Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 2, Document 12
Text Item Type Metadata
February 26, 1969
TO: Mr. R. Earl Landers
Administrative Assistant
Pursuant to your instructions, I met February 24 with Lester
Persells, M. B. Satteffield, Gilbert Boggs and Howard Grigsby of
the Housing Authority and on February 25 with Bill Wofford and
Jim Smith of the Building Department to insure appropriate
coordination pertaining to the attached Memorandum.
As a result of these discussions, the Housing Authority has
agreed to report to the Building Department (Housing Code Division)
on a weekly basis, the names and addresses of families and
individuals which they have “certified” to move into Public Housing,
because of substandard housing conditions. This report is to also
include an appropriate date of anticipated move.
Upon receipt of this report, the Building Department proposes
to inspect the locations involved within two working days after
receiving the reports and to initiate appropriate action where
necessary for compliance with the Housing Code.
(The only fallacy that I can see with respect to this arrange-
ment is that currently the Housing Authority takes the prospective
tenants’ word that they are living in substandard housing and
apparently makes no verification of this. In discussing this point
with the Building Department, it appears that before certifing a
family to move into Public Housing, because of living in sub-
standard housing, the family involved should first request and
obtain a certificate from the Housing Code Division that the unt
is substandard and then present such certificate to the Housing
The Building Department has been submitting requests to the
Housing Authority from the Housing Code Division and the Codes
Compliance Office (as result of Court action) separately for re
location of families. The Housing Authority has heretofore re~
ported back to the Building Department on a monthly basis those
families which they have relocated,
a |
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 2
(The Building Department has now decided to consolidate its
reports, through the Housing Code Division only, to the Housing
Authority, and the Housing Authority has agreed to report relocations
back to the Housing Code Division on a weekly basis.)
The Housing Authority has requested, and the Building Department
has agreed, that requests for relocation be more specific than they
have been in the past in order to provide better understanding as to
why relocation is necessary and determination as to when it should
be accomplished, :
Mr. Satterfield suggested that he did not think that the Housing
Authority should approach a family to provide relocation assistance
until the property and the need therefor, had been adjudicated by
the Courts; that otherwise the Housing Authority might create
antagonism on the part of the Landlord, or disturbance of the tenants,
er both and therefore be criticized as acting unconstitutionally.
I pointed out that this would be entirely too slow and would not
accomplish the desired results and that such delay is unacceptable,
It also developed that on the initial visit by a Housing
Authority Relocation Worker to a family, that attempt is made then and
there to arrange for relocation (normally this is unsuccessful). Mr.
Persells suggested that perhaps the first visit to the property by
the Housing Authority Relocation Worker should be purely exploratory
to find out what the Gircumstances are, with view to subsequently
making staff determination as to appropriate action which should be
taken. I heartidly agree, However, it was then brought out by the
Housing Authority that this type of visit is more in the nature of
social work and that the Housing Authority has no Social Workers;
only Relocation Workers. It seems to me that the solution is obvious.
The Relocation Workers should determine the social aspects, as part
of their relocation assignment, before the tenanés or the landlords
are notified that relocation is mandatory. If the initial visit was
done quitly and on an exploratory basis, much anxiety and disturbances
on the part of the tenant; and annoyance and hostility on the part
of the landlord would be considerably reduced and in most instances
could conceiveable be eliminated all together.
The Housing Authority feels that in many btances the requests
from the Building Department for relocation are everly simplified in
that the names and niimbers of people are usually not provided and,
if relocation is being requested in order to reduce overcrowding,
eee te r8quired to move and ones permitted to remain are not
Spec °
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 3
The Building Department feels that these details are functions
which could and should be determined by the Relocation Workers, as
part of their relocation assignments, using the Housing Code as a
guide and should not be expected of the Housing Code Inspectors. I
am inclined to agree with the Building Department in this respect,
but have requested the Building Department in making its requests to
the Housing Authority for relocation to be as specific as practical.
In general, relocation consists of two categories, i.e., families
living in Urban Renewal projects and those living outside of Urban
Renewal projects. The Housing Authority is authorized to provide
financial relocation assistance to families residing in Urban Renewal
areas, These families also get number one priority for Public Housing.
