Box 5, Folder 5, Document 36

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Box 5, Folder 5, Document 36

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He Fe Zimmerman
Je He Leopold

July 1, 1943

Atlanta Housing, Jonesboro Road Project

May 23 1948

zoning Committee reaffirmed previous recommendation of approval of zoning
petitions :

dune hy 1968

Board of Alderman again deferred action on the petition to enable Aldermen
Leftwich to present additional information to Zoning Committee.

June 6, 1968

Zoning Conuittee ogain reaffirmed previous recommendation of approval of
zoning petitions

June 17, 1968

Board of Alderman approved petition for rezoning to A-1-C"for Turnkey housing
at a density no eroater than eleven units per acre and in accordance wth
site plan and elevation dated tay 23, 1968."

June 19, 1963

Visited Mr. Boggs of AIlA to discuss next step in development procedurce ire
Boggs advised that next move must be a written ts tbabive approval of the site
by HUD Atlante. It was indiceted that since previcus informal appraisal wae
favorable, the formal letter should confirm the same situation. Following
receipt of site approval from HUD, Developer will be notifled in writing by

AHA and discussions leading to formal proposal from Developer will be scheduled.

June 21, 1968

‘Visited Mr. Eugene Wells of HUD Atlanta to advise hin that rezoning petition

was approved by Board of Alderucn and to inquire ubout schedule for proecessin
application for tentative site approval submitted by AHA. Mre We 211s co onfirned

that epplication wes being processed and that a report could be expected by Avy
in about two weekse —



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