria S. Gross
Co ns ultant in Child Development
GSG/ j m
' I
Mr . T. M. Parh ::JPMr. Dan Sweat
pportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Mar iet t a Street Bldg. • ,\tl :rn ta , Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Telephone: 525-4262
Executi ve Administrator
April 15 , 1969
Mrs. Miriam J. Clarke
2855 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Apt 10
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 .
Dear Mrs. Clarke:
The Mayor's office asked me to answer your letter
concerning the income of Martha's family.
I am pleased to learn from Allen Williams, the
Director of our East Central Neighborhood Service Center,
that y ou are working as a volunteer. Mr. Williams tells
me that he has talked with y ou about Martha's family.
I understand y our concern and want to give you all
of the facts that we have.
Since Martha's father began working at a garage near
their home, he has made only $30 a week.
The family p ays
$28.00 a week rent each Saturday.
That leave s $2.00 for all
other e xpenses . That is why her family, and many others like
them , are in such urgent need of help. That is why so many
go to school hungry.
There is just no money for food.
Her family could po ss ibly find a cheaper apartment.
It is not unus ua l f o r slum apartments to be priced at a leve l
similar t o those in better areas.
Poor people are of ten- forc ed
to take the inferior apartment at the same price because of
down payments; leases; monthly , instead of week l y payments .and
references required in other n eighborhoods.
Thank you so much for writing.
I appreciate your
intere st in Martha's Day and hope y ou wi ll let me know if you
have additional questions.
-S i n i e ~ ~Q
TMJP: lb
I L";v-..
_Ji;_ - --
1irn Parham
tive Administrator
_,-- ..
W ASHI N GTON, D.C. 20 2 10
.. /
--October 9 '·. 1968 . -, · j
.... .
I mpleme ntation of Title I-B of the 1967 EOA Amendments
Purpose . 'To d,e l egate authority and assign responsibility for the
adminis t ration o-r -work and training programs under Section 123 of Title
I-B of the Ec onomic · Opportunit y Act of 1963, as amend ed (EOA). Exclud ed
from consider ,a tion herei_n is that par t of EOA Title I - B programs and
resources devote d to the Job _Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS)
progra.I!l ,
2. Ba ckgrou~d . Tn e Economic Opportunity Act Amendments of 1967
consol i date auth or i t y for all the delegated wor k and training programs
now adwinistered by the Manpower Admini stration under Section 123 of
the EOA . The l aw now requires that:
\ .
("a) a c o:-.munity program area (CPA) be designated for the purpose
of planning and conducting comprehens ive wor k ~nd traini ng programs
(b) all vork a nd training components be consolid ated into a C\,;TP
a nd fin ancial ,assis t ance fo r such pr ogra.rns pr ovided through a
pri:::ie s ponsor (PS) after July 1, 1968, and
("c) the Fed eral - State employment service provide and develop
furth er its capacity for providing maximum suppor t for manpower
t rai ni ng programs.
l' .
The implement ing inst ruction s set fo r th her ein ar e pr ovided to insure ·
that ea ch C~?r ehens ive work and traini ng pr ogram (CWTP) will provide
· an unbroken S9_quence of us eful tra ining ?nd work opportunitie s together
with approp~iate reilledial and sup por tive services to t arget groups of
unemployed and l o-~ income pers ons so that t her can obtain and hold
regular · co::-ipet itiv e j obs. The goal is a comprehen'sive de livery system
which In.9..I'Shalls t h e total manpowe r resources avai l ab l e to overcome
the c onplex e~ploy,:nent problems of t he most severely disadvantaged in
the rural and urban areas in which they are concent rated. The
instructi on s outline a systematic approach to planning and implementing t he ~C'"vTTP which takes into consideration t he need to provide loc al
le aders and ~~bers of the gr-oups to be served, with the opportunity
to~participat e 1n the decisions which ·determine how manpower resources
- are to be· allocate d and utilized. ·.
OCT 2 5 1So8
,. , .. ... ,.
~-- -- - _'1
2 ..
,,.,.--· .......
Delegation of Autt 1rity n~a Assisnment of Responsibility.
The Regional Manpo,1er Aaministrators (RMA.s) and the Manpower Administrator fort.he District of Columbia ar~ hereby delegated authority and
assigned responsibi~ity in respect to those functions and programs
authorized by Sections 121, 122, and 123 of the EOA, as'. amended.,
(1) designating cor.um.mity program areas (CPA), for the purpose
of planning and conducting co;nprehensive ·t-1ork and training
programs (CWTP),
. '
(2) recognizing a pri.r:ie sponsor (PS) to receive all financial
assistance for progre..:n.s under section 123 and to plan and conduct
comprehensive work and training programs (CWTP),
(3) approving a ccrr.prebenaive -work and training progTcJ:n (CWTP)
for each commun:tty pr ogram aren (CPA), which shall cousolidnte
all work and training components commencing July 1, 1968,
(li) approving and executing all contracts and a,p:eements for
programs and pr ojecta to i mpl ement an approved comprehensive
work and training program (CW
. _.--."'
(5) assuring that the Federal-State employment service provides
and develops its c~pacity for providing maximum support for such
manpower programs.
B. Al~ authority delegat ed and responsibility assigned to the
Regiona l Manpower Admi nist rator s and the Manpower Administrator for
the' District of Columbia by this Order shail be exercised according
to the implementing instructions contained herein and subsequent
guidelines and standards issued by the Manpo-.-rer Acrlllinistration.
It should be noted that t be inst ructions require the R.i\1.A. , in
spe~ifie d instances , to obtain the concurrence of the OEO field
staff befor e a final action is t aken.
. ..
4. -~_pprovcd Policies. In accordance with the terms of the agree- m~nt r eached be~;een the ON'ice of Economic Opport unity (OEO) and
the Department of Labor (DOL) embod i ed in the l1_emorandum of Agreement
dat ed · April 12 , 1968, the -policies set f orth below have been joi nt ly
devel oped and approved by OEO and DOL.
-- ._:_
Consultation with Local Government Officials
The ffi/..A will, i n the course of bis i nitial planning for t he
establishment of a comprehens ive ~ork and training program in
a community, consult with the head (s ) of l ocal gove?n:nent (s ) .
Consult at ion i s al so required prior to his making maj or progre.m
determi nationa af fecting an ongoi ng CWTP.
