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Box 4, Folder 4, Document 9
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1145 19th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036
13 January ,1969
Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
City Halli
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ivan:
I was delighted to get your response to our proposal
addressed to white racial attitudes.
Before reporting again to the Ford Foundation, I'm wait-
ing to hear from a couple of local coalitions, after which I
expect to be able to make my recommendations for pilot cities.
Tf all goes well, I should have something more specific to
review with Nat Welch early next month.
Like all your admirers, I was disappointed, though hardly
surprised, by your decision to retire. Elizabeth and I were
pleased to see the Washington Post's comment, Thanks to her
own bedside clipping service, here's another copy of the
editorial for your scrapbook.
Best regards,
Calvin Kytle
cc: Mr. Dan Sweat
Hr, Nat Welch
Mr. Jerry Horton
Enel/ Wash Post clip
David Apter, President /Calvin Kytle, Executive Vice President / Theodore O. Cron, Vice President
1145 19th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036
13 January ,1969
Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
City Halli
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dear Ivan:
I was delighted to get your response to our proposal
addressed to white racial attitudes.
Before reporting again to the Ford Foundation, I'm wait-
ing to hear from a couple of local coalitions, after which I
expect to be able to make my recommendations for pilot cities.
Tf all goes well, I should have something more specific to
review with Nat Welch early next month.
Like all your admirers, I was disappointed, though hardly
surprised, by your decision to retire. Elizabeth and I were
pleased to see the Washington Post's comment, Thanks to her
own bedside clipping service, here's another copy of the
editorial for your scrapbook.
Best regards,
Calvin Kytle
cc: Mr. Dan Sweat
Hr, Nat Welch
Mr. Jerry Horton
Enel/ Wash Post clip
David Apter, President /Calvin Kytle, Executive Vice President / Theodore O. Cron, Vice President