Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 89
Text Item Type Metadata
Excerpt from Revised CEP Handbook
(This portion reviewed and approved
ny the White House on 9/25/68)
Relationships Between CEP and Model Cities
The City Demonstration Agency, or CDA, is the sponsoring agency f
Model Cities program in those cities selected for Model Cities Trundingz.
The Model Cities program is administered by the Department of Hou
and Urban Development (HUD) in cooperation with other Federal agencies
administering programs focusing on urban problems. This program calis
for a comprehensive attack on the social, economic and physical problema
in selected slums and blighted areas through concentration and coordination
of both public and private, Feceral, State and local efforts.
A, Background
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to make
grants to, and to contract with, city demonstration agencies only if
he has determined that there exists--
“administrative machinery through which coordination of
all related planning of local agencies can be achieved,"
toe 2 Oe
“evidence that necessary cooperation of local agencies
engaged in related local planning can be obtained."
"administrative machinery...at the local level for carrying
out the program on a consolidated and coordinated basis..."
Policy on Role of Local Chief Executives
Therefore, it is the policy of the federal government that the
chief executives of the cities (and counties, where applicable)
should be encouraged to play a major role in coordinating manpower,
as well as other programs, in the model neignborhoods. This will
require that the U.S. Department of Labor in the course of initial
planning and annual renegotiation consult with the local chief?
executive in regard to the following issues as they affect the
concentrated employment programs:
1. Sponsorship of the CEP,
2. The area boundaries of the CEP,
3. The citizen participation structure associated with
the CEP, 6
In order to meet these siatutory tests, the community must have an
effective mechanism for coordinating CEP planning and action
components with other Model Cities plans and activities.
This agreement among the Departments of Labor and Housing and Urban
Development and the:-Office of Economic Opportunity is intended to
complement other agreements regarding local coordination reached
by DOL, OHO, HUD, and HEW.
Department of Labor is sully committed to the Model Cities pr
; oY 836%
A major emphasis and high priority of the Model Cities progran is
iin = a te ee ree ee ate he
... alleviating the probiems of the unemployed in each city. The
ae ee et ee ee an he —
me toe oa A tee a a a ern me a mm OT me ee
and CEP is the primary vehicle for providing resources and services
et ee a en a ae Rate ER ee mare SNR cae ES at wt iat mi acon
to support the Model Cities effort. CEPs have been (or wiil be)
wag ache Ta ~
installed in as many selected Model Cities as resources will pe
As means of assuring maximum tie-in with Model Cities’ operation
instructions to prospective CEP sponsors require that the CEP target
——- a.
Sy Os EEE ee te ce
area encompass the proposed Model City target area. This means that.
all Model City Benge area TeBSien hs will be eligible for CEP
—, < eee a ee St OP ay Se a Spas Sees fn ah:
manpower services,
In those selected Mode Cities. where a CEP has been ( or will be)
— as wth rah tenmniiten Teyaate wie eT NED! eae ee a gre Ve oy
installed, the CEP sponsor will b be operational coordinator for
a ~
manpower services and programs for Model Cities' area, thus
ad een eee
avoiding the establishment of competitive or duplicative manpower
a a rr er oe ates cee Nee RS een —
te NT re ay,
Overall coordination and planning of manpower activities in connection
with CEP and Model Cities must be > accomplished utilizing the CAMPS
ee Sane SE eS RR tie reed eran ne seitinariam
area coordinating committee. HUD, which is a signature agency to
the inter-departmental CAMPS agreement, has informed CDAs of the
necessity of working closely with the local CAMPS committee. Area
coordinating committees have been established in all cities selected
as Model Cities and mayors have been encouraged to assume leadership
: ye ae Aires
in the establishment and structuring of these committees in order to
provide direct local government input for CEP/Model Cities planning.
In. addition to the role mayors have in the CAMPS mechanism, the
following avenues for cooperative participation on the part of the
mayor will be provided in connection with CEP:
Targot Area
The CEP target area will be selected by the prime sponsor in
consultation with the CDA and the local chief executive. Where
the CEP is located in a Model City, the policy snall be that the
CEP target area embrace the Model Neighborhood area,
The prime sponsor of the CEP is the CAA, However, where a CEP
is Iocated in a Model City, it shall be the policy of DOL to
consult the local chief executive regarding sponsorship of the
When the sponsorship is disputed by the Mayor, the Regional
Manpower Administrator will consult with the Regionai Directors
of OBO, HUD, and HEW before making a decision. Cooperative
efforts should be made by the Regional Model Cities Coordinating
Committee to consiliate locai differences.
