Dublin Core
Box 5, Folder 4, Document 15
Text Item Type Metadata
Total Dwelling Units Permitted in Atlanta: HOUSING RESOURCES COMMITTEE November 15, 1969
1963 - 9,129 1966 - 2,382
1964 - 3,829 1967 - 4,630 SUMMARY Dwelling. Units Demolished Under Housing Code:
1965 - 2,656 1968 - 5,333 . Nov. & Dec. 1966 - 144
1969 thru Oct. - 4,637 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM During 1967 = Li 62iw2
(Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) During 1968 - 1,053
1969 thru Oct. - 958
5 yr. Program, 1967-71 3,427
% established for first 2 yrs. 100% (57%) (13%) (30%)
(Same % used for 5 yr. period) 16,800 *%* (9,576) (2,184) (5,040)
Status *No. Units P. H. & TK FHA Private Devel. (Conv.)
11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68
Completed (New Constr.) 6,319 3,217 (1,178) (650) (1,874) (854) (3,267) (1,481)
Under Construction 7,395 _ 6,278 (2,343) (1,412) (2,052) (1,263) (3,000) (3362)-.
In Planning 5,812 Cjo07 (1,101) (2,388) (3 ,867) (4,135) (844) (514)
Total In Sight 19,526 16,832 (4,622) (4,450) (7,793) (6,252) (7,111) (5,357)
Plus Leasing Program _1,015 1,026 (1,015) (1,026)
20,541 17,858 ***(5, 637) (5,476)
Increase or Deficit : 23,741 +1 ,050 **(-3 ,939) (-4,100) ($5,609) (4,068) (+2 ,071) (4317)
*Figures in this double column are basic and represent the entire program; ( ) in columns to the right, indicate breakdown by
programs of figures included in basic columns.
**Includes 485 units Proposed, 15 Authorized for L. P., 1503 Not committed; and will also require 1,936 additional reservations
not yet requested by the City.
***Includes, 1,015 units leased for P. H. Also 27,021 units have been reported by the Housing Code Division as repaired (rehab.).
However, those figures include units found in compliance on criginal inspection, It is estimated that 75% of this figure, or
20,266 substandard units have been brought into compliance through actual rehabilitation. 569 units have been rehabilitated
by H. A. in the West End U. R. area; 53 in Bedford-Pine; and 125 in Model Cities. These rehabilitated units do not increase
the number of housing units available, but do increase the supply of standard units.
Note: Includes only units financed under Federal assisted low and medium income housing programs; and units constructed under
conventional financing as follows:
Multi-family units costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land ) Respectfully submitted,
Duplex units " 3 " $12,000, 8 nf wD
Single Family " 1" 1? " we $15,000, " ” tt ) ks ; p >
@Excludes units known to rent for in excess of maximum rents authorized Aotak eae fei yf 2
for the Rent Supplement Program. Malcolm D. Jone
Administrative Coordinator for Housi:
Encl: Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta
8,874 Existing Units in operation when accelerated program started, Nov. 15, 1966 - filled.
1,140 Units completed and under development (Convention Construction) since program started Nov. 15, 1966, as follows:
* (650) McDaniel-Glenn Apts., in RawSon-Washington U. R. Project; completed 11-10-68. (Includes 154 Elderly.)
(140) Units in Perry Homes Extension - South of Procter Creek. Completed 3-27-69.
(350) Units Under Construction in Thomasville U. R. Project. Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed 7-1-78.
Ground broken 1-17-68. Will try to have part delivered 6-30-70 before final scheuled completion date
Jan. 1970. (Includes 16 Elderly.)
6,200 Units reserved to Atlanta by HUD for new construction:
(3967) Allocations (Permanent and Proposed) Completed Under Constr. In Planning Proposed
Bankhead Courts (388) (112)
Hollywood Courts (202) (Incl. 6 Elderly)
Gilbert Gardens (220) (Incl. 8 Elderly) .
Leila Valley Apts. : (175)
East Lake #2 (800) (Incl. 150 Elderly)
Jonesboro Road #1 (160) (These figures represent
Wellswood Apts. (324) 2 breakdown of the HUD
TOTALS (388) (1993) . allocations.)
; North Ave.-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (353) (Includes 283 Elderly)
| Bedford Place-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (98)
| ; Pittman-Hilliard Street (Butler Street U. R. Project) (100) Elderly
North Avenue-Techwood (250) Elderly
Jonesboro Road #2 (100)
3698 Gilbert Rd., S. E. (48)
Boulder Park , (300)
Roosevelt and Delano (237)
(1503) (Not committed nor proposed.) (1101) (485)
(730) (Approved for use in the leasing program) :
300 Allocated for Leasing Program (Leased units can only be utilized for P. H. occupancy as they become vacant.)
Total units under lease 1,015;(Under annual contributions contract, 1,030).
7,640 Total units Completed, Under Development, In Planning, Proposed, Uncommitted & authorized for Leasing Program.
(1015) Units actually under lease--9 locations (of 1,030 Allocated and Approved for leasing program); most of thesc
are occupied or available for occupancy as Public Housing.
16,514 : Total Public Housing Potential, with current allocations and reservations authorized by the HAA.
*Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).
| Encl. Z
1963 - 9,129 1966 - 2,382
1964 - 3,829 1967 - 4,630 SUMMARY Dwelling. Units Demolished Under Housing Code:
1965 - 2,656 1968 - 5,333 . Nov. & Dec. 1966 - 144
1969 thru Oct. - 4,637 STATUS OF ACCELERATED LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROGRAM During 1967 = Li 62iw2
(Commenced Nov. 15, 1966) During 1968 - 1,053
1969 thru Oct. - 958
5 yr. Program, 1967-71 3,427
% established for first 2 yrs. 100% (57%) (13%) (30%)
(Same % used for 5 yr. period) 16,800 *%* (9,576) (2,184) (5,040)
Status *No. Units P. H. & TK FHA Private Devel. (Conv.)
11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68 11-15-69 11-15-68
Completed (New Constr.) 6,319 3,217 (1,178) (650) (1,874) (854) (3,267) (1,481)
Under Construction 7,395 _ 6,278 (2,343) (1,412) (2,052) (1,263) (3,000) (3362)-.
In Planning 5,812 Cjo07 (1,101) (2,388) (3 ,867) (4,135) (844) (514)
Total In Sight 19,526 16,832 (4,622) (4,450) (7,793) (6,252) (7,111) (5,357)
Plus Leasing Program _1,015 1,026 (1,015) (1,026)
20,541 17,858 ***(5, 637) (5,476)
Increase or Deficit : 23,741 +1 ,050 **(-3 ,939) (-4,100) ($5,609) (4,068) (+2 ,071) (4317)
*Figures in this double column are basic and represent the entire program; ( ) in columns to the right, indicate breakdown by
programs of figures included in basic columns.
**Includes 485 units Proposed, 15 Authorized for L. P., 1503 Not committed; and will also require 1,936 additional reservations
not yet requested by the City.
***Includes, 1,015 units leased for P. H. Also 27,021 units have been reported by the Housing Code Division as repaired (rehab.).
However, those figures include units found in compliance on criginal inspection, It is estimated that 75% of this figure, or
20,266 substandard units have been brought into compliance through actual rehabilitation. 569 units have been rehabilitated
by H. A. in the West End U. R. area; 53 in Bedford-Pine; and 125 in Model Cities. These rehabilitated units do not increase
the number of housing units available, but do increase the supply of standard units.
Note: Includes only units financed under Federal assisted low and medium income housing programs; and units constructed under
conventional financing as follows:
Multi-family units costing not more than $10,000, exclusive of land ) Respectfully submitted,
Duplex units " 3 " $12,000, 8 nf wD
Single Family " 1" 1? " we $15,000, " ” tt ) ks ; p >
@Excludes units known to rent for in excess of maximum rents authorized Aotak eae fei yf 2
for the Rent Supplement Program. Malcolm D. Jone
Administrative Coordinator for Housi:
Encl: Summary of Public Housing in Atlanta
8,874 Existing Units in operation when accelerated program started, Nov. 15, 1966 - filled.
1,140 Units completed and under development (Convention Construction) since program started Nov. 15, 1966, as follows:
* (650) McDaniel-Glenn Apts., in RawSon-Washington U. R. Project; completed 11-10-68. (Includes 154 Elderly.)
(140) Units in Perry Homes Extension - South of Procter Creek. Completed 3-27-69.
(350) Units Under Construction in Thomasville U. R. Project. Bids opened May 15, 1968. Contract signed 7-1-78.
Ground broken 1-17-68. Will try to have part delivered 6-30-70 before final scheuled completion date
Jan. 1970. (Includes 16 Elderly.)
6,200 Units reserved to Atlanta by HUD for new construction:
(3967) Allocations (Permanent and Proposed) Completed Under Constr. In Planning Proposed
Bankhead Courts (388) (112)
Hollywood Courts (202) (Incl. 6 Elderly)
Gilbert Gardens (220) (Incl. 8 Elderly) .
Leila Valley Apts. : (175)
East Lake #2 (800) (Incl. 150 Elderly)
Jonesboro Road #1 (160) (These figures represent
Wellswood Apts. (324) 2 breakdown of the HUD
TOTALS (388) (1993) . allocations.)
; North Ave.-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (353) (Includes 283 Elderly)
| Bedford Place-Linden (Conv. Constr.) Bedford-Pine U. R. Project (98)
| ; Pittman-Hilliard Street (Butler Street U. R. Project) (100) Elderly
North Avenue-Techwood (250) Elderly
Jonesboro Road #2 (100)
3698 Gilbert Rd., S. E. (48)
Boulder Park , (300)
Roosevelt and Delano (237)
(1503) (Not committed nor proposed.) (1101) (485)
(730) (Approved for use in the leasing program) :
300 Allocated for Leasing Program (Leased units can only be utilized for P. H. occupancy as they become vacant.)
Total units under lease 1,015;(Under annual contributions contract, 1,030).
7,640 Total units Completed, Under Development, In Planning, Proposed, Uncommitted & authorized for Leasing Program.
(1015) Units actually under lease--9 locations (of 1,030 Allocated and Approved for leasing program); most of thesc
are occupied or available for occupancy as Public Housing.
16,514 : Total Public Housing Potential, with current allocations and reservations authorized by the HAA.
*Figures in ( ) in this column are included in figure above not in ( ).
| Encl. Z