The Housing Authority claims that this presents no major problem,
but that the principal delaying factor in relocation of families
residing outside of Urban Renewal projects is financial inability of
the families to provide funds for drayage, utility meter deposits
and first month's rent. These families get second priority for Public
Housing, if required to move because of Housing Code Enforcement and
third priority, if moving of their own volition. However, the Housing
Authority has no funds for providing the iniiial financial assistance
required for the last two categories and consequently, frequently,
weeks and sometimes even months elaspe before the families involved
are able to accumulate enough cash with which to meet these initial
relocation expenses.
As a result, the Housing Authority has proposed that it be
permitted to use, as an experiment, $2,000 from relocation funds
allocated to it from the City of Atlanta, as a revolving fund and
from which the Housing Authority would, on its own determinationy
make no interest rate loans of from $10 to $100 to such families,
to be repaid to the Housing Authority on a weekly basis over a
period of time not to exceed one year.
Since it has been pointed out by the Administative Assistant
that the City of Atlanta appropriated funds cannot be used for this
purpose, I have contacted Bob Watkins, Director of the Greater
Atlanta Housing Development Corporation, suggesting that his fund
make a grant of $2,500 to the Housing Authority for use by the
Housing Authority as a revolving fund for the purpose indicated
above and that in consideration of such granty#, the Greater Atlanta
Housing Development Corporation require the Housing Authority to
hake a semi-annual report to it as to the utilization and status
of such fund. Bob Watkins thinks that he can get favorable action
on this proposal within 10 days,
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 4
If this should fail, Dan Sweat has contacted Jim Parham of
EQOA who thinks that his organization may be able to assist by
permitting the Housing Authority to draw against certain EOA funds
for the purpose described above.
I am requesting both the Housing Authority and the Building
Department to follow up closely on the effectiveness of coordination
and cooperation efforts enumerated in this paper and to advise me
of any breakdown which occurs or of improvement in procedures which
should be established,
Maicolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encls: Memo dated Feb. 11, 1969
cc: Mr. Dan E, Sweat, Jr.
TO: Mr. R. Earl Landers
Administrative Assistant
Pursuant to your instructions, I met February 24 with Lester
Persells, M. B. Satteffield, Gilbert Boggs and Howard Grigsby of
the Housing Authority and on February 25 with Bill Wofford and
Jim Smith of the Building Department to insure appropriate
coordination pertaining to the attached Memorandum.
As a result of these discussions, the Housing Authority has
agreed to report to the Building Department (Housing Code Division)
on a weekly basis, the names and addresses of families and
individuals which they have “certified” to move into Public Housing,
because of substandard housing conditions. This report is to also
include an appropriate date of anticipated move.
Upon receipt of this report, the Building Department proposes
to inspect the locations involved within two working days after
receiving the reports and to initiate appropriate action where
necessary for compliance with the Housing Code.
(The only fallacy that I can see with respect to this arrange-
ment is that currently the Housing Authority takes the prospective
tenants’ word that they are living in substandard housing and
apparently makes no verification of this. In discussing this point
with the Building Department, it appears that before certifing a
family to move into Public Housing, because of living in sub-
standard housing, the family involved should first request and
obtain a certificate from the Housing Code Division that the unt
is substandard and then present such certificate to the Housing
The Building Department has been submitting requests to the
Housing Authority from the Housing Code Division and the Codes
Compliance Office (as result of Court action) separately for re
location of families. The Housing Authority has heretofore re~
ported back to the Building Department on a monthly basis those
families which they have relocated,
a |
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 2
(The Building Department has now decided to consolidate its
reports, through the Housing Code Division only, to the Housing
Authority, and the Housing Authority has agreed to report relocations
back to the Housing Code Division on a weekly basis.)
The Housing Authority has requested, and the Building Department
has agreed, that requests for relocation be more specific than they
have been in the past in order to provide better understanding as to
why relocation is necessary and determination as to when it should
be accomplished, :
Mr. Satterfield suggested that he did not think that the Housing
Authority should approach a family to provide relocation assistance
until the property and the need therefor, had been adjudicated by
the Courts; that otherwise the Housing Authority might create
antagonism on the part of the Landlord, or disturbance of the tenants,
er both and therefore be criticized as acting unconstitutionally.