J ] Reference;s throughout t his Order to RMA i nclude t he Manpower Adm.ini strat_or for t he Dist rict of Columbia. •
. j
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- 3 -
Designation of a Prime Sponsor (PS)
A PS is a public or private nonprofit afiency which is capable of
(1) receiving and disbursing funds and (2) planning, developJ~g,
administering, coordinating and evaluating a CWTP.
(1) The CAA in a community is the PS of a CWTP and shall be
chosen unless it is jointly deterinined by OEO and DOL to be
incapable of perfonning the functions of a PS and cannot be
·feasibly provided with that capacity. Within 30 days after
.designation of a CPA, the RMA will solicit in '.lTiting, and
accept an application for recognition as PS from the local
Once the RMA has tentatively selected a PS, he will irra:n~diately
notify in writing, the OEO Regional Office and the appropriate
CAMPS committee. When exception is taken by OEO to the nonselection of an existing CAA, the checkpoint procedure jointly
developed by OEO end DOL will be followed (see pa:ragraph 4H
1-'· .
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•l -f,.
\ when an application for sponsorship has been submitted to
the RMA by an agency other than a CM, t he RMA will furnish ·
two copies thereof to the ~ppropriate CAMPS corrm:lttee.
Within 10 days of receipt of all non-CAA applications for
sponsorship, the CA,.'v[PS cowmittee will schedule interviews with
each applicant and forward its recommendations on the merits
of each claim for sponsorship to the RMA for his final
. decision. The relevant CAMPS committees will be notified
of all selections· 9f PS's by the RMA.
. I
(2) Where OEO and DOL agree that .an e~isting local CM will
not be the PS, or where there is no CM in existence,the RMA will
promptly solicit and accept applications for sponsorship from
non-~AA agencies. In such situations, the State employment
service or other agencies bf state government, local governmental
jurisdictions, or private non-profit agencies may be designated
as Prime Sponsors wherever they qualify.
(3) The PS is responsible for a s suring that delegate ngencies
sa~_isfactor ily ·perform their re sponsibilities, including
providing for part icipation and employment of members of
groups served. When ~ in the cour se of monitor ing the performance
of del egat e age nd.cs , the PS fi nds unsat i sfactory perf ormance ,
he shall seek iremediat e corrective act ion by t he dele gate
agency, appealing to higher organizational level s of t he
, agency, aa neceosary. If' th~ del egate agency r emains unr esponsive , the PS shall seek corrective acti on thrO'l.lgil
he .RMA, and .ultimately, t hrough appeal to the Manpower
�--- - ... ------ - --·- . --- -
. (4)
,.,-- ' ,
The RMA r;ball review o.nnually the perform.3.nce of each
PS, applying the standards of pr oject effectivene ss developed
and published as described in $ection 132(c) of the EOA • .
(5) All financial assistance for a CWTP in a CPA munt be
provided through n PS, unless a ·aetcrminntion has been made
by the RMA thnt:
·- .:--. _.,-_
there is a ·-gooa co.use for e.n extension of time or,
(b) after soliciting and conaidering the cciments of the
PS, if any, it is determined that the provision or financial
nssis truice too. public agency o~ private orga.1ization other
tbs.n the PS, for one o i.~ more compone nt pr og:rums , , roula
enhance pr ogram effecti veness or acceptance on the part
of the persons served and that such action would se:rve
the purpoa'e s of T'l tle I-B; '
(c) _the pr oject is an in-school
Neighborhood Youth Cor ps·
(NYC) project in which case financial assistance may be
provided directly to local or State educa~,ion agencies •
. ...._
When the RMA decides unaer 5a orb above, to provide financial
assistance directly to a public or private non- pr ofit agency
in any corr:nunity wher-e the CM is designated as the PS, he wtll
1.nmiedia:te ly notify the 020 Re gion Office in l-Triting. Where
exception ia t aken by OEO to the proposed dfrect funding by the
Rlf!A under 5a or b above , steps t wo nnd three of the OE()..DOL
chec~int procedure wi ll be follmted.
.___ .,
De s ignation of a Community Program A:rea (CPA)
A community pr ogram area (CPA) is the area for which-a comprehensive
work and traintng pr ogram (CWTP) i s planned and within which it is
administered by a prime sponsor (PS). -A ne ighborhood, ci ty or
multi .. city unit, county or multi-county unit, Indian reservation
or other area, may _be designated as a CPA if it provides a suitable
organizational base and possesses ~he ·commonality of interest
needed for the CWTP.
Where feasible, a .CPA should be at least city-wide in dimension.
HOi:leve:r, an area in whi ch a ·CEP is already located will be pa.rt of
a CPA or if no broad er area possesses the above prerequisites, the
CEP area itself shall be a CPA.
(1) Designation or recognitjon of a CPA is to facilitate the
planning and administration of a CWTP for that community .
Areas should be selected upon the basis of such criteria as
· the extent to ~hich :
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sui t able organizationnl bas e exists in the area;
(b) a cqmmonality of interest is found among the various
populations of the area;
the selection serves the interests of'm.aking br oad
communi ty;Tide :n;ianpower planning more generally applicable
and expedites the process of planning a CWTP to meet the
needs of the area;
(d) the boundaries of the CPA will be consistent with
bound aries of other areas used for the plar..ni.n~ of manpo.:;er
prog:r&-u..s, such :as Co,E.;1uni.ty Action Agency (CM) boundaries, .
local governmental jurisdicti ops, CEP a:reas ~ 2i!odel Cities
areas, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (ffi.fSA ) or CAMPS .
(e) the selection contributes to sound administration of
(2) To help him in selecting areas meeting the above criteria,
the RMA, a s chairman of the Regional CAMPS committee, will
solicit the recommendation of the State CAMPS c m.r.mittee or
when appropriate , the areas CAMPS committee . The CAMPS
r ecommendation shou.ld be solicited in time to aid the RMA
in designating CPAs prior to the date established for the
ii;µt iation of the annual CAMPS planning cycle .
,,,,.--.. . .
Befoi-e making -a final designation of a CPA,' the RMA vill
info~ the OEO Regional Offi ce· in 1-rrlting of his 1.n-oposed
designation. When exception is ta1~en by OEO t o the
proposed designation of the CPA, the chec:c:,ooint procedure
· joint~ developed by OEO and DOL will be followftd. (See
paragraph 4H below ).
