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Box 5, Folder 4, Document 4
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Housing Resources Committee fon
December 18, 1969
The Third Annual Meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held at
12:00 noon, December 18, 1969, as a luncheon meeting, in the Grand Ballroom South,
of the Marriott Motor Hotel.
Formal printed invitations were mailed in advance to all members of the HRC,
the Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group, Members of the Board of Aldermen, old
and new, City Department Heads and key members and staff representatives of several
other organizations having special interests in the Low Income Housing Programs
including certain State officials and the representative of news media,
Lists of those invited, with attendance indicated and other related documents,
including press coverage, are attached to the file copy of these minutes, The meeting
was attended by 106 members and guests of the Committee.
Chairman Cecil A, Alexander, whose resignation, effective January 1, 1970, had
prematurely been announced in the Press on December 10, opened the meeting at
12:15 P. M. by welcoming those in attendance and cxtending thanks and appreciation
to those who have been instrumental in the work and success of the Committee's efforts
during the past three years, He gave credit particularly to Mayor Allen, Col, Jones,
Members of the Commiiice, Board of Aldermen, Housing Authority, Developers,
City Building and Planning Departments, HUD, FHA, News Media and his private
secretary, Mrs. Virginia Barber.
Mr. Alexander was particularly complimentary of the work, cooperation and
accomplishments of members of the Committee in carrying on the mission of the
Committee in promoting low and moderate income housing in Atlanta and efforts made
to spread such housing into the Metropolitan area,
The Chairman then introduced those at the head table: Mr. Grady F. Edwards,
Vice President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, Mr. John T. Edmunds,
Assistant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance, Region III, HUD, Mr, Dan
E. Sweat, Jr., Chief Administrative Officer, City of Atlanta (representing Mayor Allen)
and Malcolm D. Jones, Administrative Coordinator for Housing.
The Chairman then recognized several important people in attendance including
several Aldermen, an Alderman Elect, Mr. Hamilton Douglas and Co-Chairman of
the Committee, Dr, Benjamin E. Mays.
The Chairman commented on recent press release by HUD announcing selection
of eight cities across the nation as prototype housing sites for "Operation Breakthrough".
The selection did not include Atlanta, which had filed an application with HUD, but did
include Macon and Memphis.
Page Two
The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank J. Clarke, Chairman of the Construction
and Design Panel, HRC, who in turn explained a competion among Georgia Tech students
of the School of Architecture who had undertaken a design project for low-income
housing development of a two block area in Model Cities, under Operation Breakthrough.
Three dimensional models of their proposals were on display in the Ballroom and made
a very interesting feature of the meeting and valuable contribution to the meeting.
At the conclusion of Mr. Clarke's remarks, Mr. Grady F. Edwards, Vice
President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, made a presentation of a facsimile
of an automatic gass char-grille awarded by the Gas Light Company (including complete
installation) to the two Georgia Tech Architectural students declared winners of the
design competion. These were George Young and Jay Harp. Professor Joseph
Smith of the School of Architecture of Georgia Tech, who sponsored the project, was
also present and was recognized.
The Chairman then called on Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Chief Administrative Officer
of the Mayor's Office, for comments,
Mr. Sweat recalled the creation of the Housing Resources Committee at the
Mayor's Housing Conference, November 15, 1966, the need for creating sucha
Committee to promote and coordinate local efforts in the low-income housing field and
gave credit to accomplishments of the Committee during the past three years. He
particularly expressed regret over the loss of Chairman Alexander as future head of
the Committee and recalled the difficulty originally encountered in finding an
individual with the qualities and attributes of Chairman Alexander to head the Committee.
Chairman Alexander then proceeded to enumerate briefly the principal
accomplishments of the Housing Resources Committee and recommendations for the
future. Outline of the Chairman's comments is attached to these minutes. (Encl. 1)
Upon the conclusion of the Chairman's address, he then turned the meeting over
to Malcolm Jones who made a slide presentation showing slums which actually exist
(or existed in Atlanta within the past year), new low and moderate income housing
projects developed in Atlanta during the last three years and under construction,
including low rent Public Housing, FHA insured mortgages, and some Conventional
financed projects.
Slides were also shown of home ownership housing developed in Atlanta, in
various projects taken at random, under the FHA 221 program during the period 1958-62.
These were shown in order to illustrate the contribution such housing made at that
time in the low income field and how well they are holding up today. Mr. Jones
commented that Atlanta led the nation in that program during which time about 5, 000
units (all home ownership sales housing) were developed within the City and occupied
principally by 221 certificate holders as families displaced by Governmental action,
The sales prices of those three bedroom and bath houses, containing approximately
1,000 sq. ft., of livable floor space was $9,000 to $12, 500.
Page Three
An updated Summary of the Status of Atlanta's Low and Moderate Income Housing
Program, as of November 15, 1969, showing the three years' progress of efforts of the
Housing Resources Committee, including a Summary of progress during that time in
Public Housing, was distributed at the conclusion of the meeting. Copy is attached to
these minutes. (Encl. 2).
The meeting adjourned at 1:50 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm D. Jones
Administrative Coordinator for Housing
Encl: Outline of Chairman's Address
Summary of Accelerated Low-Income Housing Program, dated Nov. 15, 1969
Housing Resources Committee fon
December 18, 1969
The Third Annual Meeting of the Housing Resources Committee was held at
12:00 noon, December 18, 1969, as a luncheon meeting, in the Grand Ballroom South,
of the Marriott Motor Hotel.