The } Manpower Administration field representatives (MAR) are
A TL ee SN a TE Me ee er RR eT TER MINE ee mc
et a ee
instructed to bring together representatives of the CDA, CAA
A ha ne ee me Sennen Ss eR ae at ae wee OL et
and ES when making his initial contact in a city in connection
at er
a at om ch i I mr mT are ar 6 amy LM eo = re we Rt rt
: — -12-
with the development of a CEP. The Mayor will be provided the
opportunity. to designate a representative to participate in the
pre-operational planning and structuring of the CEP, Any
existing municipal manpower committees should also be consulted,
The Mayor*s office will be provided the opportunity to review
the final CEP plans to assure their consistency and eon Sunitey with
the Model Cities plans.
Ace Operational Phase
Any major operational restructaring required during the life of
the CEP contract will be brought to the attention of the Mayor's
office to assure such change will not conflict with Model Cities!
5. Commmity Participation
The Mayor is encouraged to play a major role in promoting the
CEP program and in obtaining the needed cooperative support of
citizens, the business community, labor, and both public and
private agencies of the city. It shall be the policy of DOL
that citizen participation arrangements with regard to CEP
programs be integrated with overall Model Cities citizen
participation arrangements in a manner prescribed by local
The size and scope of a CEP project within each Model City will,
of course, depend upon the availability of Department of Labor
funding. In most instances sufficient financial resources will
not be available to accommodate the complete manpower programming
set forth in the Model Cities plan. In such cases it may be possiole
toa augment the CEP with Model Cities funding. In addition, it is
also likely that there will be a considerable number of Model
Cities hich ai not receive any CEP resources. In these cases,
the Labor Department will make every effort to tailor its separate
programs funded under both the MDTA and Economic Opportunity Act
to the needs of Model Cities target area residents. s
The first generation of Model Cities applications submitted by city
governments included many potentially effective, as well as innovative,
manpower projects, Such locally conceived projects could greatiy.
enrich the CEP operations and multiply the potential for serving
greater numbers of disadvantaged residents. These efforts should
not be abandoned because a CEP operation has been initiated,
The thrust of the Model Cities legislation is for increased concenitraticr,
coordination and cooperation of local, State and Federal efforts; ths
Model Cities program provides an excellent opportunity*for expanding
the CEP potential for providing improved and expanded services, partic-
ularly the much needed supportive services.
issues growing out of implementation of the above policies which
cannot. be resolved at the regional level will be referred to the
Washington offices -of the respective agencies for decision.
(This portion reviewed and approved
ny the White House on 9/25/68)
Relationships Between CEP and Model Cities
The City Demonstration Agency, or CDA, is the sponsoring agency f
Model Cities program in those cities selected for Model Cities Trundingz.
The Model Cities program is administered by the Department of Hou
and Urban Development (HUD) in cooperation with other Federal agencies
administering programs focusing on urban problems. This program calis
for a comprehensive attack on the social, economic and physical problema
in selected slums and blighted areas through concentration and coordination
of both public and private, Feceral, State and local efforts.
A, Background
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to make
grants to, and to contract with, city demonstration agencies only if
he has determined that there exists--
“administrative machinery through which coordination of
all related planning of local agencies can be achieved,"
toe 2 Oe
“evidence that necessary cooperation of local agencies
engaged in related local planning can be obtained."
"administrative machinery...at the local level for carrying
out the program on a consolidated and coordinated basis..."
Policy on Role of Local Chief Executives
Therefore, it is the policy of the federal government that the
chief executives of the cities (and counties, where applicable)
should be encouraged to play a major role in coordinating manpower,
as well as other programs, in the model neignborhoods. This will
require that the U.S. Department of Labor in the course of initial
planning and annual renegotiation consult with the local chief?
executive in regard to the following issues as they affect the
concentrated employment programs:
1. Sponsorship of the CEP,
2. The area boundaries of the CEP,
3. The citizen participation structure associated with
the CEP, 6
In order to meet these siatutory tests, the community must have an
effective mechanism for coordinating CEP planning and action
components with other Model Cities plans and activities.
This agreement among the Departments of Labor and Housing and Urban
Development and the:-Office of Economic Opportunity is intended to
complement other agreements regarding local coordination reached
by DOL, OHO, HUD, and HEW.
Department of Labor is sully committed to the Model Cities pr
; oY 836%
A major emphasis and high priority of the Model Cities progran is
iin = a te ee ree ee ate he
... alleviating the probiems of the unemployed in each city. The
ae ee et ee ee an he —
me toe oa A tee a a a ern me a mm OT me ee
and CEP is the primary vehicle for providing resources and services
et ee a en a ae Rate ER ee mare SNR cae ES at wt iat mi acon
to support the Model Cities effort. CEPs have been (or wiil be)
wag ache Ta ~
installed in as many selected Model Cities as resources will pe
As means of assuring maximum tie-in with Model Cities’ operation
instructions to prospective CEP sponsors require that the CEP target
——- a.
