Box 5, Folder 1, Document 44

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Box 5, Folder 1, Document 44

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CHAIRMAN: John W. Gardner
CO-CHAIRMEN: Andrew Heiskeli / A. Philip Randolph

March 18, 1969

Cecil A. Alexander, F.A,I.A,

Finch, Alexander, Barnes,
Rothschild & Paschal

44 Broad Street

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Cecil:

1619 H Street, NAW.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone: (202) 223-9500

OE oem eee
1 8, ? e : & vot Poy

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MAR 21 1863


In my letter to you of March 4, I mentioned that

we would be making plans to follow up on the

February 26 meeting with those representatives
of cities and states who expressed an interest

in the market assembly program.

Accordingly, we are presently at work refining our


proposal for your review and comment,
U3) this proposal to you shortly and to meet again to dis- [nf
Noss [| cuss it in detail, A tentative date of April 3 has been |
J and chosen for the meeting, which will be held from 10:00 a.m. |
\. «cre | to 3:30 p.m. in the Lawyers' Club, at 1815 H Street, N.W.,
ees ae Washington. I hope that you can clear your calendar to

We hope to send i |

’ It would be helpful if in the meantime you could make some
A) estimate of that portion of anticipated subsidized housing
(LA units to be constructed in your city over the next three

vr cussion on the 3rd,

DS) Cordially,
fs i,

; f p a fs
¢ V ~JA / oe
Herbert M. Franklin
Executive Associate


oH i” 4 years which might be committed to a market assembly program.
Cue PA This estimate will enable us to conduct a realistic dis-

= I would appreciate your letting me know at your earliest
a hit »| convenience whether you can attend the meeting,


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