Box 3, Folder 17, Document 105

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Box 3, Folder 17, Document 105

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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.

O A 101 Marietta Street Bldg. ® Atlanta, Georgia 30303
T. M. Parham

Executive Administrator

April 29, 1969

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Mayor, City of Atlanta

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mayor Allen:

At the EOA Board of Directors meeting on April 16, 1969, the question
of the impending reduction and ultimate phase out of the Atlanta Beautification
Corps Program (ABC) was discussed. This reduction was caused by a re-
evaluation of the ABC component being funded from this program source and a
cutback in funding of the Atlanta Concentrated Employment Program (ACEP)

~which operates the ABC Program as a component under contract with the City
of Atlanta. The ABC Program was orginally designed to provide low income
residents with work experience while providing needed cleanup of inner city
areas. Although the contract does not specifically provide for hiring of
the ABC enrollees by the City, their past performance does suggest that they
merit every consideration in this regard.

The EOA Board heard an appeal from Mrs. Rosa Marshall, Supervisor of
ABC workers, for assistance in finding meaningful employment for the ABC
workers being phased out of the program. Although her long range concern
was for all of the workers, she was especially concerned about the imminent
cutback on May 5 of approximately 40% of the total 60 slots. Mrs. Marshall
requested that the Board consider authorizing a letter to the City of
Atlanta on behalf of the ABC workers. Such action was duly passed by the
Board requesting that I communicate with you on this problem.

I understand from the Executive Administrator of EOA, Mr. Parham,
that City and EOA officials have been aggressively seeking a solution on
this matter. Therefore, speaking for the EOA Board of Directors, I would
like to express appreciation to you for your past concern and to encourage
you in your future efforts for the low income people who will be affected
by this unfortunate reduction. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Boi feeuillet/Jones, Chairman

EOA Board of Directors



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