Once a CPA has been designated, the RMA will i.mrcediately
notify the OEO Regional offi ce , and the appropriate CAMPS
~ l
Cmprehensive Work and Training Progrrun (CW
A CWTP plan, developed through a systematic appxoach to planning
and implementation, will link all relevant ccmponent pro0r-rams under
Title I-B with other appropriate public and pr ivate maDPQ'"~er
prog:ram3 and acti vities so that di mrdvant a~ed residents (See
Manpo:-,er Adminiat rat i on Order No. 2- 68 for defin ition of t he term
"disa.dvant eged") of a CPA who ar e enrolled in a CHTP nre pr ovided
with an unbr o~en s equence of services whi ch will enable t hem to
obtai n and hold euiployment. 'I"n e CW'.I'P will contain ·an annlyais
of t he needs and prioTit i es of t he ~PA, t ogether with a co~plete
~ st atement de8crib1ng how t he Title I-B proJram cw1.ponents fo-r
~bich.the'PS bas contractual responsibility are to be linked with
other related manpcnrer progro.ms available in the CPA.
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- 6 (1)
Development of a Comprehensive Work and Training ProgJ·am (CWTP)
The ~pproprinte CN-f:PS committee annually initiat es the· planning
cycle for its Comprehensive Manpower Pl_an by relating the
priorities established to each propos a l for deploying program
resources. Regular participants in the CAMPS planning process
will now include the PS who is responsible for planning and
administering a CWTP for the CPA.
' The PS will provide the appropri ate CAMPS committee with a plan
of action describing how the various Title I-B program element s
for which he has contractual responsibility are to be linked
with other manpower progr ams available in the CPA, indicate
the role to be .played by delegate agencies, and specify, to the
extent feasible, the number of persons involved in each program,
both as staff and enrollees, tne amount of funds to be obligated,
nnd the time schedule for implementation of each project.
'I'he analysis and proposed plan of action for FY 1969 will be ·
developed and submitted as an amendme nt to the CAMPS plan and
shall be in the form prescribed in ICI 68-4.
Tne analys is and- plan of action for a CWTP will be reviewed
by the appropriate CAMPS ccmmittee to deter.nine ,rhether
it is consistent with the CAMPS Comprehensive ?--!a.npm,;er Plan.
No alte rution may be made in the analysis and plan of action
for a CWTP without the PS's approval. Th; area c~mrnittee
sha ll then forward the analysis and plan of action for a
CWTP :( togethe_r with its reccinnne ndation) through the State
CAMPS cornmittee 1 to the regional committee, as a separate ,
identifiable part of the area CAMPS plan. Tne Regional
CAMPS committee will, as part of the pr ocess of reviewing and
approving a CAMPS Comprehensive.Manpower Plan,'make a recomme nda~
tion to the RMA concerning the extent to which the analysis
and plan of action for a CWTP is conqistent with the Compreh ens ive
Manpower Plan. After considering this re~om:nendation, the RV.A
will accept, reject, or modify the CWTP anj i mmediate ly f'urnish
copies of whatever plan has been approved t o both the PS and
the appropriate CAMPS colJlrll.it tee~·
. _)
The PS will then prepare the interre l ated set of specific
project proposals which, when executed, will co~pl ete the
CWTP. Tnese proposa l s will be forwarded to the RMA f or
approval and execution of the necessary documents. Prior
· to acting on the proposed agreeme~t (s)-the RHA shall dete rmine
whether the proposed pr ojects are essential to the implementation of a CWTP which is consistent with the CAMPS area plan •
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The overall objective is to have all components of a. CWTP
planned, administered, coordinated, ·and evalunted by a single·
PS who will serve as the sole source of funds for the operation of those Title I-B projects for which he ·is contractually
responsible. Projects will be operated through delegate
agencies wherever feasible. While all elements of a CWTP
are ultimately expected to be consolidated into a single
· contract, initially these elements need not be expressed in
one c_~:mtract. Rather a CWTP plan is. in effect when both the
analysis, plan and interrelated· set of project proposals (action)
have been co6rdinated and approved by the RMA. Specific project
proposals· shall take whatever form· is required to imp+ement the
(a)- Implementation of a CWTP wili not require termination of
on-going contracts. For example, ongoing contracts antedating
developmen.t of an approved CWTP shall, wherever possible, be
incorporated in the proposed plan for th~t CWTP. If the
CWTP is approved as part of the overall CAJ.'LPS plan then all
such contracts may proceed to completion ·without moc1ification.
Additional funds should not be obligated under existing
contracts· where the PS is not the contractor.
Where modifications are necessary they shall be made,
wherever possible, upon the recommendation of the PS,
.to avoid .termination and .to bring the contracts into
line with the CWTP. This co.n be done over a period of
time, with minimum disruption to the action portion of
the CWTP.
(b) Where a required modification is substantial or where
a.n entirely new component is initiated that i _s not reflected
in an approved CWTP, it will be necessary to amend the
CAMPS -plan in accordance with CAMPS instructions. Such
amendment shall be made before the modified agreement is
forwarded to.the R11A for approval.
Relationship of CEP to CWTP
All CEPs (including existing CEPs ) shall be located within a
designat ed ·cPA and shall be operated by a PS or a del egat e
agency and planned and administered as a part of a CWTP. In
' other words, an area in which a concentration of manpower
pr ograms is pr ovided (CF.P area ), sha ll be an i nt egral part of
the CWTP' s total r esponse to the pr oblems of _the CPA .
I •
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- 8 E.
~uviSion of ?43.npm-, er Services
Toe St:2.te Err.'."t,loyment Service (SES) is the supplier of a:11
ma.npo;rer services fo:r the CWTP pursuant to Section 637 of the
EQt\. , a:s a.mended. · Manpower service3 provided to o.·Ci-TTP · by a .·.
SES -r,-r .tll be EE.de ·available to the extent possible :from curz-ent
SES r es ource.a. The provision of these services will be defined
in a i:;:.e;::oranihnn of agreement (BWTP Forn 32 rev. ) be·l;1,;een the
SES anti the JPS.
It is t he r e-p-onsfoility of the PS to insure that these In.a.J."1:pm;er
servic s are provided in accordance with terms of the contractual
agreerr:znt or the memorandum of ag-ceeu:~nt referred to above. I:f
in the - cour se of c~ing . out his monitoring and overseeing
reapon-ibilit ies, the PS deter.utlnes that the SES is not
supply'l.ng ma:.npc1-1er services in a satisfactory manner, lie should
a~temp"- to reco1ve the matter with,the appropriate representative
of the SZS ce ntral office. If the p1~oblem cannot be resolved at
the SES central offic~ level, he 'should present his findings to·
When as a reEUlt of the above procedure the RMA determines that
a SES. i.s not in co;npliance with the Secretary's Regulations
requiri:ng t he SES to be responoible for supplying the ms.npo.·1er
aervice:s epacificQ in the C;vTTP, the RMA ·will, in consultation
vitb t~~ PS, arrange for such services to be supplied by
another ~rivate or public agency. '1:ne requirements of s ~ction G
of this docucent ai-e applicable to any age ncy proyiding such
m,anp<:,~ er serv~cea.
