Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 6
Text Item Type Metadata
In reference to a list of properties furnished to Mr.
James A. Smith from Mr, Melvin W. Rush, Chief Tenant
Selection Officer.
We report on the following conditions as found by
the Inspectors of the Housing Code Division.
651 Queen Street, S.W., Apt. #2
Tenant is Mrs, Joyce C. Harden and 3 children
Owner is Mr. Weathers
This is a 6 room apartment, in livable condition
Condition of house is fair
Tenant lived here 7 months (rent $65.00)
No apparent reason for moving except for a better
apartment. Minor repairs needed, painting biggest expense
575 Lindsay Street, N.W., Apt. #3 |
Tenant was James C. Frederick, Jr., apartment is now vacant
This is a 2 story, 4 unit apartment building, it was complied
over a year ago, Extensive maintenance is a constant necessity
to keep them in condition to be lived in.
Each apartment has 3 rooms, with seperate bath and kitchen.
Only reason this could be classified for relocation would be
overcrowded, :
334 Chappel Road, N.W., Apt. #B5
Occupied by Mrs. Gloria Cotton
Managed by Ideal Realty Company
This is a complex of jumbo brick, steel steps apartments
with approximately 30 units, The premises need to be
cleaned, but outside of this it could be classified as
a #1 Project.
Only reason this could be qualified for relocation
would be overcrowdedness,
352 Dixie Hills Circle, N.W., Apt. #8
Former occupant was Mrs. Rena Alexander and 2 children,
who moved from this apartment leaving a sister, to Mrs.
Alexander, her mother and 4 children, which this would
qualify Mrs. Alexander for Public Housing relocation,
Also, a Housing Code inspection is qualified on this
apartment complex, Extensive repairs and maintenance to
be done. Schaeffer Realty Company, Manager.
3005 Delmar Lane, N.W.
Former tenant, Mrs. Mamie Alexander moved into Public
Housing Project, leaving 2 children in a 6 room concrete
block, single family dwelling.
House is in excellent condition on exterior and interior,
this house would come under the category of Complied When
Made, From our information there is no justification for
Public Housing relocation, ;
2435 Perry Boulevard, N.W., Apt. #35
Former tenant Melody Lowe
Manager, Mr. Robert Daughtery
Reason for moving unknown (rent $59.95)
This is a 1 bedroom efficiency apartment, which is in
excellent condition. Mr. Daughtery stated that as far
as his knowledge, no one lived here other than Melody
1386 Carey Drive, N.W., Apt. #188
Tenant, Ronda & Charles Copeland
This apartment is part of The Perry Homes
Reason for moving unknown
These tenants were relocated fromone project to
another project.
1245 Northwest Drive, N.W.
Marion, Diane and Clarence Moore were the tenants
relocated; on 10-8-68, James T. Wright was listed
as tenant.
Owner Ellis Farrell, 3020 Collier Drive, N.W.
We found this house to be in a livable condition.
2284 Alvin Drive, N.W.
Mrs. Viola Barnes is the name on the list for be
Owner, Mrs. Enid W. Lawson
According to our records Loyd Johnson & Annie
Ruth Welch are the tenants.
The house is in a livable condition. There is a
considerable amount of repairs to be done. Mrs.
Lawson was mailed a notice for repairs to be done
on February 24, 1969,
Considerable amount of trash & debris and tenant
responsibilty involved in this house. The house-
keeping is deplorable. Most conditions in this
house was brought on by the tenants.
Mrs. Lawson has until May, 1969 to comply with
Housing Code Notice.
843 Woods Street, N.W.
Applicants Viola & John Willis Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford were living with their daughter,
Mrs. Palmer.
House is in good shape, it was complied by Mr. R.A.
Jenkins on September 12, 1968.
No Housing Code Case necessary now.
375 Chestnut Street, N.W.
Applicant, Shirley & Kenneth Williams
It is occupied now and the tenant is satisfied.
No Housing Code Case needed at this time.
422 Ashby Street, N.W.
Applicants, Lizzie Mae & Clark Bonner
This house is in good condition, clean and comfortable.
No apparent reason why relocated unless it was due to
overcrowded conditions.
No Housing Code Case needed at this time.
775 Confederate Avenue, S.E.
Applicant, James -Alton Mitchell
Owner, W. A. Johnson, 1449 Bolton Road, N.W.
This house is in fair condition, it needs minor
repairs and general maintenance.
Only reason this house would qualify for Public
Housing relocation, would be if the tenants were
overcrowded. There are 2 remaining tenants.
