Box 5, Folder 4, Document 3

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Box 5, Folder 4, Document 3

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April a3 1969 . CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison

‘Mr, Cecil Alexander, Chairman

-- —-!Housing Resources Committee Oe ao. deo ceca
44 Broad Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Cecil:

On November 5, 1966, the Mayor's Conference on Housing kicked off a badly needed
program to stimulate the development of low and moderate income housing in the City
of Atlanta. Our goals were based on the relocation needs of city residents who were
to be rehoused as a result of code enforcement, urban renewal, highway construction
and other governmental actions.

The Housing Resources Committee accepted the’program's challenge of pushing the
development of 9,800 units during 1967 and 1968, and 16,800 units over the five

year period, 1967-1971. Much credit is due the HRC for the momentum it has generated

in stimulating the construction and planning of enough additional units to greatly

relieve our immediate housing needs. Your second annual meeting report certainly contained
an optimistic analysis of the First two years of the program, as it okay showed that

we are ahead of our projected goals. at

But, have our goals and needs, in fact, changed?

Since our housing program was begun, several changes have occurred which warrant
such a question and further examination. Three very obvious changes in legislation have
been the Model Cities Act of 1966, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and the Housing Act
of 1968. Perhaps other areas could be cited, but each has probably had a considerable
impact and bearing on our original housing goals.

In that the Housing Resources Committee has asked this office for new instructions,
it is suggested that the following areas be investigated and action initiated during 1969:


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Page Two
Mr. Cecil Alexander
April 3, 1969


The Planning Department has been instructed by the Planning and
Development Committee to conduct a total review and evaluation
of our housing efforts to date, along with a redefinition of total
housing needs by location, type, size and rentals and sales price
ranges. : r ,

HRC should be involved in this matter and assist the Planning
Department in the development of the scope of this study and in

obtaining political acceptability and support. At present a
joint Atlanta - Fulton County housing study is being proposed.
Such a study should prove to be extremely beneficial to the next

-- administration.

Eric Hill and Associates has just completed its report for the
Model Neighborhood Program. This report contains much food for
thought in the area of lowering the costs of low-cost housing.
HRC should take the initiative and explore ways and means to
implement those pertinent recommendations deemed feasible on a
city-wide basis.
Conventional urban renewal projects, the Neighborhood Development
Program (NDP), and Model Cities Program can provide much needed
land for housing development and improvement purposes. In this

regard HRC can assume a very important role.

- a. Explore alternative sources of revenue for funding the

local share of the above programs and projects, and

b. Support the need to include highly critical areas, such as
Plunkettown and Lightning, in the 1970 NDP application for
execution: purposes.

Outside of the boundaries of conventional urban renewal projects, the
Neighborhood Development Program and Model Cities Program, the
procurement and development of sites for housing can best be expected

to come along by themselves because of the momentum generated in the
initial two years. If there is a need for prodding here, it is in the direction
of placing greater emphasis in outlying areas of the city on single-family
public housing and higher density public housing in close proximity to the

central core of the city. HRC can be most helpful in providing this type

of direction to city development, and : .
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| Page Three
Mr. Cecil Alexander
April 3, 1969

5. In general, the new housing units which have been developed
were intended as replacement housing for slum properties.
Yet, slums’still exist. In the future, HRC should seek to devise
and implement ways and means through which one slum structure
would be demolished for each new low-cost housing unit created.
Unless this is done immediately, the same slums will be with us
indefinitely. |

| would hope that the Housing Resources Committee would delve into these
areas as soon as possible. As you are well aware, | will not seek another term —
as Mayor. | would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to thank each of
you individually and collectively for the tremendous public service you have
rendered and for your continued support during 1969.

ee : ba Sincerely yours,

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* \\y Allen, Jr.

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