Formal printed invitations were mailed in advance to all members of the HRC,
the Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group, Members of the Board of Aldermen, old
and new, City Department Heads and key members and staff representatives of several
other organizations having special interests in the Low Income Housing Programs
including certain State officials and the representative of news media,
Lists of those invited, with attendance indicated and other related documents,
including press coverage, are attached to the file copy of these minutes, The meeting
was attended by 106 members and guests of the Committee.
Chairman Cecil A, Alexander, whose resignation, effective January 1, 1970, had
prematurely been announced in the Press on December 10, opened the meeting at
12:15 P. M. by welcoming those in attendance and cxtending thanks and appreciation
to those who have been instrumental in the work and success of the Committee's efforts
during the past three years, He gave credit particularly to Mayor Allen, Col, Jones,
Members of the Commiiice, Board of Aldermen, Housing Authority, Developers,
City Building and Planning Departments, HUD, FHA, News Media and his private
secretary, Mrs. Virginia Barber.
Mr. Alexander was particularly complimentary of the work, cooperation and
accomplishments of members of the Committee in carrying on the mission of the
Committee in promoting low and moderate income housing in Atlanta and efforts made
to spread such housing into the Metropolitan area,
The Chairman then introduced those at the head table: Mr. Grady F. Edwards,
Vice President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, Mr. John T. Edmunds,
Assistant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance, Region III, HUD, Mr, Dan
E. Sweat, Jr., Chief Administrative Officer, City of Atlanta (representing Mayor Allen)
and Malcolm D. Jones, Administrative Coordinator for Housing.
The Chairman then recognized several important people in attendance including
several Aldermen, an Alderman Elect, Mr. Hamilton Douglas and Co-Chairman of
the Committee, Dr, Benjamin E. Mays.
The Chairman commented on recent press release by HUD announcing selection
of eight cities across the nation as prototype housing sites for "Operation Breakthrough".
The selection did not include Atlanta, which had filed an application with HUD, but did
include Macon and Memphis.
Page Two
The Chairman then introduced Mr. Frank J. Clarke, Chairman of the Construction
and Design Panel, HRC, who in turn explained a competion among Georgia Tech students
of the School of Architecture who had undertaken a design project for low-income
housing development of a two block area in Model Cities, under Operation Breakthrough.
Three dimensional models of their proposals were on display in the Ballroom and made
a very interesting feature of the meeting and valuable contribution to the meeting.
At the conclusion of Mr. Clarke's remarks, Mr. Grady F. Edwards, Vice
President, Marketing, Atlanta Gas Light Company, made a presentation of a facsimile
of an automatic gass char-grille awarded by the Gas Light Company (including complete
installation) to the two Georgia Tech Architectural students declared winners of the
design competion. These were George Young and Jay Harp. Professor Joseph
Smith of the School of Architecture of Georgia Tech, who sponsored the project, was
also present and was recognized.
The Chairman then called on Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Chief Administrative Officer
of the Mayor's Office, for comments,
Mr. Sweat recalled the creation of the Housing Resources Committee at the
Mayor's Housing Conference, November 15, 1966, the need for creating sucha
Committee to promote and coordinate local efforts in the low-income housing field and
gave credit to accomplishments of the Committee during the past three years. He
particularly expressed regret over the loss of Chairman Alexander as future head of
the Committee and recalled the difficulty originally encountered in finding an
individual with the qualities and attributes of Chairman Alexander to head the Committee.
Chairman Alexander then proceeded to enumerate briefly the principal
accomplishments of the Housing Resources Committee and recommendations for the
future. Outline of the Chairman's comments is attached to these minutes. (Encl. 1)
Upon the conclusion of the Chairman's address, he then turned the meeting over
to Malcolm Jones who made a slide presentation showing slums which actually exist
(or existed in Atlanta within the past year), new low and moderate income housing
projects developed in Atlanta during the last three years and under construction,
including low rent Public Housing, FHA insured mortgages, and some Conventional
financed projects.
Slides were also shown of home ownership housing developed in Atlanta, in
various projects taken at random, under the FHA 221 program during the period 1958-62.
These were shown in order to illustrate the contribution such housing made at that
time in the low income field and how well they are holding up today. Mr. Jones
commented that Atlanta led the nation in that program during which time about 5, 000
units (all home ownership sales housing) were developed within the City and occupied
principally by 221 certificate holders as families displaced by Governmental action,
The sales prices of those three bedroom and bath houses, containing approximately
1,000 sq. ft., of livable floor space was $9,000 to $12, 500.
Page Three
An updated Summary of the Status of Atlanta's Low and Moderate Income Housing
Program, as of November 15, 1969, showing the three years' progress of efforts of the
Housing Resources Committee, including a Summary of progress during that time in
Public Housing, was distributed at the conclusion of the meeting. Copy is attached to
these minutes. (Encl. 2).
The meeting adjourned at 1:50 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Malcolm D. Jones
Administrative Coordinator for Housing
Encl: Outline of Chairman's Address
Summary of Accelerated Low-Income Housing Program, dated Nov. 15, 1969