321 Augusta Avenue, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Mary Whatley
This is a duplex, 1 unit vacant and 1 unit occupied,
Minor maintenance items to be done, an estimated
$50.00 cost,
No justified reason for tenant to move unless it
was overcrowded.
64 Soloman Street, S.E,.
Applicant, Lawrence Gibbs
Owner, Bethel Baptist Church, 438 Fraser Street, S.E.
There are no Housing Code violations.
The house is vacant at this time, and there is not
any apparent reason why occupants moved.
220 Bass Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Classie Burt
This is a 2 unit apartment, 1 vacant, 1 occupied.
minor repairs needed, estimate of $75.00 to bring
up to Housing Code, No Housing Code Case #-4¢d at
this time,
2036 Robson Place, S.E.
Applicant, John Nash ©
No such number located on this street, nor in
the Southeast part of city.
Neighbors living on this street claimed they
never heard of a John Nash. .
622 Grant Street, S.E. Apt. #1
Applicants, Jackie & Eugene Ray
Owner, Ledbetter Construction Company,
2171 Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E.
This is a 6 unit, 2 story building, occupied by
9 tenants by the name of Westbrooks.
Minor repairs, estimated $50.00, as far as
Housing Code violations,
94 Glenn Street, S.E., Apt. #1
Applicant, Becky Lee McGreer
Owner, Kaplan Investment Company
This is a duplex, 1 occupied, 1 vacant.
Minor Housing Code violations, estimated
at $200,00. :
No apparent reason for moving, unless overcrowded,
46 Meldon Avenue, S.E., Apt. #7
Applicant, Earl E. Carter
Owner, Edith Price
Mrs. Price occupies 1 unit and other unit is vacant,
Only minor repairs needed for Housing Code compliance.
No apparent reason why tenant would move,
171 Howard Street, S.E.
Applicant, Ellie Lee Tarver
House is in good condition,
No Housing Code Case would be made at this time.
Overcrowdedness would be only reason why tenant
would move.
278 Thornton Street, S.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Jessie Covington
Owner, Mrs. Sally Morrison
Mrs. Morrison, the owner, states she has lived here for
20 years and she did not make an application to be re-
located and she also stated she did not know the applicant.
We also note that the house is in excellent condition.
No Housing Code violations.
2883 Glenwood Road, S.E,
Applicant, Mrs. Fred Morrison Liggions
We find that this house is outside the
city limits. It is vacant and has been
for over a year. Damaged by fire over
Applicant faldsified this address to
the Atlanta Housing Authority,
'560 Little Street, S.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Vera Mae Saffo
On inspection we found that this address
is a vacant lot. We have no knowledge of
how long this house has been torn down.
166 Berne Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Burell Bennett
On-inspection we found no such number
as 166 Berne Street, S.E.. Some other
explanation could be made about this
address, we don't have it.
1984 Wellbourne Drive, N.E. Apt. #6
Applicant, Fred M. Gates
Inspection reveals that this is an 8 unit
apartment building, approximately 1 year old.
The complex is in excellent condition. No
Housing Code violations were recorded at this
462 Ira Street, S.W., Apt. #4
Applicants, Cecil & Louise Bell
As of current record, we show that this
édaZ¥Ss is in the Code Compliance Office
for further action.
1061 Neal Place, N.W. Apt. #16
Applicants, Eddie & Fannie L. Bixby
Our inspection reveals no such number as
1061 Neal Place, N.W..
866 Crew Street, S.E.
Applicants, Lester & Adell Chaney
We found this to be a new 10 unit, brick
apartment complex fully occupied.
No Housing Code Case is necessary at this
time. No apparent reason why tenants should
leave these apartments.
1014 McDaniel Street, S.W.
Applicant, Deborah Cost
This is an owner occupied house.
No Housing Code violations apparent on this
house. No case made on this house. No apparent
reason for tenant leaving this house.
146 Kennett Street, S.E.
Applicants, Judy & Benny Dunn
This is a 1 family residence and it is occupied
at this time.
Minor Housing Code violations were found, possibly
-a $100.00 cost to repair.
There are 8 occupants living in 7 rooms at this
time, which justify the house as being overcrowded
if the tenant (or applicant) has as many 3 in his
1240 Simpson Road, N.W., Apt. #14
According to the numbering system, there is not
a 1240 Simpson Road, N.W.
' No report on this otherwise.
985 Smith Street, S.W.
Applicants, Mary L. & Jacob Maffeth
Owner-Occupied, Albert Holiday
This is a duplex, 1 unit occupied, 1 vacant.