Wheneve:r manp o-,rer · 3erv:lces are required for a CHTP wi1ich are
over ara1 above thos e noz-ma.11.y provided by the ES, ,the PS
tbroug?i cont r actual a..-rangement, c'!:lall rcinburse t!le ES
Stat e ~gency- r or the pr oviaion of these additi onal s ervices .
Guidet:1:nea f'O'Z" reimburs ement to the SES will be pr ovided in
·a. subsequent a ocument.
A1thou&b the SES i s r enponsible for Pl'oviding the full range
manpo-.1er a erv.ic e s s et · forth in the CWTP, it i s recogni zed t hat
i t may 'be n ec-e ssa.ry or desii'abl e f or the SES .to make appropriate
arrangezient s v1th other · pr i vat e or public agencie s to pr ovide
a particular- :manpo~a1er service.
· F.
Su:ooortive Services
In designing a CWTP, t he prime sponsot or other sponsor i ng
agency ~ B responsible f or LJ.aking arranget1ents f or the provision
of other needed services , as appropri ate ; i ncluding :
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a ay ca1-e
nedical servt_ces
t .ran sportation
family oervic es
legals erv:ices
. bv.sic or remedial eaucntion where not.provid ed a s pa.rt
of manpower aervtces.
Con.u1unity Particination
Participation by Representatives of t he Pool"'
It is the basic, continuing and Ie~ally binaing resp~nsibility
of ' each PS to provide for an effective administr2/dvc s-cructu.re ·
which ensures that repre:::icntative m-2Iubers of the groups b e ing
served inn CPA have c1irect access to ar.d p.J.rcicipate in
the decision-ma:tlng pr0cess involvlng pJ <'i"Ping, conduct n.nd
eva l uation of a CWTP and its• progrru;i ccmponents.
(a) Agencie s gove~ned or adclnistel"'ed by a board of
which at least one third of the filPn OGl"B are dcmocraticalzy'
selected from the gToups to be ne~·· ved, shall meet this
requirement . In all ens es "!;1flCl"'c a prime nponsoz- is not
so structured, it should eG·i;ablioh n sp8cio.1 board which
includes, aB at least one thii•d of the rr.e::ibc:-i:·ohip,
democratically selected l"'epresentat\ves o:f t'he arcns
to be served. Those speciel boards should be given
r esponoibility 'for over2eeing the planning, conduct and
evaluation of t he CWTP a.i.--id i t 3 cciponents •
. _ (b) The gover_ning or Elpe':ial bonrd :re:f~rrea to ~bove
should also aerve as the polic y level participatory
body f or delegate agencies required by S2ction 122 of
the EOA, through one of the following optional arrange-
ments :
(i) The board ohould appoint a subccw:;nittee co-;;iposed
of appropriate representatives of the governing or
special board to serve each delegate agency in an
advisory capaci-ty or,
(ii) the board chould esta.blisb a. "del egate agencies
advi sory board 11 co:iposcd of selected o embera of the
governing or sp0cial board ru:d a rcpTescntative :t'rO'.ill
each delegate asency.
. I
- - -~- -
In _!:.ither situationj) ~mbel"s of PS. boa.Td s vho rc!)rccent
the groups bein3 s erved will :function al.so as mc::ib~ra of
co:;nponent bonrda in or der to p-.."ovide overall cocl"dinnticn
of ·the ccmpone1;1t p:rogra.os .
~; ..
. . ,-. - - -
. ..... . .- ... -· -·
Enrollee Paiticipation
It is the .responsibility of the prime sponsor ana each delegate
.. agency to establish regular proce~ures .for the meaningful participation of project enrollees in the ·conduct and ongoing evaluation
c;,f CIJTP programs.
Each of the delegate agencies will meet with enrollees on a
monthly basis to en.mre continuous participation of the enrollees
in the direction of the programs. , The governing board of the
PS should regularly receive comments, criticisms and suggestions
the project enrollees.
·-· .
--- ._:_
This can be accomplished by using existing represent8tive groups, ·
specially creat ing such g:roups, or by utilizing other equally
·. acceptable channels of connimnica.t ion.
. (3)
Labor and Management Participation
The PS shall provide for participation of employers and of
1abor organizations in the planning and conduct of the compre.:.
hensive work and training programs, in a manner comparable to
that provided for members of the groups being served.
Training,' Technical Assistance and Financial Assistance
The PS and the delegate agencies should provide training and ·
technical assistance to the resid ent poor board members and
enrollees which is responsi ve to· their needs. Where financial
problems are a barrier to participation, reimbursement for
trapaportation or babysitting expenses, etc., and compensation
for services on boards or committees should be provided.
• !
(5) Employment of the Poor
The PS and delegate agend.es shall proviae maximum employmen~ opportunities for resident poor of the CPA, including
elderly unemployed and underemployed, in the conduct of
component programs. This employm~nt shall include opportunity
for further occupational training and career d~velopment, and
· upgrading, with funds made available for this purpose.
OEO-DOL Checkpoint Procedure
The following checkpoint proc~dure will apply when exception
is t aken by OEO to the non-selection-of an existing CAA as
PS, the situation where OEO obj ects to the proposed boundaries
of the CPA or when the Rl-1A proposes to provide financ ial
assistance directly to an agency other t han the PS under D ~
or b above.
(1) When the RMA t akes one of the above acti ons, be will
. notify the OEO Regional Directo~ in writing, of his decision
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ana his r e ason(s) for taking such action. The OE0 Regional
Director will have 10 working days to investigate the
situation and attempt to resolve a!}Y differences with the
(2) Wher ,e these parties are able .to reach agre ement, the·
agreement will be reduced td w:riting and signed.
If no agreement is reached, the 0E0 Regional Director will
have five additional days to compile and forward .all written
deliberations 1to the Director of 0E0.*
(3) The Director of 0E0 ,,111 immediately :furnish to the
Manpower Administrator a copy of the record and both parties
will have three_ working days to resolve the question. Once
·re solved, the decision will be reduced to vTri ting, signed,
and transmitted to the appropriate ,RMA.
