Box 5, Folder 4, Document 5

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 4, Document 5

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December 18, 1969

Mayor Allen Building Department
Colonel Jones HUD
Members of the Committee FHA
_ Aldermanic Board News Media.
Atlanta Housing Authority ; Mrs, Virginia Barbed

Lee Burge
Committee 1. Greater Atlanta Housing Fund
2. Temporary Housing to stablize neighborhoods
Const. Com3. Study of housing codes
Legal Com.4. Legislation for schools
5. Committee of Board of Aldermen (did not really function)
6, Rezoning aid (proposal for overall rezoning)
7. Coordination to get needed utilities, schools, etc. into areas
8. Working with developers
9. Aiding National Homes gain acceptance for their prefab house
10. Requesting Aldermen for public housing units
Social il. Efforts to acquire emergency hous ing
12. Catalyst for units that were built

Housing actually built

Five year goal 16, 800
As of Nov. 15

Completed 6, 319

Under Construction 1, 395
Page 2

In Planning 5, 8l2
Leased 1, 015
20, 541

Therefore, at the end of thives eae the program is 3, 741 ahead of the five
year total.
In addition, some 20, 862 units have been rehabilitated,

20, 266 by Housing Code Division

596 by Atlanta Housing Aupaoiiey

3,427 units have been demolished under the Code,
The program is well ahead of goals in FHA financing by some 5, 609 units
and some 2,071 in conventionally financed,
In Public Housing 3, 937 units need to be built in the remaining two years

of the program.
1,936 additional units will have tu be requested by the City,

l. New study of housing requirements completed,
The job is not done,
2. Better means established to enable people now in slums to
move into improved housing, -
3. Emergency Housing for Families
a, Community Council Program
b. Federal ruling allowing establishment of emergency housing
4, Grants accessible to anyone - in or out of urban renewal, model
"cities or code concentration area for rehabilitation of units judged |
uninhabitable. Where owner occupies unit and is unable to pay






Page 3

Rezoning of the entire city - not just for housing needs but for

all needs of land use,

Continuing solution to the needs of public housing tenants,
economically and socially. |
Continuing efforts to get metropolitan area to accept their share

of the load.

Establishment of relocation service for persons moved by-any

private or public action.

Enforcement of Fair Housing Provisions with emphasis on eliminating
block busting tactics,

Encouragement of moderate and upper income people to live in and
near the central city.

Stablizing, economically, of deterioating neighborhoods,

nd techniques

se) ]

Encouragement of the use of all new building ma
that measure up to standard,
Coordination of all city requirements with housing.

a word about administration.

Recommend that the functions of Housing Resources Committee and

Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal be combined.


Perhaps in a Citizens Committee for Urban Solutions,
That a Director of Urban Solutions with an adequate staff be set up.

That an Aldermanic Committee, charged with problems of housing, be set up.

It is urged finally that low income housing, insofar as possible be

deinstitutionalized, That it be available throughout the city in as small

concentration as possible.

That those who occupy it become members of the total community - not

separate enclaves.

Page 4

I know that the new administration is dedicated to solving the
housing problems - Although Iam forced to return to my practice, there
are many better qualified than Ito carry on at the citizen's level. Iurge
the new administration to capitalize on this great asset to the city - the

concerned people who have served on the Housing Resources Committee,


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