Box 5, Folder 1, Document 54

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Box 5, Folder 1, Document 54

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| é » 62:0 |

The Open Space Land Program assists local governments and States

in purchasing and developing land in urban areas for park, recreation,
scenic, historic, and conservation purposes. The odjectives of the
program are to prevent the spread of-urvan blight, deterioration, and ‘
Sprawl; to encourage more economic and desirable urban development; .
and to meet the open space needs of people in the city. '

Open Space grants cen cover up to 50 percent of the cost oF
acquiring land. Grants may be made only to public bodies; private ‘

‘organizations are not eligible. The matching funds furnished by the

local government mey come From any non-Federal source, including

private philanthropy. However, donations of land cannot count toward
me local share. A project must be based on an open space plan for. :
ne community and must. be in conformance with areawide compren rensive
Siannihe Tor the entire metropolitan area. The land must de iccatec :
in an urban arta. However, there is no mininun population limitation. =
The Department places high vriority on land ecquisition when iv &
involves undeveloped iand, but limited grant-in-aid assistance toward
che development of parks and other open space areas is also evailabie. i
un general, all development activities in central cities and low- i
incowe neighborhoods can be assisted with a full 50 percent grant.


artment places high priority on the development of land
Tor open space use wnen it involves ceveloped land, and there is no
ré the 50 percent grant level of assistance for such


Land for open space may be either vacant end undeveloped or,
where no vacant land is available, assistance may be obtained for
purchasing already developed land, for demolishing the existing i
structures on it, and for developing it. for park or recreational
uses. Demolition expenses are an eligible project cost when developed
land is acquired.

In order for a community to optain an Open Space grant, it must

Tile an application with Hu The application, should be based on
local open space plans and priorities and official action by the
responsible local government oe to authorize the project. Avplica- i
tions cannot retroactively cover land already acquired. Applications ;
may include a number of sites or projects. The Department encourages
commuli{ties t6 include the acquisition and development program for a f
wnole year in a single application. Such action reduces everybody's i
paperwork. 2 MAS :


. ' HUD-Wash., B.S.

eee er erry Aa Sar A ab are Bo ea eT ee ee re ei ae

n application is filed, the. Department will acknow-

e a "letter of consent" under which it is p


v and iss oSSiDLE
Or a& community to go ahcad and acquire the open space land at its
own risk, even without approval of a grant application. Tne "“Letiver
oF consent" docs not imply approval, but merely provides that UD
i nay reinourse the applicant for exvenses incurred after the Letter of

is authorized, if the project is approved. Applicants wno

; a

After an application nas been Tiled with one of the Department's

Regional Offices, HUD will review the application and make a decision
on wnether it can be funded, in terms of priorities and competing

‘ applications. A Yunding analysis process is used to evaluate
systematically all applications received. Projects approved ror
funding then undergo detailed reviews for compliance with all
sechnical program requirements. If a project cannot be approved for
funding, HUD will notify the community as soon as possible.


fd ; When @ grant is approved, the Department's Regional Office
promptly advises the community, after which a formal Federal contract
is issued. The contract spells out the requirements with which the
grantee must comply in order subsequently to receive the authorized .
grant. Usually the grantee must spend the money within 12 months;
exceptions are made for cases involving court actions.


hse a

Tne Federal grant will be paid as a reinboursement after the land
; is actually purchased or the proposed development completed. ‘There- :
. Tore, applicants must be prepared to finance acquisition or dévelop=
ment entirely on their own prior to receiving reimbursement Tor the
Federal share. The amount of the Open Space grant will be based on

two proressional land appraisals. The cost of appraisals will be
: eligible items in grant computation.

tad a ada a a BS a et

Land acquisition and development must meet Federal standards
covering wage rates, non-discrimination, price negotiations, and so
forth. Most of these requirements are similar to those, of other —
Federally assisted programs.

HUD has special relocation requirements to assure that anyon
isplaced by an Open Space project has aveilable good alternative
ousins. Certain relocation grant payments are mace to the
isplacees. Tnese payments are eligible for 100 percent reimourse-
ent by the Federal Government in addition to the approved grant.




or they may acquire some limited inte
site. Easements and life estates are el
encovrazes multivle land uses, i Ging

a a A Sc a ton AK arin Bde tw Edi iicin Tie
H oO

HUD-Wash., D.C.

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- = *% a ae -
air-rights Cevelopments, parks

parks in high noise areas nea

ce is not available for the purchase of already developed *

open space areas, such as gol courses.


Development provided for in an open space project normally is

limited to minor construction, landscaping, playground equivment,
utilities, grading, and similar activities. Major buildings,
ween Nene

i e
sWinming pools, golf courses, amphitheaters and other "major consvruce
re not eligible. Devel looment assistance is available onl;

tion" 4 %
for lands acquired under the vrogram. Other assistance is available
for lands already in puolic ownership through the HUD Urban seautiri-
cation and Improvement Program. ; .