Tne RMA will, of course,' keep the MA informed of this
devel~pment through normal internal channels.
5. Authori ty and Directives Affected.
·.. _. . . .'-...-_
This Order is issued pursuant
to Secret ary 's Order Nos . 5~7, 23-6?, and·6-68 and implements Ma.npo~·r er
Administration Order Nos. 4~68 and 5~68, and Executive Order No. 11422.
Putu:re Change s. During the third quarter of each fiscal year,
representat ives of the Department of Labor (D0L1 and of the Office
of Economic Opportunity -( 0E0), shall jointly review the provi~;ions
·of this Order and determine what procedural and policy changes
should be n:ade in order to carry out the delegated Title I-B programs more effectively. Changes in the policies and procedures
described in thi s Order shall be made with the joint approval of
I .
0EO and DOL .
7.. Tne Office of ,Economic Opportunity and the Manpower Administrat.ion
have jointly developed and approved the policies set forth
in this Order.
8 ..
Effect ive Da te.
This Order is
I .
. /
pportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Str eet Bldg. • ,\tl;:inta, Georgia 30303
Telephone: .525-4262
T . M. Parham
E xecutive Administrator
Mrs. Mitchell
For immediate release
April 10, 1969
To begin observan.c e of "Martha's Day" on April 11, membe:r.s
of the Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta adrninistra1.:!_\·1c
committee have invited the public to join them for fasting anC
praye- a f:. 7:00 a. · m. at St. Mark Methodif't Church, Peac'l-1tree
~n~ Fi1th Streets.
The invitation was issued by Dr. William Geren, President
of the council and Pastor of the Dogwood :t-:ills Baptist chu ~ ch.
·,:e urged a L 1• h.t l,mtans to particis>ate in "M-:i. rtha's Day" -~ y contributing tc tr..c Ira Jar-Le l.l. ~~::. l -1<-. Fund for hLi.ngry school child1.
Tax deductible checks c an be m3.iled to Christian Counc~l,
Box 567, Atlanta, Georgia
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. h as proclaimed April 11 as "Marthr ' s
Day" calling upon the ci ty to "eat for 1 day what Martha ea tis·,
to feel for 1 day wha. t Martha feels. "
Martha , · a :fiirst grader from a poverty family, was intr,o duced by Economic Opportunity Atlanta a~d the Christian Council
of Metropolitan Atlanta to dramatize the _plight of Atlanta's
hungry children.
�i .
Martha is not her real name , but she is a real child.
She knows what
it is like to try to do her school work on a
near empty stomach.
She lives with her parents, four brothers and one sister
in three rooms which used to be someone's garage.
pays $28.0o' a week for the three rooms.
co_llect the r en-:- e a ~h Saturday.
making $30.00
The family
The landlady comes to
Now that her father is only
week t he farn .L ly of eight must somehow e x ist
each week o n. the :;::-~ma L . ing $ 2. 00.
Sometimes !via rt1ia goes to
hoo l without breakfast.
daily ~iet ofter. cor sists o f a sandwich and several hot dogs,
or perhaps just bean s and potatoes.
In Oc t ober !-1arth a wa s sick during the entire month with
a throa t
Her --:eacher told h e r mother that Marf:ha
might f a. il th8 f ir s t · gra . e because of_ h .s.c month's ab s (:..n::..:e.
But Martha is eager to show visitors how well she c a r . read
and .wr ite .
She hopes she wil l pass .
Nobody knows how many hungry Mar thas there are in Atlanta
or Ge orgia, but there are thousands.
meal all day is the schoo l
lunch .
For most the o nly decent
Some do not even get that.
�April 14,, 1969
Mr . William Norwood
Regional Manpower A dministr tor
U .. S . D p rtment of Labor
Room 700
1371 .Peachtree Street, N., E .
Atl t , Oeorgi
De r Mr. Norwood:
Dan Sw t of my staff~ diselis · ed with rn.e hi conference with Mr. H ry L .
Child of your office r g: rdb1g th implement tion o! Titl~ l~B of the 1969 EOA
Amendment •
Sine the Feder 1 w requir _ that all wot'k and ualning compon nts und r th c:, cmpreh neiv work and tr lning program be pJ-ovided throt1gh prim
pon or· 1n community p11ogsa.re • it is impol't t th -t th moat ff ctf.v,
pt"im sponsor b d
ted for th Atl n-t · tie .
ft t.a my und r tanding that th Atlanta community p1:ogram
Fulton. DeK b. R ockd
, C
ett, Cl yton
d Cobb Counti
t th
pr ent tlme, Economic O pol"tunity Atla.nta, lnc~ functions
th off c
community ctlon pro ram.
ncy in Fult-oll, Gwinn tt d R oded 1 Coun
d v lop d n d .
bt r d N lghborhood Yo\lth Corp.a, Cone•
Employin nt Prog,:a.m,, and oth· r m.anpow r or
d tl"a.lnitlg p~o run
contain d in Titl 1-B~
Sincerely yo-ue ,,
r. .Jim
ar am
�/\\ Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Marietta Street Bldg .
Atlan ta, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4262
T. M. Parham
Ex ec uti ve Admini s trator
Pat Mason (EOA)
or J. Hunter Todd (TOYPA)
April 9, 1969
,..hl t•.. teen your.g me n and women,
selec-l:.cd as The Outsta nding
You"'.'lg People in Atlanta (TOYPA), will joi.r. Economic Opportunity
Atlanta's START NOW ATLANTA Campaign on Saturday , April 12,
with a pov2rty area tour which b egins at 10: 3 0 a. m. from ;the
East Centr, _;_ r'OA Neighborhood Se~-v ice Cent8r , 486 Decat:.:i. r Street,
S. E.
For TC'-YPA the
tour wj 1:.. b e t he first s tep in what h as been
chosen as their fir st.
re Ject:
thE p roduction
of an orgina. J.
mo tion picture which will e:(plo:r-e the progress and pro"!.)lems ' of
Atlanta ' s poor communities.
According to Sara Ridgeway and J.
Hunter Todd, co - Chairmen o f the TOYPA project, the motion p'.ic-
tu re wi ll be presented to top community l eaders, civic clubs,
and church groups to channe l community interes t
and assistance
to EOA's START NOW ATLANTA campaign which has involved 374 new
volunteers in the war aga inst poverty since the program b egan
on J anu ary 10.
