Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 2
Text Item Type Metadata
“f Tot:.i Dwelling Units Permitted in Atlanta: SUMMARY Dwelling Units Demolished under Housing Code:
‘J.963 = 9,129 1966 = 2,382 Nov. & Dec. 1966 » 144
-.964 = 3,329 1967 - 4, *630 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM During 1967 - 1,272
1.965 = 2,656 1968 = 5,333 (Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) During 1968 - 1,053
TOTAL — 2,469
’ S yr. Program, 1967-71
% established oe first 2 yrs. 100% (57%) (13%) (30%) {0%)
(Sane % used for 5 yr. period) 16,800 (9,576) (2,184) (5,040) «@)
Status . *No, Units P.H. & TK FHA 221 © Pvt. Devel. (Conv.) Elderly & N.H.'
1-15-69 1-15-68 1-15-69 1-15-68 1-15-69 1-15-68 1-15-69 1-15-68 1-15-69 1-15-68
Completed (New Constr.) 3,365 1,312 (650) - ---- (864) (400) (1693) (912) (158) me
Under Construction 6,559 3,701 (1412) (790) (1514) (565) (3392) (2346) (241) -<--~
In Planning 8,335 6,582 (2239) (2220) (5229) (3868) (418) (48) (449) —, (446)
Total In Sight 18,259 11,595 **(4301) (3010) (7607) (4833) (5503) (3306) (848) (446)
Plus Leasing Program (1019) (281) -
(5320) (3291)
Increase o:: Deficit +1,459 (-4256) (+5423) (+463) (+848)
Peing Considvered(all cat.) 7,630 4,481
Did Not Matevialize (See Note A attached)
“Figures in this column are basic and represent the entire program; ( ) in columns to the right, indicate breakdown by programs
of figures included in basic column, **In addition, 1,019 units have been leased for P.H.; 800 of these are now occupied or ° :
.vailable for occupancy aS Public Housing. Also 20 5215. units have been reported by the Housing Code Division as xepaired
‘rehabilitated),. However, those figures include units found in compliance on original inspection, It is estimated that 75%
Oz this figure, or 15,165 sub-standard units have been brought into compliance through actual rehabilitation. 378 units have
been rehabilitated by the H.A. in the West End U.R. area. These rehabilitated units do not increase the number of housing
units available, but do increase the supply of standard units.
Note:: Includes only units financed under Federal assisted low and medium income housing programs; and units constructed under |
conventional financing as follows;
Multi-family units costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land - Respectfully submitied,
Duplex units " " " " $12,000, " wt "9
Single Family " * " te " $15,000, 1 8 ve | : |
Enci.s: 1. Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta Pealesbl—- Fy Vee |
; |
26 Notes = Malcolm D,. Jones
‘: Housing Coordinator
8,874 " ° ° e "9 © Existing Units in operation - filled.
“1,140 Units in Development stage, as follows:
* (650) ' Units off McDaniel St., in Rawson-Washington U.R. Project (310)of these units
completed 7-25-68; remainder completed 11-10-68,
(140) Units under construction in Perry Homes Extension - South of Procter Creek.
(78) 3 Bedroom
(46) 4 Bedroom Bids opened March 7, 1967. Permit issued May '67. Construction
(16) 5 Bedroom behind Schedule, 85% completed 11-10-68, Estimated completion
date February 1, 1969.
(350) Units under construction in Thomasville U.R. Project
(40) 1 Bedroom (16 Eiderly) Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed July 1, 1968.
(120) 2 Bedroom Ground broken July 17, 1968. Will try to have part
(80) 3 Bedroom delivered before final scheduled completion date Jan.1970,.
(80) 4 Bedroom
(30) 5 Bedroom
4200 Units reserved to Atlanta by HUD. te
(2381) (Allocations made by HUD to date; Hollywood Road, 202: Bankhead Hwy., 50@¢; Gilbert
Rd., 220; Prison Cr.-Leila Lane, 175; East Lake Golf Course #2, 809; Jonesboro
Rd., 160; Wellswood Apts., 324.
