Box 5, Folder 1, Document 45

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 1, Document 45

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/M4er. oye ind.

March 27, 1969


TO: Mr. Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman
Housing Resources Committee-

At the March 25 weeting of the Mayor with Department Heads
and Agencies responsible for carrying out Atlanta's Summer
Program in the six core areas. I presented the HRC plan dated
3-20-69, copy of which has been furnished you.

Item 11, Promotion of Emergency Housing, struck a very
responsive chord with Ann Moses, who has suggested I discuss
the matter further with Al Bows,

It has occurred to me that perhaps it might be well for you
to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee of about 3 members of the HRC to
look into this proposal and to come up with a report of findings
and recommendations on the matter, at our May meeting. I suggest
that the report include such items as;

a. Need for such housing.

b. Extent - number and bedroom composition of units.

c, Whether new or existing structures should be
cans idered

(I favor using existing structures with minimum alterations.
Perhaps VA Hospital 48 would be practical.)

qd. Maximum period of occupancy by any one family
(Perhaps 3 months)

e. Who would administer? (Maybe the Salvation
Army could do it.)

f. Tentative rentals to be charged and method of
payment, etc.

In this connection we might create more interest and get more
assistance and better results from our Committee members if we
would assign various projects of our summer and other programs to
small Ad Hoc Committees to work on, report and follow through.

Mr. Cecil A. Alexander
March 27, 1969
Page 2

Examples from our Summer Program items might include:

3. Work for rezoning for Browntown Road Turnkey

7. Encourage home ownership.

6. Encourage smaller developments of mixed type
Public Housing.

8. Strive for tangible evidence of physical
improvements in Vine City during 1969.

9. Work with Model Cities staff in expediting
physical evidence of experimental housing
this year.

10. Push early rezoning of entire City.
11. Work for elimination of slum pockets through
NDP or by Private Enterprise.

From time to time other projects such as study of future
housing needs; profitable utilization of the Urban Observatory
to best serve needs of the HRC and utilization of City owned
property for Public Housing (Such areas as undeveloped portions
of Lakewood Park, the City Prison Farm, etc.).would be appropriate
for appointment of small Ad Hoc Committees to work on, I believe
that such assignments would develop gpod results, be welcomed by
our Committee members and would give them a feeling of worthwhile
participation and eccomplishment.


Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator



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