An estimate of $250.00 minor repairs, will put
this house in excellent condition.
No apparent reason for this family to leave unless
of overcrowdedness conditions.
270 Troy Street, N.W.
Managed by Ben T. Huiet & Sons
This complex is approximately 10 years old.
There were some Housing Code Violations noted
and a Housing Code Case will be made on the
entire project.
Overcrowded conditions would be the only
justification for vacating this apartment
136 Richardson Street, S.E.
Applicants, Mattie & James Smith
According to our inspection there is not
a 136 Richardson Street, S.E. recorded nor
noted on the street. We have no further
information on this.
807 Bonneville Terrace, N.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Miram Broughton
We found this house complied on first- inspection,
The owner stated that 6 people were relocated
leaving a total of 4 in a 5 room house.
583 Delbridge Street, N.W,
Applicant, Phillip J. Allison ‘
This is a duplex, occupied by 2 families,
2 occupants to each side.
Housing Code Case made against this house this date.
Estimate cost of repairs around $500.00. :
1245 Northwest Drive, N.W. io
Applicant, Clarence Moore
There is an existing Housing Code Case against this
898 W. Peachtree Street, N.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Jeanette Bates
A Housing Code Case made against this house this week.
712 Cooper Street,S.W.
Applicant, Bobby N. Smith
A Housing Code Case in existance now.
R-571 Linden Avenue, N.E.
Applicant, Maggie Douglas Weldon
Inspector found no such number on Linden Avenue.
239 Ormond Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs, Ellie Edwards_
Our records show that this house is in the
Codes Compliance Office, being handled by
936 Fair Street, S.W.
Applicant, Will & Edith Henderson
We found this to be a duplex; 2 - 3 room apartments.
One vacant and one occupied. 7
All Housing Code violations kSted on the apartment
and this building.
42 Leach Street, N.W.
Applicants, Emma Jean & Willie Key
Owner, Q. V. Williamson, 855 Hunter Street, N.W.
This house is in need of extensive Pepet ES; our
estimated cost is $1500.00,
It is a single family, 1 unit. It has 6 rooms
with 5 occupants,
259 Church Street, N.E.
Applicant, Otis & Rilous Evans
According to inspection, we are unable to find Fr
a Church Street, N. E. nor Church Street, N.W.. |
In reference to a list of properties furnished to Mr.
James A. Smith from Mr, Melvin W. Rush, Chief Tenant
Selection Officer.
We report on the following conditions as found by
the Inspectors of the Housing Code Division.
651 Queen Street, S.W., Apt. #2
Tenant is Mrs, Joyce C. Harden and 3 children
Owner is Mr. Weathers
This is a 6 room apartment, in livable condition
Condition of house is fair
Tenant lived here 7 months (rent $65.00)
No apparent reason for moving except for a better
apartment. Minor repairs needed, painting biggest expense
575 Lindsay Street, N.W., Apt. #3 |
Tenant was James C. Frederick, Jr., apartment is now vacant
This is a 2 story, 4 unit apartment building, it was complied
over a year ago, Extensive maintenance is a constant necessity
to keep them in condition to be lived in.
Each apartment has 3 rooms, with seperate bath and kitchen.
Only reason this could be classified for relocation would be
overcrowded, :
334 Chappel Road, N.W., Apt. #B5
Occupied by Mrs. Gloria Cotton
Managed by Ideal Realty Company
This is a complex of jumbo brick, steel steps apartments
with approximately 30 units, The premises need to be
cleaned, but outside of this it could be classified as
a #1 Project.
Only reason this could be qualified for relocation
would be overcrowdedness,
352 Dixie Hills Circle, N.W., Apt. #8
Former occupant was Mrs. Rena Alexander and 2 children,
who moved from this apartment leaving a sister, to Mrs.
Alexander, her mother and 4 children, which this would
qualify Mrs. Alexander for Public Housing relocation,
Also, a Housing Code inspection is qualified on this
apartment complex, Extensive repairs and maintenance to
be done. Schaeffer Realty Company, Manager.
3005 Delmar Lane, N.W.
Former tenant, Mrs. Mamie Alexander moved into Public
Housing Project, leaving 2 children in a 6 room concrete
block, single family dwelling.
House is in excellent condition on exterior and interior,
this house would come under the category of Complied When
Made, From our information there is no justification for
Public Housing relocation, ;
2435 Perry Boulevard, N.W., Apt. #35
Former tenant Melody Lowe
Manager, Mr. Robert Daughtery
Reason for moving unknown (rent $59.95)
This is a 1 bedroom efficiency apartment, which is in
excellent condition. Mr. Daughtery stated that as far
as his knowledge, no one lived here other than Melody
1386 Carey Drive, N.W., Apt. #188
Tenant, Ronda & Charles Copeland
This apartment is part of The Perry Homes
Reason for moving unknown
These tenants were relocated fromone project to
another project.