(730) (730 units of this reservation are approved for use in the leasing program. )
(1089) (1089 units of this reservation are already utilized in tentative comnii‘tments -
as follows, which exceed current reservations by 764 units:) Bedford-Pinge U.R.
area, 453; Boulder Park, 300; Browntown Rd., 450; and Kimberly Rd., 650,
_300 Units allocated for leasing program (Leased units can only be utilized for P\,H.
occupancy as they become vacant. Total Units under lease 1,019.)
5,640 3,640 : Total under Development and In Planning
(1,019) Units under lease (9 locations); most of these are occupied or available fo
occupancy as Public Housing.
2,€00 On September 18, 1968, Bd. of Ald. approved Resolution authorizing H.A. to requist.
allocation from HAA of 2,000 additional units of Public Housing. Request pripaired
and submitted by H.A.; not yet approved by HAA.
16,i14 Total Public Housing Potential
*Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).
Encl. #1
13,7654 units proposed did not materialize, of which 13,260 were included in the previous report of Nov. 15, 1968, and 504
additional units are listed in this report, as Lost. (The majority, but not all, of these losses was due to disapprovals
of sites and proposed rezoning.) ,
Proposed locations for low-income housing are coordinated through the Plan. Dept. for adequacy of Community Facilities,
existing or proposed. Proposals are also reviewed periodically with the School Department for adequacy of school facilities,
The Travelers Insurance Company has financed 75 new single family low-cost houses in the Thomasville Urban Renewal project
area under the FHA 221 d(2) insured mortgage program, Equitable has made $1,000,000 available to Atlanta Mortgage
Brokerage Co. for financing low-cost homes at favorable rates. Interest is still increasing in development of home-owner-
ship housing.
In view of difficulties encountered in zoning and getting other approvals on sites proposed for large multi-family develop-
ments, it is apparent that the Low-income Housing Program will have to lean heavily on Developers and Builders providing
a substantial portion of the requirement on small scattered sites by both Conventional and Federal assisted financing. Also
Public liousing in small projects, to include small developments on scattered sites is strongly advocated, for future
No proposal had yet been made for construction of units (even efficiency or 1 bedroom) to rent or sell for as low as
$50 per month, although the London Towne Houses, a 221 d(3) co-op development now under construction, is approaching
this, with its one bedroom unit selling at $69 per month. The City's greatest need is in the $30-%50 per month rental-
purchase vange, which appears to have little chance of accomplishment, with substantial ‘governmental subsidy.
Prefab distributors and cenventional builders have interesting potential houses to offer but, because of fear of local Codes,
difficulties are currently erecting very few single-family houses in Atlanta to sell in the $10,000-$15,000 range for which
there iss i strong demand and market. Perhaps the greatest difficulty is availability of suitably priced land within the
City Limits, Economics for this price-range sales housing requires land which will not cost the developer more than $1,500.
per unit. (A 5,000 sq. ft. lot is considered ample for this type house; most houses in this price TaLee are currently being
erected in Atlanta on R-5 lots having a minimum size of 7,500 sq. ft.)
Imperial. Kones of Griffin, Ga., manufacturers of pre-cut sectionalized frame houses, has developed a 24'x36', 3 bedroom &
bata house designed to sell, to the occupant for $8,000 to go on his land; and is developing a 4 bedroom & bath house to
sell sinilarly for about: $9,000, National Homes of Lafayatte, Ind. is erecting 200 units of pre-built, 4 bedroom, bath and
%$ units in Chicago and is doing the site planning and landscaping. This firm was recently successful bidder, through design
competition, for construction of 600 medium and low-income housing units on the Honor Farm #1 site.
The nonprofit Greater Atlanta Housing Development Corporation is now in business, The CACUR'sS nonprofit corporation to
rehabilitate existing units under 221 (h) has completed its first group of 5 houses in Lindwood Park. Vanguard: Housing
Corporation has obtained FHA committment for rehabilitation of 6 units under 221 (h). Morris Brown College is another
Ssuca sponsor. North West Community Forum has also filed applications for 4 projects under 221 (h).
Information is welcomed as to corrections, additions or deletions of material contained in this report. (Call 522-4463,
Ext, 430).
Enel: #2