Sy Os EEE ee te ce
area encompass the proposed Model City target area. This means that.
all Model City Benge area TeBSien hs will be eligible for CEP
—, < eee a ee St OP ay Se a Spas Sees fn ah:
manpower services,
In those selected Mode Cities. where a CEP has been ( or will be)
— as wth rah tenmniiten Teyaate wie eT NED! eae ee a gre Ve oy
installed, the CEP sponsor will b be operational coordinator for
a ~
manpower services and programs for Model Cities' area, thus
ad een eee
avoiding the establishment of competitive or duplicative manpower
a a rr er oe ates cee Nee RS een —
te NT re ay,
Overall coordination and planning of manpower activities in connection
with CEP and Model Cities must be > accomplished utilizing the CAMPS
ee Sane SE eS RR tie reed eran ne seitinariam
area coordinating committee. HUD, which is a signature agency to
the inter-departmental CAMPS agreement, has informed CDAs of the
necessity of working closely with the local CAMPS committee. Area
coordinating committees have been established in all cities selected
as Model Cities and mayors have been encouraged to assume leadership
: ye ae Aires
in the establishment and structuring of these committees in order to
provide direct local government input for CEP/Model Cities planning.
In. addition to the role mayors have in the CAMPS mechanism, the
following avenues for cooperative participation on the part of the
mayor will be provided in connection with CEP:
Targot Area
The CEP target area will be selected by the prime sponsor in
consultation with the CDA and the local chief executive. Where
the CEP is located in a Model City, the policy snall be that the
CEP target area embrace the Model Neighborhood area,
The prime sponsor of the CEP is the CAA, However, where a CEP
is Iocated in a Model City, it shall be the policy of DOL to
consult the local chief executive regarding sponsorship of the
When the sponsorship is disputed by the Mayor, the Regional
Manpower Administrator will consult with the Regionai Directors
of OBO, HUD, and HEW before making a decision. Cooperative
efforts should be made by the Regional Model Cities Coordinating
Committee to consiliate locai differences.
The } Manpower Administration field representatives (MAR) are
A TL ee SN a TE Me ee er RR eT TER MINE ee mc
et a ee
instructed to bring together representatives of the CDA, CAA
A ha ne ee me Sennen Ss eR ae at ae wee OL et
and ES when making his initial contact in a city in connection
at er
a at om ch i I mr mT are ar 6 amy LM eo = re we Rt rt
: — -12-
with the development of a CEP. The Mayor will be provided the
opportunity. to designate a representative to participate in the
pre-operational planning and structuring of the CEP, Any
existing municipal manpower committees should also be consulted,
The Mayor*s office will be provided the opportunity to review
the final CEP plans to assure their consistency and eon Sunitey with
the Model Cities plans.
Ace Operational Phase
Any major operational restructaring required during the life of
the CEP contract will be brought to the attention of the Mayor's
office to assure such change will not conflict with Model Cities!
5. Commmity Participation
The Mayor is encouraged to play a major role in promoting the
CEP program and in obtaining the needed cooperative support of
citizens, the business community, labor, and both public and
private agencies of the city. It shall be the policy of DOL
that citizen participation arrangements with regard to CEP
programs be integrated with overall Model Cities citizen
participation arrangements in a manner prescribed by local
The size and scope of a CEP project within each Model City will,
of course, depend upon the availability of Department of Labor
funding. In most instances sufficient financial resources will
not be available to accommodate the complete manpower programming
set forth in the Model Cities plan. In such cases it may be possiole
toa augment the CEP with Model Cities funding. In addition, it is
also likely that there will be a considerable number of Model
Cities hich ai not receive any CEP resources. In these cases,
the Labor Department will make every effort to tailor its separate
programs funded under both the MDTA and Economic Opportunity Act
to the needs of Model Cities target area residents. s
The first generation of Model Cities applications submitted by city
governments included many potentially effective, as well as innovative,
manpower projects, Such locally conceived projects could greatiy.
enrich the CEP operations and multiply the potential for serving
greater numbers of disadvantaged residents. These efforts should
not be abandoned because a CEP operation has been initiated,
The thrust of the Model Cities legislation is for increased concenitraticr,
coordination and cooperation of local, State and Federal efforts; ths
Model Cities program provides an excellent opportunity*for expanding
the CEP potential for providing improved and expanded services, partic-
ularly the much needed supportive services.
issues growing out of implementation of the above policies which
cannot. be resolved at the regional level will be referred to the
Washington offices -of the respective agencies for decision.