Box 4, Folder 4, Document 10

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Box 4, Folder 4, Document 10

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The Atlanta Community Relations Commission is sponsoring

a series of Workshops in Human Relations for City employees.

The first session is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, May 28

1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. The Commission is requesting each
City department to send one receptionist to the initial workshop

Committee Room 2 in City Hall.

As a part of their 1969 program the Community Relations Com-
mission is initiating a series of workshops in human relations
for City employees. These workshops have two major objec-
tives; (1) to provide ways in which personnel working for the
City can better relate to minority group citizens with whom they
come in contact; and (2) to assist City, personnel in gaining a
better understanding of the major problems confronting citizens
in the disadvantaged communities of Atlanta.

The CRC believes that the actions and attitudes of any City
employee who comes in contact with the public can have a
considerable impact on the relationship between the City
Government and a given community. This is especially true
in dealing with the problems of Atlanta's Negro citizens.

Mayor Allen and his administration have made tremendous
strides in breaking down the barriers of racial prejudice.

It seems only logical that community relations can continue to
be improved between the City Government and the citizens if
the Mayor's farsighted and compassionate attitude in human
relations is reflected in the actions and attitudes of all city

It is the hope of the CRC that these workshops in human
relations will act as a catalyst in bringing this about.


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