On Saturday these 19 young people will be toured by
poverty area residents who live in C':l.bbagetown, Reynoldstown,
Buttermilk Bottom, and adjacent communities.
They will see
first hand the efforts of the poor in their own self-help
projects and will be confronted with the problems which remain.
Saturday's tou:'.:', scheduled as part . of the Dogwood Festival,
will also include othe ~ htlan~ ~s, young and old, who are among :
the 2,277 who. have - taken
che EOA tours in the last three
�April 10, 1969
Mrs . Mary Lu Mitchell
C ommunity Information Officer
E cononli c Opport\lllity Atlanta. Inc .
101 Mal"ietta Street, N . W .
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mary Lu!
How about thinking about getting a little publicity in the A tl nta
Magazine or through other media on our billboard progl'am as
soon as the EOA posters are put up .
I am sure a lot of people wonder what they re all about, who ' s
responsible for them, etc . If we could get a little publicity for
Turn r and Process P o ters, it c rt inly would not be out of
ord r since they ha.ve b n so good to us .
You might think of wh t w ought to
like " m ini-ho rds " , " p ople po ter
bo r d s " .
all thes bUlbo rds ... something
or II ighborhood bulletin
1' ,
Thanks for your h lp in dv ncef
Sine rely your ,
D n Sweat
DS :fy
a.:rnco ./u, _
i..~,.,';:;Nr e n
FORM 215
1- - - -- - - -- - - -
Mr. Dan Sweat
Mayor's Office
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
26 3rd STREET
Dear Dan:
We are underway with new E.O.A. b1llboards that should be up
in 3 weeks. Can you get us some publicity in Atlanta Magazine,
especially for Turner Outdoor Advertising Co. and Process
Posters, Inc.
�Econo1nic Opportunity At_~ant~1, lf1n c..a
101 i\larietca Str eet Bldg . •
r\t lanta, Geo rgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Exec t!t i ve .-\d m iniscracor
Mrs. Mason, 525-4262 or 636 -9390
Johnny Popwell, EOA VISTA DIRECTOR ,
Duke Harrison, EOA Recreation
Director, 523- 7561
April 7, 1969
NO ADVANCE PUBLICITY (The footb a ll players involved have requested no
advance publicity in c~2 ~ ~ to insure that pove~ty area youngsters will be
the ones to b 2~e £ _;_ t .,":;_·om the even~.)
P-r:o-foctba-:.1 _s tars from across th e,. nation will . join with local college
players in an EG,.-\:l .'.'TA :.;-ons orec Eootba.11 extravaganza for 2500 poverty
area youths at Washin15 -con Hi gh School, \5 White House Drive , S, W. on
April 7 • .
A copy of the prcgrzm which will be in two sessions, one starting
at 10:00 a . m. and the othe r a t 1:30 p. m., is attached, a long with a
list of tLe footba ll players and visitors t o tlJr_ event.
Bill Curry i-'nd F:..·3.n Tarkenton are co-chairmen of ·:1--tL! Pr,1f ess:i..c nl
Athletes VISTA Assistan~e Program, organized recently .
"NSC " on the prc,gr ain means Ne i ghborhood Service Cente r.
Washington High School
April 7, 1969
NSC's schedule d for 10:00 a. m. Clinic
Rockd a le-Conye rs NSC
North Fulton NSC
South Fulton NSC
Gwinnett County NSC
West End NSC
NASH-Washington NSC
Washington High Schoo l
NSC's scheduled for l:3O · p. m. Clinic
Ed gewood NSC
Northwest (Perry Homes ) NSC
Central City NSC
East Central NSC
West Central NSC
Price NSC
Summe rhill-.Me ch anicsville NSC
Pittsburgh NSC
Master of Ceremon ies - Johnny Popwe L, EO A Director of VISTA
Introduction of Visitors . - T. H. Jim Parham, EOA
Executive Administrat or
Introducti on of Visiting AL hletes - Co-chairmen Bil l Curry
and Fran Tarkent on
NFL Fo otb a ll Highlights Film
Demonstration of pos iti ons on athletic field
�Eco nor11ic Opportunity Atl~1nta,
101 Ma rietta Sr reer Bl dg .
t\cl ,rn ra, Georg i a 30303
T . M. P arham
E xecucive Adm in iscra cor
April 7, 1969
Washington High School
Fran Tarkenton
Homer Jones
Willie Hi.11 i.8.IDS
Carl LocLhar i:
Ernie Koy
Ralph Heck
Floyd Hudlow
Errol Linden
Jim Burson
Randy Winkler
Jerry Simmons
Ken Reaves
Bill Br o,,u
Mick Ting l eh ,ff
Bill Curry
Pat Kennedy,. National Director , VISTA
Ma x i e B..:. ughan
Je rry Stov::. 1.1
Chuck Wa l ke
Alex Grant, Ns t i ona l Direc tor , VI STA
Mrs, Clai :r: Pa l me r, As s i st-=i r,t LO Nat io na l
Dire c tG . . , ·rJ ~-l'A Recru itment
Ron Capa l ac e.s , -:;:;::c Gi:fi : e
Affair s
Pub lic
Car 1 Ka.mmerer
Lenny Snow
John Sias
Randy Kinder , Sp ec ini As s istant to
Na tion _~ V!.STA Di rec t or
Ross Cogg i ns , Reg iona l Admi n i s tra tor ,
Lev i Terrell, Regi ona l VISTA Recruitment
Dire ctor
101 Mari etta Screec Bldg . o r\clanca, Georgia 30303 •
Telephone: 525-4 262
T . M. P arham
Execut i ve Administrator
Mrs . Mitche l l
For immediate r elease
April 9, 1969
Cities acr o ss the countr y are planning programs similar to
the START NOW ATLAN'I'A c ampaign launched January 10
by Economic
Opp ortunity At l anta , Inc . to involve more citLzens in the war
against poverty.
One city of f icial wrote,
"In Phoer.. i :'.: (Arizona ) we are very
enthu s i asti c about thi s· program and hope -f:ho.t we wil.l be ab.I
follow in y our foo "- steps to work out a similar pro9-rc1J", foL· o ur
city •
Mi ami , florid2 already h as initiated
s im i lar program a ~1.<l
other citj2s have requested info ~nation .
.:-: i.~ce START NOW ATLANTA was launched t hree m J ,.th s ago, 2 , 2 7
peo9le have taken poverty area tours led by the poor and EOA hRs
i.c~ u.ir ed t he services o f 374 volunteers .