1245 Northwest Drive, N.W.
Marion, Diane and Clarence Moore were the tenants
relocated; on 10-8-68, James T. Wright was listed
as tenant.
Owner Ellis Farrell, 3020 Collier Drive, N.W.
We found this house to be in a livable condition.
2284 Alvin Drive, N.W.
Mrs. Viola Barnes is the name on the list for be
Owner, Mrs. Enid W. Lawson
According to our records Loyd Johnson & Annie
Ruth Welch are the tenants.
The house is in a livable condition. There is a
considerable amount of repairs to be done. Mrs.
Lawson was mailed a notice for repairs to be done
on February 24, 1969,
Considerable amount of trash & debris and tenant
responsibilty involved in this house. The house-
keeping is deplorable. Most conditions in this
house was brought on by the tenants.
Mrs. Lawson has until May, 1969 to comply with
Housing Code Notice.
843 Woods Street, N.W.
Applicants Viola & John Willis Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford were living with their daughter,
Mrs. Palmer.
House is in good shape, it was complied by Mr. R.A.
Jenkins on September 12, 1968.
No Housing Code Case necessary now.
375 Chestnut Street, N.W.
Applicant, Shirley & Kenneth Williams
It is occupied now and the tenant is satisfied.
No Housing Code Case needed at this time.
422 Ashby Street, N.W.
Applicants, Lizzie Mae & Clark Bonner
This house is in good condition, clean and comfortable.
No apparent reason why relocated unless it was due to
overcrowded conditions.
No Housing Code Case needed at this time.
775 Confederate Avenue, S.E.
Applicant, James -Alton Mitchell
Owner, W. A. Johnson, 1449 Bolton Road, N.W.
This house is in fair condition, it needs minor
repairs and general maintenance.
Only reason this house would qualify for Public
Housing relocation, would be if the tenants were
overcrowded. There are 2 remaining tenants.
321 Augusta Avenue, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Mary Whatley
This is a duplex, 1 unit vacant and 1 unit occupied,
Minor maintenance items to be done, an estimated
$50.00 cost,
No justified reason for tenant to move unless it
was overcrowded.
64 Soloman Street, S.E,.
Applicant, Lawrence Gibbs
Owner, Bethel Baptist Church, 438 Fraser Street, S.E.
There are no Housing Code violations.
The house is vacant at this time, and there is not
any apparent reason why occupants moved.
220 Bass Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Classie Burt
This is a 2 unit apartment, 1 vacant, 1 occupied.
minor repairs needed, estimate of $75.00 to bring
up to Housing Code, No Housing Code Case #-4¢d at
this time,
2036 Robson Place, S.E.
Applicant, John Nash ©
No such number located on this street, nor in
the Southeast part of city.
Neighbors living on this street claimed they
never heard of a John Nash. .
622 Grant Street, S.E. Apt. #1
Applicants, Jackie & Eugene Ray
Owner, Ledbetter Construction Company,
2171 Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E.
This is a 6 unit, 2 story building, occupied by
9 tenants by the name of Westbrooks.
Minor repairs, estimated $50.00, as far as
Housing Code violations,
94 Glenn Street, S.E., Apt. #1
Applicant, Becky Lee McGreer
Owner, Kaplan Investment Company
This is a duplex, 1 occupied, 1 vacant.
Minor Housing Code violations, estimated
at $200,00. :
No apparent reason for moving, unless overcrowded,
46 Meldon Avenue, S.E., Apt. #7
Applicant, Earl E. Carter
Owner, Edith Price
Mrs. Price occupies 1 unit and other unit is vacant,
Only minor repairs needed for Housing Code compliance.
No apparent reason why tenant would move,
171 Howard Street, S.E.
Applicant, Ellie Lee Tarver
House is in good condition,
No Housing Code Case would be made at this time.
Overcrowdedness would be only reason why tenant
would move.
278 Thornton Street, S.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Jessie Covington
Owner, Mrs. Sally Morrison
Mrs. Morrison, the owner, states she has lived here for
20 years and she did not make an application to be re-
located and she also stated she did not know the applicant.
We also note that the house is in excellent condition.
No Housing Code violations.
