Box 5, Folder 1, Document 53

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Box 5, Folder 1, Document 53

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t -


s March 16, 1969


"The purpose of the Water and Sewer Facilities Grant program

is to assist local public bodies and agencies in constructing adequate

\ ;
basic water and sewer facilities needed to promote the efficient and orderly
growth and development of our communities."

"To be eitetiie for grant assistance under this program, the
applicant must be a local public body or agency established by the action |
of one or more States or entities thereof, with legal authority to plan,
finance, construct, maintain and operate the proposed project."

"Grant assistance is available to help finance specific projects
for basic water and sewer facilities. Water facilities include works
to store, supply, treat, purify, or distribute water of sufficient
quality and quantity for donantle: commercial md industrial use. Sewer
facilities include sanitary sewer systems for the collection, transmission,
and discharge of liquid waetar: and storm sewer systems for the ‘collection,
transmission, and discharge of storm water caused by rainfall or ground
water runoff."

The. dmount of the grant-in-aid may not exceed 50 percent of the
cost of ‘constructing the basic parts of the water or sewer facility project
and of acquiring the land on which it is located, including site improvements
necessary to make the land usable as a site for the project."

"No grant may be made to assist in éénsteuctinx a sewer project

unless the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare certifies that the

waste carried by the facility is adequately treated before being discharged

into any public waterway. The request for certification, together with






roject data, shall be sent to the DHEW Regional office by the
Regional Director upon receipt of an application for assistance in

constructing a sewer project.!!

Program Steps:

-1. A Local Public Agency (LPAY makes initial inquiry to HUD Regional °
Office. HUD office mails LPA printed material and “four copies of
SF-101, Preliminary Inquiry Concerning Federal Assistance for Water
Projects, Sewer Projects and Waste Treatment Plants. ;

2. LPA completes and submits SF-i01 to HUD Regional Office.
3. HUD acknowledges receipt of SF-101 by letter to LPA.

4. HUD reviews SF-101 for completeness, requests further information
if necessary, and determines if project is applicable to the HUD
grant program. (This may involve referring SF-101 to EDA, FHA, or
DHEW for comment and consideration. HUD also receives SF-101 forms
from these other agencies for action.)

5. After referral and determination, HUD notifies LPA of decision

to process the inquiry under the HUD program. ~~:

6. Following a determination by the Regional Director and his staff
that the preliminary inquiry will -lead to an acceptable application,
the Regional Director invites the prospective applicant to attend a
pre-application conference. The conference discussion concluded with
an understanding as to whether an application may be submitted for
consideration. In favorable cases, the applicant is furnished with the
application forms and asked to submit.

7. Following the meeting, a letter to the applicant is sent by the
Regional Director confirming the understandings reached during the
conference, with particular reference to any actions agreed upon.

8. The LPA submits a formal application for a Basic Water and Sewer
Grant. After receipt of the application, the HUD Regional Office
sends the applicant a letter acknowledging the application.

9. HUD begins. its review of the application and sends a request for
certification to the HEW Regional Office. This request is accompanied
by certain materials, including copies of letters of comment, clearance
or approval from local, state, and inter-state agencies having
authority over design and construction of the project. At this same
time, HUD may send notices of the application to other Federal Agencies
as appropriate.

10. reliminary review of the application is made by the
the Regional Office, usually in the following order — Pla
Requirements, Engineering, Finance, Legal and Program Of

1i. Upon satisfactory completion of the preliminary review, a project
summary is prepared for signature by the Regional Administrator and
sent to the Community Facilities Division, HUD, Washington, D. C., to
request a fund reservation for the project.

12. After a fund reservation is made, the Community Facilities

- Division arranges for a press release and release date, notification
of interested members of Congress, and notifies the regional office
of the reservation by teletype.

13. Following receipt of the teletype advising of the fund reservation
and at the release time specified, the Regional Director advises the
applicant of such reservation of funds.

14. Upon approval of the project and grant, the project file is

forwarded to the Legal Division of the Regional Office for preparation

of the Grant Agreement. eee

| for SP
iS. The Grant Agreement is forwarded to the applicanty and return to
the Regional Office. :
Following the execution of the Grant Agreement , the LPA lets the
contract for the project through competitive bidding. The LPA must meet
certain other requirements including submission of material to the HUD
Regional Office during the pre-construction and construction phases of the
project. (Procedures during these phases are contained in section 20-1-1
of the Handbook — this section has not been furnished to the Academy



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