' Land acquired with HUD assistance must remain as open space in
perpetuity. trong protections are given by the law on open space
projects to discourage intrusions by incompatible land uses. When f :
it is in the pudlic interest to convert’ all or part of an open space - ;
project to another use, approval by the Secretary of HUD must be
obtained, and the community must substitute land of equal value anc

‘quality serving generally the same people.

Devartmental pea priorities stress "pucting open space
money where the people are.". It also stresses meeting urgent necds,
especially those of low-income neighborhoods and communities. ‘Tne 5
Department also encourages projects that will have a demonstrable
impact on new urban growth. Lerge scale projects far from uxsoan

centers have, in general, little likelihood of being funded.

eady helped hundreds of

Tie Oren Space Land Program has alreac
communities work toward meeting park, recreation and: conservavion
necds. The program can have special: value in helping cities mecv
the needs of people in inner city sc low-income neighborhoods,
orten related to special sunmer programs to ease tensions. Many
comounities have used open space development activities as a source

al! e
or local employment and training for neighborhood youth and the
nard-core unemployed. The Department encourages such programs.
The Department also encourages communities to invlove Loc al
nborhood residents in all phases of the planning process --
ing the site, designing the facilities, construction, operation:
maintenance. Citizen participation can assure that projects
will meet neighborhood needs and be a source of pride to the



Cutright full fee acquisition of open space land is not always -
feasivle, nor is it always necessary for the Public Body to obtain -
owmershiv of land to maintain its omen svace charac =


HUD-Wash., D. C.

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developing urban areas, communities can carry out the open space
clement of the comprehensive plan by preserving open space, where
needed, through the use of numerous administrative and Legal tools.
Good zoning practices, subdivision regulacions tire encourage cluster.
ing, and require builders of new neishborhooés to dedicate land for
park and recreation purposes. -=. all’can do much to assure the avail-
ability of open space... ;

The Department gives special attention to projects ‘designed vO
meet emergency needs and to serve coordinated programs Yor improving
ene urban environment and thereby the lives oF people. An example
would be small park developments in Model Cities or other small parks
in ‘built-up inner city neighborhoods. a

Communities should make use of open space standards, either by ,
adopting suggested national standards or py developing their own.

The standards should help define priorities and set goals to assure an

equality of diverse open space opportunity Tor all citizens.

Open Space planning and programs snould vrovide for sites :
= 2 = ?


facilities and activities from the block and neighborhood scale, to
city-wide areas, and to regional facilities serving several counties

‘or the entire metropolitan area.

Effective open space programs also reawire intergovernmental
-coordination between park and recreation agencies, school systems,


ypudlic aotlty commissions, cultural agencies, water companies, and

other public agencies that own or manage land and facilities nan ing
open space and recreational values.

Detailed program Bequivanente are explained in the f
. pages. Special cases or situations not covered in this guide s
be Drought to the attention of the appropriate Regional ofr

: J ; iv

HUD-Wash., D.C.

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At oe acrnnon w ak

%o Letter


— nae oo


Code No.

BoP Fp
ner ez +o


OS 102

OS 103


in Binder No. 1 and 1 copy each in Binders

¥orm H-6600, Application for Grant To Acquire
Cpen-Svace Land. Include 3 copies of Form H-6600
No. 2
and 3..

Modify Block F, "Computation of Grent Amount," as
shown in Attachment 3.

Mep of urban area showing location of land to be
acquired or, if-proposed acquisition relates only
to lend of locel significance, map or locality
showing sites to be acquired. A standard city or
county street or road map may be used. Include 3
copies of the mep in Binder No. 1 and 1 copy each
in Binders No. 2 and 3.

Statement describing specivic open-space uses
proposed ae the lend covered by the application.
{A phrase such as "park end recreational" is not


ble s Show proposed use for each individual
‘the application, indicating whether iv is a
local or regional use. If any existing structure
will be retained on lend acquired, describe use to
be made of the structure.

tatement explaining nature, source, and emount of
non-Federal funds aves lable. for the acquisition of
land for open-space use, oe the date.that
such funds will be available. xplain any special
types of mortgage, inst aA ieee ment purchase, or
other financial arrangement involving land included
in the progrem. If State assistance will be
obtained, indicate the date application for State
assistance was submitted and the present status of
the application. Iffunds will be derived from
bonds, indicate the length of time required

to redeem the bonds. If private or foundation funds

are involved, indicate the source, amomt, and dave

| funds will be available.

OSLY Guide :
Cnapver 3

OSL? Guide

Csapter 1

OSLP Guice
Chapter i

Letter No. 05-5
Page 9


Samp pre anne, epee

ge npr a ie ya ag ee ay ey pe

Tastee ote

cptneterem pees


lth ee, tela 6 2 tet ee at

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pecdctovec cl dha welt Lak ice nae ee td tm eS

Rerer 7

pe wn ae an Se a el te Pt a eT el a ml Se

oS 111

OS 112

OS 113:

OS 214

OS 121

Plenning Dat
Statement indicating that. compre give plenning for
pan area is underway, describi nes of planning,
entifying agency or instrumente ay rrying on
whe planning, and indicating nature ane é extent of
Local participation end representation in the

Stevement describing open-space acquisition and
development program for urben area, including (e)
standards and criteria, (b) listing of proposed
activities for next 5 to 10 years, (

priority schedule, and financin
coordination procedures, and (e z

agency or agencies ee: ering progren.
A copy of the open-svace acquisition and development
program should be pubmittea as. an exhnibii

If an intergovernnentsal agreement is being or will be
used as the coordinating mechanism for the open-space
SH end development program, include a copy
oF the executed or proposed agreement. If an

agreement previously submitted to EEFA is still =.
| See urven nv, reference may be made to the previous
submission which includes ‘che agreement.