2883 Glenwood Road, S.E,
Applicant, Mrs. Fred Morrison Liggions
We find that this house is outside the
city limits. It is vacant and has been
for over a year. Damaged by fire over
Applicant faldsified this address to
the Atlanta Housing Authority,
'560 Little Street, S.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Vera Mae Saffo
On inspection we found that this address
is a vacant lot. We have no knowledge of
how long this house has been torn down.
166 Berne Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs. Burell Bennett
On-inspection we found no such number
as 166 Berne Street, S.E.. Some other
explanation could be made about this
address, we don't have it.
1984 Wellbourne Drive, N.E. Apt. #6
Applicant, Fred M. Gates
Inspection reveals that this is an 8 unit
apartment building, approximately 1 year old.
The complex is in excellent condition. No
Housing Code violations were recorded at this
462 Ira Street, S.W., Apt. #4
Applicants, Cecil & Louise Bell
As of current record, we show that this
édaZ¥Ss is in the Code Compliance Office
for further action.
1061 Neal Place, N.W. Apt. #16
Applicants, Eddie & Fannie L. Bixby
Our inspection reveals no such number as
1061 Neal Place, N.W..
866 Crew Street, S.E.
Applicants, Lester & Adell Chaney
We found this to be a new 10 unit, brick
apartment complex fully occupied.
No Housing Code Case is necessary at this
time. No apparent reason why tenants should
leave these apartments.
1014 McDaniel Street, S.W.
Applicant, Deborah Cost
This is an owner occupied house.
No Housing Code violations apparent on this
house. No case made on this house. No apparent
reason for tenant leaving this house.
146 Kennett Street, S.E.
Applicants, Judy & Benny Dunn
This is a 1 family residence and it is occupied
at this time.
Minor Housing Code violations were found, possibly
-a $100.00 cost to repair.
There are 8 occupants living in 7 rooms at this
time, which justify the house as being overcrowded
if the tenant (or applicant) has as many 3 in his
1240 Simpson Road, N.W., Apt. #14
According to the numbering system, there is not
a 1240 Simpson Road, N.W.
' No report on this otherwise.
985 Smith Street, S.W.
Applicants, Mary L. & Jacob Maffeth
Owner-Occupied, Albert Holiday
This is a duplex, 1 unit occupied, 1 vacant.
An estimate of $250.00 minor repairs, will put
this house in excellent condition.
No apparent reason for this family to leave unless
of overcrowdedness conditions.
270 Troy Street, N.W.
Managed by Ben T. Huiet & Sons
This complex is approximately 10 years old.
There were some Housing Code Violations noted
and a Housing Code Case will be made on the
entire project.
Overcrowded conditions would be the only
justification for vacating this apartment
136 Richardson Street, S.E.
Applicants, Mattie & James Smith
According to our inspection there is not
a 136 Richardson Street, S.E. recorded nor
noted on the street. We have no further
information on this.
807 Bonneville Terrace, N.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Miram Broughton
We found this house complied on first- inspection,
The owner stated that 6 people were relocated
leaving a total of 4 in a 5 room house.
583 Delbridge Street, N.W,
Applicant, Phillip J. Allison ‘
This is a duplex, occupied by 2 families,
2 occupants to each side.
Housing Code Case made against this house this date.
Estimate cost of repairs around $500.00. :
1245 Northwest Drive, N.W. io
Applicant, Clarence Moore
There is an existing Housing Code Case against this
898 W. Peachtree Street, N.W.
Applicant, Mrs. Jeanette Bates
A Housing Code Case made against this house this week.
712 Cooper Street,S.W.
Applicant, Bobby N. Smith
A Housing Code Case in existance now.
R-571 Linden Avenue, N.E.
Applicant, Maggie Douglas Weldon
Inspector found no such number on Linden Avenue.
239 Ormond Street, S.E.
Applicant, Mrs, Ellie Edwards_
Our records show that this house is in the
Codes Compliance Office, being handled by
936 Fair Street, S.W.
Applicant, Will & Edith Henderson
We found this to be a duplex; 2 - 3 room apartments.
One vacant and one occupied. 7
All Housing Code violations kSted on the apartment
and this building.
42 Leach Street, N.W.
Applicants, Emma Jean & Willie Key
Owner, Q. V. Williamson, 855 Hunter Street, N.W.
This house is in need of extensive Pepet ES; our
estimated cost is $1500.00,
It is a single family, 1 unit. It has 6 rooms
with 5 occupants,
259 Church Street, N.E.
Applicant, Otis & Rilous Evans
According to inspection, we are unable to find Fr
a Church Street, N. E. nor Church Street, N.W.. |