The 2, 00 0th person to take t -1e tours l ed by the poor was
Mrs. Bill Curry , wif e of the Ba ltimore Colt s football star , who
was presented with a certificate b y Vice Mayor Sam Masse ll in
Vine City on March 29.
EOA continue s to receive dai l y r equ es t s from p eop l e who wi s h
to take the tou·rs or volunt eer the ir ti rne .
�- 2 -•:,
The START NOW ATL..A.NTA progr am was initiat2d for the hundreds
of Atiantans who have asked "How can I find out what needs to be
done and what can I do?"
The prograni offers t wo phases, one 1 the tours led b y 23 poverty
area residents called Volunteer Information People, or V.I.P. 1 s,
and the other a volunteer program.
The poor wanted to lead the tours because, as one said,
W2 1 re. tired of people coming through here shaking their head ::.
. ._ about
1.e rats and g arbage and nasty shack s and not seeing us.
We' :.·e people too and we've done a
lot to he .i.p curselves."
Indic at ions are that the tours are really :..wo-way streets;
as one V.I.P. put it,
t :i....··5.ri':..·
"They learn from us and we learn fro m \ ·:;m,
t h e tours are you ng , middl e aqed, old.
tour b y foot , by c a r, b:· : u s.
1'hey are lawyers , busin.es s ri12n,
doctors, social workers, clul, ,Jome n, church members ,
journa li "s ts,
visito rs to Atlanta, i..he -;- l_ready concerned, and those not- .-:oo-sure'
They come i n g~eatest number from Me tropolitan
Atlanta, but also from various p arts o f the United States and / from
countries o ver the wor ld.
The 374 volunteers are working in a variety of projects, ineluding story hours, adult literacy classes, tutorial progr am s,
marionette shows, horticulture classes and legislative action.
�-3- ~
In addition, . four white churche s hav e formed partnerships
with black churches, 20 college fra t ernities are working in
volunteer projects and some 200 colleg e students are conducting
a comprehensive consumer survey in one low-income area.
To volunteer, to arrange a tour for individuals or groups;
or to get a speake r or a panel, call 525-4262.
-Apzil 5, 1969
M r. Charles Davis
City Comptroller
City Hall
A tlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Charles :
RE: ABC Corps - Casual Employees
As you know, for the past 18 m onths or more, the Sanitation Division of
the City of Atlanta has been involved in a new project under the Atlanta
Concentrated Employment Progr m called the Atlanta Beautification Corps.
In this project, so ... called hardcore, unemployed individuals have been
utilized in special crews designed to collect trash and debris from sidewalks , vacant lots , pl ygrounde , parks, etc . in an a ttempt to keep these
are s beautiful.
The concept of the program was for the City to attempt to nlentify those
members of the ABC Corps who could perform in regular City functions
and to assist them in finding fulltime mployment. Our success has not
been too great. To date,, we have pl aced three of th former ABC workers
in regular City positions at the City Garage.
Bee use of cutbacks i.n Federal funding; the ABC Progr m is being r duced
in the number of employ es ammediately by 25 s of Friday, May 2.
R lph Hula y and hi Sanitation people say that thi.s program h s been
succ ssful and that the ABC workers h ve performed a great service to
th City of Atlanta. He h s indicated h is in favor of continuing th s
p ople if possible.
It eems to me th t ince they have perform d admii- bly in areas wh r they
w re badly needed by the City th t we should attempt tom int in th s rvic
of the e 25 peopl in the S nit ry Division until t le st the end of our sumrn l'
�Mr . Davis
Page Two
-April 5, 1969
program period. This would give us an opportunity to make a further
effort to place those who can meet qualifications in regular job slots .
At the same time , during the crucial summer period we would have the
advantage of the experience of these people in helping in special neighborhood
clean.up projects and other special requirements which the summer period
It is my understanding that Mr . Hulsey has requested that these 25
individuals be plac ed on a casual empl oyee status with the Sanitary D ivision
until August 31. 1 hope that you will support this recommendation and give
us your help in having this done .
Sincerely yours;
D a n Swe t
DS :fy
�A~ - c ood
C~~Fa ir .
.. ., ...
.... .. ..· .
F =- POOl'.
l octi a . Rosse r
_Ruby Scott
Sarah Euba nks
Azzie Lee Gordy
Roberta Satte rwhite
Rachel we·~ ver
-Mildred Grice
Anna Louise Ware
Lula Ma y Pearson
Eva J\!ay Whitaker
Ro sa Gas
Joann Henderson
Rosa Marshall
Jess e Terry
Ethel Wa nsley
Essie Richards
Josephine Burton
Alen\!? Griggs
Edna Harris
.J ulia Lowe
Eunice Moore
Eunice Murriell
Carrie Wi lli arns
J ohnny Wimbish
Sarah Ev .•.ns
Lucille Griffin
Mary J ohnson
A.}.ice Welchs
�A- - Good .
c- - F,d.r
F'- -J:> oor
Hea 1th
-- ·-·- ~-----
S ex
Clifford Williams
Fleater · Bennett
Ruby Seay
Emma Harris
·· ·-- ····----!---- -- - --- - - --- I
Joe Logan
- -·--- - / --.
- -·- -- -·
Johnny Math i s
Annie Bridges
Emma Styles
Allen Arnold
Willie Buckhalter
Emma Dunn
Johnny Fann i ng
Willie George
Ol a May Williams
Arthur Holmes
Erne stine Jackson
Alice T. Norman
Annie King
·--- -
- - - - - - M
- - - ------- ------
' .
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Ma rietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta, Georgia 30303 •
T. M. Parham
Executive Admini s trator
April 29, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor, City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
At the EOA Board of Directors meeting on April 16, 1969, the question
of the impending reduction and ultimate phase out of the Atlanta Beautification
Corps Program (ABC) was discussed. This reduction was caused by a reevaluation of the ABC component being funded from this program source and a
cutback in funding of the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Program (ACEP)
~which operates the ABC Program as a component under contract with the City
of Atlanta. The ABC Program was orginally designed to provide low income
residents with work experience while providing needed cleanup of inner city
areas. Although the contract does not specifically provide for hiring of
the ABC enrollees by the City, their past performance does suggest that they
merit every consideration in this regard.
The EOA Board heard an appeal from Mrs. Rosa Marshall, Supervisor of
ABC workers, for assistance in finding meaningful employment for the ABC
workers being phased out of the program. Although her long range concern
was for all of the workers, she was especially concerned about the imminent
cutback on May 5 of approximately 40% of the total 60 slots. Mrs. Marshall
requested that the Board consider authorizing a letter to the City of
Atlanta on beha lf of the ABC workers. Such action was duly passed by the
Board requesting that I communicate with you on this problem.