Statement indicating when application was reviewed
by other agencies, identifying the agencies, and
summarizing their comment


tavement describing present and proposed activities |

Lo cal governing bodies to preserve open-space
lend in urban area and citing appropriete portions
oF any tax provisions or zoning, subdivision; snd
other regulations.

! * a *
Lend Acouisition Deve,


a of each site to be acquired or detailed map of
ac h taking area Coxe red by Che application. Plat

ould clearly identify all structures and

improvements. on vn “Land being acquired, and indicate

any to be retained in accordance. with proposed site

| plan.

Letter No. 08-5

Letter No. 05-5
Pages 5, 6

Letter No. 05-5

Letter 2 i » 05-5.

Page 6

OSLP Guide
Chepter 1





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Code No.



0S 121 |i? pertiel takings are involved, show which areas
(con.) lo? totel parcel we aes in Orne owner's







involved and legal

possessi i? 1g
cescriptions ere lacking, ceser ise taking area in
terms of natural physiccl boundaries such as roads,

ox similar features.

to be acquired, (a) detailed
each site to be acquired, in
& basis for

S "developed" (i.e.,
neludes buildings
located in a

5 and (bd) if any
ead end demolished,
tion and demolition.

developed land is
or photosreph or
sek detail to
+ ing that the
ore 7 a 10 percent of
or other struc cures)
built-up portion of the ur
standard structure will toes ae ac

tatement justifying its acquisi


iStatement indicating the emount, basis, and source
or cost of real estave services.

Statement indicating the amcunt, basis, and source
of estimate of acquisition cost of each parcel or

Group of parcels covered by the application.

Land Acquisition Policy Statement

| Copies of any options or proposed purchase agrearaits
vith respect to land proposed to be acquired.


Wok ak

iz develope eS land is to be acquired, statenent
indicating paar basis, and source of ae
cost of demolition and removal of structures on the
len If anid oabie include (2) denaniptinn of
proposals for relocating structures orf site, and

costs involved; and (b) copies of bids requested
or estimates received from demolition contractors.

if historic site will be acquired, statement

describing basis for determining that site is.of
historical significance and proposals for preserving

Letter No. 05-5

Pages 3, 15

Let ter Neo. os-5
Pages G, ie
Letter No. 05-5

Page 12

Letter No. 08-5
Pages 13-15

Letter No. 0S-5
Page 16


a 7
ster No.

Page 13

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0S 131

OS 133

OS 135

= io - mn 2 ee |
Code NO«) Item To Be Submitted

{Submit if eppliceation covers
acquisition of property from which
site occupants will be displaced)

jhousing is or will be available, including basis

timate of number of individuals, families, and
business concerns to be displaced from property
wo be acquired. For individuals and families,
include breakdown by race.

Stavencat indicating thet adequate relocation
Zor determining adequacy of relocetion housing.

Stavement outlining relocation services to be

to be re

of the personnel and/or agency to perform the
services. If applicable, include cooites of
contracts or otner agreements with local renewal
agency, city relocation stati, or other agency.

Estimate of total:smount of relocation payments
to be made, in tabular form as shown in
Attachment Be

Stetement indicating the amount, basis, and’ source
of estimated cost of relocation services, excluding
relocation payments, which will be included in


omputing the amount of the grant. If a per capita

figure is used, indicate how per capita estimate
was derived. . : '

Letter No. oS~5
Page 10.

Letter No. 05-5
Page 10

tter No. 08-5
Pagesll, 12

Attachment B


Letter No. 0
Pages10, 1



ster No. OS-5
Pages l1, 12



a qeeeetyen es

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BAe Etna ete Se Te

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antes a ne he eerste he

weeny Tiel

o Be Submitted



OS 151

OS 152

.If developed lend i

Development Data
ee ee


_ (Submit if application covers
» development of land)

mi [See Letter No. 08-6]

Legel Dete

esolution of applicant authorizing filing of
pps ication.

® os


Opinion of counsel ant éuthen
all laws and charters referr

rred to in the
opinion nov svedlable in prin

a %
ved compilation.:


to be acquired and the


applicant is not the governing body of the
locality, resolution oF local governing body

that undeveloped or predominantly undeveloped
lend is not available in the locality Tor the
open-space uses prose for the land to be
acquired. :

icated copies of


tver No. OS-5

Page 17

tvachzent C .

~wtachment D




caneny C


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