I pointed out that this would be entirely too slow and would not
accomplish the desired results and that such delay is unacceptable,
It also developed that on the initial visit by a Housing
Authority Relocation Worker to a family, that attempt is made then and
there to arrange for relocation (normally this is unsuccessful). Mr.
Persells suggested that perhaps the first visit to the property by
the Housing Authority Relocation Worker should be purely exploratory
to find out what the Gircumstances are, with view to subsequently
making staff determination as to appropriate action which should be
taken. I heartidly agree, However, it was then brought out by the
Housing Authority that this type of visit is more in the nature of
social work and that the Housing Authority has no Social Workers;
only Relocation Workers. It seems to me that the solution is obvious.
The Relocation Workers should determine the social aspects, as part
of their relocation assignment, before the tenanés or the landlords
are notified that relocation is mandatory. If the initial visit was
done quitly and on an exploratory basis, much anxiety and disturbances
on the part of the tenant; and annoyance and hostility on the part
of the landlord would be considerably reduced and in most instances
could conceiveable be eliminated all together.
The Housing Authority feels that in many btances the requests
from the Building Department for relocation are everly simplified in
that the names and niimbers of people are usually not provided and,
if relocation is being requested in order to reduce overcrowding,
eee te r8quired to move and ones permitted to remain are not
Spec °
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 3
The Building Department feels that these details are functions
which could and should be determined by the Relocation Workers, as
part of their relocation assignments, using the Housing Code as a
guide and should not be expected of the Housing Code Inspectors. I
am inclined to agree with the Building Department in this respect,
but have requested the Building Department in making its requests to
the Housing Authority for relocation to be as specific as practical.
In general, relocation consists of two categories, i.e., families
living in Urban Renewal projects and those living outside of Urban
Renewal projects. The Housing Authority is authorized to provide
financial relocation assistance to families residing in Urban Renewal
areas, These families also get number one priority for Public Housing.
The Housing Authority claims that this presents no major problem,
but that the principal delaying factor in relocation of families
residing outside of Urban Renewal projects is financial inability of
the families to provide funds for drayage, utility meter deposits
and first month's rent. These families get second priority for Public
Housing, if required to move because of Housing Code Enforcement and
third priority, if moving of their own volition. However, the Housing
Authority has no funds for providing the iniiial financial assistance
required for the last two categories and consequently, frequently,
weeks and sometimes even months elaspe before the families involved
are able to accumulate enough cash with which to meet these initial
relocation expenses.
As a result, the Housing Authority has proposed that it be
permitted to use, as an experiment, $2,000 from relocation funds
allocated to it from the City of Atlanta, as a revolving fund and
from which the Housing Authority would, on its own determinationy
make no interest rate loans of from $10 to $100 to such families,
to be repaid to the Housing Authority on a weekly basis over a
period of time not to exceed one year.
Since it has been pointed out by the Administative Assistant
that the City of Atlanta appropriated funds cannot be used for this
purpose, I have contacted Bob Watkins, Director of the Greater
Atlanta Housing Development Corporation, suggesting that his fund
make a grant of $2,500 to the Housing Authority for use by the
Housing Authority as a revolving fund for the purpose indicated
above and that in consideration of such granty#, the Greater Atlanta
Housing Development Corporation require the Housing Authority to
hake a semi-annual report to it as to the utilization and status
of such fund. Bob Watkins thinks that he can get favorable action
on this proposal within 10 days,
Mr. R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 4
If this should fail, Dan Sweat has contacted Jim Parham of
EQOA who thinks that his organization may be able to assist by
permitting the Housing Authority to draw against certain EOA funds
for the purpose described above.
I am requesting both the Housing Authority and the Building
Department to follow up closely on the effectiveness of coordination
and cooperation efforts enumerated in this paper and to advise me
of any breakdown which occurs or of improvement in procedures which
should be established,
Maicolm D. Jones
Housing Coordinator
Encls: Memo dated Feb. 11, 1969
cc: Mr. Dan E, Sweat, Jr.