I understand from the Executive Administrator of EOA, Mr. Parham,
that City and EOA officia ls have be en a ggre s sive l y s eeking a s oluti on on
this ma tter . There f ore, speaking for the EOA Board of Directors, I would
like to express apprecia tion to y ou f or y our past concern and t o encourage
you i n your f u t u re effort s for t he low income peop l e wh o wil l b e affected
by t his unfortunate reduction . Thank you for your attention to this matter.
euil let
Board o f Directors
�Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.
101 Ma rietta Street Bldg. • Atlanta , Georgia 30303 • T elephone 688-1012
T . M. Parham
Exec utiv e Admini s trat or
March 24, 1969
The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mayor Allen:
rJ?.fi/Aj t / w ~
As you know the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Program
(ACEP) has a contract with the City of Atlanta for a component
known as the Atlanta Beautification Corps (ABC) Program. We
currently have about 58 low income residents of the center
city employed under this contract. Their salaries are paid
by stipends received from U.S. Department of Labor. The ABC
enrollees have made a valuable contribution to the City of
Atlanta through their work which involves cleaning up streets
and public facilities in the low income areas of the city.
The original intent of this program was that the
residents could gain work experience and improve their work
habits through this program in the hope that they could be
eventually hired in city or other jobs requiring minimum
e ducationa l cre dentials. We have just b een advised by the
De partme nt of Labor that we will have to phas e out the ABC
Program by August 31, 1969, and budgetary limitation will
force us to cut the number of available slots from 60 to
20 by May 4th of this year. Our staff has bee n working
cooperative l y with a number of city officials in attempting
to provide jobs in the Public Wor k s and P a rks and Re cr e ation
De p a rtme n ts o f Atla nt a . Spe cif ica lly Mr. Johnny Robin s on,
Mr. Ed Hulsey, and Aldermen Everett Milligan and Q . V.
Williamson have been attempting to work out a solution
�Mayor Allen
March 24, 1969
that would accomplish this end.
I would appreciate your assistance in helping to work
out a plan which would allow the city to absorb into its
permanent work force approximately 25 of the ABC enrollees
by the end of April.
I believe you will find that Mr.
Hulsey and Mr. Delius and others have been impressed with
the overall performance of these enrollees who represent
some of the most disadvantaged citizens in the city.
I believe that they will agre e that it would be beneficial
both to the enrollees and to the city to make every effort
to provide these people with meaningful employment.
Any assistance you could give us on this matter would
be v e ry greatly appreciated.
�May 13, 1969
Mr . Charl es L . Davis
City of Atl anta
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Charles :
,. ,.,
Thank you for your great help in resolving the problem of the
.Atl nta Be utific;atlon Corps . Your 1 tter of May 7 is in line
with my understanding of the decisions which hav been reached.
In uthorizing transfer of these 25 workers to the Sanit tion
Division from the F derally funded ABC p yroll , we hould
h ve lso uthorized thre of these people to be placed in a
upervi ory c pacity at sal ry r t of $ 2 . ZS per hour. In
order for this program to prop rly function under the crew con ..
cept, it is nee ss ry that crew forem n be plae d in ch rge of
eupervi ion of each crew. It is my understanding that thia i
in Un with R lph Huls y•s thinking nd th t this uthorlz tion
hould be given.
I hope that you c
uthorize th paym. nt of th thr
visors at rate of $2. ZS an hour .
Sine r ly your ,
Dan Sw
DS :fy
up r-
May 9, 1969
TO :
Mr . Dan E. Sweat, Jr .
Charles L. Davis /
I understand that there are three people in the supervisory
capacity in the ABC Program paid at $2 .lS per hour. As you
will recall, our authorization transferring twenty-five of
these workers to the Sanitation Division from the federally
funded program authorized $1.60 per hour .
I would appreciate a request from you for these three supervisory people.
May 7, 1969
Mr. Dan E. Sweat , Jr.
Mayor' s Office
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Dan:
This is to advise that your letter of April 5 (May) relating to the
continued employment of twenty-five employees of the Atlanta Beautification
Corps was thoroughly discussed at the Finance Collllli.ttee meeting held on
Monday, May 5. The Comnittee approved your request to transfer these
' employees from the payroll of the Atlanta Beautification Corps to the
regular payroll of the Sanitary Division of the Public Works Department
with the f ollowing reservations:
The twenty-five employees involved are to be terminated not
later than August 31 of this year, and the employees are to
be advised of this action.
There are to be no new employees added either to the group
of twenty-five being transferred from ABC to the Sanitary
Division payroll or to the remaining group in the ABC Program.
Salaries paid to the twenty-five employees being transferred
together with the casual labor which has heretofore been
authorized for the division and the regular employees of the
division re not to exceed the appropriation established for
salaries, vacation, and sick leave for the garbage collection
accounts of the Sanitary Division of the Public Works Depart•
Occasionally, I will h ve someone on the staff tabulate the expenses we have
incurred for salaries and will advise all p rties accordingly.
Charles L. Davis
Director of Finance
cc: Finance Committee
Mro R. Earl Landers
Mr .. Ray A. Nixon
Mro Ralph Hulsey
2855 Peachtree Road, NE
Apartment 10
Atlanta, Georgia 3030.:>
April 25, 1969
Mr. T. M. Jim Parham , Exe cut iv e Ad:1inistrator
Economi c Opportunity Atl anta, Inc.
101 Marietta Str.ee t BuiJ d i ng
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Mr. Parham:
Thank you so much for your l e tter ot April 15, 19n9, 5 i ving me the
fac ts with r e f eren ce t o Martha 's famiiy. It was very kind of you
~o write to me.
I do feel very unh appy a bout the situation of the hungry in our
country . It is inc om;_)T.':!1 1ens i b - to me that there should be h unger
iu such a we a l t hy country. As· you know, one of the things that
worries me is that the r ea l e state people should be able to charge
so mucn. for such inadequa t e housing. I hop e that some day all of
the s e injustic e s wi ll b e r ecti fi ed. Tha t, I fear, is far off in
the futur e .
It is very pleasant working a t East CenLr a l . The atmospher e is good
and Mr. Wi lliams i s so cons cientious and e fficient. I hope that the
health center we are pl anning and work i ng f or will eventuate soon.
Sincerely you r s ,