Box 5, Folder 2, Document 11

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Box 5, Folder 2, Document 11

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February 18, 1969

Mr. Gecil Alexander
Finch, Alexander, Barnes,
Rothschild, and Paschal
44 Broad Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georcia 30303

Dear Cecil:

I was pleased to note that $7,1 million has been allocated
for the model cities program in Atlanta with $250,000 for
a housing development corporation and $285,000 fora
housing center.

If we can be of any help in developing the specific program
for either the development corporation or the housing center,
do not hesitate to callus. We are presently assisting the
model cities program in San Antonio, Texas and Albuquerque,
New Mexico, We have also been involved in assisting in
the formation of a housing development corporation in Dalton,
Georgia, We are most anxious to assist in Atlanta should
you need us,

Warm personal regards.

Very sincerely yours,

James P, Twomey
Nonprofit Housing
ce: Dan Sweat

P.S. Happen to see the article in the Atianta paper concerning
your home - one year after, it's quite a place. Congratulations!


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