Box 5, Folder 4, Document 14

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 4, Document 14

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Questions by Chairman

August 26, ay ee elag Resources nCuninittes


1. Will you support the rezoning of the entire city so as to
include needed areas for all types of development including low
income housing?

2. Would you support the creation of a Housing Department in
the City to directly handle problems of low income housing?

3. Will you vigorously pursue the enforcement of the Housing Code?

4, Do you favor a City Building Code that would allow the most
advanced approved building techniques?

5. Will you support thecontinuation of a vigorous housing pro-
_ gram over your term of office with the goal of eliminating all of
Atlanta's slums?

6. Will you ask for the 2,000 units of public housing needed
to complete the present program?

7 Will you
a. Continue the Housing Resources Committee
b. Merge it with Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal

ec. Disband the Committee

8. Will you continue to seek all possible Federal aid in
programs concerning low income housing?

9. What are your goals for housing in Atlanta?


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