Box 5, Folder 2, Document 1

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Box 5, Folder 2, Document 1

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March 13, 1969

Special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Housing
Resources Committee was held at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, March 13,
1969,-in Committee Room 1, Second Floor, City Hall.

Invitational notice, list of, those invited, with attendance
of members and guests indicated, and other related documents are
attached to the file copy only of these minutes,

The primary purpose of the meeting was to consider a proposal
made by William L. Moore for rezoning of a tract of land in Land
Lot 30, 14th District (FF) (annexed to the City of Atlanta, December
1, 1968) for 700 units of cooperative Townhouses and 200 units of
rental apartments, ail to be financed under FHA Section 221 d(3).

Chairman Alexander called the meeting to order and announced
that before he took up the main item on the Agenda (consideration
of a particular zoning proposal), he wished to discuss briefly
some other matters,

He then read a proposed letter to be sent to Representative
Julian Bond (copy attached to the file copy of these minutes)
supporting in principle Bond's Bill on the suspension of rent
(through payment into an escrow account) on dwellings certified
by the Building Department as unfit for human habitation, Seven
(7) exceptions (changes) however were suggested as result of a
poll of the entire membership of the HRC, the wesults of which
were 26-for, 3-for with reservations and 2-against,

The Chairman then referred to a requirement for the HRC to
submit by March 15 its plan for the 1969 Summer Program in certain
central core areas of the City. In this connection, the Chairman
emphasized the need for:

1. An overall rezoning of the City to provide
for the City's future development needs, to
include adequate areas for low and medium
income housing; and

2. Establishment of some emergency housing to
provide living accomodations for special
cases which repeatedly occur.

The Chairman recognized Roger F. Rupnow, Assistant Professor
of City Planning at Georgia Yech, who explained briefly a project
which a group of his students proposed to undertake during the
Spring quarter commencing about April 1 on a study preparing a
plan for future development for the Southwest area of Atlanta.
The plan is to be submitted to the City as a recommendation for
consideration by the City in developing a plan for this area.
The students’ group proposes to work closely with the residents
of this area and with the City of Atlanta as to their wishes on
existing zoning and future development needs, to include low and
moderate income housing in the area,

Mr. Gladin, City Planning Director, informed the Committee
that a group of civic organizations in the area, known as
Federation of Southwest Clubs has requested preparation of a
Plan for the future development of the Southwest area and had
essentially asked the Zoning Committee for a moritorium On zoning
changes in the area until such a plan could be developed. Mr.
Gladin further stated that this is impractical and cannot be done;
that the Land Use Plan for the City, adopted by the Board of
Aldermen about a year ago, is intended to form a basis for more
detailed studies which are contemplated, but not yet developed.

The Chairman said that he felt the HRC should cooperate
with the citizens of the area for development of such a plan,
That development of such plan should definitely provide for a
reasonable amount of low and medium income housing in the general
area and that a time limit should be established for development
of such a plan.

A motion was then made by Mr. Archer Smith, and seconded by
Mr. Bob Winn that the HRC go on record as being in full support
of the following Resolution:

"BE IT RESOLVED, that the need for low-income
housing be given foremost consideration by the
Federation of Southwest Clubs in its deliberations
and studies as to the best use of zoning of the
southwest Atlanta land and further that a time-
table be established for the completion of the
Plan. Further that the HRC offers its full
assistance to the Federation of Southwest Clubs

in preparation of its plan.”

After brief discussion, the Resolution was adopted without any
dissenting votes,

The Chairman then introduced Mr. W. L. Moore, Developer, and

Mr. Nicholas Berryman, Promoter, to present their proposal. These
enatlenen together presented a proposal for rezoning a large

tract of land on both sides of Kimberly Road, S.W. - LL 30, 14th
District (FF) - which was annexed to the City last. Dccombcr,. “The
proposed development (copy of plat attached to file copy) consisted
of 700 units of sales housing for which 90% of the units in any
phase of the development must be pre=sold from pre=built samples
before FHA commitment is approved for that phase; also 200 units
of rental apartments; all 900 units under FHA 221 d(3); furthermore,
development of 40-50 single-family houses on an adjacent tract to
the north, which would not require rezoning.
A school site of 9* acres on the south side of the project
has already been negotiated with the School Board for construction
of an elementary school to serve the project and adjoining area,
It was also pointed out that the School Board has plans for a
high school just north of the project. It was also explained
that the plan provides for only two entrances and exits off
Kimberly Road to the Townhouse portion of the development, with
no through traffic, but all on interior streets and that the
complete development would be accomplished over a five-year

It was pointed out that the proposed development has been
favorably recommended by the Atlanta-Fulton County Joint Planning
Board. Mr. Gladin stated that the proposed location apparently
has or will have adequate community facilities,

The Chairman pointed out that currently the HRC is seeking
new direction as to its future role and mission and that if the
HRC should formally endorse this project now, which is in the same
general area of a somewhat similar proposal which was alge strongly
opposed by citizens of the area and denied by the Board of Aldermen
about 3 weeks ago, that this might be premature and which prebably would
be considered as in opposition to or in conflict with recent
proposals for preparation of a plan for development of the entire
Southwest area and therefore might do more harm than good in
cbtaining approval of proposed rezoning.

The Chairman also pointed out that due to a previous comnit-
ment which he, as Vice-Chairman of A.R.M.P.C., hed made to the
Federation of Southwest Clubs to support their request for
preparation of an overall plan for the area, he felt that he
should divorce himself from the issue and turned the meeting over
to Mr. Archer Smith, a member of the Executive Committee,

Mr. Smith ruled that since only 4 cut of 9 members of the
Executive Committee were actually present, (a fifth had attended
the meeting earlier, but had left), that a quorum did not exist
and that therefore action could net be taken cither for or against
the proposal.

In response to queries from several members of the Committee
as to certain necded changes in organization and new direction for
future action and emphasis by the Committee, the Chairman advised
that such is being considered but as yet he was not in position to
do anything definite in this respect; that the Committee now has
in the pipeline sufficient units to meet the ERC 2-year goal of
9,800 units and the 5-year goal of 16,3800 units, except for
Public Housing; that it appears, for the time being, this is
perhaps the only field in which the Committee should work aggres-

Motion was made, seconded and after some discussion was
adopted that the HRC invite the Maycr to meet with the Committee
in a Special Meeting in the near future to discuss the current
basic purpose and future direction of the Committee.

Mr. Watkins announced to the Committee that under FHA 221 d(3)
or 236 that 20% of the units in any development may come under
Rent Supplement, thus providing for some variation in economic
status of the occupants,

Mr. Archer Smith made a motion which was seconded and carried
that T.U.F.F. and representatives of the Housing Authority be
invited to appear before the HRC to discuss their views, policies
and concerns.

In view of the fact that the HRC Executive Committee did
not have a quorum available for official transaction of business,
no action was taken on the Resolution, The Meeting was adjourned
at 12:10 p.m,

Respectfully submitted,
Fi'vucn is ot fe rent ane

Malcolm D. Jones
Housing Coordirator


Encls: Copy, Summary of Status of Low-income Housing Program (1-15-69)
(Others with file copy only)


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